Brief History
Natural Refrigeration
In olden days refrigeration was achieved by natural means such as the use of ice
or evaporative cooling. In earlier times, ice was either:
1. Transported from colder regions,
2. Harvested in winter and stored in ice houses for summer use or,
3. Made during night by cooling of water by radiation to stratosphere.
In Europe, America and Iran a number of icehouses were built to store ice.
Materials like sawdust or wood shavings were used as insulating materials in these
icehouses. Later on, cork was used as insulating material. Literature reveals that ice has
always been available to aristocracy who could afford it. In India, the Mogul emperors
were very fond of ice during the harsh summer in Delhi and Agra, and it appears that
the ice used to be made by nocturnal cooling.
In 1806, Frederic Tudor, (who was later called as the “ice king”) began the trade
in ice by cutting it from the Hudson River and ponds of Massachusetts and exporting it
to various countries including India. In India Tudor’s ice was cheaper than the locally
manufactured ice by nocturnal cooling. The ice trade in North America was a flourishing
business. Ice was transported to southern states of America in train compartments
insulated by 0.3m of cork insulation. Trading in ice was also popular in several other
countries such as Great Britain, Russia, Canada, Norway and France. In these countries
ice was either transported from colder regions or was harvested in winter and stored in
icehouses for use in summer. The ice trade reached its peak in 1872 when America alone
Romblon State University |Department of Mechanical Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING | Second Semester | School Year 2017-2018
exported 225000 tonnes of ice to various countries as far as China and Australia.
However, with the advent of artificial refrigeration the ice trade gradually declined.
Evaporative Cooling
As the name indicates, evaporative cooling is the process of reducing the
temperature of a system by evaporation of water. Human beings perspire and dissipate
their metabolic heat by evaporative cooling if the ambient temperature is more than
skin temperature. Animals such as the hippopotamus and buffalo coat themselves with
mud for evaporative cooling. Evaporative cooling has been used in India for centuries
to obtain cold water in summer by storing the water in earthen pots. The water
permeates through the pores of earthen vessel to its outer surface where it evaporates
to the surrounding, absorbing its latent heat in part from the vessel, which cools the
water. It is said that Patliputra University situated on the bank of river Ganges used to
induce the evaporative-cooled air from the river. Suitably located chimneys in the
rooms augmented the upward flow of warm air, which was replaced by cool air.
Evaporative cooling by placing wet straw mats on the windows is also very common in
India. The straw mat made from “khus” adds its inherent perfume also to the air. Now-a-
days desert coolers are being used in hot and dry areas to provide cooling in summer.
Artificial Refrigeration
Refrigeration as it is known these days is produced by artificial means. Though it is
very difficult to make a clear demarcation between natural and artificial refrigeration,
it is generally agreed that the history of artificial refrigeration began in the year 1755,
when the Scottish professor William Cullen made the first refrigerating machine, which
could produce a small quantity of ice in the laboratory. Based on the working principle,
Romblon State University |Department of Mechanical Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
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Romblon State University |Department of Mechanical Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING | Second Semester | School Year 2017-2018
Figure 1.1: Apparatus described by Jacob Perkins in his patent specification of 1834. The
refrigerant (ether or other volatile fluid) boils in evaporator B taking heat from
surrounding water in container A. The pump C draws vapour away and compresses it
to higher pressure at which it can condense to liquids in tubes D, giving out heat to water
in vessel E. Condensed liquid flows through the weight loaded valve H, which maintains
the difference of pressure between the condenser and evaporator. The small pump
above H is used for charging the apparatus with refrigerant.
John Hague made Perkins’s design into working model with some modifications.
This Perkins machine is shown in Fig.1.2. The earliest vapour compression system used
either sulphuric (ethyl) or methyl ether. The American engineer Alexander Twining (1801-
1884) received a British patent in 1850 for a vapour compression system by use of ether,
NH3 and CO2.
The man responsible for making a practical vapor compression refrigeration
system was James Harrison who took a patent in 1856 for a vapour compression system
using ether, alcohol or ammonia. Charles Tellier of France patented in 1864, a
refrigeration system using dimethyl ether which has a normal boiling point of −23.6°C.
Romblon State University |Department of Mechanical Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING | Second Semester | School Year 2017-2018
Romblon State University |Department of Mechanical Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING | Second Semester | School Year 2017-2018
A.B. Trillllana, N.C. Dela Rama, 1995, Simplified Design of Refrigeration and Air
C.P. Arora, 2009, McGraw-Hill International Edition, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning