03 SWMS - Fixing of Conduit and Wiring
03 SWMS - Fixing of Conduit and Wiring
03 SWMS - Fixing of Conduit and Wiring
Project Name: HPE IWF 02 Address: Mahadevapura, whitefield Road, Bangalore- 560048
Company Name: Artizen Interiors Private Limited Activity/Trade: Electrical works/ Cable / Conduit Marking
Address:3C-137, 2 Main Road, Kasturi Nagar, Bangalore 560043 Office Contact No:+91 80 4905 0000
Supervisor Name: Contact No:
Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimize the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of this happens
Each step should accomplish some step. Examine each to find possibilities (See
major task and be in logical that could lead to an accident or potential below) Controls below as a guide
sequence.) harm arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
Preparation of work environment 1. Tripping due to obstruction in your M 1. Inspect work/walk area for potential slip trip fall Project
path. obstructions prior to start of work and remove, if not Manager, Site
possible mark with visible tape/flags. Supervisor,
Safety Officer
2. Keep work area organized and free of surface
obstructions during task.
Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimize the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of this happens
Each step should accomplish some step. Examine each to find possibilities (See
major task and be in logical that could lead to an accident or potential below) Controls below as a guide
sequence.) harm arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
Gather tools and material to the 1. Body ergonomics while transporting M 1. Use hand trolleys for transport of equipment and tools Project
work area conduits. Wear gloves all times. Manager, Site
2. Bend and lift with legs/arms, not back. Safety Officer
2.Muscle or back strain for lifting conduits
3. Inspect work/walk area for potential slip trip fall
3.Pinch hazard when installing obstructions prior to start of work and remove, if not
ladder/scaffold possible mark with visible tape/flags etc.
Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimize the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of this happens
Each step should accomplish some step. Examine each to find possibilities (See
major task and be in logical that could lead to an accident or potential below) Controls below as a guide
sequence.) harm arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
Installation of equipment for work on Hazard on fall of operator during work on H 1. Maintain 3 point contact while ascending/descending Project
height conduit installation any ladder or equipment. Manager, Site
2. Wear safety harness when working at a height of 6 feet Safety Officer
or greater
Hold Properly and then climb.
Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimize the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of this happens
Each step should accomplish some step. Examine each to find possibilities (See
major task and be in logical that could lead to an accident or potential below) Controls below as a guide
sequence.) harm arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
Drilling of anchor points for laying of . Drilling noise during operations. H 1. Wear designated hearing protection based on known or Project
conduits potential noise levels by using ear plugs Manager, Site
2. Dust formation by drilling 2. Wear dust masks prior to start of job Safety Officer
5. Use correct size of drilling bit and take approval before the
start of drilling.
7. Body position directly opposite of drill with leg wide apart for
Person who
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
will ensure
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimize the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of this happens
Each step should accomplish some step. Examine each to find possibilities (See
major task and be in logical that could lead to an accident or potential below) Controls below as a guide
sequence.) harm arising.) 1. Eliminate the Hazard
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
Fixing conduits and pulling electrical 1.Fall risk during work on elevated area H 1. Use scaffold to ensure appropriate positioning and easy Project
wire reach position. Manager, Site
2.Muscle back strain while pulling Supervisor,
2. Stand within hand rails of working platform keep legs on Safety Officer
same platform
3..Loose balance on ladder while marking
4.Long conduits can be dropped while 3. Do not stand on top two steps of step ladder and have
mounting second person to ladder to stability at the ground level.
Clean area 1.Tripping hazards while cleaning work M 1. Keep work area clear off debris and remove Project
area tools/equipment’s when not in use to eliminate trip Manager, Site
hazards Supervisor,
Safety Officer
2. Ensure housekeeping is done once the activity is
Personnel Summary
Supervisors Name & Qualifications: Name:
Supervisor’s Responsibilities: In addition to the above, the supervisor is to provide training in the use of this SWMS, issue PPE and provide training in the same, supervise the
work, ensure conformity with this SWMS, amend the SWMS when additional hazards are found (and if applicable, ensure all workers receive a
tool-box talk to discuss the control measures for the additional hazards).
WORK ACTIVITY TRAINING: Scaffold safety, Working at height, Manual handling & Operation of power tools
TICKETS, PERMITS or LICENCES REQUIRED to undertake this work (ie. Certificates of Competency, Confined Spaces etc):
Serial Plant/Equipment Contractor WorkCover Plant Hazards Maintenance/service records and log books sighted
Registration No identified and by Principle Contractor prior to equipment being
(if applicable) controlled within used on site?
Yes No Sign Date
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT USED DURING THE WORKS (Attach Electrical Equipment Register if applicable):
Item Tag/Item Testers Name & Signature License Number Test Date Result Test Date Result
Cutting machine ____ /____ /____ ____ /____ /____
Drilling / Hammering
HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES or DANGEROUS GOODS USED IN THE WORKS and anticipated volumes (Attach MSDS if applicable):
Purpose Location & Volume Used Controls
Date on Site Date Left Site Product Name MSDS Date Attached
(ie. Application on site) on Site (& PPE to be worn)
/ / / / / /
/ / / / / /
N.B. - All workers must be trained in the safe use of all chemicals and provided with the PPE required when using and storing these chemicals. Disposal is to be as per the waste disposal methods
in the MSDS. Spillage and leaks are to be cleaned up as per the spill/leak procedures identified in the MSDS.
We agree that we have been consulted in the hazards and control measures and agree to complete the work in accordance with our Safe Work
Method Statement (SWMS).
We have been provided with training in all tasks outlined in our SWMS and in the Codes of Practice applicable to our work.
Any changes, additions or deletions made to this SWMS are to be covered with the above personnel and the Principal Contractors representative at a
Toolbox meeting (Record date and time of Toolbox meeting below):
Document Name: Version Correct as at: Page No.
747058297.docx 03 10 Jun 12 8 of 9
Safe Work Method Statement
Date: Time: