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EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Introduction to communication
systems, ECEg3152

By: Amanuel A.
Amanuel A. (M.Sc.)
1. Introduction
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

1.1. Introduction on Random Experiments

• Random experiment: its outcome, for some reason, cannot be
predicted with certainty.
 Examples: throwing a die, flipping a coin and drawing a
card from a deck.
• Sample space: the set of all possible outcomes, denoted by S.
Outcomes are denoted by E’s and each E lies in S, i.e., E ∈ S.
• A sample space can be discrete or continuous.
• Events are subsets of the sample space for which measures of
their occurrences, called probabilities, can be defined or
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A. 2
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

1.2. Random Variable

• Functions whose domain is a sample space and whose range is
a some set of real numbers is called random variables.
• Type of RV’s
 Discrete
• E.g. outcomes of flipping a coin etc
 Continuous
• E.g. amplitude of a noise voltage
at a particular instant of time

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

1.3. Random process

• A random process is a collection of time functions, or signals,
corresponding to various outcomes of a random experiment.
• For each outcome, there exists a deterministic function, which
is called a sample function or a realization.
Real number


Sample functions
or realizations
time (t) function)
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

1.4. Power Spectral Density

• In communication systems signals are used to communicate between
• The spectral density of the signals is used to characterize the
distribution of the signal’s energy or power, in the frequency domain
• This concept is particularly important when considering filtering in
communication systems while evaluating the signal and noise at the
filter output.
• The energy spectral density (ESD) or the power spectral density
(PSD) is used in the evaluation.
• Need to determine how the average power or energy of the process
is distributed in frequency.
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair
• The power spectral density (PSD) function Sx(f) of a signal x(t) is a function
of frequency that gives the distribution of the power of x(t) in the frequency
• The PSD is the Fourier transform of the auto-correlation function.
S x ( f )   Rx ( )e  j 2ft dt

Rx ( )  Ex(t ) x(t   )

• The power can be calculated from a random signal over a given band of
frequencies as follows: 
Total Power in x(t): P   S x ( f )df
Power in x(t) in range f1 - f2: P12   S x ( f )df
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

1.5. Time domain Vs Frequency Domain

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Introduction to
Communication Systems
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

What is a Communication System ?

• A communication system transfers an information bearing
signal from a source to one or more destinations.
• Radio
• TV
• Telephone (landline or wireless)
• Computer Network (terminal-computer or computer – computer)
• Radar
• Wireless Microphone

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Block Diagram of Communication Systems

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Components of communication systems:

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Signal Impairments in
Communication System
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• In communication system the transmitted signal is not received

as it is sent rather it is impaired due to 3 main reasons:
Attenuation, Distortion, Noise

• Discussions will be made on each cause in the next sections

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Noise in the
Communication System
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• The term noise refers to unwanted electrical signals that are

always present in electrical systems
• Changes the shape and amplitude of the transmitted signal
• Appropriate design is required to reduce the effect of noise

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

From the circuit

components of the
comm. Sys.

From the

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Shot noise, also called quantum noise, is the variation in a

signal that is caused by the quantized nature of the light and
electricity making up the signal.
• Thermal noise occurs in all transmission media and
communication equipment, including passive devices. It arises
from random electron motion
• The higher the temperature of the components or the medium,
the greater the level of thermal noise.

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• We can describe thermal noise as zero-mean Gaussian random

• A Gaussian process n(t) is a random function whose value n at
any arbitrary time t is statistically characterized by the
Gaussian probability density function

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

White Noise
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• The primary spectral characteristic of thermal noise is that its

power spectral density is the same for all frequencies of
interest in most communication systems
• A thermal noise source emanates an equal amount of noise
power per unit bandwidth at all frequencies
• Power spectral density G(f)

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Autocorrelation function of white noise is

• The average power P of white noise is infinite

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

 This noise is called White noise and is defined as an

uncorrelated noise process with equal power at all
 A noise that has the same power at all frequencies in the
range of ± ∞ would necessarily need to have infinite
 white  indicates all frequencies
 In practice communication systems work in a limited range of
 ex. bandwidth can be –W<f<W
 In such case the white noise is band limited

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Band Limited White
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Signal to Noise Ratio
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• SNR, is the ratio of meaningful signal power to noise power

• SNR=Pm/Pn where Pm= meaningful signal power Pn= noise power
• Ex: occurs consider a communication is done over a channel which has
bandwidth from 0-4kHz. The white noise in the system has psd of 0.001
milli watts/hertz. And the meaningful signal has power of 4 watts. Find
SNR (assume other noises are negligible)
Solution: f2

