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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering

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Heat and mass transfer analysis of non-Newtonian power-law

nanofluid confined within annulus enclosure using
Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model
Aissa Abderrahmane a, Wasim Jamshed b, Azher M. Abed c, **,
Ghassan Fadhil Smaisim d, e, Kamel Guedri f, Suriya Uma Devi S g, Omid Ali Akbari h,
Obai Younis i, Shaghayegh Baghaei h, *
Laboratoire de Physique Quantique de La Matière et Modélisation Mathématique (LPQ3M), University of Mascara, Algeria
Department of Mathematics, Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Techniques Engineering Department, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Babylon, 51001, Iraq
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, Iraq
Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Research Unit (NAMRU), Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, Iraq
Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, P.O. Box 5555, Makkah, 21955,
Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 641407, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering in Wadi Addwasir, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Non-Newtonian fluids are encountered in many engineering applications, such as the petroleum
Power-law nanofluids industry and lubrication. In this investigation, the Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and convective
Porous media boundary (heater) are assumed to analyze the heat transport phenomena of non-Newtonian type
Heat transfer enhancement Carboxy-Methyl-Cellulose (CMC)/Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) hybrid nanofluid in an annulus
Annulus enclosure. A porous medium saturates the enclosure under the privileges of Darcy-Brinkman law.
Entropy generation
Galerkin Finite Element Method (GFEM) is employed for numerical findings. Power-law type non-
Galerkin finite element technique
Newtonian-nanofluid is investigated for different volume fractions (φ) in an aqueous solution of
CMC. The flow and the thermal behavior of the nanofluid are investigated for dissimilar values of
Rayleigh (Ra), Hartman (Ha), and Darcy (Da) numbers and power-law index (n). The average
Nusselt (Nuavg) and Bejan (Beavg) numbers were evaluated for the nanofluid flow. The results
indicate that the present composition of nanofluid enhances the heat transfer inside the enclosure.
This effect can be further improved by increasing Ra and Da numbers or decreasing the power-law
index or magnetic forces. The Da number and power-law index are excellent control parameters
for entropy generation. Overall, these results offer a good lead into the design and optimization of
thermal performance within an annulus enclosure inundated by a Darcy medium. On the other
hand, the outcomes also indicate that, at Ra = 1000, owing to the limited drive of fluid flow
inside the cavity, the conduction heat flux is predominant, and the upsurge of the parameter n
hasn’t a significant effect on Nuavg variations. At the highest Ra, increasing n, and Ha, reduced
Nuavg by 50% and 40%, respectively. While increasing, Da improved Nuavg by 245%.

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail address: shaghaieghbaghaie@yahoo.com (S. Baghaei).

Received 1 October 2022; Received in revised form 10 November 2022; Accepted 14 November 2022
Available online 16 November 2022
2214-157X/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

