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Documentation | EN

Analog Output Terminals (12 bit)

2024-01-17 | Version: 4.6

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Product overview Analog Output Terminals ...................................................................................... 7
1.2 Notes on the documentation ............................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Guide through documentation ........................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Safety instructions ........................................................................................................................... 10
1.5 Documentation issue status ............................................................................................................ 11
1.6 Version identification of EtherCAT devices ..................................................................................... 12
1.6.1 General notes on marking................................................................................................ 12
1.6.2 Version identification of EL terminals ............................................................................... 13
1.6.3 Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC) ................................................................................... 14
1.6.4 Electronic access to the BIC (eBIC)................................................................................. 16

2 Product description ................................................................................................................................ 18

2.1 EL4001, EL4002, EL4004, EL4008................................................................................................. 18
2.1.1 EL400x - Introduction ....................................................................................................... 18
2.1.2 EL400x - Technical data .................................................................................................. 21
2.1.3 EL400x - Connection, display and diagnostics ................................................................ 22
2.2 EL4011, EL4012, EL4014, EL4018................................................................................................. 28
2.2.1 EL401x - Introduction ....................................................................................................... 28
2.2.2 EL401x - Technical data .................................................................................................. 31
2.2.3 EL401x - Connection, display and diagnostics ................................................................ 32
2.3 EL4021, EL4022, EL4024, EL4028................................................................................................. 38
2.3.1 EL402x - Introduction ....................................................................................................... 38
2.3.2 EL402x - Technical data .................................................................................................. 41
2.3.3 EL402x - Connection, display and diagnostics ................................................................ 42
2.4 EL4031, EL4032, EL4034, EL4038................................................................................................. 48
2.4.1 EL403x - Introduction ....................................................................................................... 48
2.4.2 EL403x - Technical data .................................................................................................. 51
2.4.3 EL403x - Connection, display and diagnostics ................................................................ 52
2.5 Continuative documentation for I/O components with analog in and outputs ................................. 58
2.6 Start................................................................................................................................................. 58

3 Basics communication ........................................................................................................................... 59

3.1 EtherCAT basics ............................................................................................................................. 59
3.2 EtherCAT cabling – wire-bound ...................................................................................................... 59
3.3 General notes for setting the watchdog .......................................................................................... 61
3.4 EtherCAT State Machine ................................................................................................................ 62
3.5 CoE Interface .................................................................................................................................. 64
3.6 Distributed Clock ............................................................................................................................. 69

4 Mounting and wiring ............................................................................................................................... 70

4.1 Instructions for ESD protection ....................................................................................................... 70
4.2 Explosion protection ........................................................................................................................ 71
4.2.1 ATEX - Special conditions (extended temperature range)............................................... 71
4.2.2 IECEx - Special conditions............................................................................................... 72
4.2.3 Continuative documentation for ATEX and IECEx........................................................... 73

EL40xx Version: 4.6 3

Table of contents

4.2.4 cFMus - Special conditions .............................................................................................. 74

4.2.5 Continuative documentation for cFMus............................................................................ 75
4.3 UL notice ......................................................................................................................................... 76
4.4 Installation on mounting rails........................................................................................................... 77
4.5 Installation instructions for enhanced mechanical load capacity..................................................... 80
4.6 Connection ...................................................................................................................................... 81
4.6.1 Connection system........................................................................................................... 81
4.6.2 Wiring ............................................................................................................................... 83
4.6.3 Shielding .......................................................................................................................... 84
4.7 Note - Power supply ........................................................................................................................ 85
4.8 Installation positions ........................................................................................................................ 86
4.9 Positioning of passive Terminals..................................................................................................... 88
4.10 Disposal .......................................................................................................................................... 89

5 Commissioning ....................................................................................................................................... 90
5.1 TwinCAT Quick Start....................................................................................................................... 90
5.1.1 TwinCAT 2 ....................................................................................................................... 93
5.1.2 TwinCAT 3 ..................................................................................................................... 103
5.2 TwinCAT Development Environment ............................................................................................ 117
5.2.1 Installation of the TwinCAT real-time driver ................................................................... 117
5.2.2 Notes regarding ESI device description ......................................................................... 123
5.2.3 TwinCAT ESI Updater.................................................................................................... 127
5.2.4 Distinction between Online and Offline .......................................................................... 127
5.2.5 OFFLINE configuration creation..................................................................................... 128
5.2.6 ONLINE configuration creation ...................................................................................... 133
5.2.7 EtherCAT subscriber configuration ................................................................................ 141
5.2.8 Import/Export of EtherCAT devices with SCI and XTI.................................................... 150
5.3 General Commissioning Instructions for an EtherCAT Slave ....................................................... 157
5.4 Short guide to commissioning ....................................................................................................... 165
5.5 Overview of process data (PDO) .................................................................................................. 167
5.6 Basic Function Principles .............................................................................................................. 169
5.6.1 Changing the slave parameters in the CoE directory..................................................... 169
5.6.2 Block diagram for determining the output values ........................................................... 171
5.6.3 Calculation of the output values ..................................................................................... 171
5.7 EL4x1x, EL4x2x current output ..................................................................................................... 177
5.8 Overview of parameter objects (CoE) ........................................................................................... 180
5.8.1 Restore objects .............................................................................................................. 180
5.8.2 Configuration data.......................................................................................................... 181
5.8.3 Output data .................................................................................................................... 182
5.8.4 Standard objects ............................................................................................................ 182

6 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 186

6.1 EtherCAT AL Status Codes .......................................................................................................... 186
6.2 Firmware compatibility .................................................................................................................. 186
6.3 Firmware Update EL/ES/EM/ELM/EP/EPP/ERPxxxx ................................................................... 191
6.3.1 Device description ESI file/XML ..................................................................................... 192
6.3.2 Firmware explanation..................................................................................................... 195

4 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Table of contents

6.3.3 Updating controller firmware *.efw ................................................................................. 196

6.3.4 FPGA firmware *.rbf ....................................................................................................... 198
6.3.5 Simultaneous updating of several EtherCAT devices .................................................... 202
6.4 Restoring the delivery state........................................................................................................... 203
6.5 Support and Service...................................................................................................................... 205

EL40xx Version: 4.6 5

Table of contents

6 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


1 Foreword

1.1 Product overview Analog Output Terminals

EL4001, EL4002, EL4004, EL4008 [} 18]

One, two, four and eight-channel analog output terminals, 0 - 10 V, 12 bit

EL4011, EL4012, EL4014, EL4018 [} 28]

One, two, four and eight-channel analog output terminals, 0..20 mA, 12 bit

EL4021, EL4022, EL4024, EL4028 [} 38]

One, two, four and eight-channel analog output terminals, 4..20 mA, 12 bit

EL4031, EL4032, EL4034, EL4038 [} 48]

One, two, four and eight-channel analog output terminals, -10..+10 V, 12 bit

EL40xx Version: 4.6 7


1.2 Notes on the documentation

Intended audience

This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who
are familiar with the applicable national standards.
It is essential that the documentation and the following notes and explanations are followed when installing
and commissioning these components.
The qualified personnel is obliged to always use the currently valid documentation.

The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the
requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.


The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under

We reserve the right to revise and change the documentation at any time and without prior announcement.

No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the
data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.


Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, TwinCAT/BSD®, TC/BSD®, EtherCAT®, EtherCAT G®, EtherCAT G10®, EtherCAT P®,
Safety over EtherCAT®, TwinSAFE®, XFC®, XTS® and XPlanar® are registered trademarks of and licensed by
Beckhoff Automation GmbH. Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by
third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.

Patent Pending

The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and
patents: EP1590927, EP1789857, EP1456722, EP2137893, DE102015105702 with corresponding
applications or registrations in various other countries.

EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,


© Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.

The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to
others without express authorization are prohibited.
Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a
patent, utility model or design.

8 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


1.3 Guide through documentation

Further components of documentation
This documentation describes device-specific content. It is part of the modular
documentation concept for Beckhoff I/O components. For the use and safe operation of the
device / devices described in this documentation, additional cross-product descriptions are
required, which can be found in the following table.

Title Description
EtherCAT System Documentation (PDF) • System overview
• EtherCAT basics
• Cable redundancy
• Hot Connect
• EtherCAT devices configuration
I/O Analog Manual (PDF) Notes on I/O components with analog in and outputs
Explosion Protection for Terminal Notes on the use of the Beckhoff terminal systems in
Systems (PDF) hazardous areas according to ATEX and IECEx
Control Drawing I/O, CX, CPX (PDF) Connection diagrams and Ex markings (conform to cFMus)
Infrastructure for EtherCAT/Ethernet (PDF) Technical recommendations and notes for design,
implementation and testing
Software Declarations I/O (PDF) Open source software declarations for
Beckhoff I/O components

The documentations can be viewed at and downloaded from the Beckhoff website (www.beckhoff.com) via:
• the “Documentation and Download” area of the respective product page,
• the Download finder,
• the Beckhoff Information System.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 9


1.4 Safety instructions

Safety regulations

Please note the following safety instructions and explanations!

Product-specific safety instructions can be found on following pages or in the areas mounting, wiring,
commissioning etc.

Exclusion of liability

All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the
application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the
documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.

Personnel qualification

This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are
familiar with the applicable national standards.

Signal words

The signal words used in the documentation are classified below. In order to prevent injury and damage to
persons and property, read and follow the safety and warning notices.

Personal injury warnings

Hazard with high risk of death or serious injury.

Hazard with medium risk of death or serious injury.

There is a low-risk hazard that could result in medium or minor injury.

Warning of damage to property or environment

The environment, equipment, or data may be damaged.

Information on handling the product

This information includes, for example:

recommendations for action, assistance or further information on the product.

10 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


1.5 Documentation issue status

Version Comment
4.6 • Update chapter “Technical data”
• Update revision status
4.5 • Update chapter "Commissioning"
• Structural update
4.4 • Update chapter “Foreword”
• Update chapter “General notes for setting the watchdog”
• Chapter “Note – Power supply” added
• Chapter “Notices on analog specifications” removed
• Update revision status
• Structural update
4.3 • Update chapter “Basic function principles”
• Update chapter “LEDs and connection”
• Update structure
4.2 • Update chapter “Technical data”
• Update chapter “General notes for setting the watchdog”
• Update chapter “Basic function principles”
• Update structure
4.1 • Update chapter “Technical data”
• Update structure
• Update revision status
4.0 • Update chapter “Introduction”
• Update chapter “Technical data”
• Chapter “Connection, display and diagnostics” added
• Update chapter “LED and connection”
• Update structure
• Update revision status
3.9 • Update chapter “Technical data”
• Update chapter “Version identification of EtherCAT devices”
• Update structure
• Update Notes
• Update revision status
• Chapter “Disposal” added
3.8 • New title page
• Update chapter "Version identification of EtherCAT devices"
• Update chapter "Commissioning"
• Update revision status
3.7 • Update chapter "EL4x1x, EL4x2x Current output"
• Update revision status
• Structural update
3.6 • Update chapter "Commissioning"
• Update revision status
• Structural update
3.5 • Update Technical data
• Update chapter "Connection technology" -> "connection"
• Update revision status
• Structural update
0.1 - 3.4 *archived*

EL40xx Version: 4.6 11


1.6 Version identification of EtherCAT devices

1.6.1 General notes on marking


A Beckhoff EtherCAT device has a 14-digit designation, made up of

• family key
• type
• version
• revision
Example Family Type Version Revision
EL3314-0000-0016 EL terminal 3314 0000 0016
12 mm, non-pluggable connection level 4-channel thermocouple terminal basic type
ES3602-0010-0017 ES terminal 3602 0010 0017
12 mm, pluggable connection level 2-channel voltage measurement high-precision version
CU2008-0000-0000 CU device 2008 0000 0000
8-port fast ethernet switch basic type

• The elements mentioned above result in the technical designation. EL3314-0000-0016 is used in the
example below.
• EL3314-0000 is the order identifier, in the case of “-0000” usually abbreviated to EL3314. “-0016” is the
EtherCAT revision.
• The order identifier is made up of
- family key (EL, EP, CU, ES, KL, CX, etc.)
- type (3314)
- version (-0000)
• The revision -0016 shows the technical progress, such as the extension of features with regard to the
EtherCAT communication, and is managed by Beckhoff.
In principle, a device with a higher revision can replace a device with a lower revision, unless specified
otherwise, e.g. in the documentation.
Associated and synonymous with each revision there is usually a description (ESI, EtherCAT Slave
Information) in the form of an XML file, which is available for download from the Beckhoff web site.
From 2014/01 the revision is shown on the outside of the IP20 terminals, see Fig. “EL5021 EL terminal,
standard IP20 IO device with batch number and revision ID (since 2014/01)”.
• The type, version and revision are read as decimal numbers, even if they are technically saved in

12 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


1.6.2 Version identification of EL terminals

The serial number/ data code for Beckhoff IO devices is usually the 8-digit number printed on the device or
on a sticker. The serial number indicates the configuration in delivery state and therefore refers to a whole
production batch, without distinguishing the individual modules of a batch.
Structure of the serial number: KK YY FF HH Example with serial number 12 06 3A 02:
KK - week of production (CW, calendar week) 12 - production week 12
YY - year of production 06 - production year 2006
FF - firmware version 3A - firmware version 3A
HH - hardware version 02 - hardware version 02

Fig. 1: EL2872 with revision 0022 and serial number 01200815

EL40xx Version: 4.6 13


1.6.3 Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC)

The Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC) is increasingly being applied to Beckhoff products to uniquely identify
the product. The BIC is represented as a Data Matrix Code (DMC, code scheme ECC200), the content is
based on the ANSI standard MH10.8.2-2016.

Fig. 2: BIC as data matrix code (DMC, code scheme ECC200)

The BIC will be introduced step by step across all product groups.

Depending on the product, it can be found in the following places:

• on the packaging unit
• directly on the product (if space suffices)
• on the packaging unit and the product

The BIC is machine-readable and contains information that can also be used by the customer for handling
and product management.

Each piece of information can be uniquely identified using the so-called data identifier
(ANSI MH10.8.2-2016). The data identifier is followed by a character string. Both together have a maximum
length according to the table below. If the information is shorter, spaces are added to it.

Following information is possible, positions 1 to 4 are always present, the other according to need of

14 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Posi- Type of Explanation Data Number of digits Example

tion information identifier incl. data identifier
1 Beckhoff order Beckhoff order number 1P 8 1P072222
2 Beckhoff Traceability Unique serial number, SBTN 12 SBTNk4p562d7
Number (BTN) see note below
3 Article description Beckhoff article 1K 32 1KEL1809
description, e.g.
4 Quantity Quantity in packaging Q 6 Q1
unit, e.g. 1, 10, etc.
5 Batch number Optional: Year and week 2P 14 2P401503180016
of production
6 ID/serial number Optional: Present-day 51S 12 51S678294
serial number system,
e.g. with safety products
7 Variant number Optional: Product variant 30P 32 30PF971, 2*K183
number on the basis of
standard products

Further types of information and data identifiers are used by Beckhoff and serve internal processes.

Structure of the BIC

Example of composite information from positions 1 to 4 and with the above given example value on position
6. The data identifiers are highlighted in bold font:

1P072222SBTNk4p562d71KEL1809 Q1 51S678294

Accordingly as DMC:

Fig. 3: Example DMC 1P072222SBTNk4p562d71KEL1809 Q1 51S678294


An important component of the BIC is the Beckhoff Traceability Number (BTN, position 2). The BTN is a
unique serial number consisting of eight characters that will replace all other serial number systems at
Beckhoff in the long term (e.g. batch designations on IO components, previous serial number range for
safety products, etc.). The BTN will also be introduced step by step, so it may happen that the BTN is not yet
coded in the BIC.

This information has been carefully prepared. However, the procedure described is constantly being further
developed. We reserve the right to revise and change procedures and documentation at any time and
without prior notice. No claims for changes can be made from the information, illustrations and descriptions
in this information.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 15


1.6.4 Electronic access to the BIC (eBIC)

Electronic BIC (eBIC)

The Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC) is applied to the outside of Beckhoff products in a visible place. If
possible, it should also be electronically readable.

The interface that the product can be electronically addressed by is crucial for the electronic readout.

K-bus devices (IP20, IP67)

Currently, no electronic storage or readout is planned for these devices.

EtherCAT devices (IP20, IP67)

All Beckhoff EtherCAT devices have an ESI-EEPROM which contains the EtherCAT identity with the revision
number. The EtherCAT slave information, also colloquially known as the ESI/XML configuration file for the
EtherCAT master, is stored in it. See the corresponding chapter in the EtherCAT system manual (Link) for
the relationships.

Beckhoff also stores the eBIC in the ESI‑EEPROM. The eBIC was introduced into Beckhoff IO production
(terminals, box modules) in 2020; as of 2023, implementation is largely complete.

The user can electronically access the eBIC (if present) as follows:
• With all EtherCAT devices, the EtherCAT master (TwinCAT) can read the eBIC from the ESI‑EEPROM
◦ From TwinCAT 3.1 build 4024.11, the eBIC can be displayed in the online view.
◦ To do this, check the "Show Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC)" checkbox under
EtherCAT → Advanced Settings → Diagnostics:

◦ The BTN and its contents are then displayed:

◦ Note: As shown in the figure, the production data HW version, FW version, and production date,
which have been programmed since 2012, can also be displayed with "Show production info".
◦ Access from the PLC: From TwinCAT 3.1. build 4024.24, the functions FB_EcReadBIC and
FB_EcReadBTN for reading into the PLC are available in the Tc2_EtherCAT library from
• EtherCAT devices with a CoE directory may also have the object 0x10E2:01 to display their own eBIC,
which can also be easily accessed by the PLC:

16 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


◦ The device must be in PREOP/SAFEOP/OP for access:

◦ The object 0x10E2 will be preferentially introduced into stock products in the course of necessary
firmware revision.
◦ From TwinCAT 3.1. build 4024.24, the functions FB_EcCoEReadBIC and FB_EcCoEReadBTN for
reading into the PLC are available in the Tc2_EtherCAT library from v3.3.19.0
• The following auxiliary functions are available for processing the BIC/BTN data in the PLC in
Tc2_Utilities as of TwinCAT 3.1 build 4024.24
◦ F_SplitBIC: The function splits the Beckhoff Identification Code (BIC) sBICValue into its
components using known identifiers and returns the recognized substrings in the ST_SplittedBIC
structure as a return value
◦ BIC_TO_BTN: The function extracts the BTN from the BIC and returns it as a return value
• Note: If there is further electronic processing, the BTN is to be handled as a string(8); the identifier
"SBTN" is not part of the BTN.
• Technical background
The new BIC information is written as an additional category in the ESI‑EEPROM during device
production. The structure of the ESI content is largely dictated by the ETG specifications, therefore the
additional vendor-specific content is stored using a category in accordance with the ETG.2010. ID 03
tells all EtherCAT masters that they may not overwrite these data in the event of an update or restore
the data after an ESI update.
The structure follows the content of the BIC, see here. The EEPROM therefore requires approx.
50..200 bytes of memory.
• Special cases
◦ If multiple hierarchically arranged ESCs are installed in a device, only the top-level ESC carries the
eBIC information.
◦ If multiple non-hierarchically arranged ESCs are installed in a device, all ESCs carry the eBIC
◦ If the device consists of several sub-devices which each have their own identity, but only the top-
level device is accessible via EtherCAT, the eBIC of the top-level device is located in the CoE
object directory 0x10E2:01 and the eBICs of the sub-devices follow in 0x10E2:nn.

PROFIBUS; PROFINET, and DeviceNet devices

Currently, no electronic storage or readout is planned for these devices.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 17

Product description

2 Product description

2.1 EL4001, EL4002, EL4004, EL4008

2.1.1 EL400x - Introduction

Fig. 4: EL4001

18 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

Fig. 5: EL4002

Fig. 6: EL4004

EL40xx Version: 4.6 19

Product description

Fig. 7: EL4008

One, two, four and eight-channel analog output terminals, 0..10 V, 12 bit

The EL4001, EL4002, EL4004 and EL4008 analog output terminals generate signals in the range between 0
and 10 V. The voltage is supplied to the process level with a resolution of 12 bits, and is electrically isolated.
The output channels of the EtherCAT Terminals have a common ground potential. The EL4001 is the single-
channel variant which when combined with the EL95xx is particularly suitable for signals with electrically
isolated ground potentials. The output stages are powered by the 24 V supply. The signal state of the
EtherCAT Terminals is indicated by light emitting diodes.
The EL400x supports distributed clocks, i.e. the input data can be monitored synchronously with other data
that are also linked to distributed clock terminals. The accuracy across the system is < 100 ns.

• EtherCAT basics
• EL40xx basics [} 169]
• Connection, display and diagnostics [} 22]
• Commissioning [} 90]
• CoE object description and parameterization [} 180]

20 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

2.1.2 EL400x - Technical data

Technical data EL4001 EL4002 EL4004 EL4008
Number of outputs 1 2 4 8
Power supply 24 VDC via the power contacts
Signal voltage 0..10 V
Load > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)
Measuring error < ±0.1% (at 0°C ... +55°C, relative to the full scale value)
< ±0.2% (when the extended temperature range is used)
Resolution 12 bit
Sampling type multiplex
Ground reference single ended
Conversion time ~ 100 µs ~ 150 µs ~ 250 µs ~ 400 µs
Power supply for electronics via the E-bus
Distributed Clocks yes
Current consumption via E-bus typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA
Current consumption from the typ. 40 mA at full output
power contacts (24V)
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field voltage)
Bit width in process image 1 x 16-bit AO output 2 x 16-bit AO output 4 x 16-bit AO output 8 x 16-bit AO output
Configuration via TwinCAT System Manager
Weight approx. 60 g
Permissible ambient temperature -25°C ... +60°C
range during operation (extended temperature range)
Permissible ambient temperature -40°C ... +85°C
range during storage
Permissible relative humidity 95%, no condensation
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 15 mm x 100 mm x 70 mm (width aligned: 12 mm)
Mounting [} 77] on 35 mm mounting rail conforms to EN 60715
Enhanced mechanical load yes, see also installation instructions [} 80] for enhanced mechanical load capacity
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP20
Installation position variable
Marking / Approval*) CE, UKCA, EAC,
ATEX [} 71], IECEx [} 72],
cULus [} 76]

*) Real applicable approvals/markings see type plate on the side (product marking).

