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(Positions of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), RGSC, Barkachha and Scientific/Technical and Non-teaching under various
ICAR-AICRPs projects, on contract basis)
Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi invites online applications through Samarth/CU Chayan portal for the
following temporary posts to be filled on contract basis for a maximum period of five years or on Deputation basis as per
standard terms of GoI at Krishi Vigyan Kendra(KVK), RGSC, Barkachha, Mirzapur and Scientific/Technical and Non-
teaching positions under various ICAR-AICRPs projects: -
Sl. Name of the Post No. of Pay Essential qualification & Desirable qualification
No. Posts Level*
Positions of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), RGSC, Barkachha, Mirzapur
1 Subject Matter specialist 01-UR L-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag) in Agronomy or equivalent
(Crop production) qualification from recognized university. (Annex-A)
Desirable: 1. 2-3 years working experience in
subject concerned.
2. working knowledge of computer.
2 Subject Matter specialist 01-UR L-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag) in Horticulture or equivalent
(Horticulture) qualification from recognized university. (Annex-A)
Desirable: 1. 2-3 years working experience in
subject concerned.
2. working knowledge of computer.
3 Subject Matter specialist 01-UR L-10 Essential: M.V.Sc. in Live Stock production &
(Live Stock production & Management/ M.Sc. (AH& D) in Animal Husbandry
Management) & Dairying relevant field or equivalent qualification
from recognized university. (Annex-A)
Desirable: 1. 2-3 years working experience in
subject concerned.
2. working knowledge of computer.
4 Subject Matter specialist 01-UR L-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag) in Entomology/Plant
(Plant Protection) Pathology or equivalent qualification from
recognized university. (Annex-A)
Desirable: 1. 2-3 years working experience in
subject concerned. 2. working knowledge of
5 Subject Matter specialist 01-UR L-10 Essential: M.Tech in Soil & Water Conservation or
(Agril. Engg.) equivalent qualification from recognized university.
Desirable: 1. 2-3 years working experience in
subject concerned. 2. working knowledge of
6 Subject Matter specialist 01-UR L-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag) in Soil Science & Agril.
(Soil Sc. & Agril. Chemistry) Chem. or equivalent qualification from recognized
university. (Annex-A)
Desirable: 1. 2-3 years working experience in
subject concerned.
2. working knowledge of computer.
7 Assistant 01-UR L-6 Essential:Bachelor’s degree from a recognised
Desirable: 1. Exp. In Office management and
accountancy2. Competency in computer
Sl. Name of the Post No. of Pay Essential qualification & Desirable qualification
No. Posts Level*
8 Farm Manager 01-UR L-6 Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or equivalent
qualification from a recognised University, as per
ICAR guidelines.
9 Program Assistant (Lab. 01-UR L-6 Essential: Bachelor’s degree in
Technician) Agriculture/Horticulture or equivalent qualification
Note: Vacant due to leave from a recognized university.
vacancy for three years i.e. Desirable: 1. 2-3 years working experience in Soil
upto 14th July, 2027. testing laboratory & maintenance of equipment.
2. Working knowledge of computer application.
10 Stenographer Gr III 01-UR L-4 Essential: 12th class pass or equivalent from a
Note: Vacant due to leave recognized board or university.
vacancy for three years i.e. Professional Efficiency: The candidate will be
upto 10th June, 2027 given one dictation test in English or in Hindi at 80
w.p.m. Candidates, who opt to take the test in
English, will be required to transcribe the matter in
50 minutes on computer and the candidates who opt
to take the test in Hindi, will be required to
transcribe the matter in 65 minutes on the computer.
Positions of Scientific/Technical and Non-teaching under various ICAR-AICRPs projects :
(A) AICRP on Rice (Dev. Scheme no.814))
1 Jr. Breeder (Rice) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Genetics & Plant
Breeding/Plant Breeding Genetics/ Genetics or
equivalent qualification from a recognized university
with ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification. (Annex-
Desired : Ph. D. in relevant field
2 Jr. Agronomist (Rice) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agronomy or equivalent
qualification from a recognized university with
ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification. (Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D. in relevant field
3 Jr. Pathologist (Rice) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Plant Pathology or
Mycology & Plant Pathology equivalent qualification
from a recognized university with ICAR/UGC/CSIR
NET qualification. (Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D. in relevant field
(B) AICRP on Wheat & Barley (Dev. Scheme no.815 B)
1 Jr. Scientist Agronomy 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agronomy or equivalent
qualification from a recognized university with
ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification. (Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D. in relevant field
2 Jr. Scientist (Plant Breeding) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Genetics & Plant
Breeding/Plant Breeding Genetics/ Genetics or
equivalent qualification from a recognized
university, with ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET
qualification. (Annex-A)
Desired: Ph. D. in relevant field

