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Standard One

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The Coordination Committee formed by GR No. Abhyas - 2116/(Pra.Kra.43/16) SD - 4
Dated 25.4.2016 has given approval to prescribe this textbook in its meeting held
on 8.5.2018 from the Academic Year 2018-19.


Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and

Curriculum Research, Pune.

The digital textbook can be obtained through DIKSHA App on a

smartphone by using the Q. R. Code given on title page of the
textbook and useful audio-visual teaching-learning material of the
relevant lesson will be available through the Q. R. Code given in
each lesson of this textbook.
M/s Kunal Offset,

/Qty 1.00

Dear Children,
Now you are in Standard One. A most hearty welcome! We are happy to
place this textbook My English Book One for Standard One in your hands.
Standard One is the beginning and foundation of education. To establish this
foundation you should be able to speak, read and write in English properly. Until
now you have heard English outside the home. Now you have to learn to read and
write it. This textbook is full of songs, rhymes, poems, stories and activities. It will
make your learning interesting and easy.
There are various types of rhymes and poems. You will be very happy to sing
them and dance to them all together. You will enjoy stories also, to listen and tell.
It would be great fun to make stories from the given pictures. Everyone will be very
happy to listen to your experiences while chatting about pictures in your textbook.
There are many colourful pictures, letters and words you would love to learn.
At the beginning, you will surely enjoy the fun of learning words and letters from
pictures. Learn to read, to look and to say, to write by tracing again and again;
everything is fun. There are also some language games. Learning the language in
a playful manner will help to read the words, sentences and stories and to use them
easily. From all of these you will have the pleasure of learning on your own, Q. R.
Codes have been given to songs, stories, letter groups, picture reading and other
activities too. You will definitely like everything.
At the end of the Standard One, I hope you will be able to speak, read and
write beautifully. Friends, grow up while studying with joy. Wish you all the best
for your studies!

Date : 16 May 2018 (Dr Sunil Magar)
Indian Solar Year : Director
26 Vaishakh, 1940 Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook
Production and Curriculum Research, Pune.
For the Teachers
(1) We are introducing English language in Standard One through simple
language and variety of activities by which we focus on to develop the
interest and confidence of English language among the children.
(2) Practise the rhymes and songs with rhythm and actions with proper
pronunciations, throughout the year.
(3) Practise the greetings, requests, commands and simple instructions for
conversation according to situations in pair or group work.
(4) Prepare various types of teaching aids and models to enrich the vocabulary
of the children and give visual exposure to the children as well.
(5) Encourage the children to use simple words, phrases, expressions in
English, regularly inside and outside the classroom.
(6) Help the children to develop their reading and writing skills through
preparatory activities.
(7) Conduct various types of activities and language games throughout the
year for the reinforcement of learning with fun / joy.
(8) Revise all the activities at the end of each unit.
(9) For reinforcement, fun time activities have been included at the end of
every unit.
(10) Use e-learning material to develop language skills.
(11) Use simple and easy, maximum English language in and around the
classroom. Mother tongue of the children can be used if necessary.
(12) Use simple instructions while teaching.
(13) It is not expected that the children always give responses in complete
sentences. Accept verbal and non-verbal responses too.

ecific purposes.
oji s/i co ns giv en be low are used in this book for sp
The em
Reading Writing Conversation
Listening Speaking

tening, spea king and co nversation should not be us
The activities given for lis
for rea ding and writing.
My English Book One - Standard One - Learning Outcomes
Suggested Pedagogical Processes Learning Outcomes

