Capabilities for
Coalition Operations
Building partner capabilities for coalition operations / Jennifer D.P. Moroney ... [et al.].
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-8330-4211-8 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Combined operations (Military science) 2. United States. Army—
Organization. 3. Multinational armed forces—Organization. 4. United States—
Military relations—Foreign countries. 5. Military planning—United States.
I. Moroney, Jennifer D. P., 1973–
U260.B85 2007
iv Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Study Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Organization of the Monograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Challenge of Building Partner Capability and Capacity:
Theory and Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Assumptions and Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Challenge of Developing Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Importance of Train and Equip Programs for U.S. Army
Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Selection of TEPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Key Factors Examined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Collective Findings from the TEPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
vi Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Identifying U.S. Army Capability Gaps for Coalition Operations . . . 27
Strategic-Level Guidance Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
National Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Army Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Army Capabilities Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Capabilities Needs Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Capability Gap Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
HQDA G-3 Army Capability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Army Capability Gaps: A Composite, Illustrative List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Matching U.S. Army Capability Gaps to Candidate Partner
Armies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Step 1: Determine Relative Importance of U.S. Army Capability
Gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Step 2: Identify Appropriate Capabilities Based on Level of Effort . . . . . . 43
Step 3: Identify Capabilities of Shared Interest to the U.S. Army
and Partner Armies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Step 4: Identify Candidate Partner Armies Based on Availability
and Political Acceptability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Step 5: Determine Existing Partner Army Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Illustrating the Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Georgia: Sustainment and Stability Operations Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
A. Illustrative Train and Equip Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
B. Explanation of Capability Gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
C. Coalition Partner Contributions to U.S.-Led Operations . . . . . . . . . . 89
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
1 These definitions were developed specifically for this study, and differ somewhat from the
Joint Capability Area (JCA) lexicon. The study team felt that the latter definitions were too
narrowly focused on specific capabilities. According to the JCA lexicon, Building Military
Partner Capability refers to “the ability to improve the military capabilities of our allies
and partners to help them transform and optimize their forces to provide regional secu-
rity, disaster preparedness and niche capabilities in a coalition.” Building Military Partner
Capacity refers to “the ability to encourage and empower the military capacities of our allies
and partners through training, education, assistance, diplomacy and other activities so they
are prepared to protect homelands, defeat terrorists, and protect common interests while
strengthening relations with friendly global and regional powers.” “Joint Capability Areas,
Tier 1 & Tier 2 Lexicon” (2006).
xii Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
xviii Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Abbreviations xix
Major challenges confront the U.S. Army as it seeks to enhance its abil-
ity to work more effectively with partner armies in an operational con-
text. U.S.- and NATO-led operations in Iraq and Afghanistan provide
recent examples of large-scale coalitions. Efforts in Kosovo, Bosnia,
Haiti, Sinai, and Somalia also demonstrate that the U.S. Army must be
able to operate effectively with many different partner armies of vary-
ing capabilities around the world. These and other missions are creat-
ing competing demands for Army capabilities that result in require-
ment gaps that the Army is unable to fill.
This monograph argues that U.S. Army planners need a compre-
hensive understanding of the capability gaps that partner armies might
fill and a process for matching them with candidate partner armies
whenever possible and appropriate. Although there are various ways to
fill capability gaps (e.g., with other Services, contractors, or increased
Army end-strength), strategic guidance emphasizes the need to lever-
age the capabilities of allies and partners for this purpose.1 Thus, this
1 Previous RAND analysis suggests that, from a standpoint of using comparative advan-
tage as a rational framework for assessing burden-sharing issues, there is potentially a “busi-
ness case” for cultivating foreign partner niche capabilities. Given the U.S. Army’s current
operational and financial constraints, it appears to make sense from a cost standpoint to help
our allies and partners develop their capabilities in certain niche areas. Further research is
needed to decrease the uncertainty over the requirements and costs of building niche capa-
bilities at home and overseas. In addition, the financial benefits accruing to the United States
from developing an overseas niche capability will depend on the degree of risk mitigation
pursued (i.e., the number of niche units built in the Unites States or in partner nations) as
2 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Addressing these questions will help the Army effectively and effi-
ciently allocate its security cooperation resources. This study will help
well as the existing shortfalls in the military capabilities and requirements of our foreign
partners. See Moroney, Grissom, and Marquis (2007, p. 101).
2 Although the authors recognize the important role played by other U.S. government enti-
ties in security cooperation, a discussion of interagency collaboration is outside the scope of
this study.
3 Department of Defense (2005).
4 The QDR and the 2006 Building Partnership Capacity Execution Roadmap describe an
evolving concept. The concept includes guidance on how DoD should train and equip for-
eign military forces and also points to the need to improve the capacity of other security ser-
vices (i.e., stability police, border guards, and customs) within partner countries. Moreover,
the concept also calls for improving DoD’s ability to work with nonmilitary forces (i.e., other
U.S. government agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), coalition partners,
and the private sector) in an operational context for integrated operations. The Army is in a
position to influence the direction of DoD’s emerging BPC strategy. At present, the Army
does not yet have its own Service-level plan for BPC.
Introduction 3
Study Objectives
This study has five objectives. The first is to identify current and antici-
pated U.S. Army capability gaps and determine which of them may be
appropriate for partner armies to fill. The second is to develop a process
that will enable the Army to match these capability gaps with appropri-
ate partner armies. The third is to examine previous and ongoing train
and equip programs (TEPs) to identify lessons that may be used in
future training programs with partner armies. The fourth is to provide
the rationale for developing metrics to track progress in building capa-
bilities and capacity. The final objective is to provide recommendations
for using Army security cooperation resources to enhance the capabili-
ties of partner armies to engage in coalition operations.
5 These definitions were developed specifically for this study, and differ somewhat from the
Joint Capability Area (JCA) lexicon. The study team felt that JCA definitions were too nar-
rowly focused on specific capabilities. According to that lexicon, building military partner
capability refers to “the ability to improve the military capabilities of our allies and partners
to help them transform and optimize their forces to provide regional security, disaster pre-
paredness and niche capabilities in a coalition.” Building military partner capacity refers
to “the ability to encourage and empower the military capacities of our allies and partners
through training, education, assistance, diplomacy and other activities so they are prepared
to protect homelands, defeat terrorists, and protect common interests while strengthening
relations with friendly global and regional powers.” See “Joint Capability Areas” (2006).
4 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
ers the level of effort required to build the capability in a partner army.
Step 3 identifies capabilities of shared interest to the United States and
the partner. Step 4 identifies candidate partner armies as determined
by past participation in U.S.-led operations. Step 5 determines exist-
ing partner army capabilities. This process will help Army planners
identify capabilities that are mutually beneficial to the U.S. Army and
partner armies. The study team then applied the five-step process to the
data available for one illustrative TEP to gauge its predictive ability.
Chapter Five presents RAND’s recommendations. In addition
to suggesting that the Army adopt a five-step process for matching
U.S. Army capability gaps with partner armies, the chapter outlines
a number of planning, programmatic, and assessment changes that
would make Army security cooperation planning and execution more
8 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
The process for matching U.S. Army capability gaps with candidate
partner armies is based on six assumptions. Underlying all of them
is an assumption of rationality.1 Successful collaboration between the
United States and partners depends on the extent to which each is
acting in its own state interest. When these interests align, cooperation
is more likely to be fruitful and sustainable. The first three assump-
tions, therefore, deal directly with U.S. Army interests and the last
three assumptions address partner army interests.