1. Introduction
Investigating the behavior of materials at the nano scale is important from various aspects, and therefore the progress of nano
technology owes to these amazing aspects at the nano scale [1–6], and for this reason, a flood of research has flowed towards nano
technology in the last two decades [7–12]. One of the most important aspects of investigating behaviors is the heat transfer behavior of
fluids, which causes the thermal efficiency of systems to be affected by this behavior, and working fluids always play an important role
in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of systems [13–20]. Nanofluids have great potential to be the predominant working fluid
in different applications soon [21,22]. They can reach remarkable thermal conductivity and viscosity by suspending a tiny, very small
quantity of nanoparticles in conventional working fluids [23]. However, there are some hindrances like the growth in viscosity of the
nanofluid, which entails increment in pressure drop as well as pumping power and challenges to overcome like the insufficient stability
period and high production cost [24]. Consequently, nanofluid’s heat transfer and flow characteristics are constantly being studied in
various thermal systems [25–28]. We can find nanofluids being utilized to progress the heat flux in numerous domains subject to
numerous applications. Yang et al. [29] developed a predictive model for heat transfer in bone micro-grinding that employs nanofluid
for aerosol cooling. Bahiraei et al. [30] presented a novel unilateral baffle (with a ladder-type structure) to be fitted within the
boundary of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger using a nanofluid as a working fluid. Chaturvedi et al. [31] discussed the role of nanofluid
in enhancing CO2 consumption in oil repossession and storage and how to improve this role by adding a surfactant to it. Shamsuddin
et al. [32] evaluated the impact of employing a surfactant and nanofluid to progress the thermal enactment of a micro-channel heat
sink. Akram et al. [33] synthesized nanofluids using carbon and metal oxide nanoparticles to boost the effectiveness of flat-plate solar
collectors. Heidarshenas et al. [34] studied experimentally the hydraulic and thermal enactment of the cylindrical heat sink
(micro-channel structure), called (MCHS), employing a hybrid nanofluid. The report indicates that the hybrid nanofluid shows great
potential in enhancing the heat transfer inside the cylindrical MCHS and even surpassing the conventional mono-nanofluids on ac­
count of their high stability and simple preparation method. Vinoth et al. [35] experimentally inspected the heat transport and hybrid
nanofluid flow using an oblique finned MCHS with pentagonal cross-sections. Experimentally, Choi et al. [36] deliberated the in­
fluence of nanoparticle migration on the nanofluid’s thermal properties. Using the fuzzy inference system, Beiki et al. [37] studied the
convective mass transport of nanofluids under the laminar and turbulent motion regimes inside the circular tube. Wang et al. [38]
performed a comparative study between a graphene nanofluid and another one prepared with MXene nanosheets; the two nanofluids
were employed as working fluids inside a direct absorption solar collector. Selvaraj et al. [39] addressed the stability problem in
nanofluids by synthesizing quantum dots nanofluid and studying its convective cooling rate for an electronic system. in another study
by Jamshidmofid et al. [40] quantum dots nanofluid are employed to enhance the performance of a heat exchanger (having micro­
channel structure). The results demonstrate the positive impact of using quantum dots nanoparticles on the overall performance of the
thermal system and the stability of the nanofluid. However, it is still important to be aware of the pressure drop penalty. Kanti et al.
[41] assessed experimentally the thermo-hydraulic enactment of a hybrid nanofluid flowing through a tube. From the results and the
experimental data they obtained, they established a set of correlations for Nuavg as well as for friction factor. Mazlan et al. [42]
researched the employment of nonfluids as working fluid to enrich the thermal competence of a micro joint heat-power system. From
the result, it is found that by using Al2O3 nanofluid, the micro-CHP efficiency reached 73%. Nowadays, a variety of nanofluids exist,
and some exhibit non-Newtonian behavior so it’s essential to apply a non-Newtonian model when studying this type of nanofluids.
Aboud et al. [43] analyzed the consequence of magnetic forces on mixed convection of non-Newtonian nanofluid inside an annulus
cavity numerically. The results reveal that the magnetic forces and power-law index significantly influence heat transport and the
nanofluid motion. Miansari et al. [44] investigated the properties of rectangular microchannel dimensions on heat transport and
nanofluid flow based on the composition of carboxy-methyl cellulose. Alsabery et al. [45] visualized isotherms of free convection
inside a trapezoidal layered chamber, including a power-law nanofluid layer and porous film inundated with a nanofluid. Wang et al.
[46] analyzed the impact of temperature-dependent sinusoidally changing temperature distribution on the free convection of
non-Newtonian nanofluids classified in a rectangular chamber. Using the Powell-Eyring model, Ahmed et al. [47] investigated the
influence of thermal radiation, magnetic field, and mixed convection on the peristaltic motion of a nanofluid. Raizah et al. [48]
performed a study of the convective flow of a non-Newtonian nanofluid inside a tilted open shallow enclosure saturated with
permeable media. They reported that raising the power-index enhanced Beavg and reduced the Nu number. Currently, there is a
variety of models available to study Non-Newtonian fluids nanofluid behavior, such as Maxwell type fluid [49], Casson type fluid [50],
Williamson type fluid [51], Viscoelastic and Micropolar fluid [52,53], Jeffrey type fluid [54] and so on. To provide more accurate
solutions, Siavashi et al. [55] utilized the Two-phase classification model to inquire about the natural convection of non-Newtonian
nanofluid inside annulus filled with a permeable media. The results recommended filling the cavity with porous media fully and using
shear-thinning nanofluids to produce the higher Nu value. Likewise, Barnoon et al. [56] used it to investigate the thermal radiation
influence on the free convection of power-law nanofluid inside a porous enclosure with two cylindrical obstacles inside it. Li et al. [57]
also used it to study the mixed convection of power-law nanofluid confined within an H-shaped enclosure fitted with cooler as well as
heated cylinders.
As indicated by the wide-ranging literature review, the investigations on thermal trends and entropy optimization of power-law
type nanofluid confined within a porous enclosure are lacking. Thus, more numerical and experimental analyses are required. This
lacking inspired us to focus on a paper that targets the non-Newtonian nanofluid motion in the space between two concentric cylinders
such that the heat transport analysis and entropy optimization are performed for various valid parameters so that the significant
features of multifaceted interlinked procedure between heat transport, nanoparticles, porous medium, power-law rheological
consequence, and magnetic field are exposed. The present investigation findings are considered reasonable indications for optimizing
heat transfer inside porous annulus enclosures in engineering applications by considering the exergy losses.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

