Power Amplifier
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analysis of Power Amplifier
4.3 Class A amplifier
4.4 Class B amplifier
4.5 Class C amplifier
4.6 Oscillator
4.7 Phase shift oscillator
4.8 FET Phase shift oscillator
4.9 Weinbridge oscillator
4.10 Crystal oscillator
Develop skills to design the basic electronic circuits like amplifiers and oscillators.
4.1 Introduction:
The amplifiers in multistage amplifier near the load end in almost all-electronic system
employ large signal amplifiers (Power amplifiers) and the purpose of these amplifiers is to obtain
power again.
Consider the case of radio receiver, the purpose of a radio receiver is to produce the
transmitted programs with sufficient loudness. Since the radio signal received at the receiver
output is of very low power, therefore, power amplifiers are used to put sufficient power into the
signal. But these amplifier need large voltage input. Therefore, it is necessary to amplify the
magnitude of input signal by means of small amplifiers to a level that is sufficient to drive the
power amplifier stages. In multistage amplifier, the emphasis is on power gain in amplifier near
the load. In these amplifies, the collector currents are much larger because the load resistances
are small (i.e., impedance of loud speaker is 3.2 ohm). A power amplifier draw a large amount of
dc power form dc source and convert it into signal power. Thus, a power amplifier does not truly
amplify the signal power but converts the dc power into signal power.
Fig 1
The dc equivalent circuit shown in fig.1 gives the dc load line as shown in fig. 2.
Fig 2
Q is the operative point. ICQ and VCEQ are quiescent current and voltage. The ac
equivalent circuit is shown in fig. 3.
Fig 3
This circuit produces ac load line. When no signal is present, the transistor operates at the
Q point shown in fig. 4.
Fig 4
When a signal is present, operating point swings along the ac load line rather than dc load line.
The saturation and cut off points on the ac load line are different from those on the dc load line.
During the positive half cycle of ac source, voltage, the collector voltage swing from the
Q-point towards saturation. On the negative cycle, the collector voltage swings from Q-point
towards cutoff. For a large signal clipping can occur on either side or both sides. The maximum
positive swing from the Q-point is VCEQ + ICQ RC VCEQ = ICQ RC. The maximum negative swing
from the Q-point is 0. VCEQ = - VCEQ. The ac output compliance (maximum peak to peak
unclipped voltage) is given by the smaller of these two approximate values:
PP = 2 I CQ RC or PP = 2 VCEQ.
Current gain
The variation of PL with VPP is shown in fig. 5. Maximum ac load power is obtained
when the output unclipped voltage equals ac output compliance PP.
Fig 5
When no signal drives the amplifier, the power dissipation of the transistor equals the
product of d. voltage and current P DQ = V CEQ * I CQ
When there is no input signal, PD is maximum as shown in fig. 6.
Fig 6
It decreases when the peak to peak load voltage increases. The power dissipation must be less
than the rating of transistor, otherwise temperature increases and transistor may damage. To
reduce the temperature, heat sinks are used that dissipates the heat produced. When Q-point is at
the center of ac load line then peak swing above and below Q-point is equal.
Fig 1
Assuming a stiff voltage divider circuit, the dc current drain of the voltage divider circuit
is I 1 = V CC / (R 1 +R 2 ) In the collector circuit, the dc current drain is I 2 = I CQ
In a class A amplifier, the sinusoidal variations in collector current averages to zero.
Therefore, whether the ac signal is present or not, the dc source must supply an average current
of I S = I 1 + I 2. This is the total dc current drain. The dc source voltage multiplied by the dc
current drain gives the ac power supplied to an amplifier. P S = VCC IS Therefore, efficiency of
the amplifier is (PL (max) / PS) * 100 % Where,, PL (max) = maximum ac load line power. In
class A amplifier, there is a wastage of power in resistor RC and RE i.e. ICQ 2 * (RC + RE).
To reduce this wastage of power R C and R E should be made zero. R E cannot be made
zero because this will give rise to bias stability problem. R C can also not be made zero because
effective load resistance gets shorted. This result in more current and no power transfer to the
load R L. The R C resistance can, however, be replaced by an inductance whose dc resistance is
zero and there is no dc voltage drop across the choke as shown in fig. 1.