Assumption 1: The U.S. Army has two major reasons for building
partner capabilities and capacity. The first is to integrate partners into
ongoing and future U.S.-led coalition operations around the world.
The second is to enable partners to address domestic and regional prob-
lems without U.S. military participation.2
Assumption 2: The U.S. Army has two primary ways to fill capa-
bility gaps using partner armies. The first is to focus on partner armies
that already have the required capabilities. The second is to build these
capabilities from a basic level or to significantly improve nascent capa-
bilities, over a longer period.
Assumption 3: The U.S. Army can fill some of its capability gaps
with partner armies using security cooperation programs. Ideally, the
U.S. Army could meet all of its capability requirements by itself. How-
ever, budget limitations make it necessary to consider other ways to
acquire these capabilities. Either the capability gap can remain unad-
dressed and the Army accepts that risk or the Army may choose to try
to harness the preexisting abilities of a partner army or to develop a
capability in a partner army through a TEP. This largely depends on
the U.S. Army’s assessment of the reliability of the partner army. The
1 For a seminal work on applying rational actor assumptions to the study of security issues,
see Schelling (1963). Also, see Olson and Zeckhauser (1966, pp. 266–279), and Sandler
(1993, pp. 446–483).
2 This chapter and, indeed, the overall monograph, does not focus on building capabilities
in partner armies for their own domestic purposes or to enable them to participate in opera-
tions in their region without the United States, though we recognize that domestic utility is
an important motivation for BPC.
The Challenge of Building Partner Capability and Capacity 9
cost of developing the partner army’s capability or, indeed, the cost of
forgoing that capability in one’s own army in the hopes that a partner
will be available to fill that gap requires that the expected benefit of
cooperation outweigh the costs.
The next three assumptions provide a context for thinking about
building partner capabilities and security cooperation from the part-
ner’s perspective.
Assumption 4: The strength of a partner’s support for U.S. oper-
ations around the world indicates the extent to which that partner’s
international views and interests overlap those of the United States.
The primary evidence of such support includes a partner’s participation
in major U.S.-led military operations, although location and type of
operation are also important considerations.3 A secondary indicator of
support is the coincidence of the partner’s United Nations (U.N.) Gen-
eral Assembly voting record with that of the United States. A similar
stance on issues deemed “important” by the U.S. Department of State
(DOS) might serve as a signal of shared political interests.4
Assumption 5: Security cooperation activities that aim to build
partner capabilities are more likely to succeed and potentially develop
into capacity if the capability is of interest to both the partner and the
U.S. Army.5
Assumption 6: A partner will probably be more interested in
developing capabilities that (1) have domestic application,6 (2) increase
its international prestige, and (3) support its military transformation or
modernization efforts. A higher level of interest will increase the likeli-
3 See Appendix C for details on how “substantial participation” is determined and for a full
list of the U.S.-led coalition operations examined.
4 These correlations are an important consideration in selecting candidate partner armies
to fill U.S. Army capability gaps, as they suggest that the partner will likely be available to
participate. However, partner countries should be willing to accept the fact that support of
U.S.-led coalition operations may make them a target for terrorist attacks.
5 Other factors such as domestic budgetary constraints that could affect a partner’s ability
to sustain a capability may also influence a partner’s decision to deepen its military coopera-
tion with the United States.
6 The study team views domestic and regional utility as important considerations for gain-
ing partner buy-in and especially for sustaining a capability.
10 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
7 Game theory, and the insights provided by rational actor assumptions outlined above,
can give analysts a useful way to think about coalition relationships. Alliances or ad hoc
coalitions are a form of security cooperation that fall under the larger rubric of collective
action problems. A rational state, or rational partner, will often hope to forgo the investment
in providing a public good (in this case, international or regional security) in the hopes that
another state will single-handedly incur the costs. Since public goods are by their nature
nonexcludable, the free rider state will expect to enjoy the good provided by the state incur-
ring the cost. Very often, the stronger the state, the more willing it will be to incur the cost
and allow the other states to free ride. See Olson (1965).
The Challenge of Building Partner Capability and Capacity 11
tive relationship in a way that the partner state’s own interest rein-
forces. In gaming terms, it is possible to move from a collaboration
game scenario8 to a coordination game scenario, where cooperation is
the optimal result.9 This type of game is easier to enforce and continue,
since both partners gain a greater payoff from cooperating than from
Maintaining this type of game and, by association, security
cooperation depends on two other important variables. First, both
parties must be convinced that their relationship will continue into
the future; in other words, they are involved in “iterated” games with
one another.11 The expectation that partner states will cooperate in an
indefinite number of interactions is essential to making the long-term
payoff for cooperation outweigh the short-term payoff for defection.
This provides an important insight into the choice set of coalition part-
ners; the states involved in the cooperation should have some reason to
believe that cooperation will continue.12
The second variable that must be accounted for in maintaining
a coordination game is the political suitability of the partner, which
is directly linked with the first discussed above. By and large, demo-
cratic governments, or those with at least some trappings of democracy
(e.g., free and fair elections, open economies, and freedom in expres-
sion and association), may more likely be deemed “acceptable” part-
ners for U.S. security cooperation activities; however, in practice, states
without strong democratic traditions are sometimes acceptable because
of political or military expediencies. However, if the United States is
8 Such as the typically uncooperative Prisoner’s Dilemma with high payoffs for defection.
9 An example is the Battle of the Sexes game.
10 Martin (1992).
11 Axelrod and Keohane (1985).
12 One could argue that countries involved in formal alliances such as NATO (which has
shown remarkable resiliency as an institution and in retaining its membership), or those
interested in joining a formal alliance such as NATO, may be more willing to consider the
long-term payoff. Likewise, states that participate in other cooperative endeavors with the
United States, either through international organizations or through bilateral agreements,
may be more likely to cooperate because of the potential for issue linkage across these coop-
erative domains. See Wallander (2000); Keohane (1984).
12 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
15 The rationale for developing metrics for building partner capability and capacity builds
on previous RAND Arroyo Center research for HQDA. See Marquis et al. (2006).
14 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Figure 2.1
Linking Army Security Cooperation to Building Capability and Capacity
Inputs Cooperation Outputs Outcomes Ends
Billets, Builds and sustains Partner Partner Improves
$$$ knowledge and acquires capacity partner
skills and supports capability grows support
materiel transfer in SSTRO
Metrics: Metrics:
Quality/type Military
and quantity readiness
of capabilities Operational
acquired strength
RAND MG635-2.1
16 Although the Army currently uses the term “Stability Operations,” at the time of this
study, this mission area was referred to as SSTRO.
The Challenge of Building Partner Capability and Capacity 15
the desired ends and considers what is needed to attain them. This is a
view common to those involved in strategic policy and program plan-
ning. These two views are complementary, connecting policy guidance
with operational processes. It is important to note that an awareness of
both the policy demands and the operational processes helps to iden-
tify the most appropriate metrics for the outputs (i.e., capabilities) and
outcomes (i.e., capacity) of Army security cooperation.
Army security cooperation activities, whether they involve, for
example, classroom instruction, field training and exercises, or transfer
of equipment, enable partner armies to build capabilities through the
acquisition of skills, materiel support, and interoperability. Army secu-
rity cooperation activities can also contribute to sustaining capabilities,
especially when working with other U.S. government partners, which
in turn can lead to increased capacity.