The learner may be provided opportunities The learner–

in pairs/groups/ individually and encouraged 01.17.01 Learns and names English words
to– for familiar objects and pictures.
• name common objects such as– man, dog 01.17.02 Recognizes / Identifies letters of the
etc. when pictures are shown alphabet and their sounds correctly.
01.17.03 Differentiates between small and
• use familiar and simple words (‘bat’, ‘pen’,
‘cat’) as examples to reproduce the starting capital letters in print.
sound and letter (/b/, /p/, /k/ etc) 01.17.04 Sings / Recites poems / rhymes with
proper rhythm and actions.
• develop phonemic awareness through
01.17.05 Listens and gives appropriate verbal /
activities focusing on different sounds,
non-verbal responses.
emerging from the words in stories and texts
01.17.06 Understands the sequence of events
• sing or recite collectively songs or poems or and stories in simple narration.
rhymes with actions 01.17.07 Carries out simple instructions,
• listen to stories, and humorous incidents and commands and acts accordingly.
interact in English or mother tongue (home 01.17.08 Listens to English words, greetings,
language) polite forms of expression, simple
• ask simple questions like names of characters sentences and responds in English
from the story, incidents that he/she likes in or mother tongue.
the story, etc. (Ensure clear lip movement 01.17.09 Speaks about self / situations /
for children with hearing impairment to lip pictures in English.
read.) 01.17.10 Uses nouns such as ‘boy’, ‘sun’ and
• draw or scribble pictures and images from prepositions like ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’
the story as preliminary to writing etc.
01.17.11 Writes simple words like ‘fan’,
• respond in mother tongue (home language)
‘hen’, ‘rat’, etc.
or English or sign language or non-verbal
01.17.12 Listens and enjoys fables and short
expressions what he/she has understood in
the story or poem stories.
01.17.13 Identifies different shapes.
• listen to instructions and draws a picture 01.17.14 Counts numbers up to 10.
• Use greetings like “Good morning”, “Thank 01.17.15 Enjoys rhymes, songs and poems.
you” and have polite conversations in 01.17.16 Responds appropriately to commands
English such as “What is your name ?”, given by teachers etc.
“How are you ?” etc. 01.17.17 Uses stock expressions in face to
• Say 2-3 sentences describing familiar objects face interactions.
and places such as family photographs, 01.17.18 Narrates / Enacts a familiar story or
shops, parks etc. event.
01.17.19 Associates words with pictures.
Inside the Book . . .
Unit One Unit Five
l Number Song
l Welcome Song
l One and Many
l Greetings
l My Grandfather had a Farm
l English Words We Know
l Words (g, j, k, q)
l Rolly Polly
l Magic Words
l Rhyming Words l Odd Man Out
l Words (b, c, p, t) l Words (v, w, x, y, z)
l My Name l In the Street
l Fun Time l Myself
l Fun Time
Unit Two
Unit Six
l Humpty Dumpty l Days of the Week
l Action Time l Action Time
l Let’s Talk l Fun Time
l Daily Words l We love vegetables
l Rain, Rain l A Vegetable Basket
l Words (d, f, m, n) l My Vegetables
l Let’s Find l Rainbow and the Colours
l How Are You?
Unit Three l Let’s Play
l This is my head Unit Seven
l Requests l Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
l Let’s Talk l Farm House
l Happy Birthday! l Let’s Talk
l My Fruit Basket l Brush your Teeth
l Have Fun with Animals l Good Habits
l Let’s Know New Words l Fun Time
Unit Eight
Unit Four l Who are you dear?
l Clap your hands l Word Bag
l The Game of Addition l Bingo
l Traffic Signals
l Row, row, row your boat
l Dressing Dolly
l Let’s Speak
l Get Ready for the School
l Two Silly Goats
l Fun Time
l Two Wise Goats l We Like Cooking
l Words (a, e, i, o, u) l The Fox and the Crane
l Odd Man Out l English Letters
l School is over
Teacher’s Pages

1. Rhymes, songs and poems

Teacher asks the children to see the picture and he/she sings the rhyme
with actions. Children repeat and sing after the teacher with actions.
Teacher gives practice to the children to repeat and sing after him,
with actions. Teacher gives practice to the children individually and in
groups, for proper pronunciation of the words, actions and gestures.
For the rhyme 5.3 teacher may use other animals and their sounds
given on the same page.
For the rhyme 6.1 teacher can use flash cards/ word cards of the days
of the week and for 6.7 he/she may use flash cards of colours.
For the rhyme 7.4 teacher demonstrates the way of brushing teeth
and asks the children to follow the actions.
Teachers are not expected to translate the lines of the rhymes.
Children can understand the meanings of the words through associated
pictures, actions and gestures.

2. Stories / Skits

Narrating a story or enacting a skit is a very important and natural

activity for the development of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions and
fluency and stock expressions. While dealing with the stories in the
textbook, the teacher should follow the following steps.
Teacher reads the story aloud. Children repeat after him/her. Teacher
demonstrates the story with the help of pictures. Teacher performs the
story with the help of children in upper classes or other teachers.
Teacher reads the stories / dialogues aloud and reads the narration.
Children listen carefully and repeat after him/her. Teacher assigns the
roles and children perform the stories/skits with proper actions and

Teacher gives opportunity to each and every child in the class to
enact the stories.
Teacher can initiate discussions in children’s mother tongue about
the stories and may ask them to narrate the story in their mother tongue.

3. Conversations/Dialogues

A variety of conversations/dialogues included in the textbook, will

give maximum exposure and practice for spoken English.
A variety of activities employed in the textbook for conversations/
dialogues include using greetings at appropriate occasions, giving
introduction, seeking information, using polite requests, expressing
likes and dislikes, talking about themselves, imbibing good habits,
making statements, describing daily reactions/pictures/objects, giving
appropriate responses in situational conversation etc.
Teacher explains the situations in the conversation with the help of
the pictures.
Teacher demonstrates the conversation with the help of one or two
children in the class. Teacher reads the conversation aloud and asks the
children to repeat after him/her.
Teacher gives practice of the conversation in pairs/groups.
Teacher takes care that each and every child participates in the
conversation and encourages them for their performance.
Teacher should see that the children always use expressions like
‘Excuse me’, ‘Please’ ‘Sorry’, Thank you, ‘Welcome’, ‘It’s ok’, ‘See
you.Bye!’ etc. in appropriate everyday situations.

4. Vocabulary Enrichment

‘My English Book One’ focuses on enrichment of vocabulary

through picture reading, picture-word association activities. The
textbook advocates the principle of word as a whole image approach.
These words are from children’s immediate surroundings, some

content and structural words, naming words, action words, some word
registers. (vegetables, colours, fruits, numbers etc.)
While handling/dealing with different types of vocabulary
enrichment activities, the teacher should use :
• maximum flash cards with pictures
• word stripe charts
• introduction of phonic approach and visuals
Teacher focuses the children’s attention on the sounds of the letter in
the words. (Initial, middle and final sounds, cluster sounds)
Teacher introduces different words with the help of the pictures,
actions, things/objects.
Reads the words aloud and children repeat after him/her.
Teacher prepares sets of flash cards to introduce, to give practice,
revise and evaluate the new words.
The teachers should use the words as a whole image and they should
not give practice of individual letter in the word as spellings. The
teacher should give the practice until each and every word is learnt
as a whole image.
Activity of vocabulary development
For the practice of new words, following types of activities are
incorporated in the textbook.
• Listen and repeat.
• Listen and say.
• Look and ask.
• Listen and find.
• Say faster and faster etc.

5. Language Games

Maximum exposure to the language can be given through innovative

types of ‘Language games’ at initial stage/years of language learning.
Language games help children learn a new language through play-
way approach and fun. In this book some interesting language games
are given.

Throw the Ball
The teacher asks the children to stand in a circle.
He/She throws the ball to a child and asks the child to tell
it’s name. The child who catches the ball, tells its name.
Then throws the ball to another child asking the same
question. The game will continue until all the children get a
chance to answer.
The teacher may use this type of game for other
questions. This game can be conducted on the playground,
The Game of Addition
This game is given for simple sentence learning and
revision of learnt words. This activity is to be employed in
a group of children. The first child tells about his likes, the
second repeats the first sentence and adds his/her own liking.
At each stage the next child goes on increasing/adding his/her
likes in some categories of word. (Fruits, vegetables, colours,
games etc.) Teacher may use this game frequently for the
revision of newly learnt words in a particular category.
Be quick
Teacher asks the children to listen to the words from
a particular category (vegetables) and add other names of
vegetables to the list. Use the game to prepare the lists of
other categories also such as fruits, colours, animals etc.

1.1 Welcome Song

Listen and repeat.

