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Class X Project Topics

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Prepare a project file on Thematic analysis /character of the story

“With the Photographer”.
2. Prepare a file on Graphical representation of Act III Julius Caesar in
3. Prepare a project file identifying with the character of ‘Martin’ in the
story ‘’The Elevator ‘’ putting oneself in the place of a character’s
circumstances and explaining one’s action.
4. Stylistic Analysis of Maya Angelou’s Poem “When Great Trees
5. Explain socio- economic background of the story “The Girl Who
6. Write alternative outcomes or endings in a literary piece and the effect
on all concerned in the poem “A Considerable Speak”.
7. Prepare an assignment on character sketch of Julius Caesar in detail.

Note : Main content should not be exceeding 1500 words.

PHYSICS XP1: Make a model to explain the concept Earthing and Short Circuit in
Electrical Circuit. Make a report of theory and your observations along with
photographs of your setup.
XP2: Make a setup to demonstrate Series and Parallel Combination of
Resistors in electrical circuit. Make a report of theory and your observations
along with photographs of your setup
XP3: Make a model to explain the concept of Heating Effect of Current. Also
explain how fuse works on this principle. Make a report of theory and your
observations along with photographs of your setup.
XP4: Make a model to explain the concept of Electromagnet. Also show
magnetic field lines using iron filings. Make a report of theory and your
observations along with photographs of your setup.
CHEMISTRY 1. Shining smiles: a comparative analysis of different ionic contents
present in different toothpastes.
2. Cold drinks and their pH values: Determine the contents in cold drinks
and find out their PH a comparative study.
3. Fermentation in fruits: study of rate of fermentation in the following
substances potato juice, wheat flour, carrot juice gram flour.
4. Food Adulteration: Concept of food adulteration a comparative study
of different food adulterants and their preventive measures
5. Different brands of cold drinks: comparative study and qualitative
analysis of different brands of cold drinks available in market.
6. Chromatography: Paper chromatography in detail with its medical
BIOLOGY 1. Microscopic Investigation: Conduct a microscope investigation by
collecting various samples, such as water, soil, or plant tissues,
and observe them under a microscope. Document and analyse
your findings.
• Collect different samples from your surroundings.
• Prepare slides and observe them under a microscope.
• Record your observations, noting any unique features or
organisms. Present your findings with photographs or drawings.

2. Research the role of mutations in the development of cancer.


• Explore common types of mutations found in cancer cells (e.g.,

oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes).
• Investigate how mutations in key genes can disrupt normal cellular
processes and lead to uncontrolled cell growth.
• Discuss preventive measures, treatments, and ongoing research efforts
in cancer genetics.
Present your findings with photographs or drawings.

3. Choose a specific genetic disorder caused by mutations (e.g., cystic

fibrosis, sickle cell anemia).


• Research the genetic basis of the disorder, including the specific

gene(s) involved and the type of mutations associated with it.
• Explore the symptoms, inheritance patterns, and prevalence of the
disorder in different populations.
• Discuss potential treatment options, gene therapies, and ongoing
research aimed at understanding and treating genetic disorders.

4. Biological Illustration: Create a series of detailed illustrations

depicting different biological processes or systems, such as
photosynthesis, the circulatory system, mitosis or others.

● Choose a specific biological process or system.
● Research and gather accurate information about its components and
● Use different artistic techniques to create visually appealing
Provide labels and explanations for each component.
5. Endangered Species Project: Choose an endangered species
and create a project highlighting its habitat, threats, conservation
efforts, and ways individuals can contribute to its preservation.

● Research and gather information about the chosen endangered
● Create a visually appealing project.
● Include details about its habitat, reasons for endangerment, and
conservation measures.
Suggest ways for individuals to get involved and raise awareness.

6. Bioethics Discussion: Select a bioethical issue, such as cloning

or genetic engineering, and discuss the ethical implications,
advantages, and disadvantages.

