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Ite 101 Finals Reviewer

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ITE101 FINALS Consensus- offers a free plan taht allows users to search

LESSON 8: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE through over 200 million research papers and get
AI- a branch of computer science concerned in making AI-generated insights and summaries.
computers behave like humans do. Quizgecko- allows users to create and share quizzes
APPLICATION OF AI: quickly. Uses AI to generate quiz questions from any text
Game playing- programming computers to play games ( Gamma AI- Offers a free tier taht allows users to create and
chess, checkers). share presentations, documents, and web pages. Includes
-​ Chess; most common AI game. AI powered feautures for content editing, image search, and
-​ IBM had developed a computer chess player reformatting.
named DEEP BLUE which won over the Edpuzzle- allows users to create interactive videos by
defending world champion Gary Kasparov in embedding questions, notes, and audio into videos.
1997. Podcastle AI- converts into high quality audio, which is great
Speech recognition- computers recognize human language for turning readings into podacsts that you can listen to on
to perform such tasks. the go.
-​ Supposedly replace keyboards bcs you will just Mymap AI- generates mind maps from users notes and
give instructions but humans went back to ideas, helping the user visualize and organize their thoughts
keyboards and mouse bcs it is more convenient. more effectively.
Understanding natural language- allows computers to Socratic AI- Designed by Google to help students with
understand natural language. homework by providing explanations, videos, and step by
●​ Offers the greatest potential rewards bcs it would step solutions.
allow people to interact with computers w/o Fotor- allows the user create images from text for free.
needing any specialized knowledge. You could Future me- a unique tool that allows users to write letters,
simply walk up to a computer and talk to it. reminders or anything else to their future self.
Unfortunately, programming computers to
understand natural language has proved to be THE RISE OF AI: ADVANCEMENTS AND ADOPTION
more difficult than originally thought of. Rapid progress- breakthrough in machine learnings,natural
Computer vision- makes useful decisions abt real physical language processing, and computer vision have accelerated
objects and scenes based on sensed images. AI capabilities.
-​ Make Images/objects as real as they can be. Widespread Adoption- AI is now widely integrated into
-​ At present, there are only limited ways of everyday technologies, from virtual assistants to
representing three dimensional information autonomous vehicles.
directly, and they are not as good as what humans Transformative potential- AI has the power to revolutionize
evidently use. industries, enhance decision-making, and solve complex
Expert systems- programming computers to make global challenges.
decisions in real life situations such as helping doctors to MACHINE LEARNING : POWERING AI APPLICATIONS
diagnose disease based on symptoms. Data application- collecting and processing large, diverse
Heuristic classification- one of the most feasible kinds of datasets to train machine learning models.
expert systems given in present knowledge of AI. Model training- applying advanced algorithms to enable
-​ Will put some information in one fixed categories machines to learn and improve from experience.
using several sources of information. Deployment- integrating trained models into real world
-​ Ex. Advising whether to accept proposed credit applications to solve complex problems.
TURING'S TEST- a test which examines whether a Language understanding- enabling AI systems to
computer has human-like intelligence. comprehend and interpret human language, including
-​ Proposed by a British mathematician. context and nuance.
-​ 1951, Alan Turing “ The Imitation Game” Conversational abilities- developing AI chatbots and virtual
-​ Turing's test is sometimes referred to as a assistants that can engage in natural, intuitive dialogue.
behavioral test for the presence of mind, or Multilingual capabilities- advancing NLP techniques to
thoughts, or intelligence in putatively minded support a diverse range of languages and cultural contexts.
entities Personalized interactions- tailoring AI responses to
First version of the game involved no computer intelligence. individual user's needs and preferences for a more
Imagine three rooms connected via computer screen and personalized experience.
keyboard. One room; man, second room; woman, third
room; judge, who will decide as to which of the two people
talking to him through the computer is the man. Various
types of websites to choose and search from: COMPUTER VISION: REVOLUTIONIZING IMAGE AND
Perplexity AI- offers unlimited basic searches and up to 5 Image recognition- enabling AI to identify and classify
pro searchers per day for free. Provides quick answers and objects, people, ans scenes within digital images.
detailed insights from a wide ranges of sources.

Video analysis- applying computer visions to understand in a physical store or by phone (with a physical catalog). The
and interpret the content and context of video footage. processes in electronic commerce include enabling a
Augmented reality- integrating computer vision with AR customer to access product information, select items to
technology to overlay digital information on the physical purchase, purchase items securely, and have the purchase
world. settled financially.
Medical imaging- leveraging computer vision to assist in the
analysis and diagnosis of medical scans and imagery. Kalakota and Whinston (1997) define EC from these
ROBOTICS Communication perspective- EC is the delivery of
Perception- enabling autonomous systems to perceive and information, products/services or payments over telephone
interpret their surroundings through sensors and computer lines, computer networks, or any other electronic means.
vision. Business perspective- EC is the application of technology
Decision-making- developing robust AI algorithms to make toward the automation of business transactions and
real-time decisions and navigate complex environments. workflow.
Control- integrating autonomous control systems to Service perspective- EC is a tool that addresses the desire
precisely operate vehicles, robots, and other automated of firms, consumers, and management to cut service costs
machinery. while improving the quality of goods and increasing the
AI DEVELOPMENT Online perspective- EC provides the capability of buying
Bias and fairness- addressing potential biases in AI and selling products and information on the Internet and
systems to ensure equitable and unbiased decision-making. other online services.
Privacy and security- safeguarding personal data and
implementing robust security measures fo AI powered Electronic commerce applications started in the early
applications. 1970’s, with such innovation as electronic fund transfers
Transparency and accountability- developing AI systems (EFT). However, the extent of the applications was limited
with clear decision-making processes and mechanisms for to large corporations, financial institutions, and a few
oversight and responsibility. daring small businesses. Then EDI came, which expanded
Human AI interaction- ensuring AI technologies enhance from financial transactions to other transaction processing
and empower human capabilities, rather than replace or and enlarged the participating companies from financial
displace them institutions to manufacturers, retailers, and services and
AI AND THE FUTURE OF WORK: OPPORTUNITIES AND so on. Many other applications followed, ranging from stock
DISRUPTIONS trading to travel reservation systems. With the
Automation and augmentation- AI powered automation commercialization of the Internet in the early 1990s and its
can enhance productivity and free up human workers for rapid growth to millions of potential customers, the term
more strategic tasks. electronic commerce was coined and C applications
Workforce transformation- the integration of AI will require expanded rapidly. One reason for the rapid expansion of
reskilling and upskilling to adapt to changing job the technology was the development of networks,
requirements. protocols, software, and specifications. The other reason
New job creation- AI is also enabling the emergence of is the increase in competition and other business pressures.
novel job roles and industries centered around its capabilities
DATA PRIVACY AND SECURITY IN THE AGE OF AI Ubiquity – Internet/Web technology is available everywhere:
Data collection- ensuring transparency and obtaining at work, at home, and elsewhere via mobile devices,
informed consent for the collection of personal data. anytime. The marketplace is extended beyond traditional
Data storage- implementing robust security measures to boundaries and is removed from a temporal and geographic
protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or breaches. location. “Marketspace” is created; shopping can take place
Data usage- establishing clear guidelines and policies for anywhere. Customer convenience is enhanced and
the ethical and responsible use of AI powered data analysis. shopping costs are reduced.
THE ROAD AHEAD:NAVIGATING THE AI LANDSCAPE Global Reach – The technology reaches across national
Continuos innovation- breakthroughs in AI will continue to boundaries and around the earth. Commerce is enabled
push the boundaries of what's possible. across cultural and national boundaries seamlessly and
Persisting challenges- issues like bias, privacy, and ethics without modification. “Marketspace” includes potentially
require ongoing attention and mitigation. billions of customers and millions of businesses worldwide.
Collaborative approach- interdisciplinary collaboration Universal Standards – There is one set of technology
between technologists, policymakers and ethicists is crucial. standards, namely Internet standards. There is only one set
of technical media standards across the globe.
LESSON 9: E-COMMERCE Richness – Video, audio, and text messages are possible.
These are integrated into a single marketing message and
Electronic commerce (EC) is an emerging model of new consuming experience.
selling and merchandising tools in which buyers are able to Interactivity – The technology works through interaction
participate in all phases of a purchase decision, while with the user. Consumers are engaged in a dialog that
stepping through those processes electronically rather than dynamically adjusts the experience to the individual and

makes the consumer a co- participant in the process of as clothes and like to know exactly what they are
delivering goods to the market. buying.
Information Density – The technology reduces information
costs and raises quality. Information processing, storage, Major types of ECommerce
and communication costs drop dramatically, while currency, Business-to-Consumers (B2C)- Ecommerce that serves
accuracy, and timeliness improve greatly. Information direct consumers. The important activity here is buying.
becomes plentiful, cheap, and accurate. There are retailing transactions with individual shoppers. For
Personalization/Customization – The technology allows example, the typical shopper at Amazon.com is a consumer
personalized messages to be delivered to individuals as well or customer.
as groups. Personalization of marketing messages and ●​ Benefits of B2C to Business
customization of products and services are based on -​ Lower distribution costs
individual characteristics. -​ New business opportunities
-​ More accurate and up-to-date consumer data
The benefits of ecommerce to merchants or (potentially anyway)
organizations are as follows: -​ Opportunity for added value services
-​ Better customer support Lower operating costs.
●​ Expands the marketplace to national and ●​ Benefits of B2C to Consumers
international markets. -​ Convenience Information
●​ Decreases the cost of creating, processing, -​ Ability to compare and choose among many offers
distributing, and retrieving paper-based -​ Lower prices, at times but not always
information. -​ Personal Service
●​ Reduces the time between the outlay of capital Business-to-Business (B2B)- Ecommerce that serves
and the receipt of products and services. businesses. The important activity of B2B is purchasing.
●​ Other benefits include improved image, improved Purchasing is different from buying because instead of
customer service, simplified processes, increased individuals departments are involved, formal processes are
productivity, and increased flexibility. followed, high monetary values may be involved and
complex negotiations and contracts may take place.
The benefits of ecommerce to consumers are as follows: ●​ Advantages of B2B:
●​ Ecommerce enables customers to shop or do -​ Lower:
other transactions 24 hours a day, all year round, purchasing costs
from almost any location. Sales costs
●​ Ecommerce provides customers with more marketing costs
choices: they can select from many vendors with a -​ Reduced inventory
large range of products. -​ Efficient logistics
●​ Ecommerce frequently provides customers with -​ Lower cycle time
less expensive products and services by allowing -​ Better customer support
them to shop in many places and conduct quick B2B Electronic Commerce: Areas of Growth
comparisons. Goods:
●​ Customers can receive relevant and detailed -​ computing and electronics
information in seconds, rather than days or weeks. -​ motor vehicles
-​ petrochemicals utilities
The disadvantages of ecommerce are as follows: Services:
●​ Cost and justification – The cost of developing -​ financial
EC in- house can be very high and any mistakes -​ professional
due to lack of experience may result in delays. -​ administration
●​ Security and Privacy – These issues are -​ travel, telecom
especially important in the Business-to consumers Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)- consumers selling directly
area, especially security issues which are to consumers. Examples are individuals posting classified
perceived to be more serious than they really are ads (e.g.; www.buyandsell.com.ph) and selling residential
when appropriate encryption is used. Privacy property, cars, cell phones and so on. Advertising personal
measures are constantly improved. Yet, the services on the Internet and selling knowledge and expertise
customers perceive these issues very important is another example of C2C. Several auction sites are running
and the EC industry has a very long and difficult intranets and other organizational internal networks to
task of convincing customers that online advertise items for sale or services.
transactions and privacy, are in fact, very secure. Benefits of C2C:
●​ Lack of trust and user resistance – Customers -​ increased liquidity (products, services, advice)
do not trust an unknown faceless seller, paperless -​ reduced search costs
transaction, and electronic money. So, switching
from physical to virtual stores may be difficult. Peer-to-Peer (P2P)- ecommerce that links users, enabling
●​ Other limiting factors – Lack of touch and feel them to share files and common resources without a
online. Some customers like to touch items such common server. The challenge in P2P ventures is

developing viable, legal business models. Examples of P2P Hypertext- a key concept for understanding the Web.
include Kazaa andGroove networks. -​ hypertext originated much earlier than the Web, or
Mobile Commerce- ecommerce which uses wireless even the Internet.
devices or transactions like cell phones, and Palms. This has -​ An article called “As we may think” written by an
been popularized mainly in Japan and Europe wherein it engineer named Vannevar Bush, in 1945
takes traditional ecommerce business models and leverages described a microfilm-based machine called the
emerging new wireless technologies. The key technologies Memex that could link associated information or
used in Mobile commerce are telephone_x0002_based 3G, ideas through “trails”.
Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. This technology continuously evolves -​ The idea became known in the mid-1960s when
even though it is a disappointment in the US. Harvard graduate Ted Nelson, conceived the term
“hypertext” to describe a computer system that
WEB TECHNOLOGY could store literary documents, link them according
Internet- refers to a collection of computers and cables to logical relationships, and permit readers to
forming a communications network, just like telephones and comment and annotate what they read.
cables forming the telephone system. The Internet is -​ Every Web page is based on a document stored in
intended to carry computer data, like telephone network a file identified by a unique address, called a
which is intended to carry conversations. The Internet carries Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or a web
various data including email, videoconferences, and address.
instant messages. The Web page contents are another -​ HTTP and HTML are the two basic building blocks
type of data that is carried over the Internet. In other words, from which today’s Web-style hypertext is crafted.
the Internet is a network of all networks where a user at any The two (2) major ingredients that define the Web
computer, with permission, can access and get information are HTTP and HTML. You’ll have a pretty
from any other computer. complete list of the basic technologies that make
The Internet was envisioned by the Advanced Researched the Web work.
Projects Agency (ARPA) of the US Government where they
called it as ARPANET then. They aim to create a network Web server- stores one or more Web pages of a Web site.
that would allow users of a research computer at one Each page is saved as an HTML document. This document
university to be able to "talk to" research computers at other may be plain text, or ASCII, document with embedded HTML
universities. This is because they wanted to protect the tags. Aside from storing these files, a Web server runs a
messages that are being routed or rerouted in the event of a Web server software that carries reuests for specific Web
military attack or from any other disaster that can destroy pages.
their communication. Web client software called a browser is used to surf the
Web (as defined above). If you type a URL into the browser’s
Intranet- a private network contained in an enterprise that Address box, you are actually requesting an HTML
includes connections through one or more gateway document of the Web page that you want to view. The
computers to the outside Internet. Its purpose is to share browser forms a request for the specified file using a
company information and computing resources among command provided by the HTTP communications protocol.
employees. It can also facilitate working in groups and
teleconferences. Web- is only one of the services that the Internet offers.
Extranet- a private network that uses the Internet technology They almost changed our ways of communicating to others.
and the public telecommunication system to securely share a Many times, communications take place completely in writing
part of a business's information or operations with suppliers, – without the parties ever meeting each other.
vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. An Email-short for electronic mail, is the transmission of
extranet can be viewed as part of a company's intranet that messages via a computer network.
is extended to users outside the company. It has also been -​ It is the original service that the Internet offers.
described as a "state of mind" in which the Internet is -​ Before, only the scientists and researchers that
perceived to do business with other companies as well as to work for government- sponsored projects to
sell products to customers. communicate to their colleagues based on other
locations uses this service.
In order to use the Internet, you must have a web browser -​ Today, email is said to be the primary source of
installed on your computer to access different web pages communication whether for personal or business
and sites. purposes.used to create, send, received, forward,
Web browser- an application software allowing users to store, print, and delete messages.
access and view web pages. -​ Such programs include Outlook and Outlook
Web page- a page consisting of HTML documents stored Express which are the popular among other email
on a web server. In contrast, web sites are a collection of programs.
connected web pages stored on a web server. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)- is an Internet service that
allows a user to upload and download files from other
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext computers on the Internet.
Markup Language (HTML) are the two most important Uploading- process of transferring a file to the Internet
elements of the Web. Downloading- process of obtaining a file from the Internet.