Since in most application the load is loudspeaker, therefore power amplifier drives the
loudspeaker, and the maximum power transfer takes place only when load impedance is equal to
the source impedance. If it is not, the loud speaker gets less power. The impedance matching is
done with the help of transformer, as shown in fig. 2.
The ratio of number of turns is so selected that the impedence referred to primary side can be
matched with the output impedence of the amplifier.
The efficiency ( ) of class A amplifier is poor. The reason is that these circuits draw
considerable current from the supply even in the absence of input signals. In class B operation the
transistor collector current flows for only 180° of the ac cycle. This implies that the Q-point is
located approximately at cutoff on both dc and ac load lines. The advantages of class B operation are
Lower transistor power dissipation and reduced current drain.
Efficiency is given by,
Push-Pull circuit:
When a transistor operates in class B, it clips off a half cycle. To avoid the resulting
distortion, two transistors are used in push pull arrangement. This means that one transistor conducts
during positive half cycle and other transistor conducts during negative half cycle. The distortion is
low, load power is large and efficiency is more. Fig.3 shows how an npn and pnp transistor emitter
followers are connected in push pull arrangement.
The dc & ac equivalent circuit are shown in fig. 4 & fig. 5. The biasing resistors are selected
so that Q-point is set at cutoff. This biases the emitter diode of each transistor between 0.6V and
0.7V i.e. I CQ = 0. Because the biasing resistors are equal each emitter diode is biased with the same
voltage. As a result half the supply voltage is dropped across each transistor. V CEQ = VCC /2.
Since there is no dc resistance in the collector or emitter circuits, the dc saturation current
is infinite. The dc load line is vertical as shown in fig. 6. The most difficult thing is setting up a
stable Q-point at cut off. Any significant increase in V BE with temperature can move the Q-
point up the dc load line to dangerously high currents. Ac load line is given by
IC(sat) = ICQ + (VCEQ / rE )
VCE (cut off) = VCEQ + ICQ rE ICQ = 0;
VCEQ = VCC /2 i.e. IC(sat) = VCC / 2RL ( i.e. rE = RL ) VCE (cut off) = VCC /2.
Fig 6
When one of the transistor is conducting, that transistor's operating point swings along
the ac load line and the operating point of the other transistor remains at cut off. The voltage
swing of the conducting transistor can go from cut off to saturation. In the next half cycle, the
other transistor does the same thing. Therefore, PP = VCC Voltage gain of loaded amplifier: AV=
R L / (R L + r'e ) Z e ) Z out = r'e P =AV * Ai Without signal
the capacitor charges up to VCC/2 relative to ground.
In the positive half cycle of input voltage, the upper transistor conducts and the lower one
cut off. The upper transistor acts like an ordinary emitter follower, so that the output voltage
approximately equals the input voltage. The current flow through RL is such as direct as to make
output positive. In the negative half cycle of input voltage, the upper transistor cuts off and the
lower transistor conducts. The lower transistor acts like an ordinary emitter follower and
produces a load voltage approximately equal to the input voltage (i.e. negative output. Since Q,
is off, no current can flow from VCC through Q, but capacitor acts like a battery source and
discharges). During either half cycle, the source sees a high input impedance looking into either
base or the load sees a low output impedance.
Fig 1
The signal output is distorted. Because of clipping action between half cycles, it no
longer is a sine wave. Since the clipping occurs between the times, one transistor cuts off and at
that time the other comes on, it is called cross over distortion. To eliminate cross over distortion,
the slight forward bias must be applied to each emitter diode. This means locating the Q-point
slightly above cut off as shown in fig. 2. In fact, this is class AB operation. This means that
collector current flows for more than 180 degrees but less than 360°.
Fig 2
Class A amplifier introduces non-linear distortion in input wave means elongates one half
cycle and compresses one half cycle. This can be reduced by swamping. In this case it can be
further reduced because both half cycles are identical in shape, is given by non-linear distortion
is much less than class A. Load power is given by
Since the ac output compliance equals the peak-to-peak voltage, the maximum load
power is
Where, I1 = current through biasing resistance. When no signal is present I2 = ICQ and
the current drain is small. But when a signal is present, the current drain increases because the
upper collector current becomes large.
