1 Introduction
Resources and Jobs Management Systems (RJMSs) play a critical role in modern
high performance computing (HPC) infrastructures, simultaneously maximizing
the efficiency of the platform and fairly sharing its capacities among all their
users. Thus, the job scheduling algorithms that are used need to be effective in
multiple domains. On the way to exascale computing, large scale systems become
harder to study, to develop or to calibrate because of the costs in both time and
energy of such processes. It is often impossible to convince managers to use a
production cluster for several hours simply to test modifications in the RJMS.
Moreover, as the existing RJMS production systems need to be highly reliable,
each evolution requires several real scale test iterations. The consequence is that
scheduling algorithms used in production systems are mostly outdated and not
customized correctly.
The most efficient way to tackle these problems is coarse-grained simulation.
Simulation of these large scale systems is faster by multiple orders of magnitude
than real experiments. The savings in computing time and energy consumption
allow a much larger variety of scenarios to be tested. This unlocks new research
avenues to explore, and possibly leads to scientific discoveries and industrial
Furthermore, recent algorithms developed in scheduling theory are impossi-
ble to compare in realistic conditions, because of the lack of simple and extensi-
ble simulators. There is a vast literature on possible theoretical improvements,
proved in different theoretical job and platform models which are generally not
yet transferred to production schedulers in real environments.
The research field around RJMS and scheduling in large scale systems in
general would greatly benefit from a simple – yet realistic – validated scheduling
simulator that is modular enough to be used with any theoretical or production
algorithm implementation in order to truly compare all of them in a scientific
way. Currently existing RJMS simulators are based on too simple models. Most
of them only rely on delays for job modeling or on network models that are
either minimalistic or not scalable enough to test really large scale systems.
From this assessment, we propose Batsim (for BATch scheduler SIMulator).
It is based on SimGrid [7], a state-of-the-art distributed platform simulator with
realistic network and computation models. Batsim allows different levels of re-
alism depending on the user’s needs, uses a simple message interface to achieve
language independence, uses an easily expandable workload input format and
provides readable and analysable outputs with jobs and scheduling details. For
comprehension’s sake, a simple Gantt chart visualisation tool is provided sepa-
Batsim was also created to achieve experiment reproducibility. We are well
aware that hardware suffers from a great variability. This is the main barrier
to achieve experiment reproducibility in computer science. But in the case of
simulation, those constraints do not exist anymore because the result of the
simulation can be deterministic with respect to the the simulation’s inputs (pa-
rameters and input data). That is why simulation experiments are much easier to
reproduce if the simulation environment and inputs are provided by the authors,
which is rarely the case [29]. There can be several reasons for this, as explained
in [31]:
Batsim was made to implement the first of these solutions. In fact, most
published articles use ad hoc simulators which are not expected to be used
after the articles’ publications. Furthermore, simulators kept on-the-shelf are not
proven to be accurate. In order to validate simulation results, the simulator must
be assessed theoretically, and also experimentally if possible. Batsim aims at
improving repeatability in this domain which is widely affected by the problems
mentioned above.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents related works
in the field of RJMS simulation. Section 3 gives an overview of how Batsim works.
Section 4 develops the underlying models of Batsim. Section 5 gives more detailed
explanations on Batsim’s mechanics. Batsim’s evaluation process is presented in
Section 6, and its results in Section 7. Section 8 gives technical details on how
to repeat our evaluation process. Section 9 concludes the paper and outlines our
future works.
2 Related Works
Many simulators can be found in the literature which can be used to simulate a
RJMS. Unfortunately, most implementations are either not available online or
depend on outdated softwares and libraries which are themselves not available
anymore. Thus, we chose to focus on simulators whose source code could be
To the best of our knowledge, most scheduling simulators are either very
specific to one domain (e.g. Realtss) or do not primarily focus on realism of
results, since comparisons to real existing systems are hardly ever done. This
can be easily explained by the financial and ecological cost of such evaluations.