● Research the chosen bioethical issue from different perspectives.
● Prepare discussion points and potential questions.
• Facilitate a respectful and open discussion among classmates.

7. DNA Extraction Experiment: Conduct a DNA extraction

experiment using everyday household items and present the
procedures and results in a step-by-step format.
● Research and understand the principles of DNA extraction.
● Gather the necessary materials and follow a reliable procedure.
● Document each step with photographs or descriptions.
Discuss the importance of DNA extraction in various fields.

8. Biotechnology Applications: Research and present an overview

of various applications of biotechnology in areas like agriculture,
medicine, or environmental conservation.
● Explore the different applications of biotechnology.
● Provide examples and case studies for each application.
● Create an informative presentation or infographic.
Discuss the potential benefits and concerns associated with each

9. Exploring Hormonal Imbalance: Causes, Effects, and

• Investigate what hormonal imbalance is and how it occurs. This can
include factors such as genetics, lifestyle, diet, stress, medical
conditions, and environmental factors.

• Collect and analyze case studies or real-life examples of any one

hormonal imbalance disorder (e.g., polycystic ovary syndrome
(PCOS), thyroid disorders, diabetes).
• Discuss the symptoms associated with the disorder and how it impacts
overall health and well-being.
• Research and compile information on various management strategies
for the disorder.
• Prepare a presentation summarizing the findings of the project.

10. Title: "Exploring Tropic Movements in Plants: A Study of

Phototropism/ Geotropism/ Thigmotropism".
• Learn about phototropism (response to light), geotropism (response to
gravity), and thigmotropism (response to touch). Understand the
mechanisms behind these tropic responses and the role of hormones
such as auxin.
• Set up an experiment to observe phototropic/geotropic/thigmotropic
responses in plants.
• Record your observations daily, noting any changes in plant
orientation or growth patterns. Measure the angles of bending or
curvature in phototropic and thigmotropic responses.
• Create a presentation or display board to showcase your findings.
• Analyze your results and discuss the significance of tropic movements
in plant physiology and ecology.
HISTORY/CIVICS Students are required to prepare a project report on any one project/
assignment related to the syllabus.
Suggested assignments-
I. Compare the parliamentary and presidential forms of government
with reference to India and the U.S.A.
II. Present a life sketch and contributions of any one of the following
presidents of India.
1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
2. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
3. Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam
III. Highlight the work and achievements of any one Nobel Laureate
1. Malala Yousafzai
2. Kailash Satyarthi
IV. Prepare a report on the contribution of any one of the following
agencies of the United Nations –


5. UNDP 6. FAO

GEOGRAPHY Students are required to prepare a project report on any one

project/assignment related to the syllabus.
Suggested assignment
1. Environment:
• Wildlife conservation efforts in India 2.
Current geographical issues:
• Development of tourism in India
3. Transport in India
• Development of Road, Rail, Water, and Air routes
ECONOMIC Students are required to prepare a project report on any four project/
assignment related to the syllabus.
APPLICATIONS Suggested assignment topics:
1. Develop a hypothetical table of information for coffee that shows
quantity demanded at various prices and supply of coffee at these
prices. Draw a demand curve and supply curve and show an
equilibrium price at which market is cleared of its supplies.
2. Make a list of products for which you think demand is price inelastic
and price elastic. Specify the reasons you may think relevant for your
3. Take a case of public enterprise which is about to be privatized or has
been recently privatized. Analyze the pros and cons of such an
exercise undertaken by the government. (the case of VSNL or
BALCO can be taken up).
4. Take a case of a Nationalized bank- visit any one of its branches in
your city. Analyze the main functions of this bank’s branch. Make a
presentation to this effect.
5. Take the case of a company and analyze the production process in
which all the factors that you studied in your class, are used by the
company to produce a product.
Take a case of FMCGs (fast moving consumer’s goods – bathing soaps,
toothpastes, facial creams, shampoos, ball pens. Analyze as to how the market
for these products is characterized by product differentiation
ARABIC ‫قواعد العدد والمعدود وإعرابها وقواعد الصفة والموصوف‬
‫بالتفصيل واألمثلة‬

