Next Energy: Ebrahim Barati, Amir Sarviha, Mohammad Amin Karamad
Next Energy: Ebrahim Barati, Amir Sarviha, Mohammad Amin Karamad
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Research article
Keywords: This research investigates the performance of hybrid nanofluids in solar heating systems, focusing on heat
Nanofluid transfer effectiveness and thermodynamic irreversibility. Solar energy is widely favored for its eco-friendly na
Numerical study ture, but traditional operating fluids in solar heaters lack sufficient thermal conductivity. To address this issue,
Solar heater
modified fluids called nanofluids have been developed. This study proposes a novel approach that combines
Heat efficiency
nanofluids and turbulators to evaluate solar system performance. ANSYS FLUENT 18.0 solver is employed,
utilizing the iterative time advancement technique for solving the set of equations. Entropy generation analysis is
employed as a promising methodology. Aluminum-oxide nanoparticles are examined for their impact on heat
transfer, pressure drop, and entropy generation in a rib channel at Re= 20,000. To enhance heat transfer, the
effects of angled-ribs are assessed using the thermal enhancement factor, which considers heat transfer rate and
friction factor. Results indicate that triangular-shaped ribs exhibit superior thermal performance. Furthermore,
the study investigates the influence of nanofluid volume fraction and heat flux distribution on Nusselt number,
pressure drop, thermal performance factor, and entropy generation. Increasing the nanofluid fraction enhances
the Nusselt number, pressure drop, and performance evaluation criterion (PEC). Based on the results of a
quantitative analysis, it can be concluded that 4% nanoparticle volume fraction results in an increase of 4.6%,
11.63%, and 18.5% in Nusselt number in triangular and rectangular channels without teeth and with teeth,
respectively. Additionally, a positive heat flux gradient improves heat transfer and reduces entropy generation,
suggesting that adjusting the boundary condition can enhance energy and exergy efficiency. Overall, this study
demonstrates the benefits of entropy generation analysis for assessing thermal systems and implementing hybrid
nanofluids with turbulators in solar heating, contributing valuable insights to sustainable energy technologies.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Barati).
Received 4 June 2023; Received in revised form 21 July 2023; Accepted 17 August 2023
Available online 19 December 2023
2949-821X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
and velocity is addressed by the utilization of the SIMPLE algorithm. To 2.2. Governing equations
expedite the computation of the pressure correction, a V-cycle multigrid
method is employed. Additionally, for the discretization of advection Prior to presenting the governing equations, the basic assumptions of
terms, a second-order upwind scheme is utilized, while a central dif the solution is presented.
ference scheme is employed for the discretization of diffusion terms. In
order to ensure accurate results, the pressure values at the faces are 1. Steady Flow: The flow is assumed to be steady, meaning it does not
interpolated using a second-order scheme [37]. By incorporating these change with time.
advanced techniques and algorithms into our simulation approach, a 2. Turbulent Flow: The flow is turbulent, which is characterized by
comprehensive analysis of the heat transfer phenomenon under inves irregular fluctuations in velocity and pressure.
tigation is enabled. Convergence is achieved when a stringent criterion 3. Incompressible Fluid: The fluid is considered incompressible,
of 10− 6 is reached for the residuals. To validate the accuracy of the meaning its density remains constant during the flow.
findings, a thorough mesh sensitivity test is conducted, with a primary 4. Newtonian Fluid: The fluid is assumed to follow Newton’s law of
focus on the flow over a single circular cylinder. Through this analysis, a viscosity, where the shear stress is proportional to the rate of shear
meticulous assessment and confirmation of the obtained results are strain.
facilitated. 5. K-Omega Turbulence Model: The K-Omega model is used to simulate
turbulent flow, which is found to be suitable for rotational flow and
2.1. Physical model geometries with reverse flow [39].
6. Single-phase Model: The nanofluid is treated as a single-phase,
The representation of the computational domain and coordinate meaning the nanoparticles are well-dispersed and uniformly
system can be observed in Fig. 1. The investigated geometry is a two- distributed in the base fluid.
dimensional channel with a width of D=H, which is serrated in the 7. Nanofluid Effects: The model considers the influence of Brownian
middle of the lower wall channel. The first case tooth to be shaped as a motion of nanoparticles on the nanofluid’s viscosity and thermal
right-angled triangle with a height of 0.2 H and a base of H and the conductivity.
second case teeth are rectangular with a length of H and a width of
0.2 H. To ensure a fully developed flow, the area prior to entering the According to the above assumptions, Eqs. (5) to (7) express conti
toothed part is 16 H, and the length of the exit region is also extended so nuity, momentum and energy, respectively are presented [40,41]:
that the condition of development at the exit is established.
In the numerical simulation, the known velocity boundary condition (u ) = 0, i = 1, 2 (5)
∂x i
is used for the channel entrance.
