Haramaya Intership

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College of Computing and informatics

Department of Information Technology
HOSTING COMPANY :commercial bank of Ethiopia

NAME-REHMET AGEGNEHU Submitted to: - information technology department


Jimma University JIT Campus , Ethiopia Oct, 2016 E .c

Executive Summary
This report is about to explain what we did and learned during our internship period with
commercial bank of Ethiopia. As the main purpose of internship is to learn by working in
practical environment and to apply the knowledge acquired during the studies in a real world
scenario in order to solve the problems using the knowledge and skill learned during the
academic period. We have discussed about every major aspect of maintenance which we
observed and perceived during our internship program.

This report is divided in to four sections. Section one discuss about the background of
commercial bank of Ethiopia. In section two discuss the overall internship experience
maintenance and overall benefits. The last section is conclusion and recommendations of the
previous sections .
Duration (july-10-septamber 10)

I have undertaken our internship experience in commercial bank of Ethiopia for a period of two
months (from July 10/11/2015 E.C – september 10/12/2015 E.C) under the guidance of

We were performing all the given tasks in proper and peace ways having excellent relation with
all employees and incorporate for the company rules

During our internship program we gained many skils in the company work related and problem
that are related with our profession side of theoretical and work ethics related benefitsBased on
those benefit on our tasks that we perform in the company . innpractice and in businessWe will
approved this by our signature

Above all , we would like to thanks the almighty God for he is bsase of all this . we would like
to expess our deepest grattitud to Jimma university and Faculty of computing for giving
internship opportunity for student in order to strength theoretical knowledge by talking all things
for provision of necessary materials and pocket incomes whenever required. We would like also
thanks to our supervisor Mr. Dessalgne for his excellent guidance and valuable criticism during
the Internship practice. Our appreciation is also for mentor of this internship project, and Mr.
Alemnhe the networking and hard ware maintenance team leader. Finally, we would like to
thank our classmate, batch students and others who share experience.
Table of Contents
College of Computing and informatics........................................................................................1

Executive Summary...................................................................................................................2

Duration (july-10-septamber 10).................................................................................................3

Chapter One...............................................................................................................................8

1.Background History of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.............................................................8

CARDINAL ISSUES (VISION, MISSION, VALUES ).............................................................9

1.2 Mission..................................................................................................................................9

1.3 Vision.....................................................................................................................................9

1.4 Core Values...........................................................................................................................9

1.5 Main Products and Services..............................................................................................10

1.6 Main Customers of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia........................................................10

1.8 IT support Office................................................................................................................11

1.8.1 Mission..........................................................................................................................12

1.8.2 Objectives.....................................................................................................................12

Core Values............................................................................................................................12

1.8.3Roles and Responsibilities of IT Support office............................................................13

1.8.4 Systems......................................................................................................................13

1.8.5 Units of IT Support office.............................................................................................14

ATM and pos machine team Roles and responsibilities:...............................................................14

2. The Overall Internship Experience............................................................................................15

2.1 How to get in to company and why we select this company?.........................................15

2.2 The section of the Company we have been working and why?.....................................15

2.3 Work tasks which we have been executing......................................................................16

2.4 Major challenges we face...................................................................................................16

2.5 Measures we have taken in order to overcome these challenges and problems...........16

2.6 Benefits gained from the internship.................................................................................16

2.6.1 In terms of improving our practical skills.....................................................................16

2.6.2 In terms of upgrading your theoretical knowledge.......................................................17

2.6.3 In terms of Interpersonal communication.....................................................................17

2.6.5 In terms of improving our leadership skills..................................................................18

2.6.6 in terms of work ethics related issues...........................................................................18

2.6.7 In terms of entrepreneurship skills

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION..............................................................................................19

3.1 summary of the overall observation.....................................................................................19

3.3 Cabling................................................................................................................................23

3.3.1 Coaxial cabling.............................................................................................................24

3.3.2 Twisted-pair cabling.....................................................................................................24

3.4 Types of Ethernet cables...................................................................................................25

3.5 conclusions..............................................................................................................................28

4.6 Recommendation...................................................................................................................29
List of Acronyms & Abbreviations

ATM - Automated teller machine

CBE - Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia

ICT - Information communication Technology

UIL - University industry linkage

UTP - Unshielded twisted pair

STP - Shield twisted pair

RJ 45 - Registered jack

CAT5 - Category 5 cable

Chapter One

1.Background History of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

After the Ethiopian victory over Fascist Italy, the new government issued a proclamation in
August 1947 that established the State Bank of Ethiopia (SBE). SBE commenced full
operations on 15 April 1943 with two branches and 43 staff. It served both as Ethiopia's
central bank, with the power to issue banknotes and coins as the agent of the Ministry of
Finance, and as the principal commercial bank in the country. In 1945 the Ethiopian
government granted the bank the sole right of issuing currency. The first governor of the
bank was an American, George Blows. He inaugurated the new national currency, which
owed its successful introduction to the United States. The United States provided the silver
for 50-cent coins, whose intrinsic value ensured popular acceptance of the new paper
money to a population used to the circulation of the silver Maria Theresa thaler. In 1958,
the State Bank of Ethiopia established a branch in Khartoum, Sudan. Over time SBE's
branch network grew to number 21 branches.
In the 1950s, SBE established a branch in Djibouti. In 1920 the Bank of Abyssinia had opened a
transit office in Djibouti. At some point after the creation of the State Bank of Ethiopia it
reopened the transit office, which in time became a branch.

In 1963 the Ethiopian government split the State Bank of Ethiopia into two banks, the National
Bank of Ethiopia (the central bank), and the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE). Seven years
later, the Sudanese government nationalized the Commercial Bank of Eth4iopia's branch in
Khartoum that had originally been the Sudan branch of SBD.

COMMERCIAL BANK OF ETHIOPIA enfranze BRANCH is that established in September 24

/1992G.C and there is 3 another sub branch . enfraze is located in central part of Ethiopia, in
Amhara region, in north Gonder Zone Enfraze city, 02- kebele.it is found at about 30 km from
the Gonder . It is located on the cross country road which connects A western part of Ethiopia
and capital city of the county Addis Ababa. Among these Commercial Bank of Ethiopia is the
first service providing institution to be established in the town. In 1991, when Eritrea achieved
its independence, the Eritrean government nationalized the branches there. In 1994 these
branches formed the basis for what became the Commercial Bank of Eritrea. Also, in 1994, the
Ethiopian government reorganized and reestablished CBE
In general by adopting and applying different modern working techniques commercial bank
of Ethiopia in enfraze branch tries to achieve its vision, mission and to bring desired
economic development in the country.


1.2 Mission

“Under Promise and Over Deliver” – Going beyond the expectations of Customers and
the market, based on supported business models (win-win), with highly qualified,
motivated staff that generate offers of value and unique solutions for our customers.

We are committed to best realized stakeholder need without compromising the well
being of our environment and society through enhanced financial intermedation globally

1.3 Vision
be the leading company and a benchmark in the markets in which we operate, with levels of
profitability and creation of shareholder value in line with the best industry benchmarks. To
become a world-class commercial bank by the year 2025.

1.4 Core Values

 Constant focus on Customer Satisfaction;

 Management efficiency;
 Constant technology update;
 Communication, respect, confidence and a strong sense of mission among
all CBE employees.
 Rigorous compliance with technical requirements and obligations;
 Development of a culture of excellence throughout the organization based on the
principles of quality management;
 Carry out our business based on ethical standards and in compliance with applicable law
and regulations;
 Commitment to continuous improvement in health and safety at work;
 Accountability
 Promise to customer
 Diversity and inclusion
 Learning
 Team working
1.5 Main Products and Services
Banks, mainly have two goals: to appreciate customers to save money and approve loan to the
customers based on their proposal effectiveness.


Commercial bank offer consumers and small to mid-sized businesses with basic banking services
including deposit accounts and loans.

 Digital banking system service

 Automated teller machine (ATM) and post machine services
 Interest free banking
 Mobile banking service Bill paying services like water and electric bills using mobile

1.6 Main Customers of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

The customers of commercial bank of Ethiopia are divided in different groups as external and
internal customers

Internal customers are those who are working in the commercial bank of Ethiopia to the
satisfactions of external customers, external customers can be grouped in different way like there
are a group who hold individual deposit account and account that are shared by more than one
people (shared deposit account holders) the other group is governmental institutions and private
companies are the main customers of commercial bank of Ethiopia.
1.7 The overall organizational structure and work flow of commercial bank of
Ethiopia Gondar district office

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Gondar district office emplace management system in democratic,
honest, inspiring, transparent, and highly participatory.


human resource
credit appoval &
loan review

ict suport manager

Quality & support

Branch manager manager
internal audity

interest free
banking manager

legal service

digital banking

facitity & support


Figure 1.1 Organizational Structure and work flow of commercial Bank of Ethiopia

1.8 IT support Office

The IT support office is responsible for all information system development, customization,
deployment and improvement across the district branches. It administers the commercial bank of
Ethiopia’s Gondar district LAN, aptra vision, Aci, Base24 and two24 applications. as well as
resolving system issues and hardware maintenance of district office electronics and network of
all the 73 branches devices are maintained in the IT support office.

1.8.1 Mission

Support the quality of the services of the branches under the district provide to the customers by
improving and resolving problems related to the network and hard ware that relates the branches
to be able to work 24 hours and 7 days in a week

1.8.2 Objectives

 Support and facilitate the customer service to all branches of commercial bank of
 Organize, maintain and provide service to the customers of the Bank.
 Supply services and expertise designed actively to prompt the effective exploitation of
the digital banking system.
 Managing different application used in the banking system in order to improve the
service effectiveness and efficient.
 Support and facilitate the commercial bank of Ethiopia employers and other users.

Core Values

 Create conducive environment to the customers for better banking service

 Facilitate and accelerate the use of ICT in enhancing the speed of network
 Adhere to professional standard and international codes in service delivery
 Enhance creative thinking and innovation practice among IT support office staff
 Promote the spirit of research that is relevant to the banking system and to the customers
of the commercial bank of Ethiopia
network and

IT atm and pos

maintenace support amchine
manager team

and support

Figure 1.2 Structure of IT Support Office of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

1.8.3Roles and Responsibilities of IT Support office

Accountable to District director of commercial bank of Ethiopia Gondar district

 Advise the district director on ICT development and management

 Prepare project plans and implement expansion projects
 Coordinate and control the performance of each team leader
 Manage and control the appropriate use of the bank’s ICT resources
 Prepare a performance report to the district director and to headquarters ICT directorate
 Perform other ICT related task appointed by the director

1.8.4 Systems

 IBM cloud application performance management

 Apptra vision
 Base 24
 Two 24
1.8.5 Units of IT Support office

Network and hardware maintenance team Roles and responsibilities:

 Network installation and hardware configuration for branches under district

 Network management by using IBM network management application
 Atm machine implementation and configuration
 Isolate and identify problem of tellers related to the network and help them to
resolve while they are on their desk
 Monitor, evaluate and maintain the district and branches electronic equipment
 Prepare preventive and corrective maintenance schedule and perform accordingly
 Develop project plan for networking installation for newly opened branches
 Network expansion and support branches when their connection is lost

ATM and pos machine team Roles and responsibilities:

 Administrate ATM machines that are assigned to the district office by using NCR
Apptra vision application
 Resolve different types of problem related with ATM machines
 Isolate and identify problem of ATM machines
 Prepare transaction report made by using ATM machines
 Extract customers images from the disk taken by ATM machine when they are asked
by the manager
 Prepare daily ATM performance report and submit to IT support manager and
headquarter ICT director
 Perform other tasks given by district director

Application maintenance and support team Roles and responsibilities

 Analyzing the systems used for core banking system like Base24 and two 24
 Implement and maintain systems by login to the host computer remotely
 Update application servers
 Support branch tellers on how to use the system
 Prepare performance report to IT support manager
 Perform other tasks given by directo
Software maintenance and support team Roles and responsibilities

 Updating
 Modifying
 Improving softwar

Chapter Two

2. The Overall Internship Experience

2.1 How to get in to company and why we select this company?
To get the company first the university industry linkage officer has given the application paper.
After we have taken the application paper, we have searched the company for internship work by
using this application paper. Before we got the company, we tried to join different office.

But we try to gather information about the company that can help intern students in our
department to practice the real working environment. most of them suggested us to apply our
paper to Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Gondar district office.

Because this company has IT department which consists of Networking and hardware team,
ATM and pos team and Application support team. Those teams work on network installation and
hardware maintenance, ATM support and application installation support respectively.

When the university industry linkage (UIL) office oriented about the internship practice, we have
been working in the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Gondar district office from June 10 up to
September 10 Gc.

2.2 The section of the Company we have been working and why?
We had joined to IT department network installation and hardware maintenance, ATM and pos
and Application teams because we were interested to know more about what the company does
work and how it works how they link more than 1200 branches and ATMs that found in every
corner. But the most interested part of the intern was the Network and hardware maintenance
2.3 Work tasks which we have been executing
Works tasks that we have been executing during our intern period is

 Printer and computer hardware maintenance

 Crimping cable terminators (RJ-45)
 Re-crimping damaged RJ-45 in district offices
 Supporting the ATM team
 Supporting the Application team

2.4 Major challenges we face

When we join the company, we were unable to communicate different stake holder those who
give the permission for intern students to join the company. After that we were unable to
communicate easily with employers and to get enough access materials at the first days to
perform our work. tasks given for us was take more time to be compilated because of lack of

2.5 Measures we have taken in order to overcome these challenges and

 We manage the paper process by our selves
 We become more familiar with each employer that works in the ICT department
 Within time we become more faster by adapting the work

2.6 Benefits gained from the internship

Internship is the beginning of the real-world working environment and the road to what we will
work after our graduation. Internship is the practice we need to perform because it prepares us
for the business life that we plan to do.

2.6.1 In terms of improving our practical skills

This internship has helped us in improving our practical skill. While trying to solve some
problems we face we become more familiar with network configuration and fixing problems. To
satisfy the requirements we read more and practice it. We also improve our practical skills of
the following.
 Interviewing different peoples according to their working area.
 Analyzing
 evaluating,
 prioritizing and managing the gathered requirements.
 Managing time for individual work.
 Using time efficiently.
 Giving feedback.
 Asking questions.
 Setting goals.

2.6.2 In terms of upgrading your theoretical knowledge

The practice helped us in reinforcing the theoretical knowledge we already had and gathered
during lecture from different teachers and courses. Before doing something, we read documents
and books related to our work and try to have knowledge about it before starting the work.

2.6.3 In terms of Interpersonal communication

We encounter different types of people with different types of interest, work ability, educational
background, status, language and behavior. Communicating with them has been difficult because
some of them are different from us. But within a time, we learn how to communicate and how to
talk with this people. As a result, we finally started learning these words to improve our
interpersonal communication skill with the workers.

We improve some skills like:

 Tolerance
 We know how to communicate with others by making our ideas more understandable and
without underestimating other ideas.
 Listening skills
 generating idea
 Speaking ability
 When discussing an issue with someone, we try to stay one step ahead in the
Conversation by understanding and identifying people’s perception and expectation
2.6.4 In terms of improving our team playing skills

Basically, the nature of Information Technology needs team. This is because individual cannot
perform all the work alone and working together requires tolerance and work together to reach
the goal. During our intern stay, we were working with different individuals that were engaged in
the field and learned the following skills and experiences from the team work.

 Treating others in a respective and supportive manner

 Sharing ideas openly & willingly
 Integrating works that have been done by different group members
 Collaborating with the fellows are highly developed
 Resolving idea difference and conflicts
 Respecting the ideas of others

2.6.5 In terms of improving our leadership skills

During our internship program we saw hoe the manager monitors employees and as well as other
team leaders It is the portion of the work that acquires managing skill in different aspects such as
managing work flow and assigning the team leaders to their respective tasks.

 Project management
 Time management
 Human resource control
 work division

2.6.6 in terms of work ethics related issues.

Work ethics, rule and regulations uses to keep peace in work places. It helps to create good
relationship between co-workers and to achieve goals of the team or the company. Form this
internship we gate many ethical issues like how to keep punctually and how to communicate
with the staff members.
2.6.7 In terms of entrepreneurship skills

Entrepreneur skill is the ability of finding out business ideas that can generate cash flow and
creating work opportunity is the goal. Generally, we were able to find out some business ideas
based on the experience we had like establishing a network installation company.

Chapter Three


3.1 summary of the overall observation

The Rationales of the practical attachment is to apply the theory the theories that we have seen in
the class practical way. This has multidimensional purposes to students who stay in the
university. It helps the student how to decide in the real world of work and to update him/herself
as an able person. The practical attachment has several purposes. Some of them are listed in the

 It is for the case that the apprentice to realize the theory in class to real world through

 It is for that the apprentice should compare and contrast the economic thought with
practical work.

 It is that how the problem is identified and the solution is found.

 It is for that the apprentice to check the relation he/she has with others on work etc.

Significance of practical attachment

Practical attachment is important learning mechanism which is applied by higher educational

institution to improve capability of the students. Also it helps students to be aware of what will
be expected from them. Some other significance of attachment

 It enable the students to easily identify problems and pass challenges

 It helps to identify the students how they are sensitive to execute their responsibility
 The students should be also understand that theories are applicable
 It increases self-esteem and self-confidence of the students.
Generally practical attachment is very significant to apply the theory based knowledge in
practice in the physical world.

Relevance of organization with my study

The organization specifically the department on which on performed the practical attachment has
the following relevance;

 I have got experience.

 To improve skill and communication.
 How to search different information.
 How to solve problem since the problem exists anywhere.

Applicability of the theories and other in class on the real world or practical
work environment

Applicability of theories in practical work environment is very interesting and important. In

Accounting and finance field there are many theories that applied on real world. Some theories
which are applicable when I conduct this practical attachment are the following.

 The theories of principle of Accounting for showing how to transact events and how to
record it.

 The theories of principle accounting used to prepare workers payroll

 The theories of financial market and institution used to show how marketable security
converted into cash.

From English point of view we can get how to write report correctly and fluently.

Major problems that I faced during practical attachment

I faced many problems, during I work this practical attachment the major ones are mentioned
as follow as:-
 At the beginning time they didn’t give me full freedom to do activities independently.

 Shortage of some extra or additional working materials like chair and computers for

3.2 Network devices identification


A hub is a network device that consists of multiple port .can connect one device .multiple devices
get connected to the hub through these port . A connected device ,say 1 ,sends the frame
(sender) .this frame will be delivered to all the connected devices (receivers),say 2,3 and 4 in this

Figure 3.2 hubs and its function


Just like hubs a switch is used to connect multiple hosts together, but it has many advantages
over them. Switch is an OSI Layer 2 device, which means that it can inspect received traffic and
make forwarding decisions. A switch manages the flow of data across a network by inspecting
the incoming frame’s destination MAC address and forwarding the frame only to the host for
which the data was intended. Each switch has a dynamic table (called the MAC address table)
that maps MAC addresses to ports. With this information, a switch can identify which system is
sitting on which port and where to send the received frame

switches were created and are still widely used today. Switches have more ports than bridges,
can inspect incoming traffic and make forwarding decisions accordingly. Also. each port on a
switch is a separate collision domain, so no packet collisions should occur.

To better understand how a switch works, following example explains more:

Figure 3.3 switch and its function

As we see example above, Host A is trying to communicate with Host C and sends a packet with
the Host C’s destination MAC address. The packet arrives at the switch, which looks at the
destination MAC address. The switch then searches that MAC address in its MAC address table.
If the MAC address is found, the switch then forwards the packet only out the port connected to
the frame’s destination. Hosts connected to other ports will not receive the frame.


A router is a network device that routes packets from one network to another. It is usually
connected to two or more different networks. When a packet comes to a router port, the router
reads the address information in the packet to determine out which port the packet will be sent.
For example, a router provides you with the internet access by connecting your LAN with the

Here picture below shows a typical home router and If two hosts from different networks want to
communicate, they will need a router in order to exchange data. Consider the following example:

Figure 3.4 Routers and its function

We have a network of three hosts and a router. Note that each computer is on a different network.
Host A wants to communicate with Host B and sends the packet with the Host B’s IP address
( to the router. The router receives the packet, compares the packet’s destination IP
address to the entries in its routing table and finds a match. It then sends the packet out the
interface associated with the network Only Host B will receive and process the
packet. In fact, Host C will not even be aware that the communication took place.

3.3 Cabling
There are three cable types commonly used for Ethernet cabling: coaxial, twisted pair, and fiber-
optic cabling. In today’s LANs, the twisted pair cabling is the most popular type of cabling, but
the fiber-optic cabling usage is increasing, especially in high performance networks. Coaxial
cabling is generally used for cable Internet access.
3.3.1 Coaxial cabling

A coaxial cable has an inner conductor that runs down the middle of the cable. The conductor is
surrounded by a layer of insulation which is then surrounded by another conducting shield,
which makes this type of cabling resistant to outside interference. This type of cabling comes in
two types – thin net and thick net. Both types have maximum transmission speed of 10 Mbps.
Coaxial cabling was previously used in computer networks, but today are largely replaced by
twisted-pair cabling

Figure 3.6 coaxial cable

3.3.2 Twisted-pair cabling

A twisted-pair cable has four pair of wires. These wires are twisted around each other to reduce
crosstalk and outside interference. This type of cabling is common in current LANs.

Twisted-pair cabling can be used for telephone and network cabling. It comes in two
versions, UTP (Unshielded Twisted-Pair) and STP (Shielded Twisted-Pair). The difference
between these two is that an STP cable has an additional layer of insulation that protects data
from outside interferences:

Figure 3.7 Twisted pair cable

A twisted-pair cable uses RJ45 connector.

3.3.3 Fiber-optic cabling

This type of cabling uses optical fibers to transmit data in the form of light signals. The cables
have strands of glass surrounded by a cladding material.

Figure 3.8 fiber optic cable

This type of cabling can support greater cable lengths than any other cabling type (up to a couple
of miles). The cables are also immune to electromagnetic interference. As you can see, this
cabling method has many advantages over other methods but its main drawback is that it is more
expensive. There are two types of fiber-optic cables:

Single-mode fiber (SMF) – uses only a single ray of light to carry data. Used for larger
Multi-mode fiber (MMF) – uses multiple rays of light to carry data. Less expensive
than SMF.

3.4 Types of Ethernet cables

Ethernet cables can come in two forms

1 . Straight-through

Straight-through cable is a type of CAT5 with RJ-45 connectors at each end, and each has the
same pin out. It is in accordance with either the T568A or T568B standards. It uses the same
color code throughout the LAN for consistency. This type of twisted-pair cable is used in LAN to
connect a computer or a network hub such as a router. It is one of the most common types of
network cable.
Figure 3.9 straight through cable

This type of cable is used to connect the following devices:

 computer to hub
 computer to switch
 router to hub
 router to switch

Figure 3.10 straight through cable uses

Computers and routers use wires 1 and 2 to transmit data and wires 3 and 6 to receive data. Hubs
and switches use wires 1 and 2 to receive data and wires 3 and 6 to send data. That is why, if you
want to connect two computers together, you will need a crossover cable

2. Crossover cable
A Crossover cable is a type of CAT 5 where one end isT568A configuration and the other end as
T568BConfiguration. In this type of cable connection, Pin 1 is crossed with Pin 3, and Pin 2 is crossed
with Pin 6.

Crossover cable is used to connect two or more computing devices. The internal wiring of crossover
cables reverses the transmission and receive signals. It is widely used to connect two devices of the same
type: e.g., two computers or two switches to each other.

Figure 3.11 Cross-over cable

3.5 conclusions
This practical attachment contains information, include introduction, background of the
organization, cardinal issues, goals of the organization, organization’s structure, etc. It covers
background of commercial bank enfranze branch. The office is standing for promoting gender
mainstreaming, women empowerment and respecting women and child right. Working toward
elimination of discrimination and violence against women and child

I observed some issues like the professional status of the staff members, punctuality of the staff
members and gender in the organization. There are also so much strengths and weaknesses
among each organizations.

Generally, I have equipped with some experience due to this practical attachment such as how to
work in cooperation with other, etc. The main problem I found, society have low information
about banking system, negative attitude of society toward the term bank and department. Lack of
information and lack of enough time are other problems; however, I tried to do my best in order
to overcome or give related solution to those challenges.

4.6 Recommendation
While doing my practical attachment, I observed some issues which are haggling to the day to
day of my activities. Therefore, I would like to suggest on some issues that I observed during
accomplish my practical attachment in gonder district at commercial bank of Ethiopia in enfraze

Firstly, I would like to suggest on the effort of the office toward promoting development of bank
system study area. Banking system is the process of treating every banking activity and is also
way creating relationship with customers. It is the development issues that recognize the
involvement (participation) of both man and women in development process.
However, the office is lag behind in order to promote growth which is the backbone of
development. This is due to lack of enough information in the organization which play a great
role in order to meet its objective. The organization needs to change this situation by looking for
bank expert which play a great role in order to promote banking system.

The problems that are mentioned in the above sections are solved through different ways with
relation to courses we have taken in the class.

Principle of Accounting;- customers dissipate or defalcate the supplies of the bank because of
lack of knowledge. The bank has to develop a good inventory management to use it wisely.

There is also a weakness of recording transaction within double entries. So it must develop
double entry recording system.

Finally, I would like to suggest to Commercial Bank of Ethiopia shewa ber have to work
properly to achieve their goals and also to address other problems by working in cooperation
with other organization, especially non-governmental organization.


1. https://www.google.com
2. https://www.combanketh.et
3. https://www.cisco.com
4. https://www.wikipedia.org

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