(C) AICRP on Maize (Dev. Scheme no. 2057)

1 Sr. Maize Breeder 01-UR AL-13A Essential: Ph.D. in Genetics & Plant
Breeding/Plant Breeding & Genetics/
Genetics/Plant Breeding or equivalent qualification
from a recognized university with 8 year experience
Sl. Name of the Post No. of Pay Essential qualification & Desirable qualification
No. Posts Level*
as Junior Breeder/Scientist/Asstt. Professor (Annex-
Desired : Experience in relevant field
2 Jr. Agronomist 01-UR AL-10 Essential : M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agronomy or equivalent
qualification from a recognized university with
ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification.(Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D in relevant field
Supporting Staff
3 Sr.Tech.Asstt. (Breeding) 01-UR L-6Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Genetics & Plant
Breeding /Plant Breeding& Genetics/ Genetics /
Plant Breeding or B.Sc. in Agriculture with 04
years’ experience.
Desired : Work experience in relevant field
4 Sr.Tech.Asstt. (Agronomy) 01-UR L-6 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agronomy or B.Sc. in
Agriculture with 04 years’ experience.
Desired : Work experience in relevant field
(D) AICRP- Kharif & Rabi Pulses (Pigeonpea & MULLaRP) (Dev. Scheme no. 2097 & 2098)
1 Principal Scientist (Plant 01-UR AL-14 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D. in Genetics &
Breeding) (Scheme No. 2097) Plant Breeding with 10 year experience in
concerned field/subject. (Annex-A)
Desired : Specialization in Plant Breeding with
special reference to pulse crops.
2 Jr. Scientist (Microbiology) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag) in GPB /Plant
(Scheme No. 2097) Breeding Genetics/ Genetics or M.Sc. (Ag)/M.Sc.
in Agril. Microbiology/Microbiology) with four
years B.Sc.(Ag)/ B.Sc. (Hons) Ag. as per ICAR
guidelines with ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET
qualification (Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D in relevant field.
3 Jr. Scientist (Entomology) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag) in Entomology or equivalent
(Scheme No. 2097) qualification from a recognized university with
ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification. (Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D in relevant field
4 Sr. Scientist (Plant Breeding) 01-UR AL-13A Essential : Ph. D. in Genetics & Plant Breeding
(Scheme No. 2098) with 8 year experience as Junior
Breeder/Scientist/Asst. Professor(Annex-A)
Desired : Experience in relevant field
5 Jr. Scientist (Entomology) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Entomology or equivalent
(Scheme No. 2098) qualification from a recognized university with
ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification. (Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D. in relevant field.
(E) AICRP on Rapeseed Mustard (Dev. Scheme No. 815A)
1 Sr. Scientist (Plant Breeding) 01-UR AL-13A Essential: Ph. D. in Genetics & Plant Breeding or
equivalent qualification from a recognized
university with 8 year experience as Junior
Breeder/Scientist/Asst. Professor (Annex-A)
Desired : Experience in relevant field
2 Scientist (Plant Pathology) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Plant Pathology or
equivalent qualification from a recognized university
with ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification. (Annex-
Desired : Ph. D. in relevant field.
3 Scientist (Agronomy) 01-UR AL-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agronomy or equivalent
Sl. Name of the Post No. of Pay Essential qualification & Desirable qualification
No. Posts Level*
qualification from a recognized university with
ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification. (Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D. in relevant field.
Supporting Staff
4 Tech. Asstt.(Plant Pathology) 01-UR L-5 Essential: M.Sc.(Ag) or B.Sc. (Ag) with 03 year
experience in relevant field.
Desired: Work experience in relevant
5 Tech. Asstt.(Plant Breeding) 01-UR L-5 Essential: M.Sc.(Ag) or B.Sc. (Ag) with 03 year
experience in relevant field.
Desired: Work experience in relevant field.
(F) AICRP on Dryland Agriculture (Dev. Scheme No. 813)
1 Chief Scientist /Professor 01-UR AL-14 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag) and Ph. D with 10 year
(Agronomy /Soil Science / Soil experience in concerned field/subject. (Annex-A)
& Water Conservation Desired : Specialization in rainfed agriculture.
2 Senior Scientist/Associate 01-UR AL-13A Essential : Ph. D. in Agronomy or equivalent
Professor (Agronomy) qualification from a recognized university with 8
year experience as Junior Scientist/Scientist/Asst.
Desired : Experience in relevant field
3 Senior Scientist/Associate 01-UR AL-13A Essential: Ph. D. in Soil Science or equivalent
Professor (Soil Science) qualification from a recognized university with 8
year experience as Junior Scientist/Scientist/Asst.
Desired : Experience in relevant field
4 Senior Scientist/Associate 01-UR AL-13A Essential: Ph. D. in Soil & Water Conservation
Professor (Soil & Water Engg. or equivalent qualification from a
Conservation Engg.) recognized university with 8 year experience as
Junior Scientist/Scientist/Asst. Professor(Annex-
Desired : Experience in relevant field
5 Senior Scientist/Associate 01-UR AL-13A Essential : Ph. D. in Agronomy or equivalent
Professor (Agronomy)- qualification from a recognized university with 8
exclusively for on- farm year experience as Junior Scientist/Scientist/Asst.
research. Professor (Annex-A)
Desired: Experience in relevant field.

Supporting Staff
6 Sr. Technical Assistant 01-UR L-6 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) (Agronomy) or B.Sc. (Ag.)
in Agriculture with 04 years experience in
relevant area.
Desired : Work experience in field of Rained
7 Sr. Technical Assistant 01-UR L-6 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in (Soil Science & Agril.
Chemistry) or B.Sc. (Ag.) with 04 years experience
in relevant area.
Desired : Work experience in relevant field.
8 Sr. Technical Assistant 01-UR L-6 Essential: B. tech or diploma in Agricultural
Engineering with 03 years’ experience in relevant
Desired : Work experience in relevant field.
9 Sr. Technical Assistant 01-UR L-6 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) or B.Sc. (Ag.) in
Sl. Name of the Post No. of Pay Essential qualification & Desirable qualification
No. Posts Level*
(exclusively for on- farm Agriculture with 04 years’ experience in relevant
research) area.
Desired : Work experience in relevant field.
10 Head Clerk with 01-UR L-6 Essential: Graduation with 55% marks. Knowledge
Computer skills of computer typing and 3 years work experience as
Junior Clerk.
(G) AICRP on Seed (Crops) (Dev. Scheme No. 6064)
1 Assistant Seed Production 01-UR L-10 Essential: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Genetics & Plant
Officer (ASPO/Scientist) Breeding/Plant Breeding Genetics/ Genetics with
ICAR/UGC/CSIR NET qualification (Annex-A)
Desired : Ph. D. in relevant field.
Supporting Staff
2 Tech. Asstt. 01-UR L-5 Essential: M.Sc.(Ag.) or B.Sc. (Ag.) with 3 years
experience in relevant field.
Desired: Work experience in relevant field.
(H) AICRP on IFS (Dev. Scheme No. 811)
1 Agronomist 01-UR AL-13A Essential: Ph. D. in Agronomy or equivalent
qualification from a recognized university with 8
year experience as Junior Scientist/Scientist/Asstt.
Professor. (Annex-A)
Desired : Experience in relevant field
Supporting Staff
2 Tech. Asstt. 01-UR L-5 Essential: M.Sc.(Ag.) or B.Sc. (Ag.) with 03 year
experience in relevant field.
Desired: Work experience in relevant field

*Level Pay in Pay Matrix

Academic Level(AL)–14 Rs. 1,44,200 – 2,18,200
Academic Level(AL)-13A Rs. 1,31,400 – 2,17,100
Academic Level (AL)–10 Rs. 57,700- 1,82,400
Level (L) -10 RS. 56,100-1,77,500
Level–6 Rs. 35400-1,12,400
Level–5 Rs. 29200-92,300
Level–4 Rs. 25500-81,100

