HTET PYQ L3 Economics 2018
HTET PYQ L3 Economics 2018
HTET PYQ L3 Economics 2018
vkj0 mÙkj i=d o iz'u&iqfLrdk ds Øekad fHkUu gSa rks dsUnz v/kh{kd ls fuosnu djds iz'u&iqfLrdk cny ysaA
uksV % Ñi;k bl iqfLrdk ds vUr esa fn, x, 'ks"k funsZ'kksa dks i<+Aas (Please read other remaining instructions given on the last page of this booklet.)
[3] [A]
Hkkx – I / PART – I
cky fodkl ,oa f'k{kk'kkL= / CHILD DEVELOPMENT & PEDAGOGY
funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A
Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
1. fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lh ladYiuk lqizfl) 1. Which of the following concept is
^ckscks MkWy* iz;ksx ls lacaf/kr gS \ derived from famous 'Bobo Doll'
experiment ?
(1) varn`Zf"V vf/kxe (1) Insightful learning
(2) fujh{k.kkRed vf/kxe (2) Observational learning
(3) uSfrd fodkl (3) Moral development
(4) vuqcaf/kr vuqfØ;k (4) Conditioned response
2. Ýk;M ds euksySfa xd fodkl ds fl)kar dh 2. The age range of Genital Stage of
^ySfa xd voLFkk* dk vk;q&foLrkj] ,fjDlu ds Freud's theory of Psycho-sexual
eukslkekftd fodkl dh fuEukafdr esa ls fdl development is similar to which of the
voLFkk ds lerqY; gS \ following stage of Erikson's theory of
Psycho-social development ?
(1) fo'okl cuke vfo'okl (1) Trust vs mistrust
(2) Lok;Ùkrk cuke 'keZ ,oa lansg (2) Autonomy vs shame & doubt
(3) igy cuke vijk/k cks/k (3) Initiative vs guilt
(4) igpku cuke Hkwfedk Hkze (Role Confusion) (4) Identity vs role confusion
3. fd'kksjksa dk ;g eglwl djuk ^lHkh esjh vksj 3. The feeling of adolescents, "Everyone is
ns[k jgs gSa* dks laKk nh tk ldrh gS % looking at me", can be termed as :
(1) O;fDrxr feFkd (1) Personal fable
(2) dkYifud n'kZd (2) Imaginary audience
(3) ,uksjsfDl;k uoksl Z k (3) Anorexia Nervosa
(4) cqfyfe;k uoksl Z k (4) Bulimia Nervosa
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [4]
5. ^;qok fd'kksjksa dh ;g ekU;rk fd os iw.kZr;k 5. 'Young teen-agers often believe that
fdlh vU; O;fDr ls fHkUu gSa*] dks tkuk tkrk they are completely unlike any one
gS % else.' This phenomenon is known as :
(1) O;fDrxr feFkd (1) Personal fable
(2) dkYifud n'kZd (2) Imaginary Audience
(3) vkRe Kku (3) Self realization
(4) vkReksn?~ kkVu (4) Self disclosure
6. fujh{k.kkRed vf/kxe ds pkj rRoksa dk lgh 6. What is the correct sequence of four
Øe D;k gS \ elements of observational learning ?
(1) vo/kku → vfHkizsj.kk → /kkj.k djuk (1) Attention → Motivation →
→ iqu#Riknu Retention → Reproduction
(2) vo/kku → /kkj.k djuk → iqu#Riknu (2) Attention → Retention →
→ vfHkizsj.kk Reproduction → Motivation
(3) vo/kku → iqu#Riknu → /kkj.k djuk (3) Attention → Reproduction →
→ vfHkizsj.kk Retention → Motivation
(4) vo/kku → /kkj.k djuk → vfHkizsj.kk (4) Attention → Retention →
→ iqu#Riknu Motivation → Reproduction
7. fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lk dFku fi;kts ds 7. Which of the following statement is not
laKkukRed fodkl ds fl)kar ds lanHkZ esa lgh true about the theory of cognitive
ugha gS \ development given by Jean Piaget ?
(1) ;g bl ekU;rk ij vk/kkfjr gS fd (1) It believes that development is a
fodkl ,d vlrr izfØ;k gSA discontinuous process.
(2) ;g bl ekU;rk ij vk/kkfjr gS fd cPps (2) It assumes that children learn
lfEeyu ,oa vkRelkrhdj.k }kjk lh[krs through assimilation and
gSaA accommodation.
(3) ;g bl ekU;rk ij vk/kkfjr gS fd (3) It believes that development is a
fodkl ,d lrr izfØ;k gSA continuous process.
(4) ;g bl ekU;rk ij vk/kkfjr gS fd (4) It believes that cognitive
laKkukRed fodkl pkj pj.kksa esa gksrk gSA development takes place in four
different stages.
8. thou Lisl ¼{ks=½ dh ladYiuk] ,d Hkkx gS % 8. The concept of 'Life Space' is a part of :
(1) 'kkL=h; vuqca/ku dk (1) Classical conditioning
(2) fØ;k izlwr vuqca/ku dk (2) Operant conditioning
(3) varnZ`f"V vf/kxe dk (3) Insightful learning
(4) ysfou {ks= fl)kar dk (4) Lewin's field theory
[5] [A]
9. udkjkRed iqucZyu ,oa naM esa D;k laca/k gS \ 9. What is the relationship between negative
reinforcement and punishment ?
(1) nksuksa fdlh vuqfØ;k dks lqn`<+ cukrs gSaA (1) Both tend to strengthen a response
(2) nksuksa fdlh vuqfØ;k dks detksj djrs gSaA (2) Both tend to weaken a response
(3) udkjkRed iqucZyu fdlh vuqfØ;k dks (3) Negative reinforcement strengthens
n`<+ cukrk gS tcfd naM fdlh vuqfØ;k a response whereas punishment
dks detksj cukrk gSA weakens a response.
(4) udkjkRed iqucZyu fdlh vuqfØ;k dks (4) Negative reinforcement weakens a
detksj cukrk gS tcfd naM fdlh response whereas punishment
vuqfØ;k dks n`<+ cukrk gSA strengthens a response.
10. ;fn ,d fØ;k dh vko`fÙk fdlh nwljh 10. If one activity occurs more often than
fØ;k@dk;Z ls vf/kd gS rc igyh fØ;k dk another, it can be used to reinforce the
mi;ksx] nwljh fØ;k@dk;Z ftldh vko`fÙk de activity that occurs less often. This
gS] ds fy, iqucZyu ds :i esa fd;k tk ldrk principle is known as :
gSA ;g fl)kar gS %
(1) izheSd dk fl)kar (1) Premack's principle
(2) FkkWuZMkbd dk fl)kar (2) Thorndike's principle
(3) fLduj dk fl)kar (3) Skinner's principle
(4) ikoykso dk fl)kar (4) Pavlov's principle
11. fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lk fLFkj varjky 11. Which of the following is not an
iqucZyu dk mnkgj.k ugha gS \ example of fixed interval schedule of
reinforcement ?
(1) izfrekg osru izkIr djuk (1) Getting salary every month
(2) ,d O;Lr uacj Mk;y djuk (2) Dialing a busy number
(3) vkof/kd :i ls nar&tk¡p ds fy, tkuk (3) Having a periodic dental checkups
(4) izfro"kZ osruo`f) feyuk (4) Getting increment every year
12. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk fodYi vkWfVT+e 12. Which of the following option is not a
LisDVªe fMlvkWMZj dh fo'ks"krk ugha gS \ characteristic of Autism Spectrum
Disorder ?
