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European Law and Politics Journal (ELP) July 2014 edition vol.1, No.



Shripadkulkarni Assistant professor

University collage of arts . Tumkur

The old framework in India’s foreign policy held way and held good
until suddenly the post- world II system collapsed. One superpower just
disintegrated. Not only the cold war ended, it was also the end of the soviet
union. The disappearance of the soviet union and the gulf war dramatically
signified the collapse of the world order since world war II and heralded a
new era characterized by a highly uncertain world order. The world faced a
new situation and so did India. The country had to think afresh and a new.
Many of the old premises had to be replaced with a new hypothesis. The
economic struggle had become far more crucial than ever before, with
palpable consequences for foreign policy. New directions are needed for
India’s foreign policy.

Keywords: Cold war- war between two ideology. Transition-crucial time

No individual can live in isolation. Likewise no state can live
without friendly relations with other states. As Laski puts it “ the state is
only one among many states” .Relations between states arise because every
state has its interests, needs and demands. When one state wants to achieve
its goals and actions it has to depend upon others. The study of international
relations is in transition. In rapidly changing world it encompasses relations
among nations. The society and state are the outcome of evolution. This
process of evolu tion leads us the perfection from imperfection. At this
stage peace and justice can be established in the society . through the
establishment of a family of nations, war , violence and immorality can be
curbed .war is not inevitable and can be eliminated by doing away with
institutional arrangements and this notion is to be developed in the minds of
the human being. Nehru frame work of foreign policy. The Nehru frame
work of staying away from bloc politics, of non –alignment, of the quest for
world peace, of the struggle against colonialism and racialism ,of the
maintenance of the autonomy of judgement, of independent development ,of

European Law and Politics Journal (ELP) July 2014 edition vol.1, No.1

cooperation with all the big power but subject to the preservation of Indian’s
interests. The era had now passed in to history and change must relate to
actual situation to the prospectus opining before the world, to geopolitical
situation faced by the country , not just to distant rumblings in a far off
region and to the deeper undercurrents of international politics of particular
period. There would conceivably be attempts to impose a preconceived order
on the countries in the south , a temptation to reorder the affairs of all
regions and countries within those regions outside of Europe .There would
be pressures for a single prescription for the diverse economic problem of
diverse countries .There would an equally strong trend to make the
economic clout of those who were fortunate to sub serve political
objectives that might be both dubious and hegemonic .In this situation one
scenario might be continuing between the developed and the developing.
American strategy was particularly gearing itself towards meeting
indeterminate and inchoate “threats” from the “third world”. Many united
states analysts would agree that unpredictability and instability are future
threats and of course this unpredictability and instability were chiefly the
hallmark of the third world . This unpredictability and instability was
exacerbated by parts “deepening crisis of governance” in much of the
developing world, including south America, west Asia south Asia and sub
Saharan Africa. Many of them would be embroiled in domestic and regional
crises with a spill over impact that could jeopardize American interests.
There were also the additional problems of drug trafficking and terrorism
emanating from them and threatening the peace .With a long view, our
century of transition is but a moment in a long process of human evaluation.
We think of earlier great transitions Stone Age culture, early civilization and
the modern Era-as fulcrums in time when the very basis of society was
transformed to this august list of celebrated milestones along the path of
human history, we many now add, in our judgment, a new one. The
planetary transition has ushered in a new stage of social complexity, culture
and novelty. For the first time, the dynamics of human development must be
understood as a phenomenon occurring at the global scale. Where earlier
transitions evolved slowly over many millenary or centuries, this one
occurred in a heartbeat of historic time. Where change ones radiated from
local innovation, this was transformation of the global system. As whole,
involving all the words peoples and, in the, the whole community of life on
The immediate antecedent for the grate transition was the industrial
revolution. Centuries of institutional, cultural and technological change
during modern Era preparedthe ground work then the industrial expansion
lunched an exponential spiral of innovation, economic expansion and
population growth, the big bank that propelled humanity to word its,

European Law and Politics Journal (ELP) July 2014 edition vol.1, No.1

planetary phase as industrial society inexorably grew it observed traditional

societies on its periphery into the market nexus and pushed against the
boundaries of the planets of environmental society.