Sing a welcome song

Ring a joyful bell

Ding dong ding everybody sing

For a new day begins.

Come together one and all

Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding

Happy song of joy we bring

Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding.

1.2 Greetings

Listen, repeat and use.

Good morning, Good morning,

Children. Namaste. Teacher. Namaste.

Good mornin oon !
Good a ftern

ening !
Good ev

Good night !

1.3 English Words We Know

Look at the pictures and tell.

1.4 Rolly Polly

1. Listen, sing and act.

Rolly polly rolly polly, up, up, up

Rolly polly rolly polly, down, down, down

Rolly polly rolly polly, in, in, in

Rolly polly rolly polly out, out, out

Rolly polly rolly polly do your left side!

Rolly polly rolly polly do your right side!

2. Say faster and faster.

(a) up, up, up (b) down, down, down

(c) in, in, in (d) out, out, out

(e) left, left, left (f) right, right, right

3. Look, listen and say.

Up Down

In Out

4. Listen and repeat.

cap - tap sing - ring

toy - boy song - dong
cot - pot cat - bat
Left Right

5. Trace the dots.

1.5 Rhyming Words

1. Look at the picture and tell.

bat - cat bag - tag clap - tap

table - cable ball - doll dog - frog

2. Match the rhyming words.

1.6 Look, listen and say

1. Look at the picture and tell.

3. Trace the dots.

boy clock

bat c
bag cock
parrot pot
pond tank

2. Match the same objects.

1.7 My Name

1. Listen to me carefully and answer.

Good morning.

Good morning.

What’s your name? I am Riya.

What’s your name?

My name is Raj.

Tell me
your name, I am Ali. Sonal.

2. Look at the board, find and touch your name.

3. Let’s talk.

Raj : What’s your father’s name?

Riya : My father’s name is Rajan.

Teacher : Tell me the name of your school.

Riya : Zilla Parishad Primary school.

1.8 Fun Time

1. Throw the ball. (1) Stand in a circle.

(2) Take the ball, tell your name.
What’s your name? (3) Throw the ball to your friend.
(4) Ask him / her ‘‘What’s your name?’’
(5) Catch the ball and tell your name. Continue
the game until everyone gets a chance.

My name is Sonal.

What’s your name?

I am Riya.

2. Look at the picture. Find a good name for each.

For example : Tommy

2.1 Humpty Dumpty

1. Listen, sing and act.

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall.

Humpty dumpty had a great fall ;
All the king’s horses
And all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty
together again!

2. Listen carefully and repeat. Clap if the words rhyme.

up - cup all - tall
fall - fast clap - tap
pin - tin pot - pan
humpty - dumpty toy - boy
wall - fall
2.2 Action Time

1. Listen and act. Give . . .

Stand up.

Sit down.
Take . . .

Go there. Come here.

Turn left. Turn right.

2. Trace the dots.

2.3 Let’s Talk

1. Listen and repeat.

What is this? This is a duster.

2. Look and say.

What is that? That is a bicycle.

2.4 Daily Words

Look and say.

cap mat



plate book


2.5 Rain, Rain

1. Listen, sing and act.

Rain, rain
Come again
Rain, rain
We’ ll play
Do not fail
Another game.
Paper boats
We’ ll sail.

2. Listen and repeat.

come game sail

fail paper boat

2.6 Look, listen and say.

1. Look at the picture and tell.

doctor frock 4. Trace the dots.

duck fridge
d f

dog frame

man mango
n nest
m n
mobile nose

mug nut

2. Listen and repeat.

dog - frog nose - rose

man - pan - fan net - pet
bag - tag clap - tap
ball - tall - call frame - name
3. Listen and match.

boat cake
man goat
nest fan
bake best
2.7 Let’s Find

1. Listen, repeat and circle the odd man out.

doctor top dish dog

frog fan net frock

bat parrot ball balloon

2. Listen and repeat.

doctor dish dog
frog fan frock
bat ball balloon
3.1 This is my head
1. Listen, sing and act.

