Question 1. [1 point each = 9 points] Answer the following understanding questions with a precise
and concise explanation. You can use annotated sketches if necessary.
(a) Explain in your own words the difference between a scalar, a point and a vector, using an example
in daily life.
(b) Describe the term unit vector.
(c) Write down and explain with an annotated sketch the Pythagoras’ theorem.
(d) What is a ’orthogonal basis’ for a coordinate system?
(e) For what angle between two vectors is the dot product of those vectors at its largest?
(f) What is the relation between the magnitude of a vector and the dot product of the vector with
(g) Write down a general line in the slope-intercept form. What is the meaning of every term?
(h) Explain in your own words the geometric interpretation of a cross product of two vectors (in 3D).
(i) Is the dot product a vector or a scalar? And what about the cross product?
(a) A scalar is just a number, e.g. ’3’. A point is a set of numbers, defined on a coordinate system,
e.g., 1m away from both the bottom and the left edges of the table. A vector is an entity that
specifies a direction and magnitude, e.g. wind velocity (speed + direction) in De uithof.
(b) A vector with length 1.
(c) Draw a triangle. Call the hypotenuse c, the base a and height b. Then a2 + b2 = c2 . In the context
of vectors, the length of the vector ~c can be calculated using this theorem.
(d) A basis where all basis vectors are perpendicular to each other.
(e) 0◦
(f) ||~v || = ~v · ~v
(g) y = mx + q. q is the intercept, the y-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the y-axis; m
is the tangent of the angle between the line and the x-axis.
(h) the cross product w
~ of two vectors ~u and ~v is a vector that is perpendicular to both ~u and ~v and
has magnitude ||w||
~ = ||~u|| ||~v || sin θ
(i) The dot product is indeed a scalar, while cross product is a vector
Question 2. [2+5=7 points] Consider two points P = (3, 2) and Q = (1, 4) in R2 . Please answer
(and outline the intermediate steps) for the questions below.
(a) Write down the equation of the line passing through them in implicit form.
(b) The line segment P Q is one arm of a full square P QRS; the vertices are labelled in the clockwise
direction. Find the coordinates of R and S.
(a) y = −x + 5 ⇒ −x − y + 5 = 0 or y + x − 5 = 0
Qy − Py 4−2
Explanation: The slope of the line is = = −1. Equation of the straight line
Qx − Px 1−3
passing through them is therefore y = −1x + c. Fix c = 5 by the condition that the line passes
through P or Q.
(b) S = (5, 4) and R = (3, 6). p √ √
Explanation: The length of the line segment PQ is (−2)2 + 2√ 2 = 8 = 2 2 . The line segments
PS and QR are perpendicular to PQ, and their lengths √ are also 8. We’ll find the coordinates of R
and S using from these, by shooting rays of lengths 8 from P and Q in a direction perpendicular
to PQ. Given that the slope of the line segment PQ is −1, the parametric form equation of a ray
from (x0 , y0 ) in a direction perpendicular
to PQ is
x x0 1 vy x0 1 2
= +l× q = +l× √ . To find the location of
y y0 2
vy + (−vx ) 2 −v x y0 8 2
S, we use (x0 , y0 ) = (3, 2) and l = 8, leading √ to (3 + 2 = 5, 2 + 2 = 4). Similarly, to find the
location of R, we use (x0 , y0 ) = (1, 4) and l = 8, leading to (3, 6). The exercise states that PQRS
are labelled in the clockwise direction, so R and S should not be swapped.
Question 3. [4+2+3=9 points] Given are the points in 3D: A = (2, −1, −2), B = (3, 1, −1) and
C = (1, −1, −1). Please answer (and outline the intermediate steps) for the questions below.
(a) Write down the general form of the implicit equation of the plane P through A, B and C.
(b) Determine the unit vectors perpendicular to P .
(c) What is the minimal distance of point M = (5, 5, 5) to the plane P ?
(a) x − y + z − 1 = 0
3−2 1
The vector spanning from A to B is u = 1 − −1 = 2 , and the vector spanning from A
−1 − −2 1
1−2 −1 2
to C is v = −1 − −1 = 0 . The cross product of these two vectors is u × v = −2 .
−1 − −2 1 2
So the equation of the plane must be of the form x − y + z + D = 0. The fact that all three points
lies on this plane (any one will do) then leads to D = −1.
(b) ± √ 2 1 2 2 −1
1 +(−1) +1
|AMx +BMy +Cmz +D|
(c) Given Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 the distance to the point M is d = √
A2 +B 2 +C 2
. This gives
√ = √4 .
1+1+1 3
Question 4. [2+7=9 points] Given a sphere in R3 with centre C = (3, 3, 3) and a point on the surface
of the sphere P = (2, 5, 1). Please answer (and outline the intermediate steps) for the questions below.
(a) Determine the equation for the sphere in implicit and parametric form.
(b) Determine the location of the point on the surface of the sphere closest to Q = (6, 9, 1).
(a) The implicit form equation for the sphere is given by
Solution: The radius of the sphere is (3 − 2)2 + (3 − 5)2 + (3 − 1)2 = 3, so the implicit form
equation for the sphere is: (x − 3)2 + (y − 3)2 + (z − 3)2 = 9.
x 3 sin θ cos φ
parametric form y = 3 + 3 sin θ sin φ
z 3 cos θ
(b) The location of the point on the surface of the sphere closest to Q = (6, 9, 1) is given by:
Question 5. [2+2+2=6 points] Given a point P = (3, 4) and a circle centered around P with radius
2. Also consider two points A = (−2, 1) and B = (5, 6). Please answer (and outline the intermediate
steps) for the questions below.