Previous RAND Arroyo Center research classified more than 70
Army security cooperation activities into eight categories.17 For exam-
ple, as shown in Table 2.1, military training teams, found within the
category of military education and training, can develop a partner
army’s skills. Moreover, U.S.–United Kingdom combined exercises can
promote both skills development and interoperability.
Other types of Army security cooperation activities (e.g., mili-
tary exercises) enable partner armies to test the capabilities they have
acquired. Also, a long-term, stable relationship in security cooperation
helps partner armies sustain capabilities.
It is important to tie capabilities to appropriate security coopera-
tion programs in a way that produces outputs relevant to the desired
end-states. Building partner capability in force protection, for exam-
ple, requires identifying the many programs that will help create this
capability. The point is that Army activities alone may not lead to all
of the desired outputs, and it will probably be necessary to look out-
side the Army for other important contributions. Table 2.2 illustrates
how Army, DoD, and interagency programs might collectively develop
skills, provide materiel support, and build interoperability.
Table 2.1
Army Programs Linked to Categories and Outputs
Capability Outputs
(Skills Development,
Materiel Support,
Categories Program Examples Interoperability)
Table 2.2 shows that Army programs focus more heavily on skills
development and interoperability. Materiel support relies more on
other DoD programs and interagency activities. Collectively, security
The Challenge of Building Partner Capability and Capacity 17
Table 2.2
Using Multiple Programs to Develop Outputs and Outcomes
Interagency Foreign Military Financing FMF, FMS, Excess FMF, FMS, IMET
Program (FMF), Foreign Military Defense Articles
Sales (FMS), International (EDA)
Military Education and
Training (IMET), Anti-
Terrorism Assistance
Program (ATAP), Export
Control and Related Border
Security (EXBS) Program,
Global Peacekeeping
Operations Initiative (GPOI),
and Nonproliferation,
Antiterrorism, Demining and
Related (NADR) Program
Recent and ongoing TEPs are important to analyze for several reasons.
Planners at the strategic level reviewing recent DoD guidance (e.g.,
QDR, BPC Execution Roadmap, OSD Security Cooperation Guidance
(SCG)) have begun to concentrate their security cooperation resources
more heavily on the train and equip aspects of building partner capa-
bilities.19 As mentioned above, TEP lessons can also inform the devel-
opment of metrics for building partner capabilities and capacity by
highlighting specific goals for sequencing activities. Metrics in turn
can be useful in helping Army planners develop TEPs and assess pro-
gram success over time or within a specific phase.20
At the operational level, it would be useful for the U.S. Army
to look more closely into the lessons of past TEPs to avoid inefficien-
cies in future endeavors. It is important that Army planners under-
stand the best sequencing of security cooperation activities (e.g., basic
training before advanced technical training) to maximize the partner
army’s ability to build and sustain a capability. Moreover, by delving
into the details of the operational planning and execution of each TEP,
opportunities can be identified for leveraging the capabilities and
Selection of TEPs
An illustrative TEP from each COCOM provides geopolitical diver-
sity to our assessment. In addition, the examples include both bilat-
eral and multilateral training, as well as conventional and unconven-
tional training methods. Some were led by the U.S. Army or Army
20 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Special Forces, whereas in others, the Army played the supporting role
to another Service.21
The study team selected a few long-running TEPs that included
distinct training phases. The team believed that the longer the duration
and the more TEP phases, the more likely that AARs and assessments
would be available. Of the seven TEPs considered, three included at
least two distinct phases:
21 Although not an exhaustive representation of all possible TEPs, this sample set reflects
the study team’s best effort to identify a reasonable cross-section of typical TEPs around the
The Challenge of Building Partner Capability and Capacity 21
22 The authorization in Section 1206 of the 2006 National Defense Authorization Act to
conduct additional TEPs will require creativity to ensure that they are properly resourced
from the outset.
22 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
23 Through, for example, an excess defense article grant or from another donor country.
The Challenge of Building Partner Capability and Capacity 23
24 For example, the Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Center at the Army War
College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, or the Center for Army Lessons Learned in Fort Leaven-
worth, Kansas, might consider taking on this role of capturing lessons from DoD train and
equip programs.
24 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
25 The Department of State has the lead for human rights vetting under the Leahy Amend-
ment provisions. See http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/42314.htm.
26 The Leahy amendment to the DoD Appropriations Act for 2006 states, “None of the
funds made available by this Act may be used to support any training program involving a
unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of Defense has received cred-
ible information from the State Department that the unit has committed a gross violation of
human rights, unless all necessary corrective steps have been taken” (P.L. 109-148 §8069).
27 Specifically worth considering is the National Guard’s State Partnership Program (SPP)
which pairs U.S. states with foreign partners to conduct military-to-military, civil-to-mili-
tary, and civil-to-civil activities to build partner capacity.
The Challenge of Building Partner Capability and Capacity 25
28 For example, the U.S. Marine Corps has done this and has had considerable success in
training foreign forces.
26 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
The theoretical discussion in the first part of this chapter stresses the
importance of shared interests in motivating partners to participate in
security cooperation and, more important, to sustain capabilities and
build capacity.
The development of metrics for both building partner capability
and increasing partner capacity to conduct operations is essential to
help planners and operators evaluate the effectiveness of Army security
cooperation activities. HQDA, as the supporting entity, must coordi-
nate with the COCOMs and Army Service Component Commands
(ASCCs) to develop metrics, especially those for capacity. These met-
rics will help to keep security cooperation programs on track by help-
ing to sequence activities in pursuit of specific interim goals and final
end-states. This chapter also illuminates some specific lessons that the
Army should be aware of before planning and executing TEPs in the
future. By highlighting the challenges of collective action, the role of
Army security cooperation activities in producing measurable outputs
and outcomes, and the lessons from previous TEP efforts, this chapter
provides the context and rationale for identifying gaps and for develop-
ing a process to match them with partner armies. The following chap-
ter describes this process in detail.
National Strategies
The study team reviewed national and DoD strategic and operational
guidance as well as capability assessment studies to identify capability
gaps. The National Security Strategy (NSS) provides top-level strategic
28 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Army Strategies
At the Service level, the Army Strategic Planning Guidance (ASPG)
and the Army Transformation Roadmap (ATR) build the foundation
for comparing capability gaps to Army needs. These documents link
directly to the department-level strategies. The ASPG is the Army’s
institutional strategy and serves as its principal long-range planning
document. The ASPG is linked to the JOpsC and provides guidance
to “optimize our forces, capabilities, and organizations to best con-
tribute to the joint capabilities and methods required of each of the
joint operating concepts and joint functional concepts.”7 The ATR is
the Army’s strategy for executing transformation and military mod-
ernization while sustaining the high demand for operational forces.
It describes how the Army will support the Combatant Commanders’
ability to execute their missions by providing relevant capabilities to
the joint team.8
ity gaps not identified by the Army.10 The ARCIC, part of TRADOC,
produced two of the four studies used by the study team.11 These two
studies—the Capability Needs Analysis (CNA) and the Capability
Gap Analysis (CGA)—speak directly to current Army capability gaps.
It is important to note that the studies used the Combatant Com-
manders’ IPLs and the JOpsC as primary sources for identifying these
gaps. A discussion of each of these studies follows.
The CNA first identifies 1,300 Joint and Army capabilities from
the JOpsC. It then consolidates these capabilities into 61 “required
capabilities,” which are rank-ordered and sorted into three categories.
The top 30 capabilities represent a high risk of mission failure if absent
or lacking; the second category (capabilities 31–47) poses a medium
risk of mission failure if absent or lacking. The remaining 14 capabili-
ties are low risk, presenting minor mission effect if not addressed. From
these, Army planners identified the top 11 capability gaps, shown in
Table 3.1.