(1) ns[kus vkSj lquus dh leL;k (1) Problem in vision and hearing
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[A] [6]
13. fde us viuk eksckby uacj cnydj u;k uacj 13. Kim changed her mobile number; and
fy;kA tc fdlh us mldk u;k uacj iwNk rc got a new number. When some-one
og mlds flQZ rhu vad gh ;kn dj ik;hA asked her new number she could recall
bldk dkj.k fuEukafdr esa ls gks ldrk gS % only three digits of her new mobile
number. The cause behind it may be :
(1) {kj.k (1) Decay
(2) iwoZlfØ; O;o/kku (2) Proactive Interference
(3) neu (3) Suppression
(4) i'pxeu (4) Regression
14. fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lk dFku okbxksRLdh ds 14. Which of the following is not true about
lekt&lkaLÑfrd fl)kar ds lanHkZ esa lgh ugha the socio-cultural theory of Vygotsky ?
gS \ (1) Children learn very little from
(1) cPps tks dk;Z Lo;a] fcuk lgk;rk ds] performing tasks they can already
iwjk dj ldrs gSa] mUgsa djrs gq, os cgqr do independently.
de lh[krs gSaA (2) Concept of Zone of Proximal
(2) fudVLFk fodkl dk {ks=] bl fl)kar dk Development (ZPD) is a part of it.
,d Hkkx gSA (3) It ignores the importance of
(3) ;g ckyd ds laKkukRed fodkl esa Hkk"kk language in cognitive development.
ds egÙo dh mis{kk djrk gSA (4) It emphasizes role of socio-cultural
(4) ;g laKkukRed fodkl esa lekt ,oa environment in cognitive
laLÑfr dh Hkwfedk ij cy nsrk gSA development.
15. Cywe ds oxhZdj.k ds vuqlkj] fuEukafdr esa ls 15. As classified by Bloom, which one of
dkSu&lk laKkukRed {ks= dk ,d mi{ks= ugha gS \ the following is not a subdomain of
cognitive domain ?
(1) vuqiz;ksx (1) Application
(2) fo'ys"k.k (2) Analysis
(3) la'ys"k.k (3) Synthesis
(4) vuqfØ;k (4) Responding
16. efLr"d ds izh&ÝaVy dkWVDsZ l ds }kjk fuEukafdr 16. Which of the following is not controlled
esa ls dkSu&lk dk;Z fu;af=r ugha gksrk gS \ by pre-frontal cortex of brain ?
(1) 'kkjhfjd ifjpkyu (1) Body Movement
(2) fparu (2) Thinking
(3) leL;k lek/kku (3) Problem solving
(4) n`f"V ,oa Jo.k (4) Vision & Hearing
[7] [A]
17. fd'kksj ckydksa ds fnokLoIu ds lanHkZ esa 17. Which of the following is not true about
fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lk dFku lgh ugha Day Dreaming among adolescents ?
gS \
(1) ;g lfØ; [ksy dk ,d izdkj gSA (1) It is a form of active play.
(2) fnokLoIu ds nkSjku fd'kksj tks Hkwfedk (2) The roles adolescents adopt in day
Lohdkj djrs gSa og uk;d dk gksrk gSA dreaming are heroic.
(3) blesa ekufld ds ctk; 'kkjhfjd fØ;k (3) It involves more physical activity
T;knk gksrh gSA than mental.
(4) blesa 'kkjhfjd ds ctk; ekufld fØ;k (4) It involves more mental activity
T;knk gksrh gSA than physical.
18. ,d fd'kksj ;g eglwl djrk gS fd vc rd 18. A teenager feels that no one has ever
mlds tSlk xgjk I;kj fdlh us ugha fd;k gSA been as deeply in love as he is. It
;g |ksrd gS % indicates :
(1) dkYifud n'kZd dk (1) Imaginary Audience
(2) O;fDrxr feFkd dk (2) Personal fable
(3) vkRe&ifjp;@igpku dk (3) Self identity
(4) igpku ladV dk (4) Identity crisis
19. okD;ka'k ^,d gkFk esa Ng ,oa nwljs gkFk esa 19. The phrase, 'six on one hand, and half a
vk/kk ntZu* fuEukafdr esa ls fdl izdkj ds dozen on other' best describes which of
}a} dh loksZÙke O;k[;k gS \ the following type of conflict ?
(1) mikxe & ifjgkj }a} dh (1) Approach - Avoidance conflict
(2) ifjgkj & ifjgkj }a} dh (2) Avoidance - Avoidance conflict
(3) mikxe & mikxe }a} dh (3) Approach - Approach conflict
(4) }; mikxe & ifjgkj }a} dh (4) Double Approach - Avoidance
20. czkWuQsucszuj ds ^ikfjfLFkfrdh; ra=* ds fl)kar 20. According to Ecological systems theory
ds vuqlkj fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lk ckyd ds of Bronfenbrenner, which of the
^c`gr~ {ks=* esa lekfgr ugha gS \ following does not belong to Macro
system of the child ?
(1) fo|ky; (2) ewY; (1) School (2) Values
(3) dkuwu (4) jhfr fjokt (3) Laws (4) Customs
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[A] [8]
21. iqjLdkj ds laca/k esa fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lk 21. Which of the following is not true about
dFku lgh ugha gS \ a reward ?
(1) ;g fj'or dk ,d izdkj gSA (1) It is a type of bribe.
(2) ;g okaNuh; O;ogkj esa o`f) djrk gSA (2) It increases desirable behaviour.
(3) ;g ,d #fpdj míhid gSA (3) It is a pleasant stimulus.
(4) ;g vuqfØ;k dks n`<+ djus ds fy, fn;k (4) It is given to strengthen the
tkrk gSA response.
22. ^ltZukRedrk dk fuos'k fl)kar* fn;k x;k 22. The 'investment theory of creativity' is
gS % given by :
(1) fcus ,oa lkbeu }kjk (1) Binet and Simons
(2) dSjksy ,oa dSVy }kjk (2) Carrol and Cattle
(3) LVuZcxZ ,oa yqcVZ }kjk (3) Sternberg and Lubart
(4) okVlu ,oa jsuj }kjk (4) Watson and Ryner
23. ^^fodkl ds bl pj.k esa cPps viuh vk¡[k] 23. "At this stage of development, children
dku] gkFk ,oa vU; laosnh vaxksa ds }kjk think with their eyes, ears, hands and
fparu djrs gSaA** other sense organs."
The above statement best describes
;g dFku fuEukafdr esa ls fdl laKkukRed which of the following stage of
fodkl dh voLFkk dh loksZÙke O;k[;k gS \ cognitive development ?
(1) laosnh xked voLFkk (1) Sensori motor stage
(2) iwoZ lafØ;kRed voLFkk (2) Pre-operational stage
(3) ewrZ lafØ;kRed voLFkk (3) Concrete operational stage
(4) vkSipkfjd lafØ;kRed voLFkk (4) Formal operational stage
24. fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgsa cky&v/;;u dk 24. Which of the following is the founder of
laLFkkid ekuk tkrk gS \ Child Study Movement ?
(1) vYÝsM fcus (1) Alfred Binet
(2) fFk;ksMksj lkbeu (2) Theodore Simon
(3) th0 LVsuys gkWy (3) G. Stanley Hall
(4) ch0 ,Q0 fLduj (4) B. F. Skinner
25. fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lk fd'kksjkoLFkk ds 25. Which of the following is not a form of
vifjiDo fparu dk mnkgj.k ugha gS] tSlk fd immaturity of thinking during
,yfdUM }kjk crk;k x;k gS \ adolescence as proposed by Elkind ?
(1) vkn'kZokn (1) Idealism
(2) okn&fookn dh izo`fÙk (2) Argumentativeness
(3) lqfuf'prrk@vkxzfgrk (3) Assertiveness
(4) fof'k"Vrk dh izo`fÙk (4) Specialness
[9] [A]
26. fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu&lh f'k{k.k O;wgjpuk 26. Which of the following is not a
yksdrkaf=d ugha gS \ democratic teaching strategy ?
(1) leL;k lek/kku (1) Problem solving
(2) ifj;kstuk (2) Project
(3) [kkst (3) Discovery
(4) izn'kZu (4) Demonstration
27. FkkWuMZ kbd }kjk fn;s x;s ^iz;kl ,oa =qfV* 27. Which law of 'Trial and Error' given by
fl)kar dk dkSu&lk fu;e ^iqucZyu* dh Thorndike is similar to the concept of
ladYiuk ds lerqY; gS \ 'reinforcement' ?
