FY 2024-2026
The Barangay Council for the Protection of Children conducted review and assessment of the
CBJIP CY 2024-2029. The enhancement of the document was then crafted.
4|Comprehensive Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program
There was an analysis of the situation of children in the barangay particularly the cases of
children in Conflict with the Law (CICL) and the Children at Risk (CAR).
The Situational Analysis has become the basis in crafting the 3-5 year CBJIP. This document
is a product of this CBJIP Write shop.
This document describes the situation of the CICL and the CAR in Barangay Kaangayan. It
identifies underlying causes of CAR and CICL. It also enumerates the reasons why these
children were pushed to break the laws and eventually become CICL using the CAUSALITY
ANALYSIS TOOL that uses the 3 levels of analysis: DEMAND SIDE, SUPPLY SIDE AND
ENABLING ENVIRONMENT. The demand side analysis refers to the underlying causes or
the determining factors that directing affecting the family that surrounds the child; the Supply
Side analysis refers to the determining factors within the community that entice the children
to become CAR/CICL while the enabling environment refers to the
implementation/enforcement of the child related laws; local ordinances affecting minors,
allocation of budget for children programs and the functionality of structures like BCPC that
have concerns on children.
This document was purposively drafted for the members of the BCPC and other stakeholders
to develop and carry out plans and programs for CAR and CICL in the Barangay. It will also
be utilized to strategically utilize funds in accordance to the needs for children’s program that
promotes and protects their rights to fully develop children capabilities, skills, knowledge and
This Situational Analysis focused on the issues and concerns surrounding children in conflict
with the Law (CICL) and Children at Risk (CAR) covering 4 Purok’s namely; Purok 2,
Purok-3 KaMAO and purok-5 Tago based on available data and based on the focus group
discussion among key members of the BCPC.
Using the causality analysis tool was of great contribution in coming up with the data and
information on Children at Risk and children in Conflict with the Law. Other relative
information on children was also gathered thru the data from Barangay Secretary, Barangay
Nutrition Scholar, Day Care Workers and data from School. The focused Group Discussion
done during the CBJIP Orientation-Write-shop among key BCPC members was an avenue
that the committee come up with a clear manifestations and determining factors of CAR and
CICL in barangay Kaangayan.
Barangay Profile
5|Comprehensive Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program
Brief History
Geophysical Characteristics
The barangay of kaangayan lies within 123 E24' to 123E33.9' E longitude and 8N9'
to 8E10.1' N latitude. It is bounded on the north by Barangay Guripan, on the south
by Barangay Santa Cruz, on the east by Barangay Upper Salug Daku and on the
west by Barangay Boniao.
The barangay is basically plain, with small patches of hilly portion. Most of the plains
are planted to palay’s.
Land Area
The barangay has a total land area of 1,283.80 hectares based on Cadastral Survey
which represents about 5.85% of the total land area of the Municipality of Mahayag.
And it is composed of 7 puroks in which some are geographically located at elevated
areas far from the National Road.
A vast portion of the Barangay Kaangayan is mainly Agricultural Land. Hence, the
major source of income in the barangay is rice farming. Variety of fruits, Vegetables
and Root Crops are also cultivated within the vicinity. These products are marketed
to areas outside the barangay for additional income.
Barangay Map
Table 1
Distribution of Area by Purok
Distance from
Land Area
Purok Percentage Barangay
7|Comprehensive Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program
1 150.40 11.71% 1km
2 216.40 16.86% 50meters
3 140.40 10.94% 2km
4 183.40 14.29% 1.5km
5 183.40 14.29% 2km
6 226.40 17.64% 3km
7 183.40 14.23% 5km
Climate and Temperature
Generally, the temperature is cold, especially during rainy season. But transients observe
otherwise and conclude that during hot and warm day, the evenings will be cool. On the
quarter analysis of its temperature, the first and second quarter of the year is quite dry and
relatively warm associated with its seasonal distribution for the whole year. Its third and last
quarter fall occasionally rain showers and thunderstorm.
Major Crops
Rice, corn and coconut are the top three agricultural crops in Barangay Kaangayan. Other
crops include Vegetables and Fruits.
An aggregate land area of 855.86 hectares in the barangay is planted to rice. An irrigation
facility supplies water to the rice fields in the barangay.
