Final Draft_Constitution of de Billionaires OSLA_2023
Final Draft_Constitution of de Billionaires OSLA_2023
Final Draft_Constitution of de Billionaires OSLA_2023
1.1 Name
The organization being constituted will be known as De Billionaires Office Savings and Loans
2. Objectives
(a) De Billionaires OSLAs main purpose shall be to save money at a share value of 2,000 naira per share
by members, and give out loans to members with an interest rate of 5% and in a 2 months duration.
(b) De Billionaires OSLAs secondary objective include being able to encourage members to save money
and have dividends at the end of the cycle.
3. Income
3.1 The group income shall be but not limited to money such as interest on loans and fines.
4. Loan
4.1 A member shall only get loan from De Billionaires OSLA if said member has saved at least half of the
loan amount s/he requests.
4.2 Interest of 5% shall be deducted from source of loans being given to members
4.3 Duration of Loan repayment: loan repayment shall be within the stipulated duration of 60 days
from the date of collection
4.4. Penalty or default loan: Failure to repay loans within the stipulated duration of 60 days shall attract
a fine of same interest rate. Equally, fine of 5% shall also apply on total outstanding balance where the
member has paid part of the loan and failed to complete it in not more than 60 days duration
4.5 Members are not eligible to take loan above 70% of their savings 3 months to share out
4.7 Loans shall not be given to members with outstanding loans. One must repay all outstanding loans
before applying for another loan.
4.8 A minimum of 3 members must give approval for a loan request before the transaction is carried
out, with the Financial Secretary and Treasurer ensuring that the person making the request meets up
with the constitutional requirements.
4.9 To be considered an active member of the group, every member must purchase at least a minimum
share value of 2,000 naira and maximum of 50 shares every month. Failure to comply with this attracts a
fine of 500 naira deducted at source.
5. Transaction procedures
5.1 All proof of payments/ transactions must be sent to the Treasurer and Financial Secretary who will
update the members on the page. This is to ensure effective accountability and transparency
5.2 If a member wishes to withdraw either part of or all his/her shares, he ceases to partake in any
benefit for the withdrawn shares. Treasurer/ Financial Secretary must be informed and approved while
they update the general group members.
6 Management
6.1 De Billionaires OSLAs management structure shall be made up of 5 office bearing positions including
Chairman, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and PRO. 4 Admins shall be managing the Whatsapp
6.2 These positions will serve for two saving cycles. The previous officers can be nominated to handle
same position s/he performed well while voting shall be used to confirm the status
6.3 If an Officer abuses his/her office, first, warning shall be issued to such an officer and if the
misconduct is repeated, then the officer shall be up for removal by the highest vote (75% of members)
6.4 In order to have a quorum to make decisions or vote on matters pertaining to the group, there must
be 75% of members in attendance. If this number is a fraction, this number will be rounded up to the
nearest whole number.
6.5 The group shall maintain a quarterly virtual meeting for the review of all activities within the
quarter/ cycle
6.7 Pending the Group official Account opening, the Treasurer shall present an account details which
shall be used by the group members for financial transactions.
7. Responsibility of offices
7.1 The chairman shall be responsible for the coordination of the group, including leading discussions in
the group, facilitating meetings and overseeing the other elected positions as well as facilitating the
communication between office bearers.
7.2 The Secretary’s duties shall include taking attendance during meetings, making an agenda for each
meetings and taking minutes for the meetings. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Secretary will take
on the responsibilities and duties of the Chairman.
7.3 The Financial secretary shall record all financial transactions of the group and shall present quarterly
financial updates/ transactions carried out within the quarter/ cycle respectively. He/she shall in
collaboration with the Treasurer prepare a share-out matrix at the end of the cycle.
7.4 The Treasurer shall keep funds and detailed record of all transactions made and having the financial
records in his/her possession, providing monthly update in collaboration with the Financial Secretary on
the financial status to members. He/she shall in collaboration with the Financial Secretary prepare a
share-out matrix at the end of the cycle.
7.5 The PRO shall be responsible for dissemination of information and follow up erring members and
any other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the group.
8. Duration
8.1 Savings cycle elapses at the end of the year with 10 months of savings (January- October)
8.3 All outstanding loans within the week of share out preparations shall be deducted from such
member’s shares
8.4 Share out shall be done by first week of December to mark the official closing of the cycle.
9. Compensation
9.1 The association shall on 75% membership agreement gift an amount of money not exceeding 15,000
to the treasurer during the end of cycle share out for all his/her labour and outstanding performance