(1) mi;ksx dk fu;e (1) Law of Use
(2) vuqi;ksx dk fu;e (2) Law of Disuse
(3) izHkko dk fu;e (3) Law of Effect
(4) rRijrk ¼rS;kjh½ dk fu;e (4) Law of Readiness
28. ^ekWMfyax* ,d izHkkoh f'k{k.k ;qfDr gS % 28. 'Modelling' is an effective teaching
method for :
(1) n`f"V ckf/krk ;qDr cPpksa ds fy, (1) Children with visual impairment
(2) vf/kxe v{kerk ;qDr cPpksa ds fy, (2) Children with learning disability
(3) vEyh; vkØe.k izHkkforksa ds fy, (3) Acid Attack Victims
(4) ckSf)d v{kerk ;qDr cPpksa ds fy, (4) Children with intellectual disability
29. mPp cqf) dk fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lk 29. Which of the following is best indicator
ladsrd loksZÙke gS \ of high intelligence ?
(1) cqf) ijh{k.k esa 103 vad izkIr djuk (1) Scoring 103 on an IQ test
(2) Le`fr ls dfork ikB djuk (2) Reciting poem from memory
(3) mPp xzsM izkIr djuk (3) Earning high grades
(4) i`"Biks"k.k ds i'pkr~ leku xyrh dks u (4) Not making the same mistakes after
nksgjkuk receiving feedback
30. ,d cPpk Øksf/kr gksdj vius lgikBh dks 30. A child angrily hits a playmate in the
Bhd mlh izdkj ekjrk gS tSlk mls mlds ?kj same way that he has been punished at
esa mls ltk nh tkrh gSA ;g mnkgj.k gS % home. It is an example of :
(1) fØ;k izlwr vuqca/ku dk (1) Operant conditioning
(2) 'kkL=h; vuqca/ku dk (2) Classical conditioning
(3) fujh{k.kkRed vf/kxe dk (3) Observational learning
(4) varnZ`f"V vf/kxe dk (4) Insightful learning
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[A] [ 10 ]
Hkkx – II / PART – II
Hkk"kk ¼fgUnh ,oa vaxzsth½ / LANGUAGES (HINDI & ENGLISH)
[ fgUnh / HINDI ]
funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A
31. okrZfud n`f"V ls v'kq) 'kCn Nk¡fV, % 35. ,dopu ls cgqopu cus 'kCnksa esa vlaxr dks
(1) izkf.kek= Nk¡fV, %
(2) lEifdZr (1) Mkdqvksa
(3) vkfHktkR; (2) rjcqtksa
(4) dkjZokbZ
(3) o/kq,¡
32. lfU/k dh n`f"V ls vlaxr fodYi pqfu, % (4) Hkkyqvksa
(1) rks; $ /kkj = rks;k/kkj
36. fdl fodYi esa ^vyqd~ rRiq#"k* lekl dk
(2) fo'o $ fe= = fo'okfe= iz;ksx gqvk gS \
(3) ewly $ /kkj = ewlyk/kkj
(1) euflt (2) fnfXot;
(4) lR; $ uk'k = lR;kuk'k
(3) loZO;kIr (4) dwieaMd
33. izR;; dh n`f"V ls vlaxr fodYi pqfu, %
37. ^dejs esa dksbZ g¡l jgk gS* & okD; esa iz;qDr
(1) fuiq.k $ ; = uSiq.; loZuke gS %
(2) bZ'oj $ ; = ,s'o;Z (1) fu'p;okpd (2) vfu'p;okpd
(3) Hkfxuh $ ; = Hkkfxus; (3) iz'uokpd (4) iq#"kokpd
(4) fof'k"V $ ; = oSf'k"V~;
38. ^fo'ks"k.k inks*a ds fodkjd rÙo dkSu&dkSu&ls
34. lekl dh n`f"V ls dkSu&lk fodYi vlaxr gSa \
gS \ (1) fyax vkSj opu
(1) iar }kjk iz.khr = iar iz.khr (2) fyax] opu vkSj dkjd
(2) iou ls pyus okyh pDdh = iupDdh (3) fyax vkSj dkjd
(3) og tks p{kq ls Jo.k djs = p{kqJok (4) dky] okP; ,oa iq#"k
(4) lekpkj ds fy, i= = lekpkji=
[ 11 ] [A]
39. fdl 'kCn esa ^o.kkZxe O;atu lfU/k* dk iz;ksx 43. o.kZ&fopkj dh n`f"V ls vlaxr fodYi
pqfu, %
ugha gqvk gS \
(1) ,d gh LFkku ls mPpfjr nks lo.kZ Lojksa
(1) JhPNk;k ds ;ksx ls fufeZr Loj mRifÙk ds vk/kkj
ij ^nh?kZ Loj* dgykrs gSa( tcfd
(2) izPNUu fHkUu&fHkUu LFkkuksa ls mPpfjr nks
(3) e`PNdfVd fotkrh; Lojksa ds ;ksx ls fufeZr Loj
^la;qDr Loj* dgykrs gSaA
(4) ekr`PNk;k (2) vuqLokj O;atuksa dh izÑfr gS( tcfd
vuqukfld Lojksa dh izÑfr gSA
40. ^;g ckfydk Qwy ls Hkh dksey gS* & mDr (3) ftu Lojksa ds mPpkj.k esa gok ukd ls
okD; fo'ks"k.k dh n`f"V ls fdl voLFkk dk ugha vfirq dsoy eq[k ls fudyrh gS
okpd gS \ mUgsa ^lkuqukfld* Loj dgk tkrk gS
tcfd ftu Lojksa ds mPpkj.k esa ok;q
(1) ewykoLFkk (2) mÙkjkoLFkk eq[k ds lkFk&lkFk ukfldk ls Hkh fudyrh
gS mUgsa ^fujuqukfld Loj* dgk tkrk gSA
(3) mÙkekoLFkk (4) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(4) fgUnh o.kZekyk esa 'k "k l g o.kZ la?k"khZ
gSa tcfd p N t > vkfn o.kZ Li'kZ
41. fuEu esa ls fdl fodYi esa L=hfyax okpd la?k"khZ gSaA
'kCn gS \
44. ^gelQðj vxj ,d&nwljs dks le> ysa rks
(1) vk¡lw (2) Vslw thou vklku gks tk,xk* & mDr okD; fdl
dky ls lacaf/kr gS \
(3) jrkyw (4) llqjky
(1) gsrqgsrqen~ Hkfo"; (2) laHkkO; Hkfo";r~
42. ^dj.kdkjd* ;qDr okD; pqfu, % (3) lkekU; Hkfo";r~ (4) lafnX/k orZeku
(1) dkuksa lquh ckr lR; gksrh gSA 45. ^'kCndks'k* esa 'kCnkuqØe dh n`f"V ls fuEu esa
ls lgh ¼vkjksgh½ Øe okyk fodYi gS %
(2) os flusek ns[kus x, gSaA
(1) fDy"V] Øe] Dykafr] {k.k
(3) yfyrk xq#th ls dRFkd lh[krh gSA (2) {k.k] Øe] Dykafr] fDy"V
(4) bl lkglh Nk= us ,d cPps dks unh esa (3) Øe] Dykafr] fDy"V] {k.k
Mwcus ls cpk;kA (4) Dykafr] Øe] fDy"V] {k.k
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[A] [ 12 ]
[ vaxzsth / ENGLISH ]
Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
[ 13 ] [A]
53. Choose the correct plural of the word 57. Choose the correct option of the
'species' : underlined phrasal verb :
(1) Specis We must cut down expenses or we will
(2) Species be getting into debt.
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[A] [ 14 ]
Hkkx – III / PART – III
lkekU; v/;;u / GENERAL STUDIES
[ ek=kRed ;ksX;rk] rkfdZd vfHk{kerk rFkk lk lkekU; Kku ,oa vfHkKku / QUANTITATIVE
funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A
Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
61. izR;sd la[;k 10, 12, 15 rFkk 18 ls iw.kZ 61. The least perfect square number which
foHkkftr gksus okyk U;wure iw.kZ oxZ gS % is exactly divisible by :
10, 12, 15 and 18
(1) 876 (2) 900 (1) 876 (2) 900
(3) 981 (4) 1024 (3) 981 (4) 1024
62. C dk firk A gS vkSj D, B dk iq= gSA A 62. A is the father of C and D is the son of
dk HkkbZ E gSA vxj D dh cgu C gS] rks B B. E is the brother of A. If C is the sister
vkSj E dk D;k lEcU/k gS \ of D, how is B related to E ?
