Chapter - 3 Metals_and_Non_Metals
Chapter - 3 Metals_and_Non_Metals
Chapter - 3 Metals_and_Non_Metals
Chapter 3: Metals & Non-Metals
Metals & Non-Metals
Physical Properties of Metals
● Physical State: With the exception of mercury and gallium, which are liquids at room
temperature, metals are solids at room temperature.
● Lustre: The property of metals which makes the light reflect from their surfaces is called
lustre. This property of the metals can be due to the polished metal surfaces. Eg., gold
and silver.
● Malleability: Metals may be formed into thin sheets known as foils and can withstand
hammering. With the exception of Zinc, which is fragile.
● Ductility: Wires can be made out of metals. With the exception of Zinc, which is fragile.
● Hardness: Except for sodium and potassium, which are soft and can be cut with a knife,
all metals are hard.
● Conduction: Because metals have free electrons, they are good conductors. Silver and
copper are the best heat and electricity conductors. Lead is the least efficient heat
conductor. Iron, bismuth, and mercury are likewise poor conductors.
● Density: Metals have a high density and weigh a lot. The densities of iridium and
osmium are the greatest, whereas lithium has the lowest density.
● Melting and Boiling Point: Metals are known for their high melting and boiling points.
The melting point of tungsten is the highest, while the boiling point of silver is the
lowest. The melting values of sodium and potassium are both low.
● Alloy Formation: Metals combine to create an alloy, which is a homogeneous
combination of metals. Brass is a copper and zinc alloy.
● Sonorous: Metals, when hit by a solid object, produce sound. This property of a metal is
known as sonorous.
Physical Properties of Non-Metals
● Physical State: At ambient temperature, the majority of non-metals exist in two of the
three states of matter: gases (oxygen) and solids (iodine, carbon, sulphur). There is no
metallic sheen to them (save iodine) and they do not reflect light. (With the exception of
carbon in the form of diamond.)
● Nature: Non-metals are extremely fragile, and they can't be coiled into wires or
hammered into sheets. Except for diamond, which is the world's hardest substance.
● Conduction: Non-metals are poor heat and electrical conductors. (Except graphite
conducts heat, both graphite and gas carbon conduct electricity.)
● Electronegative Character: Non-metals have a proclivity for gaining or sharing electrons
with neighbouring atoms. Hence, non-metals are known for their electronegative
● Reactivity: When they come into contact with oxygen, they produce acidic or neutral
oxides. Hence, non-metals are reactive.
● Melting and Boiling Points: Non-metals are known for its low melting and boiling points.
Difference in Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals:
Metals Non-metals
1. Metals are good conductors of heat and 1. Non-metals are bad conductors of heat
electricity. and electricity.
2. Metals are malleable that is they can be 2. Non-metals are not malleable.
beaten into sheets.
3. Metals are ductile that is they can be 3. Non-metals are not ductile.
drawn into wires.
4. Metals are sonorous. 4. Non-metals are not sonorous.
5. Metals have high tensile strength due to 5. Non-metals have low tensile strength due
high attraction between molecules. to low attraction between molecules.
6. Metals have high density. 6. Non-metals have low density.
Metals are good conductors of heat. Metals are good conductors of electricity
● Metals such as sodium and potassium react vigorously with cold water to lead to
evolution of hydrogen, which immediately catches fire producing a large quantity of
2K(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2KOH(aq) + H2(g) + heat energy
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g) + heat energy
● Metals such as aluminium, zinc and iron do not react with cold or hot water, but they
react with steam to form metal oxides and hydrogen.
2Al(s) + 3H2O(g) → Al2O3(s) + 3H2(g)
3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) → Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g)
● Metals such as lead, copper, silver and gold do not react with water at all
Reactions of Metals with Acids
Metals react with acids to form salt and hydrogen gas.
Metal + Dilute acid → Salt + Hydrogen
1. Metals react with dilute hydrochloric acid to give metal chloride and hydrogen gas.
Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2+ H2
2. Metals react with sulphuric acid to form metal sulphate and hydrogen gas.
Fe + H2SO4 → FeSO4 + H2
3. Metals react with nitric acid, but hydrogen gas is not evolved since nitric acid is a strong
oxidising agent. So, it oxidises the hydrogen to water and itself gets reduced to a
nitrogen oxide.
But magnesium and manganese react with dilute nitric acid to evolve hydrogen gas.
Mg + 2HNO3 → Mg (NO3)2 + H2
Mn + 6HNO3 → Mn (NO3)2 + H2
Reactivity Series
The arrangement of metals in the order of decreasing reactivities is called the reactivity
series of metals.
Electrolytic refining of copper. The electrolyte is a solution of acidified copper sulphate. The anode is impure copper, whereas,
the cathode is a strip of pure copper. On passing electric current, pure copper is deposited on the cathode.
This technique is used to refine volatile metals with lower boiling points than their
impurities, such as copper, silver, tin, and nickel. For example: Mercury and Zinc.