10These discussions revealed no additional capability gaps not already highlighted in the
Army studies.
11 ARCIC is responsible for the identification, design, development, and synchronization of
capabilities into the Army current Modular Force and the future Modular Force, bringing
together all the Army agencies as well as joint, multinational, and other DoD agencies to
manage rapid change. ARCIC identifies capabilities for the Army across Doctrine, Opera-
tions, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) imperatives.
12 U.S. Army, Training and Doctrine Command (2005).
Identifying U.S. Army Capability Gaps for Coalition Operations 31
Table 3.1
CNA Capability Gaps
13 The CGA assists in near-term resource decisions, informs Future Force Gaps CNA and
experimentation, influences industry research and development, identifies requirements for
science and technology research, and affects the Army budget in the execution year and
supplemental request. U.S. Army, Training and Doctrine Command (2006).
32 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
using the Delphi technique.14 The result was the list of the top ten
capability gaps depicted in Table 3.2.15
Of note, although produced using different source documents
and methodologies, these two ARCIC studies share several capability
gaps. This is an important finding, since the two studies used differ-
ent source documents and methodologies. The concurrence of similar
Table 3.2
CGA Capability Gaps
6. Tactical Communications
14 RAND developed this technique in the late 1960s as a forecasting methodology. It was
later adopted by the U.S. government as a group decisionmaking tool that permits a group of
experts to arrive at a consensus of opinion when the decisive factors were subjective and not
necessarily empirically observable. Part of this analysis involved a subjective process wherein
gaps were ranked relative to one another. Once quantitatively ranked, each subgap went
through a “Near Term Rating”—a subjective assessment of how near-term solutions mitigate
subcapability gaps: red—does not enable mission performance to standard; amber—can
partially enable mission performance; and green—enables mission performance to standard.
The subgaps were likewise assessed. It is worth noting that the Delphi technique has been
criticized for not being scientifically rigorous. Its chief critic, Harold Sackman, does admit,
however, that the Delphi technique does “have value as an informal exercise for heuristic
purposes” (Sackman, 1974).
15Table 3.2 also illustrates how current operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have driven
Army capability gaps specifically for counterinsurgency operations.
Identifying U.S. Army Capability Gaps for Coalition Operations 33
gaps across the studies suggests their importance not only for current
use but also for their role in future Army and Joint operations.
Table 3.3
G-3’s Army Capability Priorities
1. Conduct combat operations
2. Sustain the force
3. Integrate new/modernized equipment and advanced technologies into the force
4. Research, develop, test, and evaluate new technologies
5. Provide infrastructure to support Army operations
6. Conduct irregular warfare to include Foreign Internal Defense (FID), counter-
intelligence (CI), and stability operations
7. Provide full-spectrum anti-terrorism/force protection
8. Man the force
9. Train, validate, mobilize, deploy, redeploy, and demobilize the force
10. Conduct airborne, air assault, and or special operations
11. Operate in a Joint environment
12. Provide unit-based, collective Mission Essential Task List (METL) training
13. Provide integrated battle command
14. Provide integrated logistics support to the force
15. Provide operational intelligence fusion
16. Recruit and retrain the force
17. Provide institutional training and education
18. Provide quality of life for soldiers and their families
19. Communicate via the Global Information Grid (GIG)
20. Provide movement of Army forces and materiel
21. Generate doctrine to support Army, Joint, and multinational operations
22. Provide a national-level maintenance system
23. Project power from installations
24. Conduct information operations
25. Provide corporate management and business operations
26. Conduct homeland defense and support civil authorities
27. Meet treaty obligations and perform theater security cooperation
28. Provide health/medical service support
29. Preserve order and provide legal administration
30. Enable theater access and theater opening
31. Meet statutory requirements
32. Integrate safety, occupational health, and environmental awareness throughout
Army operations
Identifying U.S. Army Capability Gaps for Coalition Operations 35
This chapter synthesizes the separate, but related, efforts within the
Army to identify current and anticipated capability gaps. There may be
other efforts under way to identify Army capability gaps within U.S.
Army academic institutions or outside the Army, but these studies are
the most prominent efforts within HQDA. As they are internal Army
studies, we recognize that there may be inherent institutional biases.
Other studies might come up with alternative lists of capability gaps
that may or may not be in full agreement with the Army studies we
used as the basis for our analysis. The synthesized list, although repre-
senting the Army’s overall top capability gaps, is only an interim step
in identifying capability gaps that would be appropriate for filling in
with partner armies. Additional considerations include whether these
capabilities are appropriate for a partner army, whether the capability
should remain organic to the U.S. Army or other Services, and whether
high-end allies could fill the gaps with existing capabilities. The follow-
ing chapter describes a five-step process for matching U.S. Army capa-
bility gaps with candidate partner armies and applies the data available
from one illustrative TEP to gauge its predictive ability.
Table 3.4
Force Protection 1. Enhanced Soldier Protection 2. Protect Force in 7. Provide full-spectrum anti-terrorism/ 3
3. Enhanced Platform/Group Counterinsurgency force protection
Protection Operations
3. Soldier Protection
in Counterinsurgency
C4 and Information 4. Dynamic Uninterrupted C4 6. Tactical Communications 15. Provide operational intelligence fusion 3
Operations Architecture 10. Timeliness of 19. Communicate via the Global
Analysis, and Information Information Grid (GIG)
Dissemination 24. Conduct information operations
Train the Force 5. Ability to Train the Force 5. Train the Force How and 9. Train, validate, mobilize, deploy, 3
How and as It Fights as It Fights redeploy, and demobilize the force
12. Provide unit-based, collective METL
Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
16. Recruit and retrain the force
17. Provide institutional training and
Table 3.4 (continued)
Force Projection 11. Strategic Force Projection/ 23. Project power from installations 2
Intratheater Operational
Maneuver and Sustainment
Detect and Identify 6. Ability to Detect and Identify 33. Provide hazardous munitions detection, 2
Obstacles Full Range of Obstacles removal, and disposal
Identifying U.S. Army Capability Gaps for Coalition Operations
1 This chapter builds on recent RAND Arroyo Center research for HQDA, including the
Multinational Force Compatibility (MFC) study, which developed a four-phased planning
framework for selecting candidate capabilities and candidate partner armies for niche capa-
bilities cultivation. See Moroney, Grissom, and Marquis (2007).
2 Although there are other ways to fill capability gaps (e.g., other Services, contractors, and
increased Army end-strength), national and DoD strategic guidance emphasizes the need to
leverage the capabilities of allies and partners to fill these gaps.
40 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Iraq). In addition, of all the TEPs examined, the Georgia TEP had the
most robust collection of assessments and after-action reports.
Figure 4.1
Five-Step Process
RAND MG635-4.1
Matching U.S. Army Capability Gaps to Candidate Partner Armies 41
• force protection
• logistics
• enhanced ISR
• Joint urban operations
• medical
• detect/identify obstacles.
• nonlethal capabilities
• detainee operations
3 The study team identified subject matter experts with deep knowledge of the capabil-
ity gaps as well as with experience working with a variety of partners in several regions
through COCOM Theater Security Cooperation. Officials from the Office of the Secretary
of Defense, Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict (OSD/SOLIC) Stability Operations,
provided additional feedback into this step separate from the workshop.
42 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
• engineering
• human intelligence (HUMINT).