The approach which is closest to ours may be Alea [21]. This simulator is
based on the GridSim simulation toolkit and allows to compare different schedul-
ing algorithms. We chose the same approach of building our scheduling simulator
on top of a simulation framework. However, Batsim’s approach and Alea’s differ
in their modularity since Batsim allows to connect any scheduling algorithm,
written in any programming language, whereas the supplied Alea API only al-
lows new schedulers to be written in Java inside the project source code, with a
queue-oriented API. Moreover, at the best of our knowledge, this simulator has
not been validated in a real environment yet.
Another interesting approach can be found in article [26]. This approach
consists in using the INSEE [27] fine-grained network simulator offline, in order
to obtain the execution time of any configuration the job can run in. Article [26]
proposes job placement policies that guarantee that no network interference can
occur between the jobs, allowing to use offline execution times while simulating
an online workload. However, this approach cannot be used accurately when jobs
can interfere with each other.
A previous initiative of building a scheduling simulator on top of SimGrid
has been done in Simbatch [5]. However, as far as we know, the project has been
left unmaintained since 2007 and cannot be used easily with current SimGrid
versions. Moreover, Simbatch has not been developed in the perspective of con-
necting real RJMSs into it, nor to allow separation of concerns regarding system
simulation and scheduling algorithms.
Batsim is an open source platform simulator that allows to simulate the be-
haviour of a computational platform on which a workload is executed according
to the rules of a scheduling algorithm. In order to obtain sound simulation re-
sults and to broaden the scope of the experiments that can be done thanks to
Batsim, we did not choose to build it from scratch but on top of the SimGrid
simulation framework instead.
Batsim allows separation of concerns since it decouples the platform sim-
ulation and the decisions in two clearly separated components, represented in
Figure 1. The Batsim component is in charge of simulating the computational re-
sources behaviour whereas the Decision component is in charge of taking schedul-
ing or energy-related decisions. The scheduling decisions include executing a job
or rejecting it. The energy-related decisions include changing the power state of
a machine – i.e. to change its DVFS mode – or switching a machine ON or OFF.
Platform Workload Decision
Description Description Input
Batsim Decision
Fig. 1. The two real processes involved in a Batsim simulation, their network commu-
nication pattern and their inputs and outputs.
4 Models
This section describes the simulation models used by Batsim by giving a simpli-
fied overview of SimGrid in section 4.1 then by detailing the models specific to
Batsim in section 4.2.
Since Batsim uses SimGrid internally, a brief – and simplified – overview of the
SimGrid models that were used is given for sake of clarity. A host is a resource
that can compute floating-point operations (flop). Hosts are connected via a
network whose links have a latency (in seconds) and a bandwidth (in bytes
per second). Links are hyperedges which can either represent a network link (a
connection between two nodes) or a network node (a switch or a router). Hosts
and links compose a platform that can be of virtually any topology.
Several SimGrid processes can be run on any SimGrid host. A SimGrid
process can only be on one host at a time. These SimGrid processes – which will
simply be called processes from now on – are user-given source code executed
within the simulation. These processes can execute tasks and communicate with
each other with messages. For simplicity’s sake, we will assume that such mes-
sages are sent to processes.
Hence, a SimGrid-based simulator is composed by a set of processes which
compute user-given functions. The user-given functions are executed within the
simulator whereas the execution of tasks and the communications are simulated.
Please note that user-given functions can spawn processes on which user-given
functions are executed. SimGrid orchestrates, at any time, which processes are
executed and which ones are not. SimGrid may change the running processes
whenever they enter a state that implies a simulation time increase. For example,
computing a task, sending a message or entering a sleep state implies a simulation
time increase.
SimGrid allows us to create parallel tasks which combine computations and
communications. To do so, we can build tasks with a computation vector (or row
matrix) c where each ck represents the amount of computation (in number of
floating-point operations) that must be computed on the k th host on which the
parallel task is run and a square communication matrix C in which each element
C[r, c] represents the amount of communication (in number of bytes) from the
rth to the cth hosts involved in computing the task.