Noise power= P12  f1 S n ( f )df = 0 Hz 
0.001mW / Hzdf
SNR=4W/0.004W=1000=30dB (mostly described in dB)
 There are certain minimum allowed SNR values for different applications
 Commonly SNR >10dB

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Attenuation can be known as the power loss of a signal

travelling through any media.
• It is a natural phenomenon and occurred due to the wave
characteristics such as refraction, reflection and diffraction.
• For instance, sound waves containing our voice cannot be
heard at long distances due to attenuation.
• Naturally, attenuation happens exponentially with the travelled
distance. Hence, usually measured in decibels per unit length

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Amplifiers are used to remove the effect of attenuation and

repeaters are used to transmit the reconstructed signals.

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Distortion is known as the alternation of the original signal.

This may happen due to the properties of the medium.
• There are many types of distortion such as amplitude
distortion, harmonic distortion, and phase distortion.
• For electromagnetic waves polarization distortions also
occurs. When the distortion occurs, shape of the waveform is

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• For example, amplitude distortion happens if all the parts of

the signals are not equally amplified. This happens in wireless
transmissions because the medium get changed by the time.
The receivers should be able to identify these distortions.

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Types of Communication
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Based on Channel used communication systems are classified as

– Wired
– Wireless
• In wired communication the channel can be; coaxial cable, twisted
cable, fiber optic cable…
– Ex: Fixed phone (PSTN), Wired internet (LAN)
• In wireless communication the media used is air
– ex: TV, Radio, Mobile, bluetooth, Wifi, C share, Zapya, Xender…

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• There are three main types of propagation modes of wireless

 Ground wave propagation – for low frequency waves (less
than 2MHz)
 LOS propagation – for high frequency waves (>30 MHz)
 Sky wave propagation mode – long distance high
frequency waves (<30MHz)

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Graphical representation of propagation modes

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• There are three main types of communication based on duplexing

(set rule for the communication of a specific active pair).
– One way data communication only
– Rarely and carefully used as no back way to send error
– Examples :- live broadcasting (Radio and TV), interface of
keyboard in computer
2) Half Duplex
– Can send and receive but not at the same time. Example:-
3) Full Duplex
– Data can transfer in both direction simultaneously. Example :-

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Generally, based on the type of information it carry a

communication system can be:
– Analog or
– Digital
• An analog communication system transfers analog information from
a source to the sink.
• A digital communication system transfers digital information from a
source to the intended receiver (also called the sink).

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Based on Multiplexing (principle of serving multiple users )

communication systems can be classified as
– Time division multiple access (TDMA): d/t users different time
– Frequency division multiple access (FDMA): d/t users different
– Code division multiple access (CDMA): d/t users different code
• Based on transmission principle communication systems can be
classified as
– Base band- signal is transmitted with out frequency shifting
– Pass band – signal is transmitted by shifting the frequency to
higher frequency using modulation principle

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

2. Amplitude Modulation
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Introduction
• The purpose of a communication system is to transmit information
signals (baseband signals) through a communication channel
• The term baseband is used to designate the band of frequencies
representing the original signal as delivered by the input transducer
• To transmit the baseband signal an appropriate procedure is needed
to shift the range of baseband frequencies to other frequency ranges
suitable for transmission and a corresponding shift back to the
original frequency range after reception.
• The frequency shifted signal is pass band signal
• These frequency shifting and reverse processes are called the
process of modulation and demodulation

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Modulation is changing one or more of the characteristics of

a signal (known as the carrier signal) based on the value of
another signal (known as the information or modulating
signal) to produce a modulated signal.
• A carrier is a sinusoidal of high frequency with one of its
parameters (amplitude, phase, or frequency) is varied in
proportion to the message m(t)
• Modulation is the process of impressing a low-frequency
information signal (baseband signal )onto a higher frequency
carrier signal for transmission
• Modulation is done to bring information signals up to the
Radio Frequency (or higher) signal.
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
The need for modulation
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

d signal

Purpose of freq. translation

Frequency Multiplexing
Practicability of Antennas
Narrow Banding
Common Processing
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Frequency division multiplexing: Used to support multiple

transmissions via a single channel and to avoid interference

• With out modulation both signals are in the same range of

frequency and they interfere with each other.
• But they can be shifted to different range of frequency so that
both signals can be transmitted at the same time with out being
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Practicability of Antenna
o Transmitting very low frequencies require antennas with large length.
o Commonly antenna length is around quarter of the wavelength of the
transmitted signal.
o Low frequency high wavelength long antenna ×
o High frequency  low wavelength  shorter antenna 
o Ex: if f=1khz antenna length 75km and if f=1Ghz antenna length
• Narrow Banding
o Assume an audio range extends from 50 to 104 Hz
o The ratio of the highest to the lowest is 200
o Suppose we translate the audio signal to 106 + 50 Hz to 106 + 104 Hz. Now the
ratio is 1.01.
• Common Processing- similar applications shifted to a certain freq. range
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Amplitude modulation
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