‫أدوات االستفهام وحروف الجر بالتفصيل واألمثلة‬

‫المدارس الحكومية وغيرالحكومية في علي جراه‬

‫جامعة علي جراه اإلسالمية وخدماتها في مجال التعليم‬

‫الجملة االسمية والفعلية وأسماء اإلشارة بالتفصيل واألمثلة‬

URDU ‫بھارت کے پہلے وزیر تعلیم مولانا آزاد کی حالات زندگی ۔ کرشن چندر کی ادبی‬
‫عصمت چغتائی کے افسانوں میں نسوانیت کا تصور۔ ڈاکٹر ذاکر‬
‫حسین کا تعلیمی نظریہ ۔ راجندر سنگھ بیدی کی افسانہ نگاری ۔‬
‫ شخصیت اور خدمات۔ سر سید احمد خان‬،‫حضرت مولانا ابو الحسن علی ندو ؒی‬
‫کی سیاسی فکر اور اس کے نتائج و اثرات۔ رضیہ سجاد ظہیر کےافسانوں میں مسائل‬
‫نسوان کی عکاسی۔ سلام بن رزاق پر و فائل اور سرگشت۔‬
‫اردو کے ممتاز افسانہ و تاریخی ناول نگار قاضی عبدالستار ۔‬

COMPUTER The students should complete a minimum of 20 laboratory assignments.

Format for variable description(sample)
Name of the Variable Data Type Purpose/description

a int To input first number

b double To input second number
Suggested List of Assignments:

1. Programs depicting the concept of static and non- static


2. Design a class with the following specifications: Class name:


Member variables: name

— name of student age —
age of student mks —
marks obtained stream —
stream allocated
(Declare the variables using appropriate data types) Member
void accept() — Accept name, age and marks using methods of
Scanner class. void allocation() — Allocate the stream as per
following criteria: mks, stream
>= 300, Science and Computer
>= 200 and < 300, Commerce and Computer
>= 75 and < 200, Arts and Animation
< 75, Try Again void print() – Display student name, age, mks and
stream allocated.
Call all the above methods in main method using an object.
3. Define a class to overload the function print as follows:
void print() - to print the following format
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5

void print(int n) - To check whether the number is a lead number. A

lead number is the one whose sum of even digits are equal to sum
of odd digits. e.g. 3669 odd digits sum = 3 + 9 = 12 even digits sum
= 6 + 6 = 12 3669 is a lead number.

4. Define a class to accept a String and print the number of

digits, alphabets and special characters in the string. Example:
Number of digits – 2
Number of Alphabets – 8
Number of Special characters – 1

5. Write a program to input 15 integer elements in an array and sort

them in ascending order using the bubble sort technique.
6. Write a program to input a number and check and print whether it is a
Pronic number or not. (Pronic number is the number which is the
product of two consecutive integers) Examples: 12 = 3 x 4
20 = 4 x 5
42 = 6 x 7