File- refers to documents, graphics, and other objects from a someone’s interest that may contain their own images,
computer server. favorite music and videos, and the likes for some personal
FTP server- a computer that allows you to upload/download reasons.
files. Search engine- a program that finds web sites and pages.
FTP site- a collection of files that reside in an FTP server. -​ helps the user find particular information about
Newsgroups and Message Boards- is an online area that certain topics
allows a group of users to discuss a particular topic. In such -​ There are thousands of search engines available,
a discussion, one will send a message to a group then the some are general and can perform searches on
other group will read and respond to the message. any topic but some restricts to certain subjects like
Mailing Lists- is another online service where email finding people, job hunting, or locating real estate.
addresses are stored. All email addresses stored in it -​ A search text box is available.
receives the message when a user uses it. In essence, a Google- is the largest search engine in the web whose
mailing list is like a distribution list usually used to group purpose is to organize the world’s information and make it
certain email addresses. universally accessible and useful.
Chat Rooms- are a technology that consists of online and -​ Queries received by Google reaches several
live communication over the Internet. It is a location in the hundred millions each day through its various
Internet server that allows users to have almost like a services. As of February 2004, Google received
real-time communication. 2.5 billion queries.
Instant messaging- is in essence a chat but you can -​ Google uses an algorithm called PageRank that
choose certain users that you want to communicate with. Not ranks web pages which matches a given search
like chat rooms that talk about a particular topic, IM allows string. The algorithm computes a recursive figure
you to communicate all the topics that you want. Many users of merit for web pages based on the weighted sum
make use of IM for personal purposes but be sure to always of the PageRanks of the pages linking to them.
observe “Netiquettes”. Aside from indexes and HTML that Google
Internet Telephony- commonly known as Voice over IP caches, there are other 13 file types that it can
(Internet Protocol), allows the user to speak to other users search: PDF, Word documents, Excel
over the Internet using computers, mobile computer, or spreadsheets, Flash SWF, plain text files, among
mobile devices. You will need a high- speed Internet others.
connection, Internet telephone service, and a microphone or Yahoo!- is the first navigational portal to the web created by
telephone to be able to use this technology and place a call. Jerry Yang and David Filo, 1994. The next year, Yang and
Filo, together with some fellow students named it Yahoo! and
The following are various types of web sites to choose released it to the Internet community.
and search from. -​ Yahoo! stands for Yet Another Hierarchical
Portals- are sites that offers you a variety of Internet Officious Oracle. What makes Yahoo! unique
services such as search engine/or subject directory, news, than the others is that its staff members build the
sports and weather, free web publishing services, reference directory by assuming the role of a typical web
tools such as yellow pages, stock quotes and maps, researcher.
shopping malls and auctions, email and other forms of online
communication. LESSON 10: EDUCATION
News web sites- provides you newsworthy material TRENDS IN EDUCATION
including stories and articles relating to current events, life, 1. Online Education - Online education is a notion that can
money, sports, and weather. be offered much more easily than ever before because to the
Informational web sites- contain factual information. Many broad adoption and influence of mobile devices. Students
government agencies provide information such as tax codes, with transportation issues or working adults can still access
loans you can mortgage from SSS. education without restrictions. In the Philippines, “online
Business/Marketing web sites- provide you marketing and education is a new frontier”.
business contents that promotes and sells products and 2. Integrated Learning Solutions - It is not a practical idea
services. for schools to wait until all learning is digital before
Educational web sites- offer you exciting and challenging introducing children to it. The majority of schools now
course in formal and informal teaching and learning. There embrace the realities of integrated learning systems. They
exist many educational web sites that allow online training want to meet the least amount of demands on the digital
for employees and classes for colleges. infrastructure while still using conventional textbooks as the
Entertainment web sites- offer users an interactive and foundation.
engaging environment. Popular entertainment web sites offer 3. Personalized Learning - As students may learn without
music, videos, sports, games, ongoing web episodes, and worrying about device, location, or scheduling restrictions,
the likes. this will be a noteworthy trend of the year. As a result,
Advocacy web sites- provide contents that describe a students may study without being constrained by their
cause, opinion, or idea. Its purpose is to convince the reader comprehension level, learning style, or areas of strength or
of the validity of the cause, opinion, or idea. weakness.
Personal web sites- are a private individual’s site usually 4. Professionals Development of Teachers- Instructors
not associated in any organization. This is usually about are a crucial component of the learning ecology. In order for

students to experience the best of the current technology, it Drop out rate (out-of-school youth) - According to
is crucial to acquaint them with the competences and UNESCO data, there are 1.4 million youngsters who are not
abilities of the current generation. This only serves to enrolled in school nationwide. The Philippines is also the
increase the demand for professional development courses only ASEAN nation to rank in the top 5 nations with the
as they may improve their lateral thinking skills while also greatest proportion of young people who are not enrolled in
learning new teaching-learning methodologies. school.
5. Formative Assessment Solutions - More emphasis will Mismatch - The gap between educational preparation and
be placed on the value of learning outcomes, which is why employment opportunities is considerable. The root of the
formative assessment strategies are employed. Learning has continued high rates of educated but jobless or
an influence through formative assessments because they underemployed persons.
gauge student development, evaluate how well the Brain Drain - Due to the current phenomena of
curriculum is being delivered, and examine personal and globalization, brain drain is a chronic issue that is seen in the
social skills. Philippine educational system. It is projected that 2.3 million
6. Cost Management in Education - Administrations will Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) worked overseas at any
need in-depth planning as technology advances in the given time between April and September 2014. This
education sector to guarantee appropriate investment. The continuous mass departure has severe economic
control of costs in the education sector will significantly repercussions as well as an unprecedented brain drain.
improve with the right plan. To save operating costs, Social Divide - There is a troublesome and obvious
educational institutions are anticipated to spend more in socioeconomic divide in the nation with relation to
cloud technology in the upcoming years. Due to common educational prospects. An equalizing influence on education
services, it will also increase operational efficiency in the has been observed in the majority of modern cultures. Due
education sector.With the adoption of blockchain technology to this gap in the social structure, education is now a part of
in the education industry, the institutional framework that separates the affluent
• printing and paper costs will go down. (wealthy) from the poor.
• Every crucial document, including degrees, certificates, and
other legal papers, will be available online. ISSUES REGARDING K-12
• This will also lower the cost of manpower, which is typically • The results of (NAT) and the (NCAE) for the year 2014
needed at institutes to handle, store, and maintain a large reveal a drop in the standard of elementary and secondary
amount of data. education in the Philippines; showed that student
7. The Changing Role of a Teacher - More than a data performance fell well short of the desired mean score.
feeder, the teacher has become someone who nurtures the • The money for education is the second problem the
learners adequately. This trend has become the crux of the Philippine educational system is dealing with. “The
student-centered approach to learning. The teacher has Philippines still maintains one of the lowest budget
become a person who guides his/ her class through activities allocations to education among ASEAN nations,
and sharing the wonder of discovery. Though involved in the • The third significant problem that the Philippine educational
activities, a teacher should keep an eye on monitoring the system consistently faces is the cost of education
personal progress of individuals and helping the ones who • Last but not least, there is a significant amount of
need special attention and help. mismatch, when there is a significant amount of mismatch
Quality Education - The results of the National between training and real occupations. This has the potential
Achievement Test (NAT) and the National Career to be a significant problem at the tertiary level and is also the
Assessment Examination (NCAE) for the year 2014 reveal a root of the continued high rates of educated but jobless or
drop in the standard of elementary and secondary education underemployed persons.
in the Philippines. Both the NAT and NCAE results from
2014 showed that student performance fell well short of the LESSON 11: HEALTHCARE
desired mean score. AI IN HEALTHCARE
Budget for Education - The money for education is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) branch of computer science that
second problem the Philippine educational system is dealing aims to enable computer systems to perform various tasks
with. The Philippines still maintains one of the lowest budget with intelligence similar to humans.
allocations to education among ASEAN nations, despite the • Machine Learning (Neural Network and Deep Learning):
Constitution of the Philippines mandating that the precision medicine, which means to predict the best
government devote the largest share of its budget to treatment protocols that are likely to be successful on a
education. patient based on different patient characteristics and
Affordability of Education - Philippine educational system treatment context.
consistently faces is the cost of education (or the lack • Natural Language Processing: includes creating,
thereof). There is a significant accomplishment gap between understanding, and classifying clinical documents and
various social classes in terms of schooling. published research. It also helps in analyzing unstructured
Students from low- and high-income, impoverished clinical notes on patients and preparing reports.
households who are socioeconomically disadvantaged have • Robotics: physical robots are enabled with AI to perform
much higher dropout rates in primary school. Additionally, different tasks in the healthcare sector. Nowadays, surgical
the majority of tertiary level freshman students come from robots are being used to provide help to surgeons for
quite wealthy backgrounds. improving their ability to see, stitch wounds, and so on.