The SimGrid energy consumption model only takes computation hosts into
account at the moment and is described in the following paragraph. Each host
h has a set of power states Ph where each power state p ∈ Ph has a computa-
tional power cpp (in number of floating-point operations per second), a minimum
electrical power consumption ep∧ p (in W) and a maximum electrical power con-
sumption ep∨ p (also in W). The SimGrid model which simulates the execution
of actitivies on simulated resources computes the computational load lh (t) of
each host h at any simulation time t. The load is a real number in [0,1] where
0 represents an idle host and 1 a host computing at maximum computational
power. Let ph (t) be the power state in which host t is at simulation time t. The
instant electrical consumption of host h at time t is noted Ph (t) and is deter-
mined by ph (t) and lh (t). Ph (t) is computed as the linear interpolation between
ep∧ ∨ ∧ ∨ ∧
ph (t) and epph (t) in function of lh (t) : Ph (t) = epph (t) + (epph (t) − epph (t) ) · lh (t)
and isRexpressed in watts. The energy consumption of host h is then given by
Eh = Ph (t)dt and is expressed in joules.
Batsim is a C++ program developed using the SimGrid C library. SimGrid allows
us to simulate the behaviour of a computation platform on which concurrent
SimGrid processes are run. We will use the phrase ”real process” to talk about
a process which is directly run by the user on a given Operating System. For
example, the Batsim real process and the Decision real process. A SimGrid
process (which will simply be referred to as a process from now on) is a process
simulated within Batsim. The main Batsim processes and their interactions are
shown in Figure 2.
The Jobs Submitter process is in charge of reading one workload and sub-
mitting the jobs at the right simulation time. To do so, it simply iterates over
the jobs in ascending submission time order and sends a message to the Server
process as soon as a job has been submitted. If the next job submission time is
Waiter Master host
Request Jobs
Reply Server
Fig. 2. The different processes within Batsim. The Job Launcher, Job Killer, and
ON/OFF Switcher processes are executed on the computational resources whereas the
other processes are run on a dedicated resource called the Master host. Filled arrows
represent message transmissions and hollow arrows stand for a process execution.
strictly after the current simulation time, this process enters a sleep phase until
the aforementioned job is submitted. Once all the jobs of its appointed workload
have been submitted, the Jobs Submitter process tells the Server it has finished
then ends. Several Jobs Submitters may be instantiated in the same simula-
tion, which can be useful to simulate internally (within Batsim) the behaviour
of concurrent users. These processes are executed on the Master host.
The Request Reply process’s role is to manage the Unix Domain Socket to
communicate with the Decision real process. Its lifespan is short: It is launched
by the Server process on the Master host, it sends a network message to the
Decision real process, then waits for its reply. It then parses the received mes-
sage according to the Batsim protocol. The received message is composed of a
sequence of events. In order to simulate the impact of real decision algorithms,
which may take some decisions before returning the control flow, a simulation
time is associated to each event (potentially the same for all events). The Re-
quest Reply process parses and transmits those events to the Server process one
by one in the given chronological order. Just as the Jobs Submitter process,
the Request Reply process enters a sleep phase between events to respect the re-
ceived simulation times at which the events should have occured. Once all events
have been sent to the Server, the process tells the Server the message has been
managed, then ends.
The Server is the main Batsim process. It orchestrates the simulation: It
knows when jobs are submitted, chooses when the Decision real process should
be requested – ensuring that only one Request Reply process can be executed
at the same time – and follows the orders dictated by the Decision real process
(received from the Request Reply process). Depending on the received order, the
Server process might launch a Job Launcher process to run a job, or launch a
ON/OFF Switcher process to either boot or shutdown a computational resource,
or launch a Waiter process if the Decision real process wants to be awaken at
a specific time. The Server process ends its execution if and only if the follow-
ing conditions are met. 1. All Jobs Submitters must have finished their execu-
tions. 2. All submitted jobs must have been either processed or rejected. 3. The
Request-Reply process must not be running at the current time. 4. All ON/OFF
Switchers must have finished their executions. 5. There should be at least one
Jobs Submitter connected – to ensure that the simulation starts.
