Himalayan tone typology
Himalayan tone typology
Himalayan tone typology
Jonathan P. Evans
Academia Sinica
1. Introduction
2. Documentation of Typological Features
2.1 Binarity of Tone
2.2 Culminativity and Restricted Locations
2.3 Right Edge Effects
2.4 Morpho-Tonemics
2.5 The Tone-Laryngeal Interface
3. Discussion
4. Conclusions
1. Introduction
It has long been noted that Tibeto-Burman tone systems differ widely in structure from each
other. This paper considers the tone systems of Western Tibeto-Burman languages, especially
those of the Qiangic, Bodic, Tani, Bodo-Garo and Kuki-Chin-Naga branches, to see what
commonalities, if any, emerge. While there does not appear to be an iron-clad typology, cer-
tain traits emerge from a cross-linguistic comparison of tone systems:
1) Prevalence of binary oppositions, with one member of the pair more marked than the other.
2) No more than one of each type of tonal distinction per word (culminativity).
3) Restricted location of tone distinctions (e.g., only stem-penultimate in Caodeng rGyalrong,
word-initial elsewhere).
4) Right edge effect of (historically) checked syllables, which may be either synchronically
predictable or distinctive (e.g., Tibetan dialects, Caodeng rGyalrong).
5) Morpho-tonemics:
a. Affixes may be extrametrical (toneless: Caodeng rGyalrong, Lhasa Tibetan, Muka
Qiang, Bodic, Bodo-Garo). However, this can lead to a reversal, where the suffixes
can become the carrier of the tone (Tamangic).
b. Tonal polarity under certain morphological conditions (Mianchi Qiang, Zhuokeji
200 Jonathan P. Evans
c. Morphologically determined tone deletions (Caodeng rGyalrong). Note that this does
not include deletions due to culminativity restrictions.
d. Morphosyntactically assigned tones (Caodeng rGyalrong).
6) Tone-laryngeal interface:
a. Breathiness (Tamangic, Kham)
b. Voicing/aspiration of Ci (Tibetan dialects, Tamangic).
This paper has two aims. The first is to assemble typologically relevant features of tonal
systems of languages in this area. The second aim is to thereby alert Himalayan linguists to
a list of features that may be present in tone systems of interest, which it is hoped will lead to
a greater number of detailed descriptions.
To date there have been various overviews of characteristics of Tibeto-Burman tone
systems (e.g., Matisoff 1999; Weidert 1987; Yip 2002). Sources note that languages in this
family range from having many tonal contrasts to none, and from displaying emerging tonal
contrasts to disappearing ones. With such variety, it is not possible to establish one set of
typological characteristics shared by all Tibeto-Burman languages.
The aim of this paper is to compare tonal properties of western TB languages, starting
from the Qiangic languages of Sichuan and Yunnan, spreading westward across the Tibetan
plateau, through Bhutan and Northern India, and into Nepal. In selecting sources of data, I
have focused on those papers that include discussions of word-level phenomena.
It should be noted at the outset that most, but not all languages in the Sino-Tibetan family
are tonal. Lexical pitch distinctions are not found in some varieties of rGyalrong (‘Jiarong’,
Qiangic; Sichuan Province, China) (Nagano 1984, 2003), in most of Northern Qiang (H. Sun
1981; Liu 1998; cf. Evans 2006a; Huang and Zhou 2006), Newari (Genetti 2003; Hargreaves
2003), Garo (Burling and Joseph 2007), some Tani languages (J. Sun 2003), most of Kiranti
(Ebert 2003), and various Tibetan dialects.
The extinct Tangut language had two tones (Nathan Hill, p.c., Gong 2003). In some
cases, changes in Tangut tone indicate derivational changes: ljii1 ‘trousers’, ljii2 ‘put on trou-
sers’; ŋewr1 ‘to count’, ŋewr2 ‘a number’. However, tonal changes do not always indicate
changes in part of speech: nər1, nər2 ‘yellow.’ At this time, nothing is known of word-level
prosody in Tangut.
The Sino-Tibetan language family is comprised of approximately 250 to 300 languages
(Matisoff 2003), few of which have been described in sufficient detail to include in this
study. In addition, this study does not examine languages with “omnisyllabic” tone systems
(Matisoff 1999), in which each syllable has its own tone assignment which is relatively unaf-
fected by neighboring syllables and word-level prosody. Such languages may be found in
Lolo-Burmese, as well as among the ‘dialects’ of Chinese (Chen 2000). The languages in
this study whose systems are closest to omnisyllabic are the Kuki-Chin-Naga languages Ao
and Kuki-Thaadow.1)
The following discussion follows the order of the topics given in the Introduction.
Phonological characteristics of tone are summarized by language in the appendix.
Is There a Himalayan Tone Typology? 201
/a-qo/ /si-qo/
[à-qó] [sı ́-qò]
one-CL three-CL
‘one (thing)‘ ‘three (things)‘
In some cases, complex surface tone patterns reduce to binarity on closer inspection. This
has been shown to be the case in Niuwozi Pumi (Ding 2006). In Ding’s analysis, the apparent
complex of word tones (more on this later) actually consists of just /H/ and /L/ pitches, and
/H/ can be specified to spread one syllable rightward (“High” tone) or not (“Falling”):
The presence of monosyllabic contours that then spread out on disyllables shows that
both /H/ and /L/ are phonologically active. Similar patterns may be observed in Kuki-
202 Jonathan P. Evans
Thaadow (Chin; Assam, Myanmar. Hyman 2007). In other cases, a surface contrast between
two pitches can be shown to consist of one phonologically specified tone (privative), with the
remaining pitches filled in by default rules. Muka (Southern) Qiang demonstrates “simple”
privativity, in which /H/ contrasts with Ø (surface /L/): ‘sickle’
The Zhuokeji dialect of Situ rGyalrong has a more complex type of privativity, in which
there are layers of tone assignment, and each layer has one tone to contribute (or not):2)
Is There a Himalayan Tone Typology? 203
(4) Zhuokeji tone assigment in tri- and quadrisyllabic phrase-non-final words (Lin forthcoming;
Evans n.d.)
trisyllabic quadrisyllabic
lexicon: tamərdam samarpak kasənapri kɐnəsaksə
foot parsing: HL HL
final σ of (tamə)(rdam) (sama)(rpak) (kasə)(na)pri (kɐnə)(sa)ksə
is extrametrical
metrical tone: H H HL H H HL
/H/ on right (tamə)(rdam) (sama)(rpak) (kasə)(na)pri (kɐnə)(sa)ksə
syllable of first
tone spread: H H HL H H HL
(tamə)(rdam) (sama)(rpak) (kasə)(na)pri (kɐnə)(sa)ksə
default tone: L H L H HL LH L LH HL
assign /L/ to all (tamə)(rdam) (sama)(rpak) (kasə)(na)pri (kɐnə)(sa)ksə
syllables still ‘flail‘ ‘shoulder ‘to cause to ‘to have lunch‘
toneless pole‘ dine‘
Systems of two tones are rampant in this area, including Lhasa Tibetan, if one analyses
the possibility of final contour as being conditioned by right-edge glottality (see J. Sun 1997,
for discussion of competing analyses of Lhasa tone). However, the Tamangic (or TGTM)
group is typified by four tones. Historically, these derived from two tones via a split. The
table below (Mazaudon 2005; Noonan 2003) shows that breathy phonation (in gray) is speci-
fied for some tones.
Several of these languages (although not all) could be analyzed as having a binary pitch
contrast coupled with a phonation contrast. Similarly, Kham (Kiranti; Nepal) has a four-way
opposition that has been described as opposition between two tones, combined with clear/
breathy phonation (D. Watters 2003).
The Tani/Mirish branch appears to include both binary tone systems and those with
204 Jonathan P. Evans
more. Apatani (Weidert 1987) has /L/ and /H/, which like Niuwozi Pumi can be specified to
spread rightward one syllable. Gallong (Adi-Galo) has three tones, which following Weidert’s
(1987) description, consist of /H/, /HM/, /HL/. Eastern Tani languages (e.g., Bokar) lack lexi-
cal tone (J. Sun 2003).
Of the languages and groups examined for this paper, only TGTM, Gallong, and the
languages of Nagaland are not typified by binarity.
