Thus, when two signals have exactly the same frequency, the phase difference between them
is constant. When there is a phase difference between the two signals, it means that they do not reach
the same point on the waveform at the same time. If the phase difference is fixed it means that one is
lagging behind or leading the other signal by the same amount, i.e. they are on the same frequency.
Phase Lock Loop: A phase locked loop basically consists of a feedback loop or a servo loop. Thus the
same theory can be applied to a phase locked loop as is applied to feedback loops, except that in the
feedback loops we have so far encountered were, the feedback quantity was the displacement, while
in a PLL, the feedback quantity is phase difference.
A basic phase locked loop, PLL, consists of
three basic elements:
Phase comparator / detector: This circuit block
within the PLL compares the phase of two signals
and generates a voltage according to the phase
difference between the two signals. Here, the two
signals are the input or reference signal, and the
VCO output signal.
Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO): The voltage controlled oscillator is that part of the circuit that
generates the output signal. Its frequency can be controlled over the operational frequency band of
the feedback loop with help of a dc input voltage signal (which is provided by the phase comparator
through the loop filter.
Loop filter: This is a Low pass filter that is used to filter the output from the phase comparator in the
phase locked loop. It smooths out the phase comparator output, by removing the ac component from
it. It can also be considered as an integrator that outputs a DC voltage that is the average of the phase
comparator output over one cycle.
There is a feedback action involved. The VCO produces a signal which enters the phase
detector. Here the phase of the signals from the VCO and the incoming reference signal are compared
and a resulting difference in the form of an error voltage is produced. This error voltage is
prpportional to the phase difference between the two signals. The error signal from the phase
detector passes through a low pass filter which removes any high frequency elements on the signal
and outputs a near DC signal. This error signal is applied to the control terminal of the VCO as its
tuning voltage. This voltage is has polarity such that it tries to reduce the phase difference and hence
the frequency difference between the two signals. Initially the loop will be out of lock, and the error
voltage will pull the frequency of the VCO towards that of the reference, until it cannot reduce the
error any further and the loop is locked.
When the phase locked loop is in a lock state, a steady state error voltage is produced. By using
an amplifier between the phase detector and the VCO, the actual error between the signals can be
reduced to very small levels. However some voltage must always be present at the control terminal of
the VCO as this is what puts onto the correct frequency.
The fact that a steady error voltage is present means that the phase difference between the
reference signal and the VCO is not changing. As the phase between these two signals is not changing
means that the two signals are on exactly the same frequency.
The phase locked loop, PLL is a very useful building block, particularly for radio frequency
applications. The PLL forms the basis of a number of systems including the indirect frequency
synthesizer, a form of FM demodulator and it enables the recovery of a stable continuous carrier from
a pulse waveform. In this way, the phase locked loop, PLL is an essential similar waveRF building tool.
Phase sensitive detector: There are several possible ways for obtaining phase difference between two
identical sine waves. A convenient way is to use an XOR gate which is a digital logic gate. So first of
all, the sinusoidal waveform is converted into a
square wave (compatible with the digital logic).
The XOR gate based comparator has two
inputs. The XOR gate outputs logic 0 signal
when the two inputs are at same level, either
low or high. And it outputs logic 1 signal when
the one input is high and the other is low.
The way in which an exclusive
OR, XOR phase detector works can
be seen in the diagram below:
• VCO tuning gain: The gain of the voltage controlled oscillator is important. It is measured in
terms of volts per Hz (or V/MHz, etc). As implied by the units it is the tuning shift for a given
change in voltage. The voltage controlled oscillator gain affects some of the overall loop
design considerations and calculations. The VCO response curves can be seen to be relatively
straight at lower frequencies. However they normally flatten out at higher voltages where the
changes in capacitance reduce.
• VCO V/f slope: It is a key requirement for any voltage controlled oscillator used in a phase
locked loop that the voltage to frequency curve is monotonic, i.e. it always changes in the
same sense, typically increasing frequency for increasing voltage. If it changes, as can happen
in some instances normally as a result of spurious resonances, etc, this can cause the loop to
become unstable. Accordingly, this must be prevented if the phase locked loop is to operate
• Phase noise performance: The phase noise performance of the voltage controlled oscillator is
of particular importance in some PLL applications - particularly where they are used in
frequency synthesizers. The phase noise performance of the voltage controlled oscillator is the
dominant factor of phase noise outside the PLL loop bandwidth. Although close in noise is
reduced by the action of the PLL, outside the loop bandwidth there is no reduction of VCO
phase noise.
Oscillator circuit: A VCO can be constructed using an amplifier and a feedback loop. The gain of the
amplifier is denoted as A and the feedback factor as B. For the circuit to oscillate the total phase shift
around the loop must be 360° and the gain must be unity. In this way signals are fed back round the
loop so that they are additive and as a result, any small disturbance in the loop is fed back and builds
up. In view of the fact that the feedback network is frequency dependent, the build-up of signal will
occur on one frequency, the resonant frequency of the feedback network, and a single frequency
signal is produced. Many oscillators and hence VCOs use a common emitter circuit. This in itself
produces a phase shift of 180°, leaving the feedback network to provide a further 180°.
The capacitance for the overall resonant circuit is formed by the series combination of the two
capacitors C1 and C2.
