Cat Forklift Dp70e Service Operation Maintenance Manual
Cat Forklift Dp70e Service Operation Maintenance Manual
Cat Forklift Dp70e Service Operation Maintenance Manual
There are no data given, either by Agricola or the later authors, which
allow satisfactory calculation of the relative quantities of these products.
A rough estimate from the data given in previous notes would indicate
that in one liquation only about 70% of the original copper came out as
refined copper, and that about 70% of the original lead would go to the
cupellation furnace, i.e., about 30% of the original metal sent to the
blast furnace would go into the "thorns," "slags," and "ash-coloured
copper." The ultimate losses were very great, as given before (p. 491),
they probably amounted to 25% of the silver, 9% copper, and 16% of
the lead.
[28] There were the following classes of thorns:—
In a general way, according to the later authors, they were largely lead
oxide, and contained from 5% to 20% cuprous oxide. If a calculation be
made backward from the products given as the result of the charge
described, it would appear that in this case they must have contained at
least one-fifth copper. The silver in these liquation cakes would run about
24 ozs. per ton, in the liquated lead about 36 ozs. per ton, and in the
liquation thorns 24 ozs. per ton. The extraction into the liquated lead
would be about 80% of the silver.
[Pg 540][29] The "ash-coloured copper" is a cuprous oxide, containing
some 3% lead oxide; and if Agricola means they contained two unciae of
silver to the centumpondium, then they ran about 48 ozs. per ton, and
would contain much more silver than the mass.
[Pg 541][30] There are three principal "slags" mentioned—
From the analyses quoted by various authors these ran from 52% to
85% lead oxide, 5% to 30% cuprous oxide, and considerable silica from
the furnace bottoms. They were reduced in the main into liquation cakes,
although Agricola mentions instances of the metal reduced from "slags"
being taken directly to the "drying" furnace. Such liquation cakes would
run very low in silver, and at the values given only averaged 12 ozs. per
ton; therefore the liquated lead running the same value as the cakes, or
less than half that of the "poor" lead mentioned in Note 17, p. 512, could
not have been cupelled directly.
[Pg 542][31] See Note 16, p. 511, for discussion of yellow and caldarium
[32] This cadmia is given in the Glossary and the German translation as
kobelt. A discussion of this substance is given in the note on p. 112; and
it is sufficient to state here that in Agricola's time the metal cobalt was
unknown, and the substances designated cadmia and cobaltum were
arsenical-cobalt-zinc minerals. A metal made from "slag" from refining,
together with "base" thorns, would be very impure; for the latter,
according to the paragraph on concentrates a little later on, would
contain the furnace accretions, and would thus be undoubtedly zincky. It
is just possible that the term kobelt was used by the German smelters at
this time in the sense of an epithet—"black devil" (see Note 21, p. 214).
[33] It is somewhat difficult to see exactly the meaning of base (vile)
and precious (preciosum) in this connection. While "base" could mean
impure, "precious" could hardly mean pure, and while "precious" could
mean high value in silver, the reverse does not seem entirely apropos. It
is possible that "bad" and "good" would be more appropriate terms.
[Pg 543][34] The skimmings from the molten lead in the early stages of
cupellation have been discussed in Note 28, p. 539. They are probably
called thorns here because of the large amount of copper in them. The
lead from liquation would contain 2% to 3% of copper, and this would be
largely recovered in these skimmings, although there would be some
copper in the furnace bottoms—hearth-lead—and the litharge. These
"thorns" are apparently fairly rich, four unciae to the centumpondium
being equivalent to about 97 ozs. per ton, and they are only added to
low-grade liquation material.
