Introduction to communication
systems, ECEg3152
By: Amanuel A.
Amanuel A. (M.Sc.)
1. Introduction
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair
Sample functions
or realizations
time (t) function)
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair
Rx ( ) Ex(t ) x(t )
• The power can be calculated from a random signal over a given band of
frequencies as follows:
Total Power in x(t): P S x ( f )df
Power in x(t) in range f1 - f2: P12 S x ( f )df
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair
From the
• Introduction
• The purpose of a communication system is to transmit information
signals (baseband signals) through a communication channel
• The term baseband is used to designate the band of frequencies
representing the original signal as delivered by the input transducer
• To transmit the baseband signal an appropriate procedure is needed
to shift the range of baseband frequencies to other frequency ranges
suitable for transmission and a corresponding shift back to the
original frequency range after reception.
• The frequency shifted signal is pass band signal
• These frequency shifting and reverse processes are called the
process of modulation and demodulation
d signal
• Practicability of Antenna
o Transmitting very low frequencies require antennas with large length.
o Commonly antenna length is around quarter of the wavelength of the
transmitted signal.
o Low frequency high wavelength long antenna ×
o High frequency low wavelength shorter antenna
o Ex: if f=1khz antenna length 75km and if f=1Ghz antenna length
• Narrow Banding
o Assume an audio range extends from 50 to 104 Hz
o The ratio of the highest to the lowest is 200
o Suppose we translate the audio signal to 106 + 50 Hz to 106 + 104 Hz. Now the
ratio is 1.01.
• Common Processing- similar applications shifted to a certain freq. range
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair
A sinusoidal Carrier
The Vmax and Vmin are obtained from the graph of the modulated
• Solution
carrier LSB
Int. comm. sys By Amanuel A.
EiT-M , School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering Chair