Electrical OM Getting Started
Electrical OM Getting Started
Electrical OM Getting Started
Table of contents
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ElectricalOM Getting Started
This tutorial is a quick start for users with little or no experience using the software. The purpose of the
tutorial is to guide the user through the basic functionalities of the software so that they can be ready to
start designing and studying low-voltage electrical installations of their own.
Main Environment
The main operating environment has a main menu, and areas for modeling, information and warnings.
1. Main Menu: From the main menu, the user has access to a number of project functions. These include
opening or saving project files, configuring project settings, inserting circuits, managing windows,
accessing the help section of the software or requesting support.
2. Tree Network View: In ElectricalOM, each electrical element of the active network appears in the tree
network view, the left-most panel of the application window, allowing quick access and modifications to
the active network. From the tree network view the user can add or delete circuits or modify the network
structure by dragging and dropping element nodes.
3. Warnings: During the creation of a project, calculations and checks are performed automatically with
detailed error messages that appear in the warnings area. The area for warnings notifies the user when
the software has found the model to be out of compliance or not to satisfy a physical constraint of the
installation material. Critical warnings require that the user go back and change project settings in order
to put the project into compliance with regulation, or so that the project meet the physical constraints of
the installation material. Elements with warnings appear in red in the tree network view.
4. Module Tabs: ElectricalOM is developed using modular software development principles, allowing
add-on modules to be used to extend the features of the software on demand. The modules can be
popped out, to be made to appear in a different window, allowing immediate access to information
during modeling.
5. Active Module Area: The module corresponding to the active tab (4) appears in this area, allowing the
user to perform tasks and modifications.
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Basic settings
Project Information and Main Options
From the project information tab (1) the user can set a number of project attributes, including: the title of
the project, the client, the date and also designer related information. The user may also choose to
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In case of multiple calculations scenarios the user may associate specific information with a particular
scenario by describing the scenario or clicking the corresponding button (3). Project revisions (4) are also
available for the user to keep track of the changes and modifications made during the project's
Project information, designer information, and the most recent revision will be displayed in the frame of
each page of the schematic, and at the reports. These information are project related and should be set
for every new project. The Predefined button (5) fills in the default user information (see below).
The default user information can be set from the default user information tab (1). Calculations related
settings can be set from the checks tab (2) and default program options covering auto-save, language and
color scheme from the project defaults tab (3). These settings are system-wide and are applied each time
the software starts.
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Schematic environment
You can set the schematic environment settings by clicking on the palette options icon (1). From the
palette options dialog (2) that appears, the user can control the appearance of the schematic.
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If you use a touch pad, you can use gestures to pan and zoom.
From the schematic tool bar you can also perform zoom actions.To zoom to the extents of the figures in
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the drawing press the Zoom All button (1). To zoom to a rectangular area of your specification, click the
Zoom Window button (2) and then specify opposing corners of this area.
Default Symbols
To control which symbols are used to display devices in the schematic:
From the tool bar, click the default symbols icon(1). Make a selection from the appearing dialog by
clicking on the device that you would like to configure. A dialog will appear, allowing you to choose a
symbol for this device by selecting a category (3) and then double-clicking on the symbol of your choice.
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Using the symbol builder, you are able to create a symbol simply by drawing figures in the design area (2).
The green cross indicates the insertion point of the symbol. The insertion point can be moved to a
location of your choice.
From the general properties (3) you can set the default price (4) of the symbol, which is used in the Bill of
Quantities Report. Each symbol can be placed in one of the categories (5), including Sources, Distribution
Circuits, final circuits etc. A symbol name must be given (6) before saving (7).
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To edit an existing symbol, select the symbols tab (1) at the right panel of the schematic module. You may
filter the symbols appearing by selecting a category (2). To edit a symbol, right-click it and then choose
Edit symbol...(3) to enter the symbol builder. You can also delete (4), rename (5) or move the symbol to
another category (6).
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Example Design
The design process is typically followed as in the steps described below.
At the beginning of the design process we create the basic structure of the installation. This means setting
up the distribution circuits, and final circuits downstream from them. When a circuit is added to the
installation, the designer sets the type of the conductor, its installation method and its length. For final
circuits, the user need specify the type of circuit, along with all of its load parameters. These parameters
include the kind, number of points, watts per point or design current, power factor, third harmonic
percentage and any diversity factor.
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Step 2 - Calculate the maximum demand (and apply load balancing for three phase installations)
After completing step one, the designer is able to calculate the load demand of each distribution circuit
and the maximum demand of the installation by applying diversity factors. Also if required the user can
specify any spare load percentage to be considered. In case of a three phase installation, at this stage it is
appropriate to make changes for load balancing starting from the downstream sub distribution circuits,
and moving upstream to the Main Distribution Circuit. The designer can balance the load by moving,
swapping or shifting circuits in the distribution circuit so the loads per phase are balanced.
Step 3 - Set the protective devices and calculate the cable sizes
Knowing the demand of each circuit and the maximum demand of the installation, the designer is able to
set the appropriate protective devices and then calculate the required cable sizes, starting from the Main
Distribution Circuit and moving downstream. Also at this point the designer can set correction factors for
the ambient temperature, depth of lay, etc., that eventually will affect the cable size selection.
At this point the user must resolve the critical warnings, and give attention to and resolve warnings
related to the discrimination between the protective devices.
To finalize the design the user may set the frame size per page and draw details or notes.
Example Details
In this tutorial we will design a three phase domestic installation. The installation consists of three
distribution circuits, the Main Distribution Board and two sub distribution boards. The Main Distribution
Board is located at the ground floor and feeds a sub distribution board to the basement and another to
the floor level. The basic information required for the design are the Main Supply characteristics and the
final circuits per distribution board. These are presented below:
Distribution circuits:
Name Supplied Phase Cable length Cable type and installation method
from (m)
Main: MDB Main Three 5 Cu - Multicore XLPE 90oC armoured, in
supply phase underground single way ducts
Basement DB- MDB Single 10 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in
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load kind Installation Cable length (m) Cable type and installation method
Cooker 1 15 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Dish washer 1 10 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Dryer 1 10 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Fridge 1 10 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Air 1 20 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
conditioning in a wall
Air 1 20 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
conditioning in a wall
Sockets ring 25 45 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Lights 1 15 30 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Lights 2 15 25 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
load kind Installation Cable length (m) Cable type and installation method
Fridge 1 10 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Air 1 20 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
conditioning in a wall
Sockets ring 15 30 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Lights 1 10 25 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
Lights 2 15 30 Cu - Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit
in a wall
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load kind Installation Cable length (m) Cable type and installation method
Air 1 15 Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit in a
conditioning wall
Air 1 15 Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit in a
conditioning wall
Sockets ring 15 30 Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit in a
Lights 1 10 25 Single Core PVC 70oC non-armoured, in conduit in a
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With the supply editor the user can set all of the properties of the installation up to the origin. These
include the phase voltage, the earthing system and earthing arrangements, the supply frequency, the
supplier's transformer rating, prospective fault current and external impedances, voltage drop settings,
premises settings and touch voltage limit and other information specific to the supplier.
In our example we will set the values as shown below. Press OK to accept the changes.
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The resulted prospective symmetrical fault current at the origin is presented in 9 and prospective phase
to N/Earth fault in 10. These values can be manually set if the user chooses not to set the extra cable up
to the origin point of the installation (7)
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Alternatively you can set the description of the selected circuit from the tree network view by left clicking
the circuit once, so that the selected node's text becomes editable. After editing the label press enter to
apply the new description.
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Initially the three-phase distribution boards have four ways, accommodating a total of 12 single phase
circuits, and the single-phase distribution boards four single phase ways, accommodating a total of 4
single phase circuits. To increase the number of ways, select a distribution board from the tree network
view or from the schematic, and from the properties tab, set the number of ways from the drop down
menu (1).
In this tutorial we need to modify the ways of the sub distribution board DB-G, and increase them from 4
to 8 as shown below:
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Board style:
Initially the style of the distribution board is Din Rail. To change the board's style select a distribution
board element from the tree network view or from the schematic, and from the properties tab, click the
button labeled Select style... (1). A pop-up window will appear, from which the style of the distribution
board can be selected.