[Pg 544][35] Particulis aeris tusi. Unless this be the fine concentrates
from crushing the material mentioned, we are unable to explain the
[36] This operation would bring down a button of antimony under an
iron matte, by de-sulphurizing the antimony. It would seem scarcely
necessary to add lead before cupellation. This process is given in an
assay method, in the Probierbüchlein (folio 31) 50 years before De Re
Metallica: "How to separate silver from iron: Take that silver which is in
iron plechen (plachmal), pulverize it finely, take the same iron or plec
one part, spiesglasz (antimony sulphide) one part, leave them to melt in
a crucible placed in a closed windtofen. When it is melted, let it cool,
break the crucible, chip off the button that is in the bottom, and melt it
in a crucible with as much lead. Then break the crucible, and seek from
the button in the cupel, and you will find what silver it contains."
reviously I have dealt with the methods of
separating silver from copper. There now remains
the portion which treats of solidified juices; and
whereas they might be considered as alien to
things metallic, nevertheless, the reasons why
they should not be separated from it I have
explained in the second book.
Solidified juices are either prepared from waters in which nature or
art has infused them, or they are produced from the liquid juices
themselves, or from stony minerals. Sagacious people, at first
observing the waters of some lakes to be naturally full of juices
which thickened on being dried up by the heat of the sun and thus
became solidified juices, drew such waters into other places, or
diverted them into low-lying places adjoining hills, so that the heat
of the sun should likewise cause them to condense. Subsequently,
because they observed that in this wise the solidified juices could be
made only in summer, and then not in all countries, but only in hot
and temperate regions in which it seldom rains in summer, they
boiled them in vessels over a fire until they began to thicken. In this
manner, at all times of the year, in all regions, even the coldest,
solidified juices could be obtained from solutions of such juices,
whether made by nature or by art. Afterward, when they saw juices
drip from some roasted stones, they cooked these in pots in order to
obtain solidified juices in this wise also. It is worth the trouble to
learn the proportions and the methods by which these are made.
I will therefore begin with salt, which is made from water either salty
by nature, or by the labour of man, or else from a solution of salt, or
from lye, likewise salty. Water which is salty by nature, is condensed
and converted into salt in salt-pits by the heat of the sun, or else by
the heat of a fire in pans or pots or trenches. That which is made
salty by art, is also condensed by fire and changed into salt. There
should be as many salt-pits dug as the circumstance of the place
permits, but there should not be more made than can be used,
although we ought to make as much salt as we can sell. The depth
of salt-pits should be moderate, and the bottom should be level, so
that all the water is evaporated from the salt by the heat of the sun.
The salt-pits should first be encrusted with salt, so that they may not
suck up the water. The method of pouring or leading sea-water into
salt-pits is very old, and is still in use in many places. The method is
not less old, but less common, to pour well-water into salt-pits, as
was done in Babylon, for which Pliny is the authority, and in
Cappadocia, where they used not only well-water, but also spring-
water. In all hot countries salt-water and lake-water are conducted,
poured or carried into salt-pits, and, being dried by the heat of the
sun, are converted into salt.[1] While the salt-water contained in the
salt-pits is being heated by the sun, if they be flooded with great
and frequent showers of rain the evaporation is hindered. If this
happens rarely, the salt acquires a disagreeable[2] flavour, and in this
case the salt-pits have to be filled with other sweet water.
Salt from sea-water is made in the following manner. Near that part
of the seashore where there is a quiet pool, and there are wide,
level plains which the inundations of the sea do not overflow, three,
four, five, or six trenches are dug six feet wide, twelve feet deep,
and six hundred feet long, or longer if the level place extends for a
longer distance; they are two hundred feet distant from one
another; between these are three transverse trenches. Then are dug
the principal pits, so that when the water has been raised from the
pool it can flow into the trenches, and from thence into the salt-pits,
of which there are numbers on the level ground between the
trenches. The salt-pits are basins dug to a moderate depth; these
are banked round with the earth which was dug in sinking them or
in cleansing them, so that between the basins, earth walls are made
a foot high, which retain the water let into them. The trenches have
openings, through which the first basins receive the water; these
basins also have openings, through which the water flows again
from one into the other. There should be a slight fall, so that the
water may flow from one basin into the other, and can thus be
replenished. All these things having been done rightly and in order,
the gate is raised that opens the mouth of the pool which contains
sea-water mixed with rain-water
or river-water; and thus all of
the trenches are filled. Then the
gates of the first basins are
opened, and thus the remaining
basins are filled with the water
from the first; when this salt-
water condenses, all these
basins are incrusted, and thus
made clean from earthy matter.