In most other languages in this area, tone is only specified in one place, usually identified
in reference to the left or right edge of the word. In Zhuokeji, the only existing lexical tone
(/HL/) can only link to the last syllable in the prosodic word (4). In the Caodeng dialect of
rGyalrong, the marked tone falls on the stem-penultimate syllable. The counting requirement
is so strict that the tone falls on the prefix of a monosyllabic verb stem:
In Bodic, Mirish, and Niuwozi Pumi, only the tone specified for the first syllable/mor-
pheme is pronounced, although its contour may spread:
Is There a Himalayan Tone Typology? 205
In Lavrung, the location of the pronounced tone is determined by a set of complex inter-
actions among input tones:
Because these tone rules (like the much simpler /H/ rule in Mianchi Qiang) rely on the
input tones to determine the output, rather than restricting tone to a certain location in the
word, these languages are not considered to have restrictions on where tone may surface.
206 Jonathan P. Evans
In Boro (Bodo-Garo; Burling and Joseph 2007), tones are culminative. Like the above
cases, tone is specified once per word; however, the location need not be specified, as the tone
category and morphological structure determine the pitch pattern for the entire word (see
Burling and Joseph 2007, for conventions on the location of tone markings):
Boro syllables ending in /-p/ or /-t/ are more restricted in their tonal possibilities; e.g., the
main consultant did not draw tonal distinctions on syllables ending in /-p/.
In the closely related Bodo-Garo language Tiwa (Joseph and Burling 2001), one tone
per word is specified, and the specification can fall on any syllable. Words longer than three
syllables are not common:
2.4 Morpho-Tonemics
There are numerous interactions between tones and morphology that are possible. Many of
the sources do not mention these; those writings that focus on phonology often do not con-
sider morphological complexities, and sources related to morphosyntax often do not discuss
morphophonemics. However, there are a few patterns that have been noted, which are dis-
cussed presently.
“the perfective marker –pə- are extrametrical in that the host syllables they are attached to
are characterized by domain-final contours, as if the enclitics do not count as part of the tonal
domain (Qu 1981; Mazaudon 1977; Durand 1990).” (J. Sun 1997)
In Muka Qiang, lexically toneless words receive a postlexical /H/ on the last syllable;
for plurals, this tone falls on the last syllable before the plural marker, which shows that the
plural marker is extrametrical:
a. /i/ [ı ́] ‘chicken’
b. /i-mje/ [ı ̀ mjé] ‘hen’
c. /i-lo.kue/ [ı ̀ lò kué] ‘old chicken’
d. /i-lo.kue= ŋa/ [ı ̀ lò kué ŋà] ‘old chickens’
In Caodeng rGyalrong, tone surfaces on the stem penult, regardless of the presence or
absence of suffixes. In Tamangic, “grammatical suffixes are reported to be devoid of distinc-
tive tones.” (Mazaudon 2005) As a result, they end up carrying some of the tonal melody, as
in the following examples from Risiangku Tamang (ibid.):
208 Jonathan P. Evans
Figure 1 Affixes are also toneless in other languages of this area, such as Meithei
(Chelliah, 2003)
Kuki-Thaadow pronominal possessive proclitics have /L/ tone before /HL, H/, but /HL/
before /L/ (the rising tone on /zóoŋ/ ‘monkey’ comes from spreading of the proclitic’s /L/
Is There a Himalayan Tone Typology? 209
In Caodeng rGyalrong,
“Unprefixed verb forms are distinguished from prefixed ones by removal of inherent accent.
This quite idiocyncratic accent loss can be demonstrated by the following prefixed (18a) and
unprefixed (18b) forms of the accented verb kɐ-rɐ́ski ‘to pull’” (J. Sun 2008):
In Mianchi Qiang, if the verb root has a directional prefix, but is non-suffixed, then it
surfaces with a /LH/ tone, as in the third person perfective forms:
Similarly, causativized perfective verbs in which the causative suffix is the last syllable
of its clause appear with a /HL/ tone on the causative suffix:
“for all eight dialects, the obstruent initials, on which a contrast of aspiration exists under
tone-1 and tone-2, do not contrast for aspiration under tone-3 and tone-4. In words of tones 3
and 4, only one laryngeal mode is found on word-initial consonants. In the five dialects with a
main High/Low division, the resulting archiphoneme is unaspirated.” (Mazaudon 2005)
In Lhomi Tibetan, high and low register are characterized by the following bundles of
3. Discussion
Of the hundreds of Sino-Tibetan languages, only a small percentage have been described at
all; of these, even fewer have had their tone systems subjected to adequate phonetic, phono-
logical, and morphological scrutiny to be able to say anything definite about their typological
characteristics. In spite of this lacuna, certain patterns emerge from the languages that have
been discussed above.
