Divino, Elizz Joy F.
Divino, Elizz Joy F.
Divino, Elizz Joy F.
Dorothea Self-Care Humans with Wellness is the The modern The provision of
E. Orem Deficit Theory physical, individual’s society’s values direct assistance to
of Nursing psychological, integrity; illness is and expectations. people who are
interpersonal, the person’s unable to meet
and social inability to Encompasses their own self-care
components maintain self- elements external needs, as
who meet their care. to man. developed through
own needs for nursing education
self-care A state The physical, and experience.
through learned characterized by chemical, biologic
behavior. soundness or and social factors How a healthcare
wholeness of that make up who professional
She further developed human a person is. develops a plan of
describes man structures and of care to meet the
as a logical bodily and mental patient’s self-care
organism with functioning. needs
rational powers.
Imogene Conceptual Individuals are Health “implies As the process of Goal of Nursing: “is
M. King System and spiritual beings continuous balance involving to help individuals
Theory of adjustment to internal and maintain their
Goal Individuals are stress in the external health so they can
Attainment unique and internal and interactions inside function in their
holistic, of external the social system. roles”
intrinsic worth, environment
and capable of through the Each human being is an observable
rational thinking optimum use of perceives the world behavior found in
and decision- one’s resources as a total person in the health care
to achieve the making
making in most maximum transactions with systems in
situations. potential for daily individuals and society”.
living. things in the
Individuals differ environment”
in their needs,
wants, and
Dorothy Behavioral Defined as a Johnson The environment To maintain and
Johnson System Model behavioral perceived health includes all of the restore the
system that as an elusive, factors that are not person’s behavioral
strives to dynamic state part of the system balance
achieve, influenced by individual's and stability or to
maintain, or biological, behavioral system help the person
regain balance psychological, but have an impact achieve a more
to the steady and social on it. The nurse optimum level of
state that is factors. may manipulate balance and
adaptation. some aspects of functioning.
Health is reflected the environment in
"Human being" by the order to achieve Seen as “an
is defined as organization, the patient's goal of external regulatory
having two interaction, health or force which acts to
major systems: interdependence, behavioral system preserve the
biological and and integration of balance. organization and
behavioral. the subsystems integration of the
Medicine's role of the behavioral It is implied to patient’s behavior
is to focus on system. include all at an optimal level
the biological elements of the under those
system, surroundings of the conditions in which
whereas human system and the behavior
Nursling's focus includes interior constitutes a threat
is on the stressors. to physical or
behavioral social health, or in
system. which illness is
Sister Adaptation Human systems Health is not “All the conditions, Defines nursing
Callista Model have thinking freedom from the circumstances, and broadly as a “health
Roy and feeling inevitability of influences care profession that
capacities, death, disease, surrounding and focuses on human
rooted in unhappiness and affecting thelife processes and
consciousness stress but the development and patterns and
and meaning, by ability to cope behavior of persons emphasizes
which they with them in a or groups, with promotion of health
adjust effectively competent way particular for individuals,
to changes in consideration of the families, groups,
the environment “Health is a state mutuality of person and society as a
and, in turn, and a process of and earth whole”
affect the being and resources that
environment. becoming includes focal, The goal of nursing
integrated and a contextual, and is the promotion of
whole person. It residual stimuli” adaptation for
is a reflection of individuals and
adaptation, that “It is the changing groups in each of
is, the interaction environment the four adaptive
of the person and stimulates the modes, thus
the environment” person to make contributing to
health, quality of
adaptive life, and dying with
responses” dignity.
Betty System Model The human is in Neuman views In Neuman She views nursing
Neuman constant health as a Systems Model as a “unique
change, moving continuum from identifies three profession in that it
toward a wellness to illness relevant is concerned with
dynamic state of that is dynamic in environments: (1) all of the variables
system stability nature and is internal, (2) affecting clients in
or toward illness constantly external, and (3) their environment”
of varying changing. She created. a) The
degrees. states that internal Define the
“optimal system environment exists appropriate action
Human being is stability is the within the client in situations that
viewed as an best possible system. All forces are stress-related
open system wellness state at and interactive or in relation to
that interacts any given time” influences that are possible reactions
with both solely within of the client or
internal and When system boundaries of the client system to
external needs are met, client system make stressors
environment optimal wellness up this
forces or exists. When environment. b)
stressors. needs are not The external
satisfied, illness environment exists
exists. When the outside the client
energy needed to system. c) The
support life is not created
available, death environment is
occurs. unconsciously
developed and is
used by the client
to support
protective coping.
Hildegard Theory of A developing Symbolizes Consists of existing Is a significant
E. Peplau Interpersonal organism that movement of the forces outside of therapeutic
Relations tries to reduce personality and the person, and put interpersonal
anxiety caused other on-going in the context of process that
by needs. human processes culture functions
that directs the cooperatively with
A man who is an person towards other human
organism that creative, process that make
lives in an constructive, health possible for
unstable productive, and individuals in
balance of a community living communities.
given system
is a word symbol
that implies
movement of
Ida Jean Nursing Focuses on Replaced by a Not defined directly Unique and
Orlando Process individuality and sense of but implicitly in the independent in its
Theory the dynamic helplessness as immediate context concerns for an
nature of the the initiator of a for a patient individual’s need
for help in an
nurse-patient necessity for focusing on the immediate
relationship. nursing. immediate need of situation.