Then again the first basins are
filled up from the nearest trench
with the same kind of water, and
left until much of the thin liquid
is converted into vapour by the
heat of the sun and dissipated,
and the remainder is
considerably thickened. Then
their gates being opened, the
water passes into the second
basins; and when it has
A—Sea. B—Pool. C—Gate. D— remained there for a certain
Trenches. E—Salt basins. F—Rake. space of time the gates are
G—Shovel. [Pg 547] opened, so that it flows into the
third basins, where it is all
condensed into salt. After the salt has been taken out, the basins are
filled again and again with sea-water. The salt is raked up with
wooden rakes and thrown out with shovels.
Salt-water is also boiled in pans, placed in sheds near the wells from
which it is drawn. Each shed is usually named from some animal or
other thing which is pictured on a tablet nailed to it. The walls of
these sheds are made either from baked earth or from wicker work
covered with thick mud, although some may be made of stones or
bricks. When of brick they are often sixteen feet high, and if the roof
rises twenty-four feet high, then
the walls which are at the ends
must be made forty feet high, as
likewise the interior partition
walls. The roof consists of large
shingles four feet long, one foot
wide, and two digits thick; these
are fixed on long narrow planks
placed on the rafters, which are
joined at the upper end and
slope in opposite directions. The
whole of the under side is
plastered one digit thick with
straw mixed with lute; likewise
the roof on the outside is
plastered one and a half feet
thick with straw mixed with lute,
in order that the shed should
not run any risk of fire, and that
it should be proof against rain,
and be able to retain the heat
A—Shed. B—Painted signs. C—First necessary for drying the lumps
room. D—Middle room. E—Third of salt. Each shed is divided into
room. F—Two little windows in the three parts, in the first of which
end wall. G—Third little window in the firewood and straw are
the roof. H—Well. I—Well of placed; in the middle room,
another kind. K—Cask. L—Pole. M— separated from the first room by
Forked sticks in which the porters a partition, is the fireplace on
rest the pole when they are tired. [Pg which is placed the caldron. To
549] the right of the caldron is a tub,
into which is emptied the brine
brought into the shed by the porters; to the left is a bench, on which
there is room to lay thirty pieces of salt. In the third room, which is
in the back part of the house, there is made a pile of clay or ashes
eight feet higher than the floor, being the same height as the bench.
The master and his assistants, when they carry away the lumps of
salt from the caldrons, go from the former to the latter. They ascend
from the right side of the caldron, not by steps, but by a slope of
earth. At the top of the end wall are two small windows, and a third
is in the roof, through which the smoke escapes. This smoke,
emitted from both the back and the front of the furnace, finds outlet
through a hood through which it makes its way up to the windows;
this hood consists of boards projecting one beyond the other, which
are supported by two small beams of the roof. Opposite the fireplace
the middle partition has an open door eight feet high and four feet
wide, through which there is a gentle draught which drives the
smoke into the last room; the front wall also has a door of the same
height and width. Both of these doors are large enough to permit
the firewood or straw or the brine to be carried in, and the lumps of
salt to be carried out; these doors must be closed when the wind
blows, so that the boiling will not be hindered. Indeed, glass panes
which exclude the wind but transmit the light, should be inserted in
the windows in the walls.
They construct the greater part of the fireplace of rock-salt and of
clay mixed with salt and moistened with brine, for such walls are
greatly hardened by the fire. These fireplaces are made eight and a
half feet long, seven and three quarters feet wide, and, if wood is
burned in them, nearly four feet high; but if straw is burned in them,
they are six feet high. An iron rod, about four feet long, is engaged
in a hole in an iron foot, which stands on the base of the middle of
the furnace mouth. This mouth is three feet in width, and has a door
which opens inward; through it they throw in the straw.