The Waiter process is used to wake the Decision real process at a specific
time. To do so, it is launched by the Server on the Master host, sleeps for the
right amount of time, tells the Server it is time to wake the Decision real process
then ends.
The ON/OFF Switcher process is in charge of simulating what happens
when a computational resource is booted or shut down. It is executed on the
computational resource whose state is requested to change.
The Job Launcher process is in charge of executing a job on a set of com-
putational resources R. The process is executed on one computational resource
r ∈ R. Jobs are then computed according to their profiles. If the profile type is
Delay, the process is simply put into a sleep state for the right amount of time. If
the profile type is MSG, the computation vector and the communication matrix
are generated into memory then computed on the given set of computational
resources R. If the profile type is Sequence, the different subjobs are computed
sequentially according to previously given rules for the requested number of
times. Finally, if the profile type is SMPI, the given MPI trace is replayed on R.
To respect the walltime of non-SMPI jobs, the Job Launcher process executes
the Job Killer process. The Job Killer process is in charge of waiting for the
walltime amount of time. For each walltime-constrained job j there is a double
pj = (launchj , killj ) where launchj is the Job Launcher process in charge of job
j and killj is the Job Killer process associated to launchj . The first process to
finish its task in pj (either the job comptutation or the sleep) cancels the other
process’s task. This leads to killj finishing its execution and launchj sending
a message to the Server process to tell it j has been computed (successfully or
not) then finishing its execution too.
7 Results
The nine different workloads we generated have been executed twice on a real
platform (on identical machines and network, but not on the exact same ma-
chines), and twice in simulation (with Delay and MSG profile types). This section
presents the different results and analyses them.
An overview of the execution of all the workloads can be found on Figure 3.
First of all, Figure 3 shows that the MSG and the Delay simulation results
are very close to each other. The execution times of MSG jobs depends on
where the jobs are allocated and depends on the network saturation. However,
in this experiment, the platform is highly homogeneous and very low contention
has been observed during the jobs’ execution, which explains why the results
are so close. Furthermore, Figure 3 shows that the difference between two real
executions of the same workload is not negligible.
Mean bounded stretch (bound = 60 s)
3.0 ● real
simulation (msg)
● simulation (delay)
● seed1_size32
● seed2_size32
● seed3_size32
2.0 ● ● ● seed4_size32
● ● ●
● ● seed5_size32
● ●
● seed6_size32
● seed7_size32
1.5 ● seed8_size32
● seed9_size32
11100 11400 11700 12000
Makespan (s)
Fig. 3. Mean bounded stretch against the makespan of all workload executions. Each
point represents one workload execution. Circles are executions on the real platform,
triangles and crosses are simulated executions with respectively Delay and MSG pro-
files. Each workload is associated with one color.
● real − simulation (msg) real − simulation (delay)
seed9_size32 ● ●
seed8_size32 ● ●
seed7_size32 ● ●
seed6_size32 ● ●
seed5_size32 ● ●
seed4_size32 ● ●
seed3_size32 ● ●
seed2_size32 ●
seed1_size32 ● ●
Fig. 4. Mean stretch difference between real and simulated executions of each workload.
Different workloads are plotted on different lines. Circles and crosses represent the
difference from the simulated execution with respectively MSG and Delay profiles.
7.1 Similarities
Many similarities exist between the schedules resulting from the simulated and
real executions of the workloads we defined.
Figure 3 allows to see the makespan and the mean bounded stretch of real and
simulated executions of all the workloads we generated. The closer the points of
a given color, the more similar the real and simulated executions are. For most
workloads, the points are tightly clustered. Workloads 6, 7 and 8 seem to be
unstable in both makespan and mean bounded stretch when they are executed
with this scheduling algorithm. For these three workloads, we can see that the
points are less tightly clustered. Furthermore, the distance between the points
resulting from real and simulated execution is of the same order of magnitude
as the one resulting from two real experiments.
