Week 28
Week 28
Week 28
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1/11/08 9:02 PM
3 x 6:00 @75-80% w/2:00 easy jog after each Reduce the intensity gradually to below 70%, and run at a steady pace for the remainder of the session BIKE 1:20 20:00 easy spinning - use a gearing pyramid to get into it gradually 2 sets of the following: 12:30 @70% w/2:30 recovery @60%, straight into 7:30 @75% w/2:30 recovery @60%, finishing with - no additional rest in between sets Cool down completely DAILY TOTAL: 2:15 WEEK-TO-DATE: 4:20 Thursday SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 200 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 Pull MAIN SET 4 sets of (4 x 50 w/10 sec rest - #1-3 fast, #4 recovery) - 30 sec additional rest between sets 1200 straight swim - record your time COOL DOWN 6 x 50 w/10 sec rest after each, to complete recovery RUN 1:15
This is designed to be done at a track; if you need to run out on the road instead, just substitute the times indicated to guide you through the session.
20:00 warm up jog, progressing gradually & bringing your HR to 75% slowly INTERMEDIATE SET 4 x 15 sec "run ups", increasing your intensity while holding good form & staying relaxed, w/ 45 sec easy jogging after each - your HR should be elevated slightly after this set, and your legs should be ready to go! MAIN SET
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1/11/08 9:02 PM
3 x 1 mile (or 6:30 out on the road) maximal effort, above 90% w/ 400m (or 2:30) recovery @60% after each Cool down for at least 15:00, and dont stop until your HR is back near 50% DAILY TOTAL: 2:15 WEEK-TO-DATE: 6:35 Friday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 200 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Swim MAIN SET 3 sets of (4 x 100 w/10 sec rest, descend the efforts from 75% on #1 to 95% on #4) - take an extra 1:00 between sets COOL DOWN 200 Swim BIKE 1:15 20:00 warm up spin - start in a very easy gear, spinning @95-100 rpm; - increase your gearing by one after 2:00, 5:00, 9:00, & 14:00 4 x 7:30 @70% intensity w/2:30 recovery spinning @60% after each Cool Down completely to 1:15 DAILY TOTAL: 2:00 WEEK-TO-DATE: 8:35 Saturday BIKE 2:25 Use this to guide you whether you are indoors or outside: 20:00 warm up spin, gradually bringing your HR up to 70% by the end MAIN SET 2 sets of the following (55:00 per set): 20:00 @75%, 5:00 recovery @60% 16:00 @80%, 4:00 recovery @60%
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1/11/08 9:02 PM
7:00 @85%, 3:00 recovery @60% - no additional rest between the sets 15:00 gradual cool down spin, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end RUN 0:30 You might feel completely thrashed after todays ride, but its important to train the transition after such a long period of time in the saddle. Even if you dont make the entire half-hour, put on your shoes and jog a mile or two to get used to running through the uncomfortable transition period. DAILY TOTAL: 2:55 WEEK-TO-DATE: 11:30 Sunday RUN 1:30 Your legs should be plenty tired from yesterdays long ride and run, so the goal today is pretty basic: relax your stride, hold good form, keep going, and keep your HR under 75% the entire time. Heres a tip: Youll likely find it easier to stay well hydrated and fueled if you divide the run into multiple loops, each one finishing at your home (the best aid station available!). Go get em! DAILY TOTAL: 1:30 WEEK-TO-DATE: 13:00
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1/11/08 9:02 PM