In order to answer the question raised by the title of this paper, the notion of ‘typology’
must be clarified. In some uses, ‘typology’ refers to features that are found to frequently
occur among the group of languages under consideration, such as the large number of lan-
guages for which primary stress assignment is either (stem-) initial or penultimate (Downing
2004; Hyman 1977). The Greenbergian sense of typology is much more restrictive, and is
intended to have at least probabilistic predictive power, such as his Universal 2: “In languages
with prepositions, the genitive almost always follows the governing noun, while in languages
with postpositions it almost always precedes.” (Greenberg 1963)
212 Jonathan P. Evans
If we allow for tone typology categories that “leak,” (Hyman 2007) then there are some
observations to be drawn from our sample of about 20 languages. Before stating these
observations, we recall that a number of ST languages were excluded from this comparison,
namely those with “omnisyllabic” tone (Matisoff 1999), in which there are minimal word-
level effects on tonal phonology (e.g., Mandarin Chinese, Lahu).
The most commonly found features among these tonal systems are binary oppositions
(e.g., High vs. Falling), culminativity (found everywhere except Kuki-Chin-Naga and Dayang
Pumi (Matisoff 1997)), and restrictions to certain locations.
Binary tone systems increase in number if certain assumptions are made; e.g., if tone
and phonation type are separated, then numerous TGTM languages have binary tone systems,
coupled with a modal/breathy voice distinction.
For languages with restrictions on where tone may be specified, the most common loca-
tions are left and right edges of the phonological word or morphological stem. Contour tones
may be restricted to word-final (Muya, Ikeda 2002, Kuki-Thaadow, Hyman 2007) or clause-
final positions (contour tones on Mianchi Qiang verbs). Final-only contour tones are found
in languages across the world, due to the typical lengthening of final syllables that provides
enough time to articulate a contour (Zhang 2002).
Certain typological relationships are tautologous – tonal polarity is only found in lan-
guages with binary tone systems, and morphological tone deletions are only possible in lan-
guages that permit syllables to remain tonally non-specified.
There are some intriguing sub-typologies within the set of languages examined: mor-
phological manipulation of tones is common in Qiangic and Kuki-Chin-Naga, breathy phona-
tion is found in Bodic and Kham (due to the course of tonogenesis via registrogenesis).
There are no clear geographic tendencies in the structure of tone systems for this group
of languages. For example, within the Qiangic branch, rGyalrongic, which is comprised of
mostly binary tonal dialects, abuts Northern Qiang, which has only a few tonal forms in a few
varieties, which borders Southern Qiang, where most dialects have binary tone systems in
their native lexica. In the same area where rGyalronic languages are spoken, Amdo Tibetan
(no lexical tone) is in widespread use.
In spite of the lack of geographic trends among the languages examined here, we may
observe that “omnisyllabic” languages, such as Lahu, tend to fall more within the Sinosphere,
with influence from Chinese, Thai or other languages with larger tonal inventories and denser
tonal specification than is found among these more westerly ST languages (cf. Matisoff
In recent publications, two languages of this area, the Mianchi dialect of Qiang (Evans
2008), and Kuki-Thaadow (Hyman 2007) have been noted as having prototypical African
tendencies in their tonal systems:
Is There a Himalayan Tone Typology? 213
Employing Pike’s (1948) characterizations, Hyman (2007) shows the ways that Kuki-
Thaadow is more similar to ‘Register tone systems’ (prototypical Bantu), than it is to ‘Contour
tone systems’ (Mandarin Chinese, Thai, etc.):
214 Jonathan P. Evans
4. Conclusions
In recent years, there have appeared an increasing number of tonological studies of Himalayan
languages. Precise observations made in these works, coupled with unambiguous examples,
have made possible the typological characterizations drawn in this preliminary study. The
preceding discussion presents an attempt to find typological generalizations of tone systems
in “western” Tibeto-Burman, with regard to phonetic, phonological, and morphological
Outside of Qiangic, tone often has its phonetic “fellow travelers” – phonation type in
Tibetan, Kham, and TGTM (as well as in Burmese); a traveling final glottal stop in Bodo-
Garo; syllable length in Boro and Lhomi Tibetan.