2. Mathematical formulation
The schematic layout for the considered chamber under investigation is explained geometrically in Fig. 1. This cavity primarily
comprises a domain of semi-circular radius R filled with a non-Newtonian type Carboxy-Methyl-Cellulose (CMC)/Aluminum oxide
(Al2O3) hybrid nanofluid. At the outer wall of the cavity having radius R0, a persistent cold temperature (Tc) is conserved. At the same
time, the chamber’s innermost semi-circular surface, named Ri, maintains a constant hot temperature (Th). The horizontal wall is
considered to be adiabatic. The flow and heat transmission within the cavity is deliberated to be 2D constant and laminar. Excepting for
the density term in the momentum equation’s buoyancy relation part, which requires Boussinesq’s approximation, the fluid charac­
teristics stay constant.

2.1. Governing model

The Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model for the non-Newtonian type of nanofluid flow within a Darcy medium in cylindrical
dimensions [58–61]:
∂Vr ∂Vz Vr
+ + =0 (1)
∂r ∂z r
[ ] [ ( ) ]
ρnf Vr ∂Vr Vz ∂Vr ∂p μ(γ 1 ∂ ∂Vr Vr ∂2 Vr μ(γ CF ρnf ⃒⃒→⃒⃒
+ =− + r − + 2 − Vr − 1 ⃒ V ⃒Vr + ρnf gβnf (T − Tc )sin φ (2)
ε ε ∂r ε ∂z ∂r ε r ∂r ∂r r2 ∂z K K2
[ ] [ ( ) ]
ρnf Vr ∂Vz Vz ∂Vz ∂p μ(γ 1 ∂ ∂Vz ∂2 Vz μ(γ CF ρnf ⃒⃒→⃒⃒
+ =− + r + − Vz − 1 ⃒ V ⃒Vz + ρnf gβnf (T − Tc )cos φ − σnf B20 v (3)
ε ε ∂r ε ∂z ∂z ε r ∂r ∂r ∂z2 K K2
[ ] [ ( ) ]
( ) ∂T ∂T 1 ∂ ∂T ∂2 T
ρC p V r + V z = k eff r + (4)
nf ∂r ∂z r ∂r ∂r ∂z2
⎛ [ [ ] [ ]2 [ ] [ ] ]n−2 1
∂Vr 2 Vr ∂Vz 2 ∂Vz ∂Vr 2

μ γ = μeff 2 +2 +2 + + (5)
∂r r ∂z ∂r ∂z

The apparent dynamic viscosity:

⎛ [ [ ] [ ]2 [ ] [ ] ]n−2 1
⎝ ∂Vr 2 Vr ∂Vz 2 ∂Vz ∂Vr 2
μ γ = μeff 2 +2 +2 + +
∂r r ∂z ∂r ∂z

Where n denotes the power-law index.

Non-dimensional equations:
+ + =0 (6)
∂R ∂Z R
[ ] [ ( ) ]
1 1 VR ∂VR VZ ∂VR 1 ∂P ρf μnf ̂
μ (γ 1 ∂ ∂VR VR ∂2 VR μ (γ ρf μnf
̂ CF ⃒⃒→⃒⃒
+ =− + R − 2+ 2
− VR − 1 ⃒ V ⃒VR
Pr ε ε ∂R ε ∂Z Pr ∂R ρnf μf ε R ∂R ∂R R ∂Z Da ρnf μf Pr. Da2
(ρβ)nf ρf
+ Ra θ sin φ (7)
(ρβ)f ρnf
[ ] [ ( ) ]
1 1 VR ∂VZ VZ ∂VZ 1 ∂P ρf μnf ̂ μ (γ 1 ∂ ∂VZ ∂2 VZ μ (γ ρf μnf
̂ CF ⃒⃒→⃒⃒
+ =− + R + 2
− − VZ − 1 ⃒ V ⃒VZ
Pr ε ε ∂R ε ∂Z Pr ∂Z ρnf μf ε R ∂R ∂R ∂Z Da ρnf μf Pr. Da2
( ) (8)
(ρβ)nf ρf σ nf ρf
+ Ra θ cos φ − Ha2 V
(ρβ)f ρnf σ f ρnf

