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Self-Pace Module

Module 5 Traverse and Area Computation

Topics a. Latitude and Departures
b. Area by DMD Method
c. Area by DPD Method
d. Area by Coordinate Method
Overview: The lesson will cover the computing the latitudes and departures of
traverse line. Also, to compute the area of a parcel of land using the
different methods.
Duration: Week 15-17 (3 weeks)

Targeting Learning Outcomes

Course Intended Learning -Calculate the latitudes and departures

Outcomes -Determine the area of a tract of land using DMD, DPD and Coordinate
-Apply the different methods in given parcel of land

Essential Questions How can compute the area of a lot using the technical descriptions?
Learning Targets At the end of this module, you should determine the area of a tract of
land using its technical description
Reference and Credits: Elementary Surveying, by Ghilani and Wolf
Elementary Surveying by La Putt

A. Introduction (Traverse Computations)

Measured angles or directions of closed traverses are readily investigated before leaving the field.
Linear measurements, even though repeated, are more likely a source of error, and must also be checked.
Although the calculations are lengthier than angle checks, with today’s programmable calculators and
portable computers they can also be done in the field to determine, before leaving, whether a traverse
meets the required precision.


The departure of a course is its orthographic projection on the east-west axis of the survey and
is equal to the length of the course multiplied by the sine of its azimuth (or bearing) angle. Departures
are sometimes called eastings or westings.

The latitude of a course is its orthographic projection on the north-south axis of the survey,
and is equal to the course length multiplied by the cosine of its azimuth (or bearing) angle. Latitude is
also called northing or southing.
In traverse calculations, east departures and north latitudes are considered plus (positive);
west departures and south latitudes, minus (negative).
Departure = L sin α
N+ B

Latitude = L cos α

W- E+


Azimuths (from north) used in computing departures and latitudes range from 0 to 360°,
and the algebraic signs of sine and cosine functions automatically produce the proper algebraic signs of
the departures and latitudes.

Sample Calculation:

Given in the tabulation below and notes for a traverse. Determine the latitudes and

Line/Course Bearing Azimuth (North) Length (m)

AB N 28o10’E 550.30
BC S 69o35’E 395.48
CD Due East 275.86
DE 333o35’ 234.46
EF 254o08’ 270.65

Compute for Latitudes = L cos α

For Line AB

Latitude = 550.30m ( cos 28o10’) = +485.13m ( + north direction)

For Line BC

Latitude = 395.48m ( cos 69o35’) = -137.96m ( - south direction )

For Line CD

Latitude = 275.86m ( cos 90o) = 0.00m ( zero latitude)

For Line DE

Latitude = 234.46 ( cos 333o35’) = + 209.97 ( north direction, auto.)

For Line EF

Latitude = 270.65 ( cos 254o08’) = -73.99 ( south direction, auto.)

Compute for Departures= L sin α

For Line AB

Departure = 550.30m ( sin 28o10’) = +259.76m ( + east direction)

For Line BC

Departure = 395.48m ( sin 69o35’) = +370.64 ( + east direction )

For Line CD

Departure = 275.86m ( cos 0o) = 275.86 ( + east direction )

For Line DE

Departure = 234.46 ( sin 333o35’) = -104.31 ( west direction, auto.)

For Line EF

Departure = 270.65 ( sin 254o08’) = -260.34 ( west direction, auto.)

