Rotary Kiln Handbook NEW
Rotary Kiln Handbook NEW
Rotary Kiln Handbook NEW
List of content
About company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Milestones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Engineering and service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Rod mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 .
Hammer tangential mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 .
Pulverizer-homogenizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Drying and roasting equipment, machines with rotary drum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Drying cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Rotary furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Coke cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Drum mixers and pelletization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Drum mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Drum pelletization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Equipment for concrete products manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Dust removing equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Sleeve filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Cyclones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Transportation equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Conveyors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Elevators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Storage equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Special processing equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Customer testimonials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
About company
Samara plant «Strommashina» was estab-
lished back in the 1940s of the past century in or-
der to provide the industry with all the required
modern and technically advanced equipment.
Since then our goal has not been changed.
Currently Samara plant “Strommashina” is work-
ing in the main industrial trends: building, oil,
road, metallurgical and mining industry.
We provide engineering and service, devel-
opment of project technical concept, preliminary
commercial project assessment, fulfillment of de-
sign works, installation support (technical and de-
signer supervision), maintenance and repair of the
equipment, delivery of spare parts according to the
agreed schedule, technical audit of the equipment.
Due to innovation, processing and pro-
duction base we supply to the abovementioned
spheres the following types of equipment: for
production of alabaster binding materials, min-
eral dust, expanded clay (keramzit), concrete
products, for grinding and drying of inertial ma-
terials, thermal utilization of drilling wastes and
separate processing equipment.
The plant was founded on the 2nd of No- struction and Road Engineering Ministry man-
vember 1942, when production equipment was agement and renamed in Kuibyshev plant
mounted in a newly built first workshop on the «Strommashina» which is corresponded to the
basis of small manufactories left from the former products determined specialization. Output flow
worksite near Bezymyanka. From that time the had been increased substantially, production ca-
plant started to manufacture products for battle- pacity had expanded, quality was improved, and
field. technology developed.
When the newly built workshop was set Forging site, blank production shop, me-
into operation the plant became familiar with chanical and assembling departments were
the production of М-30 machines, water and oil formed. Along with that the plant has received
heaters, bulkheads. 100-ton forging press, guillotine-shears, unique
However the main production goal from machines and other equipment. Dozens of pro-
the plant foundation day till the end of 1945, duction types were examined and mastered in-
was the urgent governmental orders execution cluding the equipment of special purpose.
in metal fabrication and towers installation, and 1999-2003: the plant upgrades the pro- 3
also in radio masts producing and mounting. duction and the processing base.
In 1945 the plant received plan targetfor 2005 – up till now: year after year the
peaceful products manufacturing: rotatingSelf- plant becomes government defense order exec-
steamers, water-jacket furnaces, dampers drying utor, possessing leading positions in the market
cylinders, traveling trolleys. of construction, oil, road, chemical, metallurgical
In 1946 the plant was placed under Con- and mining equipment.
All range of engineering services:
• project technical development;
• project preliminary assessment;
• project work fulfillment;
• Erection supervision works (technical and
designer supervision)/ structure and minimize large noncurrent
Our engineering center is licensed to financial expenses as consequence;
perform project works “Process solutions” in- • Provide repair effectiveness by means of
cluding process regulation development, as- post-maintenance inspection;
sembly drawings design construction task • Increase repair intervals and equipment
supplying, nonstandard equipment drawings operation terms by means of exact match
design using our plant facilities. Our compa- with technical conditions and regulations
ny resources allow to produce nonstandard in upgrade and erection, setting and repair
equipment with drawings designed by us or works;
provided by customer. We offer optimal pro- • Identify and repair repeated failures by
cess solutions development and adaptation means of equipment condition analysis;
to support all key business processes with re- • Unit repair using allows to reduce equip-
gard to your requirements, company size and ment downtime;
budget. • Load service personnel uniformly and rea-
Service maintenance sonably;
We see the goal of our customer equip- • Industrial safety level improvement;
ment service activity in creating the conditions • Reduce plant operational costs.
and an action plan fulfillment leading the cus- Service works:
tomer to stage in industrial equipment quality • Engineering instructions;
gradually with minimum investments and mini- • Current state determination, TRC improv-
mum further operating costs and keep it at the ing proposal;
target level of technical readiness coefficient • Equipment technical checks and service
(TRC). according to the agreed schedule;
Our service maintenance brings ourcus- • Units and component parts replacement. 5
tomer the following advantages: • Required spare parts delivery at the stated
• Minimize equipment unplanned stops time;
(random failures) at the maximum opera- • Work scope analysis for capital repairs, up-
tion time achieving; grading and spare parts supply;
• Optimize the equipment capital repairs • Guarantee project support.
Separate technological equipment
Mill works continuously in different tech-
nological schemes (open and closed) with cen-
tral charge and discharge and produce homo-
Ball Mill 1456A
geneous fine grinding product by means of Ball Mill 1471
grinding bodies (balls and cylpebs).
Supply package includes two-chamber
drum lined with cast-lined covers, charging nals. Support tyres are set onto the journals by
cover, discharging machine, two carrying roll- which the drum rests on two self-installing car-
ers, drive, charging chute. rying rollers.
Ball mill 1456 characteristics: Charging unit consists of charging chute
Operating principle: Continuous and loading screw with lead bars for moving the
Mill type: Two-chamber material. Screw is inserted in the charging cover
Grinding type: Dry journal cavity and connected to journal ends by
Discharging type: Central pins through the flange.
Lining variants: Rubber; Screw with lead bars is mounted into dis-
Metal; charge cover the same way. Screw is connected
Ceramic to discharging drum with screen designed for
Drive type: Central separation of incidentally passed lumps.
The drum is a steel hollow cylinder with Electric motor starts up the mill rotation
liner plates preventing it from impact and at- through coupling, gearbox and flexible cou-
trition influence of grinding balls and material. pling. The mill is loaded with charging chute.
Mill drum is separated by an interchamber par- Grinding bodies crush entered material,
tition into two chambers: for preliminary and which moves from charging end to discharging
fine grinding. Preliminary grinding chamber under continuously incoming material pressure.
is loaded with balls. Fine grinding chamber is Material is loaded into discharging ma-
loaded with cylinders – cylpebs. chine in drum rotation and unloaded through
The drum is closed from both sides by discharging tube section with the help of screw.
end covers – charging and discharging covers. Detailed technical characteristics are pre-
The covers are cast together with hollow jour- sented in summary table on page 14.
