3. Light
1. Exercise 9. What happen to light rays when they strike an
uneven surface from same direction?
Multiple Choice Questions (a) They are reflected in the same direction
1. Light is a form of energy produced by a (b) They are reflected in many directions
(a) luminous object (c) They are absorbed by the surface
(b) non-luminous object (d) They pass through the surface and are
(c) transparent object diffracted
(d) opaque object
10. If a student stand 3 m in front of a mirror, what
2. Planets are example of is the distance between he and his image?
(a) luminous object (a) 1.5m (b) 3m
(b) non-luminous object (c) 6m (d) 7.5m
(c) translucent object
(d) transparent object 11. Which of the following is/are the example(s) of a
light reflector?
3. Which of these conditions is/are essential for a (1) Fluorescent tube
shadows to be produced? (2) A mirror
(a) A light source (3) The moon
(b) An opaque object (a) (1)only (b) (3) only
(c) A screen/surface (c) (1) and (2) only (d) (2) and (3) only
(d) All of the above
12. Select the one that is a natural source of light.
4. An artificial source of light is (a) Lighted fluorescent tube
(a) sun (b) firefly (b) Red hot iron bar
(c) jellyfish (d) electric bulb (c) Sun
(d) Trees
5. Which of these materials could produce a
shadow? 13. Which of the following is a non-luminous body?
(a) A clear glass slab (a) Sun (b) Moon
(b) A milky white plastic (c) Stars (d) All of these
(c) Clear water
(d) A piece of wood 14. To see a non-luminous object we need
(a) light (b) eyes
6. A.......... image can be obtained on a screen. (c) Both of these (d) None of these
(a) real (b) virtual
(c) eract (d) inverted 15. Which of the following is a transparent
7. When a person sees himself in a mirror, what do (a) Wooden blackboard (b) Mirror
his eyes observe? (c) A sheet of glass (d) None of these
(a) A virtual image whose rays originate at the
person. 16. Which of the following is translucent?
(b) A virtual image formed from light that (a) Oily paper (b) Aluminium sheet
originate behind the mirror. (c) Glass (d) None of these
(c) Areal image whose rays appear to originate
at the person. 17. "Speed of light is the same, no matter how it is
(d) A real image whose rays originate behind the measured" was first contemplated by
mirror. (a) A.A. Michelson (b) John Dalton
(c) Albert Einstein (d) None of these
8. The objects that cast shadow are
(a) transparent (b) translucent 18. If an object placed in the path of light allowed
(c) opaque (d) luminous almost the whole of the light falling on it to pass
through it, then the object is classified as
(a) transparent (b) transluscent
(c) opaque (d) None of these 29. Which tiny particles can be observed in a ray of
light entering from a small gap of a window?
19. A shining star is (a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen
(a) a natural source of light (c) Dust (d) Water Vapours
(b) an artificial source of light
(c) a luminous body 30. Which of the following materials is most suitable
(d) Both (a) and (c) for a solar electrical cell?
(a) Iron (b) Silicon
20. A transluscent substance (c) Steel (d) Aluminium
(a) allows most of light to pass through it
(b) allows a part of light to pass through it 31. A solar cell converts ______
(c) does not allow light to pass through it (a) chemical Energy to light energy
(d) None of the above is correct (b) light energy to electrical energy
(c) electrical energy to light energy
21. An image is formed on a screen when (d) light energy to chemical energy
(a) a transparent object is placed between the
screen and the source of light 32. Tube light glass: Semi-transparent:: Mirror glass:
(b) an opaque object is placed between the ______
screen and the source of light (a) Non Luminous (b) Transparent
(c) Both the above are correct (c) Reflector (d) Opaque
(d) None of the above is correct
33. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
22. In a pinhole camera, the image formed is correct?
(a) erect (b) inverted (a) An oily paper is transluscent
(c) smaller (d) larger (b) The shadow formed by a coloured object will
be coloured
23. Moon is a (c) Black thick paper is transparent
(a) luminous body (d) None of the above is correct
(b) non-luminous body 34. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
(c) neither luminous nor non-luminious correct?
(d) None of the above is correct (a) Light travels in straight lines
(b) Luminous objects emit their own light
24. Which of the following are needed for formation (c) Both the above
of a shadow? (d) None of above
(a) Source of light (b) An opaque object
(c) Screen (d) All of these 35. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
25. Does the shadow of an object always provide us (a) The image formed in a pin hole camera is
correct information about the shape of the erect
object? (b) The image formed in a pin hole camera is
(a) Yes (b) No not erect
(c) Can't say (d) All are incorrect (c) If we place a transparent object in the path of
26. Which of the following will form a shadow light the shadow formed will be much clearer
similar to that formed by a thin note-book? (d) None of these is correct
(a) A rectangular box (b) A circular box
(c) Both the above (d) None of these 36. For the formation of shadow, essential condition
27. Thick black paper is (a) There should be a source of light
(a) transparent (b) transluscent (b) There should be a screen
(c) opaque (d) None of these (c) An opaque substance should be placed
between the source of light and screen
28. Following are some sources of light. Which of (d) All of the above
them is natural?
(a) Moon (b) Flame of candle 37. An object that emits light of its own is
(c) Bulb (d) Sun (a) a luminous object
(b) a non-luminous object
(c) a source of light 41. Sun is a
(d) Both (a) and (c) (a) non-luminous object
(b) luminous object
38. Luminous objects (c) transparent object
(a) emit light during night time (d) opaque object
(b) emit light during day time
(c) emit light of their own during day and night 42. Fireflies is
(d) None of the above is correct. (a) a glowing object (b) a deep sea fish
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b)
Match the Column
43. Non-luminous objects
39. (a) have their own light
Column I Column II (b) are visible when they reflect the light fall on
(a) Lunar eclipse (p) Has colour of the them from luminous objects
object (c) do not give off light
(b) Solar eclipse (q) Always black (d) both (b) and (c)
(c) Image (r) Moon between sun
and earth Passage-2
(d) Shadow (s) Earth between sun Take a comb in your right hand and bring it to
and moon. your hair and look at yourself in mirror. You can
(a) A (s); B ( p); C (r ); D (q) see your own face in the mirror. This is your
mirror image.
(b) A ( p); B (q); C (r ); D ( s)
(c) A (s); B (r ); C (q); D ( p) 44. In your mirror image you appear to be holding
(d) A (s); B (r ); C ( p); D (q) the comb in your
(a) left hand
40. (b) right hand
Column-I Column-II (c) comb is not visible
(a) Transparent (p) It allows the light to (d) None of these is correct
substance pass through it almost
completely 45. The images of an object formed in a pin hole
(b) Opaque substance (q) It emits light of its camera and that in a mirror are
own (a) quite similar (b) quite different
(c) can't say (d) All are incorrect
(c) Luminous object (r) It does not emit
light of its own
46. The image formed in a mirror is due to
(d) Non-luminous (s) It does not allow
(a) reflection of light (b) bending of light
object light to pass through it
(c) Both the above (d) None of these
(a) A ( p); B (q); C (r ); D ( s)
Assertion/Reason Based Questions
(b) A (q); B ( p); C (s); D (r )
(c) A ( p); B (r ); C (q); D ( s) DIRECTIONS: The questions in this segment consists
(d) A ( p); B (s); C (q); D (r ) of two statements, one labelled as "Assertion A" and the
other labelled as "Reason R ". You are to examine these
two statements carefully and decide if the Assertion A
Passage Based Questions
and Reason R are individually true and if so, whether the
reason is a correct explanation of the assertion. Select
DIRECTIONS (Qs.41-46): Read the passage (s) given
your answers to these items using codes given below.
below and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A.
Passage-1 (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct
Luminous objects give off their own light, such explanation of A.
as the sun and stars. Fireflies and glow-worms (c) A is true but R is false.
are luminous. (d) A is false but R is true.