Market Euphoria, Interruption and revival

In the 1990’s, an economic growth surge was fueled by the maintain
of Information & communication technologies into the first flowering of a
network economy. The global media were abuzz with a giddy enthusiasm
that was difficult to escape. Business gurus, technological forecasters and
cultural critics alike proliferated on the new era of “Friction less Capitalism”,
A surging bull-Market banished memories of the business cycle an endless
stream of digital gadgetry renewed an orgy of consumption. A globalizing
economy was constructing a planetary emporium, fringing western
modernism & dollars to the underdeveloped. A richer world would apply the
magic of the market to solving Global Environment.
Communication was democratized through printing, extending this
typology to the planetary phase, emerging political, economic &
communications features are, respectively, global governance, globalization
of the world economy, the information revolution

Table- Characteristics of Historical Eras

Stone age Modern Era Planetary Phase
organization City state/ Global
Tribe/ Village Nation State
Kingdom Governance
Hunting & Settled Industrial
Economy Globalization
Gathering agriculture system
Communication Language Writing Printing Internet

On the above mentioned table the economy becomes more diversified

hunting & gathering, settled agriculture industrial production & globalization
communication technology becomes more powerful-Language, writing
printing & the information & communication revolution of current phase
societal complexity – the number of varieties needed to describe roles,
relationship & connectedness- increases in the course of these transitions.
Each phase absorbs and transforms its antecedents, adding social and
technological complexity. In a heartbeat at geological time, the scale of
organization moves from the tribe to the globe, the economy becomes
increasingly differentiated and the technology of communication develops
from the capacity for language to the Internet. Globalization in each at these
and all of these, & cannot be reduced to any single phenomenon, it is a
unitary phenomenon with an array of reinforcing economic, cultural,
technological, social and environmental aspects. At the root of the diverse

European Law and Politics Journal (ELP) July 2014 edition vol.1, No.1

discourse and debate on globalization, & transcending the differences

between those who celebrate it and those who resist it, one theme is
common, the hallmark of our time is that the increasing complexity and scale
of the human project has reached a planetary scale. Planetary dynamics
operating at global scale increasingly govern and transform the components
of the earth system. Global climate change influences local hydrology,
ecosystems and weather, globally connected information and communicating
technology penetrate to the furthest outposts, changing values and cultures,
while triggering traditionalist backlash. New global governance mechanism,
such as the world trade organization and international tanks begin to
supersede the stability at the global economy becomes subject to regional
financial disruptions. Excluded, marginalized and inundated with images
affluence, the global poor seek irrigation and better global bargain. A
complex mix of despair and fundamentalist reaction feeds the globalization
of terrorism. All of these are signs that we have entered a new planetary
phase of civilization.
1. The global environment. The world becomes aware of climate
change, the ozone hole and threats to biodiversity.
2. Technology. The personal computer appears at the beginning of the
period and the internet at the end. A manifold communications and
information revolution is launched and biotechnology is
commercialized for global markets
3. Geo-politics. The VSSR collapses, the cold was ends and a major
barrier to a hegemonic world capitalist system is removed. New
concerns appear on environmental security, rogue states and global
crime and terrorism
4. Economic integration. All markets commodity, finance, labor and
consumer are increasingly globalized.
5. Institutions. New global actors, such as the W.T.O, Transnational
corporation, and an international connected civil society and global
terrorists, the dialectical negation of planetary modernism become

1. A great transition would see the emergence of a nested governance
structure from the local to the global that balances the need to sustain
global social and environmental values with the desire for diversity in
cultures and strategies.
2. Comprehensive initiatives will be required to overcome market
barriers, create enabling institutional frame works and integrate the
developing world into the global economic system.
3. Developing region economics grow more rapidly than the average.

European Law and Politics Journal (ELP) July 2014 edition vol.1, No.1

4. Requirements for energy & water increase substantially

5. Forests are lost to the expansion of agriculture and human settlement
assets and other land-use charges

Young people have always been the first to take to new ways and to
dream new dreams. And so it was with communications technology and the
exploration of possibilities for new global culture. The main manifestation in
the first blush of market euphoria was, of course, the promotion of a
consumerist youth culture. But other consequences of the digital information
revolution were equally important. The pedagogic impacts of accelerated
learning and information access had a great democratizing effect that
empowered younger generations and all aspects of the society.

Smith, A (1776). 1991. The wealth of nations Amherst, NY: Prometheus
UNRCCC (United Nations Framework convention on climate charge). 1997
WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development) 1997. Our
common further oxford: Oxford University, Press
Mill, J.S (1848). 1998 Principles of political economy. Oxford, V.U. oxford
University press.
V.P. Dutt- Indian Foreign Policy in a changing world- 2004


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