Ball Mill 1471
Drum ball mill 1471 belongs to tube ball for preliminary and fine grinding. Preliminary
mill type of continuous operation and de- grinding chamber is loaded with balls. Fine
signed for dry grinding of ore and non-metal- grinding chamber is loaded with cylinders –
lic minerals and construction materials of me- cylpebs.
dium hardness. The drum is closed from both sides by end
The mill is manufactured in the following covers – charging and discharging covers.
configurations: The covers are cast together with hol-
• with central drive and side discharging of low journals. Support tyres are set onto the
journals by which the drum rests on two self-
grinding products;
• with central drive and central discharg- installing carrying rollers.
ing of grinding products; Charging unit consists of charging chute
• with side drive trough ring gear and cen- and loading screw with lead bars for moving
tral discharging of grinding products; the material. Screw is inserted in the charging
• the mill can be produced in one- or two- cover journal cavity and connected to journal
chamber variant at customer's request. ends by pins through the flange.
Mill 1471 is used in ore, mining, chemical Screw with lead bars is mounted into
and many other industry branches. discharge cover the same way. Screw is con-
nected to discharging drum with screen de-
Supply package includes one- or two-cham- signed for separation of incidentally passed
ber drum lined with cast-lined covers, charging lumps.
cover, discharging machine, two carrying rollers, Electric motor starts up the rotation of
drive, charging chute. mill 1471 (with central drive and central dis-
Ball mill 1471 characteristics: charging) through coupling, gearbox and flex-
Operating principle: Continuous ible coupling. The mill is loaded with charging
Mill type: Two-chamber; chute.
One-chamber Grinding bodies crush entered material,
Grinding type: Dry which moves from charging end to discharg-
Discharging type: Central ing under continuously incoming material
Side pressure.
Lining variants: Rubber; Material is loaded into discharging ma-
Metal; chine in drum rotation and unloaded through
Ceramic discharging tube section with the help of
Drive type: Central screw.
Side For the purpose of serial production im-
provement and considering operating com-
Ball Mill 1471 of dry grinding construc-
panies recommendations, our plant produced
design documentation for two-chamber ball
The drum is a steel hollow cylinder with
mill 1471 in the version 1471.00.00.000-04 with
8 liner plates preventing it from impact and attri-
soft start device.
tion influence of grinding balls and material. In
Detailed technical characteristics are pre-
two-chamber variant mill drum is separated by
sented in summary table on page 14.
an interchamber partition into two chambers:
Ball Mill MSHTS 1500x3000 (SM6001A)
Material feeding
Product output
Variant 2: combination feeder Ball Mill MSHTS 1500x3000
Variant 1: drum feeder (SM6001A)
Ball mill SM6001A with central discharge Mill drive consists of an electric motor,
designed for grinding of various ore and non- gear box and a casing with pinion, fixed on the
metallic minerals and construction materials of common frame.
medium hardness. The mill is used in building, Mill can be completed with a combination
ore, mining, chemical and many other industry or drum feeder.
branches. It works continuously in different me- The feeder and charging plug load mate-
chanical schemes of an open or closed cycle. rial and water. Loaded material is crushed by
The mill produces homogeneous fine grinding bodies and moves from charging to
grinding product by means of various diameter discharging ends under continuously incom-
grinding bodies. ing material pressure.
The mill consists of mill drum, charging Finished material in a pulp form goes
and discharging units, carrying rollers, drive, through the discharge plug and a trommel and
combination or drum feeder. It is a steel hollow proceeds for its intended purpose.
cylinder with rubber or steel lining preventing it According to Customer’s requirements
from wearout. mill can be modified into ball mill of dry
Carrying roller consists of a split-type grinding.
body (in two planes) and two rollers fixed on Detailed technical characteristics are
spherical bearings. presented in summary table on page 14.
Product output
venting it from wearout. The drum is equipped to discharging ends under continuously in-
with manhole, which allows to change and coming material pressure.
check the lining and to load grinding bodies. Finished material in a pulp form
Discharging grate is used to keep the goes through the discharge plug and a
balls and lumps inside the mill. Discharging trommel and proceeds for its intended
blades equalize material between the cov- purpose.
er and the grate and unload it to discharge Detailed technical characteristics are
cone. It helps to increase the mill capacity. presented in summary table on page 14.
feeder. It is a steel hollow cylinder with rubber or Finished material in a pulp form goes
steel lining preventing it from wearout. through the discharge plug and a trommel and
Carrying roller consists of a split-type body proceeds for its intended purpose.
(in two planes) and two rollers fixed on spherical Detailed technical characteristics are
bearings. presented in summary table on page 14.
Ball mill SM6008A with grate is designed Mill drive consists of an electric motor,
for dry grinding of various minerals and gear box and two couplings: flexible and pin.
construction materials of medium hardness. The Discharging grate is used to keep the balls
mill is used in building, ore, mining, chemical and lumps inside the mill. Discharging blades
and many other industry branches. It works equalize material between the cover and the
continuously in different mechanical schemes of grate and unload it to discharge cone. It helps to
an open or closed cycle. increase the mill capacity.
The mill consists of mill drum, charging Charging screw and charging chute load
and discharging units, carrying rollers, discharge material into the mill. Loaded material is crushed
housing, drive and charging chute. It is a steel by grinding bodies and moves from charging to
hollow cylinder with rubber or steel lining discharging ends under continuously incoming 11
preventing it from wearout. The drum is equipped material pressure.
with manhole, which allows to change and check Finished material goes through the
the lining and to load grinding bodies. discharge plug, screen and discharge housing
Carrying roller consists of a split-type body and proceeds for its intended purpose.
(in two planes) and two rollers fixed on spherical Detailed technical characteristics are
bearings. presented in summary table on page 14.
Ball Mill MSHTS 2500x3500 (T7)
Material feeding
Product output
Ball mill of continuous operation is de- The drum is a steel hollow cylinder with
signed for dry grinding of ore and non-metallic metal or rubber liner plates preventing it from
minerals and construction materials of medium impact and attrition influence of grinding balls
hardness. The mill is used in building, ore, min- and material. The drum is equipped with man-
ing, chemical and many other industry branch- hole, which allows to change and check the lin-
es. It works continuously in different mechani- ing and to load grinding bodies. Mill drive con-
cal schemes of an open or closed cycle. The mill sists of an electric motor, gear box and a casing
produces homogeneous fine grinding product with pinion, fixed on the common frame.
by means of various diameter grinding bod- Charging screw and charging chute load
ies. Mill capacity depends on grinding material material into the mill. Loaded material is crushed
physical and mechanical characteristics, grind- by grinding bodies and moves from charging to
ing fineness, feeding uniformity, grinding bod- discharging ends under continuously incoming
ies and material filling, proficiency of attending material pressure.Finished material goes through
personnel. the discharge plug, screen and discharge hous-
The mill consists of mill drum, charging ing and proceeds for its intended purpose.
and discharging units, carrying rollers, drive, Detailed technical characteristics are pre-
charging chute and screen. sented in summary table on page 14.