63. fdlh lkadfs rd Hkk"kk esa 'CERTAIN' dk dwV 63. In a certain code, 'CERTAIN' is coded
'kCn 'XVIGZRM', 'SEQUENCE' dk dwV as 'XVIGZRM', 'SEQUENCE' is coded
'kCn 'HVJFVMXV' gks] rks 'MUNDANE' as 'HVJFVMXV', then how would
'kCn dk dwV gksxk % 'MUNDANE' be coded ?
[ 15 ] [A]
64. fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk 'kCn "DICTIONARY" 64. Which of the following words cannot
ds v{kjksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, ugha cuk;k tk be formed by using letters of word
ldrk gS \ "DICTIONARY" ?
66. "BRIGHTER" 'kCn ds v{kjksa ds fdrus ,sls 66. How many pairs of the letters does the
;qXe gSa] ftuds chp mrus gh v{kj gSa ftrus word "BRIGHTER" contain in such that
fd vaxzsth o.kZekyk esa gksrs gSa \ the two letters of the pair have as many
letters between them in the word as
(1) 4 (2) 2 there are in the English alphabet ?
4 2y − x
67. ;fn x = 4 gks] rks 4 − 2 y − x dk eku 67. If
x 4
= , then value of −
y 5 7 2y + x y 5 7 2y + x
gS % is :
1 1
(1) (1)
7 7
3 3
(2) (2)
7 7
1 1
(3) (3)
3 3
(4) 1 (4) 1
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 16 ]
68. ,d O;kikj esa] A o C ds fuos'k dk vuqikr 68. In a business, A and C invested amounts
2 : 1 gS tcfd A o B ds chp fuos'k dk in the ratio 2 : 1, whereas the ratio
vuqikr 3 : 2 gSA ;fn mudk dqy ykHk #i;s between amounts invested by A and B
1,573 gks] rks B dks fdruk /ku feysxk \ was 3 : 2. If their total profit is Rs. 1,573.
How much amount B will receive ?
(1) 363 #0 (1) Rs. 363
(2) 484 #0 (2) Rs. 484
(3) 605 #0 (3) Rs. 605
(4) 726 #0 (4) Rs. 726
69. ,d vkneh vius iq= ls 14 o"kZ vk;q esa cM+k 69. A man is 14 years older than his son.
gS] nks o"kZ ckn] mldh vk;q vius iq= dh After two years, his age will be twice
vk;q dh nqxquh gksxhA rks iq= dh orZeku vk;q the age of his son. The present age of
D;k gS \ his son is :
(1) 8 o"kZ (1) 8 years
(2) 10 o"kZ (2) 10 years
(3) 12 o"kZ (3) 12 years
(4) 14 o"kZ (4) 14 years
70. Ük`a[kyk esa =qfV iw.kZ la[;k Kkr dhft, % 70. Find the wrong number in the series :
10, 12, 28, 90, 360, 1850 10, 12, 28, 90, 360, 1850
(1) 12 (2) 28 (1) 12 (2) 28
(3) 90 (4) 360 (3) 90 (4) 360
71. 28 vke ds isM+ksa] 42 lsc ds isM+ksa o 21 larjs 71. There are 28 mango trees, 42 apple trees
ds isM+ksa dks iafDr ds vk/kkj ij bl izdkj ls and 21 orange trees have to be planted in
yxk;k tkuk gS fd blesa izR;sd iafDr esa dsoy rows such that each row contains the
,d gh izdkj ds leku la[;k esa isM+ gksaA rks same number of trees of one variety
lHkh isM+kas dks yxkus ds fy, U;wure iafDr;ksa only. The minimum number of rows in
dh la[;k gksxh % which the above trees may be planted is :
(1) 9 (2) 10 (1) 9 (2) 10
(3) 11 (4) 13 (3) 11 (4) 13
[ 17 ] [A]
72. A dh pky B ls nqxquh rFkk B dh pky C ls 72. A is twice as fast as B and B is thrice as
frxquh gS] ;fn fdlh nwjh dks C, 54 feuV esa fast as C. If some distance is covered by
r; djrk gS] rks B fdrus le; esa r; C in 54 minutes, then in how much time
djsxk \ will B cover ?
(1) 9 feuV (2) 18 feuV (1) 9 minutes (2) 18 minutes
(3) 12 feuV (4) 15 feuV (3) 12 minutes (4) 15 minutes
73. ;fn vk;rkdkj IykWV dh yEckbZ ,oa pkSM+kbZ 73. If the length and breadth of a
Øe'k% 50% rFkk 20% c<+kbZ tkrh gS] rks rectangular plot be increased by 50%
blds {ks=Qy esa fdrus xquk o`f) gksxh \ and 20% respectively, then how many
times will its area be increased ?
1 2 1 2
(1) (2) (1) (2)
3 3 3 3
1 4 1 4
(3) (4) (3) (4)
5 5 5 5
74. 10 yhVj nw/k esa 8% ikuh gS] blesa fdruk 74. 10 litres of milk contains 8% water. What
'kq) nw/k feyk;k tk, ftlls bl feJ.k esa quantity of pure milk should be added to
ikuh 4% jg tk;s \ this mixture to reduce this to 4% water ?
(1) 6 yhVj (2) 8 yhVj (1) 6 litres (2) 8 litres
(3) 10 yhVj (4) 15 yhVj (3) 10 litres (4) 15 litres
75. ;fn sin A − cos A = 0 gks] rks 75. If sin A − cos A = 0 , then the value of
4 4
sin A + cos A dk eku gksxk % sin 4 A + cos 4 A is :
(1) 0 (2) 1 (1) 0 (2) 1
1 3 1 3
(3) (4) (3) (4)
2 4 2 4
1 76. A
76. ,d uko] fuf'pr nwjh dks vuqioz kg esa boat covers a certain distance
2 1
?k.Vs esa r; djrh gS tcfd mlh nwjh dks downstream in hour, while it comes
okilh esa 1 ?k.Vs esa r; djrh gS ;fn unh back in 1
hours. If the speed of the
2 2
5 fdeh izfr ?k.Vk dh xfr ls cgrh gS] rks stream be 5 kmph. What is the speed of
fLFkj ikuh esa uko dh xfr Kkr dhft, % the boat in still water ?
(1) 10 fdeh@?k.Vk (2) 12 fdeh@?k.Vk (1) 10 kmph (2) 12 kmph
(3) 13 fdeh@?k.Vk (4) 15 fdeh@?k.Vk (3) 13 kmph (4) 15 kmph
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 18 ]
77. ;fn fdlh dksM Hkk"kk eas 'pit dar na' dk 77. If in a code language 'pit dar na' means
rkRi;Z ßrqe vPNs gksÞ] 'dar tok pa' dk "you are good", 'dar tok pa' means
rkRi;Z ßvPNk vkSj cqjkÞ 'tim na tok' dk "good and bad", 'tim na tok' means
rkRi;Z ßos cqjs gSaÞA mlh Hkk"kk eas ßosÞ ds fy, "they are bad". In the same language
dkSu&lk 'kCn gS \ which word stands for "they" ?
78. ;fn ^nf{k.k&iwoZ* dks ^iwoZ*] mÙkj&if'pe dks 78. If 'South-East' is called 'East', North-
^if'pe* ^nf{k.k&if'pe* dks ^nf{k.k* dgk West is called 'West' 'South-West' is
tkrk gS rFkk blh izdkj vkxs Hkh jgrk gS] rks called 'South' and so on, what will
^mÙkj* dks D;k dgk tk,xk \ 'North' be called ?
