Applied Electronics 2-New Final Handout
Applied Electronics 2-New Final Handout
Applied Electronics 2-New Final Handout
o Introduction:
What do we mean by open loop systems? What about a feedback system?
• Open loop systems are systems which are open ended and no attempt is
made to compensate for changes in circuit conditions or load conditions
due to changes in circuit parameters such as gain and stability,
temperature, supply voltage variations and/or external disturbances.
• But the effect of these open loop variations can be eliminated or at least
considerably reduced by the introduction of feedback.
• Thus, feedback system is one in which the output signal is sampled and
then fed back to the input to form an error signal that drives the system.
• Feedback Systems are very useful and widely used in amplifier circuits,
oscillators, process control systems as well as other types of electronic
• Block diagram of the feedback system is shown below.
Xi + Xo
Open loop
Xe gain(A)
𝑿𝒐 𝑨
𝑿𝒊 𝟏± 𝑨 β
o This basic feedback loop of sensing, controlling and actuation is the main concept
behind a feedback control system and there are several good reasons why
feedback is applied and used in electronic circuits.
o There are two ways of “feeding back” the output to the input terminal namely:
I. Positive(regenerative) feedback: feedback signal is added to the input signal as
the feedback is in phase with the input.
- its effect is to increase the gain.
- the output quickly saturates b/c “more leads to more” and “less leads to less”.
II. Negative(degenerative) feedback: feedback signal is subtracted from the
input signal as the feedback is out of phase with the input.
- its effect is to reduce the gain.
- produces stable circuit responses because with negative feedback loops,
“more leads to less” and “less leads to more”.
a) Voltage amplifier: it is thevenin’s equivalent circuit @ its input and o/p.
if Ri >> Rs Vi ΞVs and
b) RL >> Ro Vo=AvVi = AvVs
c) thus for such type of amplifier,
output voltage is proportional to input
voltage, independent of the source
and load resistances, and hence the
name voltage amplifier.
ideal voltage amplifier has Ri infinity
and Ro zero.
b) Current amplifier: if amplifier input resistance is zero, then Ii = Is.
if Ro infinity, then IL = AiIi.
thus such type of amplifier provides an output current which is
proportional to the input current and is independent of source and output
resistance. current amplifier.
It has Norton's equivalent circuit at its input and output terminals.
fig. Norton's equivalent circuit of current amplifier
c) Transconductance amplifier:
here, output current is
proportional to input voltage
and proportionality factor is
independent of source and
output resistance values.
it has thevenin’s equivalent @ the input and Norton's equiv. @ the o/p.
this type of amplifier is called transconductance amplifier.
this amplifier has infinite input resistance, Ri and infinite output
resistance Ro. Ri >> Rs and Ro >> RL.
d)Trans-resistance amplifier:
here, the output voltage is
proportional to the input
current, independent of
source and output resistance
It has Norton's equivalent at the input and thevenin’s equivalent at the o/p.
Rs >> Ri and RL >> Ro. trans-resistance amplifier.
fig b. trans-conductance amplifier with current series feedback
Gain with feedback:
A – transfer gain of basic amplifier without feedback.
Af– transfer gain of basic amplifier with feedback.
A = , Af = where, Xo is output voltage or output current
Xi input voltage or input current
Xs source voltage or source current
As it is a negative feedback, relationship b/n Xi and Xs is given by:
Xi = Xs – Xf , Xs = Xi + Xf., Xf- feedback voltage/current
Af = , dividing by Xi to numerator and denominator, we get,
Af= = but A = open loop gain
= = Af = where, β = = feedback factor
N.B. gain with feedback is smaller than gain without feedback.
if |Af|< |A| - feedback is negative or degenerative
If |Af| > |A| - positive or regenerative feedback
Loop gain:
The difference signal, Xd multiplied by A in passing thr’ amplifier
multiplied by β in passing thr’ feedback ntwk multipied by -1 in the mixing
network/ difference network.
This path makes a loop with gain of the loop = -βAwhich is called loop
gain or return ratio.
The difference b/n unity and loop gain is called return difference, D.
D = 1+βA.
De-sensitivity of Gain:
• The transfer gain of the amplifier is not constant as it depends on factors
such as operating point, temperature etc.
• This lack of stability can be reduced by introducing negative feedback.
• We know that, Af =
• Differentiating both sides wrt A, =
dividing both sides by Af,
Where, is fractional change in amplification with feedback
is fractional change in amplification without feedback
Thus, from the above equation, change in transfer gain with feedback is
less than gain without feedback by a factor of
the fraction is called sensitivity of transfer gain.
The desensitivity of gain is given by, D =1 + βA.
If D increases, stability of amplifier increases.
i.e. if 1 <<βA, then Af = w/c is dependent only on the feedback network.
Since A represents either AV , GM, AI or RM, Af represents the corresponding
transfer gain with feedback.
Avf= ……………… Voltage gain is stabilized.
Gmf= ………….. Transconductance gain is stabilized
RMf= ……………… Transresistance gain is stabilized
AIf= ……………….. Current gain is stabilized
Cut –off frequency with feedback:
fLf = …….lower cut-off frequency with feedback
fHf = ……… upper cut-off frequency with feedback
where, fL and fH are lower and upper cutt-off frequencies without feedback.
Input and Output resistances
1) Input resistance:
if the feedback signal is added to the input in series with the applied
voltage regardless of the sampler network, then its input resistance
reason:Vf opposes Vs Ii(input current) decreases.
thus, Rif = increases
If the feedback is applied in shunt with the source regardless of the
sampling network, it decreases the input resistance.
reason: Is=If + Ii Is increases with feedback
thus Rif = decreases.
fig. amplifier with series mixer fig. amplifier with shunt mixer. 16
1) Voltage series feedback:-
2) N.B. Rif=
=> but most of the time, RL>> Ro. Vo = . ……. (2) which is
open circuit voltage gain without feedback.
Substitute equation (2) in (1);
Vs = IiRi + βAvVi = IiRi + βAvIiRi.
= Ii(Ri+ βAvRi) 17
Exercise: try to drive the formula for Rif for current series feedback in the
same way as the above. N.B. Rif = and make us of Io, GM, finally
Rif = Ri(1 + βGM)
2) Current-shunt feedback:
N.B. Rif =
applying VCL to the input loop;
Is = I i + I f
Is = Ii + βIo. …… (1)
Output resistance:
The negative feedback which samples the output voltage( i.e voltage
sampler), regardless of the mixer network tends to decrease the output
The negative feedback which samples the output current( i.e current
sampler), regardless of the mixer network tends to increase the output
Apply KCL to the output node, we get:
The input current is given as, = = βI……….(2)
Substituting equation (2) in (1), we get:
V = RoI( 1 + βAi)
thus, w/c increases with feedback
Exercise: prove that for current series feedback, .
Summary of effects of negative feedback on amplifiers
parameters Voltage Current Current shunt Voltage shunt
series series
Gain with feedback decreases decreases decreases decreases
Stability improves improves improves improves
Frequency improves improves improves improves
Frequency reduces reduces reduces reduces
Noise and non reduces reduces reduces reduces
linear distortion
Input resistance increases increases decreases decreases
Output resistance decreases increases increases decreases
Methods of identifying feedback topology and analysis of the feedback
Go through the following steps.
Step 1: identify topology (type of feedback)
a) to find the type of sampling network:
I. By shorting the output (i.e Vo = 0), if feedback signal, Xf becomes zero
it is voltage sampling
II. by opening the output loop (i.e Io=0), if the feedback signal becomes
zero it is current sampling.
b) to find the type of mixing network:
III. If the feedback signal is subtracted from the externally applied signal as
a voltage in the input loop it is series mixing.
IV. If it is subtracted as a current shunt mixing.
thus, by identifying the type of sampling and mixing networks, the type
of the feedback amplifier can be determined.
Step 2: find the input circuit
I. For voltage sampling, make Vo = 0 by shorting the output.
II. For current sampling, make Io = 0 by opening the output.
Step 3: find the output circuit
I. For series mixing, make Ii = 0 by opening the input loop
II. For shunt mixing make Vi = 0 by shorting the input.
Steps 2 and 3 insures that the feedback is reduced to zero.
Step 4: replace each active device by its h-parameter model (optional).
Step 5: find the open loop gain(gain without feedback), A.
Step 6: indicate Xf and Xo on the ckt and evaluate β= Xf/Xo.
Step 7: from A and β, evaluate D, Af, Rif, Rof, e.t.c
Analysis of feedback amplifiers
1) Transistor Emitter Follower(voltage series feedback):
step 1: a) by shorting output voltage(Vo = 0) Vf
becomes zero voltage sampler.
b) Vf is subtracted from Vs series
mixing. Hence it is voltage series
feedback amplifier.
Steps 2 and 3:
make Vo = 0 by shorting Re(Ro) Vs appears in series with Rs between B
and E(input circuit) .
Set Ii = Ib = 0, Re appears only in the output loop (output circuit)
Step 4: replace with h-parameter equivalent circuit.
Steps 2 and 3:
Step 4 : gain is multiplication of the two cascaded gains.
Step 5:
Step 6: find the other parameters
3) Current series feedback: common emitter configuration with
open output loop Vf=0. thus
current sampler.
looking at the circuit, Vf is
subtracted from Vs, thus series
Steps 2 and 3:
Step 4: h-parameter equivalent circuit
= -0.015
Finally, calculate the remaining parts.
Exercise: for the following circuits,
a) state topology with justification
fig 1 fig 2
for fig 1
by opening the output loop at emitter of Q2(Io=0), feedback signal becomes zero.
current feedback.
Is=Ii + If shunt mixer
For fig 2
By shorting output voltage, feedback signal becomes zero voltage sampler
Is=Ii + If shunt mixing
1) A feedback amplifier has open loop gain of 600 and feedback factor of
β=0.01. find closed loop gain with negative feedback.Ans:85.71
2) Distortion in an amplifier with negative feedback is found to be 3% when
feedback ratio is 0.04. when the feedback is removed , distortion
becomes 15%. Find the open and closed loop gains. (N.B. )
Ans: A = 100
3) An amplifier with open loop gain of is is necessary to have an
amplifier whose voltage gain varies by not more than 0.2%. Calculate β
and Af. N.B. use ans: Af = 53.33
4) For the ff circuit,
hfe= 100, hie =1K, hre= hoe=0
RMf=Vo/Is, Avf=Vo/Vs, Rif
Ans: RMf=-8.031K , Avf=-8.03
Rif =901.5Ω
Chapter 2
Differential amplifiers
1. Block diagram of an op-amp:
Fundamentals of differential amplifier
Why differential ? b/c it amplifies the difference voltage.
Differential gain
Common mode gain we will see it in the coming classes in
Transistorized differential amplifier
It uses emitter biased identical circuits with identical characteristics.
fig. dual input balanced output fig. differential mode of operation
differential amplifier
a) Differential mode:
The two input signals are different from each other.
assume the two input signals have same magnitude but out of phase by
1800. use center tapped transformer as shown in the above figure.
A positive going signal is applied on the base of Q1 and a negative going
signal is applied on base of Q2.
Thus, Vs1 is +ve going Vc1 is a –ve going and amplified version of Vs1,
as Vs1 increases, current thr’ RE also increases +ve going signal is
developed across RE.
And Vs2 is –ve going a Vc2 is +ve going and amplified version of Vs2.
a –ve going signal develops across RE.
Signal voltages across RE due to the effect of Q1 and Q2 are equal and
out-of-phase due to matched transistors they sum up to zero no
signal across the emitter resister.
Vo is taken across the two collector terminals these signal are equal in
magnitude and opposite in phase. but Vo = Vc1 – Vc2, which is twice
the signal measured from either of the collector terminals to ground.
This is differential mode.