Fig. 1. Physical model.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

( ) [ ] [ ( ) ]
ρCp nf ∂θ ∂θ keff 1 ∂ ∂θ ∂2 θ
( ) VR + VZ = R + 2 (9)
ρCp f ∂R ∂Z kf R ∂R ∂R ∂Z
The entropy equation [60]:
[( ) ( ) ] [ [ ] [ ]2 [ ] [ ]]
k ∂T 2 ∂T 2 μ(γ ( 2 ) μ(γ ∂Vr 2 Vr ∂Vz 2 ∂Vz ∂Vr 2 σ nf β20 2
s = 2 + + Vr + V2z + 2 +2 +2 + + + V
T0 ∂r ∂z T0 K T0 ∂r r ∂z ∂r ∂z T0 z

The dimensionless entropy

[( ) ( ) ] ( [( ) [ [ ] [ ]2 [ ] [ ] ]]
keff ∂θ 2 ∂θ 2 μ V2R + V2Z ∂VR 2 VR ∂VZ 2 ∂VZ ∂VR 2 σnf
S = + + Φ nf ̂
μ γ + 2 +2 +2 + + + Φ Ha2 V2Z
kf ∂R ∂Z μf Da ∂R R ∂Z ∂R ∂Z σf

The non-dimensional variables are defined as:

/( ) /( ) / ( )
r − ri z αf αf αf 2
R= ,Z= ,V=v ,U=u , P = p ρnf (12)

T − Tc
and D = ro − ri (13)
Th − Tc
vf gβf QD4 /
Pr = , Ra = , Ha = B0 · D σf μf (14)
αf xf vf αf
boundary conditions:
at r = ri: u = v = 0,T = Th (heater),
∂T = 0 Inner cylinder
at r = ro: u = v = 0, T = Tc Cold external cone.
at z = 0: u = v = 0 , ∂∂Tz = 0 Adiabatic bottom wall.
at z = DL : u = v = 0 , ∂∂Tz = 0 Adiabatic top wall

The thermophysical properties of CMC and Al2O3 are listed in Table 1, and the properties of the investigated nanofluid are
evaluated as follows
μnf 1
= (15)
μbf (1 − φ)2.5

(ρCp)nf = (1 − φ)(ρCp)bf + φ(ρCp)sp . (16)

(ρβ)nf = (1 − φ)(ρβ)bf + φ(ρβ)sp (17)

( )
knf ksp + 2kbf − 2φ kbf − ksp
= ( ) (18)
kbf ksp + 2kbf + 2φ kbf − ksp

αnf = , ρ = (1 − φ)ρbf + φρsp . (19)
(ρCp)nf nf

The Nuloc is defined as

knf ∂T ⃒⃒
Nu(θ, Z) = − (20)
kf ∂r ⃒r=ri

The Nuavg is defined as

Table 1
Thermophysical values of CMC and Al2O3 [36].

Properties CMC Al2O3

Cp (J/kg K) 4179 765

ρ (kg/m3) 997.1 3600
k (Wm− 1 K− 1) 0.613 46
β × 10− 5 (1/K) 21 0.63

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

∫2π ∫1
Nuavg = Nu(θ, Z)dZdθ (21)

0 0

System entropy.
Here, the sources of the system irreversibility are heat transfer irreversibility, liquid friction irreversibility and the irreversibility
due to the magnetic force. Therefore, the equation governing the entropy is expressed as:
[( ) ( )2 ( )2 ]
knf ∂θ 2 1 ∂θ ∂θ
ST = + + (22)
kf ∂r r ∂ϑ ∂Z
( )
μnf Ur 2 + Uϑ 2 + Uz 2
Sf = Θμ*
μf Da
⎡ ⎛ ⎞2 ⎤
⎢ (∂U )2 ( )2 ( )2 ( Uϑ ) ( )2 ( )2 ⎥
μ* μnf ⎢ 1 ∂Uϑ Ur ∂Uz ⎜ ∂ r 1 ∂Ur ⎟ 1 ∂Uz ∂Uϑ ∂Uz ∂Ur ⎥
+Θ ⎢2 +2 + +2 +⎜ ⎟
⎝r ∂r + r ∂ϑ ⎠ + r ∂ϑ + ∂z + + ⎥
μf ⎣ ∂r r ∂ϑ r ∂Z ∂r ∂Z ⎦

