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The Life and works of Shah Wajihuddin

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The Life and works of Shah Wajihuddin

Mausoleum of Hazrat Imam Hussain

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator: ‘Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar)
Hyderabad, India

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Dear Mohammed Abdul Hafeez,

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IBR Achiever
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez (born on January 10, 1945) of
Hyderabad, Telangana, is titled as ‘IBR Achiever’ for
translating a complete book titled 'Muslim Saints and
Mystics' (ISBN: 978-9830653-54-9), published by ASN
Islamic Books, from English to Kannada using Google
translate, as confirmed on August 8, 2024.


Books by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez - Goodreads

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all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more
books, click here . Mohammed Abdul Hafeez has 161
books on Goodreads with 309 ratings. Mohammed Abdul
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Top reviews from India

5.0 out of 5 stars
For book Baba Tajuddin By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
on Amazon.com

My Guinness World Record

Claim ID: 287230

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Dear Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

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proposal for 'The world record of translation of two
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Yours sincerely,
Ralph Hannah
Records Management Team

An appreciation of work of the author by Iftekhari


This note shows as an appreciation of Iftekhari Silsila

for the work of the translation of the below book by the
author and adding of this book ‘Muslim saints and
Mystics‘ (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al din Attar) which
is very famous in the Western world among the English
knowing persons and on their website.
The link is as follows, which showing the author’s
name in the book as Mohammed Abdul Hafeez R.A., on

Kindly note this book is now available on the India’s well

known and famous Urdu books website Rekhta and its
link is as follows.
Mohamed Abdul Hafeez


tadhkaratul aulia by Shaikh Fareeduddeen Attar Nishapuri | Rekhta

A book for all spiritual seekers


Reviewed in India on 21 June 2020

This is a valuable book with rare and interesting details

from the life of the amazing and one of the greatest Sufi
Saints Tajuddin Baba, who spent most of his life in
Nagpur, in the pre independent India.
I had come across the name of this Saint in the life
history of Shirdi Sai Baba written by Master E.
Bharadvaja. It is reported there that once Shirdi Baba
confused his disciples by mysteriously drumming on a
water pot with his satka (a short stick he used to carry
with him). He explained his action by saying, that he is
extinguishing the fire which caught the hut of Taj uddin
Baba in Nagpur. Taj uddin Baba on the other hand
refused to accept a wealthy visitor called Bapu Saheb
Buty as his disciple. He asked him to seek his salvation
from Shirdi Baba. Both the saints were in communion
with each other on the spiritual plane!
Then I was fortunate enough to read the short biography
of Tajuddin Baba written by the same author Master
Bharadvaja, which impressed me immensely. The
drawback of this short although very valuable biography
was that facts and details mentioned in it are not complete
or not explained in a logical sequence. Which leads to a
feeling of dissatisfaction. Still the reader gets an idea of
the overwhelming spiritual power and universal love of

Taj uddin. But it kindled my interest to know more about

this saint.
This made me always to be in search of a complete
biography of the saint with more details. As I by chance
discovered the Work of Mohammed Abdul Hafeez I was
thrilled and I ordered it immediately and am now a happy
possessor of this book.
Many important details from the life of this Sufi Saint,
which were like missing links, I could gather from this
1. About the ancestry of the saint.
2. His childhood and transition from the worldly life to
that of godliness; the important incidents which took
place and worked as catalysers on the way to his
3. His relation with the Maharaja of Nagpur and other
members of the aristocracy.
4. An exhaustive account of his relationship with the
Hindu-disciples and followers.
India is a country of spirituality. Many of its spiritual
masters have transcended the narrow limits of religion,
preached and practiced universal humanism. It hardly
mattered for them to which religion their visitors
belonged – they were helped without any discrimination,
because only their merit mattered not their cast or creed.
Swami Veerabhrahmendra’s chief disciple was a Muslim
named Sayyed. Shirdi Baba lived in a mosque and was