If the entire ac load line is used, then the upper transistor has a half sine wave of current
through it with a peak value of IC(sat) = VCEQ / RL The average value of half sine wave is
given by
The dc power is supplied to the circuit is PS = VCC is under no signal conditions, the dc power is
small because the current drain is minimum. But when a signal uses the entire ac load line, the dc
power supplied to the circuit reaches a maximum.
Fig 3
One way to avoid thermal run away is to use diode bias. It is based on the concept of
current mirror as shown in fig.3, the base current is much smaller than the current through the
resistor and diode. For this reason, I1 and I2 are approximately equal. The diode curve is
identical to the VBE curve of the transistor (VBE, IE). The diode current equals the emitter and
also collector current. Therefore I1 is nearly equal to IC. I1 = IC. The collector current is set by
controlling the resistor current. This is called a current mirror. Similarly, pnp transistor can be
used as a current mirror. If the VBE curve of the transistor matches the diode curve, the collector
equals the resistor current.
Diode bias of class B push pull emitter follower relies on two current mirrors as shown in
fig. 4.
Fig 4
The upper half is an npn current mirror, and the lower half is a pnp current mirror as
shown in fig. 4. For diode bias to be immune to changes in temperature, the diode curve must
match the VBE curves of the transistor over a wide temperature range. This is easily done in ICs.
The maximum values of collector current and power delivered to the transistor are
The maximum ac output power is found by substituting ICmax for IC1max to get
If we subtract the power to the load from the power supplied to the transistors, we find
the power being dissipated in the transistors the power dissipated by a single transistor is one half
of this value. Thus, we are assuming that the base current is negligible. The efficiency of the Class B
push-pull amplifier is the ratio of the output power to the power delivered to the transistor. Thus we
neglect the power dissipated by the bias circuitry.
This amplifier is more efficient than a Class A amplifier. It is often used in output circuits
where efficiency important design requirement. Therefore, In choosing a transistor, it is
important that the power rating is equal to or exceeds the maximum power Pmax.
Fig 1
Class C operation means that the collector current flows for less than 180° of the ac cycle. This
implies that the collector current of a class C amplifier is highly non-sinusoidal because current
flows in pulses. To avoid distortion, class C amplifier makes use of a resonant tank circuit. This
results in a sinusoidal output voltage. The resonant tank circuit is tuned to the frequency of the
input signal. When the circuit has a high quality factor (Q) parallel resonance occurs at
At the resonance frequency, the impedance of the parallel resonant circuit is very high as shown
in fig. 2 and is purely resistive. When the circuit is tuned to the resonant frequency, the voltage
across RL is maximum and sinusoidal. The higher the Q of the circuit, the faster the gain drops
off on either side of resonance
Fig 2
Fig 3 Fig 4
The dc equivalent circuit is shown fig. 3. No bias is applied to the transistor. Therefore, its Q-
point is at cut off on the dc load line VBE= 0.7V. Therefore no IL current flows until input is
more than 0.7 V. Also dc resistance is RS (the resistance of inductor) which is very small and
therefore dc load line is almost vertical. There is no danger of thermal runway because there is
no current other than from leakage. The IC(sat) current is given by
When the Q of a resonant circuit is greater than 10, one can use the approximate ac
equivalent circuit. The series resistance of the inductor is lumped into the collector resistance. At
resonance, the peak-to-peak load voltage reaches a maximum. The bandwidth of a resonant
circuit is given by Band width (BW) = f2 - f1, f1 = Lower cut off frequency. f2 = Upper cut off
frequency. The bandwidth is related to the resonant frequency and the circuit Q as below: BW =
f r / Q. This means a large Q produces small BW equivalent to sharp tuning. These amplifiers
have Q greater than 10. This means that the BW is less than 10% of the resonant frequencies.
These amplifiers are also called narrow band amplifier.
When the tank circuit is resonant the ac load impedance seen by the collector current
source is purely resistive and the collector current is minimum. Above and below resonance the
ac load impedance decreases and the collector current decreases. Any coil or inductor has some
series resistance RS as shown in fig. 4. The Q of all coils is given by. QL = XL / RL.