● An electrolyte is a substance (salt, acid, or base) that transmits an electric current in
solution or in a molten form while also being decomposed by it. The current is carried by
ionised electrolytes, which are electrically charged ions.
● Charged ions migrate towards oppositely charged electrodes in order to lose their
electric charge and form atoms, which are then either released or deposited at the
Most of the metals keep on reacting with the atmospheric air. This leads to the formation
of a layer over the metal. In the long run, the underlying layer of metal keeps on getting lost
due to conversion into oxides or sulphides or carbonate, etc. As a result, the metal gets
eaten up. The process is called Corrosion.
Rusting of Iron: Rusting of iron is the most common form of corrosion. When iron articles
like the gate, grill, fencing, etc. come in contact with moisture present in the air, the upper
layer of iron turns into iron oxide. Iron oxide is brown-red in colour and is known as Rust.
The phenomenon is called Rusting of Iron.
If rusting is not prevented in time, the whole iron article would turn into iron oxide. This is
also known as Corrosion of Iron. Rusting of iron gives a huge loss every year.
Conditions necessary for rusting of iron
i. Presence of air (or oxygen)
ii. Presence of water (or moisture)
Prevention of Corrosion
● Galvanising: It is the process of giving coating a thin layer of zinc on iron or steel to
protect them from corrosion. Example: shiny nails, pins. etc.
● Tinning: It is a process of coating tin over other metals.
● Electroplating: In this method, a metal is coated with another metal using electrolysis.
Example: silver plated spoons, gold plated jewellery etc.
● Alloying: An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two or more metals or a metal and a
non-metal in a definite proportion. The resultant metals, called alloys do not corrode
For example: Brass (copper and zinc), Bronze (copper and tin) and Stainless steel (iron,
nickel, chromium and carbon)
Important Questions
⮚ Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Aluminium is used for making cooking utensils. Which of the following properties
of aluminium are responsible for the same?
(i) Good thermal conductivity
(ii) Good electrical conductivity
(iii) Ductility
(iv) High melting point
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iv)
2. The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is
(a) Iron
(b) Aluminium
(c) Calcium
(d) Sodium
3. The poorest conductor of heat among metals is
(a) Lead
(b) Mercury
(c) Calcium
(d) Sodium
4. Which property of metals is used for making bells and strings of musical
instruments like Sitar and Violin?
(a) Sonorousness
(b) Malleability
(c) Ductility
(d) Conductivity
5. Al2O3 + 2NaOH → + H2O
(a) Al(OH)3
(b) Na2O
(c) NaAlO2
(d) AlNaO2
6. Which of the following is the correct arrangement of the given metals in ascending
order of their reactivity?
Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium
(a) Zinc > Iron > Magnesium > Sodium
(b) Sodium > Magnesium > Iron > Zinc
(c) Sodium > Zinc > Magnesium > Iron
(d) Sodium > Magnesium > Zinc > Iron
7. Which of the following pairs will give dis-placement reactions?
(a) FeSO4 solution and Copper metal
(b) AgNO3 solution and Copper metal
(c) CuSO4 solution and Silver metal
(d) NaCl solution and Copper metal
8. Non-metals form covalent chlorides because
(a) they can give electrons to chlorine
(b) they can share electrons with chlorine
(c) they can give electrons to chlorine atoms to form chloride ions
(d) they cannot share electrons with chlorine atoms
9. Which of the following oxide(s) of iron would be obtained on prolonged reaction
of iron with steam?
(a) FeO
(b) Fe2O3
(c) Fe3O4
(d) Fe2O3 and Fe2O4
10. Which of tire following are not ionic compounds?
(i) KCl
(ii) HCl
(iii) CCl4
(iv) NaCl
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iii)
⮚ Short Questions:
Which important properties of aluminium are responsible for its great demand in
2. Name an alloy of
● Aluminium used in construction of air crafts.
● Lead in joining metals for electric welding.
● Copper used in household vessels.
3. All ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores. Justify.
4. (a) An iron knife kept in blue copper sulphate solution turns the blue solution into
light green. Explain.
(b) An athlete won a bronze medal in a race competition. After some days, he found
that the medal had lost its lustre due to the formation of a greenish layer on it. Name
the metals present in the medal. What is the reason for the appearance of a greenish
layer on its surface?
5. Why is titanium called a strategic metal? Mention two of its properties which make
it so special.
6. A copper plate was dipped into a solution of AgNO3. After Sometime, a black layer
was deposited on the copper plate. State the reason for it. Write the chemical
equation for the reaction involved.
On placing a piece of zinc metal in a solution of mercuric chloride, it acquires a silvery
surface but when it is placed in a solution of magnesium sulphate, no change is
observed. State the reason for the behaviour of zinc metal.
8. Which method of concentration of ore is preferred in the following cases and why?
● The ore has higher density particles mixed with a large bulk of low density
● The ore consists of copper sulphide intermixed with clay particles. Give an
example of amalgam.