79. ,d rhu vadksa dh la[;k 4p3 esa 984 tksM+us 79. A three digit number 4p3 is added to
ij ,d pkj vadksa dh la[;k 13q7 izkIr gksrh 984 to get a four digit number 13q7. If
gSA ;fn 13q7, 11 ls HkkT; gS] rks (q – p) dk 13q7 is divisible by 11, then the value
eku gksxk % of (q – p) will be :
80. fn, x, lehdj.k dks larqfyr djus rFkk '*' 80. Select the correct combination of
fpUgksa ds izfrLFkkiu ds fy, xf.krh; fpUgksa dk mathematical signs to replace '*' signs
lgh Øe lewg pqfu, % and to balance the given equation :
9 * 7 * 2 * 3 * 10 9 * 7 * 2 * 3 * 10
[ 19 ] [A]
81. f[kykM+h] ftlus 2018 ds ,f'k;kbZ [ksyksa esa 81. The player who won the Gold medal in
Lo.kZ ind thrk % the Asian Games-2018 :
(1) usgk xks;y (1) Neha Goyal
(2) ctjax iwfu;k (2) Bajrang Punia
(3) fodkl Ñ".k ;kno (3) Vikas Krishan Yadav
(4) lhek iwfu;k (4) Seema Poonia
82. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh ufndk lkfgch esa 82. Which of the following rivulets does
lekfgr ugha gksrh gS \ not converge into Sahibi ?
(1) nksgu (2) dlkoVh (1) Dohan (2) Kasavati
(3) bUnkSjh (4) n`'k}rh (3) Indori (4) Drishadvati
83. {ks= ftlesa duZy tsjkMZ us 1857 ds Økafrdkfj;ksa 83. The region in which Colonel Gerrard
ds fo#) vkØe.k dk usrR` o fd;k % led the counter attack against 1857
revolutionaries :
(1) ikuhir (2) jksgrd (1) Panipat (2) Rohtak
(3) esokr (4) ukjukSy (3) Mewat (4) Narnaul
84. tux.kuk&2011 ds vk/kkj ij gfj;k.kk dh 84. The male literacy rate of Haryana as per
iq#"k lk{kjrk nj gS % the census-2011 is :
(1) 75.6% (2) 65.9% (1) 75.6% (2) 65.9%
(3) 84.1% (4) 71.4% (3) 84.1% (4) 71.4%
85. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdu jkT;ksa ds lkFk ^^dyslj 85. With which of the following states, the
jk"Vªh; ikdZ** viuh lhek lk>k djrk gS \ "Kalesar National Park" shares its
boundary ?
(i) fgekpy izns'k (i) Himachal Pradesh
(ii) mÙkjk[k.M (ii) Uttrakhand
(iii) jktLFkku (iii) Rajasthan
(iv) iatkc (iv) Punjab
lgh mÙkj pqfu, % Choose the correct answer :
(1) (i) rFkk (iv) (2) (i) rFkk (ii) (1) (i) & (iv) (2) (i) & (ii)
(3) (iii) rFkk (iv) (4) dsoy (iv) (3) (iii) & (iv) (4) Only (iv)
86. ia0 usdhjke 'kekZ ds ckjs esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls 86. Which of the following statements
dkSu&lk dFku vlR; gS \ about Pt. Neki Ram Sharma is not true ?
(1) ia0 usdhjke 'kekZ us fryd ds gkse:y (1) Pt. Neki Ram Sharma played a vital
vkanksyu esa egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkbZA role in the Home Rule Movement
of Lokmanya Tilak.
(2) vlg;ksx vkanksyu ds nkSjku mUgksaus
(2) He organized a public meeting of
fHkokuh esa xka/khth dh ,d tulHkk dk Gandhiji at Bhiwani during Non-
vk;kstu fd;k FkkA cooperation Movement.
(3) mUgksaus fHkokuh ls ,d lkIrkfgd ^lans'k* (3) He published a Hindi Weekly
izdkf'kr fd;kA 'Sandesh' from Bhiwani.
(4) 1952 ls 1956 rd oks jkT; lHkk ds (4) He was a Rajya Sabha Member
lnL; jgsA from 1952 to 1956.
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 20 ]
87. ^eq[;ea=h fookg 'kxqu ;kstuk* ds ckjs esa 87. Consider the following statements about
fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, % the 'Mukhya Mantri Vivah Shagun
Yojana' :
(a) ,d fo/kok dh iq=h ds fookg gsrq
(a) For the marriage of the daughter of
51,000 #i;s dk vuqnku fn;k tkrk a widow a grant of Rs. 51,000 is
gSA provided.
(b) ,slh fo/kok efgyk dh okf"kZd vk; ,d (b) The income of such widow lady
yk[k #i;s ls de gksuh pkfg,A must be less than one lac per annum.
mi;qZDr esa ls dkSu&lk dFku lgh gS@gSa \ Which of the above statements is/are
correct ?
(1) dsoy (a) lgh gSA
(1) Only (a) is correct.
(2) dsoy (b) lgh gSA
(2) Only (b) is correct.
(3) u rks (a) vkSj u gh (b) lgh gSA (3) Neither (a) nor (b) is correct.
(4) (a) rFkk (b) nksuksa lgh gSaA (4) Both (a) and (b) are correct.
88. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh Qly ^HkkokUrj 88. Which of the following crops does not
Hkjik;h ;kstuk* ds vUrxZr lfEefyr ugha gS \ cover under the 'Bhavantar Bharpayee
Yojana' ?
(1) xUuk (2) vkyw (1) Sugarcane (2) Potato
(3) VekVj (4) I;kt (3) Tomato (4) Onion
89. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk fpf=r /kwlj 89. Which of the following is a Painted
e`n~HkkaM ¼ih0 th0 MCY;w0½ LFky gS \ Grey Ware (PGW) site ?
(1) cukoyh (2) ckyw (1) Banawali (2) Balu
(3) Hkxokuiqjk (4) fHkjkuk (3) Bhagawanpura (4) Bhirrana
90. fuEufyf[kr dks lqefs yr dhft, % 90. Match the following :
dsUnz ftyk Center District
A. lsVa j vkWQ ,fDlysl a (i) dq#{ks= A. Center of Excellence (i) Kurukshetra
QkWj osftVscy for Vegetable
B. lsVa j vkWQ ,fDlysl a (ii) fljlk B. Center of Excellence (ii) Sirsa
QkWj ¶ykWolZ for Flowers
C. lsVa j vkWQ ,fDlysl a (iii) >T>j C. Center of Excellence (iii) Jhajjar
QkWj ÝwVl~ for Fruits
D. bafVxzsVsM ch&dhfiax (iv) djuky D. Integrated Bee-keeping (iv) Karnal
MsoyiesaV lsaVj Development Center
lgh dwV pqfu, % Choose the correct code :
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
[ 21 ] [A]
Hkkx – IV / PART – IV
funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A
Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
91. fo'o O;kikj laxBu (WTO) dc LFkkfir 91. When did WTO founded ?
gqvk \
(1) tuojh 1935 (1) January 1935
92. if'pe caxky fLFkr ^^lsy** (SAIL) dk LVhy 92. SAIL steel plant in West Bengal was
la;a= fdl ns'k dh lgk;rk ls LFkkfir fd;k established with the help of which
x;k \ country ?
93. fuEu esa ls dkSu dher ek¡x dh yksp dk 93. Which of the following factor is not a
fu/kkZjd rÙo ugha gS \ determining factor of Price Elasticity of
Demand ?
(3) oLrq ij [kpZ gksus okyk vk; dk Hkkx (3) Proportion of Income spent on
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 22 ]
94. fuEukafdr lwpuk ds vk/kkj ij] Je ds 94. What is the marginal product of the
rhljs ?k.Vs dk lhekUr mRiknu D;k gksxk \ third hour of labour, according to
following information ?
Je ds ?k.Vs dqy mRiknu lhekUr Hours of Total Marginal
mRiknu Labour Output Product
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 100 100 1 100 100
2 ? 80 2 ? 80
3 240 ? 3 240 ?
(2) 60 (2) 60
(3) 80 (3) 80
95. Hkkjrh; LVkWd cktkj ij izHkkoh fu;a=.k 95. Whose job is to take effective control
fdldk dk;Z gS \ over the Indian stock market ?
96. vf[ky Hkkjrh; Fkksd ewY; lwpdkad (WPI) dk 96. When the base year of All-India WPI
vk/kkj o"kZ 2004-05 ls 2011-12 dc has been revised from 2004-05 to
ifjofrZr fd;k x;k \ 2011-12 ?
[ 23 ] [A]
97. 'kwU; vk/kkfjr ctfVax D;k gS \ 97. What is the Zerobase budgeting ?
(1) vk; vkSj O;; esa vUrj 'kwU; gksA (1) Difference between income and
expenditure is zero.
(2) fdlh vk; izkfIr ds cxSj gh O;; izkjEHk (2) Start the expenditure without any
djukA income.
(3) izR;sd ckj ,d u;s fljs ls ctV cukukA (3) Making a budget every time with a
fresh start.
98. Hkkjr esa vuojr ;kstuk dh vof/k D;k Fkh \ 98. What was the timing of Rolling Plan in
India ?
(1) 1967-69 (2) 1978-80 (1) 1967-69 (2) 1978-80
(3) 1980-85 (4) 1975-80 (3) 1980-85 (4) 1975-80
(1) lHkh lalk/ku jkstxkj esa gksaA (1) the best resources are employed.
(2) mRikfnr oLrqvksa dh dqy ek=k vf/kdre (2) the total number of goods produced
gksA is greatest.
(3) oLrq,¡ U;wure ykxr ij mRikfnr gksa (3) goods are produced at least cost
,oe~ dksbZ lalk/ku cckZn ugha gqvk gksA and no resources are wasted.
(4) lalk/ku muds mPpre ewY;oku mi;ksx (4) resources are employed in their
esa yk, tk jgs gksaA most highly valued uses.
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 24 ]
101. ^^fujis{k vof/k** ;g Hkh dgykrh gS % 101. "Secular period" is also known as :
102. ;fn lhekUr ¼vfrfjDr½ volj ykxr fLFkj 102. If the marginal (additional) opportunity
gks] rks ih0 ih0 lh0 ¼mRiknu lEHkkouk oؽ cost is a constant, then the PPC would
gksxk % be :
103. o"kZ 2018-19 gsrq xsgw¡ dk U;wure leFkZu 103. What is the MSP (Minimum Support
ewY; (MSP) D;k gS \ Price) of wheat for 2018-19 ?
104. fuEukafdr esa ls dkSu-lh ,d ^dher izkIrdrkZ* 104. Which of the following is not a
dh fo'ks"krk ugha gS \ characteristic of a "price taker" ?
[ 25 ] [A]
106. forj.k ds lhekUr mRikndrk fl)kUr dk 106. Who has rendered the marginal
izfriknu fdlus fd;k \ productivity theory of distribution ?
(1) ts0 ch0 DykdZ (1) J. B. Clark
(2) dhUl (2) Keynes
(3) 'kqEihVj (3) Schumpeter
(4) fjdkMksZ (4) Ricardo
107. Hkkjr esa lkoZtfud {ks= miØeksa esa fofuos'k 107. When the disinvestment period started
vof/k dc izkjEHk gqbZ \ in public sector enterprises in India ?
(1) 1989-90 (2) 1990-91 (1) 1989-90 (2) 1990-91
(3) 1991-92 (4) 1992-93 (3) 1991-92 (4) 1992-93
108. flMch dk eq[;ky; dgk¡ gS \ 108. Where is the head quarter of SIDBI ?
109. cktkj dh dkSu-lh n'kk esa m|ksx ,oe~ QeZ esa 109. In which market, there is no difference
dksbZ vUrj ugha gksrk gS \ between the industry and the firm ?
(1) ,dkf/kdkj (1) Monopoly
(2) iw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk (2) Perfect competition
(3) viw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk (3) Imperfect competition
(4) };kf/kdkj (4) Duopoly
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 26 ]
110. vFkZ'kkL= esa mRiknu dks crkus okyk dFku 110. Which of the following is considered
dkSu-lk gS \ production in Economics ?
(1) vkuUn ds fy, ,d rLohj cukuk (1) Painting a picture for pleasure
(2) fe=ksa ds lkeus ,d xhr xkuk (2) Singing a song before friends
(3) feêh dh <qykbZ (3) Tilling of soil
(4) ,d cPps dks uydwi esa fxjus ls cpkuk (4) Preventing a child from falling into
a bore
111. o"kZ 2018 dk vkfFkZd foKku ds fy, ukscsy 111. Who won the Nobel prize for economic
iqjLdkj fdlus thrk \ science for 2018 ?
(1) fofy;e uksjMkml ,oe~ ikWy jksej (1) William Nordhaus and Poul Romer
(2) ihVj ,0 Mk;e.M ,oe~ Msy Vh0 (2) Peter A. Diamond and Dale T.
eksjVsUlu Mortensen
(4) vkWfyoj gkVZ ,oe~ csaXV gkWYeLVªkWe (4) Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström
112. vYikf/kdkj dk eksMn+ kj ek¡x oØ n`f"Vdks.k dh 112. The kinked demand curve model of
ekU;rk gS % oligopoly assumes that :
(1) dher esa ,d o`f) dk izR;qÙkj de gksxk] (1) The response to a price increase is
dher esa ,d deh ds izR;qÙkj lsA less than the response to a price
(2) dher esa ,d o`f) dk izR;qÙkj vf/kd (2) The response to a price increase is
gksxk] dher esa ,d deh ds izR;qÙkj lsA more than the response to a price
(3) dher esa deh ;k o`f) ds lkis{k ek¡x dh (3) The elasticity of demand is
yksp fLFkj gksxhA constant regardless of whether
price increases or decreases.
(4) ek¡x dh yksp dher o`f) esa iw.kZr;k (4) The elasticity of demand is
ykspnkj vkSj dher esa deh gksus ij perfectly elastic if price increases
iw.kZr;k csykspnkj gksxhA and perfectly inelastic if price
[ 27 ] [A]
113. ,d dEiuh }kjk ykHkka'k dh ?kks"k.kk dh tkrh 113. Dividend is announced by a company
gS % on :
(1) vfHknÙk iw¡th ij (1) Subscribed capital
(2) tkjh dh xbZ iwt¡ h ij (2) Issued capital
(3) vf/kÑr iw¡th ij (3) Authorized capital
114. Ðkleku lhekUr izfrQy ls rkRi;Z gS % 114. Diminishing marginal returns implies :
(1) Ðkleku vkSlr ifjorZu'khy ykxrsa (1) Decreasing average variable costs
(2) o`f)eku lhekUr ykxrsa (2) Increasing marginal costs
(3) Ðkleku vkSlr fLFkj ykxras (3) Decreasing average fixed costs
(4) Ðkleku lhekUr ykxrsa (4) Decreasing marginal costs
116. fuEukafdr leadksa ds fy, ^^Ðkleku lhekUr 116. For the following data "Diminishing
izfrQy** fdu bdkb;ksa ds e/; izkjEHk gksaxs \ marginal returns" start to occur between
units :
mRiknu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Output 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
dqy ykxr 240 330 410 480 550 610 690 Total cost 240 330 410 480 550 610 690
(1) 2 vkSj 3 (1) 2 and 3
(2) 3 vkSj 4 (2) 3 and 4
(3) 4 vkSj 5 (3) 4 and 5
(4) 5 vkSj 6 (4) 5 and 6
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 28 ]
(1) vU; oLrqvksa dh dher esa o`f) dk (1) Increase in the price of other goods
(2) ml oLrq dh dher esa o`f) dk (2) Increase in the price of goods
(3) miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k esa deh dk (3) Decrease in the number of
(4) Øsrk dh vk; esa deh dk (4) Decrease in the income of
119. eksVjlkbfdyksa ds foØsrkvksa dh la[;k esa ,d 119. An increase in the number of sellers of
o`f) ls o`f) gksxh % bikes will increase the :
(1) eksVjlkbfdyksa dh ek¡x esa (1) Demand for bikes
(2) eksVjlkbfdyksa dh dher esa (2) Price of a bike
(3) eksVjlkbfdyksa dh iwfrZ esa (3) Supply of bikes
(4) gsyesV dh ek¡x esa (4) Demand for helmets
120. ^^eku yhft;s tc dher 20 #i;s gksus ij] 120. "Assume that when price is 20 rupees,
ek¡xh xbZ ek=k 9 bdkbZ gS] vkSj tc dher the quantity demanded is 9 units and
19 #i;s gksus ij ek¡xh xbZ ek=k 10 bdkbZ when price is 19 rupees, the quantity
gSA** demanded is 10 units."
mijksDr lwpuk ds vk/kkj ij mRiknu esa 9 ls Based on this information, what is the
10 bdkbZ dh o`f) ds QyLo:i lhekUr marginal revenue resulting from an
vkxe fdruk gksxk \ increase in output from 9 to 10 units ?