Ex markings
Standard Marking

EL40xx Version: 4.6 21

Product description

2.1.3 EL400x - Connection, display and diagnostics EL4001

Fig. 8: EL4001, Connection and display

Connection EL4001

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with Max. current carrying
connector capacity *)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
- 2 Without function - -
0V 3 0V 7, negative power contact 500 mA
Shield 4 Shield (FE) 8, mounting rail 100 mA **)
- 5 Without function - -
- 6 Without function - -
0V 7 0V 3, negative power contact 500 mA
Shield 8 Shield (FE) 4, mounting rail 100 mA **)
*) Constant and peak value
**) Shield lines should be de-energized!

Terminal points „Without function“

Terminal points "without function" may be equipped for production reasons, they must not be
connected to conductors.

22 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

LEDs EL4001

Fig. 9: EL4001, LEDs

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 23

Product description EL4002

Fig. 10: EL4002, Connection and display

Connection EL4002

Terminal No. Comment Internally connected with Max. current carrying capacity *)
point connector
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
- 2 Without function - -
0V 3 0V 7, negative power contact 500 mA
Shield 4 Shield (FE) 8, mounting rail 100 mA **)
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
- 6 Without function - -
0V 7 0V 3, negative power contact 500 mA
Shield 8 Shield (FE) 4, mounting rail 100 mA **)
*) Constant and peak value
**) Shield lines should be de-energized!

Terminal points „Without function“

Terminal points "without function" may be equipped for production reasons, they must not be
connected to conductors.

24 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

LEDs EL4002

Fig. 11: EL4002, LEDs

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 25

Product description EL4004

Fig. 12: EL4004, Connection and display

Connection EL4004

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
Ground 2 0V 4, 6, 8 500 mA
Output 3 3 Output 3 - Specified by output power
Ground 4 0V 2, 6, 8 500 mA
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
Ground 6 0V 2, 4, 8 500 mA
Output 4 7 Output 4 - Specified by output power
Ground 8 0V 2, 4, 6 500 mA
*) Constant and peak value

LEDs EL4004

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

26 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description EL4008

Fig. 13: EL4008, Connection and display

Connection EL4008

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
Output 3 2 Output 3 - Specified by output power
Output 5 3 Output 5 - Specified by output power
Output 7 4 Output 7 - Specified by output power
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
Output 4 6 Output 4 - Specified by output power
Output 6 7 Output 6 - Specified by output power
Output 8 8 Output 8 - Specified by output power
*) Constant and peak value

LEDs EL4008

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 27

Product description

2.2 EL4011, EL4012, EL4014, EL4018

2.2.1 EL401x - Introduction

Fig. 14: EL4011

Fig. 15: EL4012

28 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

Fig. 16: EL4014

Fig. 17: EL4018

EL40xx Version: 4.6 29

Product description

One, two, four and eight-channel analog output terminals, 0..20 mA, 12 bit

The EL4011, EL4012, EL4014 and EL4018 Analog Output Terminals generate analog output signals in the
range between 0 and 20 mA. The power is supplied to the process level with a resolution of 12 bits, and is
electrically isolated. Ground potential for the output channels of an EtherCAT Terminal is common with the
0 VDC supply. The output stages are powered by the 24 V supply. The signal state of the EtherCAT Terminals
is indicated by light emitting diodes.
The EL401x support distributed clocks, i.e. the input data can be monitored synchronously with other data
that are also linked to distributed clock terminals. The accuracy across the system is < 100 ns.

• EtherCAT basics
• EL40xx basics [} 169]
• Connection, display and diagnostics [} 32]
• Commissioning [} 90]
• CoE object description and parameterization [} 180]

30 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

2.2.2 EL401x - Technical data

Technical data EL4011 EL4012 EL4014 EL4018
Number of outputs 1 2 4 8
Number of simultaneously - 2 (-25°C ... +55°C) 4 (-25°C ... +55°C) 8 (-25°C ... +55°C)
controllable inputs, depending on 1 (> +55°C) 2 (> +55°C) 4 (> +55°C)
the ambient temperature
Power supply 24 VDC via the power contacts
Signal current 0..20 mA
Load < 500 Ω < 500 Ω < 350 Ω < 150 Ω
(short-circuit-proof) (short-circuit-proof) (short-circuit-proof)
Measuring error < ±0.1% (at 0°C ... +55°C, relative to the full scale value) < ±0.1%, (at 0°C…+55°C
relative to full scale value)
< ±0.5% (when the extended temperature range is used, relative to the
full scale value) < ±0.7% (when the
extended temperature
range is used, relative to
the full scale value)
Resolution 12 bit
Sampling type multiplex
Ground reference single ended
Conversion time ~ 100 µs ~ 150 µs ~ 250 µs ~ 400 µs
Power supply for electronics via the E-bus
Distributed Clocks yes
Current consumption via E-bus typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA
Current consumption from the typ. 50 mA at full output
power contacts (24V)
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field voltage)
Bit width in process image 1 x 16-bit AO output 2 x 16-bit AO output 4 x 16-bit AO output 8 x 16-bit AO output
Configuration via TwinCAT System Manager
Weight approx. 60 g
Permissible ambient temperature -25°C ... +60°C
range during operation (extended temperature range)
Permissible ambient temperature -40°C ... +85°C
range during storage
Permissible relative humidity 95%, no condensation
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 15 mm x 100 mm x 70 mm (width aligned: 12 mm)
Mounting [} 77] on 35 mm mounting rail conforms to EN 60715
Enhanced mechanical load Yes, see also installation instructions [} 80] for enhanced mechanical load capacity
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP20
Installation position variable
Marking / Approval*) CE, UKCA, EAC, CE, UKCA, EAC, CE, UKCA, EAC,
ATEX [} 71], IECEx [} 72], ATEX [} 71], IECEx ATEX [} 71], IECEx
cULus [} 76] [} 72], cFMus [} 74], [} 72],
cULus [} 76] cULus [} 76]

*) Real applicable approvals/markings see type plate on the side (product marking).

Ex markings
Standard Marking
cFMus Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
Class I, Zone 2, AEx/Ex ec IIC T4 Gc

EL40xx Version: 4.6 31

Product description

2.2.3 EL401x - Connection, display and diagnostics EL4011

Fig. 18: EL4011, Connection and display

Connection EL4011

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with Max. current carrying
connector capacity *)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
24 V 2 24 V 6, positive power contact 4A
0V 3 0V 7, negative power contact 4A
Shield 4 Shield (FE) 8, mounting rail 100 mA **)
- 5 Without function - -
24 V 6 24 V 2, positive power contact 4A
0V 7 0V 3, negative power contact 4A
Shield 8 Shield (FE) 4, mounting rail 100 mA **)
*) Constant and peak value
**) Shield lines should be de-energized!

Terminal points „Without function“

Terminal points "without function" may be equipped for production reasons, they must not be
connected to conductors.

32 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

LEDs EL4011

Fig. 19: EL4011, LEDs

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 33

Product description EL4012

Fig. 20: EL4012, Connection and display

Connection EL4012

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with Max. current carrying
connector capacity *)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
24 V 2 24 V 6, positive power contact 4A
0V 3 0V 7, negative power contact 4A
Shield 4 Shield (FE) 8, mounting rail 100 mA **)
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
24 V 6 24 V 2, positive power contact 4A
0V 7 0V 3, negative power contact 4A
Shield 8 Shield (FE) 4, mounting rail 100 mA **)
*) Constant and peak value
**) Shield lines should be de-energized!

34 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

LEDs EL4012

Fig. 21: LEDs, EL4012

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 35

Product description EL4014

Fig. 22: EL4014, Connection and display

Connection EL4014

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
Ground 2 0V 4, 6, 8 500 mA
Output 3 3 Output 3 - Specified by output power
Ground 4 0V 2, 6, 8 500 mA
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
Ground 6 0V 2, 4, 8 500 mA
Output 4 7 Output 4 - Specified by output power
Ground 8 0V 2, 4, 6 500 mA
*) Constant and peak value

LEDs EL4014

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

36 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description EL4018

Fig. 23: EL4018, Connection and display

Connection EL4018

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
Output 3 2 Output 3 - Specified by output power
Output 5 3 Output 5 - Specified by output power
Output 7 4 Output 7 - Specified by output power
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
Output 4 6 Output 4 - Specified by output power
Output 6 7 Output 6 - Specified by output power
Output 8 8 Output 8 - Specified by output power
*) Constant and peak value

LEDs EL4018

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 37

Product description

2.3 EL4021, EL4022, EL4024, EL4028

2.3.1 EL402x - Introduction

Fig. 24: EL4021

Fig. 25: EL4022

38 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

Fig. 26: EL4024

Fig. 27: EL4028

EL40xx Version: 4.6 39

Product description

One, two, four and eight-channel analog output terminals, 4..20 mA, 12 bit

The EL4021, EL4022, EL4014 and EL4028 Analog Output Terminals generate analog output signals in the
range between 4 and 20 mA. The power is supplied to the process level with a resolution of 12 bits, and is
electrically isolated. Ground potential for the output channels of an EtherCAT Terminal is common with the
0 VDC supply. The output stages are powered by the 24 V supply. The signal state of the EtherCAT Terminals
is indicated by light emitting diodes.
The EL402x support distributed clocks, i.e. the input data can be monitored synchronously with other data
that are also linked to distributed clock terminals. The accuracy across the system is < 100 ns.

• EtherCAT basics
• EL40xx basics [} 169]
• Connection, display and diagnostics [} 42]
• Commissioning [} 90]
• CoE object description and parameterization [} 180]

40 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

2.3.2 EL402x - Technical data

Technical data EL4021 EL4022 EL4024 EL4028
Number of outputs 1 2 4 8
Number of simultaneously - 2 (-25°C ... +55°C) 4 (-25°C ... +55°C) 8 (-25°C ... +55°C)
controllable inputs, depending on 1 (> +55°C) 2 (> +55°C) 4 (> +55°C)
the ambient temperature
Power supply 24 VDC via the power contacts
Signal current 4..20 mA
Load < 500 Ω < 500 Ω < 350 Ω < 150 Ω
(short-circuit-proof) (short-circuit-proof) (short-circuit-proof)
Measuring error < ±0.1% (at 0°C ... < ±0.1% (at 0°C ... +55°C, relative to the full < ±0.1% (at 0°C ... +55°C,
+55°C, relative to full scale value) relative to the full scale
scale value) value)
< ±0.5% (when the extended temperature range
< ±0.2% (when the is used, relative to full scale value) < ± 0.7% (when the
extended temperature extended temperature
range is used) range is used, relative to
full scale value)
Resolution 12 bit
Sampling type multiplex
Ground reference single ended
Conversion time ~ 100 µs ~ 150 µs ~ 250 µs ~ 400 µs
Power supply for electronics via the E-bus
Distributed Clocks yes
Current consumption via E-bus typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA
Current consumption from the typ. 50 mA at full output
power contacts (24V)
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field voltage)
Bit width in process image 1 x 16-bit AO output 2 x 16-bit AO output 4 x 16-bit AO output 8 x 16-bit AO output
Configuration via TwinCAT System Manager
Weight approx. 60 g
Permissible ambient temperature -25°C ... +60°C
range during operation (extended temperature range)
Permissible ambient temperature -40°C ... +85°C
range during storage
Permissible relative humidity 95%, no condensation
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 15 mm x 100 mm x 70 mm (width aligned: 12 mm)
Mounting [} 77] on 35 mm mounting rail conforms to EN 60715
Enhanced mechanical load yes, see also installation instructions [} 80] for enhanced mechanical load capacity
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP20
Installation position variable
Marking / Approval*) CE, UKCA, EAC, CE, UKCA, EAC CE, UKCA, EAC,
ATEX [} 71], IECEx ATEX [} 71], IECEx ATEX [} 71], IECEx [} 72],
[} 72], [} 72], cFMus [} 74], cULus [} 76]
cULus [} 76] cULus [} 76]

*) Real applicable approvals/markings see type plate on the side (product marking).

Ex markings
Standard Marking
cFMus Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
Class I, Zone 2, AEx/Ex ec IIC T4 Gc

EL40xx Version: 4.6 41

Product description

2.3.3 EL402x - Connection, display and diagnostics EL4021

Fig. 28: EL4021, Connection and display

Connection EL4021

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
24 V 2 24 V 6, positive power contact 4A
0V 3 0V 7, negative power contact 4A
Shield 4 Shield (FE) 8, mounting rail 100 mA **)
- 5 Without - -
24 V 6 24 V 2, positive power contact 4A
0V 7 0V 3, negative power contact 4A
Shield 8 Shield (FE) 4, mounting rail 100 mA **)
*) Constant and peak value
**) Shield lines should be de-energized!

Terminal points „Without function“

Terminal points "without function" may be equipped for production reasons, they must not be
connected to conductors.

42 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

LEDs EL4021

Fig. 29: EL4021, LEDs

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 43

Product description EL4022

Fig. 30: EL4022, Connection and display

Connection EL4022

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
24 V 2 24 V 6, positive power contact 4A
0V 3 0V 7, negative power contact 4A
Shield 4 Shield (FE) 8, mounting rail 100 mA **)
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
24 V 6 24 V 2, positive power contact 4A
0V 7 0V 3, negative power contact 4A
Shield 8 Shield (FE) 4, mounting rail 100 mA **)
*) Constant and peak value
**) Shield lines should be de-energized!

44 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

LEDs EL4022

Fig. 31: EL4022, LEDs

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 45

Product description EL4024

Fig. 32: EL4024, Connection and display

Connection EL4024

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
Ground 2 0V 4, 6, 8 500 mA
Output 3 3 Output 3 - Specified by output power
Ground 4 0V 2, 6, 8 500 mA
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
Ground 6 0V 2, 4, 8 500 mA
Output 4 7 Output 4 - Specified by output power
Ground 8 0V 2, 4, 6 500 mA
*) Constant and peak value

LEDs EL4024

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

46 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description EL4028

Fig. 33: EL4028, Connection and display

Connection EL4028

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
Output 3 2 Output 3 - Specified by output power
Output 5 3 Output 5 - Specified by output power
Output 7 4 Output 7 - Specified by output power
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
Output 4 6 Output 4 - Specified by output power
Output 6 7 Output 6 - Specified by output power
Output 8 8 Output 8 - Specified by output power
*) Constant and peak value

LEDs EL4028

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 47

Product description

2.4 EL4031, EL4032, EL4034, EL4038

2.4.1 EL403x - Introduction

Fig. 34: EL4031

Fig. 35: EL4032

48 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

Fig. 36: EL4034

Fig. 37: EL4038

EL40xx Version: 4.6 49

Product description

One, two, four and eight-channel analog output terminals, -10..+10 V, 12 bit

The EL4031, EL4032, EL4034 and EL4038 Analog Output Terminals generate signals in the range from
-10 V to +10 V. The voltage is supplied to the process level with a resolution of 12 bits, and is electrically
isolated. The output channels of an EtherCAT Terminal have a common ground potential. The EL4031 is the
single-channel variant which when combined with the EL95xx is particularly suitable for signals with
electrically isolated ground potentials. The output stages are powered by the 24 V supply. The signal state of
the EtherCAT Terminals is indicated by light emitting diodes.
The EL403x supports distributed clocks, i.e. the input data can be monitored synchronously with other data
that are also linked to distributed clock terminals. The accuracy across the system is < 100 ns.

• EtherCAT basics
• EL40xx basics [} 169]
• Connection, display and diagnostics [} 52]
• Commissioning [} 90]
• CoE object description and parameterization [} 180]

50 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

2.4.2 EL403x - Technical data

Technical data EL4031 EL4032 EL4034 EL4038
Number of outputs 1 2 4 8
Power supply 24 VDC via the power contacts
Signal voltage -10 ..+10 V
Load > 5 kΩ (short-circuit-proof)
Measuring error < ±0.1% (at 0°C ... +55°C, relative to the full scale value)
< ±0.2% (when the extended temperature range is used)
Resolution 12 bit
Sampling type multiplex
Ground reference single ended
Conversion time ~ 100 µs ~ 150 µs ~ 250 µs ~ 400 µs
Power supply for electronics via the E-bus
Distributed Clocks yes
Current consumption via E- typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 140 mA typ. 100 mA
Current consumption from typ. 40 mA at full output
the power contacts (24V)
Electrical isolation 500 V (E-bus/field voltage)
Bit width in process image 1 x 16-bit AO output 2 x 16-bit AO output 4 x 16-bit AO output 8 x 16-bit AO output
Configuration via TwinCAT System Manager
Weight approx. 60 g
Permissible ambient -25°C ... +60°C
temperature range during (extended temperature range)
Permissible ambient -40°C ... +85°C
temperature range during
Permissible relative humidity 95%, no condensation
Dimensions (W x H x D) approx. 15 mm x 100 mm x 70 mm (width aligned: 12 mm)
Mounting [} 77] on 35 mm mounting rail conforms to EN 60715
Enhanced mechanical load see also installation instructions [} 80] for enhanced mechanical load capacity
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP20
Installation position variable
Marking / Approval*) CE, UKCA, EAC,
ATEX [} 71], IECEx [} 72],
cULus [} 76]

*) Real applicable approvals/markings see type plate on the side (product marking).

Ex markings
Standard Marking

EL40xx Version: 4.6 51

Product description

2.4.3 EL403x - Connection, display and diagnostics EL4031

Fig. 38: EL4031, Connection and display

Connection EL4031

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
- 2 Without - -
0V 3 0V 7, negative power contact 500 mA
Shield 4 Shield (FE) 8, mounting rail 100 mA **)
- 5 Without - -
- 6 Without - -
0V 7 0V 3, negative power contact 500 mA
Shield 8 Shield (FE) 4, mounting rail 100 mA **)
*) Constant and peak value
**) Shield lines should be de-energized!

Terminal points „Without function“

Terminal points "without function" may be equipped for production reasons, they must not be
connected to conductors.

52 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

LEDs EL4031

Fig. 39: EL4031, LEDs

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 53

Product description EL4032

Fig. 40: EL4032, Connection and display

Connection EL4032

Connection EL4032
Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
- 2 Without - -
0V 3 0V 7, negative power contact 500 mA
Shield 4 Shield (FE) 8, mounting rail 100 mA **)
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
- 6 Without - -
0V 7 0V 3, negative power contact 500 mA
Shield 8 Shield (FE) 4, mounting rail 100 mA **)
*) Constant and peak value
**) Shield lines should be de-energized!

Terminal points „Without function“

Terminal points "without function" may be equipped for production reasons, they must not be
connected to conductors.

54 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description

LEDs EL4032

Fig. 41: EL4032, LEDs

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 55

Product description EL4034

Fig. 42: EL4034, Connection and display

Connection EL4034

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
Ground 2 0V 4, 6, 8 500 mA
Output 3 3 Output 3 - Specified by output power
Ground 4 0V 2, 6, 8 500 mA
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
Ground 6 0V 2, 4, 8 500 mA
Output 4 7 Output 4 - Specified by output power
Ground 8 0V 2, 4, 6 500 mA
*) Constant and peak value

LEDs EL4034

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

56 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Product description EL4038

Fig. 43: EL4038, Connection and display

Connection EL4038

Terminal point No. Comment Internally connected with connector Max. current carrying capacity*)
Output 1 1 Output 1 - Specified by output power
Output 3 2 Output 3 - Specified by output power
Output 5 3 Output 5 - Specified by output power
Output 7 4 Output 7 - Specified by output power
Output 2 5 Output 2 - Specified by output power
Output 4 6 Output 4 - Specified by output power
Output 6 7 Output 6 - Specified by output power
Output 8 8 Output 8 - Specified by output power
*) Constant and peak value

LEDs EL4038

LED Color Meaning

RUN green This LED indicates the terminal's operating state:
off State of the EtherCAT State Machine [} 141]: INIT = initialization of the terminal,
state of the EtherCAT State Machine: BOOTSTRAP = function for firmware
updates [} 191] of the terminal
flashing State of the EtherCAT State Machine: PREOP = function for mailbox
communication and different standard-settings set
single State of the EtherCAT State Machine: SAFEOP = verification of the Sync
flash Manager [} 141] channels and the distributed clocks.
Outputs remain in safe state
on State of the EtherCAT State Machine: OP = normal operating state; mailbox and
process data communication is possible
If several RUN LEDs are present, all of them have the same function.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 57

Product description

2.5 Continuative documentation for I/O components with

analog in and outputs
Continuative documentation for I/O components with analog in and outputs
Pay also attention to the continuative documentation
I/O Analog Manual
Notes on I/O components with analog inputs and outputs,
which is available in the Beckhoff Information-System and for download on the Beckhoff
web page www.beckhoff.com on the respective product pages!
It explains the basics of sensor technology and contains notes on analog measured values.

2.6 Start
For commissioning:
• mount the EL40xx as described in the chapter Mounting and wiring [} 70]
• configure the EL40xx in TwinCAT as described in the chapter Commissioning [} 90].

58 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Basics communication

3 Basics communication

3.1 EtherCAT basics

Please refer to the EtherCAT System Documentation for the EtherCAT fieldbus basics.

3.2 EtherCAT cabling – wire-bound

The cable length between two EtherCAT devices must not exceed 100 m. This results from the FastEthernet
technology, which, above all for reasons of signal attenuation over the length of the cable, allows a maximum
link length of 5 + 90 + 5 m if cables with appropriate properties are used. See also the Design
recommendations for the infrastructure for EtherCAT/Ethernet.

Cables and connectors

For connecting EtherCAT devices only Ethernet connections (cables + plugs) that meet the requirements of
at least category 5 (CAt5) according to EN 50173 or ISO/IEC 11801 should be used. EtherCAT uses 4 wires
for signal transfer.

EtherCAT uses RJ45 plug connectors, for example. The pin assignment is compatible with the Ethernet
standard (ISO/IEC 8802-3).
Pin Color of conductor Signal Description
1 yellow TD + Transmission Data +
2 orange TD - Transmission Data -
3 white RD + Receiver Data +
6 blue RD - Receiver Data -

Due to automatic cable detection (auto-crossing) symmetric (1:1) or cross-over cables can be used between
EtherCAT devices from Beckhoff.

Recommended cables
It is recommended to use the appropriate Beckhoff components e.g.
- cable sets ZK1090-9191-xxxx respectively
- RJ45 connector, field assembly ZS1090-0005
- EtherCAT cable, field assembly ZB9010, ZB9020
Suitable cables for the connection of EtherCAT devices can be found on the Beckhoff website!

