5 - 6 minutes
China Power
Xi’s “new era” will see some of Deng’s famous maxims altered, if not
discarded altogether.
Chinese President Xi Jinping raises his hand to show approval of a work report
during the closing ceremony for the 19th Party Congress at the Great Hall of the
People in Beijing, China (Oct. 24, 2017).
First, Xi will pursue more balanced economic growth. Deng Xiaoping put
forward the idea of “early and common prosperity,” meaning “prosperity
for some [in the short term] so as to achieve prosperity for all [in the long
term].” Opening the door to uneven development, Deng’s policies focused
mainly on coastal regions in the east. In turn, the coastal regions
transformed into today’s major cities and enjoyed a massive FDI influx.
Yet, Deng’s approach also caused phenomenal economic inequality
illustrated by China’s Gini coefficient, which has been as high as 0.465
(closer to 1 mean less equal). In recognition of this, Xi reiterated the
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Xi Jinping Thought Vs. Deng Xiaoping Theory moz-extension://8ae76ef7-4464-4113-8bbe-719c5bdba06e/re...
Third, Xi will stress the rule of law during his second term. Rules were
applied somewhat arbitrarily during the Deng era, and such practices
have continued until today. Xi announced his aim to break this long
tradition, by establishing a “central leading group for full rule of law.” He
will persist in a fierce anti-corruption campaign, while attempting to
instill the rule of law in China. Yet, considering that he concurrently
stressed the leading role of the Communist Party, including over the legal
system, his version of rule of law is different from Western concepts.
Instead, it may be described as the “rule of law with Chinese
characteristics,” in which the Communist Party serves as a main enforcer
of the law, and challenging Party authority will never be tolerated.
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Xi Jinping Thought Vs. Deng Xiaoping Theory moz-extension://8ae76ef7-4464-4113-8bbe-719c5bdba06e/re...
The Deng Xiaoping era is officially over; Xi’s “new era” has begun for
China and the world.
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