Figures 4 and 5 shows the differences in mean stretch between real and sim-
ulated executions of all the workloads. The mean stretch of real different execu-
tions is in range [1.492, 5.876]. Figure 5 shows that the mean stretch difference
is centered a little bit after zero if we look at all the workloads at once. Fig-
ure 4 shows that the mean stretch of the simulated execution of each workload
Fig. 5. Distribution of the mean stretch difference between real and simulated (with
MSG profiles) executions of all workloads. The black vertical line is on zero. Red and
green vertical lines are respectively the mean and median of the mean stretch difference
among all workloads.
is not necessarily between the two values coming from real executions, but that
the mean stretch difference between the real and the simulated executions of
one workload is of the same order of magnitude as the mean stretch difference
between the two real executions of the same workload.
7.2 Differences
Figure 6 shows that simulated workload executions are almost always below real
executions, which means that Batsim underestimates the waiting time of jobs.
This underestimation can be explained by the OAR’s ssh-based job launching
procedure and the OAR’s job cleaning procedure. Indeed, these procedures take
a non-negligible amount of time and have not been modeled into Batsim. The
way the jobs are launched and cleaned is highly RJMS-dependent and we chose
not to overfit any RJMS for the moment.
Furthermore, differences can be observed if we look at each workload at a finer
grain. For example, the Gantt charts of the real and the simulated executions
of the same workload differ, but this is also true for two real executions of the
same workload, as seen in Figure 7.
● real
simulation (msg)
● ● simulation (delay)
Mean waiting time (s)
● seed1_size32
● seed2_size32
100 ● seed3_size32
● seed4_size32
● seed5_size32
● seed6_size32
● seed7_size32
● ●●
● ● seed8_size32
● ●
● seed9_size32
Fig. 6. Mean waiting time against the makespan of all workload executions. Each point
represents one workload execution. Circles are executions on the real platform, triangles
and crosses are simulated executions with respectively Delay and MSG profiles. Each
workload is associated with one color.
One of our main goal while creating Batsim was to foster reproducibility in the
field of jobs and resources scheduling, by providing the tools needed to make more
reproducible science. The aim of this section is to explain how all our evaluation
process – or only a part of it – can be reproduced. To do so, we provide a
complete environment to use Batsim and the different schedulers which run on
top of it.
All the experiment tools mentioned below (Batsim, Kameleon, Execo, Grid’5000)
are necessary to repeat the experiments we done. Of course, other tools exist to
achieve reproducibility but we describe the ones we chose for our experiments.
687 767
750 741
748 757 765 774 777 770
30 739
772 741
764 770
780 784
745 769 775
738 744 747 742 786 771
25 737 767
736 753748 755 749 782
770 798
769 775778 785 773
20 734 742 745
763 779781 768
733 762 774 777 770 798
731 752748 754 766 768
713 730 759
745 763 779781
674 756758 796
720 726
723 795 799
740 760
721 794
10 717 793
792 782
720 731 752748 755 749 797
711 791
722724725 729 792
719 732 790
5 692
722724725 729 788
740 760
689 783
713 787
724725 687 776 798
727 736 750 785 782
726 753 754 757 751
733 748 749 789 783
725 731 743 780 763 792 782
730 748 749 789 783
784 763 792 782
25 723 774778
740 767
721 741
737 799
786 797
20 720
735 777 796
772 784 763 786 798 794
719 732 734 742
766 767
787 798 794
15 717 759
776 793
713 738
744 742 758
711 745 771
747748752 755
707 739 760
761 770
746 756
5 692 764
779 798 791
724 769 781 782
765 790
689 784 795
762 788
722724 687 759
779 745 740 768
9800 10000 10200 10400 10600 10800 11000 11200
Fig. 7. Final section of the Gantt charts of the executions of workload seed = 6. The
uppermost gantt chart is a simulated execution while the other two are real executions.
Workload seed = 6 is the least stable workload in makespan.
cache to achieve full re-constructibility. The software appliance produced by
Kameleon can be exported to many formats, including a virtual machine, a
docker container or a tarball, in order to be deployed anywhere.
The Batsim complete environment, as the workload generation environment
recipes, are both available in the Git repository [17].
