9. Highway Maintenance
9. Highway Maintenance
9. Highway Maintenance
Out of the given activities maintenance is the most important . Proper maintenance
Maintenance provides better facilities, longer life and better appearance
Increases comfort of travel
Decreases the cost of travel
Eliminates the chances of costly rehabilitation process
4.1 Introduction
Roadside Maintenance
• Structures and surface above and below the road having direct active
and or passive influence on road
• Culvert protection works, retaining walls, area drain, cut slopes, fill
slopes, unstable natural slopes, river protection
Based on the nature of maintenance activities it can be classified as
1. Routine maintenance
2. Recurrent maintenance
3. Specific maintenance
4. Periodic maintenance
5. Emergency maintenance
Preventive maintenance/Planned maintenance = 1+2+3+4 (But with
systematically determined frequencies through long term planning
and experience)
Routine maintenance
Carried as frequently as required
Done on all elements of highway
Localized nature required continually whatever may be its engineering
characteristics or traffic volume
Generally done by labor
Routine maintenance
Includes Activities Like
Grass and bush cutting, grading shaping of unpaved surface
Cleansing of carriageways, ditches, drains, signs and signals etc
Minor damage to carriageways, slopes, culverts, signals and sign post
barriers, lighting facilities
Replacement of ancillary furniture and equipment e.g. Signing,
barriers, road markings, drainage tubes etc.
Clearance of snow and ice in winter seasons
सडक को सतह लाइ सफा राखने
प हले पछ
सडक को खा डखु डी टाल दनेकाम
१ २ ३
सडक संगैको नाल सफा गन
प हले पछ
सडक वर पर को वाल/कलबटह सफा गन
सडकको सो डर ममत गन
सडक वरपर को च हह दे खने ग र राखने
Recurrent maintenance
Localized nature and of limited extent
Re-occurance duration 6 months to 2 years depending on traffic
Use of minor equipment
Paved roads: sealing cracks, local surface treatment, holes and ruts,
pothole patching, edge repair etc
Specific Maintenance
Prevent premature deterioration retarding the progression of
deficiencies and effectively increasing the useful life of
• Large Potholes Patching
• Small Scale Rigid pavement works
• Drain and wall repair
Periodic maintenance
• Covers all long term programmable operations required
within service life
• Done at certain interval of several years
• Frequency and type of renewal depend on type of original
surfacing, traffic, rainfall and other climatic conditions.
• Involves renewal of wearing course and maintenance of
various items.
• Resealing, resurfacing, renovation of wearing surface
Emergency Maintenance
Need for special problems which may cause/have caused big
problems if not dealt timely.
e.g. Damages caused by floods/Landslides
3. Funding Management
4. Implementation and Monitoring
Maintenance Management System
System approach is appropriate for maintenance
Factors to be included in maintenance are:
Minimum serviceability standards
Factors like: soil, drainage, climate, traffic etc
Estimation of rate of deterioration
Type and extent of maintenance requirements
Requirements for Maintenance cost, materials, manpower and equipment
economic evaluation of Alternatives
Mechanism providing alterative execution strategies for Allocating of
resources ensuring optimum utilization of inputs i.e. Shall have priorities
fixing mechanism
Types of Failures and Causes
1. Failure in Flexible Pavement
• Usually flexible pavement fails due to localized depression or settlements.
Localized depression normally is followed with heaving in the vicinity.
• The failure in any of the layers of flexible pavement causes failure of the
• The failure in different layers and their causes are as follows
Failure of sub-grade:-
• Flexible pavement failure due to excessive deformation in sub-grade soil can be
noticed in the form of excessive undulation or waves and corrugation in the
pavement surface
- Filling of ruts with premix ( open graded or dense graded ) patching materials and
compacting to the desired levels after applying a tack coat.
Formation of fairly regular
undulations ( ripples) across
the surface ( about 25 mm
and spacing waves at 3 m)
Wash boarding
Short waves
Long waves o Lack of stability in the mix ( excessive binder , high proportion of
Corrugation patches fines , too round or too smooth textured course or fine aggregate,
too soft a binder)
oLack of proper bond between surface and underlying layer ( tack coat or any localized
inadequacy can cause)
oInsufficient bitumen content.
oIn dense graded mixture , pot-hole forms by too much fines or inadequate camber
oToo thin bituminous surface ( unable to withstand the heavy traffic , when associated with
improper or inadequate camber)
Treatment of Defects
- Hot/cold Mixes for immediate use
- Storable cold mixes ( Cutback /emulsion)
- Readymade mixes
- Cold mixes by patching machines
Edge of the bituminous surface
get broken in an irregular way.
o Infiltration of water which soften the foundation layer causing the pavement edges to break
oWorn out shoulders resulting in insufficient side support to the pavement
oInadequate strength at the edge of the pavement due to inadequate compaction
oLower layer of pavement not being wider than the upper layer
A bituminous surface similar to that in the adjacent reach should be laid
1. Failure of Rigid pavement:-
Failures of cement concrete pavements (Rigid Pavement) are recognized mainly by the formation of
structural cracking. The failures are mainly due to two factors.
• Deficiency of pavement materials or material handling
• Scaling of cement concrete —Excessive vibration makes mortar on top of the layer
which get abraded exposing aggregates of the mix. This makes surface rough and
shabby in appearance.
• Shrinkage cracks.
• Spalling of joints — Develops extensive cracks due to removal of material.
• Warping crack — Cracks appears normally due to improper joint design and if proper
reinforcement is not provided at the longitudinal and transverse joints.