E-Bus supply

A bus coupler can supply the EL terminals added to it with the E-bus system voltage of 5 V; a coupler is
thereby loadable up to 2 A as a rule (see details in respective device documentation).
Information on how much current each EL terminal requires from the E-bus supply is available online and in
the catalogue. If the added terminals require more current than the coupler can supply, then power feed
terminals (e.g. EL9410) must be inserted at appropriate places in the terminal strand.

The pre-calculated theoretical maximum E-Bus current is displayed in the TwinCAT System Manager. A
shortfall is marked by a negative total amount and an exclamation mark; a power feed terminal is to be
placed before such a position.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 59

Basics communication

Fig. 44: System manager current calculation

Malfunction possible!
The same ground potential must be used for the E-Bus supply of all EtherCAT terminals in a terminal block!

60 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Basics communication

3.3 General notes for setting the watchdog

The EtherCAT terminals are equipped with a safety device (watchdog) which, e. g. in the event of interrupted
process data traffic, switches the outputs (if present) to a presettable state after a presettable time,
depending on the device and setting, e. g. to FALSE (off) or an output value.

The EtherCAT slave controller (ESC) features two watchdogs:

• SM watchdog (default: 100 ms)
• PDI watchdog (default: 100 ms)

Their times are individually parameterized in TwinCAT as follows:

Fig. 45: eEtherCAT tab -> Advanced Settings -> Behavior -> Watchdog

• the Multiplier Register 400h (hexadecimal, i. e. x0400) is valid for both watchdogs.
• each watchdog has its own timer setting 410h or 420h, which together with the Multiplier results in a
resulting time.
• important: the Multiplier/Timer setting is only loaded into the slave at EtherCAT startup if the checkbox
in front of it is activated.
• if it is not checked, nothing is downloaded and the setting located in the ESC remains unchanged.
• the downloaded values can be seen in the ESC registers x0400/0410/0420: ESC Access -> Memory

EL40xx Version: 4.6 61

Basics communication

SM watchdog (SyncManager Watchdog)

The SyncManager watchdog is reset with each successful EtherCAT process data communication with the
terminal. If, for example, no EtherCAT process data communication with the terminal takes place for longer
than the set and activated SM watchdog time due to a line interruption, the watchdog is triggered. The status
of the terminal (usually OP) remains unaffected. The watchdog is only reset again by a successful EtherCAT
process data access.

The SyncManager watchdog is therefore a monitoring for correct and timely process data communication
with the ESC from the EtherCAT side.

The maximum possible watchdog time depends on the device. For example, for "simple" EtherCAT slaves
(without firmware) with watchdog execution in the ESC it is usually up to 170 seconds. For complex
EtherCAT slaves (with firmware) the SM watchdog function is usually parameterized via Reg. 400/420 but
executed by the µC and can be significantly lower. In addition, the execution may then be subject to a certain
time uncertainty. Since the TwinCAT dialog may allow inputs up to 65535, a test of the desired watchdog
time is recommended.

PDI watchdog (Process Data Watchdog)

If there is no PDI communication with the EtherCAT slave controller (ESC) for longer than the set and
activated PDI watchdog time, this watchdog is triggered.

PDI (Process Data Interface) is the internal interface of the ESC, e.g. to local processors in the EtherCAT
slave. With the PDI watchdog this communication can be monitored for failure.

The PDI watchdog is therefore a monitoring for correct and timely process data communication with the
ESC, but viewed from the application side.


Watchdog time = [1/25 MHz * (Watchdog multiplier + 2)] * PDI/SM watchdog

Example: default setting Multiplier=2498, SM watchdog=1000 -> 100 ms

The value in Multiplier + 2 corresponds to the number of 40ns base ticks representing one watchdog tick.

Undefined state possible!
The function for switching off the SM watchdog via SM watchdog = 0 is only implemented in terminals from
version -0016. In previous versions this operating mode should not be used.

Damage of devices and undefined state possible!
If the SM watchdog is activated and a value of 0 is entered the watchdog switches off completely. This is
the deactivation of the watchdog! Set outputs are NOT set in a safe state if the communication is

3.4 EtherCAT State Machine

The state of the EtherCAT slave is controlled via the EtherCAT State Machine (ESM). Depending upon the
state, different functions are accessible or executable in the EtherCAT slave. Specific commands must be
sent by the EtherCAT master to the device in each state, particularly during the bootup of the slave.

A distinction is made between the following states:

• Init
• Pre-Operational
• Safe-Operational and
• Operational
• Boot

62 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Basics communication

The regular state of each EtherCAT slave after bootup is the OP state.

Fig. 46: States of the EtherCAT State Machine


After switch-on the EtherCAT slave in the Init state. No mailbox or process data communication is possible.
The EtherCAT master initializes sync manager channels 0 and 1 for mailbox communication.

Pre-Operational (Pre-Op)

During the transition between Init and Pre-Op the EtherCAT slave checks whether the mailbox was initialized

In Pre-Op state mailbox communication is possible, but not process data communication. The EtherCAT
master initializes the sync manager channels for process data (from sync manager channel 2), the FMMU
channels and, if the slave supports configurable mapping, PDO mapping or the sync manager PDO
assignment. In this state the settings for the process data transfer and perhaps terminal-specific parameters
that may differ from the default settings are also transferred.

Safe-Operational (Safe-Op)

During transition between Pre-Op and Safe-Op the EtherCAT slave checks whether the sync manager
channels for process data communication and, if required, the distributed clocks settings are correct. Before
it acknowledges the change of state, the EtherCAT slave copies current input data into the associated DP-
RAM areas of the EtherCAT slave controller (ECSC).

In Safe-Op state mailbox and process data communication is possible, although the slave keeps its outputs
in a safe state, while the input data are updated cyclically.

Outputs in SAFEOP state

The default set watchdog monitoring sets the outputs of the module in a safe state - depending on
the settings in SAFEOP and OP - e.g. in OFF state. If this is prevented by deactivation of the
watchdog monitoring in the module, the outputs can be switched or set also in the SAFEOP state.

Operational (Op)

Before the EtherCAT master switches the EtherCAT slave from Safe-Op to Op it must transfer valid output

In the Op state the slave copies the output data of the masters to its outputs. Process data and mailbox
communication is possible.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 63

Basics communication


In the Boot state the slave firmware can be updated. The Boot state can only be reached via the Init state.

In the Boot state mailbox communication via the file access over EtherCAT (FoE) protocol is possible, but no
other mailbox communication and no process data communication.

3.5 CoE Interface

General description

The CoE interface (CAN application protocol over EtherCAT)) is used for parameter management of
EtherCAT devices. EtherCAT slaves or the EtherCAT master manage fixed (read only) or variable
parameters which they require for operation, diagnostics or commissioning.

CoE parameters are arranged in a table hierarchy. In principle, the user has read access via the fieldbus.
The EtherCAT master (TwinCAT System Manager) can access the local CoE lists of the slaves via
EtherCAT in read or write mode, depending on the attributes.

Different CoE parameter types are possible, including string (text), integer numbers, Boolean values or larger
byte fields. They can be used to describe a wide range of features. Examples of such parameters include
manufacturer ID, serial number, process data settings, device name, calibration values for analog
measurement or passwords.

The order is specified in two levels via hexadecimal numbering: (main)index, followed by subindex. The
value ranges are
• Index: 0x0000 …0xFFFF (0...65535dec)
• SubIndex: 0x00…0xFF (0...255dec)

A parameter localized in this way is normally written as 0x8010:07, with preceding “0x” to identify the
hexadecimal numerical range and a colon between index and subindex.

The relevant ranges for EtherCAT fieldbus users are:

• 0x1000: This is where fixed identity information for the device is stored, including name, manufacturer,
serial number etc., plus information about the current and available process data configurations.
• 0x8000: This is where the operational and functional parameters for all channels are stored, such as
filter settings or output frequency.

Other important ranges are:

• 0x4000: here are the channel parameters for some EtherCAT devices. Historically, this was the first
parameter area before the 0x8000 area was introduced. EtherCAT devices that were previously
equipped with parameters in 0x4000 and changed to 0x8000 support both ranges for compatibility
reasons and mirror internally.
• 0x6000: Input PDOs (“input” from the perspective of the EtherCAT master)
• 0x7000: Output PDOs (“output” from the perspective of the EtherCAT master)

Not every EtherCAT device must have a CoE list. Simple I/O modules without dedicated processor
usually have no variable parameters and therefore no CoE list.

If a device has a CoE list, it is shown in the TwinCAT System Manager as a separate tab with a listing of the

64 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Basics communication

Fig. 47: “CoE Online” tab

The figure above shows the CoE objects available in device “EL2502”, ranging from 0x1000 to 0x1600. The
subindices for 0x1018 are expanded.

Changes in the CoE directory (CAN over EtherCAT), program access
When using/manipulating the CoE parameters observe the general CoE notes in chapter "CoE interface" of
the EtherCAT system documentation:
• Keep a startup list if components have to be replaced,
• Distinction between online/offline dictionary,
• Existence of current XML description (download from the Beckhoff website),
• "CoE-Reload" for resetting the changes
• Program access during operation via PLC (see TwinCAT3 | PLC Library: Tc2_EtherCAT and Example
program R/W CoE)

Data management and function “NoCoeStorage”

Some parameters, particularly the setting parameters of the slave, are configurable and writeable. This can
be done in write or read mode
• via the System Manager (Fig. “CoE Online” tab) by clicking
This is useful for commissioning of the system/slaves. Click on the row of the index to be
parameterized and enter a value in the “SetValue” dialog.
• from the control system/PLC via ADS, e.g. through blocks from the TcEtherCAT.lib library
This is recommended for modifications while the system is running or if no System Manager or
operating staff are available.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 65

Basics communication

Data management
If slave CoE parameters are modified online, Beckhoff devices store any changes in a fail-safe
manner in the EEPROM, i.e. the modified CoE parameters are still available after a restart.
The situation may be different with other manufacturers.

An EEPROM is subject to a limited lifetime with respect to write operations. From typically 100,000
write operations onwards it can no longer be guaranteed that new (changed) data are reliably saved
or are still readable. This is irrelevant for normal commissioning. However, if CoE parameters are
continuously changed via ADS at machine runtime, it is quite possible for the lifetime limit to be
reached. Support for the NoCoeStorage function, which suppresses the saving of changed CoE
values, depends on the firmware version.
Please refer to the technical data in this documentation as to whether this applies to the respective
• If the function is supported: the function is activated by entering the code word 0x12345678 once
in CoE 0xF008 and remains active as long as the code word is not changed. After switching the
device on it is then inactive. Changed CoE values are not saved in the EEPROM and can thus
be changed any number of times.
• Function is not supported: continuous changing of CoE values is not permissible in view of the
lifetime limit.

Startup list
Changes in the local CoE list of the terminal are lost if the terminal is replaced. If a terminal is
replaced with a new Beckhoff terminal, it will have the default settings. It is therefore advisable to
link all changes in the CoE list of an EtherCAT slave with the Startup list of the slave, which is
processed whenever the EtherCAT fieldbus is started. In this way a replacement EtherCAT slave
can automatically be parameterized with the specifications of the user.
If EtherCAT slaves are used which are unable to store local CoE values permanently, the Startup
list must be used.

Recommended approach for manual modification of CoE parameters

• Make the required change in the System Manager
The values are stored locally in the EtherCAT slave
• If the value is to be stored permanently, enter it in the Startup list.
The order of the Startup entries is usually irrelevant.

Fig. 48: Startup list in the TwinCAT System Manager

The Startup list may already contain values that were configured by the System Manager based on the ESI
specifications. Additional application-specific entries can be created.

Online/offline list

While working with the TwinCAT System Manager, a distinction has to be made whether the EtherCAT
device is “available”, i.e. switched on and linked via EtherCAT and therefore online, or whether a
configuration is created offline without connected slaves.

66 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Basics communication

In both cases a CoE list as shown in Fig. “CoE online tab” is displayed. The connectivity is shown as offline/
• If the slave is offline
◦ The offline list from the ESI file is displayed. In this case modifications are not meaningful or
◦ The configured status is shown under Identity.
◦ No firmware or hardware version is displayed, since these are features of the physical device.
◦ Offline is shown in red.

Fig. 49: Offline list

• If the slave is online

◦ The actual current slave list is read. This may take several seconds, depending on the size and
cycle time.
◦ The actual identity is displayed
◦ The firmware and hardware version of the equipment according to the electronic information is
◦ Online is shown in green.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 67

Basics communication

Fig. 50: Online list

Channel-based order

The CoE list is available in EtherCAT devices that usually feature several functionally equivalent channels.
For example, a 4-channel analog 0...10 V input terminal also has four logical channels and therefore four
identical sets of parameter data for the channels. In order to avoid having to list each channel in the
documentation, the placeholder “n” tends to be used for the individual channel numbers.

In the CoE system 16 indices, each with 255 subindices, are generally sufficient for representing all channel
parameters. The channel-based order is therefore arranged in 16dec/10hex steps. The parameter range
0x8000 exemplifies this:
• Channel 0: parameter range 0x8000:00 ... 0x800F:255
• Channel 1: parameter range 0x8010:00 ... 0x801F:255
• Channel 2: parameter range 0x8020:00 ... 0x802F:255
• ...

This is generally written as 0x80n0.

Detailed information on the CoE interface can be found in the EtherCAT system documentation on the
Beckhoff website.

68 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Basics communication

3.6 Distributed Clock

The distributed clock represents a local clock in the EtherCAT slave controller (ESC) with the following
• Unit 1 ns
• Zero point 1.1.2000 00:00
• Size 64 bit (sufficient for the next 584 years; however, some EtherCAT slaves only offer 32-bit support,
i.e. the variable overflows after approx. 4.2 seconds)
• The EtherCAT master automatically synchronizes the local clock with the master clock in the EtherCAT
bus with a precision of < 100 ns.

For detailed information please refer to the EtherCAT system description.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 69

Mounting and wiring

4 Mounting and wiring

4.1 Instructions for ESD protection

Destruction of the devices by electrostatic discharge possible!
The devices contain components at risk from electrostatic discharge caused by improper handling.
• Please ensure you are electrostatically discharged and avoid touching the contacts of the device directly.
• Avoid contact with highly insulating materials (synthetic fibers, plastic film etc.).
• Surroundings (working place, packaging and personnel) should by grounded probably, when handling
with the devices.
• Each assembly must be terminated at the right hand end with an EL9011 or EL9012 bus end cap, to
ensure the protection class and ESD protection.

Fig. 51: Spring contacts of the Beckhoff I/O components

70 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

4.2 Explosion protection

4.2.1 ATEX - Special conditions (extended temperature range)

Observe the special conditions for the intended use of Beckhoff fieldbus components with
extended temperature range (ET) in potentially explosive areas (directive 2014/34/EU)!
• The certified components are to be installed in a suitable housing that guarantees a protection class of at
least IP54 in accordance with EN 60079-15! The environmental conditions during use are thereby to be
taken into account!
• For dust (only the fieldbus components of certificate no. KEMA 10ATEX0075 X Issue 9): The equipment
shall be installed in a suitable enclosure providing a degree of protection of IP54 according to
EN 60079-31 for group IIIA or IIIB and IP6X for group IIIC, taking into account the environmental
conditions under which the equipment is used!
• If the temperatures during rated operation are higher than 70°C at the feed-in points of cables, lines or
pipes, or higher than 80°C at the wire branching points, then cables must be selected whose
temperature data correspond to the actual measured temperature values!
• Observe the permissible ambient temperature range of -25 to 60°C for the use of Beckhoff fieldbus
components with extended temperature range (ET) in potentially explosive areas!
• Measures must be taken to protect against the rated operating voltage being exceeded by more than
40% due to short-term interference voltages!
• The individual terminals may only be unplugged or removed from the Bus Terminal system if the supply
voltage has been switched off or if a non-explosive atmosphere is ensured!
• The connections of the certified components may only be connected or disconnected if the supply
voltage has been switched off or if a non-explosive atmosphere is ensured!
• The fuses of the KL92xx/EL92xx power feed terminals may only be exchanged if the supply voltage has
been switched off or if a non-explosive atmosphere is ensured!
• Address selectors and ID switches may only be adjusted if the supply voltage has been switched off or if
a non-explosive atmosphere is ensured!


The fundamental health and safety requirements are fulfilled by compliance with the following standards:
• EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013
• EN 60079-15:2010
• EN 60079-31:2013 (only for certificate no. KEMA 10ATEX0075 X Issue 9)


The Beckhoff fieldbus components with extended temperature range (ET) certified according to the ATEX
directive for potentially explosive areas bear the following marking:

II 3G KEMA 10ATEX0075 X Ex nA IIC T4 Gc Ta: -25 … +60°C

II 3D KEMA 10ATEX0075 X Ex tc IIIC T135°C Dc Ta: -25 ... +60°C
(only for fieldbus components of certificate no. KEMA 10ATEX0075 X Issue 9)

II 3G KEMA 10ATEX0075 X Ex nA nC IIC T4 Gc Ta: -25 … +60°C

II 3D KEMA 10ATEX0075 X Ex tc IIIC T135°C Dc Ta: -25 ... +60°C
(only for fieldbus components of certificate no. KEMA 10ATEX0075 X Issue 9)

EL40xx Version: 4.6 71

Mounting and wiring

4.2.2 IECEx - Special conditions

Observe the special conditions for the intended use of Beckhoff fieldbus components in
potentially explosive areas!
• For gas: The equipment shall be installed in a suitable enclosure providing a degree of protection of IP54
according to IEC 60079-15, taking into account the environmental conditions under which the equipment
is used!
• For dust (only the fieldbus components of certificate no. IECEx DEK 16.0078X Issue 3):
The equipment shall be installed in a suitable enclosure providing a degree of protection of IP54
according to EN 60079-31 for group IIIA or IIIB and IP6X for group IIIC, taking into account the
environmental conditions under which the equipment is used!
• The equipment shall only be used in an area of at least pollution degree 2, as defined in IEC 60664-1!
• Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient disturbances of
more than 119 V!
• If the temperatures during rated operation are higher than 70°C at the feed-in points of cables, lines or
pipes, or higher than 80°C at the wire branching points, then cables must be selected whose
temperature data correspond to the actual measured temperature values!
• Observe the permissible ambient temperature range for the use of Beckhoff fieldbus components in
potentially explosive areas!
• The individual terminals may only be unplugged or removed from the Bus Terminal system if the supply
voltage has been switched off or if a non-explosive atmosphere is ensured!
• The connections of the certified components may only be connected or disconnected if the supply
voltage has been switched off or if a non-explosive atmosphere is ensured!
• Address selectors and ID switches may only be adjusted if the supply voltage has been switched off or if
a non-explosive atmosphere is ensured!
• The front hatch of certified units may only be opened if the supply voltage has been switched off or a
non-explosive atmosphere is ensured!


The fundamental health and safety requirements are fulfilled by compliance with the following standards:
• EN 60079-0:2011
• EN 60079-15:2010
• EN 60079-31:2013 (only for certificate no. IECEx DEK 16.0078X Issue 3)


Beckhoff fieldbus components that are certified in accordance with IECEx for use in areas subject to an
explosion hazard bear the following markings:
Marking for fieldbus components of certificate IECEx DEK 16.0078 X
no. IECEx DEK 16.0078X Issue 3: Ex nA IIC T4 Gc
Ex tc IIIC T135°C Dc

Marking for fieldbus components of IECEx DEK 16.0078 X

certficates with later issues: Ex nA IIC T4 Gc

72 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

4.2.3 Continuative documentation for ATEX and IECEx

Continuative documentation about explosion protection according to ATEX
and IECEx
Pay also attention to the continuative documentation
Ex. Protection for Terminal Systems
Notes on the use of the Beckhoff terminal systems in hazardous areas according to ATEX
and IECEx,
that is available for download within the download area of your product on the Beckhoff
homepage www.beckhoff.com!

EL40xx Version: 4.6 73

Mounting and wiring

4.2.4 cFMus - Special conditions

Observe the special conditions for the intended use of Beckhoff fieldbus components in
potentially explosive areas!
• The equipment shall be installed within an enclosure that provides a minimum ingress protection of IP54
in accordance with ANSI/UL 60079-0 (US) or CSA C22.2 No. 60079-0 (Canada).
• The equipment shall only be used in an area of at least pollution degree 2, as defined in IEC 60664-1.
• Transient protection shall be provided that is set at a level not exceeding 140% of the peak rated voltage
value at the supply terminals to the equipment.
• The circuits shall be limited to overvoltage Category II as defined in IEC 60664-1.
• The Fieldbus Components may only be removed or inserted when the system supply and the field
supply are switched off, or when the location is known to be non-hazardous.
• The Fieldbus Components may only be disconnected or connected when the system supply is switched
off, or when the location is known to be non-hazardous.


The fundamental health and safety requirements are fulfilled by compliance with the following standards:

M20US0111X (US):
• FM Class 3600:2018
• FM Class 3611:2018
• FM Class 3810:2018
• ANSI/UL 121201:2019
• ANSI/ISA 61010-1:2012
• ANSI/UL 60079-0:2020
• ANSI/UL 60079-7:2017

FM20CA0053X (Canada):
• CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 213-17:2017
• CSA C22.2 No. 60079-0:2019
• CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-7:2016
• CAN/CSA C22.2 No.61010-1:2012


Beckhoff fieldbus components that are certified in accordance with cFMus for use in areas subject to an
explosion hazard bear the following markings:
FM20US0111X (US): Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
Class I, Zone 2, AEx ec IIC T4 Gc

FM20CA0053X (Canada): Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D

Ex ec T4 Gc

74 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

4.2.5 Continuative documentation for cFMus

Continuative documentation about explosion protection according to cFMus
Pay also attention to the continuative documentation
Control Drawing I/O, CX, CPX
Connection diagrams and Ex markings,
that is available for download within the download area of your product on the Beckhoff
homepage www.beckhoff.com!

EL40xx Version: 4.6 75

Mounting and wiring

4.3 UL notice
Beckhoff EtherCAT modules are intended for use with Beckhoff’s UL Listed EtherCAT
System only.

For cULus examination, the Beckhoff I/O System has only been investigated for risk of fire
and electrical shock (in accordance with UL508 and CSA C22.2 No. 142).

For devices with Ethernet connectors
Not for connection to telecommunication circuits.

Basic principles

UL certification according to UL508. Devices with this kind of certification are marked by this sign:

76 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

4.4 Installation on mounting rails

Risk of electric shock and damage of device!
Bring the bus terminal system into a safe, powered down state before starting installation, disassembly or
wiring of the bus terminals!

The Bus Terminal system and is designed for mounting in a control cabinet or terminal box.