Although these four capability gaps did not rank as high in the
Army studies, several participants in the working group with direct
and recent knowledge of ongoing operations strongly recommended
their inclusion.
During the early stages of the workshop discussion, it became
apparent that to reach a consensus of the relative importance of the ten
capability gaps, the threat environment and mission are worth con-
sidering. The study team suggested that the participants consider the
capabilities in the context of a high-threat environment, for example,
the security environment that existed in parts of Iraq in early 2006.
The aim of considering the threat environment was to ensure a stable
context in which the capabilities could be discussed and compared.
The mission category selected for the workshop was SSTRO, chosen
because of its importance to the Army and its utility to partner coun-
tries.4 The workshop participants continued their deliberations with
this scenario in mind.
Another issue was that many of the capabilities can be inter-
preted in a number of ways. For example, it is possible to think about
force protection in terms of a networked weapons system (high-end)
or a small unit patrolling without sophisticated, expensive technolo-
gies (low-end). Thus, each capability gap was discussed relative to a
specific task within the broader category. For example, the workshop
participants discussed force protection in relation to the more specific
task of “base camp protection.” Medical capabilities were discussed
in reference to “controlling infectious diseases.” Nonlethal capabilities
were discussed as “crowd control,” and so on.5 In sum, the greater the
specificity, the better the group was able to form a consensus on the
“importance” factor.
4 As opposed to more high-end capabilities reserved for Major Combat Operations (MCOs),
for example.
5 See Appendix B for a complete description of each capability gap and the specific tasks
Matching U.S. Army Capability Gaps to Candidate Partner Armies 43
• force protection;
• enhanced ISR;
• Joint urban operations
• nonlethal capabilities
• medical
• logistics
• detect/identify obstacles
• engineering
• detainee operations.
Table 4.1
Level of Effort
these results, the study team considered that capabilities deemed high
in two or more factors would require a high level of effort to build with
a candidate partner.
Figure 4.2 shows how the results of this step relate to the discus-
sion of “importance to the U.S. Army” in Step 1. “High level of effort”
meant that it was “high” in relation to two or more of the factors listed
in Table 4.1. The goal was to identify capability gaps that were of high
interest to the U.S. Army in a particular mission and those that would
require less effort to build.
Capabilities in the top-right quadrant of Figure 4.2 are possible
candidates for building partner capabilities, but because of the higher
level of effort required, they may be more appropriate for high-end
allies or for remaining organic to the U.S. Army. According to the
workshop discussion, enhanced ISR and HUMINT would fall in this
Capabilities in the lower-right quadrant would be least attrac-
tive as a security cooperation investment. These capabilities, namely,
detect/identify obstacles and engineering in most cases are probably
not worth the investment of significant Army security cooperation
46 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Figure 4.2
Capability Gaps Appropriate for Building Partner Capabilities
resources because they are of lower importance to the U.S. Army and
require a higher level of effort to build.
Capabilities that fall in the lower-left quadrant might be worth
considering, primarily because of the relatively low level of effort
required to build. These include nonlethal, medical, logistics, and
detainee operations. These capabilities may still be in the U.S. Army’s
interest to build in partner armies, if resources are available.
Finally, the capabilities in the top-left quadrant are most likely
to be attractive to the U.S. Army because they are of high importance
to the United States and require a lower level of effort in terms of the
security cooperation investment. Development of these capabilities in
an ally or partner army is most likely to be in the U.S. Army’s inter-
est. In this example, they include force protection and Joint urban
Overall, it may be more appropriate to work with a partner army
to close a capability gap of high importance than one of low impor-
tance. Likewise, of those capability gaps of higher importance, it may
be more appropriate for the U.S. Army to help build partner capa-
bilities that require a lower level of effort. Although high-importance/
Matching U.S. Army Capability Gaps to Candidate Partner Armies 47
Table 4.2 summarizes the workshop’s findings for Step 3. For each
of the three factors, the elements in boldface indicate those capability
gaps the participants determined to be of greatest interest to partners,
i.e., generally speaking the most dual-use applicability, most presti-
gious, and most applicability to military modernization. For example,
the workshop considered HUMINT and engineering to be at the high
end for each of the three factors. Joint urban operations, enhanced
ISR, detect/identify obstacles, and logistics were high in two of the
three factors, whereas the remaining capabilities were high in only one
or none of the factors. To synthesize these results, the study team con-
sidered those capabilities deemed high in two or more factors to be of
overall high interest to a partner.
The relationship between the importance to the U.S. Army and
the importance to the partner provides the final insight into the types
of capabilities that are appropriate for building with partner armies.
Figure 4.3 illustrates the relationship where U.S. Army and partner
interests converge.
Capabilities in the top-right quadrant are of high importance to
the U.S. Army and the partner and therefore are a high priority for
Table 4.2
Partner Interests
Figure 4.3
Capability Gaps of Interest to U.S. Army and Partner
7 Something that examining only recent efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan could not
Matching U.S. Army Capability Gaps to Candidate Partner Armies 51
or refueling). The level of support in the first three categories was deter-
mined by comparing a ratio of troops committed to a coalition effort
to the total active duty armed forces available to that country.8 For
each country, the largest contribution of troops made to a coalition
operation was the basis for the ratio calculation. These ratios were then
compared using quartiles as the dividing line between high, mid, and
low levels of support.9 Countries were considered based on the number
of operations they supported.
Although a high level of support to U.S.-led operations suggests
a correlation of interests with the United States, some partners who
supported just one operation with a substantial number of forces were
also included. The study team deemed them appropriate, since often
the decision to support just one operation is based on consideration of
the resource limitations some countries face. Likewise, some countries
that have provided noncombatant support are included because this
type of support is also an essential part of conducting a coalition opera-
tion. The intention of this exercise was not necessarily to determine
who is a “better” or more capable coalition partner; instead, the ratios
provide insight into how large a contribution a given partner is will-
ing and able to provide, given the best-case scenario. Table 4.3 below
depicts the results. The full table of partner contributions to the eight
coalition efforts, as well as a breakout of the number of coalition efforts
that partners have engaged in with the United States, can be found in
Appendix C.
As a secondary indicator of shared interest, the study team exam-
ined the countries’ U.N. General Assembly voting records (see Appen-
8 By using this ratio, the results of the analysis would not be biased toward states with large
armed forces (and therefore with more to spare for a coalition effort).
9 Troop contributions ranged from 0.04 percent of total armed forces (the Philippines)
to 33 percent of armed forces (Luxembourg—a major outlier). The third quartile includes
partners that provided more than 2.35 percent of their total armed forces; the first quartile
includes partners that provided less than 0.37 percent of their armed forces. Mid-level sup-
porters consisted of those states that contributed between 0.37 and 2.35 percent of their
armed forces. See Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment.
52 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
dix C).10 The countries highlighted in boldface in Table 4.3 are those
whose voting coincidence with the United States on General Assembly
votes labeled “important” by the Department of State is particularly
low, potentially indicating a lack of congruence in political interests.
DOS reports were examined to determine voting coincidence with the
United States.11 DOS labels approximately 12–15 votes a year as impor-
tant—these are votes that bear directly on U.S. foreign policy goals and
involve a great deal of U.S. lobbying in the General Assembly. After the
voting data from 2000 to 2005 were compiled, an average was taken
per country for all six years of voting. The country averages were then
divided into quartiles. Of the partners that provided mid- or high-
level support, roughly 90 percent had U.N. voting records that aligned
with the United States. The states in the lowest quartile voted the same
as the United States on important votes less than 32.8 percent of the
time. The study team considered the U.N. voting records a secondary
concern, primarily because countries can often overcome the lack of
shared political interests in light of mutual regional security interests.