σnf 2 2 2 [ 2 ]
Sm = Θ Ha Re Pr Uϑ + Uz 2 (24)
μf T0 ( U0 )2
where Θ = kf ΔT is ratio of the irreversibility.
The total entropy generation Stot is defined as:

Stot = ST + Sf + SM (25)

The Bejan number Beavg is defined as:

Beavg = (26)

3. Validation and grid independency

We used a Galerkin weighted residual approach to transform the governing system of equations into a set of integral mathematical
equations. Multiple grids are examined to attain grid independence. As demonstrated in Table 2, this modeling may be completed with
a grid size of 30391.
Table 3 illustrates the comparison between the current results and Ref. [58] and Ref. [59]. As shown in Table 3, the Nuavg values
obtained in this study are consistent with those obtained in previous studies.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Effects of Rayleigh number (Ra)
The contours of Fig. 2 show the effect of the Ra number for values 103 to 106 on the behavior of streamlines, isotherms, and
isotropic lines of non-Newtonian base fluid (CMC/Water). In these contours, the effect of increasing the buoyancy force on the
behavior of the flow field, temperature field and irreversibility in the cavity without applying a magnetic field and n = 1 was
compared. As the Ra number increases due to the increase in temperature variance between the hot source and the velocity, the density
gradients increase rapidly and will cause a serious excitation of the current field. Hence, the heat transfer is improved due to changes in
the flow structure and flow intensity. Also, by increasing the fluid circulation in the cavity, areas with different temperature gradients
are quickly removed in the cavity, which causes a uniform temperature distribution. According to the streamline contours, by esca­
lating the Ra number from 103 to 106, the excitation of the flow field and the intensification of the circulation will increase the
maximum flow intensity significantly. In low v numbers, due to the lower flow motion and insignificant buoyancy force, the tem­
perature distribution is associated with many gradients, and the temperature transfer between the hot and cold sources is slow, so the
hot source temperature in the cavity covers a large part of different areas. By increasing the Ra number, the stimulation of the flow by
strengthening the buoyancy force causes strong vortices and better mass distribution of fluid in the cavity, which will heat transport
between the hotter and colder sources, and the maximum temperature of the cavity will decrease. On the contrary, with better

Table 2
Grid Sensitivity analysis for the special case
(Ha = 0, φ = 0.04, Da = 10− 2, Ra = 105).

1875 2864 50500 12298 30391 53451

Nuavg Ha = 0 11.693 11.975 12.159 12.156 12.155 12.155

Ha = 50 9.264 9.135 9.045 9.042 9.041 9.041

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

Table 3
Values of the Nuavg.

Ra Ref. [58] Ref. [59] Present work

10 2.355 2.33 2.343
5 × 104 3.718 3.758 3.755
105 4.558 4.568 4.564

Fig. 2. Effect of Ra on treamlines, isotherms and isentropic lines.

temperature distribution in the cavity, the amount of entropy generation owing to heat transport is reduced, and this behavior results
in a more uniform distribution of isotropic lines for higher Ra numbers.

4.2. Effects of Hartmann number (Ha)

Variations of the Hartmann number for values 0–100 on the behavior of streamlines, isotherms and isentropic lines for non-
Newtonian base fluid (CMC/Water) are shown in the contours of Fig. 3. This study was performed for Ra number 106 and n = 1.
Stimulation of the flow field by applying a magnetic field according to the direction of Lorentz force can have significant changes in the
conduction of streamlines and the connection of flow to the hot surface. Due to the created Lorentz force inside the geometry under
consideration, it causes the flow to separate from the hot surface and its complete connection to the cold surface, causing the flow to

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

drift to the right of the cavity. Therefore, with the cumulative Hartmann number, the amount of dimensionless temperature in the
cavity increases and dimensionless temperature gradients grow in the cavity. Also, the growth of temperature gradients in the cavity
increases the irreversibility, especially.

4.3. Impact of the power-law index (n)

The contours of Fig. 4 show the flow field changes, including streamlines, isotherms and isotropic lines for parameter n changes.
This study was performed for Ra number 106 and Ha = 0 and a weight fraction of 8%. As the parameter n increases, the non-Newtonian
behavior of the cooling fluid intensifies and the flow rate decreases. On the other hand, reducing the flow intensity will cause hot areas
in the cavity and increase the temperature without dimension. Also, the values of isotropic lines show a higher level due to the

Fig. 3. Impact of Ha on the streamlines, isotherms and isentropic lines.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

intensification of irreversibility.