Fig. 52: Attaching on mounting rail

The bus coupler and bus terminals are attached to commercially available 35 mm mounting rails (DIN rails
according to EN 60715) by applying slight pressure:

1. First attach the fieldbus coupler to the mounting rail.

2. The bus terminals are now attached on the right-hand side of the fieldbus coupler. Join the
components with tongue and groove and push the terminals against the mounting rail, until the lock
clicks onto the mounting rail.
If the terminals are clipped onto the mounting rail first and then pushed together without tongue and
groove, the connection will not be operational! When correctly assembled, no significant gap should
be visible between the housings.

Fixing of mounting rails

The locking mechanism of the terminals and couplers extends to the profile of the mounting rail. At
the installation, the locking mechanism of the components must not come into conflict with the fixing
bolts of the mounting rail. To mount the mounting rails with a height of 7.5 mm under the terminals
and couplers, you should use flat mounting connections (e.g. countersunk screws or blind rivets).

EL40xx Version: 4.6 77

Mounting and wiring


Fig. 53: Disassembling of terminal

Each terminal is secured by a lock on the mounting rail, which must be released for disassembly:

1. Pull the terminal by its orange-colored lugs approximately 1 cm away from the mounting rail. In doing
so for this terminal the mounting rail lock is released automatically and you can pull the terminal out of
the bus terminal block easily without excessive force.
2. Grasp the released terminal with thumb and index finger simultaneous at the upper and lower grooved
housing surfaces and pull the terminal out of the bus terminal block.

Connections within a bus terminal block

The electric connections between the Bus Coupler and the Bus Terminals are automatically realized by
joining the components:
• The six spring contacts of the K-Bus/E-Bus deal with the transfer of the data and the supply of the Bus
Terminal electronics.
• The power contacts deal with the supply for the field electronics and thus represent a supply rail within
the bus terminal block. The power contacts are supplied via terminals on the Bus Coupler (up to 24 V)
or for higher voltages via power feed terminals.

Power Contacts
During the design of a bus terminal block, the pin assignment of the individual Bus Terminals must
be taken account of, since some types (e.g. analog Bus Terminals or digital 4-channel Bus
Terminals) do not or not fully loop through the power contacts. Power Feed Terminals (KL91xx,
KL92xx or EL91xx, EL92xx) interrupt the power contacts and thus represent the start of a new
supply rail.

PE power contact

The power contact labeled PE can be used as a protective earth. For safety reasons this contact mates first
when plugging together, and can ground short-circuit currents of up to 125 A.

78 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

Fig. 54: Power contact on left side

Possible damage of the device
Note that, for reasons of electromagnetic compatibility, the PE contacts are capacitatively coupled to the
mounting rail. This may lead to incorrect results during insulation testing or to damage on the terminal (e.g.
disruptive discharge to the PE line during insulation testing of a consumer with a nominal voltage of 230 V).
For insulation testing, disconnect the PE supply line at the Bus Coupler or the Power Feed Terminal! In
order to decouple further feed points for testing, these Power Feed Terminals can be released and pulled at
least 10 mm from the group of terminals.

Risk of electric shock!
The PE power contact must not be used for other potentials!

EL40xx Version: 4.6 79

Mounting and wiring

4.5 Installation instructions for enhanced mechanical load

Risk of injury through electric shock and damage to the device!
Bring the Bus Terminal system into a safe, de-energized state before starting mounting, disassembly or
wiring of the Bus Terminals!

Additional checks

The terminals have undergone the following additional tests:

Verification Explanation
Vibration 10 frequency runs in 3 axes
6 Hz < f < 60 Hz displacement 0.35 mm, constant amplitude
60.1 Hz < f < 500 Hz acceleration 5 g, constant amplitude
Shocks 1000 shocks in each direction, in 3 axes
25 g, 6 ms

Additional installation instructions

For terminals with enhanced mechanical load capacity, the following additional installation instructions apply:
• The enhanced mechanical load capacity is valid for all permissible installation positions
• Use a mounting rail according to EN 60715 TH35-15
• Fix the terminal segment on both sides of the mounting rail with a mechanical fixture, e.g. an earth
terminal or reinforced end clamp
• The maximum total extension of the terminal segment (without coupler) is:
64 terminals (12 mm mounting with) or 32 terminals (24 mm mounting with)
• Avoid deformation, twisting, crushing and bending of the mounting rail during edging and installation of
the rail
• The mounting points of the mounting rail must be set at 5 cm intervals
• Use countersunk head screws to fasten the mounting rail
• The free length between the strain relief and the wire connection should be kept as short as possible. A
distance of approx. 10 cm should be maintained to the cable duct.

80 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

4.6 Connection

4.6.1 Connection system

Risk of electric shock and damage of device!
Bring the bus terminal system into a safe, powered down state before starting installation, disassembly or
wiring of the bus terminals!


The bus terminal system offers different connection options for optimum adaptation to the respective
• The terminals of ELxxxx and KLxxxx series with standard wiring include electronics and connection
level in a single enclosure.
• The terminals of ESxxxx and KSxxxx series feature a pluggable connection level and enable steady
wiring while replacing.
• The High Density Terminals (HD Terminals) include electronics and connection level in a single
enclosure and have advanced packaging density.

Standard wiring (ELxxxx / KLxxxx)

Fig. 55: Standard wiring

The terminals of ELxxxx and KLxxxx series have been tried and tested for years.
They feature integrated screwless spring force technology for fast and simple assembly.

Pluggable wiring (ESxxxx / KSxxxx)

Fig. 56: Pluggable wiring

The terminals of ESxxxx and KSxxxx series feature a pluggable connection level.
The assembly and wiring procedure is the same as for the ELxxxx and KLxxxx series.
The pluggable connection level enables the complete wiring to be removed as a plug connector from the top
of the housing for servicing.
The lower section can be removed from the terminal block by pulling the unlocking tab.
Insert the new component and plug in the connector with the wiring. This reduces the installation time and
eliminates the risk of wires being mixed up.

The familiar dimensions of the terminal only had to be changed slightly. The new connector adds about
3 mm. The maximum height of the terminal remains unchanged.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 81

Mounting and wiring

A tab for strain relief of the cable simplifies assembly in many applications and prevents tangling of individual
connection wires when the connector is removed.

Conductor cross sections between 0.08 mm2 and 2.5 mm2 can continue to be used with the proven spring
force technology.

The overview and nomenclature of the product names for ESxxxx and KSxxxx series has been retained as
known from ELxxxx and KLxxxx series.

High Density Terminals (HD Terminals)

Fig. 57: High Density Terminals

The terminals from these series with 16 terminal points are distinguished by a particularly compact design,
as the packaging density is twice as large as that of the standard 12 mm bus terminals. Massive conductors
and conductors with a wire end sleeve can be inserted directly into the spring loaded terminal point without

Wiring HD Terminals
The High Density Terminals of the ELx8xx and KLx8xx series doesn't support pluggable wiring.

Ultrasonically “bonded” (ultrasonically welded) conductors

Ultrasonically “bonded” conductors

It is also possible to connect the Standard and High Density Terminals with ultrasonically “bonded”
(ultrasonically welded) conductors. In this case, please note the tables concerning the wire-size
width [} 83]!

82 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

4.6.2 Wiring
Risk of electric shock and damage of device!
Bring the bus terminal system into a safe, powered down state before starting installation, disassembly or
wiring of the bus terminals!

Terminals for standard wiring ELxxxx/KLxxxx and for pluggable wiring ESxxxx/KSxxxx

Fig. 58: Connecting a cable on a terminal point

Up to eight terminal points enable the connection of solid or finely stranded cables to the bus terminal. The
terminal points are implemented in spring force technology. Connect the cables as follows:

1. Open a terminal point by pushing a screwdriver straight against the stop into the square opening
above the terminal point. Do not turn the screwdriver or move it alternately (don't toggle).
2. The wire can now be inserted into the round terminal opening without any force.
3. The terminal point closes automatically when the pressure is released, holding the wire securely and

See the following table for the suitable wire size width.
Terminal housing ELxxxx, KLxxxx ESxxxx, KSxxxx
Wire size width (single core wires) 0.08 ... 2.5 mm2 0.08 ... 2.5 mm2
Wire size width (fine-wire conductors) 0.08 ... 2.5 mm2 0.08 ... 2.5 mm2
Wire size width (conductors with a wire end sleeve) 0.14 ... 1.5 mm2 0.14 ... 1.5 mm2
Wire stripping length 8 ... 9 mm 9 ... 10 mm

High Density Terminals (HD Terminals [} 82]) with 16 terminal points

The conductors of the HD Terminals are connected without tools for single-wire conductors using the direct
plug-in technique, i.e. after stripping the wire is simply plugged into the terminal point. The cables are
released, as usual, using the contact release with the aid of a screwdriver. See the following table for the
suitable wire size width.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 83

Mounting and wiring

Terminal housing High Density Housing

Wire size width (single core wires) 0.08 ... 1.5 mm2
Wire size width (fine-wire conductors) 0.25 ... 1.5 mm2
Wire size width (conductors with a wire end sleeve) 0.14 ... 0.75 mm2
Wire size width (ultrasonically “bonded" conductors) only 1.5 mm2 (see notice [} 82])
Wire stripping length 8 ... 9 mm

4.6.3 Shielding
Encoder, analog sensors and actuators should always be connected with shielded, twisted paired

84 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

4.7 Note - Power supply

Power supply from SELV/PELV power supply unit!
SELV/PELV circuits (Safety Extra Low Voltage, Protective Extra Low Voltage) according to
IEC 61010-2-201 must be used to supply this device.
• SELV/PELV circuits may give rise to further requirements from standards such as IEC 60204-1 et al, for
example with regard to cable spacing and insulation.
• A SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) supply provides safe electrical isolation and limitation of the voltage
without a connection to the protective conductor,
a PELV (Protective Extra Low Voltage) supply also requires a safe connection to the protective

EL40xx Version: 4.6 85

Mounting and wiring

4.8 Installation positions

Constraints regarding installation position and operating temperature range
Please refer to the technical data for a terminal to ascertain whether any restrictions regarding the
installation position and/or the operating temperature range have been specified. When installing high
power dissipation terminals ensure that an adequate spacing is maintained between other components
above and below the terminal in order to guarantee adequate ventilation!

Optimum installation position (standard)

The optimum installation position requires the mounting rail to be installed horizontally and the connection
surfaces of the EL/KL terminals to face forward (see Fig. Recommended distances for standard installation
position). The terminals are ventilated from below, which enables optimum cooling of the electronics through
convection. “From below” is relative to the acceleration of gravity.

Fig. 59: Recommended distances for standard installation position

Compliance with the distances shown in Fig. Recommended distances for standard installation position is

Other installation positions

All other installation positions are characterized by different spatial arrangement of the mounting rail - see
Fig Other installation positions.

The minimum distances to ambient specified above also apply to these installation positions.

86 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

Fig. 60: Other installation positions

EL40xx Version: 4.6 87

Mounting and wiring

4.9 Positioning of passive Terminals

Hint for positioning of passive terminals in the bus terminal block
EtherCAT Terminals (ELxxxx / ESxxxx), which do not take an active part in data transfer within the
bus terminal block are so called passive terminals. The passive terminals have no current
consumption out of the E-Bus.
To ensure an optimal data transfer, you must not directly string together more than two passive

Examples for positioning of passive terminals (highlighted)

Fig. 61: Correct positioning

Fig. 62: Incorrect positioning

88 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Mounting and wiring

4.10 Disposal
Products marked with a crossed-out wheeled bin shall not be discarded
with the normal waste stream. The device is considered as waste
electrical and electronic equipment. The national regulations for the
disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment must be observed.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 89


5 Commissioning

5.1 TwinCAT Quick Start

TwinCAT is a development environment for real-time control including a multi PLC system, NC axis control,
programming and operation. The whole system is mapped through this environment and enables access to a
programming environment (including compilation) for the controller. Individual digital or analog inputs or
outputs can also be read or written directly, in order to verify their functionality, for example.

For further information, please refer to http://infosys.beckhoff.com:

• EtherCAT System Manual:
Fieldbus Components → EtherCAT Terminals → EtherCAT System Documentation → Setup in the
TwinCAT System Manager
• TwinCAT 2 → TwinCAT System Manager → I/O Configuration
• In particular, for TwinCAT – driver installation:
Fieldbus components → Fieldbus Cards and Switches → FC900x – PCI Cards for Ethernet →

Devices contain the relevant terminals for the actual configuration. All configuration data can be entered
directly via editor functions (offline) or via the `scan function (online):
• “offline”: The configuration can be customized by adding and positioning individual components.
These can be selected from a directory and configured.
◦ The procedure for the offline mode can be found under http://infosys.beckhoff.com:
TwinCAT 2 → TwinCAT System Manager → IO Configuration → Add an I/O device
• “online”: The existing hardware configuration is read
◦ See also http://infosys.beckhoff.com:
Fieldbus components → Fieldbus Cards and Switches → FC900x – PCI Cards for Ethernet →
Installation → Searching for devices

The following relationship is envisaged between the user PC and individual control elements:

90 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 63: Relationship between user side (commissioning) and installation

Insertion of certain components (I/O device, terminal, box...) by users functions the same way as in
TwinCAT 2 and TwinCAT 3. The descriptions below relate solely to the online procedure.

Example configuration (actual configuration)

Based on the following example configuration, the subsequent subsections describe the procedure for
TwinCAT 2 and TwinCAT 3:
• CX2040 control system (PLC) including CX2100-0004 power supply unit
• Connected to CX2040 on the right (E-bus):
EL1004 (4-channel digital input terminal 24 VDC)
• Linked via the X001 port (RJ-45): EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler
• Connected to the EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler on the right (E-bus):
EL2008 (8-channel digital output terminal 24 VDC; 0.5 A)
• (Optional via X000: a link to an external PC for the user interface)

EL40xx Version: 4.6 91


Fig. 64: Control configuration with Embedded PC, input (EL1004) and output (EL2008)

Note that all combinations of a configuration are possible; for example, the EL1004 terminal could also be
connected after the coupler, or the EL2008 terminal could additionally be connected to the CX2040 on the
right, in which case the EK1100 coupler wouldn’t be necessary.

92 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.1.1 TwinCAT 2

TwinCAT 2 basically uses two user interfaces: the TwinCAT System Manager for communication with the
electromechanical components and TwinCAT PLC Control for the development and compilation of a
controller. The starting point is the TwinCAT System Manager.

After successful installation of the TwinCAT system on the PC to be used for development, the TwinCAT 2
System Manager displays the following user interface after startup:

Fig. 65: Initial TwinCAT 2 user interface

Generally, TwinCAT can be used in local or remote mode. Once the TwinCAT system, including the user
interface (standard) is installed on the respective PLC, TwinCAT can be used in local mode and thus the
next step is “Insert Device [} 95]”.

If the intention is to address the TwinCAT runtime environment installed on a PLC remotely from another
system used as a development environment, the target system must be made known first. In the menu under

“Actions” → “Choose Target System...”, the following window is opened for this via the symbol “ ” or the
“F8” key:

EL40xx Version: 4.6 93


Fig. 66: Selection of the target system

Use “Search (Ethernet)...” to enter the target system. Thus another dialog opens to either:
• enter the known computer name after “Enter Host Name / IP:” (as shown in red)
• perform a “Broadcast Search” (if the exact computer name is not known)
• enter the known computer – IP or AmsNetID

Fig. 67: specify the PLC for access by the TwinCAT System Manager: selection of the target system

Once the target system has been entered, it is available for selection as follows (a correct password may
have to be entered before this):

After confirmation with “OK”, the target system can be accessed via the System Manager.

94 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Adding devices

In the configuration tree of the TwinCAT 2 System Manager user interface on the left, select “I/O Devices”
and then right-click to open a context menu and select “Scan Devices…”, or start the action in the menu bar

via . The TwinCAT System Manager may first have to be set to “Config Mode” via or via the
“Actions” → “Set/Reset TwinCAT to Config Mode…” (Shift + F4).

Fig. 68: Select “Scan Devices...”

Confirm the warning message, which follows, and select the “EtherCAT” devices in the dialog:

Fig. 69: Automatic detection of I/O devices: selection of the devices to be integrated

Confirm the message “Find new boxes”, in order to determine the terminals connected to the devices. “Free
Run” enables manipulation of input and output values in “Config Mode” and should also be acknowledged.

Based on the example configuration [} 91] described at the beginning of this section, the result is as follows:

EL40xx Version: 4.6 95


Fig. 70: Mapping of the configuration in the TwinCAT 2 System Manager

The whole process consists of two stages, which can also be performed separately (first determine the
devices, then determine the connected elements such as boxes, terminals, etc.). A scan (search function)
can also be initiated by selecting “Device ...” from the context menu, which then only reads the elements
below which are present in the configuration:

Fig. 71: Reading of individual terminals connected to a device

This functionality is useful if the actual configuration is modified at short notice.

Programming and integrating the PLC

TwinCAT PLC Control is the development environment for generating the controller in different program
environments: TwinCAT PLC Control supports all languages described in IEC 61131-3. There are two text-
based languages and three graphical languages.
• Text-based languages
◦ Instruction List (IL)
◦ Structured Text (ST)

96 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


• Graphical languages
◦ Function Block Diagram (FBD)
◦ Ladder Diagram (LD)
◦ The Continuous Function Chart Editor (CFC)
◦ Sequential Function Chart (SFC)

The following section refers solely to Structured Text (ST).

After starting TwinCAT PLC Control, the following user interface is shown for an initial project:

Fig. 72: TwinCAT PLC Control after startup

Example variables and an example program have been created and stored under the name

EL40xx Version: 4.6 97


Fig. 73: Example program with variables after a compile process (without variable integration)

Warning 1990 (missing “VAR_CONFIG”) after a compile process indicates that the variables defined as
external (with the ID “AT%I*” or “AT%Q*”) have not been assigned. After successful compilation, TwinCAT
PLC Control creates a “*.tpy” file in the directory in which the project was stored. This file (“*.tpy”) contains
variable assignments and is not known to the System Manager, hence the warning. Once the System
Manager has been notified, the warning no longer appears.

First, integrate the TwinCAT PLC Control project in the System Manager. This is performed via the context
menu of the PLC configuration (right-click) and selecting “Append PLC Project…”:

Fig. 74: Appending the TwinCAT PLC Control project

98 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Select the PLC configuration “PLC_example.tpy” in the browser window that opens. The project including the
two variables identified with “AT” are then integrated in the configuration tree of the System Manager:

Fig. 75: PLC project integrated in the PLC configuration of the System Manager

The two variables “bEL1004_Ch4” and “nEL2008_value” can now be assigned to certain process objects of
the I/O configuration.

Assigning variables

Open a window for selecting a suitable process object (PDO) via the context menu of a variable of the
integrated project “PLC_example” and via “Modify Link...” “Standard”:

Fig. 76: Creating the links between PLC variables and process objects

In the window that opens, the process object for the “bEL1004_Ch4” BOOL-type variable can be selected
from the PLC configuration tree:

EL40xx Version: 4.6 99


Fig. 77: Selecting BOOL-type PDO

According to the default setting, only certain PDO objects are now available for selection. In this example,
the input of channel 4 of the EL1004 terminal is selected for linking. In contrast, the checkbox “All types”
must be ticked to create the link for the output variables, in order to allocate a set of eight separate output
bits to a byte variable in this case. The following diagram shows the whole process:

Fig. 78: Selecting several PDOs simultaneously: activate “Continuous” and “All types”

Note that the “Continuous” checkbox was also activated. This is designed to allocate the bits contained in the
byte of the “nEL2008_value” variable sequentially to all eight selected output bits of the EL2008 Terminal. It
is thus possible to subsequently address all eight outputs of the terminal in the program with a byte
corresponding to bit 0 for channel 1 to bit 7 for channel 8 of the PLC. A special symbol ( ) on the yellow or
red object of the variable indicates that a link exists. The links can also be checked by selecting “Goto Link
Variable” from the context menu of a variable. The opposite linked object, in this case the PDO, is
automatically selected:

100 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 79: Application of a “Goto Link Variable”, using “MAIN.bEL1004_Ch4” as an example

The process of assigning variables to the PDO is completed via the menu option “Actions” → “Create

assignment”, or via .

This can be visualized in the configuration:

The process of creating links can also be performed in the opposite direction, i.e. starting with individual
PDOs to a variable. However, in this example, it would not be possible to select all output bits for the
EL2008, since the terminal only makes individual digital outputs available. If a terminal has a byte, word,
integer or similar PDO, it is also possible to allocate this to a set of bit-standardized variables. Here, too, a
“Goto Link Variable” can be executed in the other direction, so that the respective PLC instance can then be

Activation of the configuration

The allocation of PDO to PLC variables has now established the connection from the controller to the inputs
and outputs of the terminals. The configuration can now be activated. First, the configuration can be verified

via (or via “Actions” → “Check Configuration”). If no error is present, the configuration can be

activated via (or via “Actions” → “Activate Configuration…”) to transfer the System Manager settings
to the runtime system. Confirm the messages “Old configurations will be overwritten!” and “Restart TwinCAT
system in Run mode” with “OK”.

A few seconds later, the real-time status is displayed at the bottom right in the System Manager.
The PLC system can then be started as described below.

Starting the controller

Starting from a remote system, the PLC control has to be linked with the embedded PC over the Ethernet via
“Online” → “Choose Runtime System…”:

EL40xx Version: 4.6 101


Fig. 80: Choose target system (remote)

In this example, “Runtime system 1 (port 801)” is selected and confirmed. Link the PLC with the real-time

system via the menu option “Online” → “Login”, the F11 key or by clicking on the symbol . The control
program can then be loaded for execution. This results in the message “No program on the controller!
Should the new program be loaded?”, which should be confirmed with “Yes”. The runtime environment is
ready for the program start:

102 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 81: PLC Control logged in, ready for program startup

The PLC can now be started via “Online” → “Run”, F5 key or .

5.1.2 TwinCAT 3

TwinCAT 3 makes the development environment areas available all together, with Microsoft Visual Studio:
after startup, the project folder explorer appears on the left in the general window area (see “TwinCAT
System Manager” of TwinCAT 2) for communication with the electromechanical components.

