Major 7th sem
Major 7th sem
Major 7th sem
• From many years it was seen that people in different regions of Punjab were getting health problem
and that too similar problems in similar regions like in western region of Punjab a large number of
people were having similar knee joint problems and in eastern side of Punjab people were having
back problems and a lot of research were made and it was found that people were getting these
problems due to water as in eastern side there was excess of fluoride and in western side there was
excess of uranium in drinking water so to solve these problems World Health Organisation joined
hands with Water Supply And Sanitation( Under PWD) to construct various Water Treatment Plants
over various regions so three water treatment plants were planned in eastern region at Saffuwala(of
capacity 12MLD), Nanowal(of Capacity 18MLD), and Mandouli(of Capacity 39MLD).
• PROJECT NAME: Design and Build Drinking Water Supply System At Saffuwala Village
➢ Inlet water velocity for centre pipe = 0.6-1 m/s ➢ Total area of cascade aerator = 15.4 m2
➢ Number of cascades = 3-9 ➢ Diameter of cascade aerator = 4.46 m
➢ Surface over flow rate (SOR) = 0.02-0.05 m2/m3/hr ➢ Channel flow = 0.069 m3/s
• = 0.03 (average value)
• And for digested primary and activated mixed • Volume of digested sludge = 168 m3/day
sludge=0.15-0.28m2/capita or =60-120kg dry
solids/m2/yr • Sludge depth = 15 cm