(1) 1 (2) 10 (1) 1 (2) 10
(3) 19 (4) 20 (3) 19 (4) 20
[ 29 ] [A]
121. ,dkf/kdkjkRed izfr;ksfxrk dh vo/kkj.kk 121. Who gave the concept of Monopolistic
fdlus nh \ competition ?
(2) izkQ
s ls j psEcjfyu (2) Prof. Chamberlin
122. thMhih] vkfFkZd [kq'kgkyh dk vPNk ekid 122. GDP is not a very good measure of
ugha gS] D;ksafd % economic prosperity, because :
(i) ;g xSj ekSfnzd ysunsuksa dks lfEefyr ugha (i) It does not include non-monetized
djrk gSA transactions.
(iii) ;g i;; voØe.k dks lfEefyr (iii) It does not include environmental
ugha djrk gSA degradation.
(iv) thMhih dh O;; fof/k ,oe~ mRiknu fof/k (iv) The expenditure and production
ls fHkUu-fHkUu ifj.kke izkIr gksrs gSaA method to GDP yield different
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 30 ]
123. fo'o cSad _.k dh xkj.Vh nsus ds cnys D;k 123. What does the World Bank take against
ysrk gS \ guaranteed loans ?
124. ^ukckMZ* dh LFkkiuk fdl iapo"khZ; ;kstuk esa 124. 'NABARD' was founded in which five
gqbZ \ year plan ?
125. dkSu-lk lkaf[;dh ek/; pje ekuksa ls izHkkfor 125. Which statistical mean is not effected
ugha gksrk gS \ by marginal values ?
126. v)Z fodflr ns'kksa esa xjhch dk nq"pØ dSlh 126. The vicious cycle of poverty shows,
izo`fÙk n'kkZrk gS \ which kind of tendency in semi-
developed countries ?
[ 31 ] [A]
(1) eqnzkLQhfr dh nj ?kVk (–) ekSfnzd nj ds (1) Equals the rate of inflation minus (–)
cjkcj gksxh the nominal rate
(2) ekSfnzd nj ?kVk (–) eqnzkLQhfr nj ds (2) Equals the nominal rate minus (–)
cjkcj gksxh the rate of inflation
(3) ekSfnzd nj tksM+ (+) eqnzkLQhfr nj ds (3) Equals the nominal rate plus (+) the
cjkcj gksxh rate of inflation
128. fo'kq) ,dkf/kdkj esa dkSu-lk oØ vk;rkdkj 128. Which curve is rectangular hyperbola in
vfrijoy; gksrk gS \ pure monopoly ?
(1) AC (1) AC
(2) MC (2) MC
(3) AR (3) AR
(4) MR (4) MR
129. Hkkjr esa loZizFke ^ykxr ykHk fo'ys"k.k* dk 129. Who used first ever the 'cost benefit
mi;ksx fdlus fd;k \ analysis' in India ?
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 32 ]
130. lapj.k ra= n'kkZrk gS % 130. Transmission mechanism shows :
(1) vk; rFkk cpr esa lEcU/k dks (1) The relationship between income
and saving
(2) eqnzk cktkj rFkk oLrq cktkj esa lEcU/k (2) The relationship between money
dks market and goods market
(3) vk; rFkk miHkksx esa lEcU/k dks (3) The relationship between income
and consumption
(4) buesa ls dksbZ ugha (4) None of these
131. dYiuk dhft;s fd iw.kZ jkstxkj dh fLFkfr esa 131. Suppose there is full employment and
lexz iwfrZ yEcor gSA bl fLFkfr esa djksa esa aggregate supply is vertical. A decrease
fxjkoV ls % in taxes :
(1) dher Lrj rFkk okLrfod mRiknu ij (1) has no effect on the price level or
dksbZ izHkko ugha iM+sxkA real output.
(2) okLrfod mRiknu c<+sxk fdUrq dher Lrj (2) increases real output but has no
vizHkkfor jgsxkA effect on the price level.
(3) dher Lrj c<+sxk fdUrq okLrfod mRiknu (3) increases the price level but has no
vizHkkfor jgsxkA effect on real output.
(4) dher Lrj ,oe~ okLrfod mRiknu c<+saxsA (4) increases the price level and real
132. #i;s esa gkfy;k (2018) ewY;Ðkl ds dkj.k 132. What are the reasons for recent
D;k gSa \ depreciation in rupee (2018) ?
(i) fons'kh iksVQZ ksfy;ks fuos'k dk cfgxZeu (i) FPI outflows
(ii) jktdks"kh; ?kkVs esa mHkkj (ii) Fiscal deficit blues
(iii) phu vkSj la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk esa (iii) Trade war between USA and China
O;kikj ;q)
(iv) dPps rsy dh dherksa esa mcky (iv) Crude oil price boiling
lgh fodYi pqusa % Choose the correct option :
(1) dsoy (iv) (1) Only (iv)
(2) (ii) rFkk (iv) nksuksa (2) Both (ii) and (iv)
(3) dsoy (i), (ii) rFkk (iv) (3) Only (i), (ii) and (iv)
(4) (i), (ii), (iii) rFkk (iv) (4) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
[ 33 ] [A]
133. ^ysQj oØ* ds vuqlkj] dj dh nj esa o`f) 133. According to the 'Laffer curve' as the
(1) igys c<+sxk rRi'pkr~ ?kVsxk (1) initially increase and then decrease
(2) igys ?kVsxk rRi'pkr~ c<+sxk (2) initially decrease and then increase
134. Hkkjr dk tula[;k ?kuRo 2001 ,oe~ 2011 134. What was the population density of
135. ^flrEcj 2018 esa Hkkjr ljdkj us dbZ foyklh 135. "In 2018, September government of
oLrqvksa ij iz'kqYd c<+k;k* fdlfy, \ India hikes custom duty on many luxury
(3) MkWyj ds cká izokg ij fu;a=.k ds fy, (3) controlling outflow of dollar
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 34 ]
136. eqDr O;kikj ls D;k gkfu;k¡ gSa \ 136. What is the loss of "Free trade" ?
(i) f'k'kq m|ksxksa ij foijhr izHkko (i) Adverse effect on infant industries
(4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
137. lkoZtfud miØeksa ls ykHk lfEefyr gksrs gSa % 137. Profits from public sector undertakings
come under :
138. ykxr izsfjr LQhfr rc gksrh gS tc % 138. Cost push inflation occurs when :
(3) dPps eky dh ykxr c<+sxh (3) Cost of raw material increases
(4) lexz iwfrZ oØ nk;ha vksj foofrZr gksxk (4) Aggregate supply curve shifts to
the right
[ 35 ] [A]
139. Hkqxrku lUrqyu dh leLr izfof"V;k¡] lkewfgd 139. All entries in the balance of payments
(4) ldy jk"Vªh; mRikn ?kVk (–) ldy ?kjsyw (4) GNP minus (–) GDP
140. ;fn Jheku jke us jk"Vªh; y?kq cpr izek.k 140. If Mr. Ram buys a National Small
i= Ø; fd;k] rks fuEukafdr esa ls D;k ?kfVr Savings Certificate, which of the
gksxk \ following is likely to happen ?
(1) ljdkj dh vU; ns;rkvksa esa o`f) gksxh (1) Increase in the other liabilities of
the government
(2) ljdkj ds cktkj _.kksa esa o`f) gksxh (2) Increase in the government market
(3) ljdkjh jktLo esa o`f) gksxh (3) Increase in government revenue
(4) fons'kh eqnzk Hk.Mkj esa o`f) gksxh (4) Increase in forex reserves
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 36 ]
142. O;kikj dh vn`'; ensa] dkSu-lh dgykrh gS \ 142. Which items are called the invisible
items of trade ?
(iv) i;ZVu fØ;kvksa ls izkIr vk; (iv) Income from tourism activities
(4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
143. ;fn iw¡th mRikn vuqikr 5 : 1 gks] rks iw¡th 143. If the capital output ratio is 5 : 1, then
xq.kkad fdruk gksxk \ what will be the capital coefficient ?