The series resistance can be replaced by parallel resistance RP. This equivalent resistance
is given by RP = QL RL. Now all the losses in the coil are now being represented by the parallel
resistance RP and series resistance RS no longer exists XC cancels XL at resonance. Leaving R P
in parallel with RL. Therefore, RC = RP || RL Q of the overall circuit = RC / XL. At the resonance
frequency, the impedance of the parallel resonant circuit is very high as shown in fig. 2 and is
purely resistive. When the circuit is tuned to the resonant frequency, the voltage across RL is
maximum and sinusoidal. The higher the Q of the circuit, the faster the gain drops off on either
side of resonance.
Fig 1
A reference current is the input to a transistor connected as a diode. The voltage across
this transistor drives the second transistor, where RE = 0. Since the circuit has only one resistor,
it can be easily fabricated on an IC chip. The disadvantage of this circuit is that the reference
current is approximately equal to the current source. In this circuit, Q2 is in linear mode, since
the collector voltage (output) is higher than the base voltage. The transistor Q1 and Q2 are
identical devices fabricated on the same IC chip. The emitter currents are equal since the
transistors are matched and emitters and bases are in parallel. If we sum the currents of Q2, we
If β is large, the current gain is approximately unity and the current mirror has reproduced the
input current. One disadvantage of this current source is that its Thevenin resistance (RTH) is
limited by the r o (1 / hoe) of the transistor. That is
For a forward biased base-emitter junction diode, the emitter current is given by
Fig 2
For a forward biased base-emitter junction diode, the emitter current is given by
Since iE ≈ iC = IC and n = 1
We have assumed that both the transistors are matched so that ICO, β and VT are the
same for both the transistors. Thus
For design purposes, IC1 is usually known since it is used as the reference for all current
sources on the entire chip and IC2 is t he desired output current. The Widlar circuit can also be
used to simulate a high resistance.
Another current source transistor configuration that provides a very large parallel
resistance is the Wilson current source which uses three transistors and provides this capability
an the output is almost independent of the internal transistor characteristics. The Wilson current
source as shown in fig. 3, uses the negative feedback provided by Q3 to raise the output
Fig 3
The difference between the reference current and IC1 is the base current of Q2. IE2 = (β + 1)
IB2 = IC3 (E-9), since the base of Q1 is connected to the base of Q3, the currents in Q1 are
approximately independent of the voltage of the collector of Q 2. As such, the collector current of Q2
remains almost constant providing high output impedance. Let us now see that IC2 is approximately
equal to IREF. Applying Kirchhoff's current law at the emitter of Q2 yields IE2 = IC3 + IB3 + IB1 (E-10)
Using the relationship between collector and base currents.
Since all three transistors are matched, VBE1= VBE2 = VBE3 and β1 = β2 = β3 With identical
transistors, current in the feedback path splits equally between the bases of Q1 and Q3 leading so
that IB1 = IB3 and therefore IC1 = IC3. Thus, the emitter current of Q2 becomes
Equation (E-10) shows that β has little effect upon IC2 since, for reasonable values of β.
A number of current sources can be obtained from a single reference voltage. If the
current is approximately the same as the reference voltage, the simple current source can be used
as shown in fig. 4 for Q2 and Q3.
Fig 4
Notice that Q4 has an emitter resistance, which makes the current source a Widlar current
source. Thus the amount of current delivered by this source can be determined by the size of the
emitter resistor. This type of circuit is useful in integrated circuit chips as the one reference
circuit can be used to develop current sources throughout the chip. When using the Widlar
circuit, the currents can be different from the reference current. The errors in base current,
however, do accumulate when multiple outputs are used and the current gain tends to deviate
from unity. In these types of circuits, lateral transistors can be used since it is not important that b
be large. Lateral transistors usually have a β of approximately 20 which is more than adequate
for current sources.
Impedance Coupling:
At higher frequency impedance coupling is used. The collector resistance is replaced by
an inductor as shown in fig. 5. As the frequency increases, XL approaches infinity and each
inductor appears open. In other words, inductors pass dc but block ac. When used in this way,
the inductors are called RF chokes.
Fig 5
The advantage is that no signal power is wasted in collector resistors. These RF chokes
are relatively expensive and their impedance drops off at lower frequencies. It is suitable at radio
frequency above 20 KHz.
Transformer Coupling:
In this case a transformer is used to transfer the ac output voltage of the first stage to the input of the
second stage. Fig. 6, the resistors RC is replaced by the primary winding of the transformer. The
secondary winding is used to give input to next stage. There is no coupling capacitor. The dc
isolation between the two stages is provided by the transformer itself. There is no power loss in
primary winding because of low resistance.