 Amplitude Modulation (AM) is defined as a process in which

the amplitude of the carrier wave c(t) is varied about a mean
value, linearly with the base band signal m(t).
 The instantaneous value of the carrier amplitude changes
in accordance with the amplitude and frequency variations of
the modulating signal.
 The carrier frequency remains constant during the
modulation process, but its amplitude varies in accordance
with the modulating signal.
 An increase or a decrease in the amplitude of the modulating
signal causes a corresponding increase or decrease in both the
positive and the negative peaks of the carrier amplitude.
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

m(t) AM Modulator sAM(t)=(1+m(t))c(t)

Carrier Signal : Ac cos(2f c t )

Modulating Message Signal : m(t )

Ac [1  m(t )] cos(2f c t )
The AM Signal : s AM (t ) 
• For example if a carrier signal is described by
vc(t)=Ac cos ( 2πfc t )
• The modulating/base band/message signal m(t)is defined as
m(t)=Am cos (2π fm t )
• The amplitude of the carrier signal after modulation is given by:
= AC(1+ Am cos (2π fm t )) cos (2π fc t )
• Note that carrier signal can be sin wave vc(t)=Ac sin(2π f c t )
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• You may get different expressions of AM signal in different

• Do not get confused! The main concept is varying the amplitude
of the carrier signal with respect to the message signal
• Some common AM signal expressions include
 SAM (t)= (1+ m(t)) C (t )=(1+ m(t)) ACcos (2π fc t )
 SAM (t)= (AC+ m(t)) cos (2π fc t )
 SAM (t)= m(t)* c(t)=m(t)*AC cos (2π fc t )
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

A sinusoidal Carrier

A modulating wave form

Amplitude modulated signal

Note that the amplitude of the modulated

Int. comm. sys signalBy Amanuel
follows A. the shape the message signal
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair
• Ex: consider m(t)=Vm sin ( 2πfm t ) and c(t)= VC sin ( 2πfC t ) . find the
expression of the AM signal and sketch the graph.
• Solution: sAM(t)=(1+m(t))c(t)=VC(1+ Vm sin(2π fm t )) sin (2π fc t )

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Modulation index
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• The modulation index should be a number between 0 and 1

• If the value of m is grater than 1, causing distortion of the
modulated wave.
× ×
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• The modulation index can also computed by measuring the

maximum and minimum amplitudes of the modulated signal

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

 The Vmax and Vmin are obtained from the graph of the modulated

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Spectrum of AM signal
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• The spectrum of the AM signal is Fourier Transform (FT) of

• FT(sAM(t))=FT((1+m(t))c(t)) =c(f)+ Ac /2 *(m(f- fc )+m(f- fc ))
• Note this FT property

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Ex: the spectrum of the message signal is as shown in the

graph. Sketch the spectrum of the AM signal and show the

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Ex: Consider a voice message signal which has freq range

300-3000Hz (shown in the graph)is amplitude modulated with
carrier c(t)=cos(2π 28*10^5 t). Find the lowest and highest
frequencies of the modulated signal. Also find the spectrum
and bandwidth

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Solution

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

AM signal inTime Vs
Freq. domain
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

Types of AM
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

o Based on the sidebands used Am is classified into

o Double sideband AM Large Carrier(DSBAM-LC)
o Double sideband AM Suppressed Carrier(DSBAM-SC)
o Single sideband AM(SSBAM)
o Vestigial sideband AM(VSBAM)
o In DSB-LC, the carrier signal, LSB and USB are used

o In DSB-LC, BW=2fm and

o Total power= power of LSB +power of USB +power of carrier

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• DSB-SC intends to suppress the carrier signal in order to save

the power dissipated on the transmission of the carrier signal.
• The carrier component in full AM or DSB-LC does not convey
any information. Hence it may be removed or suppressed
during the modulation process to attain higher power
• The trade off of achieving a higher power efficiency using
DSB-SC is at the expense of requiring a complex and
expensive receiver due to the absence of carrier in order to
maintain transmitter/receiver synchronization.
• The receiver has to inject carrier by its own in order to detect
the original signal
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• In DSB-SC, BW=2fm and

• Total power= power of LSB +power of USB (no carrier
• So, DSB-LC saves power but complex receiver circuitry since
it has to inject carrier by itself. A compromise!

