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AI-enabled Natural Language Processing for Prediction of

Malicious SQL Codes

S. Sindhuja Reddy1, Kasaram Kiran2, Ch. Prashanth Kumar2, Dodda Naga Sri Bhagath
Viswas2, Kothapally Durga Rao2, Mudiyala Ruchitha2
Assistant Professor, 2UG Scholar, 1,2Department of CSE (Cyber Security)
Malla Reddy Engineering College and Management Sciences, Kistapur, Medchal, 501401,
SQL injection attacks pose a serious threat to web applications, as they exploit vulnerabilities in the
database layer by injecting malicious SQL code into user input fields. These attacks can have severe
consequences, including unauthorized access, data breaches, and even the complete compromise of the
application and underlying database. Although traditional methods like input validation and
parameterized queries exist to counter SQL injection, they have their limitations. These methods often
rely on manual coding practices and may not cover all possible attack vectors. As attackers continually
evolve their techniques, there is a pressing need for advanced and automated solutions that can
proactively identify and mitigate SQL injection attacks. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) proves
its significance in predicting and combating SQL injection attacks. AI has the capacity to analyze vast
amounts of data, detect patterns, and learn from previous attacks, making it an invaluable tool in this
context. AI brings significant benefits to the prediction of SQL injection attacks. Its ability to detect
anomalies, learn from new attack patterns, recognize complex patterns, reduce false positives, provide
real-time protection, and scale to handle large applications makes it an indispensable tool. By leveraging
AI, organizations can bolster their defenses against SQL injection attacks, mitigating risks and ensuring
the security of their web applications and databases.
Keywords: SQL injection, Count vectorizer, Natural language processing, Artificial intelligence.
1. Introduction
SQL Injection is a type of cyber-attack that has been around for a long time. It involves injecting
malicious SQL code into an application's input fields, which allows attackers to gain unauthorized
access to the application's database. This can lead to severe consequences, such as data breaches and
system compromises. In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become
popular in various fields, including cybersecurity [1]. The idea of using AI to predict SQL Injection
attacks emerged to bolster security measures and counter sophisticated attack techniques. By developing
AI models that can analyze application input data, we can identify patterns that indicate the presence of
an SQL Injection attack.The traditional methods used to prevent SQL Injection attacks rely on simple
rule-based approaches or static pattern matching. However, these methods can sometimes be bypassed
by well-crafted attacks. This is where AI-based prediction of SQL Injection attacks becomes essential.
We need AI-based prediction because cyber attackers continuously evolve their methods, making it
challenging to rely solely on traditional approaches [2]. AI-powered systems can process large amounts
of data, discover hidden patterns, and adapt to new attack techniques, making them more effective in
identifying SQL Injection attacks.The significance of AI-based prediction lies in its ability to enhance
detection accuracy. AI models can learn from historical attack data and identify even subtle patterns
that might go unnoticed by traditional methods. By doing so, they can reduce false positives, which
helps minimize disruptions to legitimate user activities. Additionally, AI can serve as a proactive defense
mechanism, continuously monitoring and protecting applications from potential threats, including novel
and previously unseen SQL Injection attacks [3]. Artificial Intelligence, particularly machine learning,