Table 2
Distribution of Major Crops in the barangay
The total population as of latest data is 2,084 (data source CBMS 2022). It comprised of 480
households of which 379Hh are engaged in farming and 101Hh are non-farming livelihood
activities. The number of Children ages 18 years old and below is 807; and as of school year
2024, the number of school children from Grade-I-IV is 315.
Religion: Roman Catholic, Born Again, Seveenth Day Adventist, UCCP United Church
of Christ of the Philippines, Kristohanon, 4KK, Alpha Omega, Maharlika,
8|Comprehensive Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program
5. Demographic Characteristics
As of latest data, the actual population of Barangay Kaangayan is 2,084. This is based on the
2022 census of the Philippine Statistics Authority. Of the total population, 1,024 are male,
and 1,004 are female. The table below shows the distribution of sex by Barangay and the
Children comprise about_____% of the Population.
Table 3
Distribution of Sex by Barangay
1 188 97 91
6 111 57 54
In terms of household population, the barangay has 482 households. The majority are Bisaya.
Table 4
Distribution of Households by purok and by ethnicity
Purok HH Ethnicity
1 188 22 153 0 19
3 406 389 28 18 59 12
5 226 26 101 0 99 0
6 111 16 54 0 41 0
7 263 17 234 5 7 0
In terms of age distribution, the highest number of age group falls within the 687 age of 18-
35 age bracket. There are 475 children within the 0-5 year’s old bracket, and there are 423
people who are 51- above years old and above.
Table 5
Purok Pop'n
1 188 22 37 10 6 11 27 27 16 19 10 3 0
2 468 48 65 16 16 35 74 52 41 40 21 7
3 406 59 63 20 24 25 71 58 35 30 14 2
4 263 14 43 16 15 15 58 22 38 26 10 6
5 226 33 31 10 12 14 41 25 25 21 11 3
6 111 11 18 5 5 5 20 11 15 12 9 0
7 263 26 54 14 8 14 45 34 18 24 24 2
10 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
At present, there are 361 elementary-aged children (6-12 years old) in the barangay.
However, those actually attending elementary school number only 315.
Regarding high school, there are 646 children aging 13-18 in the barangay.
However, only 557 children are actually attending high school.
Educational Attainment
1 3 29 2 32 9 11 3
2 13 76 7 58 18 29 9
3 6 73 35 26 37 11 18
4 4 56 2 22 15 11 7
5 6 33 48 23 24 7 6
6 1 15 20 15 24 12 5
7 11 42 34 21 20 3 1
CNSP - 0
Teen Age Pregnancy - 6
Enrolled sa Day Care Center – 60
Enrolled sa Elementary - 255
Enrolled sa Junior High school - 272
Enrolled sa Senior High school - 285
Cases of Malnutrition-
Child Labor-
As per the DILG Classification, the BCPC of Barangay Kaangayan has a level of
_______________ rating.
The BCPC has developed a Barangay Work and Financial Plan for Children with specific
budget. It has approved ordinances for children and is able to submit accomplishment reports
The table bellows the budget allocation of Barangay Kaangayan for BCPC
activities based on the provisions of the law. The budget allocation for the
BCPC is increasing in 2024.
Table 9
Barangay Budget for BCPC
Budget Percentage of Amount Percentage
Year allocation for the IRA actually spent over Budget
BCPC (Php) (%) for Children allocation (%)
2021 27,748.23 1% 25,725.50 92.71%
2022 40,926.42 1% 39,500.00 96.51%
2023 36,777.79 1% 33,479.70 91.03%
12 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
Curfew Violation
Disorderly Conduct
Parental Disobedience
Anti-Smoking Ordinances
Out of School Youth
There are 1 total No CICL and 10 CAR cases reported in the Barangay from Purok-3 and
Purok-2, Purok-5 and Purok-7. Most of the CICL cases are theft and drug related problem.
Cases of Children at Risk are as follows: teenage pregnancy, gambling, child abuse, children
that are product of violence, young smokers, drop outs, and identified malnourished.
Most of CICLs are at the age of 17; Mostly of the identified CICL are boys .They are involve
in the theft, Rape case. There are however a number of girls in CAR cases of which they
experienced the teenage pregnancy.