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After selecting the style, the schematic will refresh to show the new distribution board, seen below (1). In
this tutorial we will use a Din Rail style, so we undo the change by clicking the undo button (2).
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Please note that the software performs calculations immediately, producing an error indication next to
the offending parameter (8).
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Apply Changes
To apply the changes and save the circuit press the Apply changes button (2). To cancel the changes press
the Cancel button (3). To print the Calculations Report for this circuit press the Print button (4). If the tab
belonging to the circuit editor (1) is marked with an asterisk, as in the screen shot below, it is an indication
that the circuit has changes that have not been applied.
Circuits Rearrangment
In order to streamline design of a network, the user might find it helpful to copy and paste circuits and/or
use other functions:
Copy / Paste
Drag / Drop
Shifting Circuits
Copy / Paste
Bellow we will copy the cooker circuit and paste it to 1.L2. To copy the circuit, select it from the tree
network view or from the schematic diagram with a left click. Then with a right click on the selected
circuit select Copy.
To paste the copied circuit, right click on empty way 1.L2 (1) and select Paste (2).
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Drag / Drop
You can drag and drop circuits in order to move or copy them to another position anywhere in the active
network tree. To do this, press down with the left mouse button on the element node (1) and keep the
left mouse button pressed. Then move the mouse to desired position (2). Release the left mouse button
to drop the circuit.
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After dropping the circuit select Replace, And Keep to copy the circuit to the sub distribution board.
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Shifting Circuits
To shift circuits, select the circuit P1 COOKER (1) with a left click and then right click to show the design
menu. From the design menu select Shift circuit, Down (2). Alternatively you can use the shortcut keys
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Maximum Demand
Load Balancing
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We can also apply extra diversity per distribution circuit and set spare load from the circuit editor. For this
tutorial we will apply an extra diversity factor of 0.9 (1) only for the Main Distribution Circuit as shown
Maximum Demand
From the loads tab (1), the loads summations results are displayed. The diversified plus spare load (2) of
the Main Distribution Circuit, represents the maximum demand of the installation.
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Load Balancing
In three-phase systems we need to make sure that the load is balanced across the phases. To check this
we can filter the warnings to show only the simple ones by selecting Simple in the warnings type filter (1),
and checking for load balance warnings (2). In our case the load in MDB is not balanced, so we need to
examine the loads in each of the phases (3). From the loads chart we can see that L3 (gray) is less than the
other two L1 (brown) and L2 (black).
A possible solution to the load balancing problem is to move a circuit from L2 (black) to L3 (gray) to
increase the total in L3 and at the same time reduce it for L2. We right click on Lights 2 and choosing to
Cut (1), and then Paste (2), the circuit Lights 2 is moved from 4.L2 to 4.L3 causing the load to be balanced
and the load balance warning to be resolved (3).
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Step 3 - Set the Protective Devices and Calculate the Cable Sizes
Knowing the demand of each circuit and the maximum demand of the installation, the designer is able to
set the appropriate protective devices and then calculate the required cable sizes, starting from the Main
Distribution Circuit and moving downstream. Also at this point the designer can set correction factors for
the ambient temperature, depth of lay, etc., that eventually will affect the cable size selection.
Circuit Protection
Incomer Disconnection/Isolation
Use of RCD
Circuit Protection
From the circuit editor (1) select the protective devices tab (2) and then under the circuit protection tab
(3) click the button labeled Change... (4) to make a selection from a table of manufacturers.
To select a protective device select the manufacturer (1), the type (2), the device family (3) and the device
rating (4). Red colored ratings indicates that a particular rating selection is not acceptable because of the
circuit's load. To submit the selection press the Select button (5).
To help you finding the desired device, you can click on the device-manufacturer icon (6) and also filter
the results based on the device type (7) and ultimate breaking capacity, Icu (8) .