After successful installation of the TwinCAT system on the PC to be used for development, TwinCAT 3
(shell) displays the following user interface after startup:

EL40xx Version: 4.6 103


Fig. 82: Initial TwinCAT 3 user interface

First create a new project via (or under “File”→“New”→ “Project…”). In the
following dialog, make the corresponding entries as required (as shown in the diagram):

Fig. 83: Create new TwinCAT 3 project

The new project is then available in the project folder explorer:

104 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 84: New TwinCAT 3 project in the project folder explorer

Generally, TwinCAT can be used in local or remote mode. Once the TwinCAT system including the user
interface (standard) is installed on the respective PLC (locally), TwinCAT can be used in local mode and the
process can be continued with the next step, “Insert Device [} 106]”.

If the intention is to address the TwinCAT runtime environment installed on a PLC remotely from another
system used as a development environment, the target system must be made known first. Via the symbol in
the menu bar:

expand the pull-down menu:

and open the following window:

Fig. 85: Selection dialog: Choose the target system

EL40xx Version: 4.6 105


Use “Search (Ethernet)...” to enter the target system. Thus another dialog opens to either:
• enter the known computer name after “Enter Host Name / IP:” (as shown in red)
• perform a “Broadcast Search” (if the exact computer name is not known)
• enter the known computer – IP or AmsNetID

Fig. 86: specify the PLC for access by the TwinCAT System Manager: selection of the target system

Once the target system has been entered, it is available for selection as follows (the correct password may
have to be entered beforehand):

After confirmation with “OK” the target system can be accessed via the Visual Studio shell.

Adding devices

In the project folder explorer on the left of the Visual Studio shell user interface, select “Devices” within the

element “I/O”, then right-click to open a context menu and select “Scan” or start the action via in the

menu bar. The TwinCAT System Manager may first have to be set to “Config mode” via or via the
menu “TwinCAT” → “Restart TwinCAT (Config Mode)”.

Fig. 87: Select “Scan”

Confirm the warning message, which follows, and select the “EtherCAT” devices in the dialog:

106 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 88: Automatic detection of I/O devices: selection of the devices to be integrated

Confirm the message “Find new boxes”, in order to determine the terminals connected to the devices. “Free
Run” enables manipulation of input and output values in “Config Mode” and should also be acknowledged.

Based on the example configuration [} 91] described at the beginning of this section, the result is as follows:

Fig. 89: Mapping of the configuration in VS shell of the TwinCAT 3 environment

The whole process consists of two stages, which can also be performed separately (first determine the
devices, then determine the connected elements such as boxes, terminals, etc.). A scan (search function)
can also be initiated by selecting “Device ...” from the context menu, which then only reads the elements
below which are present in the configuration:

EL40xx Version: 4.6 107


Fig. 90: Reading of individual terminals connected to a device

This functionality is useful if the actual configuration is modified at short notice.

Programming the PLC

TwinCAT PLC Control is the development environment for generating the controller in different program
environments: TwinCAT PLC Control supports all languages described in IEC 61131-3. There are two text-
based languages and three graphical languages.
• Text-based languages
◦ Instruction List (IL)
◦ Structured Text (ST)
• Graphical languages
◦ Function Block Diagram (FBD)
◦ Ladder Diagram (LD)
◦ The Continuous Function Chart Editor (CFC)
◦ Sequential Function Chart (SFC)

The following section refers solely to Structured Text (ST).

In order to create a programming environment, a PLC subproject is added to the example project via the
context menu of the “PLC” in the project folder explorer by selecting “Add New Item….”:

108 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 91: Adding the programming environment in “PLC”

In the dialog that opens, select “Standard PLC project” and enter “PLC_example” as project name, for
example, and select a corresponding directory:

Fig. 92: Specifying the name and directory for the PLC programming environment

The “Main” program, which already exists due to selecting “Standard PLC project”, can be opened by
double-clicking on “PLC_example_project” in “POUs”. The following user interface is shown for an initial

EL40xx Version: 4.6 109


Fig. 93: Initial “Main” program for the standard PLC project

Now example variables and an example program have been created for the next stage of the process:

110 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 94: Example program with variables after a compile process (without variable integration)

The control program is now created as a project folder, followed by the compile process:

Fig. 95: Start program compilation

The following variables, identified in the ST/PLC program with “AT%”, are then available under
“Assignments” in the project folder explorer:

Assigning variables

Via the menu of an instance – variables in the “PLC” context, use the “Modify Link…” option to open a
window to select a suitable process object (PDO) for linking:

EL40xx Version: 4.6 111


Fig. 96: Creating the links between PLC variables and process objects

In the window that opens, the process object for the “bEL1004_Ch4” BOOL-type variable can be selected
from the PLC configuration tree:

Fig. 97: Selecting BOOL-type PDO

According to the default setting, only certain PDO objects are now available for selection. In this example,
the input of channel 4 of the EL1004 terminal is selected for linking. In contrast, the checkbox “All types”
must be ticked to create the link for the output variables, in order to allocate a set of eight separate output
bits to a byte variable in this case. The following diagram shows the whole process:

112 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 98: Selecting several PDOs simultaneously: activate “Continuous” and “All types”

Note that the “Continuous” checkbox was also activated. This is designed to allocate the bits contained in the
byte of the “nEL2008_value” variable sequentially to all eight selected output bits of the EL2008 Terminal. It
is thus possible to subsequently address all eight outputs of the terminal in the program with a byte
corresponding to bit 0 for channel 1 to bit 7 for channel 8 of the PLC. A special symbol ( ) on the yellow or
red object of the variable indicates that a link exists. The links can also be checked by selecting “Goto Link
Variable” from the context menu of a variable. The opposite linked object, in this case the PDO, is
automatically selected:

Fig. 99: Application of a “Goto Link Variable”, using “MAIN.bEL1004_Ch4” as an example

The process of creating links can also be performed in the opposite direction, i.e. starting with individual
PDOs to a variable. However, in this example, it would not be possible to select all output bits for the
EL2008, since the terminal only makes individual digital outputs available. If a terminal has a byte, word,

EL40xx Version: 4.6 113


integer or similar PDO, it is also possible to allocate this to a set of bit-standardized variables. Here, too, a
“Goto Link Variable” can be executed in the other direction, so that the respective PLC instance can then be

Note on type of variable assignment

The following type of variable assignment can only be used from TwinCAT version V3.1.4024.4
onwards and is only available for terminals with a microcontroller.

In TwinCAT, a structure can be created from the mapped process data of a terminal. An instance of this
structure can then be created in the PLC, so it is possible to access the process data directly from the PLC
without having to declare own variables.

The procedure for the EL3001 1-channel analog input terminal -10...+10 V is shown as an example.

1. First, the required process data must be selected in the “Process data” tab in TwinCAT.
2. After that, the PLC data type must be generated in the “PLC” tab via the check box.
3. The data type in the “Data Type” field can then be copied using the “Copy” button.

Fig. 100: Creating a PLC data type

4. An instance of the data structure of the copied data type must then be created in the PLC.

Fig. 101: Instance_of_struct

5. Then the project folder must be created. This can be done either via the key combination “CTRL +
Shift + B” or via the “Build” tab in TwinCAT.
6. The structure in the “PLC” tab of the terminal must then be linked to the created instance.

114 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 102: Linking the structure

7. In the PLC, the process data can then be read or written via the structure in the program code.

Fig. 103: Reading a variable from the structure of the process data

Activation of the configuration

The allocation of PDO to PLC variables has now established the connection from the controller to the inputs

and outputs of the terminals. The configuration can now be activated with or via the menu under
“TwinCAT” in order to transfer the settings of the development environment to the runtime system. Confirm
the messages “Old configurations will be overwritten!” and “Restart TwinCAT system in Run mode” with
“OK”. The corresponding assignments can be seen in the project folder explorer:

A few seconds later, the corresponding status of the Run mode is displayed in the form of a rotating symbol

at the bottom right of the VS shell development environment. The PLC system can then be started as
described below.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 115


Starting the controller

Select the menu option “PLC” → “Login” or click on to link the PLC with the real-time system and load
the control program for execution. This results in the message ”No program on the controller! Should the
new program be loaded?”, which should be acknowledged with “Yes”. The runtime environment is ready for

the program to be started by clicking on symbol , the “F5” key or via “PLC” in the menu, by selecting
“Start”. The started programming environment shows the runtime values of individual variables:

Fig. 104: TwinCAT 3 development environment (VS shell): logged-in, after program startup

The two operator control elements for stopping and logout result in the required action (also,
“Shift + F5” can be used for stop, or both actions can be selected via the PLC menu).

116 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.2 TwinCAT Development Environment

The Software for automation TwinCAT (The Windows Control and Automation Technology) will be
distinguished into:
• TwinCAT 2: System Manager (Configuration) & PLC Control (Programming)
• TwinCAT 3: Enhancement of TwinCAT 2 (Programming and Configuration takes place via a common
Development Environment)

• TwinCAT 2:
◦ Connects I/O devices to tasks in a variable-oriented manner
◦ Connects tasks to tasks in a variable-oriented manner
◦ Supports units at the bit level
◦ Supports synchronous or asynchronous relationships
◦ Exchange of consistent data areas and process images
◦ Datalink on NT - Programs by open Microsoft Standards (OLE, OCX, ActiveX, DCOM+, etc.)
◦ Integration of IEC 61131-3-Software-SPS, Software- NC and Software-CNC within Windows NT/
2000/XP/Vista, Windows 7, NT/XP Embedded, CE
◦ Interconnection to all common fieldbusses
◦ More…

Additional features:
• TwinCAT 3 (eXtended Automation):
◦ Visual Studio® integration
◦ Choice of the programming language
◦ Supports object orientated extension of IEC 61131-3
◦ Usage of C/C++ as programming language for real time applications
◦ Connection to MATLAB®/Simulink®
◦ Open interface for expandability
◦ Flexible run-time environment
◦ Active support of multi-core- and 64 bit operating system
◦ Automatic code generation and project creation with the TwinCAT Automation Interface
◦ More…

Within the following sections commissioning of the TwinCAT Development Environment on a PC System for
the control and also the basically functions of unique control elements will be explained.

Please see further information to TwinCAT 2 and TwinCAT 3 at http://infosys.beckhoff.com.

5.2.1 Installation of the TwinCAT real-time driver

In order to assign real-time capability to a standard Ethernet port of an IPC controller, the Beckhoff real-time
driver has to be installed on this port under Windows.

This can be done in several ways.

A: Via the TwinCAT Adapter dialog

In the System Manager call up the TwinCAT overview of the local network interfaces via Options → Show
Real Time Ethernet Compatible Devices.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 117


Fig. 105: System Manager “Options” (TwinCAT 2)

This have to be called up by the menu “TwinCAT” within the TwinCAT 3 environment:

Fig. 106: Call up under VS Shell (TwinCAT 3)

B: Via TcRteInstall.exe in the TwinCAT directory

Fig. 107: TcRteInstall in the TwinCAT directory

In both cases, the following dialog appears:

118 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 108: Overview of network interfaces

Interfaces listed under “Compatible devices” can be assigned a driver via the “Install” button. A driver should
only be installed on compatible devices.

A Windows warning regarding the unsigned driver can be ignored.

Alternatively an EtherCAT-device can be inserted first of all as described in chapter Offline configuration
creation, section “Creating the EtherCAT device” [} 128] in order to view the compatible ethernet ports via its
EtherCAT properties (tab “Adapter”, button “Compatible Devices…”):

Fig. 109: EtherCAT device properties (TwinCAT 2): click on “Compatible Devices…” of tab “Adapter”

TwinCAT 3: the properties of the EtherCAT device can be opened by double click on “Device .. (EtherCAT)”
within the Solution Explorer under “I/O”:

After the installation the driver appears activated in the Windows overview for the network interface
(Windows Start → System Properties → Network)

EL40xx Version: 4.6 119


Fig. 110: Windows properties of the network interface

A correct setting of the driver could be:

Fig. 111: Exemplary correct driver setting for the Ethernet port

Other possible settings have to be avoided:

120 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 112: Incorrect driver settings for the Ethernet port

EL40xx Version: 4.6 121


IP address of the port used

IP address/DHCP
In most cases an Ethernet port that is configured as an EtherCAT device will not transport general
IP packets. For this reason and in cases where an EL6601 or similar devices are used it is useful to
specify a fixed IP address for this port via the “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” driver setting and to disable
DHCP. In this way the delay associated with the DHCP client for the Ethernet port assigning itself a
default IP address in the absence of a DHCP server is avoided. A suitable address space is
192.168.x.x, for example.

Fig. 113: TCP/IP setting for the Ethernet port

122 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.2.2 Notes regarding ESI device description

Installation of the latest ESI device description

The TwinCAT EtherCAT master/System Manager needs the device description files for the devices to be
used in order to generate the configuration in online or offline mode. The device descriptions are contained
in the so-called ESI files (EtherCAT Slave Information) in XML format. These files can be requested from the
respective manufacturer and are made available for download. An *.xml file may contain several device

The ESI files for Beckhoff EtherCAT devices are available on the Beckhoff website.

The ESI files should be stored in the TwinCAT installation directory.

Default settings:
• TwinCAT 2: C:\TwinCAT\IO\EtherCAT
• TwinCAT 3: C:\TwinCAT\3.1\Config\Io\EtherCAT

The files are read (once) when a new System Manager window is opened, if they have changed since the
last time the System Manager window was opened.

A TwinCAT installation includes the set of Beckhoff ESI files that was current at the time when the TwinCAT
build was created.

For TwinCAT 2.11/TwinCAT 3 and higher, the ESI directory can be updated from the System Manager, if the
programming PC is connected to the Internet; by
• TwinCAT 2: Option → “Update EtherCAT Device Descriptions”
• TwinCAT 3: TwinCAT → EtherCAT Devices → “Update Device Descriptions (via ETG Website)…”

The TwinCAT ESI Updater [} 127] is available for this purpose.

The *.xml files are associated with *.xsd files, which describe the structure of the ESI XML files. To
update the ESI device descriptions, both file types should therefore be updated.

Device differentiation

EtherCAT devices/slaves are distinguished by four properties, which determine the full device identifier. For
example, the device identifier EL2521-0025-1018 consists of:
• family key “EL”
• name “2521”
• type “0025”
• and revision “1018”

Fig. 114: Identifier structure

The order identifier consisting of name + type (here: EL2521-0025) describes the device function. The
revision indicates the technical progress and is managed by Beckhoff. In principle, a device with a higher
revision can replace a device with a lower revision, unless specified otherwise, e.g. in the documentation.
Each revision has its own ESI description. See further notes [} 12].

EL40xx Version: 4.6 123


Online description

If the EtherCAT configuration is created online through scanning of real devices (see section Online setup)
and no ESI descriptions are available for a slave (specified by name and revision) that was found, the
System Manager asks whether the description stored in the device should be used. In any case, the System
Manager needs this information for setting up the cyclic and acyclic communication with the slave correctly.

Fig. 115: OnlineDescription information window (TwinCAT 2)

In TwinCAT 3 a similar window appears, which also offers the Web update:

Fig. 116: Information window OnlineDescription (TwinCAT 3)

If possible, the Yes is to be rejected and the required ESI is to be requested from the device manufacturer.
After installation of the XML/XSD file the configuration process should be repeated.

Changing the “usual” configuration through a scan
ü If a scan discovers a device that is not yet known to TwinCAT, distinction has to be made between two
cases. Taking the example here of the EL2521-0000 in the revision 1019
a) no ESI is present for the EL2521-0000 device at all, either for the revision 1019 or for an older revision.
The ESI must then be requested from the manufacturer (in this case Beckhoff).
b) an ESI is present for the EL2521-0000 device, but only in an older revision, e.g. 1018 or 1017.
In this case an in-house check should first be performed to determine whether the spare parts stock
allows the integration of the increased revision into the configuration at all. A new/higher revision usually
also brings along new features. If these are not to be used, work can continue without reservations with
the previous revision 1018 in the configuration. This is also stated by the Beckhoff compatibility rule.

Refer in particular to the chapter “General notes on the use of Beckhoff EtherCAT IO components” and for
manual configuration to the chapter “Offline configuration creation [} 128]”.

If the OnlineDescription is used regardless, the System Manager reads a copy of the device description from
the EEPROM in the EtherCAT slave. In complex slaves the size of the EEPROM may not be sufficient for the
complete ESI, in which case the ESI would be incomplete in the configurator. Therefore it’s recommended
using an offline ESI file with priority in such a case.

The System Manager creates for online recorded device descriptions a new file
“OnlineDescription0000...xml” in its ESI directory, which contains all ESI descriptions that were read online.

124 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 117: File OnlineDescription.xml created by the System Manager

Is a slave desired to be added manually to the configuration at a later stage, online created slaves are
indicated by a prepended symbol “>” in the selection list (see Figure Indication of an online recorded ESI of
EL2521 as an example).

Fig. 118: Indication of an online recorded ESI of EL2521 as an example

If such ESI files are used and the manufacturer's files become available later, the file OnlineDescription.xml
should be deleted as follows:
• close all System Manager windows
• restart TwinCAT in Config mode
• delete “OnlineDescription0000...xml”
• restart TwinCAT System Manager

This file should not be visible after this procedure, if necessary press <F5> to update

OnlineDescription for TwinCAT 3.x

In addition to the file described above “OnlineDescription0000...xml”, a so called EtherCAT cache
with new discovered devices is created by TwinCAT 3.x, e.g. under Windows 7:

(Please note the language settings of the OS!)

You have to delete this file, too.

Faulty ESI file

If an ESI file is faulty and the System Manager is unable to read it, the System Manager brings up an
information window.

Fig. 119: Information window for faulty ESI file (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

EL40xx Version: 4.6 125


Reasons may include:

• Structure of the *.xml does not correspond to the associated *.xsd file → check your schematics
• Contents cannot be translated into a device description → contact the file manufacturer

126 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.2.3 TwinCAT ESI Updater

For TwinCAT 2.11 and higher, the System Manager can search for current Beckhoff ESI files automatically, if
an online connection is available:

Fig. 120: Using the ESI Updater (>= TwinCAT 2.11)

The call up takes place under:

“Options” → “Update EtherCAT Device Descriptions”

Selection under TwinCAT 3:

Fig. 121: Using the ESI Updater (TwinCAT 3)

The ESI Updater (TwinCAT 3) is a convenient option for automatic downloading of ESI data provided by
EtherCAT manufacturers via the Internet into the TwinCAT directory (ESI = EtherCAT slave information).
TwinCAT accesses the central ESI ULR directory list stored at ETG; the entries can then be viewed in the
Updater dialog, although they cannot be changed there.

The call up takes place under:

“TwinCAT” → “EtherCAT Devices” → “Update Device Description (via ETG Website)…”.

5.2.4 Distinction between Online and Offline

The distinction between online and offline refers to the presence of the actual I/O environment (drives,
terminals, EJ-modules). If the configuration is to be prepared in advance of the system configuration as a
programming system, e.g. on a laptop, this is only possible in “Offline configuration” mode. In this case all
components have to be entered manually in the configuration, e.g. based on the electrical design.

If the designed control system is already connected to the EtherCAT system and all components are
energised and the infrastructure is ready for operation, the TwinCAT configuration can simply be generated
through “scanning” from the runtime system. This is referred to as online configuration.

In any case, during each startup the EtherCAT master checks whether the slaves it finds match the
configuration. This test can be parameterised in the extended slave settings. Refer to note “Installation of
the latest ESI-XML device description” [} 123].

For preparation of a configuration:

• the real EtherCAT hardware (devices, couplers, drives) must be present and installed
• the devices/modules must be connected via EtherCAT cables or in the terminal/ module strand in the
same way as they are intended to be used later
• the devices/modules be connected to the power supply and ready for communication

EL40xx Version: 4.6 127


• TwinCAT must be in CONFIG mode on the target system.

The online scan process consists of:

• detecting the EtherCAT device [} 133] (Ethernet port at the IPC)
• detecting the connected EtherCAT devices [} 134]. This step can be carried out independent of the
preceding step
• troubleshooting [} 137]

The scan with existing configuration [} 138] can also be carried out for comparison.

5.2.5 OFFLINE configuration creation

Creating the EtherCAT device

Create an EtherCAT device in an empty System Manager window.

Fig. 122: Append EtherCAT device (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

Select type “EtherCAT” for an EtherCAT I/O application with EtherCAT slaves. For the present publisher/
subscriber service in combination with an EL6601/EL6614 terminal select “EtherCAT Automation Protocol
via EL6601”.

Fig. 123: Selecting the EtherCAT connection (TwinCAT 2.11, TwinCAT 3)

Then assign a real Ethernet port to this virtual device in the runtime system.

Fig. 124: Selecting the Ethernet port

128 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


This query may appear automatically when the EtherCAT device is created, or the assignment can be set/
modified later in the properties dialog; see Fig. “EtherCAT device properties (TwinCAT 2)”.

Fig. 125: EtherCAT device properties (TwinCAT 2)

TwinCAT 3: the properties of the EtherCAT device can be opened by double click on “Device .. (EtherCAT)”
within the Solution Explorer under “I/O”:

Selecting the Ethernet port

Ethernet ports can only be selected for EtherCAT devices for which the TwinCAT real-time driver is
installed. This has to be done separately for each port. Please refer to the respective installation
page [} 117].

Defining EtherCAT slaves

Further devices can be appended by right-clicking on a device in the configuration tree.

Fig. 126: Appending EtherCAT devices (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

The dialog for selecting a new device opens. Only devices for which ESI files are available are displayed.

Only devices are offered for selection that can be appended to the previously selected device. Therefore, the
physical layer available for this port is also displayed (Fig. “Selection dialog for new EtherCAT device”, A). In
the case of cable-based Fast-Ethernet physical layer with PHY transfer, then also only cable-based devices
are available, as shown in Fig. “Selection dialog for new EtherCAT device”. If the preceding device has
several free ports (e.g. EK1122 or EK1100), the required port can be selected on the right-hand side (A).

Overview of physical layer

• “Ethernet”: cable-based 100BASE-TX: couplers, box modules, devices with RJ45/M8/M12 connector

EL40xx Version: 4.6 129


• “E-Bus”: LVDS “terminal bus”, EtherCAT plug-in modules (EJ), EtherCAT terminals (EL/ES), various
modular modules

The search field facilitates finding specific devices (since TwinCAT 2.11 or TwinCAT 3).

Fig. 127: Selection dialog for new EtherCAT device

By default, only the name/device type is used as selection criterion. For selecting a specific revision of the
device, the revision can be displayed as “Extended Information”.

