ENDTERM 2 2024
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
b. Give three types planting materials used when establishing
agroforestry trees. (3mks)
2. Name three minimum tillage practices for water conservation
carried out in farming, (3 mks
b. Name two areas you can place the planting site marked B (2 mks)
b. State two advantages of the above method. (2 mks)
7. Joseph came across a farmer who grows crops in his large farm. State
three factors that the farmer explained to him that determine the
appropriate time for planting. (3mks)
8. Suggest the steps undertaken in preparation of a ground seedbed. (4mks)
11. During a class discussion, the learners suggested activities carried out on crop
management. Name three activities the learners suggested. (3mks)
12. John came across the weed drawn below. Which weed is it likely to be?
13. Moseche was left to take care of his younger siblings and prepare supper
for the day. He started planning for the meal in the morning. Why was it
important for Moseche to plan the meal early? Give two reasons. (2mks)
14. Describe the term food fortification as used in Food and Nutrition. (1 mk)
17. List four outlets where you can get household goods. (2mks)
18. Below are some methods used in buying of goods and services. Discuss
each method. (2mks)
Mobile money
Barter trade
For marking scheme call sir Abraham 0729 125 181
24. Grade seven learners harvested green maize for grilling during their
Parents Day. As a member of the class, explain how you can improvise a
25. Different types of food in our locality provide us with the nutrients needed
by our bodies for proper functioning. List at least two foods from your locality
ENDTERM 2 2024
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
4. Grade seven Learners were asked by their CRE teacher to mention reasons
that make CRE an important subject to them. List three points that they
highlighted. (3 mks).
5. The creation story is given in two accounts. Write three similarities between the two
6. The Old Testament books are classified into different groups. Identify three
classifications of old testament books and list two books in each category. (6mks)
The bible has been translated into different languages. Discuss three reasons
10. Mr. Alex from Precious Junior Secondary School invited an officer from an Agricultural
Institution to discuss responsible ways of using plants with Grade 7 learners. What are
11. Discuss three roles played by Moses during the Exodus (3 mks)
ENDTERM 2 2024
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
14. What are some of the Importance of Performing Arts in Society. (5mks)
17. Write the correct French names for the rhythmic patterns given below. The first
18. Give the correct time signatures for the symbols below. (3mks) Get any three
9. The ability of muscles and joints to move freely is known as? ( 1 mk)
10. The technique of passing the baton shown below is known as (1 mk)
11. The description below show a procedure of performing a certain skill test for fitness (l mk)
Slowly and gently let your knees drop sideways with your feet together.
Hold your feet with your hands and pull your ankles close to your body.
Use a tape measure to mark the distance between your body and the ankles Image
12. An exercise used to identify individuals with medical conditions before a physical
exercise are known as? _(1 Mk)
15. A profession occupation or a job that someone has done for a long period of time is
known as (1 mk)
careers of people within the facility. Which any three careers could they have
identified. (3mks)
18. The type of pass a handballer can use when taking a penalty shot is called.
20. List any three sports equipment that is likely to be found in a learning institution (3 mks)
21. Grade four pupils were asked to name importance of a warm up activity
during sports. List any three importances they could have named (3mks)
22. Forming a connection between two or more organization e.g. a high school and
another is known as 1 mk)
24. The type of shot described by the diagram below is a shot. (3 mks)
20 List two similarities between a drop finish technique and a run through finish
technique. (2mks)
21 A race that consist four runners who cover equal distance on the track by passing
i) Marking
ii) Dodging
iii) Follow through
23 List any three sources of income from sports. (3mks)
24 How well a person is able to follow their spending and saving plans is called (1 mk)
27. On the space below. draw a one point perspective image. Show the vanishing
point. (10 mks)
19. Match the following categories of art with their correct examples: ( 4mks)
26. Colours that are directly opposite each other on the colour wheel are called
27. Which one of the following is not a primary colour? ( red, blue, green) ( 2 marks)
ENDTERM 2 2024
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
Polly: Hello Allan, how was the competition? Martin told me that you met your
Allan: Hello Polly, Yeah Martin is right. I used to think I am the best runner in this
Polly: Well, I think Mr.Oscar will have to do something extra in his coaching, or
else it may get stiffer and stiffer.
Allan: We have time. The best thing is that I was the second after Ken. The first
Polly: I wish you all the best as you plan to train for the same. I shall
Allan: Thank you very much Polly. I am looking forward to emerging the best
(1). Possibly, which sporting activity did Allan take part in?
The night was as quiet as a deserted cemetery. I was left at home alone with my
two siblings since my parents had travelled to Leshau to attend to my uncle's
funeral. It was a night that evil spirits were believed to roam around. I waited
patiently as a vulture for the nutritious delicacy I was cooking. Within a short time,
the food was ready to be served.