The table hereunder shows that there are (____) crime of robbery was
committed against a child in year _______,_______ in Barangay Kaangayan,
Mahayag, Zamboanga del sur
Table 11
Table 12
13 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
Number and types of Crimes against Children
Incestuous Rape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Attempted/Frustrated 1
Acts of Lasciviousness 1
Physical injuries
illegal detention
Based on the records from the Barangay and from the report of the
Municipal Welfare and Development Office Mahayag, a total of ____ Child at
Risk (CAR) were recorded in Barangay Kaangayan from the year of ____, _____.
The table hereunder shows that Children at risk are those out of school youth
Children with ___ cases. Followed by children in emergency situations with ___
and children with disabilities with ____
Table 13
14 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
Categories of CAR
Number of Children
abused any person
Number of Children
exploited including
sexually or economically
Number of abandoned
and neglect children
Number of children who
came from a
dysfunctional or broken
family or without
Number of children out
of school
Number of living children
who are members of
Number of street children
Number of living in a
community with a high
level criminality or drug
abuse and
Number of Children in
situations of armed
Children in emergency
Children with Disabilities
Enabling environment BCPC kulang o gamay ug budget para sa program unservices alang
sa Kabataan .
BCPCs organized but dili functional walay BCPC office. Walay regular
meeting ang BCPC members.
Causality Analysis was used during the 2-day orientation-write-shop as a tool to understand deeper the
situation of children in Barangay Kaangayan and it also explains the underlying causes of the situation.
The 3 levels: demand side, supply side and enabling environment of analysis precisely identify the
factors that cause a social problem.
It is vital to accurately address the issues particularly root causes that push children to become CICL
and to prevent the CAR from becoming CICL.
17 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
There is no cases of Children in conflict with the Law and no reported in the Barangay of Children at
Risk in Kaangayan occur due to the various reasons such as on issues of the MANAGEMENT OF THE
PARENTS to their children, mga ginikanan nga violente sa bata (Abusado, Barumbado, Sugarol,
Chismosa, ug Nagger ug kusog mosukol/ mostubag-tubag sa ginikanan) parent’s lack of time for family
bonding due to work/business, lack of communication, vices of parents, peer influence, curiosity, lack of
spiritual guidance, abandonment, low family income.
Kaangayan has also products of professional parents who are employed either in government, non-
government or engaged in business. Unfortunately, they have lack time for family bonding; family
interactions and communication with children are not given prime importance;
Children lack the Parental guidance due to the parent’s vices like gambling, drinking hard liquor. Some
children resulted to malnutrition as well due to parents not able to prepare nutritious food, lack of
knowledge on the importance of nutritious food, low income.
Most of the families with CAR and CICL are often from the marginalized and disadvantaged sectors
with large family size and from broken families;
With lack of role models children are prone to give in to peer pressure, becoming school drop-outs and
into delinquency.
Barangay Council for the Protection of Children is the legal body created to address issues and
concerns for children but unfortunately BCPC of Barangay Kaangayan needs to be reactivated.
BCPC does not fully understand the RA9344 as amended of which vital functions and responsibilities
are stipulated; the DILG circular on the functionality of BCPC needs to be reviewed by the committee;
BCPC members are not oriented and trained on the Barangay Protocol in Managing CAR and CICL as
well as the Diversion and Intervention Program;
Children/Youth are not fully organized and Sangguniang Kabataan not capacitated in Children/Youth
Organizing thus they are unproductive and prone to be influenced by bad company.
Values Formation Activities not active and Parish Youth Apostolate (PYA) needs to be reactivated;
Comprehensive Local Juvenile Intervention Program is just recently introduced of which it is important
for a comprehensive program for Children since this CLJIP will stipulate the necessary Programs, Plans
And Activities (PPAs) in addressing different issues concerning children: CICL and CAR and the
necessary PPAs to capacitate the BCPC and other the Duty Bearers in Barangay Kaangayan;
The Barangay is aware on the allocation of 1% budget or more for children’s program but unfortunately
not fully aware if it is really addressing the needs of CAR and CICL;
Barangay is not aware on the importance of the DATABASE for children particularly CAR and CICL as
it is a mandate per RA9344 as amended. BCPC is also poor in recording/documentation.
