EVS-1 (1)-1-80-1-40
EVS-1 (1)-1-80-1-40
EVS-1 (1)-1-80-1-40
Tamil Meanings of
Hard Technical Words
nt, and THIRUMATHI ADIGALAR, Vice - Definition, scope and importance of environment — need for public
awareness. Eco-system and Energy flow — ecological succession. Types of
Adhiparasakthi Charitable, Medical
biodiversity: genstic, species and ecosystem diversity — values of biodiversity,
jonal and Cultural Trust for having blessed this India as a mega-diversity nafion - hot-spols of biodiversity — threats to
biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildiife, man-wildiife confiicts — endangered
and endemic species of India — conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and ex-situ.
am grateful to Dr. G.B. SENTHIL. KUMAR,
pondent, Dr. S. Ramasamy, Dean,
Causes, Effects and Preventive measures of Water, Soil, Air and Noise
asakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur Pollutions. Solid, Hazardous and E-Waste management. Case studies on
ir encouragements in bringing out the book. Occupational Health And Safety Management System (OHASMS). Environmental
Protection, Environmental protection acts.
am thankful to Dr. N. Pappayee, Professor of
istry, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, UNIT IIT: RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY 6
ruvathur for her selfless service to bring out Energy management and conservation, New Energy Sources: Need of
new sources. Different types of new energy sources. Applications of - Hydrogen
text books successfully. energy, Ocean energy resources, Tidal energy conversion, Concept, origin and
power plants of geothermal energy.
am also . thankful to Dr. S. Sakthi Radha,
Dept. of Chemistry, Adhiparasakthi Engineering UNIT TV: SUSTAINABILITY AND MANAGEMENT 6
. Melmaruvathur, for her useful suggestions Development, GDP, sustinabity - concept, needs and
lp in the preparation of this text book. challenges-economic, social and aspects of sustainability-from unsustainability
to sustainability-millennium development goals, and protocols-Sustainable
Finally I would like to thank the Staff Members Development Goals-targets, indicators and intervention areas. Climate change-
Global Regional and local environmental issues and possible solutions-case
the Engineering Colleges for their wishes and studies. Concept of Carbon Credit, Carbon Foolprint Environmental
L. management in industry-A case study.
Total: 30 Perfods
2. Environmental Pollution..........c..ou.... 2.1-2.6
Introduction . .. .
Air Pollution .
nment and Biodive ‘Water Pollution . ..
Soil Pollution
Definitions . . . Noise Pollution .
Types of Environment Solid Waste Managemant (or) Waste Shed
Components of the Environment. . . . Management. .
Scope of Environmental Studies. ... Hazardous Waste. .
Importance (or) Significance of Environmental ¢ - Waste (electronic Waste)
Occupational Health and Safety Management
Need for Public Awareness. . . System (OHASMS)
Ecology. Environmental Protection . ...
Ecosystem. . Part B Questions
Types of Ecosystem 3. Renewable Sources of Energy.. . 1-3.2¢
Structure (or) Components of an Ecosystem. .
Energy Management and Conservation
Function of an Ecosystem
New Energy Sources
Energy Flow in the Ecosystems .
Applications of Hydrogen Energy.
Ecological Succession
Applications of Ocean Energy Resources
Biodiversity ... ..oiiiiii e .
Applications of Tidal Energy Conversion ...
Classification (or) Levels (or) Types of
Geothermal Power Plant (GTE)
Part B Questions
Values of Biodiversity
India as a Mega-diversity Nation
Hot-spots of Biodiversity Development
Hot Spots of Biodeversity In India .... GDP (Gross Domestic Product) . .
Threats to Biodiversity Sustainability
Endangered and Endemic Species of India. From Unsustainability to Sustainability . . ..
Conservation of Biodiversity Millennium Development Goals
Types (or) Strategy of Biodiversity Sustainability Protocols. ..
Conservation. .. ..........o i 1.51 Sustainable Development
Part B Questions. ....ovveunvnevennnennninnnnn 1.58 Climate Change
fif,‘arbon Credit . .
|/Carbon Footprint. . . .
Sestainability Practices
.o veiecceronceaas
Gear box & generd
| Functions of atmesphere -
It maintains” the " heat. " b;
absorbing ‘the:
Carbon-dioxide -fes;
pubhc can be utilized ‘to enforce t:he envn‘onmen{
If pecessary the member “of pubhc ould “conduc
mter%t lmtrauons )
sioh ok b
1;#.13 Environmental -Sciences_and. Sustainabiiity
' 1.12.1 Types of Functions
Functions of an ecosysiein are. Of tree types. .
s o -
teractmg thh one another and with Hi
‘have, hee domesncaxed only from. the tropieal wfld Plams
A farge flllmb€l of wild-animals: are also consurned as fo0
= —
Animal product Animal :;
Industry -
Ivory. - works.
Pearls industry.
have. obtaineda CmfléfCi‘BI - S
- ted . and 'sold.” These (a) Rice accounts for 22% of the cropped area and
derived from the ‘animals and plants. | Cereals accounts for 39% of the cropped area.
ncéé and. Sustainability.
il greements: = L 0
atened . due 'to- habitat
and - over
Remedy meuseres
1. Tilegal hunting and trade of animals and animal |
products should be stopped immediately.
ssk e
i Enwmnmenrai Soxenaes and: Sustaipability
- Molluscs