The remaining 10 percent of the partners that provided mid- to high-
level support overcame this apparent difference. This is the most likely
explanation for why the states in bold text, contrary to their political
disagreements with the United States, nonetheless contributed troops
to coalition efforts. For this reason, in Table 4.3, the study team chose
to keep these states in the table rather than remove them as potential
A few other considerations are worth taking into account when
choosing a partner country to work with or train. One is the politi-
cal acceptability of the partners who have demonstrated that they are
available for U.S.-led coalition operations. The acceptability factor is a
political litmus test to determine whether a partner is eligible to receive
security cooperation resources from the United States.12 Determining
10 Other RAND Arroyo Center studies have used U.N. General Assembly voting records to
gauge shared interests with the United States. See Szayna et al. (2004).
11U.S. Department of State (annual). For this exercise, the section entitled “Important
Votes and Consensus Actions” was most useful.
12 Moroney, Grissom, and Marquis (2007).
Matching U.S. Army Capability Gaps to Candidate Partner Armies 53
Table 4.3
Level of Partner Availability for U.S.-Led Operations
Saudi Arabia
Slovak Republic
United Arab
54 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
13 Freedom House provides its annual data free of charge on its website.
14 Essentially, this waiver means that a partner agrees not to render U.S. service members
to the ICC. The Department of State currently requires such an agreement, or a presidential
waiver, to provide Title 22 security assistance to a foreign state.
15 Moroney, Grissom, and Marquis (2007).
Matching U.S. Army Capability Gaps to Candidate Partner Armies 55
In this section, we apply the Georgia SSOP TEP to illustrate the pro-
cess developed in this chapter.18 This TEP provides insights into build-
ing partner capacity for operations outside the partner’s domestic arena,
specifically to OIF.19 The following questions are considered: (1) Did
16 Sources for the information include focused discussions with the Central Command
(CENTCOM) CCJ5 Coalition Coordination Cell, Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment for
each of the countries and the CENTCOM Coalition Partners website (indicates which capa-
bilities coalition partners are providing in the region).
17 Although HUMINT in general was considered widely available among the countries
surveyed, the sources consulted did not differentiate between the various components of
HUMINT (e.g., collection, analysis, and dissemination).
18 The team selected the Georgia TEP because of the scope, duration, number of phases, and
objective (i.e., deploy capable forces to Iraq). As discussed above, of all the TEPs examined,
the Georgia TEPs had the most robust collection of assessments and after-action reports.
19 GTEP was aimed exclusively at achieving domestic goals, thus it is somewhat outside the
scope of the coalition capabilities analysis that follows.
56 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
SSOP focus on the most appropriate capabilities? (2) If not, what other
capabilities might have been more appropriate and why? (3) Is there a
correlation between the process and the lessons identified in SSOP?
22 This makes the workshop results relevant to the SSOP deployment intent.
23 Providing force protection capabilities in SSOP cost $30 million.
58 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
24 The need to sustain capabilities was a key finding in the TEP analysis relative to SSOP.
25 CIA World Factbook.
26 Moroney, Grissom, and Marquis (2007).
Matching U.S. Army Capability Gaps to Candidate Partner Armies 59
SSOP met its basic goals, i.e., the Georgian Army deployed capable
forces to OIF.
In general, we found the lessons learned from the case study (see
Appendix A) to be consistent with the insights provided by the five-
step process. For example, we found that Georgia meets the accept-
ability criteria as a state with elements of democratic governance and
has signed the necessary bilateral agreements with the United States.
Georgia clearly has an interest in the capabilities provided (i.e., com-
bating terrorism), which have a dual use at home and when deployed.
It has also gained international recognition and prestige because of
deploying its trained and capable forces to OIF. Therefore, the five-step
process predicts, and the case study bears out, that a security coopera-
tion investment in the form of a TEP in Georgia seems reasonable and
potentially fruitful.
The capabilities focused on, however, according to the five-step
process, should have been slightly different. Although the SSOP was
successful in achieving its primary aim, this could have been an oppor-
tunity to build up additional capabilities currently needed most by the
U.S. Army. Joint urban operations and force protection are two such
capabilities. On the other hand, detect/identify obstacles and engineer-
ing were more widely available, high-effort capabilities that the U.S.
Army could potentially incorporate from allies or partner armies. In
general, it would be more cost-effective to look for the capabilities that
already exist when trying to fill gaps.
The five-step process for matching U.S. Army capability gaps with
candidate partner armies focuses on identifying those capabilities that
are important to the U.S. Army and the partner and require a rela-
tively low level of Army security cooperation resources to build. Over-
all, Joint urban operations, force protection, and logistics capabilities
were the best candidate capabilities because of their importance to the
United States and the partner, the low level of effort required to build
them, and their scarcity within the partner countries being considered.
However, if the scenario changed, the results would likely be differ-
ent. Subject matter experts provide important input to the process and
62 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
should be consulted on the capability gaps and also for their exper-
tise on the political, military, and economic situations of the countries
being considered.
This chapter also highlights the importance of selecting appro-
priate capabilities that are sustainable by partners. For example, the
economic limitations facing the Georgian government may pose a seri-
ous challenge to the sustainment of relatively expensive and complex
capabilities such as enhanced detect/identify obstacles and engineer-
ing. It is also important for the U.S. Army to focus security coop-
eration resources, to the extent possible, on building scarce capabili-
ties through TEPs. Finally, the discussion suggests caution so as to
avoid the development of capabilities that are widely available, require
a higher level of effort, and have a lower level of importance to the U.S.
64 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
partner armies and describes how those capabilities might develop into
capacity by working with other DoD and U.S. interagency partners.
The study also provides insights into planning the associated Army
security cooperation activities and a rationale for developing metrics
that would allow the Army to assess its security cooperation investment
over time.
The six key conclusions and associated recommendations for
HQDA thus stem from the findings of the preceding chapters.
Focus on building capabilities that support Joint requirements.
Building capable partner armies for coalition operations requires that
the U.S. Army consider the strategic and operational requirements of
the Joint force when planning its security cooperation programs and
activities. The U.S. Army should ensure that the capabilities built in
partner armies are consistent with national and DoD strategic guid-
ance and COCOM requirements. As the supporting entity, HQDA
should ensure that the Army Security Cooperation Strategy reflects
these requirements, taking into account Integrated Priority Lists, Joint
Operating Concepts, and Theater Security Cooperation Strategies.
Adopt a process that matches U.S. Army capability gaps with
partner armies. The process described in this study provides criteria for
evaluating which capability gaps might be most appropriate for partner
armies to fill. In broad terms, the capability should ideally be highly
important to both the U.S. Army and the partner and should require
a relatively low effort to build. Capabilities built at comparatively low
levels of complexity, low cost, and minimal U.S. national security sen-
sitivities would be most appropriate. On the other hand, capabilities
that require a high level of effort may be best suited to high-end allies
with the wherewithal to acquire and sustain them. Further, it is essen-
tial to consider the extent to which the partner army can sustain a new
capability. Capabilities with the potential for dual use, those that lead
to greater international prestige, or those that assist the partner in its
military modernization efforts tend to be more sustainable.