These are my fingers

and these are my toes.
This is my head
and this is my nose.
These are my ears,
on my head at the side.
These are my eyes,
I can open them wide.
This is my mouth
and here are my teeth.
These are my knees
and my feet are beneath.
I can wave my arms
and wiggle my nose.
I can stretch my arms
and touch my eyes.
I can hold my hands together,
and then......
It’s time to start
all over again !

2. Listen and act.

Show me your head.
Show me your nose.
Show me your knees.

3.2 Requests

1. Let’s speak.

May I give me
come in, a pencil /
Sir? an eraser /
a ruler...

Excuse me, Sir.

Please may I
go out?

2. Listen and repeat.

Anuja : Excuse me.
Arnav : Yes?
Anuja : Please give me your book.
Arnav : Here it is.
Anuja : Thank you.
Arnav : Welcome. / It’s my pleasure.

3.3 Let’s Talk

1. Listen and repeat.

Teacher : Do you have a bat?
Raj : Yes. / Yes. I do. / Yes. I have.
Teacher : Do you have a cap?
Riya : No. / No. I don’t have.
Teacher : Do you have a bag?
Abha : Yes. / Yes. I do. / Yes. I have.

2. Practise the same question using the following things.

Do you have a ...............................?

3.4 Happy Birthday!

1. Listen, sing and act.

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear little one,
Happy birthday to you.

May God bless you,

May God bless you,
May God bless dear little one.
May God bless you.

Happy long life to you,

Happy long life to you,
Happy long life dear little one,
Happy long life to you.

2. Colour the words.

3. Look, listen and say.
4. Trace the dots.




candles birthday cap




greeting card gift

3.5 My Fruit Basket

1. Look at the picture. Listen and learn.



banana orange
mango custard apple
guava pomegranate

2. Listen, repeat and talk to your friends.

(a) : Do you like apples ?

: Yes.
Yes, I do.

(b) : Do you like apples ?

: No.
No, I don’t.

3. Look at the pictures and tell.

Pranav has a pineapple.
He has many mangoes.
Shreya has a water-melon.
She has many oranges.
3.6 Have Fun with Animals

1. Join the dots, colour the picture and tell what is it.

a duck
a camel

a hen
a parrot
a bear

an elephant
an ox

an eagle

a tiger
an ant

3.7 Let’s Know New Words

1. Look, listen and learn.

ladder 3. Trace the dots.

hat horse
leaf h


sack sun

saucer sickle

2. Listen and find the correct picture.

Leela has a lemon and a leaf.

Hemant has a hen and a hat.
Rashid has a ribbon and a rose.
Sonabai has a sack and a sickle.

3. Look, listen and say.

scissors scooter sky slide

snail snake spade spoon

stall star stick swing

4. Look, listen carefully, repeat and enact.

sit stand > sleep smile speak

swim start stop

4.1 Clap your hands

1. Listen, sing and act.

Clap your hands, Clap your hands

Listen to the music and
Clap your hands.

Stamp your feet, Stamp your feet

Listen to the music and
Stamp your feet.

Turn around, Turn around

Listen to the music and
Turn around.

Jump up high, Jump up high,

Listen to the music and
Jump up high.

2. Listen and act.

Leader : I am the leader. Do as I say.
Clap your hands. Touch . . . .
Bend down. your head.
Jump in. your eyes.
Jump out. your ears.
Stand up. your nose.
Sit down. your knees.
Close your eyes. your shoulders.
Open your eyes. Tap your feet.
4.2 The Game of Addition

1. Look at the picture. Listen carefully and repeat,

then talk to your friends.
Tai : What do you like Priya?
Priya : I like apples.
Tai : Ok, please take one.
Priya : Thank you, Tai! Let’s share.
Tai : Oh yes, sharing is fun!

2. Look, listen and speak.

I like apples, ice-cream,

I like mangoes and chocolate.

I like apples, ice-cream,

mangoes and oranges.
I like apples
and ice-cream. You forgot

I like apples,
Let’s start again.
and mangoes.

4.3 Row, row, row your boat

1. Listen, sing and act.

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream
Merily, merily, merily, merily
Life is but a dream.

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile,
Row, row, row your boat
Don’t forget to scream!
Gently to the shore
If you see a lion
Don’t forget to roar!