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

o SSB intends to only one sideband i.e either LSB or USB

 LSB and USB of an AM signal are mirror images of each other
 USB is a frequency shifted replica of m(t) and LSB is a
frequency inverted/shifted replica of m(t)
 both sidebands each contain the same message information,
hence either the LSB or USB could be removed (because they
both contain the same information).

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• In SSB, BW=fm and

• Total power in SSB = power of LSB =power of USB
• SSB has the ff. advantages
 Since one sideband and the carrier are suppressed power efficiency is
high. The power saved by suppressing one sideband and the carrier
can be used o transmit a strong single sideband which increase
 Saves BW, requires half of the spectrum needed in DSB-SC
 Reduces noise effect since noise power is psd of the noise*BW i.e less
BW less noise power
 Reduces frequency selective fading
• SSB main challenge is it requires complex receiver circuitry that injects carrier signal
for demodulation process.
• To avoid this challenge, a low amplitude carrier signal called pilot carrier is used along
with the single sideband signal. (instead of totally suppressing the carrier)

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

o VSB uses one sideband and a vestige /portion of the other

o Single-sideband modulation works satisfactorily for an information-
bearing signal (e.g. speech signal).
o However, for the spectrally efficient transmission of wideband
signals, we have to look to a new method of modulation for two
→Typically, the spectra of wideband signals (exemplified by television
video signals and computer data) contain significant low
frequencies, which make it impractical to use SSB modulation.
→The spectral characteristics of wideband data befit the use of DSB-
SC. However, DSBSC requires a transmission bandwidth equal to
twice the message bandwidth, which violates the bandwidth
conservation requirement.

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• VSB uses one sideband and a vestige /portion of the other

• Single-sideband modulation works satisfactorily for an information-
bearing signal (e.g. speech signal).
• However, for the spectrally efficient transmission of wideband
signals, we have to look to a new method of modulation for two
→Typically, the spectra of wideband signals (exemplified by television
video signals and computer data) contain significant low
frequencies, which make it impractical to use SSB modulation.
→The spectral characteristics of wideband data befit the use of DSB-
SC. However, DSBSC requires a transmission bandwidth equal to
twice the message bandwidth, which violates the bandwidth
conservation requirement.

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

o To overcome these two practical limitations, we need a

compromise method of modulation that lies somewhere
between SSB and DSB-SC in its spectral characteristics.
Vestigial sideband, is that compromise scheme.
o Vestigial sideband (VSB) modulation distinguishes itself from
SSB modulation in two practical respects:
→1. Instead of completely removing a sideband, a trace or
vestige of that sideband is transmitted; hence, the name
“vestigial sideband.”
→2. Instead of transmitting the other sideband in full, almost
the whole of this second band is also transmitted.

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• In VSB, BW=fm + fv where fv =βfm

• Total power in SSB = β * power of LSB + power of USB
• For example if we consider β=0.25, BW=1.25fm which is
between the SSB bandwidth, fm , and DSB-SC bandwidth, fm .

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

carrier LSB
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Hence, the spectrum of DSB-LC is

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• The recovery of the baseband signal, a process referred to as

demodulation or detection, is accomplished by envelope
 Consist of a diode and a resistor-capacitor (RC) filter.
• The very great merit of the amplitude modulated signal is the
ease with which the baseband signal can be recovered

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• Assume that the diode is ideal

• The capacitor voltage have the form shown below

Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• On a positive half-cycle of the input signal, the diode is

forward-biased and the capacitor C charges up rapidly to the
peak value of the input signal.
• When the input signal falls below this value, the diode
becomes reverse-biased and the capacitor C discharges slowly
through the load resistor R.
• The discharging process continues until the next positive half-
cycle The discharging process continues until the next positive
• When the input signal becomes greater than the voltage across
the capacitor, the diode conducts again and the process is
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair

• AM is good in spectral efficiency

– Ex: a 4kHz BW can be used for a 4kHz message signal in SSB
• But poor in noise tolerance
– Ex: an AM radio signal has poor quality
• Which would you prefer FM 102.2 or AM 102.2 to get better radio
signal quality?
– Of course FM 102.2 has better signal quality
• Why?
– Because it uses Frequency modulation which is designed
with better noise tolerance – An issue in the Next chapter
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.

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