Non-luminous object do not give off light or
47. Assertion (A): Shadow forms when light fall 55. The figure shows a light ray moving towards a
son a wooden block. smooth surface.
Reason: Light is reflected when it bounces off a
49. Assertion (A): Shadow is formed when an Which of the following arrow represents the
opaque object comes in the path of light. possible direction of light ray after reflection?
Reason (R): An opaque body does not allow (a) (b)
any light to pass through it.
50. Assertion (A): When we look into the mirror, (c) (d)
we see our own face inside the mirror.
Reason (R): Mirror is made of a transparent
substance that allows the light to pass through it.
56. Observe the diagram and choose the sequence
51. Assertion (A): When the light from a source of energy changes.
falls on a mirror it gets reflected.
Reason (R): On being reflected there is no
change in the direction of light.
DIRECTIONS: Read the following two statements (a) Light Energy Chemical Energy Potential
carefully and choose the correct options. Energy
(a) Statement (1) is correct while statement (2) is (b) Potential Energy Chemical Energy
incorrect. Kinetic Energy
(b) Statement (2) is correct while statement (1) (c) Solar Energy Chemical Energy Kinetic
is incorrect. Energy
(c) Both statements are correct (d) Heat Energy Electrical Energy
(d) Both statements are incorrect. Mechanical Energy
53. Statement-1: Light travels in a straight line.
Statement-2: Light requires a medium to 2. Exercise
Multiple Choice Questions
Figure Based Questions
54. The image formed by pinhole camera on the 1. What happens to a light beam when it passes
screen in the figure is through a translucent material such as waxed
(a) Most of the light passes through
(b) Light is reflected in its incident path
(c) Most of the light is absorbed and very little is
(a) erect and enlarged reflected
(b) inverted and enlarged (d) Light is not allowed to pass through
(c) erect and diminished
(d) inverted and diminished 2. A boy of length 10 m, to see his own complete
image, requires a plane mirror at least equal to:
(a) 10m (b) 5m (b) the side mirror of your car
(c) 3.33m (d) 2m (c) a periscope
(d) All of the above
3. A plane mirror is in front of you in which you
can see your image. It is approaching towards 12. We can classify fog as
you at a speed of 10 cm/sec then at what speed (a) transparent substance
will your image approach you? (b) opaque substance
(a) 10 cm / sec (b) 5 cm / sec (c) transluscent substance
(c) 20 cm / sec (d) 15 cm / sec (d) None of these
4. What kind of eclipse do we see when the moon 13. If we stand in front of a mirror with comb in our
is entirely within the Earth's umbral shadow? right hand, we will see that the image formed
(a) Partial lunar (b) Partial solar shows the comb in our
(c) Total lunar (d) Total solar (a) right hand
(b) left hand
5. The size of a shadow of an opaque object close (c) either right hand or left hand
to the screen and away from the source of light (d) sometimes in right hand and sometimes in
(a) increases left hand
(b) decreases
(c) remains the same 14. Select the one that gives a clear reflection of
(d) first decreases then increases ourselves
(a) stationary surface of clear water
6. What happens to the image produced by a (b) well polished surface of shoes
pinhole camera when you move the back wall (c) smooth cushion surface
farther from the pinhole? It becomes (d) All of these
(a) larger and fainter
(b) smaller and fainter 15. A student was asked to observe the night sky
(c) larger and brighter and note down various objects observed by him
(d) smaller and brighter in his note book. He listed the following objects
(i) Stars (ii) Moon (iii) Clouds
7. A girl holding a ball in her right hand is standing From amongst the above the sources of light in
in front of a mirror. The ball will seems to be in night sky are
her (a) (i) only (b) (ii) only
(a) right hand (c) (iii) only (d) (i) and (ii)
(b) left hand
(c) depend on distance between girl and mirror 16. When light falls on an opaque object