In most of these languages, tones are not completely separated from other aspects of
phonology, especially prosodic word-level limitations on numbers and locations of tonemes.
As has been observed in the above table (Hyman 2007), it is not surprising that in lan-
guages in which words have variable lengths (whether measured by morphemes or syllables),
there are interactions between morphology and tone, whether morpho-syntactic (as in the
cases of tonal assignment, deletion, and polarity) or at the level of word-formation (e.g., tonal
realization in Lavrung).
This study has not delved into the histories of the various subgroups; in some cases, the
origins of the tonal systems are clear, as in Tibetan dialects. For groups such as TGTM and
Lolo-Burmese, tonal splits can be detected, but the origin of tones at the proto-subgroup level
are obscure. In other subgroups, such as Qiangic, there does not appear to be any tonal cor-
Is There a Himalayan Tone Typology? 215
No: These languages do not provide evidence for strict implicational typologies in the
Greenbergian sense, aside from tautological trivialities.
Yes: There are typological tendencies that are spread across these related languages
(typology in the Downing 2004).
As more studies are done, especially on the little-known and prosodically under-
described languages of Northeast India, the typology(-ies) of tone in this area will become
increasingly clear.
• “The tone bearing unit is the element in the segmental tier to which tone associ-
ates.” (Gussenhoven 2004: 29)
• “It seems that tone always associates to prosodic entities, but languages can differ
as to whether the syllable or the mora is the TBU.” (Yip 2006; similar observation
in Hyman 2001a)
• “In TGTM languages the tone bearing unit in the lexicon is the morpheme; in the
sentence, it is the word, formed of a tonal lexical item plus its atonal grammatical
affixes. The tonal melody which characterizes the tone of the lexical item fully
determines the pitch of the suffix or string of suffixes. In many cases, the melody
simply extends, or rather deploys itself over the number of syllables available.”
(Mazaudon 2005)
Almost forty years ago, Ilse Lehiste (1970, cited in Hyman 2005) observed: “A certain
degree of vagueness seems to characterize most discussions of prosodic features.” In the
above quotes, the first two authors use TBU as a phonological unit (either segmental or pro-
sodic) that can accept a tone; Yip’s quote appears to be more specific, as Gussenhoven does
not here state what ‘elements’ can appear in the CV tier. For both of these authors, the TBU
may be seen as the phonological domain under the tone, although they disagree as to how
directly tone relates to segments.
By way of contrast, Mazaudon appears to define TBU as the domain over the tone. Her
first observation is that morphological units have tone in their lexical entries (this may be
taken as definitional of a tone language). Second, she notes that when Tamangic morphemes
are combined into a word, suffixes are toneless; their pitch specification is determined by
the tonal category of their lexical morpheme. Similar effects determine which lexical tone
specification gets pronounced when compounds are formed. In Mazaudon’s usage, TBU is
the morphological unit in which only a single tone specification is found in the pronounced
form. For Gussenhoven and Yip, TBU is the phonological unit which receives a tonal pitch
216 Jonathan P. Evans
This paper has benefited from discussions with Robbins Burling, Alec Coupe, Scott DeLancey,
Nathan Hill, Larry Hyman, Alexis Michaud, You-Jing Lin, Yasuhiko Nagano and Jackson
T.-S. Sun. Any remaining errors are my own. The research was supported by funding from
the National Science Council (Taiwan), grant #96-2411-H-001-069.
1) The validity of Naga as a linguistic genealogical subgrouping is not universally accepted (Burling
2) It should be noted that fieldwork with other speakers of this same dialect have not found evidence
for tonal distinctions (Nagano 2003). Subsequent versions of Lin (forthcoming) arrive at the
surface form via a different derivation. However, the relevant observations – lexical tone can only
be specified on the final syllable, and the remaining tone assignments are not distinctive – are
3) /HL/ and /LH/ have been substituted for Ding’s /F/, /R/.
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Appendix: Properties of Selected Himalayan tone systems
1. Numbers are page numbers in the given reference.
2. Minus (-) means that the source either explicitly states that the property is lacking, or the source is extensive enough to reasonably draw that conclusion.
3. Blanks represent unknown values.