4.4. Impact of volume fraction (φ)

The contours of Fig. 5 show the impact of cumulative fractionation of solid nanoparticles on the behavior of the flow field for the
values of streamlines, isotherms and isentropic lines for Ra number 106 and n = 1 without applying a magnetic field. In these contours,
the addition of solid nanoparticles will augment the heat transport and reduce the temperature of the cavity and ultimately reduce the
irreversibility. The presence of solid nanoparticles improves the thermal conductivity of the flow field, and heat transport between
fluid layers occurs with better temperature distribution. This behavior will reduce the irreversibility of temperature gradients. Among
the streamline contours, it is observed that the presence of solid nanoparticles for non-Newtonian fluid has a limited effect on
streamlines and flow intensity.

4.5. Effects of Darcy number (Da)

Fig. 6 displays the effect of increasing the Da number on the behavior of flow parameters in the contours of isotherms, streamlines

Fig. 4. Effect of n on streamlines, isotherms and isentropic lines.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

Fig. 5. Effect of φ on streamlines, isotherms and isentropic lines.

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Fig. 6. Effect of Da on streamlines isotherms and isentropic lines.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

and isentropic lines. Surface permeability and increasing the Da number can cause the flow in the cavity with less resistance. On the
other hand, reducing the Da number reduces the surface permeability, and fluid circulation is formed with less force in the cavity.
Therefore, due to the reduction of flow motion in the cavity, by decreasing the Da number, heat transfer is abridged, and the formation
of temperature gradients in the cavity is strengthened. In dimensionless temperature in Fig. 6, this issue is marked by increasing the
level of the contours. In areas with low heat transfer, due to the irreversible increase in the growth of temperature gradients also
increases the entropy generation.

4.6. Heat transfer rates in the enclosure

In Fig. 7, variations of the Nuavg in different Ra numbers for n values are compared and examined. By increasing the Ra number, the
excitation of the flow convection increases due to the increase in the density difference. On the other hand, increasing the temperature
difference between hot and cold sources will increase heat transfer and Nuavg. For changes in parameter n, it was observed that
increasing it will cause severe changes in the non-Newtonian behavior of the cooling fluid. This behavior limits the growth of heat
transfer and the Nuavg by increasing the Ra number. It seems that the excitation of motion gradients between fluid layers is limited by
increasing n in the cavity, and the effects of fluid layer convection and fluid circulation are limited, and the fluid tends to stagnation
and limitation of motion and, ultimately, conduction heat transfer. In Ra = 1000, due to the limited motion of the fluid flow in the
cavity, it seems that the conduction heat transfer is predominant, and the effects of increasing the n parameter will not have a sub­
stantial effect on the Nuavg changes. As the Ra number upsurges, the dependence of the growth of the Nuavg on the parameter n will be
more significant. It is recommended that nanofluids with limited non-Newtonian effects be used in chambers similar to the present
problem to improve heat transfer and Nuavg at higher Ra numbers.
The diagrams in Fig. 7b show the behavior of the Nuavg with changes in the Hartmann number and the upsurge in the Ra number.
According to the behavior of the diagrams in Fig. 7b, the decrease in heat transfer due to the increase in the Hartmann number is more
significant than the increase in the n parameter. This behavior is seen in the reduction of the alignment of the diagrams in Fig. 7a and b.
Due to the trend of the magnetic field on the hot surface, the creation of flow separation, especially in low Ra numbers, is not un­
expected. Also, by increasing the Hartmann number, the Lorentz force acts as an anti-fluid adhesion force to the surface, which will
practically strengthen the hot areas in the source part with higher temperature, and the Nuavg decreases. So, even high Ra numbers
with strongly created vortices in the cavity cannot achieve the desired heat transfer. At low Ra numbers, due to the lower mobility of
the vortices and the tendency to stagnate in the flow field, the effects of Hartmann amplification on the Nuavg behavior are more
limited. Finally, the effects of the laminar flow excitation and enhanced flow circulation are strongly dependent on the applied Lorentz
In Fig. 7c, the effect of the permeability of the cavity surface (Da number) on the Nuavg changes in the range of Ra numbers 103 to
10 are investigated and compared. By increasing the Da number, the permeability of the flow surface in the cavity increases and the
flow can circulate with less resistance. Depreciation of flow velocity components will also be lower for higher Da numbers. Therefore,
the flow will move with stronger circulation in the cavity, and the heat transfer rate and Nuavg will increase. At a low Da number, owing
to the reduction of the flow penetration level in the cavity and the presence of a porous area in the cavity, its general behavior is similar
to the stagnation flow structure, and Nuavg will not have significant stimulation and convection even with increasing Ra number. It also
seems that the general behavior of the flow will be close to a solid surface with thermal conductivity consisting of solid-fluid, and the
influence of temperature on this surface will reduce the Nuavg and heat transfer. The dependence of increasing the Nuavg on changes in
the flow surface permeability at low Ra numbers will have little or no effect. Therefore, the change in the Nuavg diagrams in Ra = 103
and 104 is very limited.