Application Fee:
A non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 1000/- shall be paid online by the candidates of Gen, EWS and
OBC categories for Scientific/Technical & KVK posts (AL14 to AL/L-10) and Rs. 500/- by the candidates of
Gen, EWS and OBC categories for Non-teaching posts under various ICAR-AICRPs projects & KVK (L-6 to
L-4). No application fees shall be charged from the candidates of SC, ST, PwBDs categories and women
candidates. The application fee is to be paid through the payment gateway in online application through
Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card/UPI.
(Detailed qualifications at Annex-A)
Eligibility for Level 14 (A or B):
A. (i) An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in the concerned/ discipline, and published work of high
quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research
publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-CARE listed journals and a total research score of 120. (ii) A
minimum of ten years of experience in university/college as Assistant Professor/Associate
Professor/Professor, and / or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National Level
B. An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. degree in the relevant/allied/applied disciplines from any
academic institutions (not included in A above) / industry, who has made significant contribution to the
knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline supported by
documentary evidence provided he/she has ten years’ experience.

Eligibility for Level 13-A

Eligibility: (i) A good academic record, with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned/allied/relevant disciplines
(ii) A Master ‘s Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale, wherever the
grading system is followed). (iii) A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching and / or research in
an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College or
Accredited Research Institution/industry with a minimum of seven publications in the peer-reviewed or
UGC-CARE listed journals and a total research score of Seventy five (75).

Eligibility for Level 10

Eligibility: (i) A Master‘s degree with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the
grading system is followed) in the concerned/ subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree
from an accredited foreign university. (ii) Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, or a similar test
accredited by the UGC, or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree (in relevant field as desirable) in
accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of
Ph.D. Degree)/ ICAR.

Note: Evidence of having cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by ICAR, ASRB, UGC,
CSIR (NET shall not be required in disciplines for which NET is not conducted)

Terms and Conditions:

1. Appointments will be made on contract basis for a maximum period of five years or on deputation
basis as per standard terms of GoI. All positions are co-terminus with the KVK and agricultural projects
guidelines. The continuation of the positions depends on the continuation of financial
assistance/funding from ICAR.
2. No extension beyond 5 years will be granted. Posts will be advertised afresh.
3. Pay and allowances will be paid as per funding agency's guidelines. Where no specific guidelines are
provided by the funding agency, BHU's Project Guidelines 2018 will apply.
4. Promotional benefits and other benefits will only be offered according to the funding agency’s
5. If there is misconduct, violation of terms, or breach of contract, the University reserves the right to
terminate the contract without assigning any cause.
6. The appointee may terminate the service by providing three months' notice in writing or by paying three
months' salary in lieu of notice.
7. There is no possibility of absorption into regular University positions. No legal claim for regularization
or further engagement will arise after the completion of contract period.
8. Eligibility will be decided on the last date of online submission of application forms.
9. AGE LIMIT:(For non-teaching under various ICAR-AICRPs projects & KVK positions) (L-6 to
L-4): (1) 18-30 years for general category; 18-35 years for SC/ST; and 18-33 for OBC; (2) 18-35 years
for widows/divorced and women judicially separated from their husbands and not remarried (40 years
for SC/ST);
10. The University reserves the right to shortlist candidates based on their academic qualifications,
experience, and other criteria as specified in the advertisement. Further, for Scientific/Technical
positions, the University may conduct a written test for short-listing of candidates. Further
interaction/presentation may also be conducted, if required, for further short-listing. The candidates
finally short-listed will be called for interview. For Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ positions, the University shall
conduct a written test. Further, Skill test shall also be conducted for the candidates short-listed from the
written test.
11. The selected candidates may be relocated or transferred according to the project’s needs.
12. No interim correspondence will be entertained.
13. Any form of canvassing will result in automatic disqualification.
14. The University reserves the right to withdraw or alter the advertised positions or change the number of
posts without giving any reason.
15. Candidates interested in applying for any of the above-mentioned positions should ensure that they
meet the essential qualifications and submit their applications on time. Further updates and detailed
instructions are available on the official BHU website i.e.
16. Interested eligible candidates may apply online at the University website or
Samarth/CU Chayan Portal.

The last date for submission of the online application form and Application Fee payment is
06/02/2025. upto 5:00 P.M. (IST). The downloaded application form along with supporting documents
should reach to the Office of the Registrar, Recruitment & Assessment Cell, Holkar House, BHU,
Vararansi-221005 on or before 11/02/2025 upto 5:00 p.m.

Dated: 07.01.2025 Registrar, BHU

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