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- The process of balance involving

internal and external interactions inside
IMOGENE KING the social system
- Interpreted from the general systems
Expertise: adult medical-surgical nursing theory as an open system with
permeable boundaries that allow the
Experiences: an administrator, an educator,
exchange of matter, energy, and
and a practitioner
- Is an act wherein the nurse interacts and
Person communicates with the client
- The nurse helps the client identify the
- Individuals are spiritual being
existing health condition, exploring and
- Have the capacity to think, know, make
agreeing on activities that promote
choices and select alternative course of
- The goal of the nurse in King’s theory is
- Have the ability through their language
to help the client maintain health through
and other symbols to record their history
health promotion and maintenance,
and preserve their culture
restoration and caring for the sick and
- Open system in transaction with the
- Unique and holistic, are of intrinsic worth
and are capable of rational thinking and
decision making in most situations GOAL ATTAINMENT THEORY
- Individuals differ in their needs, wants King’s Goal Attainment Theory
and goals
- Involves the nurse and the patient
mutually communicating information,
3 Fundamental Health Needs of
establishing goals, and taking action to
Human being;
obtain goals.
- Need for information - Two people who are usually strangers
- Need for care for illness prevention come together in a health care
- Need for total care when a person organization to help or to be helped to a
doesn’t have the capacity to help mutual state of health.
Central Focus of the Theory
- Is a dynamic state in the life cycle;
illness is an interference in the life cycle
- Implies continuous adjustment to stress - man as a dynamic human being whose
in the internal and external perceptions of objects, persons, and
environments, using personal resources events influence his behavior, social
to achieve optimal daily living interaction, and health
3 Interacting systems of the theory; Concepts of Interpersonal system:
1. Personal system A. Interaction – any situation wherein the
o Individuals nurse relates and deals with a patient
o How the nurse views and B. Communication – refers to the
integrates self-based from transmission of information from one
personal goals and beliefs person to another; either directly or
Concepts of Personal system:
C. Transaction – refers to the interaction
The personal interacting system consists of: between a person and the environment
for the purpose of goal attainment
a) The Individual’s Perception – the
D. Role – refers to the expected behaviors
person’s representation of reality and
of a person in a specific position and to
it is unique to each individual
the rules that govern the position and
b) Self – the person’s subjective
affect interaction between two or more
environment, values, ideas, attitudes,
and commitment.
E. Stress – refers to an exchange of
c) Growth and Development – involves
energy, either positive or negative
all the changes that occur (cellular,
between a person and the environment;
molecular, and behavioral). These
objects, persons and events can serve
changes are usually orderly and
as stressors
predictable, but may vary with
3. Social system
d) Body Image – the way a person
- Composed of larger group of individuals
perceived their body and the reaction
with common interests or goals.
of others to their body. Body image is
- How the nurse interacts with co-workers,
subjective and changes as the
superiors, subordinates and the client
person changes physically or
environment in general
e) Space – is the immediate physical
1. Families, religious groups, schools,
territory occupied by the person and
workplaces, and peer groups
person’s behavior.
f) Time – is the order of events and A social system comprises the;
their relationship to each other
1. Social roles
g) Coping – behavioral efforts to
2. Behaviors
manage specific demands
3. Practices
2. Interpersonal system Concepts of Social System
- Two or more interacting individuals.
A. Organization – refers to a group of
- How the nurse interrelates with a co-
peoples with similar interest who have
worker or patient, particularly in a nurse-
prescribed roles and positions and who
patient relationship
use resources to achieve personal and
organizational goals.
B. Authority – refers to the observable 6. If role expectations and role
behavior of providing guidance and performance as perceived by nurse and
order and being responsible for actions client are congruent, transactions will
C. Power – is characterized by the ability to occur
use resources for goal achievement; 7. If role conflict is experienced by the
also a means by which one or more nurse and client or both, stress in nurse-
persons can influence others client interactions will occur
8. If nurses with special knowledge and
D. Status – refers to the position occupied
skills communicate appropriate
by a person in a group or the position
information to clients, mutual goal
occupied by a group in relation to other
setting and goal attainment will occur.
groups in an organization; it is
accomplished by certain duties,
privileges and obligations
E. Decision-making – results from
developing and acting on perceived
choices for goal attainment

1. The ability to perceive – perceptions will
influence behavior and thus life and
2. The ability to think – thinking is based
upon the inquiring mind of man.
3. The ability to feel – have emotions
4. The ability to choose between
alternative course of action
5. The ability to set goals
6. The ability to select means of
accomplishing goals.


1. If perceptual accuracy is present in
nurse-client interactions, transactions
will occur.
2. If nurse and client make transactions,
goals will be attained
3. If goals are attained, satisfactions will
4. If goals are attained, effective nursing
care will occur
5. If transactions are made in nurse-client
interactions, growth and development
will be enhanced

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