(Chapters: Human Health and Diseases, Microbes in Human Welfare)
SN Question Marks
1 Identify the disease with symptoms- lymphatic vessels of the lower limbs affected 1
a- Filariasis
b- Trichophyton
c- Ascariasis
d- Typhoid
2 For large scale production of biotechnological products such as beverages and antibiotics can be 1
carried out in -
a- Fermenter
b- Bioreactor
c- Biogas plant
d- Both a and b
5 In which part of the body of the host do the following events in the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax 2
take place? Name both, the body parts and the host-
i- Development of sporozoite
ii- Asexual reproduction
iii- Development of gametocyte
iv- Fertilization
6 The newly born baby has innate immunity which provides a certain amount of immunity. Explain any 2
four ways by which it is accomplished.
7 i- BOD of two samples of water is 100 mg/ liter and 1000 mg/ liter. Which one is more 3
polluted and why?
ii- Identify microorganism/product and write the correct name that should be on A, B, and C
A Penicillin
Statin B
C Cyclosporin
8 Cancer refers to any one of a large number of 4
diseases characterized by the development of
abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have
the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body
tissue. Cancer often has the ability to spread
throughout your body. Cancer is the second-leading
cause of death in the world. Cancer may be benign
and metastasis type. In the given diagram various
types of cancer are presented.The main cause of
cancer are-
Physical factors – Ionizing radiation, such as X-rays
and gamma rays
Chemical factors – Such as tobacco and smoke
Biological factors – Viral oncogenes, proto-
oncogenes, and cellular oncogenes.
i- Which property of cells prevents the cancerous growth in neighboring cells-
a- Contact inhibition
b- Metastasis
c- Carcinoma
d- All of these
ii- Which of the following is related to the detection of cancer-
a- MRI
b- CT Scan
c- Biopsy
d- All of these
iii- Interferons are
a- Glycoprotein
b- Lipoprotein
c- Carboxypeptidase
d- Immunoglobin
iv- Assertion: Metastasis is the spreading of disease through the blood throughout the body.
Reason: Metastasis is a lethal form of cancer.
a- Both assertion and reason are correct and the reason is the correct explanation of
b- Both assertion and reason are correct and the reason is not a correct explanation of
c-Assertion is true but the reason is false.
d- Assertion is false but the reason is true
9 i- Govt advises sowing legume crops in an alternate manner on yearly basis. How this 5
practice will be useful for farmers?
ii- Why bottled juice of orange available in the market is more clearer than juice prepared in
iii- Write two ways ways achieve the target of IPM (Integrated pest management).