Calculating the Latitudes and Departures using the Rectangular Functions of
Example: Determine the latitudes and deapartures using the Rectangular Functions of Calculator

Line/Course Bearing Azimuth (North) Length (m)

AB N 28o10’E 550.30
DE 333o35’ 234.46


For Line AB
Press in your Calculator the Rec functions ( shift “- “ key) and input the data as shown

shift Bearing or
Length Azimuth

comma (,)


And press = to get the results and scroll right ( some calculator shows simultaneous X and Y)


For Line DE ( follow the procedure from the previous item)


- Sign automatically shows
when using AzN

Note: since angles ( bearing or azimuth) referred from North or South, the values X is the
latitude (north-south line) and Y is the departure ( east-west line)

If the departure and latitude of a line are known, its length and azimuth or bearing are readily
obtained from the following relationships:

𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆

Bearing of Line or Course = tan α =
𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆

𝟏 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆

α = 𝐭𝐚𝐧
𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆

Length of Line or Course = (𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆)𝟐 + (𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆)𝟐




W- E+

Sample Calculation:

Given in the tabulation below and notes for a traverse. Determine the lengths and
bearings (direction)
Line/Course Latitude Departure Latitude Departure Length
(m) (m)
AB +485.13 +259.76 N 28o10’E 550.30
BC -137.96 +370.64 S 69 35’E 395.48
CD 0 +275.86 Due East 275.86


Length of Line = (𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆)𝟐 + (𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆)𝟐

Length of Line AB = (+𝟐𝟓𝟗. 𝟕𝟔)𝟐 + (+𝟒𝟖𝟓. 𝟏𝟑)𝟐 = 550.30 m

Length of Line BC = (−𝟏𝟑𝟕. 𝟗𝟔)𝟐 + (+𝟑𝟕𝟎. 𝟔𝟒)𝟐 = 395.48 m

Length of Line CD = (𝟎)𝟐 + (+𝟐𝟕𝟓. 𝟖𝟔)𝟐 = 275.86 m

𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆

Bearing of Line or Course = tan α =
𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆

Bearing of Line AB = tan α =

α = 28o10’ since + departure (East) and + latitude (North)

N 28o10’ E

Bearing of Line BC = tan α =

α = 69o35’ since + departure (East) and - latitude (South)

S 69o35’ E

Bearing of Line BC = tan α =

α =∞ since + departure (East) and - latitude(South)

Due East
Calculating the Lengths and Bearings using the Polar Functions of Calculators

Example: Determine the Lengths and Bearing using the Rectangular Functions of Calculator

Line/Course Latitude (m) Departure (m)

AB +485.13 +259.76
CD 0 +275.86

Press in your Calculator the Pol functions ( shift “+ “ key) and input the data as shown

For Line AB


’ ‘’


And press = to get the results and scroll right ( some calculator shows simultaneous r and θ)

Length Bearing
since + departure (East) and +
latitude (North) N 28o10’ E

Express the θ in degrees minutes and second by pressing o ’ ‘’ button

For Line CD

since + departure (East) and +
latitude (North) N 28o10’ E

N 28o10’ E

since + departure
(East) and 0 latitude
(North/South) 90o E

Length Due east

B. Introduction (Area Computations)

There are a number of important reasons for determining areas. One is to include the hectares
or square meters of a parcel of land in the deed describing the property. Other purposes are to
determine the area of fields, lakes, etc., or the number of square meters to be surfaced, paved, seeded,
or sodded.

1. Area by Double Meridian Distance (DMD)

The meridian distance of a line is defined as the shortest distance from the midpoint of
the line to reference meridian. The double meridian of a line is the meridian distance of the
line multiplied by two. Double meridian distances are used in computing the area of a field
enclosed by traverse.

The three rules in computing the DMD for each course of traverse

Rule 1: The DMD of the first line/course is equal to departure of the course

Rule 2: The DMD of any other course is equal to the DMD of the preceding course plus
the departure of the preceding course plus the departure of the course itself.

Rule 3: The DMD of the last course is numerically equal to the departure of that course
but with opposite sign

After determining the DMD’s of the courses, compute for the double areas by
multiplying the DMD of the course by the adjusted latitude.

Double Area (DA) = DMD (Adjusted Latitude)

The traverse area is the equal to the algebraic sum of the double areas divided by 2.
Since the sign of the latitude must be used double areas will yield positive and negative values
thus strict attention to signs is absolute requirements in the computations of areas by this
method. In summing up the double areas negative results when negative double areas are
larger than the positive double areas. However, if negative sign is encountered, it is simply
ignored and area of the traverse is the numerical value.