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has shown promise in various cybersecurity applications due to its ability to analyze vast amounts of
data, detect patterns, and make predictions. By harnessing the power of AI, security professionals can
enhance their capabilities in detecting and mitigating SQL injection attacks [4].
Benefits of AI-based Prediction of SQL Injection Attacks:
⎯ High Accuracy: AI models can achieve high accuracy in distinguishing between legitimate and
malicious SQL queries, reducing false positives and false negatives.
⎯ Real-time Detection: AI-based prediction can quickly assess incoming queries, providing a
swift response to potential threats in real-time.
⎯ Adaptability: The model can adapt to new attack patterns and variations, making it more
resilient against emerging SQL injection techniques.
⎯ Reduced Manual Effort: By automating the detection process, security teams can focus on other
critical security tasks, allowing for a more efficient use of resources.
⎯ Enhanced Security: Implementing AI-based prediction can significantly improve the security
posture of web applications, safeguarding sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access.
2. Literature Survey
Alghawazi et al. [5] applied techniques from different areas to detect and deterrence of SQL injection
attacks, for which to improve the detect ability of the attack, is not a new area of research but it is still
relevant. Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques have been tested and used to control
SQL injection attacks, showing promising results. The main contribution of this paper is to cover
relevant work related to different machine learning and deep learning models used to detect SQL
injection attacks. With this systematic review, this work aimed to keep researchers up-to-date and
contribute to the understanding of the intersection between SQL injection attacks and the artificial
intelligence field. Zhang et al. [6] proposed a SQLNN deep neural network model. The core method is
to convert the data into word vector form by word pause and then form a sparse matrix and pass it into
the model for training to build a multi hidden layer deep neural network model containing ReLU
function, which optimized the traditional loss function and introduces the Dropout method to improve
the generalization ability of this model.
Uwagbole et al. [7] explored the generation of data set containing extraction from known attack patterns
including SQL tokens and symbols present at injection points. Also, as a test case, this work build a
web application that expects dictionary word list as vector variables to demonstrate massive quantities
of learning data. The data set is pre-processed, labelled and feature hashing for supervised learning.
This paper demonstrated a full proof of concept implementation of an ML predictive analytics and
deployment of resultant web service that accurately predicts and prevents SQLIA with empirical
evaluations presented in Confusion Matrix (CM) and Receiver Operating Curve (ROC). Gandhi et al.
[8] proposed a hybrid CNN-BiLSTM based approach for SQLI attack detection. The proposed CNN-
BiLSTM model had significant accuracy of 98% and superior performance compared to other machine
learning algorithms. Also, paper presented a comparative study of different types of machine learning
algorithms used for the purpose of SQLI attack detection. The study showed the performance of various
algorithms based on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score with respect to proposed CNN-BiLSTM
model in detection of SQL injection attacks.
Ali et al. [9] studied the top 10 security threats identified by the OWASP are injection attacks. The most
common vulnerability is SQL injection and is the most dangerous security vulnerability due to the
multiplicity of its types and the rapid changes that can be caused by SQL injection and may lead to
financial loss, data leakage, and significant damage to the database, and this causes the site to be
paralyzed. Machine learning is used to analysed and identified security vulnerabilities. It used classic

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machine learning algorithms and deep learning to evaluate the classified model using input validation
features. Sharma et al. [10] used various classification algorithms to determine whether a particular
code is malicious or plain. Some of the neural network and machine learning algorithms are Naive
Bayes classifier, LSTM, MLP, and SVM which can be used for the detection of SQL Injection attacks.
This work compared various algorithms on a common dataset in this study.
Roy et al. [11] penetrated the logical section of the database. If the database has a logical flaw, the
attackers send a new type of logical payload and get all of the user's credentials. Despite the fact that
technology has advanced significantly in recent years, SQL injections can still be carried out by taking
advantage of security flaws. Falor et al. [12] reviewed the different types of SQL Injection attacks and
existing techniques for the detection of SQL injection attacks. We have compiled and prepared own
dataset for the study including all major types of SQL attacks and have analysed the performance of
Machine learning algorithms like Naïve Bayes, Decision trees, Support Vector Machine, and K-nearest
neighbour. This work have also analysed the performance of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
on the dataset using performance measures like accuracy, precision, Recall, and area of the ROC curve.
Tripathy et al. [13] investigated the potential of using machine learning techniques for SQL injection
detection on the application level. The algorithms to be tested are classifiers trained on different
malicious and benign payloads. They take a payload as input and decide whether the input contains a
malicious code or not. The results showed that these algorithms can distinguish normal payloads from
malicious payloads with a detection rate higher than 98%. The paper also compared the performance of
different machine learning models in detecting SQL injection attacks.
3. Proposed System
3.1 Overview
Collect a diverse dataset that includes both legitimate user input and various types of SQL Injection
attacks. This dataset should be representative of the application's user base and encompass different
attack scenarios. Next, we preprocess the collected data, removing any noise, irrelevant information,
and personally identifiable data that may violate privacy regulations. After preprocessing, we perform
feature engineering, extracting relevant features from the data that effectively represent the
characteristics of input patterns and potential attacks. The next step is to select appropriate AI algorithm
for the task. Depending on the available data and prediction requirements, we can choose from
supervised learning (ANN) or unsupervised learning (such as anomaly detection). With the algorithms
selected, we proceed to train the AI model using the pre-processed dataset. During this phase, we adjust
the model's parameters to optimize its performance in predicting SQL Injection attacks. To ensure the
model's effectiveness and reliability, we evaluate its performance on a separate validation dataset and
fine-tune it further if needed. We conduct extensive testing to validate its capabilities in real-world
Once the model has been thoroughly tested and proven effective, we integrate it into the application's
security infrastructure. This enables the AI model to predict and prevent SQL Injection attacks in real-
time. As the threat landscape constantly evolves, continuous monitoring and updating of the AI model
are crucial. Regularly updating the model with new data allows it to adapt to emerging attack patterns
and maintain its effectiveness over time.
Figure 1 shows the proposed system design. The detailed description of proposed system described as
Step 1: Data Preparation Start by obtaining a SQL injection dataset, which contains examples of both
SQL injection attacks and non-attacks (legitimate SQL queries).

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Step 2: Feature Extraction with Count Vectorizer: Use the Count Vectorizer to convert the tokenized
text data into numerical features. The result will be a matrix where rows represent data points
(documents) and columns represent the counts of words (features) in each document.

Fig. 1: Block diagram of proposed system.

Step 3: Model Training: Train both the Logistic Regression and ANN models on the training data.
Step 4: Model Evaluation: Evaluate the models' performance using appropriate evaluation metrics.
Common metrics for binary classification problems like SQL injection detection include accuracy,
precision, recall, F1-score, and ROC AUC.
3.2 Count Vectorizer
Machines cannot understand characters and words. So, when dealing with text data we need to represent
it in numbers to be understood by the machine. Count vectorizer is a method to convert text to numerical
data. Count Vectorizer converts a collection of text documents to a matrix of token counts: the
occurrences of tokens in each document. This implementation produces a sparse representation of the
counts. It creates a matrix in which each unique word is represented by a column of the matrix, and
each text sample from the document is a row in the matrix. The value of each cell is nothing but the
count of the word in that text sample.
A Count Vectorizer, also known as a CountVectorizer, is a text preprocessing technique widely used in
natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning. It is part of the process of converting a
collection of text documents into a numerical format that machine learning algorithms can work with.
Below, I'll provide a detailed analysis of Count Vectorizer, including what it is, how it works, and its
applications. Count Vectorizer is a technique for converting a text corpus (a collection of documents)
into a matrix of token counts. In simpler terms, it transforms text data into numerical data that machine

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learning models can understand. It's a fundamental step in various NLP tasks such as text classification,
sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and more.

Fig. 2: Example of count vectorizer.

Here's how Count Vectorizer works:
Step 1: Tokenization: The first step is to tokenize the text, which means breaking it into individual
words or tokens. Tokenization typically involves removing punctuation, splitting text on spaces, and
handling special cases like contractions.
Step 2: Vocabulary Creation: Count Vectorizer builds a vocabulary from all the unique tokens (words)
in the corpus. Each word becomes a feature in the vocabulary, and the position of the word in the
vocabulary is recorded.
Step 3: Counting Tokens: For each document in the corpus, Count Vectorizer counts how many times
each word from the vocabulary appears in that document. These counts are stored in a matrix where
each row corresponds to a document, and each column corresponds to a word in the vocabulary.
Step 4: Sparse Matrix: The result is often a sparse matrix, as most documents only contain a subset of
the vocabulary's words. Sparse matrices are efficient for storage and computation because they store
only non-zero values.
3.3 Dataset Splitting
In machine learning data pre-processing, we divide our dataset into a training set and test set. This is
one of the crucial steps of data pre-processing as by doing this, we can enhance the performance of our
machine learning model. Suppose if we have given training to our machine learning model by a dataset
and we test it by a completely different dataset. Then, it will create difficulties for our model to
understand the correlations between the models.
If we train our model very well and its training accuracy is also very high, but we provide a new dataset
to it, then it will decrease the performance. So, we always try to make a machine learning model which
performs well with the training set and also with the test dataset. Here, we can define these datasets as:
Training Set: A subset of dataset to train the machine learning model, and we already know the output.
Test set: A subset of dataset to test the machine learning model, and by using the test set, model predicts
the output.
4.4 ANN Classifier
Although today the Perceptron is widely recognized as an algorithm, it was initially intended as an
image recognition machine. It gets its name from performing the human-like function of perception,
seeing, and recognizing images. Interest has been centered on the idea of a machine which would be
capable of conceptualizing inputs impinging directly from the physical environment of light, sound,
temperature, etc. — the “phenomenal world” with which we are all familiar — rather than requiring the

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intervention of a human agent to digest and code the necessary information. Rosenblatt’s perceptron
machine relied on a basic unit of computation, the neuron. Just like in previous models, each neuron
has a cell that receives a series of pairs of inputs and weights. The major difference in Rosenblatt’s
model is that inputs are combined in a weighted sum and, if the weighted sum exceeds a predefined
threshold, the neuron fires and produces an output.

Fig. 3: Perceptron neuron model (left) and threshold logic (right).