(d) depend on size of mirror (a) it gets reflected and reaches our eye
(b) it passes through the object
8. Non-luminous bodies become visible when (c) the opaque object sends a signal to our eye
they..........light. that enables us to see the object
(a) reflect (b) radiate (d) None of the above is correct
(c) refract (d) none of these
17. A tracing paper is a
9. Which is the safest way to view a solar eclipse? (a) transparent substance
(a) Using a solar filter (b) transluscent substance
(b) A pinhole filter (c) opaque substance
(c) Binoculars or telescope (d) can't say
(d) None of these
18. I have kept an object in my hand and through it
10. What is the correct alignment during a solar tried to look at a lighted torch held against it.
eclipse? Nothing except a faint glow out lining the object
(a) Sun, Moon, Earth (b) Moon, Sun, Earth is visible. The object in my hand is
(c) Sun, Earth, Moon (d) None of these (a) transparent (b) transluscent
(c) opaque
11. Select the objects that use reflection of light (d) None of these is correct
(a) a mirror fixed on your dressing table
19. Periscope, a device used in U-boats, makes use (a) light travels in straight lines
of (b) on passing through a pin hole camera there
(a) reflection of light occurs a lateral inversion in the rays of light
(b) refraction of light (c) light rays get reflected in a pin hole camera
(c) shadow formation by opaque objects (d) None of the above is correct
(d) None of these
27. For making a periscope, the number of mirrors
20. What happens when lightning occurs? needed is
(a) Light comes from sun to cloud (a) 1 (b) 2
(b) Light comes from cloud to earth (c) 3 (d) 4
(c) Electric current flows in atmosphere
(d) Electric current flows from sun to cloud 28. A handicapped person has three fingers and has
no thumb in his left hand but his right hand has
21. Which of the following statement(s) is/are four fingers as also the thumb. He holds a mirror
correct? in his right hand and looks at this own image in
(a) Shadows are formed on the same side as the a mirror. In the mirror image he will appear as
light source holding his comb with
(b) Shadows are formed on the opposite side to (a) three fingers
the light source (b) four fingers
(c) Shadows give us an exact idea of the shape (c) none of these
of the object (d) can't say
(d) None of these is correct
Match the Column
22. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
correct? DIRECTION: Match Column-I with Column-II and
(a) A shadow is formed when an opaque object select the correct answer using the code given below the
comes in the path of light columns.
(b) For the formation of shadow we need and
opaque object and a source of light only 29.
(c) The colour of shadow of an object will be Column I Column II
different when seen in light coming from (a) Pin-hole camera (p) Forms an inverted image
different sources (b) Mirror (q) Forms a lateral image
(d) All the above are correct. (c) Periscope (r) Used in U-boats
(d) Kaleidoscope (s) Makes use of reflection of
23. An object that does not emit light of its own but
is visible due to the light from a source of
light falling on it, is
(a) A ( p); B (q); C (r ); D ( s)
(a) luminous object
(b) non-luminous object (b) A ( p); B (r ); C (s); D (q)
(c) either luminous or non-luminous (c) A (q); B ( p); C (r ); D ( s)
(d) None of these (d) A (s); B ( p); C (q); D (r )
24. Moon is considered a non-luminous object as
Column I Column II
(a) it emits light only during night
(a) Light (p) Shows that light travles in
(b) it does not emit its own light
straight lines
(c) it is visible during night only
(b) Luminous object (q) An agent that produces a
(d) All the above are correct
sensation of sight in us.