Common mode of operation
The two base voltages are equal in magnitude and phase thus signals
at the emitter of the two transistors add up this current across RE
produces negative feedback which reduces the common mode gain of the
differential amplifier.
fig. common mode operation
Types of differential amplifiers
It can be used in four different configurations.
Dual input , balanced output differential amplifier.
Dual input, unbalanced output differential amplifier.
Single input, balanced output differential amplifier.
Single input, unbalanced output differential amplifier.
The differential amplifier uses two transistors in common emitter
Balanced (double ended) output: if the output is taken between the two
collector terminals. 37
Unbalanced (single ended) output: if the output is taken between one
collector with respect to ground.
Dual input: if signal is given to both the input terminals.
Single input: if one of the input terminals is grounded.
N.B. out of these four configurations, the dual input, balanced output is the
basic differential amplifier configuration.
DC analysis of differential amplifier
DC analysis means to obtain the operating point values, ICQ and VCEQ for the
transistors used.
This is done by making the ac input signal zero and connecting each input
terminal to ground.
Assumptions: RS1 = RS2 denoted by RS.
The transistors Q1 and Q2 are matched transistors. So for a matched
transistor we have:
both transistors have the same characteristics
RE1 = RE2 hence RE = RE1 || RE2
RC1 = RC2 denoted by RC
|VCC| = |VEE| and both are measured wrt ground. 38
since the two transistors are
exactly matched, it is enough to
find the operating point values
( ICQ and VCEQ) for any one of
the two transistors.
applying KVL to the base-emitter
loop, we have:
Ic = βIB, Ic = IE.
fig. DC equivalent circuit I B = IE/β…….substituting this,
- IERS/β –VBE –2IERE + VEE = 0
For the known value of VEE, RE determines the value of IE.
IE is independent of collector resistance, Rc.
Now, let us determine VCE.
since IC = IE,
Neglecting the drop across RS, VE = -VBE.
hence , IC = IE = ICQ, and VCE =VCEQ for a given values of VCC and VEE.
N.B. In the above equation, the sign of VEE is already considered to be
negative while driving the formula. So to solve any problem using this
equation, use the magnitude of VEE only.
Thus for both the transistors, we can determine the operating point values
as follows.
Example: for the circuit shown below, calculate the operating point values.
VBE = 0.7V
ans: ICQ = 1.712 mA
VCEQ = 4.653 V
thus, Q point is:
(1.712mA , 4.653V)
AC analysis of differential amplifiers using h-parameters
here, we will calculate the differential gain, Ad, the common mode gain,
Ac, input resistance, Ri, and output resistance, Ro.
a) Differential Gain, Ad:
For the differential calculation, the two input signals must be d/t from
each other.
Let the two ac input signals be equal in magnitude & out of phase by
The two emitter currents Ie1 & Ie2 are equal and out of phase they cancel
each other. Thus, for the ac purpose, the emitter terminal can be
The ac small signal differential amplifier circuit with grounded emitter is
shown below.
Assume that, VS1 = VS2 = VS/2.
We will analyze the circuit using only
one transistor half circuit concept
of analysis.
the approximate hybrid model for the above circuit is shown below.
The –ve sign indicates the phase difference between the input and the out
put terminals.
Now the two input signals are equal in magnitude but out of phase.
thus, VS1 = VS2 = VS/2 Vd = Vs1 – VS2 = VS/2 –(–VS/2) = VS.
Hence, the magnitude of the differential gain, Ad is:
b) Common mode gain:
Both input signals are equal in magnitude and are inphase.
Thus, Vd = 0, Vc = average value of the two.
N.B. the common mode gain, Ac, remains the same whether the output is
balanced or unbalanced.
c) CMRR:
The expression for CMRR can be obtained from Ad and Ac.
This CMRR is for dual input balanced output amplifier circuit.
d) Differential input impedance, Ri :
It is the equivalent resistance b/n one of the input and the ground when
the other input terminal is grounded.
Hence, Ri = Vs/Ib.
But referring to equation (1), Ri can be written as:
For one transistor and input pair, Ri = RS + hie. But for two input circuit, the
total input resistance is twice .
e) Output impedance, Ro :
It is defined as the equivalent resistance between one of the output
terminals with respect to ground. thus,
Conclusion: summary for differential amplifier circuit configurations
Dual input , balanced output
Dual input, unbalanced output for all of them R o = Rc
Single input, balanced output R in = 2(Rs + hie)
Single input, unbalanced output
Methods of Improving CMRR
• The higher the value of CMRR, the better is the performance of the
differential amplifier.
• Effect of RE :
- To improve the CMRR, the common mode gain, AC, must be reduced.
- The common mode gain approaches zero as RE tends to infinity.
- This is because RE introduces negative feedback in the common mode
operation which reduces the common mode gain, Ac.
- Thus, the higher the value of RE, the lower is the value of Ac and the
higher is the value of CMRR.
- The differential gain, Ad, is independent of RE.
• but practically RE can not be selected very high due to certain limitations
such as;
- Large RE requires high biasing voltage to set the operating Q point of the
- This increases the overall chip area.
o Hence, practically instead of increasing RE, various other methods are used
which provide the effect of increased RE without any limitations. Such two
methods are given below.
I. Constant current bias method
II. Use of current mirror circuit.
Exercise: please try to examine the above two methods of increasing CMRR in
Chapter 3
Operational Amplifier Basics
• What is an operational amplifier ?
An Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp) is an integrated circuit that uses
external voltage to amplify the input through a very high gain.
• Why is it called operational ?
b/c they were originally used to perform mathematical operations such as
adding, subtracting, integrating, differentiating signals …
Practical op amp
o Schematic representation of practical op amp and its ac equivalent circuit
are shown below.
Vd Ri AV d Vo
V2 _
Circuit model
a. Ideal op amp representation b. it’s ac equivalent circuit
• Its ac equivalent circuit is shown below.
a) ac equivalent circuit
solving the circuit using superposition theorem,
i. For source V1 only (-AvVi set to zero):
• If Av >> 1, and AvR1 >> Rf, then:
Note: we can also calculate this relationship using the virtual ground
concept as shown below.
ii. Finding the amplifier gain using virtual ground concept:
We have said that, Av is very large number and Vo = AvVi. thus, to obtain,
say for example 10 V, output voltage, we need very small input voltage, Vi.