Air Water
Product output
Drum ball mills 2x7 and 2x10,5 belong 120 degrees angle of journal contact. Bearing
to tube ball mills type of continuous opera- end is welded.
tion with central discharge and designed for Central drive includes the following
grinding of ore and non-metallic minerals and main units: cylindrical one stage gearbox, flex-
construction materials of medium hardness. ible coupling, line shaft from gearbox to the
The mill is used in ore, mining, chemical and mill with two gear couplings, motor with aux-
many other industry branches. iliary drive, which designed for repair works
Grinding bodies are pressed to drum and consists of two gearbox, over-speed cou-
walls by inertia centrifugal force and lifted up pling and electric motor.
while the mill rotates. They beat the material, Synchronous armored motor of three
crush it and partially pulverize under gravity phase current is installed for main drive and
action, which overcome inertia vertical lift asynchronous enclosed fan-cooled motors
component and lead to frictional force. Cyl- of three phase current with short-circuit ro-
pebs continue to pulverize fine crushed mate- tor is placed for other auxiliary machines. The
rial. installed power of 2x10,5 m ball mill electric
Loader is placed in the middle of the motor is 500 kW., 2x7 m – 300 kW.
drum. It is made as partition system, which Automatic cut-out and relay-contactor
forms two separate charging and discharg- equipment are delivered mounted in control
ing hollows. The first hollow has discharg- station desk and serve for power equipment
ing windows on the drum walls. The second control.
is equipped with guide blades system and Electric equipment, which installed on
discharge cone. Discharge windows are cov- the machine, is provided with all required
ered by special ends in case of open cycle ground clips. Starting equipment is fixed in
process. final position for the avoidance of uninten-
The mill has central drive and its drive tional disengagement.
shaft is connected to outlet journal. Motor The machine is provided with electric
and gearbox are placed in separate room to blocking, automation and control system. By
minimize dust intrusion. means of it process start and finish are fol-
Bearing consist of frame, back of bear- lowed by the signal, and all mechanisms start
ing with white metal lining, bearing half up in strict sequence from the end of work
housing and cover. Bearing frame is welded flow till main drive motor.
and beded into concrete foundation. Bear- Process parameters, mill capacity, mill
ing block and bearing half housing mate by mechanisms conditions and its lubrication
spherical surface. It provides bearing self- system are controlled remotely.
aligning during the process. Bearing half with Detailed technical characteristics are
white metal lining is cooled by water and has presented in summary table on page 14.
SМ 6008А MSHTS MSHR MSHR MSH-2 MSHTS 1456А 1471 MSHTS Ball Mill Ball Mill
Mill title
900х900 900х1800 1500х1600 1500х1600 1350х1500 1500х3000 1500х5600 1500х7100 2500х3500 2000х7000 2000х10500
Mill index SМ6008А SМ6007А SМ6003А SМ6004А MSH-2 SМ6001А 1456А 1471 Т7 2х7 2 х 10,5
Operation principle continuous batch continuous batch continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous
Grinding type dry wet wet dry dry wet dry dry dry dry dry
Nominal drum
0,9 0,9 2,2 2,2 2,5 4,2 8 12,5 17,2 22 29
working volume, m3
Ball Mill summary table
Drum length, m 1,9 1,86 1,67 1,67 1,5 3,1 5,6 7,1 7 10,5
Drum rotation 37 37 28 28 Main drive - 30, 28 29 Main drive - 23, Main drive - 23,
frequency, rpm auxiliary drive - 3,3 28 auxiliary drive - 0,245 auxiliary drive - 0,245
not above
Capacity, t/h 0,2-1,2 0,7-2 0,5-3,0 0,5-3,0 0,2-0,45 4,2-12,0 2-8 up to 10 up to 18 up to 27
Overall dimensions 5,32 х 1,19 х 4,9 х 3,3 4,9 х 3,3 6,3 х 3,6 Depending on modi-
5,4 х 2,2 х 1,6 4,72 х 1,98 х 1,65 12 х 2,6 х 2,3 13,93 х 4,72 х 3,6 21,355 х 4,72 х 6
(L x W x H), m 1,03 х 2,5 х 2,5 х 2,6 fication/ as required
Grinding bodies
1 700 1 700 4 800 4 800 10 500 11 000 16 000 23 000 24 000 32 000
maximum mass, kg*
Supply voltage, V 380 38/0 Main drive - 600, Main drive - 600,
380 380 380 380 380 380 600 auxiliary drive - 380 auxiliary drive - 380
Material feeding
Product output
Drum ball mills 2x7 and 2x10,5 belong to The mill consists of mill drum, charging and dis-
tube Ball mill SM6002A with central discharge charging covers, carrying rollers, drive and feed-
designed for wet grinding of various ore and er. The drum is a steel hollow cylinder with metal
non-metallic minerals and construction ma- lining plates preventing it from excessive ware.
terials of medium hardness. The mill is used in Charging and discharging covers are pro-
building, ore, mining, chemical and many other tected with front liner plates.
industry branches. It works continuously in dif- Carrying roller consists of a split-type body
ferent mechanical schemes of an open or closed (in two planes) and two rollers fixed on spheri-
cycle. cal bearings. Mill drive consists of an electric mo-
The mill produces homogeneous fine tor, gear box and a casing with pinion, fixed on
grinding product by means of 70 mm diameter the common frame. Mill can be completed with
rods. Mill capacity depends on grinding material a combination or drum feeder. The feeder and
physical and mechanical characteristics, grind- charging plug load material and water. Load-
ing fineness, feeding uniformity, grinding bod- ed material is crushed by grinding bodies and
ies and material filling, proficiency of attending moves from charging to discharging ends under
personnel. continuously incoming material pressure. 15
Unlike the ball mills, rod mills produce Finished material in a pulp form goes
higher capacity, but coarse grinding and can be through the discharge plug and a trommel and
the first stage of grinding before the ball mills. proceeds for its intended purpose.