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For the Main Distribution Circuit we will choose a 3-Pole MCB Type C 63A with Icu = 10kA as shown below:
Incomer Disconnection/Isolation
Incomer disconnection/isolation devices can be set only for distribution circuits. To set the incomer
disconnection/isolation device, select the protective devices tab (1) and then the incomer
disconnection/isolation sub-tab (2). The engineer can choose to use an overcurrent protection device
and/or an RCD device and/or and isolation/disconnection device. For this example we will use the default
isolation/disconnection device AC21 at 63A (3), as shown below.
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Use of RCD
Where required the engineer can choose to use an RCD device by checking the corresponding box (1) and
then by clicking the button labeled Change... (2) to select the protective device from a table of
manufacturers. The user also can select the type of the RCD device from the list (3).
The screen shot below shows an example where an RCD is in use for a sockets circuit:
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Phase/Neutral Conductor
Correction Factors
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From the minimum conductor sizes dialog the engineer can choose the minimum conductor size per
circuit kind. In our example we have chosen 1.5mm2 for all kinds of final circuit. To do this we select the
circuit kind (1) and from the list (2) we choose the minimum size. Note that submitting the minimum
conductor sizes does not affect existing circuits. The minimum sizes are applied to newly added circuits or
after applying changes to existing ones, during circuit editing.
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Phase/Neutral Conductor
To set the phase and neutral conductor, go to the phase/neutral conductor tab (1) of the circuit editor.
From the conductor type menu (2), you can change the type of the conductor. The list is broken into a
number of columns to help the user make a selection. The first column contains a reference to the
corresponding conductor in the BS 7671. The second column presents the material of the conductor. The
third column shows the description of the conductor and the fourth column indicates the armour or
sheath material.
To filter the list of available conductors use the filtering options (3). The make-up of the conductor is
shown below (4) the drop-down. Conductors can also accept special options (5).
For the Main Distribution Board we will select the second conductor type from the list, making its
conductor a copper multicore 90oC XLPE armoured cable.
After selecting the type of conductor we must now set the installation method (7). The installation
methods are categorized (6). In this example we will choose Method D No. 70, which corresponds to
underground single way ducts. The description of the installation method (8) helps the user identify
whether the selected installation method is the correct one.
Some installation methods require special care in order to keep in compliance with the regulations of BS
7671, because they require additional information. For example, the method that we have chosen
incorporates ducts, so the user must include information about the conduit type and size (9).
Finally, we set the length (10) of the cable to 5m and the cable's cross sectional area / rating from the
drop-down (11) to 16mm² / 75A. The Find button (12) helps the user find the minimum cable size
required. Please use this function with caution because it can select wrong sizes if the upstream circuits
have not yet been finalized.
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At this stage note that all previous errors have been resolved and the error indications have disappeared.
A new error (1) appears due to the conduit's not being large enough to accommodate the conductor after
having selected a larger cable size. To take care of this, click the find button below the conduit diameter
to select a 32mm conduit diameter.
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Separate Conductor
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Armour as CPC
To set the circuit protective conductor (CPC) of the circuit, choose the earthing tab (1). The properties of
the CPC depend on the cable being passed. In our case, during the configuration of the circuit protective
conductor, special settings are provided for armoured cable arrangements (2). The adiabatic check (3)
indicates the minimum size of the CPC. For distribution circuits the engineer may choose to use extra local
earthing to reinforce the earthing of the installation (4). For the Main Distribution Circuit we will choose
the first option, Cable armour.
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Separate Conductor
To set a separate conductor as the circuit protective conductor, select the earthing tab (1). Here the
engineer can specify how the CPC will be installed (3) and the size of the CPC (4). When setting the CPC
make sure that the earth fault adiabatic check (5) is satisfied. The image (2) shows a typical diagram of the
CPC installation.
Correction Factors
Correction factors affect the cable size selection. The engineer must set the correct factors in order to
make sure that the design is appropriate for the conditions of the installation. The correction factors can
be set by choosing the correction factors tab (1) at the circuit editor. The image below shows an example
where the ambient temperature correction factor (2) brings about a violation of a constraint (3). In this
tutorial we will leave all correction factors to the default values.
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Extensive documentation about the warnings presented in ElectricalOM can be found in section
"ElectricalOM Calculations Warnings and Checks"
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Even if in the circuit editor there are no critical warnings, the circuit might still be associated with critical
warnings due to circuits upstream. In this example the voltage drop limit is affected by the conductor
belonging to the Main Distribution Board, which has been left to its default size 1mm2, causing high
voltage drops in the downstream circuits. We will take care of this error when we set the Main
Distribution Board's conductor.
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In our tutorial, the distribution circuit DB-G has a voltage drop warning because of the split limit set. To
take care of this and eliminate the warning we will increase its conductor size from 6mm2 to 10mm2. After
applying the change to the circuit editor the warning disappears.
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For distribution circuits there is an option to split the voltage drop limit between the distribution circuit
and its final circuits. This split limit is not a regulation requirement but is set by the designer to warn him
or her about circuits exceeding the specified voltage drop percentage value, allowing for finer control of
the voltage drop across circuits. By default the split limit is enabled and this can be disabled by selecting
the option Without split of the voltage drop limit (2). For this tutorial we will leave the split limit to 1.5%
per phase of the distribution circuit and the remaining 3.5% to the connected final circuits (3).
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Protective devices discrimination problems are tricky to resolve and sometimes may require a change to
the design parameters, eventually affecting the cost of the installation. In some cases the engineer may
decide to skip some of the checks and accept that the design will contain discrimination problems.
According to regulation, discrimination (or selectivity) is demanded when it is necessary to prevent danger
or when it is required for proper functioning of the installation.
ElectricaOM performs discrimination checks between the time-amperes curves of the protective devices,
where overlapping curves indicate a discrimination problem. When the manufacturer's energy-based
discrimination data are available and the fault condition is causing operation of the protective device
below 0.1 sec, the checks are performed based on the manufacturer's discrimination tables.
The images below show two cases. The first is a successful discrimination study, with no overlapping
between the curves. The second study fails, with the curves overlapping.
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From the discrimination study module (1), the engineer can inspect the selected circuit's protective
devices behavior against those of the circuits upstream. In this tutorial we have chosen a 63A Type C MCB
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for the MDB (2) and a 40A Type C MCB for the DB-G (3). This arrangement is causing a discrimination
problem due to the overlapping of their time-current curves.
To resolve the above problem we need to choose a larger device for the MDB. At this point the engineer
needs to choose a suitable device. If we select a 125A Type C MCB to resolve the discrimination problem,
it will lead to an increase in cable size from 16mm2 to 70mm2 for the Main Distribution Circuit, which is
not a good design for a domestic installation.
An alternative path is to choose an adjustable MCCB device that will be adjusted so that its time-amperes
curve will not overlap with the downstream device.
To do so, click in the legend area of the main MCB (1). The overload setting of the MCCB device adjusted
to the rated current 80A (Ir = 80A), leads from a 16mm2 to a 25mm2 cable size for the Main Distribution
Circuit, which is acceptable for a domestic installation.
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To modify the symbol's label, click the symbol so that it becomes green (1) and modify its properties from
the properties area (2).
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To rename the page press the button immediately to the right (4) of the pages drop-down menu. From
the pop-up window (2) the user changes the description of the active page.
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corresponding drop-down menu (1). Also the designer may choose to show the page frame (2) that
contains also all of the project information. To resize the frame use the track bar (3) so that the drawing
fits into the frame.
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To print the active page press the print button (1). This will show a print preview as in the screen shot
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below. Also the user can export the report to PDF file.
You can also print a part of the active page or change some of the print settings by clicking the print with
settings button (2). This will show a form with settings that can be configured as shown below:
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To enable drawing mode, click the drawing mode button (1) from the schematic toolbar. Afterward, the
drawing mode toolbar will appear (2) with the available tools for drawing. Users with experience in CAD
software (like AutoCAD) will find this easy to follow because the drawing commands are very similar.
Drawing Objects
Objects appearing in the drawing are specified by their geometry.
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1. Line
A line is specified by two points, the start point and the end point. Lines can be one segment or a series of
connected segments, but each segment is a separate line object.
2. Polyline
This object is composed of line and arc (bulges) segments.
A rectangle is defined by two points: the upper left and the lower right corner.
A full circle is defined by its center point and its radius.
An ellipse is determined by its center, and major and minor axes.
6. Arc
A circular arc is defined by the center point, the radius, the start angle and the end angle. An arc is always
drawn anti-clockwise from the start angle to the end angle. The start point and end point properties of an
arc are calculated through the start angle, end angle and radius properties.
7. Text
Text can be added to the drawing. The point must be specified where the text will begin. Then the angle
of rotation must be specified. After that actual text content can be specified.
8. Multiline
Two or more lines in one object.
Selecting Objects
When you run an edit command you have to select the objects that you want to edit.
Edit Commands
In order to edit designed objects, most often you will run the specified command and then select the
objects you want to edit. The same procedure applies when you want to create new objects from one or
more drawing objects.
Alternatively, you can choose first the objects and then run the command. However not every command
accepts preselected objects. Also not every command accepts multiple selected objects.
Commands can be used to edit objects in your drawing. For example, you can split a line into two smaller
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1. Move
With the move command you can move one or more drawing objects. After selecting the objects or
object, define two points that define the distance and the direction of the movement. The first point
defines the beginning of the "movement vector" and the second the end of the vector.
2. Copy
With the copy command you can copy one or more objects of the drawing. The user must select the
objects to copy, and then the user is prompted to select two points. These two points define the "copy
vector" and can either belong to the selected objects or not.The first point specifies the beginning of the
"copy vector" and the second point the end of it.
3. Rotate
With rotate command you can rotate one or more objects around a base point.
First you have to select the object or objects and then specify the base point.Then you have to select an
angle in radians to rotate the object.
4. Mirror
Objects can be reflected about an axis defined by the user. First you have to select the objects you want
to mirror. Then you have to set the axis, by setting the first point of mirror line and then the second. At
this point you have to choose if the source objects will be deleted or not.
5. Scale
With scale command you can increase or decrease the size of one or more objects. First you have to select
one or more objects. Then you have to pick one point, which is going to be the base point. Next step is to
specify the scale factor.
6. Trim
First select the objects that define the cutting edges at which you want to trim an object and then the
object. Objects that can be trimmed include arcs, circles, elliptical arcs, lines. Notice that the trim
command does not function if the objects do not intersect. At the example below there are some lines
that were trimmed.
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7. Array
Creates multiple copies of objects in an array pattern. The patterns are rectangular array and the polar
array. With the rectangular array you can create an array defined by a number of rows and columns of
copies of the selected object. First you have to select the objects.Then you have to define number of rows
and number of columns of the rectangle, the distance between rows and the distance between columns.
8. Extend
With extend command you can extend lines, arcs, polylines until they intersect with some other object
which is used as limit of the extension. First you have to select the objects that constitute the limits of the
extension. Then you have to choose a point at an object that you want to extend. If the object you want
to extend does not intersect with above objects then nothing will happen.
9. Text Edit
With this command, you can edit the text content of a text object.
10. Erase
With the erase command you can delete one or more objects of the drawing. If you want to erase
multiple objects you have to execute the select method. After the erase command, the objects no longer
exist in the document or in the collection they belonged to, however the objects still exist as deleted
objects in memory. So with undo command you can get them back to the drawing.
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Undo Redo
Drawing mode has its own local undo (1) redo (2) stack which is reset after leaving the drawing mode.
Object Snaps
An Object Snap (Osnap) specifies a snap point on some part of an object. An Osnap mode will remain
active until you turn it off.
Each Osnap has its own symbol when it is active. The screenshots below show an example of the related
1. Endpoint: The Endpoint Osnap snaps to the end points of lines and arcs and to polyline vertices. This
is one of the most useful and commonly used Osnaps.
2. Midpoint: The Midpoint Osnap snaps to the mid points of lines and arcs and to the midpoint of
polyline segments.
3. Nearest: The Nearest Osnap snaps to the nearest point on a drawing object. This Osnap is useful if
you want to make sure that a picked point lies on a drawing object but you don't necessarily mind
exactly where it is located.