Increase visibility into previous and ongoing efforts to train and
equip partner armies. It is important for the U.S. Army, from an insti-
tutional perspective, to learn from the experiences of its previous TEPs
around the world and to apply this experience to ongoing and future
Conclusions and Recommendations 65
TEPs. Lessons and best practices are critical from both a planning and
execution perspective and must be captured, analyzed, validated, dis-
seminated, and implemented. It is important to ensure that detailed
AAR and assessments of the TEP as a whole exist, but not just for
specific activities or phases. Either the Army Peacekeeping and Stabil-
ity Operations Institute at the Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsyl-
vania, or the Center for Army Lessons Learned in Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, should be tasked to capture, analyze, validate, and disseminate
lessons from DoD train and equip programs. Results of the assessments
must be shared widely with HQDA, Army Service Component Com-
mands (ASCCs), and other appropriate agencies for planning purposes
and with the deploying units that will develop curriculum, create new
training methods, and conduct the training.
Coordinate closely with ASCCs, COCOMs, OSD/Policy and
DSCA,1 and the interagency when planning TEPs to ensure appro-
priate resources and activities are considered. When the Army has
a significant or lead role in a TEP, it is important for HQDA, as the
supporting entity, to be actively involved in the planning effort, par-
ticularly where Army security cooperation resources are used. In terms
of resources, the desired end-state should be considered when selecting
funding sources to ensure that training and equipment will contrib-
ute to the desired outcomes, whether to meet a short- or a long-term
goal. Moreover, it is important to involve other U.S. government agen-
cies early on when DoD funding sources are either inadequate or not
available. Consulting donors through bilateral mechanisms or through
a multilateral clearinghouse process can result in additional resources
that can potentially reduce the burden on the U.S. Army.
In terms of activities, it is important to ensure that the partner’s
expectations do not exceed TEP goals. HQDA should work closely with
the COCOMs, ASCCs, and the partner armies, for example, through
Army staff talks, to ensure a clear understanding on all sides. When
sequencing TEP activities, the proficiency of the partner army should
1 The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has a role to play in two areas: (1)
development of metrics for evaluating security cooperation program effectiveness and (2)
security assistance guidance and management.
66 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
The study team analyzed each of the seven illustrative TEPs to deter-
mine the key findings and specific lessons discussed below.
1 For example, Security Assistance (FMF, IMET, and EDA grants), Georgia Border Secu-
rity and Law Enforcement, Cooperative Threat Reduction Defense and Military Contacts,
and operations and maintenance drawdown.
68 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
level. The goal was to train four to five battalions per year. Security
cooperation resources totaled $1.5 million per year.
ACOTA expanded on ACRI by training deployable battalions for
PKOs in regional and global efforts in a hostile environment. The idea
was that the battalions receiving ACOTA training would be available
for PKOs directed by the United Nations, the African Union (AU),
or other international organizations. The target was to train 14 battal-
ions per year. ACOTA training, funded by the DOS GPOI, included
light infantry tactics, small unit tactics, humanitarian operations, and
rules of engagement consistent with the U.N. Charter. Since 1999,
both ACRI and ACOTA have predominantly used contractors as
trainers, with some oversight from the U.S. military. Security coopera-
tion resources totaled $38 million per year from FY 2002 to FY 2005.
France was a key donor country and organized clearinghouse meetings
to deconflict foreign assistance and pool resources, where possible.
In the case of ACRI, EUCOM planners in the Africa branch did
not conduct assessments or capture lessons learned from training or
related events. The study team also was unable to obtain assessments
of ACOTA; it is not evident that they exist. Therefore, the study team
relied instead on focused discussions with key planners and opera-
tors from EUCOM, OSD, and DOS. The three key findings from the
ACRI and ACOTA illustrative TEPs are as follows:
2. U.S. training units should have access to the necessary funds to carry
out their training tasks. Personnel must have access to cash, gov-
ernment credit cards, etc., to ensure that they are able to oper-
ate effectively and procure small items without difficulty. This
is especially important if funding from multiple sources is used,
which is likely to be the case in most TEPs.
3. Obtaining donor support through a clearinghouse process is worth
considering early on in the TEP. The Africa clearinghouse con-
cept developed in November 2004 to support ACOTA activi-
ties provided a forum for coordinating activities with European
allies. The process will potentially improve sustainability of the
ACOTA TEP; 13 allies plus the European Union (EU) par-
ticipated in and hosted meetings within the clearinghouse con-
struct for ACOTA/ACRI.
IMET, and DoD drawdown. In FY 2005, FMF was just under $30
million and IMET funds totaled $3 million.3
The study team collected information from numerous sources.
Mission Performance Plans (MPP) from DOS were consulted for the
specific interagency activities. Focused discussions with officials from
OSD/P, DSCA, the Joint Staff J-5, Pacific Command (PACOM)
J-56, and SOCPAC provided perspectives on U.S. strategic interests
in conducting OEF/P and subsequent security cooperation with the
Philippines. Officials from PACOM and DSCA provided insights into
experiences on the ground and the larger context and history of U.S.
security cooperation with the Philippines. The study team did not have
access to AARs or assessments and it is not clear whether they exist. A
review of data collected produced four key insights from OEF/P:
3 IMET funds allocated to the Philippines are the largest in Asia and the second largest in
the world.
Illustrative Train and Equip Programs 75
4. TEP metrics should have buy-in from the U.S. interagency, espe-
cially if the resources expended come from several agencies. Inter-
agency coordination helped to demonstrate Plan Colombia
results to legislative and executive branch leadership for support
and funding.
This appendix provides the definitions for the capability gaps identified
in Chapter Three. Reproduced here verbatim are the definitions for
each capability gap as specified in the three Army studies. In develop-
ing Table 3.4, it became clear that the various studies used similar but
slightly different terms to describe the capability gaps. To standardize
the terminology for the purposes of this monograph, the study team
developed titles that best described the capability gaps across all three
The workshop of subject matter experts also contributed greatly
to the understanding of the capability gap terminology. Their scenario-
based discussions ensured a consistent context for considering the gaps
and were an essential factor in developing a meaningful list of the capa-
bility gaps’ relative importance.
The study team bounded the workshop discussions by setting
aside those capability gaps considered as clearly appropriate only for
high-end allies or as an organic capability of the U.S. Army. These five
capabilities included networked battle command; command, control,
communications, and computers (C4) and information operations;
training the force; force projection; and Joint, interagency, and coali-
tion operations.
The study team determined that the remaining capability gaps
were too broad to enable a focused discussion in the context of a high-
threat environment scenario. Thus, the study team selected an exam-
ple of a specific task within the broader capability gap. These specific
aspects and their associated definitions, as agreed to by the workshop
82 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
and the study team, are provided here to give the reader insight into
how the capability gaps were assessed by the subject matter experts
and how they relate directly to the capability gaps identified in the
CGA Study
The network enables joint and expeditionary battle command. It is
about enabling leaders of the joint and expeditionary force to com-
mand and control large maneuver formations, sustain the force with
minimal forward presence, and achieve broad political-military objec-
tives across the full spectrum of operations.
CNA Study
Defined as command and control systems, infrastructure, and proce-
dures that are networked throughout the force. This system of systems
will be adaptable to the requirements of the operation through modu-
lar network construction that enables systems to be added or removed
without network disruption. Includes the ability to promulgate self-
contained, standardized units that are highly deployable and readily
sustainable. These forces will be able to be combined as the mission,
enemy, terrain, time, and troops available dictate. The new modular
organizations provide a mix of land combat power that can be orga-
nized by task for any combination of offensive, defensive, stability, or
support operations as part of a joint campaign.