Rod mill MSTS 900x1800 (SM6005A)
Material feeding
Product output
Ball mill SM6005A with central discharge charging covers, carrying rollers, drive and feed-
designed for wet grinding of various ore and er. The drum is a steel hollow cylinder with metal
non-metallic minerals and construction materi- lining plates preventing it from excessive ware.
als of medium hardness. Charging and discharging covers are protected
The mill is used in ore, mining, chemical with front liner plates. Carrying roller consists of
and many other industry branches. It works con- a split-type body (in two planes) and two rollers
tinuously in different mechanical schemes of an fixed on spherical bearings.
open or closed cycle. The mill produces homoge- Mill drive consists of an electric motor, gear
neous fine grinding product by means of 40 mm box and a casing with pinion, fixed on the com-
diameter and 1700 mm length rods. mon frame. Mill can be completed with a combi-
Mill capacity depends on grinding materi- nation or drum feeder. The feeder and charging
al physical and mechanical characteristics, grind- plug load material and water. Loaded material
ing fineness, feeding uniformity, grinding bodies is crushed by grinding bodies and moves from
and material filling, proficiency of attending per- charging to discharging ends under continuous-
sonnel. Unlike the ball mills, rod mills produce ly incoming material pressure. Finished material
higher capacity, but coarse grinding and can be in a pulp form goes through the discharge plug
the first stage of grinding before the ball mills. and a trommel and proceeds for its intended
The mill consists of mill drum, charging and dis- purpose.
Technical characteristics
Standard size MSTS 1500х3000 (SM6002А) MSTS 900х1800 (SM6005А)
Capacity, t/h Up to 18 Up to 4
Water feeding Aerating agent feeding
Steam feeding
Rotor lead
Before water feeding
Hammer tangential mills designed for and an electric motor. Material is loaded into
fine grinding and simultaneous pre-drying of the mil tangentially. Grinding is achieved due
medium and low hardness materials (coal, plas- to repeated impacts of material by beaters
ter stone, dolomite powder, talcum powder, ka- against body armor and material pulverizing
olin, etc.). during moving through the clearance be-
The particular advantages of hammer tan- tween body armor and mill rotary rotor. Fin-
gential mills are grinding efficiency and drying ished material is unloaded grinding section
and grinding combination facility. into classifier by dry-aerating agent. Oversize
Mill outstanding feature is intense forced particles are divided in separator and goes
air supply combined with higher rotor speed, back in the mill for regrinding. Finished ma-
which produce high quality grinding and excel- terial is unloaded from the mill with dust-air
lent drying. flow into dust-laying system.
The mill consists of a body with frame, The mill can be produced with various
rotor, classifier, support and combined sup- classifier types depending on grinding material
port and thrust bearings, pin flexible coupling according to Customers request.
Technical characteristics
Title ММТ 2000х2590х750 ММТ 1300х1300
Material feeding
Rod pulverizer-homogenizer is designed ical bearings are mounted into carrying rollers.
for pulverizing, homogenizing and additional The drum is rested on the support consisting
wetting of a mixture in production of lime-sand of support body and radially-spherical bearing.
brick. Drive consists of electric motor, V-belt drive,
Rod pulverizer-homogenizer consists of gearbox and flexible coupling. Drive rotate the
the drum body, charging cover, bottom, carry- drum through the flexible coupling and center
ing rollers, discharging chute support, charging drive shaft. Material is loaded into the charging
cone and drive. Drum body is lined with rubber cone, goes through the cover hollow journal and
lining preventing it from excessive ware. Drum gets into the drum. In the drum material is ho-
body is equipped with demountable manhole mogenized and pulverized by rods and then gets
for repair works and discharging windows for into discharging chute through the discharging
product output. Drum body is closed by covers drum windows and proceeds for its intended
with hollow journals, through which the mate- purpose.
rial is loaded into the drum from charging side. Rod pulverizer-homogenizer capacity de-
From the discharge side it is closed by bottom pends on grinding material physical and me-
equipped with center drive shaft. Bottom in- chanical characteristics, grinding fineness, feed-
18 ner surface is lined with high-manganese steel ing uniformity, grinding bodies and material
plates preventing it from excessive ware. Drum filling. Raw mixture feeded into the rod pulver-
assembly is supported by carrying rollers from izer-homogenizer should not include embedded
charging side. particles of resistance above 106 Pa and more
Carrying roller consists of a split-type body 100 mm size. Mixture moisture should not ex-
and two rollers fixed on the axes. Radially-spher- ceed 8%.
Technical characteristics
Title SMK-20 SMK-22 SMK-24 SMM-82
Drum volume filling by grinding bodies coefficient 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3
Mass without rods charging, kg 2 000 2 900 8 000 14 720
Clay crushing machine is designed for pre- channels between blades of other shaft), stiff
liminary clay raw material with compressive resis- frame, receiving bin and drive with gear trans-
tance up to 40 kg/sm and moisture not above 30%. mission. Clay lumps are crushed flowing through
Clay crushing machine includes grind- the blades and frame ribs while blade shaft rota-
ing unit consisting of two blade shafts, rotating tion. Crushing machine can be used in keramzit
toward each other (blades of one shaft gets in and bricks production.
Technical characteristics
Crushing machine type Double rotor
Capacity, m /h
Mass, kg 5100
Crusher SM 962A
Crusher SM 962A is designed for agglomerated batch crushing.
Technical characteristics
Capacity, m3/h 20
Length, mm 2100
Motor power, kW 45
Mass, t 7,25
Technical characteristics
Capacity, m3/h 15
20 Grinding material grain size, mm 0-35
Mass, kg 2030
Drying and roasting equipment,
machines with rotary cylinders
Drying cylinders
Drying cylinders are designed for bulk ma- on the support and thrust – support stations. Ring
terials drying with furnace gases. They are used gear is fixed on the drum body by means of cross-
construction materials producing, various tech- beams, which rotates the drum with the drive.
nological complexes for heat drying of lime- The drive consists of a drive pinion, gear box and
stone, gypsum, sand, chalk and other bulk mate- electric motor, which connected by couplings and
rials with up to 60 mm fraction size. mounted on one frame. The drum is installed to-
The plant designs and produces various wards the horizon at 1°-4° angle. Body incline in
construction materials drying complexes accord- combination with axial rotation provides the ma-
ing to the Customer’s requirements. terial shift towards the discharge chamber.
Drying cylinder consists of the body, sup- Hot furnace gases enter the drum and heat
port and thrust station, support station, drive, the material up touching it and steam the moisture
tyres, toothed gear. The cylinder body is welded it contains. Heat transmission occurs by three main
structure made of separate sidewalls. Various head methods: in weighed condition at material falling
types are installed inside the casing for heat trans- from the blades, from furnace gases through out-
fer activation depending on a drum modification: er surface of the material lying in the heap, from
– screw type at the very beginning, lifting drum inner more heated parts and a sidewall.
blade type on the whole part of the drum; Drying modes for various materials are
– screw type at the very beginning, lifting changing depending on raw material input mois-
blade and chain type in the middle drum part; ture and the finished material output required
– screw type at the very beginning, lifting moisture, drying material fraction composition
blade and sector type in the middle drum part. and material characteristics.