The value of Vi is very small and thus may be considered as 0-V.
Thus Vi ≈ 0 the amplifier has a virtual ground( virtual short circuit) at the
input of the amplifier.
There is no current flow through the virtual short circuit.
Common-Mode Operation
• Same voltage source is applied +
at both terminals
• Ideally, two input are equally
V o
• Output voltage is ideally zero
due to differential voltage is
V i ~
• Practically, a small output
signal can still be measured Note for differential circuits:
Opposite inputs : highly amplified
Common inputs : slightly amplified
Common-Mode Rejection
Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)
Differential voltage input :
Vd V V Input +
Common voltage input : Inverting
1 Input
Vc (V V )
2 Common-mode rejection ratio:
Ad A
Output voltage : CMRR 20 log10 d (dB)
Ac Ac
Vo AdVd AcVc
When Ad >> Ac or CMRR
Ad : Differential gain
Vo = AdVd
Ac : Common mode gain
CMRR Example
What is the CMRR?
100V + 100V +
80600V 60700V
20V 40V
Solution :
practical op-amp circuits
An op-amp can be connected in various connection types to provide
different characteristics.
1) Inverting amplifier:
is the most commonly used constant gain amplifier circuit.
Its gain depends on input and feedback resistor values (R1 and Rf).
Output is inverted and amplified version of the input signal.
Example: given that, the above figure has it’s parameter values as follows.
R1 = 100 kΩ, Rf = 500 kΩ, V1 = 2 V, then find Vo.
Vo = -10 V
2) Non-inverting amplifier:
here is the non-inverting amplifier circuit with its equivalent ac
Clearly, the relation ship between the input and output voltages is given by:
Example: for the above non-inverting amplifier, find the output voltage given the
following parameters.
V1 = 2 V, Rf = 500 kΩ, R1 = 100 kΩ
Solution: Vo = + 12 V
3) Unity Follower(Buffer):
Has unity gain with no phase reversal.
The circuit operates like an emitter (source) follower.
Used to isolate circuits or devices from one another and prevents undesired
fig. a) unity follower b) in it’s virtual ground equivalence
4) Summing Amplifier:
Let us take a three input summing amplifier as shown below.
Also called inverting adder.
Example: find the output voltage of a summing amplifier for the following
sets of input parameters. Use Rf = 1 MΩ
Solution: Vo = -7 V
5) Integrator:
This occurs when the feedback component used is a capacitor.
Where s = jω is the Laplace notation.
Now solving for Vo/V1 yields,
Rewriting the above equation in time domain:
a) 1 MΩ b) 100 k Ω
The output voltage for 100 k Ω is more steeper than 1 M Ω.
more than one input can be applied to an integrator with the resulting
output voltage in the form of the following.
6) Differentiator:
fig. differentiator
The resulting output voltage is given by:
The scale factor is –RC.
High frequency noise can produce a derivative whose magnitude is
comparable to that of the signal.
Most of the time high pass filter is used to eliminate the noise.
Op-amp specifications – DC offset parameters
Ideally, when input voltage is zero, output voltage has to be zero as well.
But in practice there is some offset voltage at the output.
This is because during manufacturing, the differential input transistors of
real op-amps may not be exactly matched.
thus even though the external input sources are the same, there is an
output offset(error) voltage due to this input offset voltage.
Thus, taking the commonly used practical circuit , we will drive the
formula for Vo(offset).
it is clear that the formula for the output offset voltage due to this input
offset voltage is given by:
The compensating resistance Rc is approx. equal to R1. now taking the
total output offset voltage due to the two input currents, we get:
b/c Rc =R1.
But the main consideration is based on the input bias current, we define
IIO as;
Thus the total offset output voltage is due to the factors of the input offset
voltage and current. The absolute magnitude is used. 73
• Example: calculate the total offset voltage for the following circuit. The op-
amp specification lists VIO = 4mV, IIO = 150 nA.
VO(offset total) = 479 mV
you can determine the separate input bias currents using the specified
values of IIO and IIB using the above formulas.
Op-amp specifications – frequency parameters
An op-amp is designed to have a high gain, wide bandwidth amplifier.
This operation tends to be unstable (oscillate)due to positive feedback.
To insure stable operation op-amps are designed with internal
compensating circuitry, which also causes the very high open loop gain to
diminish with increasing frequency.
This gain reduction is called roll-off.
Example: the following figure illustrates the plot of gain vs frequency for a
typical op-amp.
at low frequency down to DC operation,
the value of the gain is the one listed on
the manufacturers specification, AVD
which is typically very large.
as frequency of the input signal increases,
the open loop gain drops off until it finally
reaches unity.
N.B. AVD is the DC gain.
The frequency at this gain value is specified by the manufacturer as a unity gain
bandwidth B1 which is the frequency at which the gain is 1.
The frequency value at which gain value drops by 3 dB (to 0.707 of AVD)is called
cut-off frequency, fc.
Example: For an op-amp having a slew rate of SR = 2 V/ɥs, what is the maximum
closed-loop voltage gain that can be used when the input signal varies by 0.5 V in
10 ɥs?
Ans: Vo = ACLVi and and finally, ACL= 40
Commonly used Terms:
Linear versus non-linear circuits
a. Linear circuit: a circuit in which circuit
parameters ( resistance, capacitance,
inductance, waveform, frequency
are constant i.e. a circuit whose
Fig1. Linear circuit
parameters are not changed with
respect to current and/or voltage.
b. Non-linear circuit: a circuit whose
parameters vary (not constant) with
respect to current and voltage.
Looking at the HPF RC circuit, the output voltage is given by:
At high frequency, Xc≈ 0 Ω thus,
At very low frequency, Xc≈ ∞ Ω, and hence . Av=0.