[ ( )]
u=U , V = 0, T = 300 (1) ∂ ( ) ∂P ∂ ∂ui ∂uj 2 ∂ui ∂ ( )
ρ uu = − + μ + − δ + − ρ ́ ́
∂xj eff i j ∂xi ∂xi eff ∂xi ∂xi 3 ij ∂xi ∂xj eff ui uj
In exiting from the boundary condition, the output pressure is used (6)
(∂∂xp = 0). The x-direction is specifically aligned with the direction of the
( )
freestream flow, while the y-direction is orthogonal to it on the lower D [( )] ∂ c ∂T
ρeff E + P = [ λeff + p,eff + ui (τij )eff ] (7)
wall at the beginning [38]. Dt ∂xj prt ∂xi
The no-slip boundary condition is also applied for the channel walls.
It should be noted that the continuity equation represents the prin
u = 0, v = 0 (2) ciple of mass conservation, and Eq. (6) accounts for the acceleration and
convective terms of the fluid’s momentum, as well as the pressure
In the energy equation, the toothed wall has a constant heat flux.
gradient forces and viscous forces. The terms in this equation describe
q = 1000
(3) how the fluid velocity changes due to the pressure distribution and in
m2 ternal friction (viscosity) within the fluid, and finally Eq. (7) represents
For the rest of the walls, the insulation boundary condition is the conservation of energy in the fluid. It takes into account the con
employed. vection of thermal energy, the conductive heat transfer within the fluid,
and the work done by viscous forces. In this particular case, the model
∂T also includes the effects of nanofluid, considering the impact of Brow
=0 (4)
∂y nian motion of nanoparticles on the fluid’s viscosity and thermal con
ductivity. Due to turbulent flow, the last term of the momentum
equation enters the equation and is known as Reynolds stress. With
respect to energy, Pr, T, λeff and CP,eff respectively represent the Perantel
number, the temperature, the thermal conductivity of the nanofluid, and
the specific heat capacity of the nanofluid [42], and Table 1 presents the
properties of working fluid in this investigation.
As a function of temperature, particle diameter (dp =30 nm), mass
fraction of nanoparticles and their density, and the properties of the base
fluid, this relationship is used to model the effect of Brownian motion on
Table 1
the properties of working fluid.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Properties kg kg J W
ρ μ cp κ
m3 m.s kg.K m.K
the base fluid (water) 997.1 8.93 × 10− 4179 0.6
nanoparticles (aluminum 3970 - 765 40
Fig. 1. Computational domain and coordinate system for a) triangular and b)
rectangular teeth.
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
Fig. 5. Comparison of numerical average pressure drop coefficient in terms of Reynolds number with previous analytical solution.
simulation results and experimental data. The primary focus of this wall. In this context, the parameters of entropy production and heat
study revolves around investigating heat transfer characteristics in transfer improvement coefficient are considered essential factors for
aluminum-oxide nanofluid suspended in water under conditions of high evaluation. The Reynolds number is 20,000, the selection of Re= 20,000
Reynolds numbers and turbulent flow. The effects of nanoparticle vol allowed the study to strike a balance between representing real-world
ume fraction on Nusselt number, pressure drop, and thermal efficiency conditions in solar heating systems and maximizing heat transfer im
are also examined. To comprehensively analyze the entropy production provements. This choice provides valuable insights into implementing
system, the investigation is divided into two key aspects: thermal and hybrid nanofluids with turbulators, advancing sustainable and efficient
frictional entropy. Moreover, the effect of nanoparticle volume fraction solar heating technologies.
on entropy generation is explored. Additionally, the study compares two
scenarios: variable flux with a positive gradient and variable flux with a
negative gradient, both subjected to a constant heat flux on the toothed
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
Fig. 11. Distribution of velocity, pressure and temperature in volume fraction of 4%.
along the wall is uniform in all three instances and equals qL. This dis end. In case (c), the flux distribution is the opposite of case (a). Part (b)
tribution can be mathematically defined by the following Eq. (21). of the figure also illustrates the temperature distribution in a state of
⎧ ( ) constant flux, as discussed previously.
⎪ q ¨
⎨ *x − *q→positive gradient
l 0.6
q = ∝ + βx→ ( ) (21)
⎪ ( q ) 1.24 3.4. Examination of Nusselt number and thermal efficiency coefficient
⎩ − *x − *q→negative gradient
l 0.6
Based on the information depicted in Fig. 17, the average Nusselt
In Fig. 16, the temperature distribution is shown for three different number is depicted as a function of the volume fraction of nanoparticles
heat fluxes. Evidently, the amount of heat flux in case (a) is greater in the in three distinct modes of heat flux distribution. The previous sections
initial teeth and, thus, according to Fourier’s principle, in a constant have discussed how the Nusselt number varies with a change in volume
temperature gradient, the temperature gradient increases in the initial fraction. The data in Fig. 17 demonstrates that the Nusselt number is
teeth, and diminishes towards the lower teeth until it reaches zero at the highest when the flux gradient is positive and lowest when the flux
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
Fig. 12. Pressure changes along the triangular toothed channel at a volume fraction of 4%.
Fig. 15. Schematic of the flux distribution along the toothed wall.
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
Fig. 16. Temperature distribution in three heat flux distributions on the wall.
E. Barati et al. Next Energy 2 (2024) 100050
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