Various head types application depends on Temperature of the heat carrier supplied to
the properties of the drying material (input and the drum shall not exceed 800°С. Flue-gas tem- 21
output moisture, fraction composition, flowabil- perature at the outlet must be not less than 100-
ity, etc.) and is chosen in each separate case by 150°С to exclude possibility of moisture conden-
manufacturer together with the Customer. sation in the drum discharge section.
Two steel tyres support the body. One tyre On furnace gas input vacuum shall be not
is beveled for thrust rollers which prevent longi- less than 30 Pa.
tudinal drum shift. The body is rested by its tyres Gas, residual and light liquid oil are used as fuel.
SMZH 855.80 BS 1.6.10 BS 1.6.16 SMTS 440.3М SMTS 429.3 М Rotary furnace SMTS 428.3 М Drying cylinder
(1,6 х 8) (1,6 х 10) (1,6 х 16) (2,2 х 14) (2,8 х 14) SMTS 69 (2,8 х 14) (2,8 х 20) (3,5 х 27)
Operating type continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous
Heat generator furnace gases furnace gases furnace gases furnace gases furnace gases furnace gases furnace gases furnace gases
Drying equipment summary table
Heat generator temperature, °С 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
Overall dimensions (length x width x 10000 х 2000 х 17000 х 2680 х 14000 х 3610 х 14000 х 4644 х 16900 х 4700 х 20000 х 4750 х
9850 х 2800 х 3550 27000 х 5000 х 4600
height), mm 2740 3740 3915 4464 4500 4464
Supply voltage, V 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380
1. Capacityisnotspecifiedbecauseitdependsonmaterialcharacteristics, itsmoisture (initialandfinished), rawmaterialsize. Itisdefinedbycalculations.
2. Drum body dimensions can be changed according to Customer’s request.
3. Additionalcharginganddischargingchambers, heatgeneratorsandburners can be supplied according to Customer’s request
Rotary furnace
Rotary furnace 2500х75000
Material feeding
Heat feeding
Heat generator
Product output
Rotary furnace with satellite cooler is de- changer reduce material roasting heat con-
signed for limestone production and can be used sumption.
for cement clinker wet type production. Furnace rotation frequency soft regulations
Carrying rollers with roller bearings re- provide optimal technological process roasting
ducing power consumption are used in the mode, extending lining operation term and re-
furnace. Effective chains and cellular heat ex- ducing fuel consumption.
Material feeding
Heat feeding
Heat generator
Product output
Rotary furnace SMS 199, 1218
Rotary furnaces are designed for keramzit head and the hot one – into the discharging
gravel production. The furnace consists of the head. Heads are equipped with cold and hot fur-
following main assembly units: cylindrical body, nace ends sealing for air inflow avoidance. Fuel
drives, charging and discharging heads, cold and burner is installed on the discharge head. Fire
hot furnace sidesseals, support station, support grate is mounted in the head lower section for
and thrust station, crown pair housing. swollen keramzit spilling.
The rotary furnace body is a steel drum The main drive is meantfor furnace rotation
consisting of separate sidewalls. Sidewalls thick- during the operation and the auxiliary one – dur-
ness is increased up to 30 mm in tyre installation ing roasting, cooling, furnace repair and in emer-
place. The furnace body is rested on two supports gency cases. The main drive consists of an open
for which special foundations are made. The sup- gear transmission, flexible coupling andmotor
ports consist of a welded frame and two support gear. Auxiliary drive consists of the gearbox, mo- 23
rollers the position of which can be adjusted. To tor and brake designed for furnace stopping in
control the furnace body longitudinal direction the required position during repair, lining, erec-
position, the support, which is near the drive, has tion and other works.
thrust rollers, furnace rotation stop device and Auxiliary gearbox connection with main
an alarm on prohibitive furnace axial movement. goes through clutch coupling of free travel which
Furnace cold end is included into the charging provides easy furnace start-up to fast operating
rotation from the auxiliary drive. Furnace opera- cal and chemical keramzit formation processes
tion proceeds on the counterflow principle. occur while the material movement in the hot
Raw material loadsinto furnace through gases zone.
the charging head outlet,flows to the discharg- Roasting of dried gummy grains is the most
ing end by means of its incline and rotation. important process that predetermines the quali-
Material is exposed to hot gases whichmove tyof keramzit graveland plant technical-econom-
from the burner towards the material. Physi- ic indicator in many ways.
Material feeding
Product output
Technical characteristics
PV 2,5 х 40 with Rotary furnace of
Title PV 2,5 х 40 (1218) powdering device (SM PVP 2,8х20 (SMS 199) variable cross-section
2,2 х 14
875А) SM 875B
keramzit “400“ t/h (m3/year) 6,3
100000, m3/year keramzit “400“ keramzit 350, (30000)
Capacity, not less 63t/h
keramzit “500“ 115000, m3/year 16,V m3/h
85200, m3/year
First – 2,5
Furnace diameter (inner), m 2,5 2,5 outside 2,8
Second – 3,0
First – 20,5
Furnace body length, m 40 40 20 Second – 16,5
Cone – 3,0
Furnace incline, % 3,5 3,5 3,5 20; 3,5 3,5; 20
Carrying roller quantity, pc 2 2 2 2
Bearing support type roller roller roller roller
Heat exchanger quantity, pc
Motor power, kW
– main drive 33 33 32,2 38 18,5
– auxiliary drive 2,2 2,2
Material feeding
Water feeding
Water output
Product output
Coke cooler
Technical characteristics
Title Value
Length, mm 31000
Drive power, kW
- main 50
- emergency 5
Temperature, °С
- calcinatedcoke:
- input 1250-1350
- output not above 120
- cooling agent:
- input not above 50
- output not above 80
Environment calcinatedcoke
Drum mixers are designed for mixing ag- • Leaf seal shuts out batch mixture spill be-
glomerated batch components and return with tween stationary charging outlet and ro-
water. tary drum;
Drum mixers are used in a line with sinter • Vibrating unit on the charging outlet pre-
machines. vents wall batch packing;
Design features: • Airdraulic injection valves in spray system
• The drum is made with optimum quantity allow to use industrial water;
of sections and tyres treated together with • Lubrication system of bearing blocks, gear-
flange coupling sizes to increase drum ro- tooth system and crankcase tyres working
tation smoothness; area.