⮚ Long Questions:
When the powder of a common metal is heated in an open china dish, its colour turns
black. However, when hydrogen gas is passed over the hot black substance formed,
it regains its original colour. Based on this information, answer the following
● What type of chemical reaction takes place in each of the two given steps ?
● Name the metal initially taken in the powder form. Write balanced chemical
equations for both these reactions.
2. (a) Which of the following metals would give hydrogen when added to dilute
hydrochloric acid?
● iron
● copper
● magnesium
(b) Explain why do surfaces of some metals acquire a dull appearance when exposed
to air for a long lime.
3. How will your demonstrate that the ionic compounds do not conduct electricity in
the solid state and can do so in solution.
⮚ Short Answer:
1. Answer:
The properties of aluminum metal responsible for its great demand in industry
● The metal is a good conductor of electricity.
● The metal is not attacked by water.
● The metal is a powerful reducing agent.
2. Answer:
● The alloy is duralumin: A1 (93%), Cu (4%), Mg (0.5%), Mn (0.5%).
● The alloy is solder: Pb (50%), Sn (50%)
● The alloy is brass: Cu (80%), Zn (20%)
3. Answer: In the earth’s crust, metals are present in the form of minerals and there
are more than one mineral for a particular metal. However, metal may not be
extracted from all of them. The mineral from which a metal can be profitably and
conveniently extracted is known as ore. This clearly means that all ores are
minerals but all minerals are not ores. For example, the different minerals of iron
Haematite: FeO3;
Limonite: Fe2O3.3H2O;
Siderite: FeCO3;
Iron pyrites: FeS2
Iron is extracted from haematite (Fe2CO3). Haematite mineral is the ore of iron
while other minerals are not the ores.
4. Answer:
(a) Iron lies above copper in the activity series. This means that iron or iron knife
will displace copper from copper sulphate solution. As a result of the reaction,
ferrous sulphate will be formed and the solution will be light green in colour.
(b) The bronze medal is an alloy and the constituting metals are copper and tin.
The loss of lustre by the medal is due to the formation of a coating of green layer.
This layer is at basic copper carbonate.
5. Answer: Titanium is called strategic metal because it is used for making certain
war equipments. The properties which make the metal so special are:
It is light in weight but at the same time stronger than the other metals.
It is not affected by corrosion even if kept in the open for a very long time.
6. Answer: Copper lies above silver in the activity series. This means that copper is
more reactive than silver. Therefore, copper had replaced silver from AgNO3
solution. Silver got deposited on the copper plate and changed to black after
sometime because silver and also some salts of silver are sensitive to light. They
readily become blackish on standing or on exposure to air.
7. Answer: Zinc lies above mercury in the activity series and can easily replace it
from mercuric chloride solution. Mercury formed in the reaction gets deposited
on the surface of zinc to give it a silvery look.
But zinc is placed below magnesium in the activity series. Therefore, no chemical
reaction occurs between zinc and magnesium sulphate solution.
8. Answer:
● The concentration of ore can be done by gravity separation method.
● The concentration of ore is done by Froth Floatation process.
● An amalgam of mercury with silver or gold called dental alloy is used to fill
cavities in the teeth.
⮚ Long Answer:
1. Answer:
The available information suggests the metal is copper. In open air, its is oxidised
to form copper (II) oxide which is black in colour. The reaction is known as
oxidation reaction. On passing hydrogen gas over the hot substance, the original
colour of the metal is regained. It is an example of reduction reaction.
The balanced chemical equations for the reactions are:
2. Answer:
(a) Both iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg) will evolve hydrogen on reacting with
dilute hydrochloric acid. These are active metals and are placed above hydrogen
in the activity series. As copper is placed below hydrogen in the series, it will not
evolve hydrogen.
(b) Surfaces of some metals acquire a dull appearance when exposed to air for a
long time and they lose their lustre. This is due to the formation of layer of
oxides, hydroxides, carbonates etc. on the surface For example, surface of
aluminium metal becomes dull white due to the formation of coating oi
aluminium oxide (Al2O3). Similarly, the surface of copper acquires a greenish
colour since a layer oi basic copper carbonate with the formula Cu(OH)2CuCO3 is
deposited on the surface.
3. Answer:
● In a glass beaker, take small amount of solid sodium chloride.
● Dip two graphite rods (electrodes) in the solution.
● Connect these rods to a battery through a bulb and a switch.
● Switch on the battery. The bulb will not glow. This show that no current has
passed through the solid sodium chloride.
● Now, add some water to the salt so that it may dissolve.
● Repeat the operation. The bulb will immediately glow showing that current
has passed through the salt solution.
Explanation: Sodium chloride (NaCl) is a crystalline solid and the current is carried
by the mobility (movement) of ions. Since the ions do not move in the solid state,
the salt is not conducting. In aqueous solution, both Na+ and Cl- ions can move
and the salt will be conducting in the solution. That is why the bulb glows.