25. Transluscent body is one that (c) Shadow (r) Non-luminous object
(a) allows almost whole of light to pass through it formation
(b) allows light to pass through it only partly (d) A pair of shoes (s) An object that gives out light
(c) through which we can see objects clearly of its own
(d) None of the above is correct
(a) A ( p); B (q); C (r ); D ( s)
26. The image formed by a pinhole camera is (b) A (q); B (r ); C (s); D ( p)
inverted because
(c) A (q); B (s); C ( p); D (r ) (a) Kaleidoscope (b) Periscope
(d) A (r ); B ( p); C (q); D ( s) (c) Both of the above (d) None of these
DIRECTIONS (Qs.31-36): Read the passage (s) given DIRECTIONS: The questions in this segment consists
below and answer the questions that follow. of two statements, one labelled as "Assertion A" and the
other labelled as "Reason R". You are to examine these
Passage -1 two statements carefully and decide if the Assertion A
On the basis of the given diagram answer the and Reason Rare individually true and if so, whether the
following questions. reason is a correct explanation of the assertion. Select
your answers to these items using codes given below.
3. (d)
41. When parallel rays of light are incident on an
irregular surface as shown in the figure, which 4. (d)
phenomenon of light occurs?
5. (d) An opaque object is required to produce a
(a) Regular reflection (b) Diffuse reflection 6. (a) Virtual image is always eract and it cannot be
(c) Dispersion (d) Refraction taken on screen. Image formed on screen is
always real and inverted.
42. The less dark region in the given image is called
7. (d) Real and inverted image is formed on the
12. (c)
44. Look at the picture and answer the question 15. (c)
given below :
16. (a)
17. (c)
18. (a)
Why is a dark shadow not formed by glass 19. (d)
(a) The source of light is not a strong source 20. (b)
(b) It is not night time
(c) The tumbler is made of transparent material 21. (b)
(d) All the above are correct
22. (b)
Hints & Solutions
23. (b) Moon reflects the sunlight falling on it.
24. (d)
Multiple Choice Questions
25. (b) Sometimes a shadow can mislead us
1. (a) Luminous objects produce their own light.
26. (a)
2. (b) Planet reflects sun's light that falls on them
and shines. 27. (c) Black thick paper is opaque.
28. (d)
48. (c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
29. (c)
49. (a) Both A and R are correct, Reason R is correct
30. (b) explanation of Assertion A.
31. (b) Explanation: Solar cell produces electricity 50. (c) A is correct, R is false.
from sunlight. In other words it converts light
energy into electrical energy. 51. (c) A is correct, R is false.
[The direction of reflected ray is not the same as
32. (d) Explanation: The question is based on that of light ray falling on mirror.]
relationship between the entities. The semi-
transparent property of the tube light glass is 52. (c) A is correct, R is false.
used as the basis of relationship (that is material [Images are quite different from shadows.]
and its property). If mirror glass is the material,
then the relevant property will be opaque.
33. (a) Statement Based Questions
53. (a)
34. (c)
Figure Based Questions
35. (b) In pinhole camera, the image formed is
54. (d) The image formed by pinhole camera is
upside down and not erect.
inverted and diminished.
36. (c)
55. (d)
37. A luminous object can act as a source of light.
56. (c)
38. (c)
40. (d) A ( p); B (s); C (q); D (r ) 2. (b) A person requires the plane mirror to be at
least half his/her height for the entire body to be
Passage Based Questions visible. Hence, the answer would be 10/2 m, i.e.,
Passage-1 5m.
41. (b) Because sun has its own light.
3. For a plane mirror, the object velocity is equal
42. (c) and opposite to the image velocity.
8. (a) Passage -1
31. (a) Umbra is darker region.
9. (b)
32. (b) Penumbra is lighter region.
10. (a) The moon revolves around the earth and
when it comes in between the Sun and the 33. In solar eclipse, sun's light block out on the
Earth, shadow of moon falls on the Earth and surface of earth.
Solar eclipse occur.
Passage -2
11. (d) All these make use of reflection of light 34. (c)
13. (b) In the mirror image left appears as right and 36. (c)
right appears as left.
14. (a) Assertion/Reason Based Questions
37. (a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is
15. (a) correct explanation of (A).
24. (b) Moon reflects the sunlight falling on it and 44. (c) Glass is transparent
does not emit its own light.
25. (b)
26. (a)
28. (b)