(a) Give the equation of the circle in implicit and parametric form.
(b) Determine the equation for line l through A and B in slope-intersect form.
(c) Write down the coordinates of one point of the intersection of l with the circle in question (a).
2 2 x 3 cos θ
(a) (x − 3) + (y − 4) = 4 and = +2 .
y 4 sin θ
y2 −y1
(b) y = 75 x + 17
7 ; Slope = x2 −x1 for b use point x = −2, y = 1 and solve 1 = 5
7 (−2) + b for b = 17
√ √ √ √
70 70 70 70
(c) P 1 = (−2+[ 25
37 −
37 ]·7, 1+[ 37 − 37 ]·5)
≈(1, 147,
25 25
3, 248), P 2 = (−2+[ 37 + 37 ]·7, 1+[ 37 + 37 ]·5) ≈
−2 7
(4.313, 5.509); (1) express line as l = +l and (2) substitute x and y into the circle equation
1 5
(x − 3)2 + (y − 4)
= 4; (3) resolve equation to 74l2 − 100l + 30 = 0 and (4) solve quadratic equation
25 70
to l1,2 = 37 ± 37 , (5) insert l1,2 into expression from (1) to get P1 and P2.
Question 6. [2+1+4+3=10 points] Given a set of points A, B, C, D, Q and P as shown in the
figure below (at P = (4, 5) there is a light source, and the shadows of A and B on the x-axis are C and
D respectively). A line k passes through A, Q and B. Please answer (and outline the intermediate steps)
for the questions below.
(a) Given that A = (3, 2) and B = (5, 3), give the equation for line k through A and B in the implicit
and parametric form.
(b) If Q has x-coordinate 4. Determine its y-coordinate.
(c) Determine the coordinates of C and D.
(d) Determine t as a function of l (Note that Q is not fixed anymore, as in question [b]).
x 3 2
(a) k : = + for varying l. implicit form: y = 0.5x + 0.5 → x − 2y + 1 = 0
y 2 5 1
(b) Determine l for this location of Qx : 4 = 3+ √2l5 leading to l = 5/2 and insert for Qy = 2+l∗ √15 ∗1 =
5 √1
2+ 2 ∗ 5
∗ 1 = 2 + 1/2 = 2.5
xC x x − xP
(c) Shoot a ray from P to A. In parametric form, we can write: = P +α A , to solve
0 yP yA − yP
in 0= 5 − 3α, so
for α and then xC . This results that α = 5/3, resulting in C = (7/3, 0). Doing
xD 4 5−4
the same for D results in = +α ; α = 25 . This results in D = (6.5, 0).
0 5 3−5
√ √
(d) First, all coordinates of Q in terms of l are given from k: Q = (3 + 2l/ 5, 2 + l/ 5). Then, obtain
the shadow
of Q on the x-axis√ (call this point E). Following the procedure from question (c) gives
xE 4 −1 + 2l/√ 5 5√
= +m , resolve for m = 3−l/ . Subtracting the x-coordinate of C then
0 5 −3 + l/ 5 5
gives t = m − 5/3 = 3−l/ 5
− 7/3.
Question 7. [6+5=11 points] Given two points P = (2, 3, 4) and R = (5, 6, 4), and camera at point
E = (3, 2, −6). The xy-plane is the screen. Please answer (and outline the intermediate steps) for the
questions below.
(a) Project P R to P1 R1 on the screen as seen by the camera (see figure). Obtain the coordinates of
P1 and R1 .
(b) Given P1 Q1 = t, calculate the coordinates of point Q.
1 xP xp1
(a) Unit vector from P to E is dˆp = (E − P )/|E − P | = √102
−1 . Now solve yP + k dˆp = yp1 .
−10 zP 0
This gives:
2 + k 102
= xp1
3 + k √102 = yp1 (1)
4 + k · √102 = 0
√ √
2 102
From the third equation, we get k = 5 . The first equation gives xp1 = 2 + 2 102 √ 1
5 · 102 = 12/5,
2 102 −1
and the second equation with the k value from above gives yp1 = 3 + 5 · √
= 13/5. So
P1 = ( 12 13
5 , 5 , 0).
We do the exact same thing for R and R1 , which results in a unit vector of dˆr = − 2√130 −4 .
Doing the same as above, we get:
5 − k · 2 30 = xr1
6 − k · 2√ 30
= yr1 (2)
4 − k · 2√30 = 0
4 30
which results in k = 5 and R1 = ( 21 22
5 , 5 , 0).
5 5
(b) Q = (2 + 3√ 2
t, 3 + 3√ 2
t, 4).
There are multiple ways of calculating this. This solution will calculate Q in terms of l and Q1 in
terms of t, then determine the ratio between t and l, to get Q in terms of t.
Start with Q in terms of l. This requires a line from P to R:
x 2 1
y = 3 + √ 1 (3)
z 4 2 0
√ √
This gives Q = (2 + l/ 2, 3 + l/ 2, 4). Now calculate Q1 in terms of t, using a line from P1 to R1 :
x 12/5 1
y = 13/5 + √ 1 (4)
z 0 2 0
This gives Q1 = ( 12
5 +
√t , 13
2 5
+ √t , 0).
Drawing a line from E to Q gives (normalisation not
x 3 −1 + l/√ 2
y = 2 + m 1 + l/ 2 (5)
z −6 10
Using the third equation (of the z-coordinate) gives m = 3/5, which results in l = 35 t. That can
5 5
be used to rewrite Q, to be Q = (2 + 3√ 2
t, 3 + 3√ 2
t, 4).