7. Write a program in Java to accept a string in lower case and change

the first letter of every word to upper case. Display the new string.
Sample input: we are in cyber world
Sample output: We Are In Cyber World
8. Design a class to overload a function volume() as follows:
double volume (double R) – with radius (R) as an argument, returns
the volume of sphere using the formula. V = 4/3 x 22/7 x R3 double
volume (double H, double R) – with height(H) and radius(R) as the
arguments, returns the volume of a cylinder using the formula. V =
22/7 x R2 x H double volume (double L, double B, double H) – with
length(L), breadth(B) and Height(H) as the arguments, returns the
volume of a
cuboid using the formula. V
9. Write a program to accept a number and check and display whether it
is a spy number or not. (A number is spy if the sum of its digits equals
the product of its digits.)
Example: consider the number 1124.
Sum of the digits = 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 8
Product of the digits = 1 x 1 x 2 x 4 = 8
10. Write a program to input integer elements into an array of size 20 and
perform the following operations:
Display largest number from the array.
Display smallest number from the array.
Display sum of all the elements of the array
11. Design a class to overload a function area( ) as follows:
double area (double a, double b, double c) with three double
arguments, returns the area of a scalene triangle using the formula:
area = √(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)) where s = (a+b+c) / 2 double area (int a,
int b, int height) with three integer arguments, returns the area of a
trapezium using the formula: area = (1/2)height(a + b) double area
(double diagonal1, double diagonal2) with two double arguments,
returns the area of a rhombus using the formula: area =
1/2(diagonal1 x diagonal2)
12. Write a program to perform binary search on a list of integers given
below, to search for an element input by the user. If it is found display
the element along with its position, otherwise display the message
"Search element not found".
5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 30, 45, 89, 97
13. Write a program to print a string in reverse order.
14. Define a class named FruitJuice with the following description:
instance variables/Data Members
int product_code: stores the product code number
String flavour: stores the flavour of the juice (e.g., orange, apple,
String pack_type: stores the type of packaging (e.g., tera-pack, PET
bottle, etc.)
int pack_size: stores package size (e.g., 200 mL, 400 mL, etc.)
int product_price: stores the price of the product
Member Methods, Purpose
FruitJuice(): constructor to initialize integer data members to 0 and
string data members to " "
void input (): to input and store the product code, flavour, pack type,
pack size and product price
void discount (): to reduce the product price by 10
void display (): to display the product code, flavour, pack type, pack size
and product price
15. Define a class Student as given below: Data members/instance
variables: name, age, m1, m2, m3 (marks in 3 subjects), maximum,
average Member methods:
A parameterized constructor to initialize the data members.
To accept the details of a student.
To compute the average and the maximum out of three marks. To
display the name, age, marks in three subjects, maximum and
Write a main method to create an object of a class and call the above
member methods.
16. Write a program to input a string. Calculate the total number of characters
and vowels present in the string and also reverse the string.
17. Write a program to input a sentence from the user and count the number of
letters and spaces present in it.
18. Write a program to search for an element in an array using binary search.
19. Write a program to search for an element in an array using linear search.
20. Define a class to accept values in integer array of size 10. Sort them in an
ascending order using selection sort technique. Display the sorted array.
21. Define a class to accept a string and convert it into uppercase. Count and
display the number of vowels in it.
Input: robotics
Number of vowels: 3
22. Define a class to accept 10 characters from a user. Using bubble sort
technique arrange them in ascending order. Display the sorted array and
original array.
23. Write a menu driven program to display the pattern as per user’s choice.
Pattern 1
Pattern 2
For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be
24. Write a program to accept a number and check and display whether it
is a Niven number or not.
(Niven number is that number which is divisible by its sum of
Consider the number 126. The sum of its digits is 1 + 2 + 6 = 9 and
126 is divisible by 9.

MATHS 1.Conduct a survey on nearby bank to understand the basic function of

the bank and also write about the types of bank account.
2.Make a project to understand the basic structure of GST in India.
Also mention its advantages and disadvantages.
3.Explain basic concepts of Matrices also mention its real life
4.Explain the concept of Arithmetic progression.
5.Collect any statistical data of different items from previous year and
compare its price hike in 2022 and show it by bar graph.

Common guidelines for preparation of assignments of all subjects

• Use A4 size ruled sheets to write the English -2 literature assignment.

• Use office file for an assignment. If using drawing file, it must be covered.

• Use one side of the page to write an assignment.

• Front page /coverage, preface, acknowledgement, content /index and bibliography should be

handwritten or as instructed by the subject teacher.

• Sketch pens or fancy color pens can be used to write the headings only (except red or green).

• Use pictures /drawings related to the topics of assignment.

Note: If project file will be found incomplete by the subject teacher, it will be returned to the

student for improvement.

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