4. Perpendicular: The Perpendicular Osnap snaps to a point which forms a perpendicular with the
selected object.
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5. Intersection: The Intersection Osnap snaps to the physical intersection of any two drawing objects
(i.e. where lines, arcs or circles etc. cross each other) and to polyline vertices.
6. Center: The Center Osnap snaps to the centre of a circle, arc or polyline arc segment. The cursor must
pass over the circumference of the circle or the arc so that the centre can be found.
7. Quadrant: The Quadrant Osnap snaps to one of the four circle quadrant points located at north,
south, east and west or 90, 270, 0 and 180 degrees respectively.
8. Node (point): The Node Osnap snaps to the center of a Point object.
9. Tangent: The Tangent Osnap snaps to a tangent point on a circle. This Osnap works in two ways. You
can either draw a line from a point to the tangent point or you can draw a line from a tangent point,
the latter is referred to as the "Deferred Tangent" snap mode.
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10. Extension: When the Extension Osnap is enabled and a user is passed over a line or arc temporary
Osnaps are added that are used to get a point on the extension of those segments. If the extension of
the two segments intersects, the user is getting the intersection of those segments. In particular,
when the cursor passes over an entity then little crosses appear that indicate that the extension of
this object is available. If the extension of a line or an arc is enabled (by passing the cursor over this
object) then the user can move the cursor close to the extension of this object. At that time the
extension line will appear providing also intersection extensions of multiple objects.
Object Properties
When selecting an object its properties appear at the properties tab. From the properties tab the user can
change several properties of an object such as the line type, the pen color, the pen width etc. The screen
shot below shows an example how to change the line type property of the selected line object.
Ortho Mode
A setting that limits pointing device input to horizontal or vertical. That means that if ortho mode is on
and you want to draw for example one line , this line will be parallel to x or y axis.
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With Pan command you can shift the location of your view. Also by pressing the mouse middle button
activates the pan command. Like panning with a camera, pan does not change the location or
magnification of objects on your drawing; it changes only the view. Pan command is a transparent
command. Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.
This section describes the major calculations with the corresponding checks performed by ElectricalOM
the design current of the circuit
under consideration in Amperes
the nominal current or current setting
For ring socket circuit with Ιn = 30Α or 32Α
of the protective device protecting
the circuit against overcurrent in
the minimum required value of the
cable’s current carrying capacity
Ring socket circuits otherwise
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the design current of the circuit under
consideration in Amperes
the tabulated resistance/reactance of the
conductor taken from the tables 4D1B–4J4B
of BS 7671
the power factor of the load of the circuit
the temperature correction factor (according
to BS 7671 Appendix 4)
the circuit length in meters
In particular:
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the phase to neutral voltage
the impedance corrected at 20 oC
the impedance of the phase conductor
the impedance of the neutral conductor
the external impedance (from the
starting point of the circuit up to the
origin of the installation)
The voltage factor Cmax is to take into
account the worst case voltage
variations conditions in a low voltage
installation, specified in BS EN 60909 as
1.1 (optional factor)
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ΤΤ Earthing System:
The software, in accordance with
regulation (543.1.3), makes use of the
earth fault current, together with the
operating time that has been found
from the time-current curve of the
With: protective device, in order to obtain a
the phase to neutral voltage lower bound on the cross-sectional
area of the protective conductor (CPC):
the impedance of the supply
the impedance of the earthing
the impedance of the phase
conductor With:
the impedance of the CPC the minimum cross-sectional area of
the protective conductor in mm2
The voltage factor Cmin is to take
into account the worst case k the cable factor
voltage variations conditions in a
low voltage installation, specified If the operating time is less than 0.1
in IEC 60909 as 0.95 sec, then
Is the let-through energy
characteristic of the protective
ΤN Earthing Systems:
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I is the earth fault current
is the operating time taken from
t the time-current curve of the
With: protective device
the phase to neutral voltage
Note: If the protective device is an RCD
the exterior impedance or RCCB, then the software makes the
the impedance of the phase check using for t the operating time of
conductor the RCD or RCCB.
the impedance of the protective Note: Impedances under fault
CPC conditions are calculated in
The voltage factor Cmin is to take accordance with Guidance Note 1:
into account the worst case voltage Table E2.
variations conditions in a low
voltage installation, specified in IEC
60909 as 0.95
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The maximum impedance during earth fault, max Zs, is calculated from with:
the time-current curve of the protective device.