Fig. 128: Display of device revision

In many cases several device revisions were created for historic or functional reasons, e.g. through
technological advancement. For simplification purposes (see Fig. “Selection dialog for new EtherCAT
device”) only the last (i.e. highest) revision and therefore the latest state of production is displayed in the
selection dialog for Beckhoff devices. To show all device revisions available in the system as ESI
descriptions tick the “Show Hidden Devices” check box, see Fig. “Display of previous revisions”.

130 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 129: Display of previous revisions

Device selection based on revision, compatibility

The ESI description also defines the process image, the communication type between master and
slave/device and the device functions, if applicable. The physical device (firmware, if available) has
to support the communication queries/settings of the master. This is backward compatible, i.e.
newer devices (higher revision) should be supported if the EtherCAT master addresses them as an
older revision. The following compatibility rule of thumb is to be assumed for Beckhoff EtherCAT
Terminals/ Boxes/ EJ-modules:
device revision in the system >= device revision in the configuration
This also enables subsequent replacement of devices without changing the configuration (different
specifications are possible for drives).


If an EL2521-0025-1018 is specified in the configuration, an EL2521-0025-1018 or higher (-1019, -1020) can

be used in practice.

Fig. 130: Name/revision of the terminal

If current ESI descriptions are available in the TwinCAT system, the last revision offered in the selection
dialog matches the Beckhoff state of production. It is recommended to use the last device revision when
creating a new configuration, if current Beckhoff devices are used in the real application. Older revisions
should only be used if older devices from stock are to be used in the application.

In this case the process image of the device is shown in the configuration tree and can be parameterized as
follows: linking with the task, CoE/DC settings, plug-in definition, startup settings, ...

EL40xx Version: 4.6 131


Fig. 131: EtherCAT terminal in the TwinCAT tree (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

132 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.2.6 ONLINE configuration creation

Detecting/scanning of the EtherCAT device

The online device search can be used if the TwinCAT system is in CONFIG mode. This can be indicated by
a symbol right below in the information bar:

• on TwinCAT 2 by a blue display “Config Mode” within the System Manager window: .

• on TwinCAT 3 within the user interface of the development environment by a symbol .

TwinCAT can be set into this mode:

• TwinCAT 2: by selection of in the Menubar or by “Actions” → “Set/Reset TwinCAT to Config


• TwinCAT 3: by selection of in the Menubar or by “TwinCAT” → “Restart TwinCAT (Config Mode)”

Online scanning in Config mode

The online search is not available in RUN mode (production operation). Note the differentiation
between TwinCAT programming system and TwinCAT target system.

The TwinCAT 2 icon ( ) or TwinCAT 3 icon ( ) within the Windows-Taskbar always shows the
TwinCAT mode of the local IPC. Compared to that, the System Manager window of TwinCAT 2 or the user
interface of TwinCAT 3 indicates the state of the target system.

Fig. 132: Differentiation local/target system (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

Right-clicking on “I/O Devices” in the configuration tree opens the search dialog.

Fig. 133: Scan Devices (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

This scan mode attempts to find not only EtherCAT devices (or Ethernet ports that are usable as such), but
also NOVRAM, fieldbus cards, SMB etc. However, not all devices can be found automatically.

Fig. 134: Note for automatic device scan (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

EL40xx Version: 4.6 133


Ethernet ports with installed TwinCAT real-time driver are shown as “RT Ethernet” devices. An EtherCAT
frame is sent to these ports for testing purposes. If the scan agent detects from the response that an
EtherCAT slave is connected, the port is immediately shown as an “EtherCAT Device” .

Fig. 135: Detected Ethernet devices

Via respective checkboxes devices can be selected (as illustrated in Fig. “Detected Ethernet devices” e.g.
Device 3 and Device 4 were chosen). After confirmation with “OK” a device scan is suggested for all selected
devices, see Fig.: “Scan query after automatic creation of an EtherCAT device”.

Selecting the Ethernet port

Ethernet ports can only be selected for EtherCAT devices for which the TwinCAT real-time driver is
installed. This has to be done separately for each port. Please refer to the respective installation
page [} 117].

Detecting/Scanning the EtherCAT devices

Online scan functionality

During a scan the master queries the identity information of the EtherCAT slaves from the slave
EEPROM. The name and revision are used for determining the type. The respective devices are
located in the stored ESI data and integrated in the configuration tree in the default state defined

Fig. 136: Example default state

Slave scanning in practice in series machine production
The scanning function should be used with care. It is a practical and fast tool for creating an initial
configuration as a basis for commissioning. In series machine production or reproduction of the plant,
however, the function should no longer be used for the creation of the configuration, but if necessary for
comparison [} 138] with the defined initial configuration.Background: since Beckhoff occasionally increases
the revision version of the delivered products for product maintenance reasons, a configuration can be
created by such a scan which (with an identical machine construction) is identical according to the device
list; however, the respective device revision may differ from the initial configuration.


Company A builds the prototype of a machine B, which is to be produced in series later on. To do this the
prototype is built, a scan of the IO devices is performed in TwinCAT and the initial configuration “B.tsm” is
created. The EL2521-0025 EtherCAT terminal with the revision 1018 is located somewhere. It is thus built
into the TwinCAT configuration in this way:

134 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 137: Installing EthetCAT terminal with revision -1018

Likewise, during the prototype test phase, the functions and properties of this terminal are tested by the
programmers/commissioning engineers and used if necessary, i.e. addressed from the PLC “B.pro” or the
NC. (the same applies correspondingly to the TwinCAT 3 solution files).

The prototype development is now completed and series production of machine B starts, for which Beckhoff
continues to supply the EL2521-0025-0018. If the commissioning engineers of the series machine production
department always carry out a scan, a B configuration with the identical contents results again for each
machine. Likewise, A might create spare parts stores worldwide for the coming series-produced machines
with EL2521-0025-1018 terminals.

After some time Beckhoff extends the EL2521-0025 by a new feature C. Therefore the FW is changed,
outwardly recognizable by a higher FW version and a new revision -1019. Nevertheless the new device
naturally supports functions and interfaces of the predecessor version(s); an adaptation of “B.tsm” or even
“B.pro” is therefore unnecessary. The series-produced machines can continue to be built with “B.tsm” and
“B.pro”; it makes sense to perform a comparative scan [} 138] against the initial configuration “B.tsm” in order
to check the built machine.

However, if the series machine production department now doesn’t use “B.tsm”, but instead carries out a
scan to create the productive configuration, the revision -1019 is automatically detected and built into the

Fig. 138: Detection of EtherCAT terminal with revision -1019

This is usually not noticed by the commissioning engineers. TwinCAT cannot signal anything either, since a
new configuration is essentially created. According to the compatibility rule, however, this means that no
EL2521-0025-1018 should be built into this machine as a spare part (even if this nevertheless works in the
vast majority of cases).

In addition, it could be the case that, due to the development accompanying production in company A, the
new feature C of the EL2521-0025-1019 (for example, an improved analog filter or an additional process
data for the diagnosis) is discovered and used without in-house consultation. The previous stock of spare
part devices are then no longer to be used for the new configuration “B2.tsm” created in this way. Þ if series
machine production is established, the scan should only be performed for informative purposes for
comparison with a defined initial configuration. Changes are to be made with care!

If an EtherCAT device was created in the configuration (manually or through a scan), the I/O field can be
scanned for devices/slaves.

Fig. 139: Scan query after automatic creation of an EtherCAT device (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

EL40xx Version: 4.6 135


Fig. 140: Manual scanning for devices on a specified EtherCAT device (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

In the System Manager (TwinCAT 2) or the User Interface (TwinCAT 3) the scan process can be monitored
via the progress bar at the bottom in the status bar.

Fig. 141: Scan progressexemplary by TwinCAT 2

The configuration is established and can then be switched to online state (OPERATIONAL).

Fig. 142: Config/FreeRun query (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

In Config/FreeRun mode the System Manager display alternates between blue and red, and the EtherCAT
device continues to operate with the idling cycle time of 4 ms (default setting), even without active task (NC,

Fig. 143: Displaying of “Free Run” and “Config Mode” toggling right below in the status bar

Fig. 144: TwinCAT can also be switched to this state by using a button (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

The EtherCAT system should then be in a functional cyclic state, as shown in Fig. Online display example.

136 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 145: Online display example

Please note:
• all slaves should be in OP state
• the EtherCAT master should be in “Actual State” OP
• “frames/sec” should match the cycle time taking into account the sent number of frames
• no excessive “LostFrames” or CRC errors should occur

The configuration is now complete. It can be modified as described under manual procedure [} 128].


Various effects may occur during scanning.

• An unknown device is detected, i.e. an EtherCAT slave for which no ESI XML description is available.
In this case the System Manager offers to read any ESI that may be stored in the device. This case is
described in the chapter “Notes regarding ESI device description”.
• Device are not detected properly
Possible reasons include:
◦ faulty data links, resulting in data loss during the scan
◦ slave has invalid device description
The connections and devices should be checked in a targeted manner, e.g. via the emergency scan.
Then re-run the scan.

Fig. 146: Faulty identification

In the System Manager such devices may be set up as EK0000 or unknown devices. Operation is not
possible or meaningful.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 137


Scan over existing Configuration

Change of the configuration after comparison
With this scan (TwinCAT 2.11 or 3.1) only the device properties vendor (manufacturer), device name and
revision are compared at present! A “ChangeTo” or “Copy” should only be carried out with care, taking into
consideration the Beckhoff IO compatibility rule (see above). The device configuration is then replaced by
the revision found; this can affect the supported process data and functions.

If a scan is initiated for an existing configuration, the actual I/O environment may match the configuration
exactly or it may differ. This enables the configuration to be compared.

Fig. 147: Identical configuration (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

If differences are detected, they are shown in the correction dialog, so that the user can modify the
configuration as required.

Fig. 148: Correction dialog

It is advisable to tick the “Extended Information” check box to reveal differences in the revision.

138 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Color Explanation
green This EtherCAT slave matches the entry on the other side. Both type and revision match.
blue This EtherCAT slave is present on the other side, but in a different revision. This other revision can
have other default values for the process data as well as other/additional functions.
If the found revision is higher than the configured revision, the slave may be used provided
compatibility issues are taken into account.
If the found revision is lower than the configured revision, it is likely that the slave cannot be used.
The found device may not support all functions that the master expects based on the higher
revision number.
light This EtherCAT slave is ignored (“Ignore” button)
red • This EtherCAT slave is not present on the other side.
• It is present, but in a different revision, which also differs in its properties from the one specified.
The compatibility principle then also applies here: if the found revision is higher than the
configured revision, use is possible provided compatibility issues are taken into account, since
the successor devices should support the functions of the predecessor devices.
If the found revision is lower than the configured revision, it is likely that the slave cannot be
used. The found device may not support all functions that the master expects based on the
higher revision number.

Device selection based on revision, compatibility

The ESI description also defines the process image, the communication type between master and
slave/device and the device functions, if applicable. The physical device (firmware, if available) has
to support the communication queries/settings of the master. This is backward compatible, i.e.
newer devices (higher revision) should be supported if the EtherCAT master addresses them as an
older revision. The following compatibility rule of thumb is to be assumed for Beckhoff EtherCAT
Terminals/ Boxes/ EJ-modules:
device revision in the system >= device revision in the configuration
This also enables subsequent replacement of devices without changing the configuration (different
specifications are possible for drives).


If an EL2521-0025-1018 is specified in the configuration, an EL2521-0025-1018 or higher (-1019, -1020) can

be used in practice.

Fig. 149: Name/revision of the terminal

If current ESI descriptions are available in the TwinCAT system, the last revision offered in the selection
dialog matches the Beckhoff state of production. It is recommended to use the last device revision when
creating a new configuration, if current Beckhoff devices are used in the real application. Older revisions
should only be used if older devices from stock are to be used in the application.

In this case the process image of the device is shown in the configuration tree and can be parameterized as
follows: linking with the task, CoE/DC settings, plug-in definition, startup settings, ...

EL40xx Version: 4.6 139


Fig. 150: Correction dialog with modifications

Once all modifications have been saved or accepted, click “OK” to transfer them to the real *.tsm

Change to Compatible Type

TwinCAT offers a function Change to Compatible Type… for the exchange of a device whilst retaining the
links in the task.

Fig. 151: Dialog “Change to Compatible Type…” (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)

The following elements in the ESI of an EtherCAT device are compared by TwinCAT and assumed to be the
same in order to decide whether a device is indicated as "compatible":

- Physics (e.g. RJ45, Ebus...)

- FMMU (additional ones are allowed)

- SyncManager (SM, additional ones are allowed)

- EoE (attributes MAC, IP)

- CoE (attributes SdoInfo, PdoAssign, PdoConfig, PdoUpload, CompleteAccess)

- FoE

- PDO (process data: Sequence, SyncUnit SU, SyncManager SM, EntryCount, Ent-ry.Datatype)

This function is preferably to be used on AX5000 devices.

Change to Alternative Type

The TwinCAT System Manager offers a function for the exchange of a device: Change to Alternative Type

140 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 152: TwinCAT 2 Dialog Change to Alternative Type

If called, the System Manager searches in the procured device ESI (in this example: EL1202-0000) for
details of compatible devices contained there. The configuration is changed and the ESI-EEPROM is
overwritten at the same time – therefore this process is possible only in the online state (ConfigMode).

5.2.7 EtherCAT subscriber configuration

In the left-hand window of the TwinCAT 2 System Manager or the Solution Explorer of the TwinCAT 3
Development Environment respectively, click on the element of the terminal within the tree you wish to
configure (in the example: EL3751 Terminal 3).

Fig. 153: Branch element as terminal EL3751

In the right-hand window of the TwinCAT System Manager (TwinCAT 2) or the Development Environment
(TwinCAT 3), various tabs are now available for configuring the terminal. And yet the dimension of
complexity of a subscriber determines which tabs are provided. Thus as illustrated in the example above the
terminal EL3751 provides many setup options and also a respective number of tabs are available. On the
contrary by the terminal EL1004 for example the tabs “General”, “EtherCAT”, “Process Data” and “Online“
are available only. Several terminals, as for instance the EL6695 provide special functions by a tab with its
own terminal name, so “EL6695” in this case. A specific tab “Settings” by terminals with a wide range of
setup options will be provided also (e.g. EL3751).

“General” tab

Fig. 154: “General” tab

EL40xx Version: 4.6 141


Name Name of the EtherCAT device

Id Number of the EtherCAT device
Type EtherCAT device type
Comment Here you can add a comment (e.g. regarding the system).
Disabled Here you can deactivate the EtherCAT device.
Create symbols Access to this EtherCAT slave via ADS is only available if this control box is

“EtherCAT” tab

Fig. 155: “EtherCAT” tab

Type EtherCAT device type

Product/Revision Product and revision number of the EtherCAT device
Auto Inc Addr. Auto increment address of the EtherCAT device. The auto increment address can
be used for addressing each EtherCAT device in the communication ring through
its physical position. Auto increment addressing is used during the start-up phase
when the EtherCAT master allocates addresses to the EtherCAT devices. With
auto increment addressing the first EtherCAT slave in the ring has the address
0000hex. For each further slave the address is decremented by 1 (FFFFhex, FFFEhex
EtherCAT Addr. Fixed address of an EtherCAT slave. This address is allocated by the EtherCAT
master during the start-up phase. Tick the control box to the left of the input field in
order to modify the default value.
Previous Port Name and port of the EtherCAT device to which this device is connected. If it is
possible to connect this device with another one without changing the order of the
EtherCAT devices in the communication ring, then this combination field is
activated and the EtherCAT device to which this device is to be connected can be
Advanced Settings This button opens the dialogs for advanced settings.

The link at the bottom of the tab points to the product page for this EtherCAT device on the web.

“Process Data” tab

Indicates the configuration of the process data. The input and output data of the EtherCAT slave are
represented as CANopen process data objects (Process Data Objects, PDOs). The user can select a PDO
via PDO assignment and modify the content of the individual PDO via this dialog, if the EtherCAT slave
supports this function.

142 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 156: “Process Data” tab

The process data (PDOs) transferred by an EtherCAT slave during each cycle are user data which the
application expects to be updated cyclically or which are sent to the slave. To this end the EtherCAT master
(Beckhoff TwinCAT) parameterizes each EtherCAT slave during the start-up phase to define which process
data (size in bits/bytes, source location, transmission type) it wants to transfer to or from this slave. Incorrect
configuration can prevent successful start-up of the slave.

For Beckhoff EtherCAT EL, ES, EM, EJ and EP slaves the following applies in general:
• The input/output process data supported by the device are defined by the manufacturer in the ESI/XML
description. The TwinCAT EtherCAT Master uses the ESI description to configure the slave correctly.
• The process data can be modified in the System Manager. See the device documentation.
Examples of modifications include: mask out a channel, displaying additional cyclic information, 16-bit
display instead of 8-bit data size, etc.
• In so-called “intelligent” EtherCAT devices the process data information is also stored in the CoE
directory. Any changes in the CoE directory that lead to different PDO settings prevent successful
startup of the slave. It is not advisable to deviate from the designated process data, because the
device firmware (if available) is adapted to these PDO combinations.

If the device documentation allows modification of process data, proceed as follows (see Figure Configuring
the process data).
• A: select the device to configure
• B: in the “Process Data” tab select Input or Output under SyncManager (C)
• D: the PDOs can be selected or deselected
• H: the new process data are visible as linkable variables in the System Manager
The new process data are active once the configuration has been activated and TwinCAT has been
restarted (or the EtherCAT master has been restarted)
• E: if a slave supports this, Input and Output PDO can be modified simultaneously by selecting a so-
called PDO record (“predefined PDO settings”).

EL40xx Version: 4.6 143


Fig. 157: Configuring the process data

Manual modification of the process data

According to the ESI description, a PDO can be identified as “fixed” with the flag “F” in the PDO
overview (Fig. Configuring the process data, J). The configuration of such PDOs cannot be
changed, even if TwinCAT offers the associated dialog (“Edit”). In particular, CoE content cannot be
displayed as cyclic process data. This generally also applies in cases where a device supports
download of the PDO configuration, “G”. In case of incorrect configuration the EtherCAT slave
usually refuses to start and change to OP state. The System Manager displays an “invalid SM cfg”
logger message: This error message (“invalid SM IN cfg” or “invalid SM OUT cfg”) also indicates the
reason for the failed start.

A detailed description [} 149] can be found at the end of this section.

“Startup” tab

The Startup tab is displayed if the EtherCAT slave has a mailbox and supports the CANopen over EtherCAT
(CoE) or Servo drive over EtherCAT protocol. This tab indicates which download requests are sent to the
mailbox during startup. It is also possible to add new mailbox requests to the list display. The download
requests are sent to the slave in the same order as they are shown in the list.

144 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 158: “Startup” tab

Column Description
Transition Transition to which the request is sent. This can either be
• the transition from pre-operational to safe-operational (PS), or
• the transition from safe-operational to operational (SO).
If the transition is enclosed in “<>” (e.g. <PS>), the mailbox request is fixed and cannot be
modified or deleted by the user.
Protocol Type of mailbox protocol
Index Index of the object
Data Date on which this object is to be downloaded.
Comment Description of the request to be sent to the mailbox

Move Up This button moves the selected request up by one position in the list.
Move Down This button moves the selected request down by one position in the list.
New This button adds a new mailbox download request to be sent during startup.
Delete This button deletes the selected entry.
Edit This button edits an existing request.

“CoE - Online” tab

The additional CoE - Online tab is displayed if the EtherCAT slave supports the CANopen over EtherCAT
(CoE) protocol. This dialog lists the content of the object list of the slave (SDO upload) and enables the user
to modify the content of an object from this list. Details for the objects of the individual EtherCAT devices can
be found in the device-specific object descriptions.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 145


Fig. 159: “CoE - Online” tab

Object list display

Column Description
Index Index and sub-index of the object
Name Name of the object
Flags RW The object can be read, and data can be written to the object (read/write)
RO The object can be read, but no data can be written to the object (read only)
P An additional P identifies the object as a process data object.
Value Value of the object

Update List The Update list button updates all objects in the displayed list
Auto Update If this check box is selected, the content of the objects is updated automatically.
Advanced The Advanced button opens the Advanced Settings dialog. Here you can specify which
objects are displayed in the list.

146 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 160: Dialog “Advanced settings”

Online - via SDO Information If this option button is selected, the list of the objects included in the object
list of the slave is uploaded from the slave via SDO information. The list
below can be used to specify which object types are to be uploaded.
Offline - via EDS File If this option button is selected, the list of the objects included in the object
list is read from an EDS file provided by the user.

“Online” tab

Fig. 161: “Online” tab

EL40xx Version: 4.6 147


State Machine
Init This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the Init state.
Pre-Op This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the pre-operational state.
Op This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the operational state.
Bootstrap This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the Bootstrap state.
Safe-Op This button attempts to set the EtherCAT device to the safe-operational state.
Clear Error This button attempts to delete the fault display. If an EtherCAT slave fails during
change of state it sets an error flag.
Example: An EtherCAT slave is in PREOP state (pre-operational). The master now
requests the SAFEOP state (safe-operational). If the slave fails during change of
state it sets the error flag. The current state is now displayed as ERR PREOP.
When the Clear Error button is pressed the error flag is cleared, and the current
state is displayed as PREOP again.
Current State Indicates the current state of the EtherCAT device.
Requested State Indicates the state requested for the EtherCAT device.

DLL Status

Indicates the DLL status (data link layer status) of the individual ports of the EtherCAT slave. The DLL status
can have four different states:
Status Description
No Carrier / Open No carrier signal is available at the port, but the port is open.
No Carrier / Closed No carrier signal is available at the port, and the port is closed.
Carrier / Open A carrier signal is available at the port, and the port is open.
Carrier / Closed A carrier signal is available at the port, but the port is closed.

File Access over EtherCAT

Download With this button a file can be written to the EtherCAT device.
Upload With this button a file can be read from the EtherCAT device.

“DC” tab (Distributed Clocks)

Fig. 162: “DC” tab (Distributed Clocks)

Operation Mode Options (optional):

• FreeRun
• SM-Synchron
• DC-Synchron (Input based)
• DC-Synchron
Advanced Settings… Advanced settings for readjustment of the real time determinant TwinCAT-clock

Detailed information to Distributed Clocks is specified on http://infosys.beckhoff.com:

Fieldbus Components → EtherCAT Terminals → EtherCAT System documentation → EtherCAT basics →

Distributed Clocks

148 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Commissioning Detailed description of Process Data tab

Sync Manager

Lists the configuration of the Sync Manager (SM).