2. Listen and repeat the words.

row stream dream

life crocodile scream

shore lion roar

4.4 Let’s Speak

Listen and say.

Can you
draw a ball? Can you swim? No, I can’t.
Yes, I can.

Can you sing? Can you draw No, I can’t.

Yes, I can. a table?

Can you clap?

Yes, I can. Can you jump? Yes, I can.

4.5 Story Time - 1

1. Listen carefully and enact.

Two Silly Goats
There were two goats. They were crossing a narrow bridge.
Two goats came face to face while crossing a bridge.

Let me pass. Never! Move away.

I’ll pass first. No! I’ll go first.

They started fighting and lost their balance.

They fell down into the stream.

Story Time -2

2. Listen carefully and enact.

Two Wise Goats

There were two goats. They were crossing the same narrow bridge.

How can we pass the bridge? Let’s make way for each other.

I’ll sit
I’ll go over

Thus the two wise goats crossed the bridge.

4.6 Let’s Know New Words

1. Look, listen and learn.

2. Trace the dots.
ant axe


ink engine

insects orange



umbrella umpire


4.7 Odd Man Out

1. Look, listen and find the odd man out.

apple ant axe

egg elephant cat engine

oil orange cow

umpire up

insects dog
ink pot

5.1 Number Song
1. Listen, sing and act.

One, Two, Three and Four

Plant the trees more and more.
Five, Six, Seven and Eight
Plant the trees near the gate.
Nine and Ten, Nine and Ten
Plant the trees double of ten, double of ten.

2. Look, repeat. Learn to count in English.

1 2 3 4
one flower two flowers three flowers four flowers

5 6 7 8
five flowers six flowers seven flowers eight flowers

9 10
nine flowers ten flowers
5.2 One and Many

1. Look at the picture and repeat after me.

one many one many one many

balloon balloons bird birds kite kites

2. Look at the picture. Say with me.

a train How many trains ?

a boat How many boats ?

a car How many cars ?

a bicycle How many bicycles ?

5.3 My Grandfather had a Farm

Listen, sing and act.

My grandfather had a farm.

And on the farm he had some dogs.
With a bow-wow here
And a bow-wow there,
Here a bow, there a wow
Everywhere a bow-wow.
My grandfather had a farm.

dogs : bow-wow cows : moo-moo hens : cluck-cluck

ducks : cats :
quack-quack meow-meow

5.4 Look, listen and say

1. Look, listen, repeat and learn.

garden gate girl gold >

jeep joker jar jacket >

kangaroo key kite > kitten

king queen queue question

2. Trace the dots.

5.5 Magic Words
1. Look at the picture and say.
Please, give me Thank you.
your story book.
Yes, sure.

Excuse me. Thank you.

Oh! Sorry. It’s ok!

2. Listen, repeat and circle the letter.

Listen, say the name of each object aloud and circle the sound of the
first letter of the word.

p c r g t i b h r b r d
3. Look at the pictures. Listen, repeat and use.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Excuse me,



5.6 Odd Man Out

1. Look at the pictures. Tell the English words. Find the odd man out.
The word which begins with a different sound.

2. Look at the pictures. Tell the English words. Find the odd man out.
The word which ends with a different sound.

5.7 Let’s Know New Words

1. Look, listen and repeat.

3. Trace the dots.

van vegetables violin vulture

woman watch wall well

axe ox mixture yoke

zebra zero zip

2. Look, listen, repeat and enact.

wipe whistle

yell yawn
5.8 In the Street

1. Spot the English words in your surroundings.

5.9 Myself

1. Let’s speak in English.

Teacher : Riya, tell me something about yourself.
Riya : My name is Riya . 3. Trace the dots.

I am six years old.

I live in Nashik .
I go to Vidyamandir school.
I am in Standard One .
I like banana.

2. Now tell me about yourself.

My name is .
I am years old.
I live in .
I go to school.
I am in Standard .
I like .

5.10 Fun Time

Join the dots and complete the pictures.

