Fitness_Plan 2.0
Fitness_Plan 2.0
Fitness_Plan 2.0
Sunday Rest
Sunday Rest
Week Activity
2 Repeat Week 1 Increase cardio by 5 minutes and add 1 extra rep to each strength
Week Day Workout Type Activity Duration/reps Notes
1 minute jogging and 30 Alternate with walking if
Monday Cardio intervals
second sprint(repeat)
20 minutes
Deadlifts, push-ups and Keep rest between sets to
Tuesday Strength (full body)
4 sets of 10 reps each
60 seconds
Wednesday Flexibility Dynamic stretches 20 mins Include breathing exercise
3 Thursday Cardio(distance)
run or cycling for distance
aim for 20-30 minutes
place yourself to maintain
steady breathing
engage your core
Friday Strength (Core focus) Sit ups 3 sets of 12 reps
dance class, Zumba or choose something
Saturday Fun Activity
30-45 minutes
enjoyable to stay motivated
Sunday Rest or light yoga
Week Activity
4 Repeat Week 3 Add extra reps (2-3) and increase intensity slightly.