After having our scrumptious meal, we retired to bed. A few minutes later, I
began craving for tea.
(7). Why was the writer alone with her siblings on this fateful night?
One Monday morning, the people of a rural village had to mourn the senseless
annoying about the death was that they occurred in circumstances that could be
The tragedy struck as the villagers scrambled for fuel after the oil tanker
overturned. It is believed that the blaze was ignited by a burning cigarette that
was probably being smoked by one of the victims. What this means is that, it did
not occur to whoever had the cigarette, It is that petrol is a highly inflammable
(12). "The word 'inflammable' is underlined in the passage. It could also mean the
same as
You may have heard people complaining recently that the price of 'unga' is too high.
When the price of basic goods go up, many people are not able to afford items such
as bread and unga. When people cannot afford, it means that they may sleep
hungry and so they cannot work as effectively as they are required to.
Currently there is a debate in Kenya on a bill that seeks to control the price of goods.
A bill is a passed law. If the bill is passed, that is, accepted by a majority of the
28. Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For
each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.
18__________ much water for growing plants. Rain that falls on sand also drains 19
underlined word.
(30). The coach was sick, so the match was put off.
(39). It was kind _______________________ you to allow me stay in your house for a
(46). Athletic
(47). Biblical
(48). Angry
(49). Able
(50). Beautiful
ENDTERM 2 2024
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
1. The apparatus shown below is used for heating purposes in the laboratory.
A hot liquid was found to be 70.5°C. What is the temperature of this liquid in SI Units? (1 mk)
24. List any three activities that can be carried out in a laboratory. (3mks)
25. Laboratory apparatus are expensive. State three care practises for laboratory
apparatus and equipment. (3mks)
26. Why is alcohol thermometer more preferred for use than mercury thermometer'? (2 mks)
c. Prediction
8. b. Give an example of
ENDTERM 2 2024
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
1. Write the names of prophets to whom the following holy books were sent.
28. Zabur
33. Suhuf
9. The following are places where the holy Qur'an was preserved in
Lauhul Mahfudh
Baitul Izza
10. What was the first command given to Prophet Muhammad (S.A. W) in the first
set revelation? (Imk)
11. Write down the meaning of these verses from Surah Ad-Dhuha. (3mks)
12. "l.aa Uqlsimu bihaadhal balad" - In this verse Allah( S.W.T) swears by the city of
period. (I mk)
13. Taqrir. Qaul. Fi'il. Sifat are all phrases that describe Hadith of Prophet.
Muhammad (S.A. W). Match these forms of hadith with descriptions of hadith
31 Write down any three reporters of Hadith that you know. (4mks)
32 Complete the following short teachings from the hadiths of the prophet (S.A. W)
a. All actions done by man are judged by
Shirk Akbar
17. How many times is a congregational prayer rewarded more than a person who
prays alone? _____________________________times. (Imk)
18. A person who leads others in a congregational prayer is called (Imk)
First takbira
Second Takbira
Third Takbira
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
Mwalimu: (Akitabasamu). Leo nina furaha tele kwa kuwa tutajifunza kuhusu namna ya
kutumia kamusi kutambua maana, tahajia, ngeli na aina za maneno.
Mwalimu: Hebu kila mmoja atazame kamusini neno 'mwavuli'. Cheupe tusomee.
Mwalimu: Hewala! Hata hivyo, kunayo maneno ambayo hupatikana katika ngeli zaidi
ya moja. Mfano ukitazama neno 'Choo' kamusini, utagundua kuwa ni kitenzi na
vilevile. nomino.
Cheusi: Asante mwalimu, sasa tunaweza kushirikiana kufanya mazoezi zaidi ili
(4). Ukitafuta neno kamusini, unapata maelezo mengi. Andika mojawapo ya maelezo
ya neno hilo. (Alama 1)
Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali 6 - 9. Alasiri moja, askari kanzu walikuwa
wakitembea kijijini. Walipokuwa wakipita kando ya kichaka walimwona Kanzola.
Alikuwa akivuta bhangi. Alipowaona maafisa wa polisi-alitimua mbio lakini askari
walimtia mbaroni. Alifungwa pingu mikononi na kupelekwa katika kituo cha polisi.
Katika kituo cha polisi aliwekwa rumande. Siku iliyofuata, alipelekwa mahakamani.
Askari waliogopa asitoroke . Kwa hivyo, aliposimama katika kizimba walimfunga
Kesi iliposikilizwa, Kanzola alihukumiwa kifungo cha miaka saba katika jela. Hakimu
alimwambia kuwa alikuwa na nafasİ ya kukata rufaa kabla ya wiki mbili kuisha.