6.1 Days of the Week

1. Listen, sing and act. Sunday

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too.
Wednesday, Thursday just for you.
Friday, Saturday that’s the end.
Now let’s say those days again!


2. Listen and repeat.

January July
February August
March September
April October
May November
June December

3. Find the names of the days.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

4. Look, listen and answer.

(a) How many Sundays are there in January?
(b) Look at the calendar and put the days of the week
in the proper order.



Monday 2




6.2 Action Time

Listen and act.

Make a line.

Stand straight.

Open/Close Put your books

your book. in your bag.

Jump on the spot.

Turn around. Give/Take a pencil/ruler.

Wipe out the board.

Turn left.
Turn right .

6.3 Fun Time

Join the dots and complete the pictures and colour them.

6.4 We love vegetables

Look, listen and learn.

cabbage cauliflower carrot

tomato potato onion

peas beans cucumber

chillies garlic ginger

radish brinjal pumpkin

6.5 A Vegetable Basket

1. Listen and say. Listen to the names of the vegetables and add other names
to it.

Speak! Speak!!
What speak?
Vegetables name, be quick!
Tomato, be quick !
Potato, be quick !
Radish, be quick !
Onion, be quick !
Cauliflower, be quick !
Lady’s finger, be quick !
Carrot, be quick !
Peas, be quick !
Ohh ! I didn’t get it !

6.6 My Vegetables

1. Listen and act.

I am a
I am a pumpkin. Hello my friends, I am
cabbage. I have
I am so fat. a little cook. Who are
lots of clothes
on my body.

I am a potato.
I am your
favourite one.

I am a cucumber.
I am slim
and tall.
I am a
chilly. I am
I am a tomato.
and spicy.
I am red and

I am a spinach. I am an onion.
I am green and You will cry if
leafy. you cut me.

6.7 Rainbow and the Colours

1. Listen, sing and act.

Red, orange, yellow,
Green, blue, indigo
And violet makes a rainbow.
Let’s sing again
Red, orange, yellow,
Green, blue, indigo
And violet makes a rainbow.

2. Join the colours with the things.

3. Match the following.

yellow blue red orange green violet grey

4. Look , listen carefully and repeat.

Meena : What colour is the parrot?

Raju : The parrot is green.

6.8 How Are You?

1. Look, listen, repeat and enact.

I am
How are you, Priya?

Priya breaks a cup. Priya climbs a hill. Priya gets a bicycle.

I am
I am tired.
sad. I am

Priya’s friend Priya has to go out Priya watches TV

pushes her. in the dark. at night.

I am I am
angry. scared. I am

2. Look and tell.

: How’s Priya feeling?

: She is feeling sad. / She is sad.

: How’s Sumit?
: He is happy.

6.9 Let’s Play

1. Look at the pictures. Listen and answer.

(1) Teacher : What are they playing?

Soham : They are playing tipcat.

tipcat hide-and-seek marbles

hopscotch skipping rope cricket

2. Listen and answer.

Teacher : What do you play ?

Priya : I play cricket. / We play marbles.

cricket hockey football tennis

7.1 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

1. Listen, sing and act.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

2. Listen and repeat.

little star world high

like sky sun

show light night

7.2 Farm House

1. Look and find the things from the picture.

sun birds

house farm



pond road

stone goat


2. Look at the picture and answer.

(a) Who is riding a bicycle? (b) Where are the fishes?
(c) What is the boy doing? (d) Where is the rabbit?
7.3 Let’s Talk

Look and say.

Raj is reading
Riya is drawing
a book.
a picture.

Max is playing
football. John is singing
Ruhi is sleeping a song.
in the bed.

Ali is swimming
in the pool.
Priya and Prasad are
going to school.

7.4 Brush your Teeth

Listen, sing and act.

Brush, brush, brush, brush your teeth

In the morning, in the night

Take the brush and add some paste,

Brush your teeth without any haste,

Brush the teeth from left to right,

Till the cleaning, feels so right

Brush it up, brush it down,

Move the brush round and round.

7.5 Good Habits

Listen and speak.

I wake up in the morning. I do exercise.

I brush my teeth.

I comb my hair.
I take a bath. I wash my hands.

I go to school.