Fig. 7a. Effect of Ra number on the variation of the Nuavg for various n.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

Fig. 7b. Effect of Ra number on the variation of the Nuavg for various Ha numbers.

Fig. 7c. Effect of Ra on the variation of the Nuavg for various Da.

Fig. 7d. Impact of Ra number on the variant of the Beavg for various n.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

4.7. Irreversibility quotient across the enclosure

In Fig. 7d, the effect of increasing the n parameter on the Beavg in the range of Ra numbers 103-106 is investigated and compared.
Due to the behavior of the previous diagrams, the flow irreversibility increases with increasing n value. The presence of velocity and
temperature gradients in the flow motion field due to the intensification of non-Newtonian behavior by increasing n increases the
irreversibility owing to heat transport and flow friction. The highest amount of flow irreversibility occurs at Ra number 103, the main
cause of which is irreversibility due to the growth of temperature gradients, and this amount decreases with increasing Ra number. On
the other hand, at Ra number 106, it seems that the irreversibility ratio does not depend on the value of n. It seems that this amount of
irreversibility, in addition to temperature gradients, depends on the intensity of the velocity gradients, so the share of irreversibility
due to friction is much greater than heat transfer. In the range between maximum and minimum Ra numbers, the irreversibility effects
are affected by both velocity and temperature factories.
Fig. 7e compares the effects of increasing magnetic force on the behavior of the Beavg at different Ra numbers. Lorentz force action
of different intensities can affect the flow field and temperature. Changes in the applied magnetic field can affect the growth or
decrease of temperature and velocity gradients. Compared to the changes in the diagrams in Fig. 7d, the application of a magnetic field
will produce less irreversibility compared to the changes in the n parameter. In the behavior of this diagram, it is found that in the
range of Ra numbers greater than 103 and less than 106, the irreversible effects of the application of a magnetic field will have a
stronger effect on the growth of velocity gradients or the friction factor compared to changes in the parameter n. Hence, the diagrams
in Fig. 7e are drawn with a greater slope.
Fig. 7f shows the effects of flow surface permeability on Beavg changes at different Ra numbers. Any factor that prevents the
stimulation of the flow field can reduce heat transfer and enhance irreversibility. In these diagrams, the increase in the Ra number has
intensified the flow excitation and the increase in irreversibility due to the coefficient of friction. Hence in high Ra numbers, the value
of the Beavg goes to 0. At low Ra numbers, the effects of temperature gradients are amplified due to the tendency of the flow to stagnate
and the reduction of density gradients due to the dissimilarity between the temperature of the hotter and colder sources. Hence, at the
lower Ra number, the value of the Beavg will be 1. In the range of Ra numbers 103 to 106, increasing the effects of flow permeability
(increasing the Da number) can lead to a decrease in irreversibility.