equally worshipped by Muslims and Hindus likewise. Taj

uddin Baba was not different in this matter.
As Abdul Hafeez writes in this book about a Hindu-
disciple, Venkat Rao, who worked as a Railway guard.
People observed him sitting near Tajuddin, although he
should have left that place and left Nagpur in a train
leaving for Bombay. His job demanded this. But Venkat
Rao does not leave that place, because he is completely
engrossed in the presence of the Baba. To the surprise of
the other people he was also seen at the same time leaving
in that train, which left for Bombay!
Western Occultism calls this phenomenon “bilocation” –
a miracle shown many times by Tajuddin Baba on
account of his supernatural powers. But the narration of
Hafeez leaves one question open: Did the Saint appear in
the form of Venkat Rao in the train? Or did he transfer
this supernatural power to his disciple so that he could
appear at two places at the same time? Spiritual masters
are capable of doing both the things.
A very interesting part of this book is that it gives a
glimpse into the Muslim or Sufi occultism (see page 81)
and tries to explain how miracles happen. This theme
requires to be elaborated if the author is planning a second
From the point of view of modern Indian history this book
is of immense importance. Yoga and mysticism have been
not yet fully recognized driving forces behind the Indian
freedom struggle.

The chapter called “Gandhi and Ali Brothers” depicts

Gandhis taking the audience of Taj uddin Baba and the
Baba making two predictions – one for Gandhi and
another one for the Ali Brothers. Both of them turn out to
be true! I request the author to elaborate this chapter with
more details and photos if possible. That would increase
the value of this book hundredfold!
There are certain short comings in regard to the language.
English is a foreign language. It is not always easy to
chose the right preposition or the helping verb. In spite of
this the reader sees the godly figure of the saint Taj uddin
Baba shining behind the linguistic barbed fence of a
foreign language.
This is a book to be recommended for all those who are
interested in mysticism, universal love which overcomes
the narrow limits of religions and for the spiritual seekers.

Dr. Vanamali Gunturu



For a long time, there was a desire to compile a book on

the learned persons and Muslim Saints of Gujrat. In
particular, a book about the life and works of Hazrat Syed
Shah Wajihuddin Alawi of Ahmedabad. This desire
started during the time of my studentship at the
Mubarakpur Ashrafia University. When I was learning as
student there and when there were passed away by my
eyes many books of syllabus with marginal notes of
Hazrat Syed Shah Wajihuddin Alawi. Then in Gujrat’s
well-known historical city, Aulia Bandar, Bharoch’s
village, ‘Amud,’ then during my teaching career of a four-
year period in the Darul-Uloom Barkat Khaja, when I
studied about Gujrat province’s knowledge, religious,
spiritual, political, and history of civilization, then this
interest and fondness were doubled, and due to this
interest, this book came to existence. As well as books
about other holy person’s conditions and excellences, and
services and works, and in this matter my work is in
progress. In the near future, by the grace of Allah, the
readers will find books for reading for them.

The aim of writing this book is in today's time of

nakedness, breaking of manners, and uninterested
godliness. So people should know pure biographical
details of their ancestors, as well as their writing, which
are decorations of libraries and have become food for the
ants. So persons who have fondness and interest are
required to conduct research work as per the requirements
of modern times. And present their works before the
world. So that nation should know about the people of
Gujrat’s status of knowledge and wisdom.
Although there is much detail about the personality of
Hazrat Syed Shah Wajihuddin Alawi, there is a famous
saying that each and every thing that comes there will be
a new model of the building. As per this saying in this
book, there were many discussions of the knowledge
added. As such, the readers will know at the time of
reading this book. At least it will happen among the
knowing persons and biography. In the writer's list, the
name of this poor and sinner person's name, which will be
found in it.
I would know my incapability and helplessness, which I
have knowledge in this matter. So I request learned
persons, if they find any error or mistake, to kindly inform
this undersigned surely. So there may be a correction of
the omission in the next edition.

In the last, there is prayer with Allah that makes this book
beneficial to general people as well as makes it well-
known and famous.
With the source of this book, salvation and forgiveness
and favor of mercy of Allah for myself and my father is
requested in this matter.

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