18 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
Barangay Kaangayan has 1 cases of CICL and 6 reported cases of CAR in Barangay from 2023 up to
November 2024. Though it is small in number but it refers to CHILDREN who have the full right to
survival, development, participation and protection. Though cases are little to count but it should be
given attention in order to prevent other children to become CAR/CICL. BCPC should adhere to
execute programs, plans and activities for children and the duty bearers as mandated by the Law to
prevent CICL from re-offending and the CAR from committing an offense or of becoming a victim.
The CICL cases occurs in the Barangay are the following theft, rape and RA 9165 or and the common
CAR Cases are Teenage Pregnancy, Identified Malnourished school children, child labor, gambling,
and young smoker.
BCPC is not aware on the many provisions in the RA 9344 such as the development of CICL, the
utilization of 1%IRA to address children’s concerns and the diversion and intervention program.
With the identified situation of CAR and CICL in the barangay along its underlying causes using the
causality analysis tool, the BCPC will then be guided on the steps to be done and the 1% budget
allocation will be aligned in accordance to the needs and priority to be addressed. This Situational
Analysis will be the basis in crafting the Comprehensive Local Juvenile Intervention Program in
Barangay Kaangayan. It will be the guide in the works of the BCPC and the duty bearers.
In order to respond to the causes of the problem surrounding CAR and CICL, BCPC
of Barangay Kaangayan recommends some programs, plans and activities to be
undertaken as follows:
For BCPC to fund capacity building programs barangay leaders in handling CICL and
CAR Cases as well as Diversion and Intervention Program;
For Barangay to regularly conduct BCPC Meetings to address children’s issues and
For the BCPC to undergo training on CAR and CICL Management using the DILG
Circular issued re: Barangay Protocol in Handling CAR and CICL
For the Teachers/SK/Youth Groups to implements activities that will develop the skills
and talents of the young people and increase level of participation.
FOR THE Barangay Council to establish BCPC Desk/Office.
19 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
For the LGUs allocate at least1% from IRA for children programs
BCPC to ensure functionality of BCPC by giving refresher on their duties and functions
For for MCPC to conduct intensive monitoring in the implementation of the LGUs
For the BCPC to allocate funds for implementation of programs for childre
20 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
The Republic Act 9344 as amended by Republic Act 10630 mandated the Local
Government Unit to develop the 3-5 years Barangay Juvenile Intervention Program
(CBJIP). It is with this mandate that Barangay Kaangayan is developing this document.
This CBJIP is giving primary importance to our CHILDREN. It will be a comprehensive
document that comprises programs for children of which 1% budget from NTA shall be
allocated as mandated by the Law.
This CBJIP will help Children At Risk (CAR) from preventing to become Children in
Conflict with the Law (CICL) and will assist the CICLs to be reintegrated to their own
communities and families and will help them averting to re-offending through the
strengthening of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children.
Based on the issued Guidelines in the Development of CBJIP which was issued by DILG, the
first step to develop the document is to conduct deeper analysis on the situation of children in
the barangay; thus the Causality Analysis was conducted to analyse the human situation and
as it explained WHY a situation occurred. It explored meticulously the factors that caused a
social problem at different levels: demand side, supply side and enabling environment. It
seriously addressed the goal of reducing or eliminating the cases of CICL in the barangay
As a result of causality Analysis there are identified 29 common cases of CAR such as
gambling, teenage pregnancy, young smokers and other common cases of CICL as follows
rape, theft. Data based on 2023 up to 4rth quarter of 2024.
21 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
By the end of 202, the 0 cases of children in conflict with the law shall be reduced by 100%;
Children at Risk (CAR) will be prevented from committing crimes and Children in Conflict
with the Law (CICL) will be rehabilitated, reintegrated within their families and communities
and shall be prevented from re-committing crimes. It could be achieved through the delivery
of expected results as follows:
RIGHT TO SURVIVAL. Health workers will continuously advocate and refer the pregnant
mother and children for Immunization. Pregnant adolescents will be referred for pre-natal and
postpartum services; Nutrition programs such as feeding will continuously implemented in
partnership with MSWD, BNS, BHW, DCW and other stakeholders. There will be
HIV/AIDS prevention protection Advocacy for the young. Deworming for children will also
be implemented.
RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT. The Early Childhood Care and Development Services shall
be provided to all 3-5 years old children at the barangay levels thru the implementation of
Day Care Services or Early Learning services. The Child Development Centers will be
provided with the needed materials/ supplies and equipment and as needed improvement of
the center as to support its Recognition/Accreditation. Enhancement training for the Child
Development Workers will be funded every year for their continual growth and development.
Referred OSY/OSC to Alternative Learning System Program (ALS).
22 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
Child Advocate/Youth Leaders/SK/PYA/PYM/Religious leaders shall lead in the bringing
the children to Church where they profess their faith as to build basic foundation on Values
Formation. There shall be once a year LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR for the young.
There will be community awareness session on child related laws such as RA 9344 as
amended, RA 9262, RA 7610, RA 9165 among others that will be facilitated by partner
stakeholders like PNP, ML, DILG, MHO, others
With the 1 cases of CICL and 4 cases CAR in 2023 to 4 th quarter of 2024, Barangay Council
for the Protection of Children must have to come up with plans and programs in order to
reduce if not eliminate the CICL cases and to prevent more children of become CAR/CICL in
the next five (5) years from 2025 to 2029.
Outcome 1. The family is caring and protective of children and provide for their needs.
Output 1.
Parents are
aware of
children rights
Output 2. Punong Barangay Barangay
parents use Conduct Parents and 120 Alejandro B. P 8,000.00 Funds
positive Counselling & Children’s parents Bitgue, SK Geezier (MOOE)
reinforcement Symposium attendee including Jay Balatero, and
23 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
to discipline BCPC member
children and CBIJIP team
Output 3.
Parents have
knowledge and
skills to teach
children how
to resist peer
Outcome 2. Community has preventive and protective services for children and provide opportunities for play
and recreation.
Output 1. Reorganization/
strengthening of 1% of NTA
BCPC BCPC Barangay Chairman for BCPC
BCPC and Workshop on reorganized Alejandro B. Bitgue P 1,000.00 Barangay
CBJIP is Fully development of Funds MOOE
Functional and
CBJIP functional
developed by
Below will be the menu of possible interventions to protect, promote and uphold the rights
children, to wit:
24 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
25 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
1. Organization of youth e.g. Pag-Asa Youth Association and Faith-based organization,
Children Association/ Federations
2. Psychosocial intervention such as group/ individual session by the social worker to
children at risk
3. Involvement of former CICL in self-help groups as advocates
4. Family therapy to the family of the children at risk
5. Organization of watch groups
6. Development of foster families
7. Establishment of Special Drug Education Center Family Drug Abuse Prevention
8. Institutionalization of Birth Registration in Barangays
1. Release on recognizance
2. Temporary shelter
3. Psychosocial and therapeutic programs
4. Financial assistance and support services
5. Organization of peer support groups
6. Diversion and intervention program as indicated in RA 9344 as amended
These programs will be implemented thru the concerted efforts of the barangay Council for
the Protection of children and thru the functional committees and other existing organization
in the Barangay.
The BCPC members will be at the forefront in the implementation of the various intervention
activities to achieve the goal of reducing the cases of CNSP, CAR and CICL.
The lead person/unit/committee in a specific activity together with the BCPC shall make sure
of its smooth and efficient conduct. Activities conducted should be documented for further
monitoring on the efforts done by the BCPC in implementing the children’s program.
27 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
What are the current structures in the LGU implementing programs/projects/activities
for Children?
Day Care Service Program
Feeding Program
Monitoring and evaluation is necessary in the program cycle. It will ensure the effective
implementation of each intervention. M and E is an integral part of this plan and this is to
measure where the plan is heading; if it is within its set direction, what needs to be enhanced
or if there is a need of re-planning.
During the BCPC Meeting all BCPC members shall prepare their report on the activities
implemented relative to children in relation to the implementation of CBJIP/Annual Work
and Financial Plan (which is culled out from the CBJIP). There should be data banking for
children. Documentation Report from each assigned person/committees shall be submitted to
the secretariat for reference and future submission to DILG for reference during BCPC
Functionality Assessment. All undertaking relative to children program should be reported
and documented. All BCPC reports shall be submitted to Municipal Council for the
Protection of Children for their reference thru the office of the MSWD.
28 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
CBJIP 3 year’s plan 2023-2025 plan of Barangay Taguitic in
Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte
Data source CBMS 2022.
29 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
Prepared by:
Barangay Secretary
30 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m
Approved by:
Punong barangay
31 | C o m p r e h e n s i v e B a r a n g a y J u v e n i l e I n t e r v e n t i o n P r o g r a m