5. Conclusion
In this numerical investigation, the laminar natural flow behavior of CMC/Al2O3 non-Newtonian nanofluid in the range of Ra =
103-106 and Ha = 0–100 in solid volume fraction 0–8% were studied. This study will be simulated for a range of different Da numbers
in two-dimensional space. The results of this study show that by increasing the fluid circulation in the cavity, areas with different
temperature gradients are quickly removed from the cavity, which causes a uniform temperature distribution. According to the
streamline contours, by increasing the Ra number from 103 to 106, the excitation of the flow field and the intensification of the cir­
culation will increase the maximum flow intensity significantly. For changes in parameter n, it is observed that increasing it will cause
severe changes in the non-Newtonian behavior of the cooling fluid. This behavior limits the growth of heat transfer and the Nuavg by
increasing the Ra number. At low Ra numbers, due to the lower flow motion, the temperature distribution is associated with many
gradients, and the heat transport between the hotter and colder sources is slow; so, the hot source temperature in the cavity covers a
large part of different areas. At the highest Ra, increasing n from 0.8 to 1.4 resulted in a 50% reduction in Nuavg. As the Hartmann
number upsurges, the dimensionless temperature in the cavity increases and dimensionless temperature gradients grow in the cavity.
Also, the growth of temperature gradients in the cavity increases the irreversibility, especially in the hot source areas. By increasing the
Ra number, the stimulation of the flow by strengthening the buoyancy force causes strong vortices and better mass distribution of fluid
in the cavity, which will heat exchange between the hotter and colder sources, and the maximum temperature of the cavity will
decrease. It seems that the excitation of motion gradients between fluid layers is limited by increasing n in the cavity. By increasing the
Hartmann number, the Lorentz force acts as an anti-fluid adhesion force to the surface, which practically strengthens the hot areas in
the source section with higher temperatures and the Nuavg decreases. At the highest Ra, increasing Ha from 0 to 100 resulted in a 40%
reduction in Nuavg. The dependence of increasing the Nuavg on changes in the flow surface permeability at low Ra numbers will have
little or no effect. However, at the highest Ra, increasing Da from 10− 5 to 10− 2 resulted in a 245% enhancement in Nuavg. The highest
amount of flow irreversibility occurs at Ra number 103, the main cause of which is irreversibility due to the growth of temperature
gradients, and this amount decreases with increasing Ra number. On the other hand, at Ra number 106, it seems that the irreversibility
ratio does not depend on the value of n. It seems that this amount of irreversibility, in addition to temperature gradients, depends on
the intensity of the velocity gradients, so the share of irreversibility due to friction is much greater than heat transfer. At low Ra
numbers, the effects of temperature gradients are amplified due to the tendency of the flow to stagnate and the reduction of density
gradients due to the difference between the temperature of the hot and cold sources. Hence, at lower Ra numbers, the value of the Beavg
will be 1. In the range of Ra numbers 103 to 106, increasing the effects of flow permeability (increasing the Da number) can lead to a
decrease in irreversibility.
As an extension of this work, the authors are planning to include the impact of radiation and forced convection in a future study.

Author statement
• The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the descriptions are accurate and agreed by all authors.
• The role(s) of all authors are listed.
• Authors have contributed in multiple roles.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

Fig. 7e. Impact of Ra number on the variant of the Beavg for various Ha numbers.

Fig. 7f. Impact of Ra number on the variant of the Beavg for various Da numbers.

Methodology, Software and Validation:Aissa Abderrahmane, Wasim Jamshed, Azher M. Abed, Ghassan Fadhil Smaisim, Kamel
Guedri, Suriya Uma Devi. S,Writing - Review & Editing Kamel Guedri6, Suriya Uma Devi. S, Omid Ali Akbari8, Obai Younis, Sha­
ghayegh Baghaei Writing - Original Draft, Aissa Abderrahmane, Wasim Jamshed, Azher M. Abed, Ghassan Fadhil Smaisim, Sha­
ghayegh Baghaei Investigation Aissa Abderrahmane, Omid Ali Akbari, Obai Younis, Shaghayegh Baghaei

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

Data availability

No data was used for the research described in the article.

The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship for Research & Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia for funding
this research work through the project number: IFP22UQU4331317DSR151.

A. Abderrahmane et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 40 (2022) 102569

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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Volume 43, Issue , March 2023, Page

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2023.102808
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 43 (2023) 102808

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journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/csite

Corrigendum to “Heat and mass transfer analysis of

non-Newtonian power-law nanofluid confined within annulus
enclosure using Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model” [Case Stud.
Therm. Eng. 40 (2023) 102569 CSITE-D-22-02293]
Aissa Abderrahmane a, Wasim Jamshed b, Azher M. Abed c,
Ghassan Fadhil Smaisim d, e, Kamel Guedri f, Suriya Uma Devi S g, Omid Ali Akbari h,
Obai Younis i, Shaghayegh Baghaei h, *
Laboratoire de Physique Quantique de La Matière et Modélisation Mathématique (LPQ3M), University of Mascara, Algeria
Department of Mathematics, Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Techniques Engineering Department, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Babylon, 51001, Iraq
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, Iraq
Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Research Unit (NAMRU), Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, Iraq
Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, P.O. Box 5555, Makkah, 21955,
Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 641407, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering in Wadi Addwasir, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

The authors regret < the correction of the word “Deanship” by the word “Deputyship” in the acknowledgement phrase. Therefore,
the correct acknowledgments will be as follows:
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship for Research & Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia for
funding this research work through the project number: IFP22UQU4331317DSR151.>.
The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

DOI of original article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2022.102569.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: shaghaieghbaghaie@yahoo.com (S. Baghaei).


Available online 10 February 2023

2214-157X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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