(1) 5 (1) 5
(3) 25 (3) 25
144. cgqvk;keh xjhch lwpdkad 2018 fdlds }kjk 144. The Multidimensional Poverty Index
tkjh fd;k x;k \ (MPI) 2018 released by :
(2) ;w0 ,u0 Mh0 ih0 vkSj vks0 ih0 ,p0 (2) UNDP and OPHI
(3) fo'o cSd
a (3) World Bank
(4) vkbZ0 ch0 vkj0 Mh0 vkSj ;w0 ,u0 (4) IBRD and UNO
[ 37 ] [A]
145. vkbZ0 ,l0 & ,y0 ,e0 (IS-LM) izk:i 145. In the IS-LM framework, an increase in
esa] lok;= ljdkjh O;; esa ,d o`f) % autonomous government expenditure :
(1) vk; ,oa C;kt nj nksuksa esa deh ds :i (1) Will result in a decrease in both
esa gksxhA income and interest rates.
(2) vk; esa deh ,oa C;kt nj esa o`f) ds (2) Will result in a decrease in income
:i esa gksxhA and increase in interest rates.
(3) vk; ,oa C;kt nj nksuksa esa o`f) ds :i (3) Will result in an increase in both
esa gksxhA income and interest rates.
(4) vk; esa o`f) ,oa C;kt nj esa deh ds (4) Will result in an increase in income
:i esa gksxhA and decrease in interest rates.
146. dhUloknh fl)kUr esa csjkstxkjh dk dkj.k 146. The unemployment in the Keynesian
gksrk gS % model is caused by :
(2) ,l0 ds0 ,uthZ mYlku 'kks/k'kkyk (2) S. K. Energy Ulsan Refinery
(3) #osl 'kks/k'kkyk ¼vkcw /kkch½ (3) Ruwais Refinery (Abu Dhabi)
Level-3/3308 P. T. O.
[A] [ 38 ]
148. ,d ns'k dh vkarfjd {ks= esa dekbZ xbZ 'kq) 148. The net factor income earned within the
lk/ku vk; vko';d :i ls cjkcj gksxh % domestic territory of a country must be
equal to :
(2) lk/ku ykxr ij 'kq) ?kjsyw mRikn ds (2) Net Domestic product at factor cost
(3) cktkj dher ij 'kq) ?kjsyw mRikn ds (3) Net Domestic product at market
(4) lk/ku ykxr ij 'kq) jk"Vªh; mRikn ds (4) Net National product at factor cost
149. fdlkuks]a ?kjksa ,oe~ O;kolkf;d izfr"Bkuksa ds 149. Different rates of electricity bill for
fy,] fctyh ds fcy dh fofo/k njsa lEcfU/kr farmers, households and business
150. ^^v)Z fodflr ns'k fo'o dh xanh cfLr;k¡ 150. "Under developed countries are the slums
6. iz'uksa ds mÙkj] mÙkj i=d esa fu/kkZfjr [kkuksa dks dkys@uhys 6. Answers to questions in answer sheet are to be given by
ckWy IokbaV iSu ls iw.kZr;k Hkjuk gS] tSlk fd uhps fn[kk;k darkening complete circle using Black/Blue ball point pen
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vki }kjk fn;k x;k mÙkj xyr ekuk tk,xk] ;fn mÙkj okys The answer will be treated wrong, if it is marked, as given below :
[kkus dks fuEu izdkj ls Hkjrs gSa %
;fn ,d ls T;knk [kkuksa dks Hkj nsrs gSa rks vkidk mÙkj xyr If you fill more than one circle it will be treated as a wrong
ekuk tk,xkA answer.
7. jQ dk;Z iz'u&iqfLrdk esa bl iz;kstu ds fy, nh xbZ [kkyh txg ij gh djsaA (Rough work should be done only in the space
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8. lHkh mÙkj dsoy OMR mÙkj i=d ij gh vafdr djsaA vius mÙkj /;kuiwoZd vafdr djsaA mÙkj cnyus gsrq 'osr jatd ¼lQsn ¶Y;wM½ dk
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9. izR;sd iz’u ds fy, fn, x, pkj fodYiksa esa ls mfpr fodYi ds fy, OMR mÙkj i=d ij dsoy ,d o`Ùk dks gh iwjh rjg uhys@dkys
ckWy IokbaV iSu ls HkjsaA ,d ckj mÙkj vafdr djus ds ckn mls cnyk ugha tk ldrk gSA (Out of the four alternatives for each
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10. vH;FkhZ lqfuf’pr djsa fd bl mÙkj i=d dks eksM+k u tk, ,oa ml ij dksbZ vU; fu’kku u yxk,¡A vH;FkhZ viuk vuqØekad mÙkj i=d
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11. iz'u&iqfLrdk ,oa mÙkj i=d dk /;kuiwoZd iz;ksx djsa] D;ksafd fdlh Hkh ifjfLFkfr esa ¼iz'u&iqfLrdk ,oa mÙkj i=d ds Øekad esa fHkUurk
+ j½ nwljh iz'u iqfLrdk lSV miyC/k ugha djokbZ tk,xhA (Handle the Question Booklet and Answer Sheet with
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Number as given in the Question Booklet/Answer Sheet in the Signature Chart.)
13. vH;FkhZ dks ijh{kk gkWy@d{k esa izos’k i= vkSj igpku i= ds vfrfjDr fdlh izdkj dh ikB~;lkexzh] eqfnzr ;k gLrfyf[kr dkxt dh
ifpZ;k¡] istj] eksckby Qksu] bysDVªkWfud midj.k ;k fdlh vU; izdkj dh lkexzh dks ys tkus ;k mi;ksx djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA
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14. i;Zos{kd }kjk iwNs tkus ij izR;sd vH;FkhZ viuk izo’s k dkMZ ¼jksy ua0½ vkSj igpku i= fn[kk,¡A (Each candidate must show on
demand his/her Admit Card (Roll No.) and identity card to the Invigilator.)
15. dsUnz v/kh{kd ;k i;Zos{kd dh fo’ks"k vuqefr ds fcuk dksbZ vH;FkhZ viuk LFkku u NksMa+sA (No candidate, without special permission of
the Superintendent or Invigilator, should leave his/her seat.)
16. dk;Zjr i;Zos{kd dks viuk mÙkj i=d fn, fcuk ,oa gLrk{kj pkVZ ij nksckjk gLrk{kj fd, fcuk vH;FkhZ ijh{kk gkWy ugha NksMsx
+a As ;fn
fdlh vH;FkhZ us nwljh ckj gLrk{kj pkVZ ij gLrk{kj ugha fd, rks ;g ekuk tk,xk fd mlus mÙkj i=d ugha ykSVk;k gS vkSj ;g
vuqfpr lk/ku dk ekeyk ekuk tk,xkA OMR mÙkj i=d esa fu/kkZfjr LFkku ij lHkh vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk ck;sa gkFk ds vaxwBs dk fu’kku
yxk;k tkuk gSA vaxwBs dk fu'kku yxkrs le; bl ckr dk /;ku j[kk tk, fd L;kgh lgh ek=k esa gh yxkbZ tk, vFkkZr~ L;kgh dh
ek=k u rks cgqr vf/kd gks o u gh cgqr deA (The candidates should not leave the Examination Hall without handing over
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17. bysDVªkWfud@gLrpkfyr ifjdyd dk mi;ksx oftZr gSA (Use of Electronic/Manual Calculator is prohibited.)
18. ijh{kk gkWy esa vkpj.k ds fy,] vH;FkhZ foojf.kdk esa nh xbZ izfØ;k@fn’kk&funsZ’k o cksMZ ds lHkh fu;eksa ,oa fofu;eksa dk fo'ks"k /;ku j[ksAa
vuqfpr lk/kuksa ds lHkh ekeyksa dk QSlyk cksMZ ds fu;eksa ,oa fofu;eksa ds vuqlkj gksxkA (The candidates are governed by
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20. ijh{kk lEiUu gksus ij] vH;FkhZ d{k@gkWy NksM+us ls iwoZ mÙkj i=d d{k&i;Zos{kd dks vo’; lkSai nsaA vH;FkhZ vius lkFk bl
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