𝚺 𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑨𝒓𝒆𝒂
Total Area =
2. Area by Double Parallel Distance (DPD)

The parallel distance of a line is defined as the distance from the midpoint of the line
to the reference parallel or the east west line. The double parallel distance of a line is equal to
twice its parallel distance. The double parallel distance (DPD) method of area computation is
similar to the double meridian distance (DMD) with following differences

The three rules in computing the DMD for each course of traverse

Rule 1: The DPD of the first line/course is equal to latitude of the course

Rule 2: The DPD of any other course is equal to the DPD of the preceding course plus
the latitude of the preceding course plus the latitude of the course itself.

Rule 3: The DPD of the last course is numerically equal to the latitude of that course but
with opposite sign

Double Area (DA) = DPD (Adjusted Departure)

𝚺 𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑨𝒓𝒆𝒂
Total Area =

Note: The traverse must be closed, meaning the summation of departure and latitudes must
be zero otherwise traverse adjustments is necessary

Sample Computation
Given the following notes for an adjusted closed traverse. Compute the area bounded by the

Line Adj Latitude (m) Adj. Departure (m)

AB +352.00 +395.60
BC +23.40 +591.60
CD -558.20 +78.30
DE -102.50 -746.30
EA +285.30 -319.20
∑ lat = 0 ∑ dep = 0

Area by DMD Method

3. Compute the DMD of each line

Line Adj Latitude (m) Adj. Departure (m) DMD

AB +352.00 +395.60 +395.60 Rule 2: The DMD of any other course is equal to the DMD of
the preceding course plus the departure of the preceding
BC +23.40 +591.60 +1382.80 course plus the departure of the course itself.
(+395.60 +(+395.60) + (+591.60) = +1382.80
CD -558.20 +78.30 +2052.70
Rule 2: The DMD of any other course is equal to the DMD
DE -102.50 -746.30 +1384.70 of the preceding course plus the departure of the
preceding course plus the departure of the course itself.
EA +285.30 -319.20 +319.20

∑ lat = 0 ∑ dep = 0

4. A. Compute for Double Area (DA) = DMD x Adj. Latitude

B. Take sum of Double Area = ∑ DA
C. Divide the ∑ DA by 2

Line Adj Latitude (m) Adj. Departure (m) DMD Double Area (DA)

AB +352.00 +395.60 +395.60 +139,251.20

BC +23.40 +591.60 +1382.80 +32,357.52

Double Area =
CD -558.20 +78.30 +2052.70 -1,145,817.14 Adj Latitude x DMD

DE -102.50 -746.30 +1384.70 -141,931.75

EA +285.30 -319.20 +319.20 +91,067.76

∑ lat = 0 ∑ dep = 0 ∑ DA = -1,025,072.41 -512,536.21

Area = 512536.21 sq.m.

or 51.25 Hectares

Area by DPD Method

1. Compute the DPD of each line

Line Adj Latitude (m) Adj. Departure (m) DPD

AB +352.00 +395.60 +352.00 Rule 2: The DPD of any other course is equal to the DPD of
the preceding course plus the latitude of the preceding
BC +23.40 +591.60 +727.40 course plus the latitude of the course itself.
(+352.00 +(+352.00) + (+23.40) = +727.40
CD -558.20 +78.30 +192.60
Rule 2: The DPD of any other course is equal to the DPD
DE -102.50 -746.30 -468.10 of the preceding course plus the latitude of the preceding
course plus the latitude of the course itself.
EA +285.30 -319.20 -285.30

∑ lat = 0 ∑ dep = 0

5. A. Compute for Double Area (DA) = DPD x Adj. Departure

B. Take sum of Double Area = ∑ DA
C. Divide the ∑ DA by 2

Line Adj Latitude (m) Adj. Departure (m) DMD Double Area (DA)