Fig 6
At low frequency the size and cost of the transformer increases. Transformer coupling is
still used in RF amplifiers. In AM radio receivers, RF signal have frequencies 550 to 1600 KHz.
In TV receivers, the frequencies are 54 to 216 MHz. At these frequency the size and cost of the
transformer reduces. CS capacitor is used to make other point of transformer grounded, so that ac
signal is applied between base and ground.
Fig 7
4.6 Oscillators
Objectives: – To understand the basic operation of an Oscillator • the working of low frequency
oscillators – RC phase shift oscillator – Wien bridge Oscillator • the working of tuned oscillator
– Colpitt’s Oscillator, Hartley Oscillator – Crystal Oscillator • the working of UJT Oscillator
When the switch at the amplifier input is open, there are no oscillations. Imagine that a voltage
Vi is fed to the circuit and the switch is closed. This results in and is
fed back to the circuit. If we make Vf = V then even if we remove the input voltage to the circuit,
the output continues to exist.
Loop gain. Positive feedback refers to the fact that the fed back
signal is in phas
while traveling in the loop. The above condition along with the unity loop gain needs to be
satisfied to get the sustained oscillations. These conditions are referred to as Barkhausen
criterion. Another way of seeing how the feedback circuit provides operation as an oscillator is
obtained by noting the denominator in the basic equation Af = A / (1+ A). When A = -1 or
magnitude 1 at a phase angle of 180 , the denominator becomes 0 and the gain with feedback Af
becomes infinite. Thus, an infinitesimal signal ( noise voltage) can provide a measurable output
voltage, and the circuit acts as an oscillator even without an input signal.
The phase shift oscillator utilizes three RC circuits to provide 180º phase shift that when
coupled with the 180º of the op-amp itself provides the necessary feedback to sustain
oscillations. • The gain must be at least 29 to maintain the oscillations. The frequency of
resonance for this type is similar to any RC circuit oscillator:
The amplifier stage is self biased with a capacitor bypassed source resistor Rs and a drain bias
resistor Rd . The FET device parameters of interest are gm and rd. •
At the operating frequency, we can assume that the input impedance of the amplifier is
infinite. • This is a valid approximation provided the oscillator operating frequency is low
enough so that FET capacitive impedances can be neglected. • The output impedance of the
amplifier stage given by R should also be small compared to the impedance seen looking into the
feedback network so that no attenuation due to loading occurs.
If a transistor is used as the active element of the amplifier stage, the output of the
feedback network is loaded appreciably by the relatively low input resistance ( h ie) of the
transistor. • An emitter – follower input stage followed by a common emitter amplifier stage
could be used. If a single transistor stage is desired, the use of voltage – shunt feedback is more
suitable. Here, the feedback signal is coupled through the feedback resistor R‟ in series with the
amplifier stage input resistance (Ri)
Input admittance analysis If a voltage source is applied directly to the input of an ideal amplifier
with feedback, the input current will be
Where vin is the input voltage, vout is the output voltage, and Zf is the feedback impedance. If
the voltage gain of the amplifier is defined as:
If a capacitor with the same value of C is placed in parallel with the input, the circuit has a
natural resonance at:
If Av is chosen to be 3:
Lin = R2C
Substituting this value yields:
For Av = 3
Rin = − R
If a resistor is placed in parallel with the amplifier input, it will cancel some of the
negative resistance. If the net resistance is negative, amplitude will grow until clipping occurs.
Similarly, if the net resistance is positive, oscillation amplitude will decay. If a resistance is
added in parallel with exactly the value of R, the net resistance will be infinite and the circuit can
sustain stable oscillation at any amplitude allowed by the amplifier.
Notice that increasing the gain makes the net resistance more negative, which increases
amplitude. If gain is reduced to exactly 3 when the suitable amplitude is reached, stable, low
distortion oscillations will result. Amplitude stabilization circuits typically increase gain until the
suitable output amplitude is reached. As long as R, C, and the amplifier are linear, distortion will
be minimal.
Where s is the complex frequency (s = jω), ωs is the series resonant frequency in radians per second
and ωp is the parallel resonant frequency in radians per second.
At the end of the Unit, student will be able to