AMC HIV Mini Report
AMC HIV Mini Report
AMC HIV Mini Report
Adventist medical center (AMC) is a Private Not for Profit (PNFP) owned by The Seventh-day Adventist
Church, started in 1995, Situated at the SDA Uganda Union Headquarters in Kampala District, Central
Division, Kagugube parish, Kivulu Village along Gadhafi Road.
AMC is fully registered under The Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council with The Uganda
Protestant Medical Bureau as the current Implementing Partner (IP). It is a Health center at level III, with
a catchment population of about 21,050 adult people and an average of 6,851 children under 5years. This
serves a total of Nine slum-villages. (Kagugube, Kitamanyangamba, National Housing, Kivulu, Namalwa
zone 1, Jambula, Kakajjo, Katende, Church zone)
Common clientele
Mothers for Delivery, Individuals suffering Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Antenatal Care (ANC)
and Family planning (FP),
Youths for Sexual and Reproductive health services,
Children for HIV index testing, Immunization, Nutrition and child care.
Target categories: Mothers, Youths, Children, Key Population (Drug users (PWUDs), Sex workers, Men
who Sleep with Men (MSM), People who inject drugs PWIDs), and People Living with HIV (PLHIV).
Commonly treated Diseases: Tuberculosis, Malaria, Typhoid, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs),
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTIs), Diarrheal diseases,
Emergencies, Measles, Tuberculosis, Mumps, Opportunistic infections among PLHIV, among others
Out-patient (OPD), In-patient (IPD), HIV/AIDs clinic, Dental, Mother and Child Health care (MCH),
Youth corner, Counseling, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Drug Store, Accounting, and Maternity
Thus the available services;
General medicine for in and Out-patient, Cervical cancer screening, Community and Facility Health
education, TB services, Antenatal care and deliveries, Laboratory, Immunization, Family planning,
Counselling services for (the youths, victims of GBV and HIV clients), Youth friendly services like
(Dialogues, Sexual and Reproductive Health Services, Sports), HIV/AIDS clinic, Psychosocial and
Spiritual support, Community outreaches and Dental, AMC has a bed capacity of 5
GOAL: To make Adventist medical Centre a one stop Centre for free comprehensive care for People Living
with HIV, and Youth friendly services
Theme: Hope Beyond Immuno-Suppressive syndrome
Adventist Medical Centre rolled out the program to care for People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in the year
2018 following a number of patients seeking to start getting their refills at the place.
The facility started to offer OVC and Youth friendly services in the year 2020, under the funding
of ALIVE Medical Services, and later support from Infectious Disease Institute (IDI)
Funding helped to set apart the Youth corner which was supported with Four Youth peer educators,
who helped implement the Youth friendly services under supervision of the facility counselor.
Challenge: Facility lost the funding in 2023, because the priority for funding was transferred to outside the
city center.
Under the Youth corner the facility managed to carry out a number of activities which included;
1. Dialogues with the youths which aims at bonding with them, boost self-esteem, have them helped
through the struggles the be battling with, and also point them to the hope beyond earthly
2. Skilling; many youths got opportunity to be trained in different skills such as Hair plaiting, and
3. Health talks regarding Sexual and reproductive health, which also aimed at helping the youths voice
out incidences of sex and gender based violence that befall them in their different walks of life.
4. Sport; the program organized several sporting competitions with youths from other different
hospital communities, at the climax of which AMC crowned it with the trophy.
5. HIV counselling and testing campaigns; which aimed at helping the youths know their sero-statuses
and join the fight to stop the spread of HIV.
6. Spiritual support; The participants get opportunity to be introduced to the art of seeking God as the
only true source of providence.
Under the OVC package; the Facility provided the following services;
i. Support the malnourished children with Booster feeds
ii. Follow-up on issues around drug adherence with the children diagnosed with ISS
iii. School fees and scholastic materials to some of the children under the OVC program
iv. Home visits to the families with children under the OVC program
v. Medical cover, for ailments that afflicted the beneficiaries
vi. Spiritual growth; the program also aimed at bringing the beneficiaries closer to GOD, the only
true source of providence.
With the Youth Corner and OVC program in play, the ART Clinic experienced great growth; Demonstration
At Adventist Medical Centre, we are committed to promoting OVC and Youth friendly services, and
empowering individuals to live fulfilling lives through access to quality care, and restore hope in them
that is beyond their infirmities. With your support and partnership, we can continue to make a significant
impact in the lives of individuals and families in Kagugube Parish and beyond.
Discussion on referral pathways in fight against sex and gender based violence
Class assignments after dialogues
Sexual and reproductive health talks with the youths
Teenage mother engagement counseling
Family protection and peer to peer dialogue
Adherence counseling through football coaching
Sexual and reproductive health education
Teenage counselling
Out reach