At (),
AV---------------- at ,
fc = critical frequency
= cutoff frequency
= corner frequency
But, gain Av is given by:
Now the magnitude of Av is given by:
Voltage gain roll off: is the rate of decrement in voltage gain with
Thus, the roll-off of
the RC circuit is
1 0
2 -6
4 -12
10 -20
here is the bode plot (gain in dB versus frequency).
No of RC circuits Roll-off(dB per decade)
1 -20
2 -40
3 -60
Decade: a 10 times change in frequency.
a. Active low pass filter
I. First order(single pole) low pass filter
using single resistor and single capacitor.
Has a practical slope of -20dB.
Voltage gain below cutoff frequency
is constant ,
Cutoff frequency,
Active Low Pass Filter
Fig. Low pass filter response a. practical b. ideal
II. Two pole( Sallen key) Low pass filter:
Also called second order active filter.
Formed by cascading two RC elements.
Has -40dB/decade roll-off closer to ideal characteristics.
Voltage gain and cutoff frequency are the same as first order active LPF.
But the response drops at a faster rate for second order filter.
C2 C1
R1 vout
- Rf1
Fig. Active high pass Filters , a. 1st order b. 2nd order(Sallen key)
Cutoff frequency , for both.
Voltage gain above cutoff
c. Active band pass filter:
By cascading HPF and LPF.
Two cutoff frequencies, namely, lower and upper cutoff frequencies.
and .
d. Active band stop(Notch) Filter:
it is designed using HPF, LPF and a summing amplifier.
Low pass
f1 amplifier
High pass
v in v out
Fig. Active Band stop filter response
Cascading filters for greater roll-off rate:
The value of the DF designed to
produce a desired response
characteristic depends on the
order of the filter.
For multiple stage filter, Fig. General form of an Active filter
the value of for each
stage is different.
Values of DF for each section(stage) of a cascaded filter is obtained from
reference tables.
1. design a 4-pole Butterworth LPF with 250Hz cutoff frequency.
use C = 220 nF
Note: DF for 1st section is 1.848 and for the 2nd section(stage) is 0.765.
2. Design a 2-pole butterworth BPF to have the critical frequency of 400Hz
and 4KHz. Note: DF for 2nd order active LPF and HPF is 1.414.
b. As Active peak detector:
A circuit whose output is the peak value of the input waveform.
To peak-detect small amplitude signals.
Vc= Vp(peak)
c. As Active Clipper:
When Vin > Vref, the op amp output is negative and turns off the diode and
opens the loop. Thus, Vout = Vin.
When Vin < Vref, the op amp output is positive which turns ON the diode.
Thus, Vout = Vref.
d. As Active Clamper:
the 1st negative half cycle produces positive op amp output which turns
on the diode. This allows the capacitor to charge to approximately equal
to Vp with polarity shown.
Beyond the negative peak, the diode turns off. This clamps the output
waveform up by Vp.
This clamper can be used to clamp up or down very small amplitude
3. As comparator:
compares the input signals at the inverting and non inverting terminals of
the op amp and gives a rectangular output waveform accordingly.
read more about it. Eg. Output bounding in comparators.
Exercise: read about Window Comparator.
4. As oscillators:
See next chapter.
5. As VCO:
Read ……….
Chapter 4
In the last chapter, we have seen amplifiers where negative feedback is
In this chapter we will see devices which works on the basis of positive
Definition: oscillator is a circuit which basically acts as a generator ,
generating the output signal which oscillates with constant amplitude and
constant desired frequency. It does not require any input signal.
In short, an oscillator is an amplifier, which uses a positive feedback and
with out any external input signal, generates an output waveform at a
desired frequency.
The concept of positive feedback
Expression for gain with +ve feedback:
Open loop gain:
gain with feedback:
For the above +ve feedback amplifier, ………………. (1)
the feedback voltage is, ………………(2)
Substituting equation (2) in (1);
But the network adjusts itself to Aβ=1, while working as an oscillator.
the input voltage by 𝜙, the out put voltage also leads the input
The output voltage , , is in phase with the current. Thus, as the current leads
voltage by 𝜙.
N.B. by using proper values of R&C, the angle 𝜙 is adjusted in practice to
600 , as required by RC phase shift oscillator.
Thus, the feedback will introduce a phase shift of 1800 to obtain a total phase
Thus, three cascaded RC circuits with 𝜙=600 each will give a total of
shift of 3600, as required by oscillators.
Advantages of RC phase shift oscillator:
The circuit is simple to design
Can produce output over audio frequency range.
Produces sinusoidal output waveform.
It is fixed frequency oscillator
Disadvantage of RC phase shift oscillator
Frequency of oscillator is changed by changing values of R and C. but the RC
values of all three sections must be changed simultaneously to satisfy the
oscillating condition, which is practically impossible. fixed frequency
Exercise: try to illustrate the phase shift oscillator using FET transistor and come up
with the formulas for |A| and |β|.
2)Wien Bridge oscillator:
It uses a non-inverting amplifier.
Thus, the feedback network does not bring a phase shift.
It can be implemented using op-amp or BJT transistor.
The basic circuit of Wien bridge oscillator is shown below.
Using this circuit, let us drive the formulas
for β and f.
The input to the feedback is at terminals
1 and 3 while the output is at terminals
2 and 4.
Let us see the feedback network in detail.
the two arms of the bridge, namely R1 , C1 and
R2, C2 are called frequency sensitive arms, b/c
the components of the two arms determines
the frequency of the oscillator.
such feedback network is called lead-lag
network, b/c at low frequency, it acts like a
lead while at high frequency, it acts like a lag.
Substituting the values of Z1 and Z2 in the
above equation for βand simplifying the result,
we get the values of β and fas follows.
If R1=R2=R and C1=C2=C,
the gain of the feedback network is , positive sign indicates 00 phase shift.