Experiment design and workflow Most of the time the experiment design consists
in one or more documents that describe the purpose and the experiment with
some details and some dedicated scripts. Some domain specific tools exist to
compute the experiment on a grid from a user-defined workflow [37], but it
is not well suited for computer science experiments, which also need to select
the underlying software stack and OS. Hopefully, computer scientists dedicated
testbeds exist, like Grid’5000 which allows this level of management.
Batsim’s evaluation experiment has been made using Execo [19], a tool which
completely automates the experiment workflow. Execo is a tool which allows
Grid’5000 users to programmatically describe their experiment workflows in or-
der to compute them on the grid. It is a Python toolbox library that allows to
run local and remote processes easily. It also provides an engine to manage the
parameters sweeping and an interface to the Grid’5000 testbed, which allows to
design fully automated sets of experiments.
Moreover, the scripts and tools used to generate all the figures present in this
paper are provided in our Git repository [18]. The Gantt chart visualisation and
comparison tools named Evalys is available independently [15].
The complete experiment workflow made to conduct this paper’s experiment
is also available in our Git repository [18].
Inputs and results The original input data are crucial in the process of repro-
ducibility. Most of the inputs and results of the experiments we have done are
available in the aforementioned Git repository. The results that do not fit in the
repository because of their size – notably the MPI instrumentation traces ('
20Go) – are shared using Academic Torrent [24].
In this paper we presented Batsim, a modular RJMS simulator that provides dif-
ferent levels of realism, on which scheduling algorithms can be easily connected
and compared. Batsim JSON-formatted workloads are extensible and allow pain-
less workload generation. Batsim CSV outputs provide clear information about
scheduling metrics, job placement and energy consumption, and can be easily
linked with standard data analysis tools.
We used the OAR RJMS to check whether Batsim’s behaviour is close to
real RJMSs’ in our experiment. In this experiment, the execution times of the
jobs in the delay and msg profile models were almost identical because no con-
tention has been observed during the experiment, and because the platform that
we used was completely homogeneous both in computing power and in network
bandwidth. As a future work, we can think of a validating process concerning
the msg profile type, which may focus on conducting experiments on real het-
erogeneous platforms for example. Furthermore, the Batsim energy model has
not been validated in real machines yet, which opens a door for future works.
We are well aware that the workloads used in our evaluation process remain
small in their number of resources, their number of different jobs and in their
duration. We would like to do larger scale experiments but finding funding to
conduct this kind of study becomes problematic, as the energy and financial
costs of reservations for such experiments would skyrocket.
We chose not to overfit the behaviour of a given RJMS, which may impact
result realism on different metrics such as the mean waiting time, as seen in
Section 7.2. Since our architecture allows to model finely the different RJMS’s
procedures, it would be beneficial to allow Batsim’s users to parametrize how
the different procedures should be done in order to improve accuracy.
At the moment, Batsim allows a production scheduler to be used in sim-
ulation. To do so, Batsim is in charge of simulating the RJMS whereas the
scheduling component of the real RJMS makes the decisions. An interesting fu-
ture work would be to allow the opposite type of connection: The real RJMS
would run normally but it would communicate with a Batsim-compatible algo-
rithm to make scheduling decisions. This would simplify greatly the production
launch of theoretical scheduling algorithms.
Even if Batsim is fully operational as we wrote this article, we would like to
improve its capabilities in several way. For example, we would like to implement
the possibility to concurrently run several SMPI application within SimGrid in
order to use those applications within Batsim. Moreover, we are also interested
in IO-related problems for big data workload simulation. Eventually, we want to
implement a user model to take user reactions into account during the ongoing
scheduling execution.
As we want to promote experiment reproducibility, all the materials necessary
to understand and reproduce our evaluation experiments are provided online.
Batsim is an open source [16] project and we encourage any researcher or
engineer that has to deal with resources and jobs scheduling to use it. Besides,
we would be pleased to collaborate with anyone who wants to port an existing
scheduling algorithm to Batsim. This would enhance the list of supported al-
gorithms which may be studied and compared in the same context, in order to
make more reproducible and better science.
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