Some surgical procedures that use robotic surgery are - EHR can be modified to predict the risk of a decease based
gynaecologic surgery, prostate surgery and head and neck on prior data of a patient and their family. The machine also
surgery. predicts and takes decisions, collects a large number of data
• Rule-based expert System: collection of it-then rules and and creates a new rule set based on observations, then
is most widely used in the commercial sector. It is also used concludes the diagnosis. This approach helps to collect
in Electronic Health Care (EHR) with some set of rules in patient data and find outstanding issues and saves time as
their system. First, a set of rules is created by human experts compared to other traditional alternatives. Some studies
and knowledge engineers, and then they implementan said, predictive modelling of EHR can achieve up to 75%
easy-to-understand rule-based expert system. This rule is accurate data, and this results in the number of online health
directly proportional to the knowledge domain means if the records double every five years.
knowledge is changing, then the rule can be complex and
time taking.
• Robotic process automation (RPA): used to perform
repetitive tasks such as updating patient records or billing. It
can also be used to extracting data when combined with
other technologies.
• Radiology: Because of technology such as Computerized
Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI),
AI in radiology will cut down on the interaction time and allow
doctors to see more patients at the same time.
• Screening: AI is also most widely used in the screening
field for the healthcare department.
-​ Google DeepMind is also used to detect breast
cancer at a very early stage than human experts,
Further, AI algorithm also helps to detect prostate
cancer with more accuracy than human experts.
• Psychiatry: AI used to study anxiety and depression and
are still in a phase of proof-of-concept.
• Primary Care: Primary care is one of the key development
areas for AI technologies such as predictive modelling,
business analytics, supportive decision making, etc.
• Decease Diagnosis: Artificial Intelligence (AI) uses
Medical Learning Classifiers (MLC's) to substantially aid
doctors in patient diagnosis with the help of mass Electronic
Health Records.
• Dermatology: Dermatology is an ample imaging technique
that is also more enhanced with the use of Deep Learning in
Image Processing, that makes it more efficient and easier as
compare to other traditional ways. Also, through the use of
AI in image processing, keratinocytes skin cancer has been
possible to be detected by face photography.
• Drug Interaction: AI algorithm to identify the drug-drug
interaction can be improved with the use of Natural
Language Processing (NLP). Drug interaction increases the
number of medications being taken by a human who takes
multiple medicines for their disease.
• Manufacturing of Drugs: With the help of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), a molecule of a drug for OCD
(obsessive-compulsive disorder), treatment becomes easier,
which is not feasible in approx. Five years through traditional
• Electronic Health Records (EHR)
- the main key factor to develop and digitalize the healthcare
- Artificial Intelligence helps to interpret the records and
provide updated information about the diseases, differentiate
same deceases that mostly medical specialist treats similar
like heart attack and myocardial infarction and helps to
prepare relevant prescription notes for other patients in


The social world of a western-influenced society,

is typically consists of three domains:
1. Family
2. School
3. Neighborhood, But with the emergence of the Internet,
however, adds a fourth domain – the online life.

The Digital Self- also known as online identity, is used to

describe a person’s representation of himself on the Internet.
In different social media platforms, a person can construct a
controlled projection that impacts how other people perceive
The characteristics of the digital self (Zhao, 2005):
• Oriented inward
• Narrative in nature
• Retractable
• Multipliable

The social self- An individual’s belief of how other people

perceive him.
-​ He naturally create a social identity to achieve a
perceived belongingness to a certain group.
-​ Thus, a person can define his sense of being
based on other people’s validation. In general, the
digital self is not only about sharing a person’s life
online. It may also be about what is acceptable
and impressive to other people whom a person
wants to get approval from.


Self-presentation- behavior refers to the conscious or
unconscious efforts an individual make to create, modify, or
maintain an impression of himself in the mind of others.
Reasons for Engaging in Self-Presentation
• Helps facilitate social interaction
• Enables individuals to attain material and social rewards
• Helps people privately construct desired identity
It is done by controlling or influencing how other people
perceptions about himself. It can involve strategic choices
clothing,grooming, body language, and verbal
Two main motives of attempting to manage the
impression of others:
• Instrumental – to gain rewards and increase one’s self
• Expressive – attempts to be in control of one’s personal
behavior and identity Impression Management Strategies
• Self-Promotion – a person actively says things or takes
action to show his competence to other people
• Ingratiation – a person tries to win the approval or
acceptance of others
• Exemplification – strategic self-sacrifice
• Intimidation – showing off authority, power, or the potential
to punish

• Supplication – a person exploits his weaknesses or • Helps expand market research, implements marketing
shortcomings to receive help or benefit campaigns, delivers communications, and directs interested
In the digital age, the Internet could highly affect how
teenagers form their identities. They tend to seek for outside
affirmation from friends and strangers through different social Possible Risks of a Public Online Profile
media platforms. However, this can also give them an • Increases the possibility of fraud, spam, and virus attacks
amplified feeling of invisibility which can have a great • Increases the risk of people falling prey to online scams
influence on how they perceive themselves. • Potentially results in negative comments and bashing.

The current generation doesn’t know how to differentiate Advantages of a Private Online Profile
their real-time identity and online identity. They see these • Control over viewers
two as identical, when in fact these are not. Technology, • Protected from scammers and bashers
specifically the Internet, makes it more difficult for teenagers Disadvantages of a Private Online Profile
to form an identity since it creates more versions of the “self” • Very limited network
than before. • Very low engagement
• Do not get to meet interesting people
“Digiphrenia is the experience of trying to exist in more • Will not help grow a business (for entrepreneurs)
than one incarnation of yourself at the same time.
There’s your Twitter profile, your Facebook profile, your THE INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL IDENTITY
email inbox. All of these sort of multiple instances of
you are operating simultaneously and in parallel. And
that’s not a really comfortable position for most human
• Develops over the course • A person’s sense of who
-Douglas Rushkoff of a person’s life he is based in group
App-dependent behavior’ an individual relies heavily on • May include aspects of a membership
digital applications for communication, productivity, person’s life that he has no • Group as an important
entertainment, and other functionalities. control over source of pride and
WHAT MAKES PEOPLE SO ADDICTED TO THE • Emphasis on the self-esteem
INTERNET? individual • Emphasis on what a
• Created through person has in
differences in personal common with the members
Social networks break the barriers of distance and time characteristics of the group
through allowing people to communicate anytime and • Created based on
anywhere. These have also expanded the possibilities of similarities with others
sharing and playing identities.
Gender and Sexuality Online
• Sex is based on the biological makeup of a person, which
can be identified as male or female.
PRIVATE SELF PUBLIC SELF • According to Judith Butler, gender is a product of
discourse, interactions, and social processes.
Mental events in a person’s Behaviors that are open to
life that are inherently the observations of other “Stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a
unobservable to others or people particular group or class of people” (Cardwell, 2014).
only within his network of • Within the entire internet
• Women are not as capable as men in technical fields.
• Men are not emotional and should not express
Social profiles- refer to the digital representations of
individuals on different online platforms, capturing various The disembodiment hypothesis suggests that through the
aspects of their identity, interests, and activities. These Internet, individuals are able to allow the mind to engage in
provide users with a space to share information about social activities while the body is static. On the Internet,
themselves and engage with others. people do not need to conform to an assigned gender. Thus,
they are able to freely perform, communicate, and act based
Possible Advantages of a Public Online Profile on their true gender identity.
• Facilitates open communication
• Allows posting and open discussion of ideas Sexuality- refers to a person’s feelings, attractions,
• Provides an opportunity to widen business contacts behaviors, and orientations related to one’s emotional,
• Targets a wide audience romantic, and sexual experience.
• Improves business reputation (for entrepreneurs) Factors that affect an adolescent’s sexuality:
• Hormones

• Personality or temperament
humiliation, regret,
• Social or environmental factors
mortification, and contrition
• Media and the Internet
Components of Emotions
WEEK 14; THE EMOTIONAL SELF • Physiological arousal – Involvement of the brain, nervous
EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS system, and secretion of hormone
Emotion- originated from the French word “emouvoir” • Subjective feelings – Subjective awareness of interpreting
meaning “to shake, to stir”. one’s emotional state
-​ It is “a strong mental or instinctive feeling such as •Cognitive processes– Involvement of memories,
love or fear” involving many bodily processes, and perceptions, expectations, and interpretations
mental states (Oxford English Dictionary, 1996). • Behavioral reactions – Include behavioral reactions, both
-​ It is typically brief, intense, and involves expressive and instrumental
physiological changes, such as changes in heart
rate, facial expressions, and hormonal secretion. EMOTIONS ARE CLOSELY RELATED TO A PERSON’S
According to Daniel Goleman, there are eight basic families • Emotions occur when an individual’s basic needs are either
of emotions: hindered or satisfied.
• Emotions are helpful to individuals in terms of the
FEAR (SAFETY) anxiety, apprehension, satisfaction of basic needs.
nervousness, concern,
consternation, misgiving,
wariness, qualm, edginess, EMOTIONS AND LOGICAL THINKING HAVE AN
dread, fright, terror and in INVERSE RELATIONSHIP.
the extreme cases phobia • As emotional intensity increases, the capacity for logical
and panic thinking decreases, and vice versa.
• Heightened emotional states may cloud one's judgment
and impede the application of logical reasoning.
ANGER ( JUSTICE) fury, outrage, resentment,
wrath, exasperation,
indignation, vexation,
annoyance, irritability, • Emotions often manifest in overt behaviors that serve as
hostility, and perhaps these expressive indicators of the internal emotional states.
are manifest in the extreme • For example, anger is often linked to aggressive behaviors,
as hatred and violence including attacking or confrontational actions.


SADNESS (LOSS) grief, sorrow,
cheerlessness, gloom,
loneliness, dejection, ORGANS.
despair, and depression in • The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is important in the
the extreme case internal response to emotions. It consists of the sympathetic
and parasympathetic branches, working in tandem to
ENJOYMENT (GAIN) happiness, joy, relief, regulate involuntary bodily functions.
contentment, bliss, delight, • Ductless glands, specifically the endocrine system, release
amusement, pride, sensual hormones that influence various physiological functions.
pleasure, thrill, rapture,
gratification, satisfaction, • Visceral organs, including the heart, lungs, and digestive
euphoria, whimsy, ecstasy, system, also undergo changes during emotional
and at the far edge, mania experiences.


trust, kindness, affinity, ‘MOOD’.
devotion, adoration, • Emotions, characterized by their strong intensity and
infatuation, and agape relatively short duration, serve as immediate responses to
specific stimuli or situations. However, the aftermath of
DISGUST (REPULSION) contempt, distain, scorn,
intense emotional experiences often leaves a lasting
abhorrence, aversion,
distaste, and revulsion influence on an individual’s mood.

SURPRISE (ATTENTION) shock, astonishment,

amazement, and wonder Physiological Changes in Emotions
• Facial expressions – Various muscles of the face
SHAME guilt, embarrassment, including the eye, the lips, the nose and the forehead
(SELF-CONTROL) chagrin, remorse,

undergo changes by way of twisting and taking different
• Muscular adjustment – Sometimes the entire muscular
system of the body undergoes contraction and adjustments.
• Gestures and movement of the hands
• Change in voice – Voice gets affected by emotions,
particularly in terms of volume and pitch.