This equation is true only if R1=R2 and C1=C2.
gain of the amplifier for oscillation is:
The general formula for β and A is;
a) Wien Bridge oscillator using op-amp:
According to the oscillating condition, . thus , this ratio provides sufficient loop
gain for the circuit to oscillate at the frequency calculated as:
Example: determine if the above circuit with R3=6k Ω, R4= 2k Ω, R=5.1kΩ and
C=0.001ɥF works as an oscillator or not. If yes, determine the frequency of
oscillation. Ans: A=4 >3 yes, and f =31.2kHz
Comparison of RC phase shift and Wien bridge oscillators
6 The amplifier gain condition is |A| The amplifier gain condition is |A|
Tuned(LC) oscillator circuits:
Oscillators that uses L and C to produce oscillation.
The circuit that using L and C is called tank(oscillatory) circuit.
Used for high frequency range from 200kHz up to few gigahertz.
These oscillators are used for sources of RF(radio frequency) due to high
Operation of LC tank circuit:
Capacitor initially charges from
external DC source, thus electro-
static energy is stored in the capacitor.
Now, C starts to discharge current fig. initial charging fig. LC tank ckt
starts to flow through L magnetic field gets setup in the inductor when
capacitor fully discharges, electrostatic energy is stored as magnetic energy in
the inductor. at this time, as per Lenz's law, this starts charging the capacitor
in opposite polarity making the lower plate of the capacitor +++ until it is fully
In such a way the process repeats resulting in oscillatory current damped
oscillation, where there is loss of energy during energy transfer from C to L and
from L to C.
To make the damped oscillation un-damped (sustained), the amplifier supplies
the loss of energy at proper time.
The frequency of oscillation obtained by this LC tank circuit is given by:
where, L is in henries and C is in farads
Basic form of LC oscillator circuit:
It has amplifier stage such as op-amp, BJT, FET…
The LC tank circuit contains Z1,Z2 and Z3 which
are either capacitive or inductive impedances.
Assume that the input impedance of the
amplifier is infinity. (op-amp or FET).
Now replacing this with its linear equivalent
From this circuit,
, where ZL=(Z1+Z3)||Z2. thus
the –ve sign inverting
Condition for oscillation is but we know the values of A and β from the above
equations. Thus, substituting and solving we get,
N.B. Z=jX
According to the barkhausen criterion, must be positive and greater or equal to
1. since Av is +ve, will be positive only if both X1 and X2 have same sign. this is
true only if X1 and X2 have same reactance.(i.e. both capacitive or inductive).
To have phase shift of 00, X3 must be inductive if X1 and X2 are capacitive or X3
must be capacitive if X1 and X2 are inductive.
1) Hartley oscillator:
In practice, L1& L2 may be wound on a single core so that there exists a mutual
inductance b/n them denoted by M.
In such cases, the equivalent inductance is determined as;
, and (for BJT transistor amplifier)
Note: if L1& L2 assists each other, the sign of M is +ve, otherwise it is –ve.
If the amplifier used is op-amp, it’s gain will be;
if mutual inductance exists in between them (wound on a single core),
Colpitts oscillator:
An LC oscillator that uses two capacitive reactances and one inductive
reactance at it’s feedback.
Both Amplifier and tank circuit introduces 1800 phase shift.
And . But since C3 is smaller than C1& C2, CeqΞ C3.
Therefore, which depends only C3.
now, across C3, there is no transistor parameter (i.e. hfe is independent of C3)
hence stable frequency.
The frequency is stable and accurate.
The stray capacitances have no effect on C3 which decides the frequency.
Keeping C3 variable, the frequency of oscillation can be varied to the desired
Exercise: read about tuned collector oscillator and come up with the formulas.
Factors affecting the frequency stability
1. Change in values of inductors and capacitors of tank circuit due to change in
2. Change in parameters of active devices used like FET & BJT due to change in
temperature which in turn affects frequency.
3. Variation in power supply.
4. Change s in atmospheric condition, aging and unstable transistor parameters
5. The changes in the load connected affects the effective resistance of tank ckt.
6. The capacitive effect in transistor and stray capacitances affect the capacitance
of the tank circuit and hence the frequency.
Exercise: try to read ways of improving stability of oscillators.
3) Crystal oscillators:
it is a tuned-circuit oscillator using piezoelectric crystal as its tank circuit.
This is used when high frequency stability is required. Thus, the crystals are
used in watches, communication transmitters and receivers e.t.c.
Piezoelectric effect means to generate voltage across the faces of the crystal
under the influence of mechanical pressure(force).
Every crystal has its own resonating frequency.
Examples are quartz, Rochelle salt, tourmaline
CM- mounting capacitance – when
there is no mechanical
When C is very smaller than CM,then fsΞ fp=fr. there is one resonant frequency.
Due to good frequency stability, it is used in
computers, counters, basic timing devices in
electronic wrist watches e.t.c.
resistances R1, R2 and RE provides d.c. bias.
CE emitter bypass capacitor
RFC(radio frequency choke)-provides
isolation b/n d.c. and a.c. operation.
CC1 & CC2 –coupling capacitors
The resulting circuit frequency is set by
the series resonant frequency of the crystal.
Change in supply voltage, temperature,
transistor parameters have no effect on the
circuit operating conditions fig. pierce crystal oscillator
i.e. good frequency stability is obtained.
The base-collector (gate-drain in case of FET) junction is reverse biased and
there exists an internal capacitance which is dominant at high frequencies.
Thus, this oscillator circuit can be modified by using internal capacitors of the
transistor instead of C1 and C2.(C1 & C2 are not required).
Such circuit using FET and transistor are shown below.
fig a. using FET fig b. using transistor
Similar to the modifications of colpitts oscillator, the Hartley oscillator can be
modified to get Millers crystal oscillator circuit.
One of the inductors in the tank circuit of the Hartley oscillator is replaced by a
crystal which acts as inductor for frequencies slightly greater than the series
resonant frequency.
Example: a crystal with L=0.4 H, C= 0.085 pF, CM = 1pF, and R =5kΩ find;
a) series resonant frequency …………..0.856 MHz
b)parallel resonant frequency………….0.899 MHz
c) by what percent does the parallel resonant frequency exceed the series
resonant frequency……………….
d) find the Q-factor of the crystal…………………..
