Biography of Shah Wajihuddin Alawi Gujrati
Biography of Shah Wajihuddin Alawi Gujrati
Biography of Shah Wajihuddin Alawi Gujrati
The land of Gujrat has existed since olden times with the
presence of the rich and wealthy with learned persons,
Sadat (it can also be used as a suffix for families believed
to be descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammad).
Sufi and Mashaik (scholars) people, who, with their
knowledge and wisdom with advice, sayings, and
training, have fulfilled the blooming thirstiness of
knowledge and mystic information. And for one world,
they have benefitted by the favor of religious, national,
knowledge, and spiritual services during the period of
rope pulling of the power and civil war, and the demand
of power in that delicate period was benefitted and
favored without caring about the punishment from rulers.
And interpretation rightly for the Islamic law of reality.
Among them are mentioned holy persons and the details
as follows.
Hazrat Syed Burhanuddin Qutub Alam, who died in the
year 857 Hijri. And Hazrat Syed Sirajuddin Mohammed
Shah Alam, who died in the year 880 Hijri, Hazrat Shaikh
Shuhabuddin Ahmed Ganj Baksh Maghrabi, well known
as Shaikh Ahmed Khattu, who died in the year 849 Hijri.
And muhddith (Islamic jurisprudence), a collector, or
compiler, or reporter of Muhammadan traditions, a
believer in tradition, one well versed in the hadis, of time
Hazrat Shaikh Mohammed Taher Patni. Who died in 986
Hijri? Hazrat Emaduddun Tarmi, who died in the year
941 Hijri. Hazrat Syed Sibgat Allah Bharuchi, who died
in the year 1015 Hijri. And also Ishaq Bharuchi, etc. The
above names are very important to mention in the book.
In this seraglio of knowledge and maraft (knowledge of
God), the famous learned person of the tenth century,
teacher of India, Hazrat Sirajuddin Alwai Qudsara’s name
is required to be written with golden ink. His personality
of favor has made a stream of manifest and favor of