The caldrons are rectangular, eight feet long, seven feet wide, and
half a foot high, and are made of sheets of iron or lead, three feet
long and of the same width, all but two digits. These plates are not
very thick, so that the water is heated more quickly by the fire, and
is boiled away rapidly. The more salty the water is, the sooner it is
condensed into salt. To prevent the brine from leaking out at the
points where the metal plates are fastened with rivets, the caldrons
are smeared over with a cement made of ox-liver and ox-blood
mixed with ashes. On each side
of the middle of the furnace two
rectangular posts, three feet
long, and half a foot thick and
wide are set into the ground, so
that they are distant from each
other only one and a half feet.
Each of them rises one and a
half feet above the caldron.
After the caldron has been
placed on the walls of the
furnace, two beams of the same
width and thickness as the
posts, but four feet long, are
laid on these posts, and are
mortised in so that they shall
not fall. There rest transversely
upon these beams three bars,
three feet long, three digits
wide, and two digits thick,
distant from one another one
A—Fireplace. B—Mouth of fireplace. foot. On each of these hang
C—Caldron. D—Posts sunk into the three iron hooks, two beyond
ground. E—Cross-beams. F—Shorter the beams and one in the
bars. G—Iron hooks. H—Staples. I middle; these are a foot long,
—Longer bars. K—Iron rod bent to and are hooked at both ends,
support the caldron. [Pg 551] one hook turning to the right,
the other to the left. The bottom
hook catches in the eye of a staple, whose ends are fixed in the
bottom of the caldron, and the eye projects from it. There are
besides, two longer bars six feet long, one palm wide, and three
digits thick, which pass under the front beam and rest upon the rear
beam. At the rear end of each of the bars there is an iron hook two
feet and three digits long, the lower end of which is bent so as to
support the caldron. The rear end of the caldron does not rest on
the two rear corners of the fireplace, but is distant from the fireplace
two thirds of a foot, so that the flame and smoke can escape; this
rear end of the fireplace is half a foot thick and half a foot higher
than the caldron. This is also the thickness and height of the wall
between the caldron and the third room of the shed, to which it is
adjacent. This back wall is made of clay and ashes, unlike the others
which are made of rock-salt. The caldron rests on the two front
corners and sides of the fireplace, and is cemented with ashes, so
that the flames shall not escape. If a dipperful of brine poured into
the caldron should flow into all the corners, the caldron is rightly set
upon the fireplace.
The wooden dipper holds ten Roman sextarii, and the cask holds
eight dippers full[3]. The brine drawn up from the well is poured into
such casks and carried by porters, as I have said before, into the
shed and poured into a tub, and in those places where the brine is
very strong it is at once transferred with the dippers into the
caldron. That brine which is less strong is thrown into a small tub
with a deep ladle, the spoon and handle of which are hewn out of
one piece of wood. In this tub rock-salt is placed in order that the
water should be made more salty, and it is then run off through a
launder which leads into the caldron. From thirty-seven dippersful of
brine the master or his deputy, at Halle in Saxony,[4] makes two
cone-shaped pieces of salt. Each master has a helper, or in the place
of a helper his wife assists him in his work, and, in addition, a youth
who throws wood or straw under the caldron. He, on account of the
great heat of the workshop, wears a straw cap on his head and a
breech cloth, being otherwise quite naked. As soon as the master
has poured the first dipperful of brine into the caldron the youth sets
fire to the wood and straw laid under it. If the firewood is bundles of
faggots or brushwood, the salt will be white, but if straw is burned,
then it is not infrequently blackish, for the sparks, which are drawn
up with the smoke into the hood, fall down again into the water and
colour it black.