AB +352.00 +395.60 +352.00 +139,251.20

BC +23.40 +591.60 +727.40 +430,329.84

Double Area =
CD -558.20 +78.30 +192.60 +15,080.58 Adj Departure x DPD

DE -102.50 -746.30 -468.10 +349,343.03

EA +285.30 -319.20 -285.30 +91,067.76

∑ lat = 0 ∑ dep = 0 ∑ DA = -1,025,072.41 -512,536.21

Area = 512536.21 sq.m.

or 51.25 Hectares
3. Area by Coordinate Method
Computation of area within a closed polygon is most frequently done by the coordinate
method. In this procedure, coordinates of each angle point in the figure must be known. They are
normally obtained by traversing, although any method that yields the coordinates of these points is

X- Y-
coordinates Coordinates

1 X1 Y1

2 X2 Y2

3 X3 Y3

4 X4 Y4

5 X5 Y5

Double Area (DA)

= ½ [ (X1Y2 + X2Y3 + X3Y4 + X4Y5 + X5Y1….XnYn) – (X2Y1 + X3Y2 + X4Y3 + X5Y4 +X1Y5…XnYn)]
Sample Computation
Given the following notes for an adjusted closed traverse. Compute the area bounded by the

Line Adj Latitude (m) Adj. Departure (m)

AB +352.00 +395.60
BC +23.40 +591.60
CD -558.20 +78.30
DE -102.50 -746.30
EA +285.30 -319.20
∑ lat = 0 ∑ dep = 0


1. Determine the X - coordinates of Corners A,B,C, D and E.

Assume location of corner A is (0.00, 0.00)

Departure of line AB
B +395.60
X coord. of B + Departure of Line BC
C +987.20 +395.60 + (+591.60)

X coord. of C + Departure of Line CD

D +1065.50 +987.20 + (+78.30)

X coord. of D + Departure of Line DE

E +319.20
+1065.50 + (-746.30)

A 0.00 X coord. of E + Departure of Line EA

+319.20 + (- 319.20)

Note: Coordinates of the last corner must be equal to zero using the departures from the traverse, If the
coordinates are based from reference points, the last coordinate must be equal to the first coordinates .
2. Determine the Y - coordinates of Corners A,B,C, D and E.
Assume location of corner A is (0.00, 0.00)

Latitude of line AB
B +352.00
Y coord. of B + Latitude of Line BC
C +375.40 +352.00 + (+23.40)

Y coord. of C + Latitude of Line CD

D -182.80 +375.40 + (-558.20)

Y coord. of D + Latitude of Line DE

E -285.30
-182.80 + (-102.50)

A 0.00 Y coord. of E + Latitude of Line EA

-285.30 + (+285.30)

Note: Coordinates of the last corner must be equal to zero using the latitudes from the traverse, If the coordinates
are based from actual coordinates of the reference point, the last coordinate must be equal to the first coordinates .

3. Compute for the Double Area (DA)

Note: You may add additional row of the first corner on the table for aid in calculation.

X- Y-
coordinates coordinates

A 0.00 0.00

B +395.60 +352.00

C +987.20 +375.40

D +1065.50 -182.80

E +319.20 -285.30

A 0.00 0.00
Double Area (DA)=

= ½ {[(0)(+352.00) +(+395.60)(+375.40) + (+987.20)(-182.80) + (+1065.50)(-285.30) + (+319.20)(0) ] –

[ (+395.60)(0) + (+987.20)(+352.00) + (+1065.50)(+375.40) + (+319.20)(-182.80) + (0)(-285.30)]}

= ½ {[ -335939.07] – [689133.34]}

= ½ {1,025,072.41}

= 512,536.21 sq. m or 51.25 Hectares Ans

Class Discussion: as posted in MS Teams or as announced

Performance Task No. 5

Fieldwork No. 5 Area Computation
( See attached Fieldwork Procedure or Check MS Teams files)
Submission : as posted in MS Teams

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