UAS INTRODUCTION EFC-Abdul Malik Muwafa-BG923008
UAS INTRODUCTION EFC-Abdul Malik Muwafa-BG923008
UAS INTRODUCTION EFC-Abdul Malik Muwafa-BG923008
1. Berdo’alah sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal;
2. Teliti dan urutkanlah nomor halaman soal;
3. Perhatikan petunjuk khusus masing-masing soal.
A. Identitas Program
Abdul Malik
Nama guru Fase Fondasi
90 minutes
Alokasi waktu Topik Lingkunganku
(1x2x45 minutes)
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Students are able to be grateful for the animals as a creation of God Almighty
2. Students are able to show care and compassion for animals
3. Students are able to say the names of animals in English
4. Students are able to recognize the sound or habitat of certain animals
5. Students are able to describe simple characteristics of animals in English (e.g.,
“Cats are soft”)
C. Deskripsi umum Kegiatan
- This activity aims to fosters gratitude for God’s creation especially animals
- Encouraging students to learn their English names and unique traits
- In this activity,children can recognize various animals and learn their English
names through fun and engaging activities
- Activities performed:
- Singing song about animals in English
- Performing physical motor activities (imitating animal movements)
- Introducing basic animals names and their sounds in English
- Playing matching games with animals flashcards
D. Alat dan Bahan
- Flashcards with pictures of animals and their English names
- Blank paper
- Pencils,colored markers,and erasers
- Cardboard or scrap paper to create simple game cards
E. Peta Konsep
F. Kegiatan Harian
Jenis Kegiatan Uraian Kegiatan
Morning habbits - Welcoming SOP (SOP penyambutan
- Prayer for our parents
- Prayer before studying
- Absent the student one by one and
ask how they are
Opening activities - Let’s open our meeting today by
reciting Basmallah together
- Teacher reads a storybook
- The teacher asks the students to do
the opening prayer together
- The teacher takes attendance with a
little game (example call the student
name and ask the student to mention
what student breakfast)
Main activities - The teacher explain to students what
they will learn today (animals)
- The teacher introduces animals in
English and asks students to imitate
- Once they understand,ask them to
guess the animal in English (for example;
apa bahasa inggrisnya Kelinci?, etc.) or
(teacher ask student to guess the animal
in English by using flashcard).
- Mimicking animal sounds and playing a
guessing game.
- Ice breaking (games and singing a song
about animals in English)
Closing activities - The teacher ask if the students have
understood the material presented
- The teacher asks how the students
feel after the lesson is over.
- Recap of the days’s activities.
- The teacher asks the students to tidy
up their bags and learning tools then
prepare to go home.
- Singing an animal-themed goodbye
song and;
- Closing class by reciting hamdalah
# Main activities
1. Group 1: Making Animal Finger Puppets
The children cut out small animal head pictures that have been printed.
They take small pieces of paper, roll them to fit their fingers, and then attach an
animal head to each finger (5 fingers total) to create animal finger puppets.
# Songs
Rodlitu billahi robba,wabil islaami diina...
# Song
I say goodbye 2x
And see you tomorrow
I say goodbye 2x
And see you tomorrow
Are you happy? (happy)
Are you happy? (happy)
Happy everywhere...
# Tepuk Semangat ; used when the teacher finished explaining the lesson to students to
make students more enthusiastic to continue learning
Tepuk semangat..
(Clap 2x)SE...
(Clap 2x)MA..
(Clap 2x)NGAT...
(Rolling your hand)SEMANGAT...YEEAYY