Technical characteristics
Mixer type CB 2,8*6 CBF 2,8*8 CBF-2,8*10 CB-2,8*8 СB-3,2*8 СB-3,2*12,5
Filling percentage, % 18
Technical characteristics
Pelletizer type CB 2,8*6 CBF 2,8*8
Mass, t 60 87,8
Equipment for concrete products manufacturing
Concrete products manufacturing is one of mixtures, starting with heavy concrete and ending
the most important process in building industry with porous and decorative mixtures, produced
operations. Various concrete products and con- by different technologies and thermal treatment.
structions of different dimensions, mass, configu- Samara plant “Strommashina” produces the
ration and grade of manufacture, from different following equipment list for this industry:
Concrete placers.
SMZH 528, SMZH 166V (GOST 13531-74)
They are used for laying concrete and solu-
tion mixtures in item molds of various design of
Concrete pouring machine of a console department for start-up and loading of stock-
type SMZH 306А is designed for pouring and lay- house belt conveyor with concrete mixture, on a
ing of concrete mixture into the sections of cas- rail track of which the concretepouring machine
sette assemblies located in the bays of interior is moving. Concrete mixture is transported on a
walls panels, slabs and separate floor plates. slope section of a concretepouring machine and
Concrete pouring machine of a console through the unloading cone and a chute is load-
type is mounted on a railtrack of a stockhouse ed on feeder conveyor belt, wherefrom it enters
belt conveyor on which it is moving when op- the cassette assembly sections through unload-
eration. Concrete pouring machine can be as- ing cone and feeder turning chute.
sembled on erection site both in the right and in Balanced load of cassette assembly sec-
the left versions; herewith the completeness for tions is reached by the operator be means of
both versions is the same. back-and-forth movement of concrete-pouring
Concrete pouring machine is operated in machine on a railtrack paralleled to sections of
the following way: feeder is installed by its dis- a cassette assembly and periodical feeder turn-
charge part above the cassette assembly pre- ing while section loading. For autonomous ad-
pared for loading and formation. From concrete- justment of concrete mixture feeding from the
pouring machine operating console the operator feeder belt into the cassette assembly sections,
gives the allowing signal in the concrete mixing the feeder chute is performed full revolving
Concrete pouring machine SMZH 71A
Concrete pouring machine of a console type cone is installed above the mold by turning of
SMСoncrete pouring machine SMZH 71А is designed the beam, and then the feeder drive is switched
for pouring concrete into forms mounted on the on. Concrete from hopper enters the transporting
stretched out stands, on the concrete product plants. belt and is supplied to unloading chute by the belt
Сoncrete pouring machine is operated in the movement and further to the mold. Pouring con-
following way: concrete-pouring machine hopper crete to the molds is effected when movement of
is loaded on the place of loading in the buckets. concrete-pouring machine “forward“, “backward“.
Сoncretepouring machine with loaded hopper Upon completion of forming the concrete-pour-
is headed under its own power to the post-form- ing machine is headed to loading post and later
ing. Upon reaching the post-forming unloading on the operations are repeated.
Technical characteristics
Title SMZH 306А SMZH 71А
Design feeder capacity, m3/h 52 22,5
Track width, mm 1100 1000
Control distance
Moving speed, m/s 0,2 0,2
Installed capacity, kW, not above 4,5 13,3
Feeder belt width, mm not above 650 500
Feeder belt moving speed, m/s 1,25 0,1 & 0,2
Distance from concrete charging center till discharging center, mm
Maximum 4500
Minimum 2250
Feeder rotation frequency, rpm 0,005 (0,3)
Feeder rotation angle, degree 120 340 29
Feeder rotation radius, mm 4500 4350
Outlet rotation angle, degree 360
Outlet rotation drive manual
Overall dimensions, mm
length 9150 6640
width (with feeder maximum outreach) 5740 2810
height (from rail head) 2390 4210
Mass, kg, not above 5100 4800
Dust removing equipment
Sleeve filters
Sleeve filter SMTS 40B
Sleeve filter is designed for various indus-
trial gases dedusting from technological plants
operations in different industry branches: con-
struction materials, cement industry, metallurgy,
chemical industry, etc.
Three basic filter models are produced with
Sleeve quantity, pc 48 48 48
Stored air pressure regeneration, MPa 0,2-0,6 0,2-0,6 0,2-0,6
Mass without electric equipment, kg, not above 1800 2200 2500
Technical characteristics
Title SMTS 40B1 35 SMTS 40B2 60
Filtered area, m 2
66 30
Filtration speed, m/min. (specified according to dust 1,5 1,2
characteristics in filter fixing in technological line)
Capacity, m3/h 2000 2160
Intake gas dust content, g/m3 Up to 50 50
Output gas dust content, g/m 3
0,01 0,01
Gas temperature limit, °С Up to 300 140
Air-flow resistance, Pa 1600 1900
Installed power, kW 1,5 0,1
Sleeve diameter, mm 200 200
Sleeve quantity, pc 12 in chamber, 24 in filter 24
Stored air pressure regeneration, MPa 0,2-0,6 0,3-0,6
Overall dimensions (length х width х height), mm 1120х3890х7550 1058х2010х4215
Supply voltage, V 380 380
Mass without electric equipment, kg 2300 9900
Statutory document TU4841-004-00239468-94 OKP code 484141
Filtered area, m2 10
Sleeve diameter, mm 200
Sleeve quantity, pc 12
Technical characteristics
Title SFR 90 SFR 135 SFR 180 SFR 270 SFR 360 SFR 405 SFR 540
Filtrated area, m2 , not less 90 135 180 270 360 405 540
Overall dimensions, mm
length 4800 (3000)
width 2255 (2255) 4510 (4510) 6765 (6765) 8200 (5650) 9000 (6500) 8200 (5650) 9000 (6500)
height 7430 (4800) 8200 (5650) 9000 (6500)
Mass, t, not above 3,45 (2.23) 3,9 (2,7) 4,35 (3,1) 7,8 (5,4) 8,7 (6,1) 11,7 (8,1) 13.05 (9,2)
construction materials industry, power-engi- cal part, mm;
neering, etc.) 4 – number of cyclones in assembly;
Cyclones “TSN-15” can not be used in U – with treated gas chamber (spiral
toxic of explosive environments and for case);
high-coherent dust arresting. Cyclones can P – pyramid-shaped hopper.
be used self-contained or as first or second
purification stage combining with other gas
purifiers depending on gas purifying require-
ments. They can be mounted on both suction
and pressure flue system section. Cyclone
should be placed before fan to purify gas
from abrasive dust, causing fan blading ex-
cessive ware.
Gas quantity entered cyclone assembly
must be in technological characteristic limits.
