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Name __________________________________________________

Sort it Out Long i

Read the words and sort them into the correct column.

igh _y i_e


bike my light why white spy

flight night kite right cry prize

Name __________________________________________________

Picture Match
Read the words, say the picture names, cut and paste the correct
picture to the correct word.

light bright night

flight sight right

Name __________________________________________________

Word Match
Say the picture name, read the words, cut, paste, and match the word
to the correct picture


light bright night

flight sight right

Name __________________________________________________

What’s the Word?

Say the name of the picture, tap it out, build it, then write the word. igh
Say it Build It Write It


igh igh igh l b r t t t

igh igh igh s n r t t s
Name __________________________________________________

What’s the Word?

Say the name of the picture, spell it, then write the word. igh

Say it Spell It Write It

bright /////
sight /////
night /////
light /////
sigh /////
right /////
Name __________________________________________________

What’s the missing sound?

Say the name of the picture, tap it out, say and write the missing sound, igh
then write the word.
Say it Spell It Write It

bright /////
sight /////
night /////
light /////
sigh /////
right /////
Name _______________________________________________

ABC Order
Cut and paste the words in ABC order.







Name __________________________________________________

Roll and Read igh

Roll the dice and read the words.

might light fight tight right

night sight bright flight blight

slight fright sight high might

right tight flight light might

blight flight bright sight night

might high sight fright slight

Thank You
for downloading!

I created kreations4keiki and its products as an additional resource

for teachers, parents, and caregi vers in hopes to make
their jobs a bit easier. I wish that you find these products
useful and meaning ful for your littles. If you have any
questions, suggestions, or feedback... I’d l ove to hear from you
at kreations4keiki@gmail.com.

Terms Of Use
This product was made for the use of ONE buyer. If others
are interested, I kindly ask that you di rect them to my store
to downl oad from me.
If you wish to post this product via social media or on the
web, credit or a link must be incl uded. Thank you for
protecting my work and the work of other artists who helped
to create this product.

font & graphic credit


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