I take breakfast. I read a book.

7.6 Fun Time

Join the dots, complete the picture and colour it.

8.1 Who are you dear?

1. Listen, sing and act.

I see you in the school,

Who are you dear?
I teach the student,
I am a Teacher!
I see you in the hospital,
Who are you dear?
I treat the patients,
I am a Doctor.
I see you in the bus,
Who are you dear?
I drive the bus,
I am a Driver.
I see you on the farm,
Who are you dear?
I work on the farm,
I am a Farmer.
I see you on the border,
Who are you dear?
I fight for the nation,
I am a Soldier.
2. Who is this?

8.2 Word Bag
Pick out one card from each bag and match the
picture with word. If the picture card is not matched
with the word card ask the child to pick out another
picture card. Play the game until you get the picture Picture Bag
card matching with the word card.

Word Bag




bat box

8.3 Bingo

Listen carefully and number the correct picture.

Teacher :
1. The tiger is sleeping.
2. The deer is running.
3. The crow is flying.
4. The peacock is dancing.
5. Aaji is cutting vegetables.
6. Sonal is going to school.
7. Raju is knocking on the door.
8. Sneha is going on a scooter.
9. Kapil is driving a bus.

8.4 Traffic Signals

1. Listen and sing.

Red light, Red light,

What do you say?
I say, ‘Stop! Stop! right away.’

Yellow light, Yellow light,

What do you mean?
I mean, ‘Wait! Wait! till the light is green.’
Green light, Green light,
What do you say?
I say, ‘Go! Go! right away.’


2. Watch carefully and

act accordingly. GET READY


3. Draw the traffic signals and tell what they are saying.

8.5 Dressing Dolly

Look at the pictures and tell. : What shall

Dolly wear today ?

: A green shirt,
black shorts
and sandals.

a shirt

shorts a skirt a sweater

a dress shoes sandals socks

a frock a coat a blouse a belt

buttons a scarf a cap

8.6 Get Ready for the School.

Look at the pictures. Listen, repeat and enact.

Where is my Where is my Where is my

shirt ? bag ? slate ?

It is in the cupboard. On the table. It is in your bag.

Where is my Where are

pencil ? my shoes ?

It is under the table. Near the door.

Ready ? I go to
with my


8.7 Fun Time

Join the dots, complete the picture and colour it.

8.8 We Like Cooking

1. Look, listen, repeat and speak.

Ajoba is
Anita is cutting shelling peas.

Anil is washing Aaji is grating

vegetables. cucumber.

2. Listen, repeat and answer.

: What's Anil doing ?
: He is washing vegetables.
: What's Anita doing ?
: She is cutting carrots.
Father is frying puris. Mother is making kheer.

What We Use In Our Kitchen

pots a pan a sieve a knife a spoon

a glass a dish a bowl a tray a pressure cooker

a mixer a grater
8.9 The Fox and the Crane

Look, listen and enact.

Once, a fox met a crane.

“Hello, Crane.
How are you?”

“I am fine. Thank you.

How are you?”
“I am fine.
Crane, do you like kheer?”
“Oh, yes. I love kheer.”
“ Then come to my house.
We’ll have kheer.”
Crane went to Fox’s house.
Fox served kheer in two dishes.

“Eat up your kheer quickly. Then, I will give you some more.”

Poor Crane !
He could not eat quickly from the dish.

Fox ate up all the kheer.

He began to laugh, ‘Ha, ha, ha!’

Crane said,
“Fox, come to my house tomorrow.
We will have some more kheer.”

Fox went to Crane’s house.

Crane served kheer in two tall pitchers.

“Eat up your kheer quickly.

Then, I will give you some more.”

Poor Fox !
He could not eat quickly
from the pitcher.
So Crane ate up all the kheer.

Fox learnt his lesson.

8.10 English Letters

1. Look at the English letters.

8.11 School is over.

Listen, repeat and sing.

School is over.
Oh, what fun!
Lessons finished.
Play begun.
Who’ll run fastest
you or I
Who’ll laugh loudest
Let us try.

Standard One

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_m` B§{½be ~wH dZ B.1 br 41.00

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