Threshold 𝑇 represents the activation function. If the weighted sum of the inputs is greater than zero
the neuron outputs the value 1, otherwise the output value is zero.
Perceptron for Binary Classification
With this discrete output, controlled by the activation function, the perceptron can be used as a binary
classification model, defining a linear decision boundary.
It finds the separating hyperplane that minimizes the distance between misclassified points and the
decision boundary. The perceptron loss function is defined as below:

To minimize this distance, perceptron uses stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as the optimization
function. If the data is linearly separable, it is guaranteed that SGD will converge in a finite number of
steps. The last piece that Perceptron needs is the activation function, the function that determines if the
neuron will fire or not. Initial Perceptron models used sigmoid function, and just by looking at its shape,
it makes a lot of sense! The sigmoid function maps any real input to a value that is either 0 or 1 and
encodes a non-linear function. The neuron can receive negative numbers as input, and it will still be
able to produce an output that is either 0 or 1.
But, if you look at Deep Learning papers and algorithms from the last decade, you’ll see the most of
them use the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) as the neuron’s activation function. The reason why ReLU
became more adopted is that it allows better optimization using SGD, more efficient computation and
is scale-invariant, meaning, its characteristics are not affected by the scale of the input. The neuron
receives inputs and picks an initial set of weights random. These are combined in weighted sum and
then ReLU, the activation function, determines the value of the output.

Fig. 4: Perceptron neuron model (left) and activation function (right).

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Perceptron uses SGD to find, or you might say learn, the set of weight that minimizes the distance
between the misclassified points and the decision boundary. Once SGD converges, the dataset is
separated into two regions by a linear hyperplane. Although it was said the Perceptron could represent
any circuit and logic, the biggest criticism was that it couldn’t represent the XOR gate, exclusive OR,
where the gate only returns 1 if the inputs are different. This was proved almost a decade later and
highlights the fact that Perceptron, with only one neuron, can’t be applied to non-linear data.
3.3.2 ANN
The ANN was developed to tackle this limitation. It is a neural network where the mapping between
inputs and output is non-linear. A ANN has input and output layers, and one or more hidden layers with
many neurons stacked together. And while in the Perceptron the neuron must have an activation
function that imposes a threshold, like ReLU or sigmoid, neurons in a ANN can use any arbitrary
activation function. ANN falls under the category of feedforward algorithms because inputs are
combined with the initial weights in a weighted sum and subjected to the activation function, just like
in the Perceptron. But the difference is that each linear combination is propagated to the next layer.
Each layer is feeding the next one with the result of their computation, their internal representation of
the data. This goes all the way through the hidden layers to the output layer. If the algorithm only
computed the weighted sums in each neuron, propagated results to the output layer, and stopped there,
it wouldn’t be able to learn the weights that minimize the cost function. If the algorithm only computed
one iteration, there would be no actual learning. This is where Backpropagation comes into play.

Fig. 5: Architecture of ANN.

Backpropagation: Backpropagation is the learning mechanism that allows the ANN to iteratively
adjust the weights in the network, with the goal of minimizing the cost function. There is one hard
requirement for backpropagation to work properly. The function that combines inputs and weights in a
neuron, for instance the weighted sum, and the threshold function, for instance ReLU, must be
differentiable. These functions must have a bounded derivative because Gradient Descent is typically
the optimization function used in ANN. In each iteration, after the weighted sums are forwarded through
all layers, the gradient of the Mean Squared Error is computed across all input and output pairs. Then,
to propagate it back, the weights of the first hidden layer are updated with the value of the gradient.
That’s how the weights are propagated back to the starting point of the neural network. One iteration of
Gradient Descent is defined as follows:

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Fig. 6: ANN, highlighting the Feedforward and Backpropagation steps.
Figure 7 represents a sample or a portion of the dataset that is being used for the task of detecting SQL
injection attacks. It displays a few rows of data, showing both the text sentences (features) and their
corresponding labels (whether they are SQL injection attacks or not). Figure 8 shows a portion of the
dataset in tabular form (a DataFrame) after various preprocessing steps have been applied to the text
features. Preprocessing could include tokenization, removal of stopwords, and vectorization, as
mentioned in the code you provided. Each row likely represents a sample, and each column represents
a feature (e.g., word or token).

Figure 7: Sample dataset used for detection of SQL injection attack.

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Figure 8: Data frame of features after preprocessing.

Figure 9: Confusion matrix heatmap of SVM classifier.

Figure 10: Classification report of SVM classifier.

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Figure 11: Confusion matrix heatmap for MLP Classifier.

Figure 12: classification report of MLP Classifier.

5. Conclusion
In conclusion, SQL injection attacks pose a significant threat to web applications, potentially leading to
unauthorized access, data breaches, and complete compromise of the application and underlying
database. While traditional methods such as input validation and parameterized queries offer some level
of protection, they have limitations and may not cover all attack vectors. Therefore, this work
implemented ANN to proactively identify and mitigate SQL injection attacks. It can detect anomalies
and learn from new attack patterns, which enables it to recognize complex attack vectors that traditional
methods might miss. Furthermore, it can reduce false positives, provide real-time protection, and scale
to handle large applications efficiently. These capabilities make AI an indispensable tool in defending
against SQL injection attacks.
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