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Most Common Prefixes—the List:

1. A- (or ab-): without or not (amoral, ahistorical, abnormal, atypical)

2. Ab-: away (absent, abdicate, aberrant, abject)
3. Ad-: to, forward (advance, admit, adventure, adjust)
4. Ante-: before (antecedent, antechamber, antebellum)
5. Anti-: against (antisocial, antipathy, anticlimax, antiestablishment)
6. Auto-: self (autonomy, autocracy, autodidact, automotive)
7. Circum-: round, around (circumvent, circumscribe, circumference, circumnavigate)
8. Com- (or co-/con-): with, together (compact, co-author, conclave, confluence)
9. Contra- (or counter-): against (contravene, contrary, contrapuntal, counteract)
10. De-: down, off, reversed (deactivate, deconstruct, descend, derail)
11. Dia-: through (dialogue, diagnose, diaphanous, dialect)
12. Dis-: not (disjointed, dissent, disavow, disown)
13. E-: out of (eject, emit, edict, erect)
14. En-: put into, cover (envelope, encase, enclose, enlist)
15. Ex-: out of, from (excavate, extract, exclaim)
16. Equi-: equal (equidistant, equivocal, equity)
17. Extra-: above, outside (extraneous, extraterrestrial, extravagant)
18. Hetero-: different (heterogenous, heterodox)
19. Homo-: same (homonym, homophone, homogenous)

20. Hyper-: over (hypersensitive, hyperactive, hyperbolic)

21. Il-: not (illegitimate, illegible, illegal)
22. Im-: not (impossible, immoderate, immoral)
23. In-: in or not (inspect, invisible, incorrect)
24. Intra-: within (intrastate, intravenous, intracellular)
25. Inter-: between or among (interstate, international, intervene)
26. Ir-: not (irresponsible, irreverent, irreligious)
27. Magni-: large (magnitude, magnanimous, magnificent)
28. Micro-: small (microscope, microcosm, microwave)
29. Mis-: wrong (misunderstand, misfit, mismanage)
30. Mono-: one (monologue, monopoly, monoculture)
31. Multi-: many (multicolored, multicultural, multiply)
32. Neo-: new (neophyte, neologism, neonatal)
33. Non-: not (nonfiction, noncommittal, noncomformist)
34. Ob-: against (obstruct, obstinate, obdurate)
35. Over-: too much (overestimate, overkill, overachieve)
36. Pan-: all (pandemonium, panacea, Pan-African)
37. Per-: through (pervade, permeate, permit)
38. Peri-: around (perimeter, pericardium, periscope)
39. Poly-: many (polyglot, polygon, polycarbonate)

40. Post-: after (postpone, postlapsarian, postmodern)

41. Pre-: before (preplan, prewrite, previous)
42. Pro-: forward (progress, propellant, promote)
43. Pseudo-: false (pseudonym, pseudointellectual, pseudoscience)
44. Re-: again or back (revisit, reject, return)
45. Retro-: backward (retrospective, retroactive, retrograde)
46. Sub-: under (submerge, submarine, subject)
47. Super-: over (supernatural, superb, superior)
48. Sym- (or syn-): with or together (synthetic, synchronize, symphony)
49. Trans-: across (transatlantic, transform, transport)
50. Un-: not (unsuccessful, unnerving, unnatural)

1. Bi-: two (bifocal, bisect, bilateral)

2. Cent-: 100 (century, centigrade, centimeter)
3. Dec-: ten (decade, decimal, decalogue)
4. Hemi-: half (hemisphere, hemitrope)
5. Kilo-: 1,000 (kilometer, kilogram, kilobyte)
6. Milli-: 1,000 (millipede, millisecond, millions)
7. Quad-: four (quadruple, quadrant, quadriplegic)
8. Semi-: half (semicircle, semiannual, semiformal)
9. Tri-: three (triangle, trilogy, triple)
10. Uni-: one (uniform, univocal, unisex)

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