the patient
She stated that The efforts to meet
Humans in need nursing deals with the individual’s
are the focus of individuals who need for help are
nursing practice. require help. carried out in an
interactive situation
and in a disciplined
manner that
requires proper
Virginia The Nursing She defined Equated with All external Assist and support
Henderso Need Theory person as independence, in conditions and the individual in life
n someone who is terms of the influences that activities and
in client’s ability to affect life and attainment of
need of basic perform 14 development independence
health components of
component, and nursing care she defined Primary goal would
someone that unaided environment as a be to nurse them to
requires setting autonomy or to
assistance and She also stated that would basically make
also known as that we should contribute to the them independent.
someone who stress out on person discovering
does not have disease different
autonomy. prevention and pattern for living,
health promotion in-short an
Individual of our client. influence.
assistance to it also includes the
achieve health relationship
and between
independence person and family.
and peaceful
Joyce Human to Defined as The criteria of Not clearly defined; An interpersonal
Travelbee Human human being subjective and she defined human process whereby
Relationship objective conditions and life the professional
A human being experiences nurse4 practitioner
is a unique, A person’s encountered by all assists an
irreplaceable subjective health men individual, family or
individual who is is individually community to
in continuous defined state of prevent or cope
process of well-being. with experience or
becoming, illness and
evolving and Objective health suffering, and if
changing. is an absence of necessary, to find
discernible, meaning in these
disease, disability experiences.
or defect.
Madelein Transcultural “Humans are “Encompasses a “Included events “A learned
e Nursing universally broad spectrum with meanings and humanistic and
Leininger Theory caring beings of conditions, interpretations scientific
who survive in a including well- given to them in profession and
diversity of being, illness, particular physical, discipline that
cultures through disability, and ecological, focuses on
their ability to handicap” sociopolitical or phenomena and
provide cultural setting. activities of human
universality of Health is Existing forces care in order to
care in a variety universal across outside the assist, support,
of ways cultures but organism and in facilitate, or enable
according to specific to each the context of individuals or
differing individual culture culture. groups to maintain
cultures, needs or regain their well-
and settings” Nurses must be Behaviors and being, in culturally
sensitive to health are meaningful and
Includes beliefs, values, influenced by beneficial ways
physical, and practices of culture
spiritual, each culture
emotional, and Assessment of
social aspects patient’s
environment crucial
Rosemari Human Open being who Open process of Everything in the Nursing as a
e Rizzo Becoming is more than being and person and his discipline will enjoy
Parse Theory and different becoming, experiences. the recognition of
from the sum of involves having a unique
the parts synthesis of Inseparable, knowledge base &
values. complimentary to the profession will
and evolving with be distinct from
Health is not Medicine.
static but, rather, I
ever-changing as People / client will
humans choose actually seek
ways of living nurses for nursing
care, not medical
A human science
and art that uses
an abstract boy of
knowledge to serve
Faye Typology of Describes Describes health Society is included Nursing care is
Glenn 21 Nursing people as as a state in “planning for doing something to
Abdellah Problems having physical, mutually optimum health on or for
emotional, and exclusive of local, state, the person or
sociological illness. She does national, and providing
needs. Patients not give a international information to the
and definition of levels”. However, person with
families are health, she as she further the goals of
recipients of speaks to “total delineated her meeting needs,
nursing care. health needs” and ideas, the focus of increasing or
“a nursing service is restoring
People having healthy state of clearly the self-help ability, or
21 physical, mind and body. individual. alleviating
emotional, and impairment.
sociological Nursing is
nursing broadly grouped
problems. The into the 21 problem
patient’s needs areas to guide
may be overt
which is obvious
and consist of care and promote
physical needs use of nursing
or covert, judgment.
hidden and
because it is
sociological and
interpersonal in
Lydia Core, Care, A unique Can be inferred to The concept of Is identified as
Eloise and Cure irreplaceable be a state of self- society or consisting of
Hall Model individual who is awareness with a environment is participation in the
in continuous conscious dealt with in care, core and cure
process of selection of relation to the aspects of patient
becoming, behaviors that are individual care.
evolving and optimal for that
changing. individual.
Margaret Health as Client, The pattern of the A larger whole The focus of
A. Expanding individual, whole. which contains the nursing is the
Newman Consciousne patient, human- consciousness of primacy of
ss being the individual. relationship both
Clients are Client & relationship &
viewed as environment are relationships within
participants in viewed as a unitary client’s lives.
the process. evolving pattern.
Individuals are
identified by
their individual
patterns of
Myra The Person is Health is socially Environment is the Levine viewed
Estrin Conservation described as a determined by the context in which nursing as both a
Levine Model Theory holistic being; ability to function individuals live profession and
wholeness is in a reasonably their lives. It is not scientific discipline.
integrity. normal manner. a passive Nursing practice
Integrity means Health is not just backdrop. “The is based on
the person has an individual actively nursing’s unique
freedom of absence of participates in his knowledge and the
choice and pathological environment”. scientific
movement. The conditions. Health “All adaptations knowledge of other
person has a is the represent the disciplines
sense of return to self; accommodation adjunctive to
identity and self- individuals are that is nursing knowledge.
worth. Levine free and able to possible between
also described pursue the internal and
person their own external
as a “system of interests within environment”.
systems, and in the context of Complex
its wholeness their own biochemical
expresses the resources. Even mediate the
organization of for a single interface of the
all the individual, the internal
contributing definition environment (the
parts”. Persons of health will physiological and
experience life change over time. pathophysiological
as change processes) with
through the external
adaptation; the environment,
goal of composed of
adaptation is the perceptual,
conservation operational, and
of wholeness. conceptual
components. “The
process of the
interaction is