Gas moving speed in cyclones reduces as a re-
sult of gas amount decreasing. It leads to gas
collection efficiency reduction. Line hydraulic
resistance grows strongly if gas amount is in-
creased considerably and gas collection effi-
ciency is not increase but even decrease.
Water sweating on inner unit walls
should not occur. Outside cyclone assembly
should be covered by thermal insulation to
sweating preventing and burn protection
in case of accidental contact with machine.
Purifying gases and unit walls temperature
should be held higher the dew point on
1. Cone body section
2. Cylindrical body section
3. Dust-laden gas intake tube section
4. Exhaust tube
5. Treated gas chamber TSN - 15-500*4UP
6. Hopper
Technical characteristics of self-contained and group cyclones
Characteristic Value
Cyclone TSN15.1UP
Technical characteristics
Capacity, m3/h, for w=2,5 m/sec 630 1100 1800 2500 3500 4500 5700
Capacity, m3/h, for w=4 m/sec 1000 1800 2800 4100 5500 7200 9200
Storage tank working volume, m3 0,17 0,17 0,21 0,33 0,47 0,56 0,64
Cyclone TSN15.1UP
F 600 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Cyclone TSN15.2UP
36 Technical characteristics
Title 300-2 400-2 500-2 600-2 700-2 800-2 900-2
Capacity, m3/h, for w=2,5 m/sec 1270 2300 3500 5100 6900 9000 11400
Capacity, m3/h, for w=4 m/sec 2000 3600 5600 8100 11100 14400 18300
Storage tank working volume, m3 0,2 0,31 0,5 0,6 0,83 1,15 1,45
Main installation sizes
300-2 400-2 500-2 600-2 700-2 800-2 900-2
B 638 724 880 988 1020 1118 1180
Cyclone TSN15.4 UP
Technical characteristics
Title 300-4 400-4 500-4 600-4 700-4 800-4 900-4
Capacity, m3/h, for w=2,5 m/sec 4500 7000 10200 13800 18100 22800 11400
Storage tank working volume, m3 0,54 0,77 1,11 1,5 2,27 2,28 1,45
Cyclone TSN15.4 UP
F 1000 1200 1450 1700 1900 2150
Cyclone TSM with reverse cone
Improved design of TSOK cyclone
Cyclones TSM (dust-collecting equip-
ment) are designed for gas-aerial effluent
cleaning from granular and fibrous dust; from
dust apt to cohesion; from dust (ground prod-
uct wastes) in light, food and printing indus-
tries, from dust (dust and gas cleaning) formed
in agricultural products processes; heavy abra-
sive dust.
Technical characteristics:
Cyclones TSM with hopper
Title Cyclone TSM-500 Cyclone TSM-600 Cyclone TSM-800 Cyclone TSM-1000
Air capacity, m3/h 2200-3500 3200-6000 Air capacity, m3/h 2200-3500 3200-6000 6000-9000 9000-15000
Cyclones UС are intended for using in pro-
duction aspiration systems of fire and explo-
sion safety and fire hazard categories accord- Cyclone UTS
ing to ONTP 24-86.
Technical characteristics
Title UTS-500 UTS -560 UTS -630 UTS -710 UTS -800 UTS -900
Title UTS-1000 UTS -1100 UTS -1200 UTS -1300 UTS -1400 UTS -1500
Cyclone SIOT
Cyclones SIOT-M and SIOT-M1 are designed • Improved effectiveness – SIOT-M;
for coarse and medium gas cleaning from dry, in- • Improved effectiveness and capacity –
coherent and nonabrasive dust. SIOT-M1.
Cyclones SIOT-M, SIOT-M1 are prohibited to Unlike old version cyclone SIOT, the new
use in the explosive environment conditions. It version 5.907-1 additionally includes three more
is recommended to use SIOT cyclones at initial modifications of bigger diameter (No.8…No.10),
40 dust content up to 300 g/m3. since the flow structure improvement of mod-
Based on the examination results as well as ernized cyclones enables to have rather high
production inspection hold by AO VNIIOT VTsSPS cleaning efficiency in the devices of large sizes
(Ekaterinburg), the recommendations on effec- during operation.
tiveness improving (dust and gas cleaning) were The cyclone and hopper design has been
worked out and constructions of two cyclones modified in order to simplify manufacture and
SIOT modifications were suggested: improve the devices operation:
air output air output
• Twister design has been simplified (in- the vortex intensity is artificially decreased in
stead of twister with screw cover it is performed the lower part of the body and in the hopper
in a spiral shape); and as a consequence, reentrainment of dust is
• Twister version in a form of a flat is exclud- decreased. In comparison with SIOT design total
ed since the local resistance coefficient of a cy- entrainment of dust is decreased 2-2,5 times.
clone with such a twister is higher than with the In SIOT-M1 cyclones between the body and
spiral twister; hopper the insert-twister is installed (as in dust
• Cyclone body height is decreased by collectors VZP). The main dust-laden flow enters
25…30%, and diameter of dust releasing hole is the upper part of the cyclone and the additional
increased; flow is supplied to the lower cyclone part.
• Body walls thickness is increased from Optimum speed of cleaned air flow at
2 mm to 3 mm. the twister inlet for all SIOT cyclones equals to
Blind cylindrical insert is set between the 15 m/s. Air flow temperature shall not exceed
SIOT-M cyclones body and hopper, as a result, 40°С
Technical characteristics of Cyclone SIOT-M
Title №1 №2 №3 №4 №9 №9 №10
Air capacity, m /h
1500 3000 4500 6000 15000 15000 17500
b, b1, mm
close dust compact chute. Conveyors have screw sections through overhung bearing are
sufficiently high air tightness enabling them connected by hinges with two degree of freedom.
to operate without dust separation and Conveyors can be supplied with a channel
aspiration. length from 2 to 32 meters, discreteness 2 m.