If the EtherCAT device has a mailbox, SM0 is used for the mailbox output (MbxOut) and SM1 for the mailbox
input (MbxIn).
SM2 is used for the output process data (outputs) and SM3 (inputs) for the input process data.

If an input is selected, the corresponding PDO assignment is displayed in the PDO Assignment list below.

PDO Assignment

PDO assignment of the selected Sync Manager. All PDOs defined for this Sync Manager type are listed
• If the output Sync Manager (outputs) is selected in the Sync Manager list, all RxPDOs are displayed.
• If the input Sync Manager (inputs) is selected in the Sync Manager list, all TxPDOs are displayed.

The selected entries are the PDOs involved in the process data transfer. In the tree diagram of the System
Manager these PDOs are displayed as variables of the EtherCAT device. The name of the variable is
identical to the Name parameter of the PDO, as displayed in the PDO list. If an entry in the PDO assignment
list is deactivated (not selected and greyed out), this indicates that the input is excluded from the PDO
assignment. In order to be able to select a greyed out PDO, the currently selected PDO has to be deselected

Activation of PDO assignment

ü If you have changed the PDO assignment, in order to activate the new PDO assignment,
a) the EtherCAT slave has to run through the PS status transition cycle (from pre-operational to
safe-operational) once (see Online tab [} 147]),
b) and the System Manager has to reload the EtherCAT slaves

( button for TwinCAT 2 or button for TwinCAT 3)

PDO list

List of all PDOs supported by this EtherCAT device. The content of the selected PDOs is displayed in the
PDO Content list. The PDO configuration can be modified by double-clicking on an entry.

Column Description
Index PDO index.
Size Size of the PDO in bytes.
Name Name of the PDO.
If this PDO is assigned to a Sync Manager, it appears as a variable of the slave with this
parameter as the name.
Flags F Fixed content: The content of this PDO is fixed and cannot be changed by the
System Manager.
M Mandatory PDO. This PDO is mandatory and must therefore be assigned to a
Sync Manager! Consequently, this PDO cannot be deleted from the PDO
Assignment list
SM Sync Manager to which this PDO is assigned. If this entry is empty, this PDO does not take
part in the process data traffic.
SU Sync unit to which this PDO is assigned.

PDO Content

Indicates the content of the PDO. If flag F (fixed content) of the PDO is not set the content can be modified.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 149



If the device is intelligent and has a mailbox, the configuration of the PDO and the PDO assignments can be
downloaded to the device. This is an optional feature that is not supported by all EtherCAT slaves.

PDO Assignment

If this check box is selected, the PDO assignment that is configured in the PDO Assignment list is
downloaded to the device on startup. The required commands to be sent to the device can be viewed in the
Startup [} 144] tab.

PDO Configuration

If this check box is selected, the configuration of the respective PDOs (as shown in the PDO list and the
PDO Content display) is downloaded to the EtherCAT slave.

5.2.8 Import/Export of EtherCAT devices with SCI and XTI

SCI and XTI Export/Import – Handling of user-defined modified EtherCAT slaves Basic principles

An EtherCAT slave is basically parameterized through the following elements:
• Cyclic process data (PDO)
• Synchronization (Distributed Clocks, FreeRun, SM-Synchron)
• CoE parameters (acyclic object dictionary)

Note: Not all three elements may be present, depending on the slave.

For a better understanding of the export/import function, let's consider the usual procedure for IO
• The user/programmer processes the IO configuration in the TwinCAT system environment. This
involves all input/output devices such as drives that are connected to the fieldbuses used.
Note: In the following sections, only EtherCAT configurations in the TwinCAT system environment are
• For example, the user manually adds devices to a configuration or performs a scan on the online
• This results in the IO system configuration.
• On insertion, the slave appears in the system configuration in the default configuration provided by the
vendor, consisting of default PDO, default synchronization method and CoE StartUp parameter as
defined in the ESI (XML device description).
• If necessary, elements of the slave configuration can be changed, e.g. the PDO configuration or the
synchronization method, based on the respective device documentation.

It may become necessary to reuse the modified slave in other projects in this way, without having to make
equivalent configuration changes to the slave again. To accomplish this, proceed as follows:
• Export the slave configuration from the project,
• Store and transport as a file,
• Import into another EtherCAT project.

TwinCAT offers two methods for this purpose:

• within the TwinCAT environment: Export/Import as xti file or
• outside, i.e. beyond the TwinCAT limits: Export/Import as sci file.

An example is provided below for illustration purposes: an EL3702 terminal with standard setting is switched
to 2-fold oversampling (blue) and the optional PDO "StartTimeNextLatch" is added (red):

150 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


The two methods for exporting and importing the modified terminal referred to above are demonstrated
below. Procedure within TwinCAT with xti files

Each IO device can be exported/saved individually:

The xti file can be stored:

and imported again in another TwinCAT system via "Insert Existing item":

EL40xx Version: 4.6 151

Commissioning Procedure within and outside TwinCAT with sci file

Note regarding availability (2021/01)

The SCI method is available from TwinCAT 3.1 build 4024.14.

The Slave Configuration Information (SCI) describes a specific complete configuration for an EtherCAT slave
(terminal, box, drive...) based on the setting options of the device description file (ESI, EtherCAT Slave
Information). That is, it includes PDO, CoE, synchronization.

• select a single device via the menu (multiple selection is also possible):
TwinCAT → EtherCAT Devices → Export SCI.

• If TwinCAT is offline (i.e. if there is no connection to an actual running controller) a warning message
may appear, because after executing the function the system attempts to reload the EtherCAT
segment. However, in this case this is not relevant for the result and can be acknowledged by clicking

152 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


• A description may also be provided:

• Explanation of the dialog box:

Name Name of the SCI, assigned by the user.
Description Description of the slave configuration for the use case, assigned by the user.
Options Keep modules If a slave supports modules/slots, the user can decide whether these are to be exported or
whether the module and device data are to be combined during export.
AoE | Set AmsNetId The configured AmsNetId is exported. Usually this is network-dependent and cannot
always be determined in advance.
EoE | Set MAC and IP The configured virtual MAC and IP addresses are stored in the SCI. Usually these are
network-dependent and cannot always be determined in advance.
CoE | Set cycle The configured cycle time is exported. Usually this is network-dependent and cannot
time(0x1C3x.2) always be determined in advance.
ESI Reference to the original ESI file.
Export Save SCI file.

• A list view is available for multiple selections (Export multiple SCI files):

• Selection of the slaves to be exported:

◦ All:
All slaves are selected for export.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 153


◦ None:
All slaves are deselected.
• The sci file can be saved locally:

• The export takes place:

• An sci description can be inserted manually into the TwinCAT configuration like any normal Beckhoff
device description.
• The sci file must be located in the TwinCAT ESI path, usually under:

• Open the selection dialog:

154 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


• Display SCI devices and select and insert the desired device:

Additional Notes
• Settings for the SCI function can be made via the general Options dialog
(Tools → Options → TwinCAT → Export SCI):

Explanation of the settings:

Default export AoE | Set AmsNetId Default setting whether the configured AmsNetId is exported.
options CoE | Set cycle time(0x1C3x.2) Default setting whether the configured cycle time is exported.
EoE | Set MAC and IP Default setting whether the configured MAC and IP addresses are exported.
Keep modules Default setting whether the modules persist.
Generic Reload Devices Setting whether the Reload Devices command is executed before the SCI
This is strongly recommended to ensure a consistent slave configuration.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 155


SCI error messages are displayed in the TwinCAT logger output window if required:

156 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.3 General Commissioning Instructions for an EtherCAT

This summary briefly deals with a number of aspects of EtherCAT Slave operation under TwinCAT. More
detailed information on this may be found in the corresponding sections of, for instance, the EtherCAT
System Documentation.

Diagnosis in real time: WorkingCounter, EtherCAT State and Status

Generally speaking an EtherCAT Slave provides a variety of diagnostic information that can be used by the
controlling task.

This diagnostic information relates to differing levels of communication. It therefore has a variety of sources,
and is also updated at various times.

Any application that relies on I/O data from a fieldbus being correct and up to date must make diagnostic
access to the corresponding underlying layers. EtherCAT and the TwinCAT System Manager offer
comprehensive diagnostic elements of this kind. Those diagnostic elements that are helpful to the controlling
task for diagnosis that is accurate for the current cycle when in operation (not during commissioning) are
discussed below.

Fig. 163: Selection of the diagnostic information of an EtherCAT Slave

In general, an EtherCAT Slave offers

• communication diagnosis typical for a slave (diagnosis of successful participation in the exchange of
process data, and correct operating mode)
This diagnosis is the same for all slaves.

as well as
• function diagnosis typical for a channel (device-dependent)
See the corresponding device documentation

The colors in Fig. Selection of the diagnostic information of an EtherCAT Slave also correspond to the
variable colors in the System Manager, see Fig. Basic EtherCAT Slave Diagnosis in the PLC.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 157


Colour Meaning
yellow Input variables from the Slave to the EtherCAT Master, updated in every cycle
red Output variables from the Slave to the EtherCAT Master, updated in every cycle
green Information variables for the EtherCAT Master that are updated acyclically. This means that
it is possible that in any particular cycle they do not represent the latest possible status. It is
therefore useful to read such variables through ADS.

Fig. Basic EtherCAT Slave Diagnosis in the PLC shows an example of an implementation of basic EtherCAT
Slave Diagnosis. A Beckhoff EL3102 (2-channel analogue input terminal) is used here, as it offers both the
communication diagnosis typical of a slave and the functional diagnosis that is specific to a channel.
Structures are created as input variables in the PLC, each corresponding to the process image.

Fig. 164: Basic EtherCAT Slave Diagnosis in the PLC

The following aspects are covered here:

158 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Code Function Implementation Application/evaluation

A The EtherCAT Master's diagnostic At least the DevState is to be evaluated for
information the most recent cycle in the PLC.
updated acyclically (yellow) or provided The EtherCAT Master's diagnostic
acyclically (green). information offers many more possibilities
than are treated in the EtherCAT System
Documentation. A few keywords:
• CoE in the Master for communication
with/through the Slaves
• Functions from TcEtherCAT.lib
• Perform an OnlineScan
B In the example chosen (EL3102) the Status In order for the higher-level PLC task (or
EL3102 comprises two analogue input corresponding control applications) to be
• the bit significations may be
channels that transmit a single function able to rely on correct data, the function
found in the device
status for the most recent cycle. status must be evaluated there. Such
information is therefore provided with the
• other devices may supply process data for the most recent cycle.
more information, or none that
is typical of a slave
C For every EtherCAT Slave that has cyclic WcState (Working Counter) In order for the higher-level PLC task (or
process data, the Master displays, using corresponding control applications) to be
0: valid real-time communication in
what is known as a WorkingCounter, able to rely on correct data, the
the last cycle
whether the slave is participating communication status of the EtherCAT Slave
successfully and without error in the cyclic 1: invalid real-time communication must be evaluated there. Such information is
exchange of process data. This important, This may possibly have effects on therefore provided with the process data for
elementary information is therefore the process data of other Slaves the most recent cycle.
provided for the most recent cycle in the that are located in the same
System Manager SyncUnit
1. at the EtherCAT Slave, and, with
identical contents
2. as a collective variable at the
EtherCAT Master (see Point A)
for linking.
D Diagnostic information of the EtherCAT State Information variables for the EtherCAT
Master which, while it is represented at the Master that are updated acyclically. This
current Status (INIT..OP) of the
slave for linking, is actually determined by means that it is possible that in any particular
Slave. The Slave must be in OP
the Master for the Slave concerned and cycle they do not represent the latest
(=8) when operating normally.
represented there. This information cannot possible status. It is therefore possible to
be characterized as real-time, because it AdsAddr read such variables through ADS.
• is only rarely/never changed, except The ADS address is useful for
when the system starts up communicating from the PLC/task
via ADS with the EtherCAT Slave,
• is itself determined acyclically (e.g.
e.g. for reading/writing to the CoE.
EtherCAT Status)
The AMS-NetID of a slave
corresponds to the AMS-NetID of
the EtherCAT Master;
communication with the individual
Slave is possible via the port (=
EtherCAT address).

Diagnostic information
It is strongly recommended that the diagnostic information made available is evaluated so that the
application can react accordingly.

CoE Parameter Directory

The CoE parameter directory (CanOpen-over-EtherCAT) is used to manage the set values for the slave
concerned. Changes may, in some circumstances, have to be made here when commissioning a relatively
complex EtherCAT Slave. It can be accessed through the TwinCAT System Manager, see Fig. EL3102, CoE

EL40xx Version: 4.6 159


Fig. 165: EL3102, CoE directory

EtherCAT System Documentation

The comprehensive description in the EtherCAT System Documentation (EtherCAT Basics --> CoE
Interface) must be observed!

A few brief extracts:

• Whether changes in the online directory are saved locally in the slave depends on the device. EL
terminals (except the EL66xx) are able to save in this way.
• The user must manage the changes to the StartUp list.

Commissioning aid in the TwinCAT System Manager

Commissioning interfaces are being introduced as part of an ongoing process for EL/EP EtherCAT devices.
These are available in TwinCAT System Managers from TwinCAT 2.11R2 and above. They are integrated
into the System Manager through appropriately extended ESI configuration files.

160 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 166: Example of commissioning aid for a EL3204

This commissioning process simultaneously manages

• CoE Parameter Directory
• DC/FreeRun mode
• the available process data records (PDO)

Although the “Process Data”, “DC”, “Startup” and “CoE-Online” that used to be necessary for this are still
displayed, it is recommended that, if the commissioning aid is used, the automatically generated settings are
not changed by it.

The commissioning tool does not cover every possible application of an EL/EP device. If the available setting
options are not adequate, the user can make the DC, PDO and CoE settings manually, as in the past.

EtherCAT State: automatic default behaviour of the TwinCAT System Manager and manual operation

After the operating power is switched on, an EtherCAT Slave must go through the following statuses
• OP

to ensure sound operation. The EtherCAT Master directs these statuses in accordance with the initialization
routines that are defined for commissioning the device by the ES/XML and user settings (Distributed Clocks
(DC), PDO, CoE). See also the section on "Principles of Communication, EtherCAT State Machine [} 62]" in
this connection. Depending how much configuration has to be done, and on the overall communication,
booting can take up to a few seconds.

The EtherCAT Master itself must go through these routines when starting, until it has reached at least the
OP target state.

The target state wanted by the user, and which is brought about automatically at start-up by TwinCAT, can
be set in the System Manager. As soon as TwinCAT reaches the status RUN, the TwinCAT EtherCAT
Master will approach the target states.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 161


Standard setting

The advanced settings of the EtherCAT Master are set as standard:

• EtherCAT Master: OP
• Slaves: OP
This setting applies equally to all Slaves.

Fig. 167: Default behaviour of the System Manager

In addition, the target state of any particular Slave can be set in the “Advanced Settings” dialogue; the
standard setting is again OP.

Fig. 168: Default target state in the Slave

Manual Control

There are particular reasons why it may be appropriate to control the states from the application/task/PLC.
For instance:
• for diagnostic reasons
• to induce a controlled restart of axes

162 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


• because a change in the times involved in starting is desirable

In that case it is appropriate in the PLC application to use the PLC function blocks from the TcEtherCAT.lib,
which is available as standard, and to work through the states in a controlled manner using, for instance,

It is then useful to put the settings in the EtherCAT Master to INIT for master and slave.

Fig. 169: PLC function blocks

Note regarding E-Bus current

EL/ES terminals are placed on the DIN rail at a coupler on the terminal strand. A Bus Coupler can supply the
EL terminals added to it with the E-bus system voltage of 5 V; a coupler is thereby loadable up to 2 A as a
rule. Information on how much current each EL terminal requires from the E-bus supply is available online
and in the catalogue. If the added terminals require more current than the coupler can supply, then power
feed terminals (e.g. EL9410) must be inserted at appropriate places in the terminal strand.

The pre-calculated theoretical maximum E-Bus current is displayed in the TwinCAT System Manager as a
column value. A shortfall is marked by a negative total amount and an exclamation mark; a power feed
terminal is to be placed before such a position.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 163


Fig. 170: Illegally exceeding the E-Bus current

From TwinCAT 2.11 and above, a warning message “E-Bus Power of Terminal...” is output in the logger
window when such a configuration is activated:

Fig. 171: Warning message for exceeding E-Bus current

Caution! Malfunction possible!
The same ground potential must be used for the E-Bus supply of all EtherCAT terminals in a terminal block!

164 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.4 Short guide to commissioning

If an EL40xx is built into the TwinCAT configuration, the possible output channels appear depending on the
terminal, e.g. in this case the EL4038:

Fig. 172: Process data of the EL4038

In the case of the EL4038, 8 sets of real-time process data exist (red), one for each output channel.

The channel variables "Analog output" are of the type INT, i.e. 16-bit with sign, including in the case of the
unipolar output terminals 0…10 V, 0/4…20 mA.

Fig. 173: Display of the variable size, taking "AO Outputs Channel 1" as an example

The channel variables must be linked with the corresponding variables on the program side for operation.
Linked variables are marked by an arrow (see figure below).

EL40xx Version: 4.6 165


Fig. 174: Display of the linked variables in the TwinCAT tree

Once this has taken place and the TwinCAT configuration is activated, the EL40xx already electrically
outputs the corresponding analog values.

The output is then cyclically written from the controller, here for example with a voltage ramp for testing:

Fig. 175: Output of the analog values, taking a voltage ramp as an example

The basic commissioning is thus completed.

166 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.5 Overview of process data (PDO)

The EL40xx terminals have a static process image that cannot be changed. Depending on the terminal,
"Analog output" channels 1…8 are offered for linking.

Fig. 176: EL40x8 - process data

No channels can be deselected.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 167


Description of the PDOs of the EL40xx terminals

Direction PDO PDO name Real-time behavior Data type CoE Index Default Meaning
Output (from AO Outputs Analog Real-time: cyclically INT16 (16-bit 0x160n 0 Setpoint of the analog
the controller) Channel n output transmitted PDO signed) output
Input (to the WcState WcState Non-real-time: is not BIT - 0 Cyclic checking of the
controller) transmitted by the EtherCAT data exchange.
EtherCAT slave, but Should be "0".
InfoData State shown for this UINT16 - 0 State of the EtherCAT
EtherCAT slave by slave.
the EtherCAT Is "8" in normal operation
master and displays
AdsAddr diagnostic 8-byte - variable ADS address under which
information structure this EtherCAT slave is
reachable in the TwinCAT
system for acyclic
communication, e.g. to the

168 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.6 Basic Function Principles

The basic function and possible settings of the EL40xx are described below.

Superordinate notes can be found in the system description.

5.6.1 Changing the slave parameters in the CoE directory

During commissioning it may be necessary to change the CoE parameters. The CoE parameters (CAN over
EtherCAT) can be changed in the "CoE-Online" tab of the EtherCAT slave.

Online access:

The terminal is really addressable on the bus. The real CoE directory from the terminal is displayed. Some
objects in it are writable and can be changed. Here is the image from the EL4038 from the commissioning

Fig. 177: Access to the CoE parameters in the TwinCAT System Manager, Online

In particular, the objects 0x80n0 (n stands for the channel, n = 0,1,2,3 ...) are accessible for setting. The
changed values are stored fail-safe in the terminal.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 169


Offline description:

If the terminal is not really addressable on the bus, only the so-called offline description of the CoE directory
is displayed. This offline description is included in the ESI description (XML) for precisely this purpose. The
parameters cannot be changed, but they can be used to define startup commands, for example.

Fig. 178: Access to the CoE parameters in the TwinCAT System Manager, Offline

Changes in the CoE directory, in the case of exchange
So that, in the case of exchanging an EtherCAT slave, the CoE parameters are set correctly in the new
slave, changes on the customer side must be entered in the start-up list.

Changes in the CoE directory, program access
The CoE parameters can also be read and written during operation (insofar as it makes sense) by the PLC
using corresponding control commands.
Note that CoE settings are usually stored in the slave. Each change results in a save procedure. The
memory in the device has a limited electrical lifespan of, for example, a few 100,000 save procedures.
If you want to change settings repeatedly over a long period of time, use the NoCoeStorage [} 65] function.
If this is not available in the respective device, it must be expected that the memory will fail in the long term.

170 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.6.2 Block diagram for determining the output values

Fig. 179: Block diagram for calculating the output values

Initial default setting of the EL40xx:

Function Default setting Explanation
Watchdog [} 175] 0x80n0:05 = Default watchdog value (0) The default value in index 0x80n0:13 is active
Presentation 0x80n0:02 = Signed presentation (0) Presentation in two's complement
[} 172]
User Scale [} 174] 0x80n0:01 = FALSE The user scaling is disabled
Vendor calibration 0x80n0:08 = TRUE The vendor calibration is enabled
[} 174]
User calibration 0x80n0:07 = FALSE The user calibration is enabled
[} 174]

Further setting options for the above parameters are explained in more detail below.

No simultaneous enablement of vendor and user calibration

Only the vendor calibration (0x80n0:08 "Enable vendor calibration") or
the user calibration (0x80n0:01 "Enable user calibration") may be enabled.

5.6.3 Calculation of the output values

Term "calibration"
The term "calibration", which is rooted in history at Beckhoff, is used here for the calibration data,
even if it has nothing to do with deviation statements of a calibration certificate. In fact, this
describes the vendor or customer calibration/adjustment data that the device uses during operation
in order to maintain the output accuracy.

The terminal continuously accepts the setpoints from the EtherCAT process data, converts them according
to the settings and passes them on to the internal DAC (digital-analog converter), which forms the electrical
output signal. See the block diagram.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 171

Commissioning Presentation function

Fig. 180: Block diagram for determining the output values by default (presentation function)

The presentation function block according to index 0x80x0:02 [} 181] converts the PDO value into the
internal SINT16 format (signed integer, 16-bit) for further calculation and DAC output, depending on the
setting. Depending on the presentation selected, the following applies:

Signed presentation (default setting)

• A SINT16 with sign in the highest bit (bit15) is expected,
negative numbers are displayed in two's complement.
• Ys1 = Ys
• Full scale value (FSV) = 32767
• This means specifically for the terminals
Output signal Value
EL400x EL401x EL402x Decimal Hexadecimal
0V 0 mA 4 mA 0 0x0000
5V 10 mA 12 mA 16383 0x3FFF
10 V 20 mA 20 mA 32767 0x7FFF

Output signal Value

EL403x Decimal Hexadecimal
-10 V -32767 0x8001
-5 V -16383 0xC001
0V 0 0x0000
5V 16383 0x3FFF
10 V 32767 0x7FFF

Unsigned presentation
• A UINT16 without sign is expected, FSV= 65535,
• the SINT16 is formed for further processing: Ys1 = Ys / 2
• Negative output values are no longer possible.