VCO tuning
To make a VCO, the oscillator needs to be tuned by applying a voltage. This can be achieved by
making a variable capacitor using varactor diodes. The tuning voltage for the VCO can then be
applied to the varactors.
Note that the control line from the phase detector is isolated from the varactor diodes using a
resistor. RF chokes do not work well as they become part of the resonant circuit and tend to introduce
the possibility of spurious resonances and non-monotonic V/f curves. Resistor values around 10kΩ
often work well. With a value much lower than 10kΩ, an insufficient RF isolation is provided and
this can lower the Q of the tuned circuit; On the other hand, for a value much higher than this, the
source impedance may become too high. A little experimentation may be needed to find the optimum
The series capacitor C3 is used to block the DC from the inductor otherwise it would provide a
direct short to ground and upset the bias arrangements of the circuit. Its value is normally large in
comparison with C1 and C2 and can be ignored from the resonance perspective.
Loop Filter:
The Loop Filter is simply a Low pass filter. Its purpose is to integrate the PSD output so as to
obtain a DC voltage proportional to its duty cycle. Recall that the duty cycle of the PSD output is
proportionate to the fraction of the signal cycle in which the displacements of the two waves have
opposite polarity. This fraction is maximum when phase difference is ±/2 and minimum when the
ecause tphase difference is 0. So when this is integrated, it gives a DC signal which can vary between
maximum value when the phase difference is /2 and zero when the phase difference is 0.
Since a Loop filter is simply a low pass filter, its actual circuit as shown in the figure, can be
quite simple. But the circuit needs careful designing since several aspects of its operation critically
depend on its design.
The range of Loop filter output voltages between the two limits of phase difference obtained
from the PSD, i.e. /2 and zero corresponds to the range of frequencies which the PLL can lock in to.
The following points need to be considered in choosing a Loop filter circuit:
1. Filter comparison frequency: One of the major functions of the loop filter is to remove
unwanted components of the phase detection or phase comparison frequencies. If they appear
at the input to the VCO, then sidebands will appear offset from the carrier by a frequency
equal to the phase comparison frequency.
2. Loop stability: The break points and roll off of the loop filter are of particular importance. The
filter should be designed to give the required fall in loop gain at the unity gain point for the
loop, otherwise the loop can become unstable.
3. Transient response / tracking: In some applications it may be necessary for the phase locked
loop to track another signal or change frequency. The loop filter acts to slow the response
down. The narrower the loop bandwidth, i.e. the lower the cut-off frequency of the filter, the
slower the response of the loop to responding to changes. Conversely if the loop requires a fast
response to changes in frequency, then it will need a wide loop bandwidth.
PLL modes of operation: The PLL works in two modes. When the conditions are suitable, then the VCO
output frequency matches with the input signal frequency. This is the Lock mode. Otherwise the VCO
gives an output at a characteristic frequency. This mode is called the free running mode. When the
circuit is switched ON, the VCO is operating in free running mode. At this time, the input signal and
the VCO output are at different frequencies. The PSD output has a non-zero value. When given to the
VCO it impells the VCO to increase or decrease its frequency to make it match with the current input
signal. If the input signal frequency changes, the PLL tracks this change and produces a VCO output
that matches with the input signal frequency. The DC voltage output of the Loop filter gives the phase
difference between the two signals.
The phase detector is a multiplier so the output from the phase detector is just the product of the
reference and VCO signals
e (t)=KA sin (ωr t + θr )cos(ω y t +θ y )
This can be expanded to give e (t)= [ sin((ωr + ω y )t +θr +θ y )+sin ((ωr−ω y )t+ θr−θ y )]
The first term on the right of the above expression is a high frequency term that is filtered out by the
low pass loop filter. If we also assume that ωr≈ω y then the output from the multiplier can be
approximated by:
e (t)=K m [θ r−θ y ]
The error signal is a gain multiplied by the phase difference between the reference signal and the
signal from the VCO. Typically the LPF is a first order low pass filter
τ f s+1
and since phase is the integral of angular velocity the VCO is modelled as VCO( s)=
Combining these transfer functions gives the loop gain
L(s )= where K 1=K m K f K 0
s ( τ f s +1)
which will be recognised as the transfer function of a position servo [2]. So the closed-loop dynamics
ωn 1
are T ( s)= 2 2
s +2 ζ ω n s+ ωn
where ω = K 1 and ζ=
n τ √ 2 √τ K 1
This is a standard second order transfer function with natural frequency ω n and damping z. The
block diagram of the linear approximation to the PLL is shown in Figure below. Here θr and θy are
the reference signal and VCO phase shift respectively.
Following are some of the common applications of PLL. (1) Frequency synthesizers that
provide multiples of a reference signal frequency, (2) FM demodulation networks for FM operation
with excellent linearity between the input signal frequency and the PLL output voltage, (3)
Demodulation of the two data transmission or carrier frequencies in digital-data transmission used in
frequency-shift keying (FSK) operation. Apart from these there is a wide variety of areas where a PLL
is used, including in modems, telemetry receivers and transmitters, tone decoders, AM detectors, and
tracking filters. The phase locked loop is found in many wireless, radio, and general electronic items
from mobile phones to broadcast radios, televisions to Wi-Fi routers, walkie talkie radios to
professional communications systems and vey much more.