After the user has defined the protective device’s operating time limits where
during earth fault, the software finds from the time-current curve of the the external impedance,
protective device the corresponding current ImaxZs, and calculates max the impedance of the phase
Zs, as below: conductor,
the impedance of the protect
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The nominal ac rms line voltage to Earth in volts
(V) ,
The minimum voltage factor to take account of
voltage variations. Cmin = 0.95
The current causing the operation of the
protective device at the maximum time
threshold, calculated from the time-current
curve of the device.
The permissible peak current, peak l, of the Busbar Trunking System must be greater than the peak value
of the assumed asymmetrical short-circuit current, asymm. Isc.
The value of the asymmetrical short-circuit current is obtained from the value of the symmetrical short-
circuit current, Isc, multiplied by a standardized asymmetry factor (k).
The first value of the 1st short-circuit asymmetry peak in the transient state is the one that is taken into
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1. BS 7671
2. IET on Site Guide BS 7671
3. IET Electrical Guidance Notes 1-8
5. CENELEC - TR 50480
Warnings Environment
Problems with the current implementation of the model are indicated in the Warnings Environment.
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The warnings environment can be filtered easily, so that the engineer can focus on warnings of a
particular type, or so that only the warnings associated with the selected circuit appear. The environment
gives the user the option of filtering warnings by severity (critical, important, simple) (3) and/or the type
(load, voltage drop, discrimination, other) (4). The user can choose to display only the warnings associated
with the node that is selected in the tree view, by clicking on the Selected element only (5) option.
The total number of warnings is given by (1). The total number of critical warnings is given by (2).
Each of the warnings appearing in the list (7) indicates the originating circuit, the severity of the problem,
and is accompanied by a brief description. With a double-click on a particular warning the user is brought
to the configuration of the originating circuit to make changes and resolve the problem. Also the engineer
is able to print the warnings list by clicking the Print button (6). Note that an element that has a warning
associated with it is marked in red in the tree network view.
Warnings are grouped into three severity categories: Critical, Important and Simple.
Critical warnings are those that have to be resolved. The user will not be able to move forward to the
completion of the study if critical warnings are outstanding. These warnings have primarily to do with
errors found by checks to the model, and for project configurations out of compliance with regulation.
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To examine the voltage drop calculations go to the Volt drop tab at the properties area as shown below:
When the voltage drop limits selected during the main source editing are for a private low voltage supply,
the software checks the voltage drop within a final circuit according to Table 4Ab in Appendix 4 of
BS7671:2008 + A3:2015.
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In order to resolve touch voltage warnings, it recommended that the engineer revise the CPC or the
protective device. It is also recommended that the user make sure that the upstream circuits have been
set correctly.
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Ring Sockets
For ring sockets, special check settings that consider the cross sectional area of the phase and neutral
conductor and the protective device rating are applied by default. The designer can omit these checks
through the project info and options, under the Checks tab, as shown below.
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In alternating current systems, additional protection by means of an RCD in accordance with Regulation
415.1 shall be provided for:
(i) socket-outlets with a rated current not exceeding 20 A, and
(ii) mobile equipment with a current rating not exceeding 32 A for use outdoors.
NOTE 1: See also Regulations 314.1(iv) and 531.2.4 concerning the avoidance of unwanted tripping.
NOTE 2: The requirements of Regulation 411.3.3 do not apply to FELV systems according to Regulation
411.7 or reduced low voltage systems according to Regulation 411.8.
NOTE 3: See Appendix 2, Item 10 with respect to risk assessment.
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Important warnings should be resolved in good practice but can be left unresolved for the completion of
the study. They are warnings about potential hazards to the installation.
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Simple warnings have to do with minor issues that won't cause serious problems to the project and that
do not have to be resolved, but that could indirectly bring about more serious issues in the later stages of
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