In order to accelerate the condensation of the brine, when the
master has poured in two casks and as many dippersful of brine, he
adds about a Roman cyathus
and a half of bullock's blood, or
of calf's blood, or buck's blood,
or else he mixes it into the
nineteenth dipperful of brine, in
order that it may be dissolved
and distributed into all the
corners of the caldron; in other
places the blood is dissolved in
beer. When the boiling water
seems to be mixed with scum,
he skims it with a ladle; this
scum, if he be working with
rock-salt, he throws into the
opening in the furnace through
which the smoke escapes, and it
is dried into rock-salt; if it be not
from rock-salt, he pours it on to
the floor of the workshop. From
the beginning to the boiling and
skimming is the work of half-an-
A—Wooden dipper. B—Cask. C— hour; after this it boils down for
Tub. D—Master. E—Youth. F— another quarter-of-an-hour, after
Wife. G—Wooden spade. H—Boards. which time it begins to condense
I—Baskets. K—Hoe. L—Rake. M— into salt. When it begins to
Straw. N—Bowl. O—Bucket thicken with the heat, he and his
containing the blood. P—Tankard helper stir it assiduously with a
which contains beer. [Pg 553] wooden spatula, and then he
allows it to boil for an hour. After
this he pours in a cyathus and a half of beer. In order that the wind
should not blow into the caldron, the helper covers the front with a
board seven and a half feet long and one foot high, and covers each
of the sides with boards three and three quarters feet long. In order
that the front board may hold more firmly, it is fitted into the caldron
itself, and the side-boards are fixed on the front board and upon the
transverse beam. Afterward, when the boards have been lifted off,
the helper places two baskets, two feet high and as many wide at
the top, and a palm wide at the bottom, on the transverse beams,
and into them the master throws the salt with a shovel, taking half-
an-hour to fill them. Then, replacing the boards on the caldron, he
allows the brine to boil for three quarters of an hour. Afterward the
salt has again to be removed with a shovel, and when the baskets
are full, they pile up the salt in heaps.
In different localities the salt is moulded into different shapes. In the
baskets the salt assumes the form of a cone; it is not moulded in
baskets alone, but also in moulds into which they throw the salt,
which are made in the likeness of many objects, as for instance
tablets. These tablets and cones are kept in the higher part of the
third room of the house, or else on the flat bench of the same
height, in order that they may dry better in the warm air. In the
manner I have described, a master and his helper continue one after
the other, alternately boiling the brine and moulding the salt, day
and night, with the exception only of the annual feast days. No
caldron is able to stand the fire for more than half a year. The
master pours in water and washes it out every week; when it is
washed out he puts straw under it and pounds it; new caldrons he
washes three times in the first two weeks, and afterward twice. In
this manner the incrustations fall from the bottom; if they are not
cleared off, the salt would have to be made more slowly over a
fiercer fire, which requires more brine and burns the plates of the
caldron. If any cracks make their appearance in the caldron they are
filled up with cement. The salt made during the first two weeks is
not so good, being usually stained by the rust at the bottom where
incrustations have not yet adhered.
Although salt made in this manner is prepared only from the brine of
springs and wells, yet it is also possible to use this method in the
case of river-, lake-, and sea-water, and also of those waters which
are artificially salted. For in places where rock-salt is dug, the impure
and the broken pieces are thrown into fresh water, which, when
boiled, condenses into salt. Some, indeed, boil sea-salt in fresh
water again, and mould the salt into the little cones and other
Some people make salt by
another method, from salt water
which flows from hot springs
that issue boiling from the earth.
They set earthenware pots in a
pool of the spring-water, and
into them they pour water
scooped up with ladles from the
hot spring until they are half full.
The perpetual heat of the
waters of the pool evaporates
the salt water just as the heat of
the fire does in the caldrons. As
A—Pool. B—Pots. C—Ladle. D— soon as it begins to thicken,
which happens when it has been
Pans. E—Tongs. [Pg 554]
reduced by boiling to a third or
more, they seize the pots with
tongs and pour the contents into small rectangular iron pans, which
have also been placed in the pool. The interior of these pans is
usually three feet long, two feet wide, and three digits deep, and
they stand on four heavy legs, so that the water flows freely all
round, but not into them. Since the water flows continuously from
the pool through the little canals, and the spring always provides a
new and copious supply, always boiling hot, it condenses the
thickened water poured into the pans into salt; this is at once taken
out with shovels, and then the work begins all over again. If the
salty water contains other juices, as is usually the case with hot
springs, no salt should be made from them.
Others boil salt water, and especially sea-water, in large iron pots;
this salt is blackish, for in most cases they burn straw under them.
Some people boil in these pots the brine in which fish is pickled. The
salt which they make tastes and smells of fish.
A—Pots. B—Tripod. C—Deep ladle.
[Pg 555]