Technical characteristics of screw conveyor
Title KV2016Б KV3225А KV4032А
Conveyor type screw screw screw
Maximum incline, degree 20 20 20
Rotating direction right right right
Screw diameter, mm 200 320 400
Lead, mm 160 250 320
Channel length, m 2-32 2-32 2-32
Channel length, m (depends on conveyors length) 2,2-4 2,2-22 7,5-22
Rotation frequency, rpm 75 75 75
Mass without control cabinet, kg (depends on conveyors length) 359-1666 448-2843 2100 (with length 24 m)
Conveyor capacity With coefficient of charge, m3/h
0,25 4 12,5 32
0,32 5 16 40
0,4 6,3 25 50
Thickness, mm from 6 to 20
Construction features stationary, portable, of a closed, air tight version, and other design features depending on engineering task
Screw type conveyors
Roller conveyor – roller system used for types of loads under their own weight, or manu-
material handling on the territory; material han- ally, they have a good mating with other types of
dling occurs by means of rollers rotation on fixed rollers conveyors.
axes. They are divided for driven and nonpow- Rollers technical characteristics:
ered (gravitation) roller conveyors. • diameter, mm: 53, 60, 76, 89, 102, 108, 127,
Driven roller conveyor rollers have group 159;
drive from motor. Gravitation conveyor rollers • Roller length, mm: 100-2000;
are placed inclined 2-5 degree and rotate freely • Lead and roller placement by customers
under gravity. They ideally suit for handling any terms
Bucket belt elevators
Bucket belt elevators with deep bucket
ELG and flat bucket ELM are designed for verti-
cal transportation of bulk small piece and dust
materials, chemically non-aggressive. Elevators
cannot be used for transporting grain, flour and
other food products as well as explosive materi-
als or with explosive gas and dust emissions.
Using elevators as interfloor transport facil-
ity enables to have compact transport schemes
saving the area.
Elevators are used in construction, glass-ce-
ramic, metallurgical, chemical, mining and other
industry types.
Elevators are able to transport materials
with density not above 2 t/m3 and absolute tem-
perature not higher than 200°С.
Elevators with deep bucket are applied
generally for transporting free-flowing materials,
elevators with flat bucket – for poorly flowing
Depending on the drive location the el-
evator is performed in two versions – right and
left. Similarly depending on elevation height
there are several performance versions. Minimal
height between driving drum and movable pul-
ley axes – 6300 mm, maximal – 36250 mm, ratio –
1450 mm and 2850 mm. 43
Bucket belt elevator
Elevator consists of the following compo-
nents: drive, drive head, tension section, hous- Elevator well is recommended to aspirate.
ing section with deflectors and without them, When transporting cold material to the height
catcher, buckets and a belt. The drive is located not more than 10 m it is possible to be limited
in the elevator upper part. Buckets belt fixing – to dust air exhaustion only from saddle; as for all
mechanical, by bolts. other cases it is recommended to aspirate upper
and lower elevator part.
Technical characteristics of bucket belt elevator
Title ELG160 ELG250 ELG320 ELM160 ELM250 ELM320
Capacity, m /h
10,1 32,2 51,6 5,6 21,8 35,0
up to 10% 50 70 90 35 60 70
up to 25% 40 55 70 30 50 60
up to 50% 30 40 55 20 35 35
up to 75% 25 35 45 18 30 35
up to 100% 20 30 45 15 25 25
Material volume weight, t/m3 0,8-2,0 0,8-2,0 0,8-2,0 0,8-2,0 0,8-2,0 0,8-2,0
Chain elevator
Chain elevators are designed for bulky, is fixed on the unloading branch pipe, which
pulverized, grain, small size and medium size passes rotation from the drive to the chain with
dry loadings transportation. scrapers (buckets). Elevator pulling element is
It consists of a box with the loading branch a round-link chain with scrapers. Elevators are
pipes on the end faces. By-pass sprocket is fixed distinguished on a bucket width, bucket speed,
on the loading branch pipe and a chain idler volume, and elevator maximum height.
Capacity, m3/h 28 50 80
Underground reservoir EP (EPP) is designed water mixture from processing grid (pipelines)
for dumping the remains of light and dark oil and devices on oil refining plant, petrochemical,
products, crude oil, oil, condensate including in oil and gas industrial branches
Nominal Volume, VH
*Throat height, h
Underground reservoir EP
* 1) for reservoirs V=63m3 and V=40m3 of the second design
Well can be installed according to customer request
Barrier liquid feeding Barrier liquid output
For transportation and erection period the outer surface of reservoir is painted by prime color GF-021 GOST 25129.
According to customer’s request the delivery set can be added including the processing equipment, sectional
preheater, etc.
Reservoirs for oil products storing of RGS type
Reservoirs are designed for storing liquid mercury column) till 5х1,33х104Pa (500 mm
products of up to 1 t/m3 density with pressure mercury column), and can be used as processing
of saturated steam from 2х1,33х104Pa (220 mm reservoirs.
Capacity, m3/h, max 20
Installed power, kW 15
Technical characteristics
Working volume, m3 20
Installed power, kW 51
Mixer is designed for crushed clay mate- ward each other by means of tooth gearing.
rial mixing with various additives. Mixer con- The frame is a rigid structure on which the
sists of a mixing unit, frame, hopper and a mixing unit, receiving hopper and a drive are
drive. The mixing unit consists of two shafts mounted.
with blades, which enter the clearance of one The mixer can be applied in processing
another during rotation. The shafts rotate to- lines of construction materials production.
Technical characteristics
Mixer type Two-shaft
the grid that entraps the cakes, bricks and loader designed for unloading the cooled
large foreign objects. The necessary condition keramzit and regulation of cooler efficiency
for layered cooler effective work is presence of depending on variations of the kiln efficien-
keramzit layer sloping grates and its continu- cy. Keramzit layer thickness is adjusted by
ous movement. To maintain constant level of automatic movement of the gate, remotely
keramzit the cooler is equipped with auto- or manually. Keramzit cooling uniformity in
matic regulation system. To prevent keramzit the sections along the grates width is pro-
agglomeration the air is supplied to the lower vided by means of regulating plates.
section of receiving hopper through perforat- Air from the fan going through the low-
ed pipes. er and upper grates cools the keramzit layer
Keramzit from the receiving hopper moving on them, warms and is supplied to
enters the sloping grates designed for mov- the kiln for fuel combustion.
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Capacity, t/h, not above 8
turner TS2U-400N-50-21
discharging unit TS2U-100N-50-21
Electric motor:
turner 4АМ225 М6 U3
discharging unit 4А112 МА8U3
Mass, kg 8000
Crusher-feeder 103
Crusher-feeder is designed for clayed raw
material crushing with hardness limit for com-
pression up to 40 kg/cm2, moisture up to 24%.
Crusher – feeder is a part of keramzit and brick
production processing line.
Crusher-feeder 103
Technical characteristics
Electric motor
crusher TS2U-400N-50-21
discharging unit TS2U-100N-50-21
Electric motor
crusher 4АМ225 М6 UZ
discharging unit 4А112 МА8UZ 51
Overall dimensions (length х width х height), mm 4380х2340х2840
Mass, kg 6680
Licenes and Certificates
All products are Разрешения и сертификаты
certificated and provided with all required documents.
Customers testimonials
Russian Federation,
443022, Samara
22 Partsyezda, 10A
Telephone and fax:
+7 846 3 741 741