• Mud pumping — It occurred when soil slurry ejects out through the joints and cracks
of cement concrete pavement caused during the downward movement of slab under
the wheel load.
Types and Methods of Pavement maintenance and repair Based on Surface
Earthen Roads
Formation of dust in dry weather
Formation of longitudinal ruts along wheel path
Formation of cross ruts due to surface water
Maintenance and repair Activities
Dust can be reduced by
Sprinkling of water
Treatment with calcium chloride and other palliatives
Application of layer oiled earth
Patch Repair:
For damaged, improper sections and pot holes formed
Corrugation occurs due to incorrect gradation, excessive
bitumen, traffic overloads or excessive moisture
Done on localised areas using cold mix
No bump should be felt
Seven Steps
1. Mark patch boundaries
2. Cut boundaries
3. Clean and repair foundation
4. Apply tack coat
5. Fill the hole with patching material
6. Compact the patch
7. Clean up
Pothole patching
Structural Evaluation:
Checked by amount deflection on specified load or load carried at
specified deflection
Benkelman Beam is the most commonly used equipment
Evaluation of Pavement Surface Condition:
Flexible Pavement: surface unevenness, ruts, cracks etc.
Rigid Pavement: cracks and faulty Joints
Indicators : IRI , SDI
International Roughness Index (IRI)
The IRI summarizes the longitudinal surface profile in the wheel-path and is
computed from surface elevation data collected by either a topographic survey or a
mechanical profilometer.
It is defined by the average rectified slope (ARS), which is a ratio of the accumulated
suspension motion to the distance traveled obtained from a mathematical model of a
standard quarter car traversing a measured profile at a speed of 50mph (80km/h)
Surface Distress Index :
Surface distress is “Any indication of poor or unfavorable pavement
performance or signs of impending failure; any unsatisfactory
performance of a pavement short of failure” It can be in the form of
• Fracture.
• Distortion.
• Disintegration.
Strengthening of Existing Pavements:
If pavements have to support increased wheel load and load repetitions, number of amount of
periodic and routine maintenance should be increased
Alternative can be either diverting traffic or strengthening the existing pavement by providing
additional thickness of the pavement
Types of overlay:
1. Flexible over Flexible
2. Cement Concrete over Flexible
3. Flexible over Rigid
4. Rigid over Rigid
Choice depends on different factors like thickness of overlay, local materials, wheel load, costs
Flexible overlay over flexible Pavement:
Design of Overlay
Conventional Method
• Evaluation of existing thickness and overlay thickness
Total pavement thickness required is designed for design traffic and
existing conditions of subgrade.
CBR value of Subgrade is determined at field density and CBR
method of pavement design is adopted.
Existing thickness is found by digging pits on wheel path.`
The overlay thickness required is given by
0 𝑑 𝑒
Where, 0= overlay thickness required
𝑑= Total Design thickness required, presently determined
𝑒= Total Thickness of the existing pavement.
*all dimensions are in cm.
Benkelman Beam Deflection Studies
AC Benkelman used it for first time in 1953
Permissible maximum deflection for satisfactory performance of a
road depends on traffic, material and environmental factors
Benkelman Deflection more than allowable deflection suggests
Tests are suggested to be carried out after the monsoon
Benkelman Beam Deflection Studies
Conceptual Principle
Measures the rebound deflection of pavement due to dual wheel
load assembly or design wheel load.
Beam of length 3.66. pivoted to a datum frame at a distance of
2.44m from the probe end
Datum frame rests on a pair of front levelling legs and rear leg with
adjustable height.
Probe end of the beam is inserted between the dual rear wheels of
truck and rests on pavement surface at the center if the loaded area
Benkelman Beam Deflection Studies
Dial gauge is fixed on the datum frame with its spindle in contact
with the other end of the beam such that the distance between the
probe end and the fulcrum of the beam is twice the distance
between fulcrum and dial gauge
Rebound deflection measured by dial gauge is half of the actual
movement of the probe end.
Benkelman Beam Deflection Studies
Deflection Measurement Procedure:
The pavement Stretches (>500m) are classified and grouped as
good, fair and poor.
Loading points are located along a wheel path on a line 0.9m from
edge for road width more than 3.5m and 0.6m for narrow roads
Minimum 10 deflection observations are to be done
Benkelman Beam Deflection Studies
Standard loaded truck with rear axle weighing 8170 Kg and fitted with
dual tire each having a tyre pressure of 5.6 kg/sq. cm. is used
Dual wheel is centred above the selected point
Probe of the beam is placed between the two wheels
Lock is removed and checked for free movement
If stationary, initial dial gauge reading is taken Do.
Truck is moved slowly and stopped at 2.7m
Corresponding deflection is noted if recovery of pavement is <=
.025mm/minute, recorded as intermediate reading
Benkelman Beam Deflection Studies
Truck is moved forward for another 9m and final reading is taken
Difference between final and initial reading intermediate and initial
readings are calculated
If difference lies within 0.025mm then actual pavement deflection is
twice the final differential reading
Else apparent pavement deflection is calculated as twice the final
differential reading.
True pavement deflection = apparent pavement deflection +
2.91 * twice the difference between the intermediate and final
Pavement temperature is recorded at one hour intervals and subgrade
moisture content is recorded in suitable interval.
Benkelman Beam Deflection Studies
Deflection value D with Leg Correction
𝐷 = 2 𝐷0 − 𝐷𝑓 + 2K 𝐷𝑖 − 𝐷𝑓 𝑑𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
0 10 𝐷 𝑎