Feelings- Compared to emotions, feelings are more

Schachter-Singer Two-Factor Theory of Emotion
enduring and significant experiences that arise from the
-​ This theory was developed by Stanley Schachter
cognitive interpretation and subjective evaluation of
and Jerome Singer in the 1960s.
-​ There are two key components of emotions:
-​ These are influenced by personal experiences,
physiological arousal and cognitive interpretation.
cultural norms, and individual differences.
-​ Physiological arousal is the body’s immediate
Characteristics of Feelings
response to a stimulus, while cognitive
• Pleasantness-unpleasantness dimension – positive or
interpretation involves processing of thoughts and
negative feeling.
• Excitement-numbness dimension – intensity of the
• Tension-relaxation dimension – how the body gets active
or energized by a feeling.


• Intense but temporary • Low-key but sustainable
• Establish people’s initial • Establish long-term The Limbic System
attitude toward reality attitude toward reality -​ It is located lateral to the thalamus, underneath the
• Alert people to immediate • Alert people to anticipated cerebral cortex, and above the brainstem.
dangers and prepare them dangers and prepare them -​ It is referred to as the “emotion center” of the
for action for action brain.
• Ensure immediate • Ensure long-term survival -​ It is responsible for the regulation of emotions and
survival of the self of the self
various other cognitive functions.
MAJOR THEORIES RELATED TO EMOTIONS -​ It is a central component of the limbic system and
James-Lange Theory of Emotion is primarily associated with the processing of
-​ This theory was proposed by William James and emotions, particularly fear and pleasure.
Carl Lange. -​ It plays an important role in the formation and
-​ Emotions do not begin with the conscious storage of emotional memories and the
experience but are caused by bodily sensations. assessment of the emotional significance of
-​ It is primarily linked to memory formation.
-​ It contributes to emotional regulation by
interacting with the amygdala.
-​ It helps create and consolidate explicit memories,
Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion including those associated with emotional
-​ This theory was proposed by Walter B. Cannon experiences.
and Philip Bard. Thalamus
-​ It is also known as the thalamic theory of emotion -​ It relays sensory information, including emotional
related to the thalamus. stimuli, to the different parts of the brain to
-​ Emotions occur when the thalamus sends a facilitate the rapid processing of emotionally
message to the brain in response to a stimulus, relevant information.
resulting in a physiological reaction. Hypothalamus
-​ It is a key regulator of the autonomic nervous
system and the endocrine system.
-​ It orchestrates physiological responses associated
with emotions, such as changes in heart rate, body
temperature, and the release of hormones.
Cingulate Cortex

-​ It is involved in emotional processing, conflict “Emotional regulation refers to the process by which
resolution, and the regulation of emotional individuals influence which emotions they have, when
responses. they have them, and how they experience and express
-​ It has connections with the amygdala and their feelings. Emotional regulation can be automatic or
contributes to emotional learning. controlled, conscious or unconscious, and may have
Insular Cortex effects at one or more points in the emotion producing
-​ It is associated in the processing and regulation of process.”
emotions. - Gross, 1998 (p. 275)
-​ It contributes to the subjective experience of
emotions, including awareness of one's emotional Three Components of Emotional Regulation
state and the interpretation of emotional cues from 1. Initiating actions triggered by emotions.
the environment. 2. Inhibiting actions triggered by emotions.
-​ It is important for interoceptive awareness, 3. Modulating responses triggered by emotions.
allowing individuals to perceive and interpret
signals from their own bodies, such as heartbeat, Two Forms of Emotional Regulation
respiration, and gastrointestinal sensations. According to Gross (1987), emotional regulation may take
Fornix two forms:
-​ It is a fiber bundle that connects the hippocampus • Cognitive reappraisal – evaluation of the situation prior to
to other limbic structures. making personal, subjective valuations about it
-​ It facilitates communication within the limbic • Suppression – denial and masking of facial expressions to
system, supporting the integration of emotional hide one’s current emotional state.
and cognitive processes. Research-Based Emotional Regulation Strategies
• Reappraisal – changing one's perspective on an event to
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE reduce the emotional intensity associated with it
“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t • Self-soothing – using comforting and calming techniques
have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your to regulate emotions, particularly during times of distress or
distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and heightened arousal
have effective relationships, then no matter how smart • Attentional control – directing and maintaining one's
you are, you are not going to get very far.” focus on specific aspects of a situation while deliberately
- Daniel Goleman diverting attention from others.
Emotional Hijacking- It is a phenomenon where an intense
emotional reaction, often triggered by a specific event or Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions
stimuli, temporarily overwhelms and overrides rational -​ It was developed by psychologist Robert
thought and decision-making processes. Plutchik.
Emotional Intelligence- It refers to the ability to identify, -​ It was designed to help people identify and
assess, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the understand their emotional experience better at
emotions of other people. any given time, under any circumstance.
-​ People who possess a high degree of emotional
intelligence not only have a deep understanding of
their own emotions but also possess the ability to
perceive and navigate the emotions of those
around them. DANIEL GOLEMAN



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