Amplitude stabilization:
The oscillator output amplitude if not stabilized, attains the extreme levels of
saturation i.e. This can cause distortion in the output waveform.
Thus, it is necessary to minimize distortion and reduce the output amplitude to
the acceptable range.
We use oscillator amplitude stabilization circuit.
It makes oscillation damped(not sustained) if amplitude increases beyond a
particular value.
when the output is below some
acceptable level( not enough to
forward bias the diodes), the gain
is which is high.
Chapter- 5
Multivibrators and Wave shaping circuits
• Multivibrator :- is a circuit designed to have zero, one or two stable output
states. It is a wave shaping circuit.
• There are three types of multi-vibrators:
Astable(Free running Multivibrator)
Monostable( or One shot)
Bistable (or Flip Flop)
a. Astable ( Free Running Multivibrator):
A switching circuit that has no stable output state.
The astable multivibrator is a rectangular-wave oscillator.
b. Monostable Multivibrator:
A switching circuit with one stable output state.
Also referred to as a one-shot.
The one-shot produces a single output pulse when it receives a valid input
trigger signal.
• it accepts inputs of linear Voltages and provides
a digital output.
• The output voltage stays at the high voltage
level when the non inverting input is greater
than the voltage at the inverting input.
• it then goes to the lower voltage level when
the non-inverting input voltage goes below
the inverting input voltage.
• Assume that the inverting input is grounded and voltage signal , Vi, is applied at
the non-inverting input.
• For the given input Vi, a corresponding
digital output signal is generated as
as shown in the figure.
+Vsat, if Vi > 0v
• Vout =
-Vsat, if Vi <0v 126
• Exercise: for the following two configurations, the reference voltage is
connected to the inverting and non-inverting inputs respectively. In each of
the two connections, at what condition does the LED turned ON?
fig 1 fig 2
N.B. Vref = 6v
Schmitt Trigger using OP-AMP
• Two types:
Inverting Schmitt trigger.
Non-inverting Schmitt Trigger.
• To analyze the circuit, let us assume an initial condition. The possible values
Vo can take are VH and VL where VH> VL , also assume that VL <0.
• By assuming that the initial state of Vo is VH, then:
• This part of operation is shown in the figure-1 below where H .
• When Vin > VTU, Vo= VL and L.
• Now let us see what happens when Vin starts decreasing. In order for the
transition to happen again the term ( )has to change sign. This will happen
when Vin<. Where VTL = .
• For this part, the voltage transfer operation is shown in figure-2 below.
fig-1 fig-2
• The complete voltage transfer characteristic is obtained by combining the
above two figures as shown below.
Non-inverting Schmitt Trigger
• When the input is applied to the non-inverting terminal as shown below, it is
called non-inverting schmitt trigger.
• Since and V_= 0, the transition will occur when V+ crosses zero.
, where VT is the transition(triggering ) voltage.
figure-1 figure-2
• The complete voltage characteristics is shown below.
Application of Schmitt Trigger:
A. Schmitt trigger for comparator chattering: chattering is defined as
production of multiple output transitions as the input signal swings through
the threshold region of the comparator.
• this happens due to the fact that ac noise is present in practical circuits.
• The following shows input signal with ac noise and how comparator output
• By making hysteresis width greater than the maximum peak amplitude of the
noise, a dead zone is created such that noise with in this zone no longer causes
multiple output transitions.
Note that when the voltage across the capacitor is constant, dv/dt =0. and
i(t) is zero. For DC voltage, current through capacitor is zero.
Given the current through the capacitor, the voltage across it is given by:
If the voltage at some instant of time t=to is v(to), the above equation leads
to :
Sinusoidal sources:
Sinusoïdal voltage ¤tsources produce voltages/currentthat vary
sinusoidally with time.
We can express the sinusoidal function of a voltage or current source as
either a sine or a cosine function. The cosine function is commonly used.
Thus: , where is the phase angle of the sinusoid and
Note: The quantity (ωt) is always expressed in radians, but the phase
angle is usually (almost always!) expressed in degrees, not radians!
The Phasor:
A phasoris a complex numberthat carries the amplitude and phase angle
information of a sinusoidal function.
This concept comes from Euler’s identity which relates the exponential
function to the trigonometric function:
Since we use the cosine function in analyzing steady state sinusoidal
circuits, then:
Note that in the above, is a complex number that carries the amplitude
and phase angle information of the sinusoidal function. (The term gives
only the time-varying behavior).
Thus, is the phasor representation(phasor transform) of the sinusoidal
function [ i.e. } ]
Thus, +𝜙
𝑽𝝓 𝒎 𝑽 𝒎 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝝓
Polar form Rectangular form
𝑽 𝒎𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝝓
V-I relationship for Resistor, Inductor and Capacitor
a. For Resistor:
If the current through R is ,
Then 𝒊
Converting the above formula to phasor form, we get:
, where V and I are in phasor representations.
both are in-phase.
b. For Inductor:
Still assume that the current through the inductor is:
Converting to phasorform:
This is equivalent to the following:
If we wish to represent in s-domain, go through the following steps.
For an inductor, we know that
Now taking the Laplace transform on both sides and remembering the
operational transform of derivatives , we get:
. ForCapacitor:
Again, assume that the voltage across the capacitor is given by:
Finally, , where I and V are in phasor forms.
where, sC is an admittance
Finally, rearranging the above equation, we get:
where, Vo is initial voltage stored in the capacitor
In general,
a. Low pass Filters:
Passive low-pass filters are generally either series RL or series RC circuits.
i. The series RL circuit as Low pass filter:
Consider how this circuit behaves when ω
is very low. In this case, the reactance of the
inductor 0, and the output voltage V0 is the
same as the source voltage.
Now consider the voltage V0 as the radian
frequency, ω increases. For large ω, the inductive Fig. RL low pass filter
impedance will become very large compared to R. Then V0 will 0.
Also noticed that as ω 0, then the phase angle will approach 0 (with only
a resistive load, voltage and current are in phase).
On the other hand, as ω ∞, the full load begins to look like a completely
inductive load (>>R), so that the phase angle approaches −90°.
In the graphs shown below, the cutoff frequency, ωC, is indicated by the
dotted line. How do we compute ωC?
o Thus, and
o Now consider the behavior of and as a function of 𝛚.
• As ω0, |A(jω)|1, and θ(jω)0°. Thus the circuit “passes” low-frequency
signals completely. But
• As ω∞, |A(jω)|0, and θ(jω)−90°. At sufficiently high frequencies, the
o Re-arranging the above equation, we get the following
a. design RL low pass filter which has a cutoff frequency of
b. Then compute the output voltage at 1, 10, and 60 Hz.
N.B. choose L = 100mH. Ans: R = 6.28Ω and |Vo|= 99%, 71% and
10% of |Vi|
ii. The Series RC Circuit as Low-Pass Filter:
o Similar to the above RL circuit, we will drive the formula for the transfer
function of the lowpass RC circuit shown below.
o Again at cutoff frequency, |A(j𝛚)|=
o where,
o Thus at cutoff frequency , or
the two standard passive low-pass filters are:
𝑅 1
𝐿 𝑹 𝑅𝐶 1
𝐴 ( 𝑠 )= , 𝝎 𝒄= 𝐴 ( 𝑠 )= , 𝛚𝑐=
𝑠+( )
𝑠+ (
) 𝑅𝐶
Not that the general formula for the transfer ratio, A, for either circuit is:
Other common relationships: τ, the time constant for both filter circuits
is equal to the reciprocal of the cutoff frequency. That is;
b. High pass filters:
o If 𝛚 ∞,
I. The Series RC circuit as High Pass filter:
o however, if
we get:
o finally, we express the transfer gain and phase shift as;
o To solve for the cutoff frequency, we know that
o Finally,
o the two standard passive high pass filters are:
𝑠 𝑹 𝑠 1
𝐴 ( 𝑠 )= , 𝝎 𝒄= 𝐴 ( 𝑠 )= , 𝛚𝑐=
𝑠+( )
o Again, not that the general formula for the transfer function, A, for either
circuit is:
, where for high pass RL filter and
for high pass RC filter.
1. A series high-pass RL filter has R=15KΩ, L=3.5 mH. Calculate the cutoff
2. A series RL low-pass filter is needed with fC=2000Hz. The chosen resistor
is 5 KΩ. Find L, the absolute value of the transfer function at 50 KHz, and
the phase angle at 50 KHz.
3. A series RC high-pass filter has C=1μF. Find the cutoff frequency for R
values of 100, 5000, and 30,000 Ω.
Series RLC Bandpass filter:
o now, let us continue to the series RLC circuit. Consider the following
simple RLC circuit.
o Clearly, as the capacitor behaves
like an open circuit, so .
o Just as clearly, as , the inductor
in the circuit will create essentially an
“open circuit,” so that once again,
o There is some center frequency band where Ais > 0 and therefore the
output signal is > 0. Thus:
o Now calculate the remaining parameters as follows:
i. Center(resonant) frequency, ω0: At ω0, the transfer function is real. Then
At ,. Check it pls.
ii. Cutoff frequencies: we now that at and |A|=. So
solving this and eliminating the negative
frequencies you will get.
iii. Bandwidth, β :
o Note that we can also write the formulas for the cutoff frequencies in
terms of the center frequency and the bandwidth. That is:
o Exercise: express the formulas for cutoff frequency in terms of Q.
o Example: Design a graphic equalizer audio bandpasscircuit with fC1 = 1KHz
and fC2 = 10 KHz. Choose C=1μF.
Solution: , then
• Exercise: for the above series RLC circuit if C= 0.1 μF Find L and R for
ωO= 2π(12,000) and Q=6.ans: L=1.67 mH , R=22.1Ω
• Exercise:
1. Please drive the formula for the other parameters of this band stop filter,
such as .
2. Read about parallel RLC circuits and come up with similar analysis as
Chapter six
Introduction to Digital Electronics
6.1. Realization of logic gates using FETs:
o The following chart shows the major IC technologies and logic-circuit
families that are currently in use.
o Some of the reasons for CMOS displacing bipolar technology in digital
applications are as follows:
i. CMOS logic circuits dissipate much less power than bipolar logic circuits and thus one
can pack more CMOS circuits on a chip than is possible with bipolar circuits.
ii. The high input impedance of the MOS transistor allows the designer to use charge
storage as a means for the temporary storage of information in both logic and memory
circuits. This technique cannot be used in bipolar circuits.
iii. The feature size (i.e., minimum channel length) of the MOS transistor has decreased
dramatically over the years, with some recently reported designs utilizing channel
lengths as short as 0.06 ɥm. This permits very tight circuit packing and,
correspondingly, very high levels of integration.
o To start with, let us see the following two types of MOSFETs.
o Biasing of the two MOSFETs is given below.
Fig 1. An N-channel Enhancement type
Fig 1. An P-channel Enhancement type MOSFET with and applied, And
MOSFET with and applied, And directions of current flows.
directions of current flows.
o Thus, for the three-input gate represented in the following fig, the PDN
will conduct for all input combinations that require a low output (Y = 0)
and will then pull the output node down to ground, causing a zero voltage
to appear at the output, = O. Simultaneously, the PUN will be off, and no
direct dc path will exist between and ground.
o On the other hand, all input combinations that call for a high output (Y = 1
) will cause the PUN to conduct, and the PUN will then pull the output
node up to , establishing an output voltage = • Simultaneously, the PDN
will be cut off, and again, no de current path between VDD and ground
will exist in the circuit.
o Example: An Inverter:
o Examples of pull down networks are given below.
More Logic-Gate circuits
1. The Two-Input NOR Gate: 2. two input NAND Gate:
3. The Exclusive-OR function:
the complate X-OR realization is given below:
o Example: A more complex Gate: consider the following.
Summary of the Synthesis Method
Thank You &
Good Luck !!!