Kanzola aliangua kilio. Alilia sana. Lakini kilio si dawa. Hakuamini kuwa amekuwa
mfungwa. Aliogopa kukaa katika seli za gerezani.
(10). Taja siku mbiIi familia ya Ibrahim ilikula wali na nyama.(Alama 2).
Maji humfaa binadamu kwa kunywa. Kila mtu huhitaji kunywa maji ili aendelee kuishi.
Wataalamu wa afya hupendekeza binadamu angalabu anywe glasi nne za maji kila
siku. Maji husaidia pakubwa katika afya ya binadamu kwa sababu bila, husababisha
madhara mengi ukiwemo uhaba wa damu mwilini.
Si hayo tu, Maji hutumiwa kuoga na kufua. Hebu fikiria ulimwengu bila maji? Watu
wangekuwa wachafu. Wangenuka kama beberu.
Je, wajua kuwa maji huchangia sana katika kilimo? Je, upo mmea wowote unaweza
kukua bila maji? Maji ya mvua, mito, maziwa, Visima na hata bahari hunyunyishwa
mashambani. Mbali na hayo, maji hutumika uzalishaji wa nguvu za umeme. Mito
mikubwa yenye mianguko mikubwa hutumiwa kuzalisha nguvu za umeme. Aidha maji
hutumika katika micheza kama vile kuoglea, mashindano ya uvuvi, mashua na upigaji
mbizi. Michezo hii huvutia watalii katika taifa la kenya. Usisahau kuwa maji hutumika
kwa upishi. Mapishi kama kuchemsha na kukaanga.
Usafiri pia njia nyingine ambayo maji huwafaidi binadamu. Meli na vyombo vingine
vya majini. Bahari, maziwa na mito mingi hutumiwa kusafirisha vitu na watu. Isitoshe,
Maji hutumika katika shuguli za dharura kama vile kuzima moto. Si hayo tu. maji
hutumika kupunguza joto katika mitambo.
Mwisho maji hutumika kama dawa. Yapo baadhi ya magonjwa ambayo dawa yake
ni maji. Dawa nyingi hutumiwa pamoja na maji.
Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 16 mpaka 20. Chagua jibu sahihi.
24. Nyimbo ambazo mtoto huimba ili alale aache kulia huitwaje?
25. Badilisha sentensi hizi ziwe katika nyakati zilizo kwenye mabano. (alama 2)
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………
ENDTERM 2 2024
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
Personal safety
Safety hazard
Describe how the tool can be used safely to avoid injuries.(2 marks)
b. Name any three items round in the equipment in (a) above. (3 marks)
c. Aisha was running to the toilet. She hit a piece of stone and fell down. The
35. Describe the procedure that could have been administered to Aisha
30. Brian placed a steel pin, copper pin and a bronze button on a stool and passed
a magnet over it.
From your description in (a) above group, the items as magnetic or non-
magnetic. (3 marks)
31. (a) Differentiate between household hand tools and farming hand tools. (1 mark)
Draw the following farming hand tools and state their uses. (6 marks)
20. (a) Define the term drawings. (1 mark)
13. State three other careers that apply use of drawings. (3 marks)
22. Name the parts of the computer labelled A,B,C and D.
23. Identity the part of a computer that performs the following functions. (3mks)
ENDTERM 2 2024
Instructions to Learners.
Answer all the Questions.
32. List three theories that explain the origin of man. (3 mks)
35. Indicate whether the following given source of historical information is either primary
or secondary. (5rnks)
Text books –
Artefacts –
Coins –
36. The atmospheric condition of a place over a short period of time is known as (1 mk)
37. The movement of the earth on its axis is known as. (Imk)
39. List three factors that one needs to consider when setting up a weather station. (3 mks)
Use the map of Africa shown below to answer questions 10-13.
15. The difference between the maximum and the minimum temperature recorded in a
day is known as______________________ range temperature. (2mks)
The time in Moyale 40 degrees East is 8 a.m,what will be the time in Lagos 6
given area and has a frame, title key and a compass. (1 mk)
20. Write two places where people can offer community service. (3 mks)
22. The following are steps that grade 7 would follow to carry out a community
service learning project but root in the right order. Arrange them in the right
order. (5 mk)
Identification of a problem.
23. During a sport day, James won 1 10 meters hurdles. Draw the face that will describe
his emotions. (2 mks) I
28. Joy lives with her family in a very big house in a luxurious estate. Her mother is
a nurse and her father is an engineer. She is black and short. They go to church
every Saturday. From the story identify and explain any two dimensions as seen
in Joy's family. (2 mks)