Workshop Discussion
Not discussed. Determined to be for high-end allies or remain organic
to the U.S. Army.
Force Protection
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of base camp protection as
an illustration. Task defined as: Situation as in Camp Victory in Iraq,
protect soldier from excessive exposure along lines of communication,
need for persistent surveillance, CS/CSS units lack robust fighting
capabilities, biometrics such as battlefield identification system appli-
cation, identify contractors with base access duties.
CGA Study
Defined as voice, data, and video communication support to the tac-
tical fight and the capacity and ability to communicate dismounted-
to-dismounted, dismounted-to-mounted at a tactical level in all envi-
ronments. Focused on, but not limited to, battalion level and below.
Includes the ability to analyze intelligence and other information and
provide that information to units to permit the conduct of operations.
Also includes the delivery of timely intelligence information to tactical
units or the accessibility by tactical units to this information.
CNA Study
Defined as open architecture C4 systems that are reliable under all
circumstances and that operate at extended ranges from deployment
through operations in theater and through redeployment. These sys-
tems of systems will readily share information throughout the force.
84 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Workshop Discussion
Not discussed. Determined to be for high-end allies or remain organic
to the U.S. Army.
Workshop Discussion
Not discussed. Determined to be for high-end allies or remain organic
to the U.S. Army.
CGA Study
Defined as actions and efforts to promulgate and promote efficient
delivery and consumption of supplies at all levels by all units. Also
incorporates actions to improve combat service, combat service sup-
port, and medical units’ visibility, distribution, accountability, and
CNA Study
Provide for efficient, effective, and timely delivery of supplies at all
levels by all units throughout the battlespace and the full range of mili-
tary operations, especially where the battlespace is noncontiguous and
operations are conducted at a high tempo. Ensure visibility of the
supply system to all units and organizations supporting or using
the system. Organize and equip supply units to support units from
Explanation of Capability Gaps 85
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of distribution capabilities as
an illustration. Task defined as: In-transit visibility, materiel handling
assets, visual display of management and support systems.
Enhanced ISR
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of detect and warn of direct/
indirect fires as an illustration. Task defined as: Asymmetric tactical
reconnaissance, Q-36/37 radars.
CGA Study
All Joint operations planned and conducted across the range of mili-
tary operations on or against objectives on a topographical complex
and adjacent natural terrain where manmade construction or the den-
sity of noncombatants are the dominant features.
Workshop Discussion
The workshop experts considered the specific task of distinguish enemy
from populace as an illutration. Task defined as: Ability to observe the
enemy within the populace, limited nonlethal capabilities to expand
soldier options, limited nonlethal training and doctrine knowledge.
Does not include sophisticated future force tracking.
86 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Force Projection
CNA Study
Enable the Army Future Force to respond rapidly from a strategic
distance and deploy by air and sea through multiple entry points for
immediate employment in theater and to conduct intratheater opera-
tional maneuver and sustainment by ground, air, and sea particularly
with mounted, protected forces.
Workshop Discussion
Not discussed. Determined to be for high-end allies or remain organic
to the U.S. Army.
CGA Study
Actions and efforts to promulgate and promote efficient delivery and
consumption of supplies at all levels by all units. Also incorporates
actions to improve combat service, combat service support, and medi-
cal units’ visibility, distribution, accountability, and operations.
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of controlling infectious dis-
eases as an illustration. Task defined as: Personal hygiene education,
knowledge of infrastructure, monitor soldiers’ health status remotely.
This does not include pandemic disease control such as Avian Influenza
or large-scale biological or germ warfare.
CGA Study
The ability of all U.S. Service units, coalition units, and allied units to
conduct tactical and operational-level operations. This interoperability
seeks to maximize the effectiveness of Joint, coalition, and allied forces
as well as minimize fratricide among them. Includes the ability of sys-
tems, units, or forces to provide services to and accept services from
Explanation of Capability Gaps 87
Workshop Discussion
Not discussed. Determined to be for high-end allies or remain organic
to the U.S. Army.
CNA Study
Enable detection and identification of obstacles, especially explosive
devices, at ranges safe from obstacle ballistics effects. Provide means to
examine, classify, and report obstacles.
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of IED detection and neu-
tralization as an illustration. Task defined as: Protect soldiers from IED
effects, protect multiple platforms, involves sophisticated understand-
ing of the system, not just defeating the device.
Nonlethal Capabilities
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of crowd control as an illus-
tration. Task defined as: Riot control in crowded markets, riot type
control at the entrances to base camp. This does not include sophisti-
cated electronic monitoring or preemptive crowd control.
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of explosive ordnance disposal
as an illustration. Task defined as: Keep major supply routes clear in a
high threat environment.
88 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Detainee Operations
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of prisoner guarding as
an illustration. Task defined as: Guard prisoners in a high threat
Workshop Discussion
The workshop considered the specific task of analysis as an illustration.
Task defined as: Interdict enemy forces before they encounter friendly
forces, protect installations from sabotage, accumulate intelligence
from reporting elements quickly, lack of decision support tools for tac-
tical commanders.
Table C.1
Number of U.S.-Led Coalition Operations Deployed to by Partners
1 Coalition 2–3 Coalition 4–7 Coalition
Operation Operations Operations
90 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
New Zealand 10,970 60 logistics 0 50 0 0 20 0 0.55
Republic 23,800 104 40 17 50 0 0 0 0 0.44
Thailand 334,500 443 Company 130 0 0 0 0 0 0.13
Ukraine 257,000 1,700 airlift 0 500 240 0 0 0 0.66
Kingdom 187,970 11,000 1,000 3,500 13,000 3,300 0 0 0 6.92
98 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations
Focused Discussions
Department of State, Europe/Eurasia Coordinator office.
Headquarters, Department of the Army G-3, Resource Analysis and Integration
Division, Army Capability Analysis, March 2006.
Joint Staff, J-5.
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
(OSD/SOLIC) Stability Operations.
Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy (Offices of Eurasia, European Policy).
U.S. Army Central Command, G-5.
U.S. Army European Command, G-5.
U.S. Army Pacific Command, G-5.
U.S. Army Southern Command, G-5.
U.S. European Command, J-5.
U.S. Marine Corps, Security Cooperation office, Quantico Marine Corps Base.
Bibliography 99
Government Documents
Army Strategic Planning Guidance FY 2006–2023.
Army Transformation Roadmap 2003.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3170.01E, May 11, 2005.
Department of Defense Appropriations Act for 2006 (P.L. 109-148 §8069).
Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, Joint
Publication 1-02.
HQDA G-3’s Army Capability Analysis.
Joint Operations Concepts, November 2003.
National Defense Strategy of the United States, 2005.
National Military Strategy of the United States, 2004.
National Security Strategy of the United States, September 12, 2002.
Partnership Capacity Execution Roadmap, Washington, D.C., September 2006.
U.S. Army, Training and Doctrine Command, Capabilities Integration Division,
Capabilities Needs Analysis 2008–2013, October 2005.
U.S. Army, Training and Doctrine Command, Spiral Developments Division,
Capability Gap Analysis IV, May 2006.
U.S. Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review, 2005.
Web Sites
Buchanan, 2nd Lt. Anthony D., “Georgians Arrive at Caldwell,” May 18, 2006.
As of August 25, 2006:
Central Command Coalition Partners Web site. As of July 18, 2007:
100 Building Partner Capabilities for Coalition Operations