Absolute value with MSB as sign

• A SINT16 with sign in the highest bit (bit15) is expected,
negative numbers are shown as absolute values (not in two's complement)
• Ys1 = Ys
• FSV = 32767

172 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Absolute value
• A SINT16 with sign is expected,
negative numbers are displayed in two's complement
• in the case of a negative number, its magnitude is formed and thus only positive values
up to 215 = 32767 are processed.

Examples of the presentations

• Signed Integer:
The output value is presented in two's complement format.
Maximum presentation range for 16 bit = -32768 .. +32767
◦ Example:
1000 0000 0000 0000bin = 0x8000hex = -32768dec
1111 1111 1111 1110bin = 0xFFFEhex = -2dec
1111 1111 1111 1111bin = 0xFFFFhex = -1dec
0000 0000 0000 0001bin = 0x0001hex = +1dec
0000 0000 0000 0010bin = 0x0002hex = +2dec
0111 1111 1111 1111bin = 0x7FFFhex = +32767dec
• Unsigned Integer:
The output value is shown with 16 bit resolution.
• Absolute value with MSB as sign:
The output value is displayed in signed amount representation.
Maximum presentation range for 16 bit = -32767 .. +32767
◦ Example:
1111 1111 1111 1111bin = 0xFFFFhex = -32767dec
1000 0000 0000 0010bin = 0x8002hex = -2dec
1000 0000 0000 0001bin = 0x8001hex = -1dec
0000 0000 0000 0001bin = 0x0001hex = +1dec
0000 0000 0000 0010bin = 0x0002hex = +2dec
0111 1111 1111 1111bin = 0x7FFFhex = +32767dec
• Absolute value
Negative output values are shown positive (absolute value)

EL40xx Version: 4.6 173

Commissioning Gain/Offset function

Fig. 181: Block diagram for determining the output values by default (Gain/Offset function)

Gain/Offset function

The terminal is compared to the vendor calibration data by the vendor in order to achieve the specified
output accuracy. The vendor calibration data are password protected and cannot be changed.

If manipulation of the output value is necessary on the system side,

• the User Scale with gain/offset should first be used,
• or the user can store some calibration data in the terminal. The User Scale can then also function for
this purpose.

See also the block diagram.

Gainscale = 0x80n0:12 UserScale Gain
Offsetscale = 0x80n0:11 UserScale Offset
Gainuser = 0x80n0:16 UserCalibration Gain
Offsetuser = 0x80n0:15 UserCalibration Offset
(with the bipolar EL403x terminals 0x800 = 2048dec to be added)
Gainvendor = 0x80nF:02 VendorCalibration Gain
Offsetvendor = 0x80nF:01 VendorCalibration Offset
XDAC = 0x80nE:01 DAC Raw Value
Ys EtherCAT PDO setpoint

Is the influence of the scaling:

User scaling enabled: Ysc = Ys1 * Gainscale*2-16 + Offsetscale
User scaling disabled: Ysc = Ys1
And the influence on the calibration values:
Vendor calibration enabled: XDAC = Ysc * Gainvendor *2 -16 + Offsetvendor
User calibration enabled: XDAC = Ysc * Gainuser *2- 20 + Offsetuser
No calibration enabled: XDAC = Ysc

No simultaneous enablement of vendor and user calibration

Only the vendor calibration (0x80n0:08 "Enable vendor calibration") or
the user calibration (0x80n0:01 "Enable user calibration") may be enabled.

174 Version: 4.6 EL40xx

Commissioning Watchdog function

Fig. 182: Block diagram for determining the output values (Watchdog function)

Watchdog function, Index 0x80n0:05 [} 181]

The EL40xx/EL41xx terminals are equipped with a safety device (watchdog) that switches the outputs to a
defined state, for example in case of interrupted process data traffic.

The watchdog time is set via the general TwinCAT dialog

"Advanced Settings" -> General -> Behavior -> Watchdog -> "Set Multiplier" and "SM Watchdog":

Fig. 183: Watchdog settings

A maximum watchdog time of 65 s is possible. Larger values are calculated modulo 65, for example 70 s
would be shortened to 5 s.

General information on watchdog settings
Observe the general notes on the watchdog setting [} 61].

The procedure is as follows:

EL40xx Version: 4.6 175


• As long as the terminal is properly and regularly supplied with EtherCAT process data, it outputs them.
The so-called watchdog observes this without further action; they say, "it is being brought up".
• As soon as the data stop arriving, the output value remains at the last value. The watchdog now starts
to run down. If data arrive again in time, the watchdog returns to the starting value.
• If it has expired, i.e. the set time has elapsed without new data arriving, the substitute value is output.
• As soon as new data arrive, they are output again and the watchdog observes anew.

The following settings can be made for the substitute value in index 0x80n0:05 [} 181]:
• "Default watchdog value":
The analog output value is set to a user-specific value. This must have been stored in "Default output"
(index 0x80n0:13 [} 181]) beforehand and is then output in the watchdog case.
This is the default setting with "Default output" = 0. In the watchdog case, a terminal operated in this
way outputs 0.
• "Watchdog ramp":
The user-specific value "Default output" is approached from the last valid output value as a linear ramp
over a predetermined time. This time is entered via "Default output ramp" (index 0x80n0:14 [} 181]) in
• "Last output value"
With this setting, the last valid output value is retained.

176 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.7 EL4x1x, EL4x2x current output

The load capacity of the EL4xxx current outputs is subject to specified operational limits. This information is
provided as "max. load" in the technical data. For each channel this is the maximum load resistance against
which the terminal can still provide the maximum possible output current. The relevant parameter is the
number of available channels for each terminal (not the number of channels in use).
Number of channels max. load Characteristic max. output voltage at typ. max. open circuit
max. load voltage without load
2 < 500 Ω short-circuit-proof 10 V approx. 14 V
4 < 350 Ω short-circuit-proof 7V approx. 10 V
8 < 150 Ω - 3V approx. 6 V

A channel can be operated at higher load resistances, although it will then no longer reach its full output
current and be subject to overload.

Operation with higher load

Operation outside the operating range for the respective number of channels according to the
diagrams below is not recommended. If the process value specification results in operation outside
this range, the output stage may become damaged.

Fig. 184: Permitted operating range for EL4xx2 current outputs

EL40xx Version: 4.6 177


Fig. 185: Permitted operating range for EL4xx4 current outputs

Fig. 186: Permitted operating range for EL4xx8 current outputs

Parallel connection

The current outputs of the EL4xxx devices can be connected in parallel to a load if the load has a current
requirement higher than 20 mA. All GND must be connected together. Channels of one terminal, but also
channels of several terminals can be used for this purpose.

178 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


When designing the layout, it must be noted that Ohm's law still applies: U = R*I. If, for example, a channel
with 10 V can drive its 20 mA through a 500 Ohm load (see specifications in the previous chapter), the load
may only be 250 Ohm if 2 * 20 mA are to be output with two parallel connected channels of 10 V each -
because the output voltage of the channels does not increase due to the parallel connection.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 179


5.8 Overview of parameter objects (CoE)

EtherCAT XML Device Description
The display matches that of the CoE objects from the EtherCAT XML Device Description. We
recommend downloading the latest XML file from the download area of the Beckhoff website and
installing it according to installation instructions.

Parameterization via the CoE list (CAN over EtherCAT)

The EtherCAT device is parameterized via the CoE-Online tab [} 145] (double-click on the
respective object) or via the Process Data tab [} 142](allocation of PDOs). Please note the following
general CoE notes [} 64] when using/manipulating the CoE parameters:
• Keep a startup list if components have to be replaced
• Differentiation between online/offline dictionary, existence of current XML description
• use “CoE reload [} 203]” for resetting changes

5.8.1 Restore objects

Index 1011 Restore default parameters
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1011:0 Restore default Restore default parameters UINT8 RO 0x01 (1dec)
1011:01 SubIndex 001 If this object is set to “0x64616F6C” in the set value UINT32 RW 0x00000000
dialog, all backup objects are reset to their delivery (0dec)

180 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


5.8.2 Configuration data

Index 8pp0 AO settings Ch.1-8
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
8pp0:0 AO settings Ch.1-8 Max. Subindex UINT8 RO 0x16 (22dec)
8pp0:01 Enable user scale User scale is active. (see data stream flow chart BOOLEAN RW 0x00 (0dec)
[} 171])
8pp0:02 Presentation 0: Signed presentation BIT3 RW 0x00 (0dec)
The measured value is presented in two’s complement
Maximum representation range for 16 bits =
-32768dec ... +32767dec
1: Unsingned presentation
Maximum presentation range for 16 bit:
0 .. +65535dec
2: Absolute value with MSB as sign
The measured value is output in magnitude-sign
Maximum representation range for 16 bits =
-32768dec ... +32767dec
3: Absolute value
Negative numbers are also output as positive
8pp0:05 Watchdog 0: Default watchdog value BIT2 RW 0x00 (0dec)
The default value (0x8pp0:13) is active.
1: Watchdog ramp
The ramp (0x8pp0:14) for moving to the default value
is active.
2: Last output value
In the event of a watchdog drop the last process data
is issued.
8pp0:07 Enable user calibration Enablement of the user calibration (see data stream BOOLEAN RW 0x00 (0dec)
flow chart)
8pp0:08 Enable vendor Enablement of the vendor calibration (see data stream BOOLEAN RW 0x01 (1dec)
calibration flow chart)
8pp0:11 Offset User scaling offset INT16 RW 0x0000 (0dec)
8pp0:12 Gain User scaling gain. INT32 RW 0x00010000
The gain is represented in fixed-point format, with the (65536dec)
factor 2-16.
The value 1 corresponds to 65535 (0x00010000).
8pp0:13 Default output default output value INT16 RW 0x0000 (0dec)
8pp0:14 Default output ramp Ramp for ramping down to the default value UINT16 RW 0xFFFF
Value in digits/ms. (65535dec)
8pp0:15 User calibration offset User calibration offset INT16 RW 0x0000 (0dec)
8pp0:16 User calibration gain User calibration gain UINT16 RW 0xFFFF

Index 8ppE AO internal data Ch.1-8

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
8ppE:0 AO internal data Max. Subindex UINT8 RO 0x01 (1dec)
8ppE:01 DAC raw value DAC raw value UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0dec)

Index 8ppF AO vendor data Ch.1-8

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
8ppF:0 AO vendor data Max. Subindex UINT8 RO 0x02 (2dec)
8ppF:01 Calibration offset Vendor calibration offset INT16 RW 0x0000 (0dec)
8ppF:02 Calibration gain Vendor calibration gain UINT16 RW 0x1EFA

EL40xx Version: 4.6 181


5.8.3 Output data

Index 7pp0 AO outputs Ch.1-8
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
7pp0:0 AO outputs Ch.1-8 Max. Subindex UINT8 RO 0x01 (1dec)
7pp0:01 Analog output Analog output data INT16 RO 0x0000 (0dec)

5.8.4 Standard objects

Index 1000 Device type
Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1000:0 Device type Device type of the EtherCAT slave: the Lo-Word UINT32 RO 0x01901389
contains the CoE profile used (5001). The Hi-Word (26219401dec)
contains the module profile according to the modular
device profile.

Index 1008 Device name

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1008:0 Device name Device name of the EtherCAT slave STRING RO EL40xx-0000

Index 1009 Hardware version

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1009:0 Hardware version Hardware version of the EtherCAT slave STRING RO 01

Index 100A Software version

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
100A:0 Software version Firmware version of the EtherCAT slave STRING RO 01

Index 1018 Identity

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1018:0 Identity Information for identifying the slave UINT8 RO 0x04 (4dec)
1018:01 Vendor ID Vendor ID of the EtherCAT slave UINT32 RO 0x00000002
1018:02 Product code Product code of the EtherCAT slave UINT32 RO 0x0Fxx3052
1018:03 Revision Revision number of the EtherCAT slave; the low word UINT32 RO 0x00100000
(bit 0-15) indicates the special terminal number, the (1048576dec)
high word (bit 16-31) refers to the device description
1018:04 Serial number Serial number of the EtherCAT slave; the low byte (bit UINT32 RO 0x00000000
0-7) of the low word contains the year of production, (0dec)
the high byte (bit 8-15) of the low word contains the
week of production, the high word (bit 16-31) is 0

Index 10F0 Backup parameter handling

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
10F0:0 Backup parameter Information for standardized loading and saving of UINT8 RO 0x01 (1dec)
handling backup entries
10F0:01 Checksum Checksum across all backup entries of the EtherCAT UINT32 RO 0x00000000
slave (0dec)

Index 1600 RxPDO-Map Outputs Ch.1

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1600:0 RxPDO-Map Outputs PDO Mapping RxPDO 1 UINT8 RW 0x01 (1dec)
1600:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7000 (AO outputs UINT32 RW 0x7000:01, 16
Ch.1), entry 0x01 (Analog output))

182 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Index 1601 RxPDO-Map Outputs Ch.2

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1601:0 RxPDO-Map Outputs PDO Mapping RxPDO 2 UINT8 RW 0x01 (1dec)
1601:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7010 (AO outputs UINT32 RW 0x7010:01, 16
Ch.2), entry 0x01 (Analog output))

Index 1602 RxPDO-Map Outputs Ch.3

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1602:0 RxPDO-Map Outputs PDO Mapping RxPDO 3 UINT8 RW 0x01 (1dec)
1602:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7020 (AO outputs UINT32 RW 0x7020:01, 16
Ch.3), entry 0x01 (Analog output))

Index 1603 RxPDO-Map Outputs Ch.4

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1603:0 RxPDO-Map Outputs PDO Mapping RxPDO 4 UINT8 RW 0x01 (1dec)
1603:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7030 (AO outputs UINT32 RW 0x7030:01, 16
Ch.4), entry 0x01 (Analog output))

Index 1604 RxPDO-Map Outputs Ch.5

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1604:0 RxPDO-Map Outputs PDO Mapping RxPDO 5 UINT8 RW 0x01 (1dec)
1604:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7040 (AO outputs UINT32 RW 0x7040:01, 16
Ch.5), entry 0x01 (Analog output))

Index 1605 RxPDO-Map Outputs Ch.6

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1605:0 RxPDO-Map Outputs PDO Mapping RxPDO 6 UINT8 RW 0x01 (1dec)
1605:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7050 (AO outputs UINT32 RW 0x7050:01, 16
Ch.6), entry 0x01 (Analog output))

Index 1606 RxPDO-Map Outputs Ch.7

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1606:0 RxPDO-Map Outputs PDO Mapping RxPDO 7 UINT8 RW 0x01 (1dec)
1606:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7060 (AO outputs UINT32 RW 0x7060:01, 16
Ch.7), entry 0x01 (Analog output))

Index 1607 RxPDO-Map Outputs Ch.8

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1607:0 RxPDO-Map Outputs PDO Mapping RxPDO 8 UINT8 RW 0x01 (1dec)
1607:01 SubIndex 001 1. PDO Mapping entry (object 0x7070 (AO outputs UINT32 RW 0x7070:01, 16
Ch.8), entry 0x01 (Analog output))

Index 1C00 Sync manager type

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1C00:0 Sync manager type Using the sync managers UINT8 RO 0x04 (4dec)
1C00:01 SubIndex 001 Sync-Manager Type Channel 1: Mailbox Write UINT8 RO 0x01 (1dec)
1C00:02 SubIndex 002 Sync-Manager Type Channel 2: Mailbox Read UINT8 RO 0x02 (2dec)
1C00:03 SubIndex 003 Sync-Manager Type Channel 3: Process Data Write UINT8 RO 0x03 (3dec)
1C00:04 SubIndex 004 Sync-Manager Type Channel 4: Process Data Read UINT8 RO 0x04 (4dec)

EL40xx Version: 4.6 183


Index 1C12 RxPDO assign

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1C12:0 RxPDO assign PDO Assign Outputs UINT8 RW 0x08 (8dec)
1C12:01 SubIndex 001 1st allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the UINT16 RW 0x1600
associated RxPDO mapping object) (5632dec)
1C12:02 SubIndex 002 2nd allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the UINT16 RW 0x1601
associated RxPDO mapping object) (5633dec)
1C12:03 SubIndex 003 3rd allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the UINT16 RW 0x1602
associated RxPDO mapping object) (5634dec)
1C12:04 SubIndex 004 4th allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the UINT16 RW 0x1603
associated RxPDO mapping object) (5635dec)
1C12:05 SubIndex 005 5th allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the UINT16 RW 0x1604
associated RxPDO mapping object) (5636dec)
1C12:06 SubIndex 006 6th allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the UINT16 RW 0x1605
associated RxPDO mapping object) (5637dec)
1C12:07 SubIndex 007 7th allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the UINT16 RW 0x1606
associated RxPDO mapping object) (5638dec)
1C12:08 SubIndex 008 8th allocated RxPDO (contains the index of the UINT16 RW 0x1607
associated RxPDO mapping object) (5639dec)

184 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Index 1C32 SM output parameter

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
1C32:0 SM output parameter Synchronization parameters for the outputs UINT8 RO 0x20 (32dec)
1C32:01 Sync mode Current synchronization mode: UINT16 RW 0x0001 (1dec)
• 0: Free Run
• 1: Synchron with SM 2 Event
• 2: DC-Mode - Synchron with SYNC0 Event
• 3: DC-Mode - Synchron with SYNC1 Event
1C32:02 Cycle time Cycle time (in ns): UINT32 RW 0x00000000
• Free Run: Cycle time of the local timer
• Synchronous with SM 2 event: Master cycle time
• DC-Mode: SYNC0/SYNC1 Cycle Time
1C32:03 Shift time Time between SYNC0 event and output of the outputs UINT32 RW 0x00000000
(in ns, DC mode only) (0dec)
1C32:04 Sync modes supported Supported synchronization modes: UINT16 RO 0x8007
• Bit 0 = 1: free run is supported
• Bit 1 = 1: Synchronous with SM 2 event is
• Bit 2-3 = 01: DC mode is supported
• Bit 4-5 = 10: Output shift with SYNC1 event (only
DC mode)
• Bit 14 = 1: dynamic times (measurement through
writing of 0x1C32:08)
1C32:05 Minimum cycle time Minimum cycle time (in ns) UINT32 RO 0x00000000
1C32:06 Calc and copy time Minimum time between SYNC0 and SYNC1 event (in UINT32 RO 0x00000000
ns, DC mode only) (0dec)
1C32:08 Command • 0: Measurement of the local cycle time is stopped UINT16 RW 0x0000 (0dec)
• 1: Measurement of the local cycle time is started
The entries 0x1C32:03, 0x1C32:05, 0x1C32:06,
0x1C32:09 are updated with the maximum measured
For a subsequent measurement the measured values
are reset
1C32:09 Delay time Time between SYNC1 event and output of the outputs UINT32 RO 0x00000000
(in ns, DC mode only) (0dec)
1C32:0B SM event missed Number of missed SM events in OPERATIONAL (DC UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0dec)
counter mode only)
1C32:0C Cycle exceeded Number of occasions the cycle time was exceeded in UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0dec)
counter OPERATIONAL (cycle was not completed in time or
the next cycle began too early)
1C32:0D Shift too short counter Number of occasions that the interval between SYNC0 UINT16 RO 0x0000 (0dec)
and SYNC1 event was too short (DC mode only)
1C32:20 Sync error The synchronization was not correct in the last cycle BOOLEAN RO 0x00 (0dec)
(outputs were output too late; DC mode only)

Index F000 Modular device profile

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
F000:0 Modular device profile General information for the modular device profile UINT8 RO 0x02 (2dec)
F000:01 Module index distance Index spacing of the objects of the individual channels UINT16 RO 0x0010 (16dec)
F000:02 Maximum number of Number of channels UINT16 RO 0x0008 (8dec)

Index F008 Code word

Index (hex) Name Meaning Data type Flags Default
F008:0 Code word Code word (currently reserved) UINT32 RW 0x00000000

EL40xx Version: 4.6 185


6 Appendix

6.1 EtherCAT AL Status Codes

For detailed information please refer to the EtherCAT system description.

6.2 Firmware compatibility

Beckhoff EtherCAT devices are delivered with the latest available firmware version. Compatibility of firmware
and hardware is mandatory; not every combination ensures compatibility. The overview below shows the
hardware versions on which a firmware can be operated.

• It is recommended to use the newest possible firmware for the respective hardware
• Beckhoff is not under any obligation to provide customers with free firmware updates for delivered

Risk of damage to the device!
Pay attention to the instructions for firmware updates on the separate page [} 191].
If a device is placed in BOOTSTRAP mode for a firmware update, it does not check when downloading
whether the new firmware is suitable.
This can result in damage to the device! Therefore, always make sure that the firmware is suitable for the
hardware version!

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 14 01 EL4001-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4001-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4001-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4001-0000-0019 2014/08
02 2014/10
EL4001-0000-0020 2016/02
15 - 19 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2021/11
19 - 20* 10* EL4001-0000-0021 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 15 01 EL4002-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4002-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4002-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4002-0000-0019 2014/08
02 2014/10
EL4002-0000-0020 2016/01
16 - 22 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2021/11
23* 10* EL4002-0000-0021 2023/04

186 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 15 01 EL4004-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4004-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4004-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4004-0000-0019 2014/08
02 2014/10
EL4004-0000-0020 2016/02
16 - 21* 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05* 2021/11

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 16 01 EL4008-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4008-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4008-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4008-0000-0019 2014/08
02 2014/10
EL4008-0000-0020 2016/02
03 2016/05
17 - 20 04 2017/05
05 2018/03
06 2021/11
21 - 22* 10* EL4008-0000-0021 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 10 01 EL4011-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4011-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4011-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4011-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4011-0000-0020 2016/02
11 - 14 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2021/11
15* 10* EL4011-0000-0021 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 10 01 EL4012-0000-0016 2007/10
EL4012-0000-0017 2012/07
EL4012-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4012-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4012-0000-0020 2016/02
11 - 16 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2021/11
17* 10* EL4012-0000-0021 2023/04

EL40xx Version: 4.6 187


Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 10 01 EL4014-0000-0016 2007/10
EL4014-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4014-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4014-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4014-0000-0020 2016/02
11 - 16 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2021/11
17* 10* EL4014-0000-0021 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 10 01 EL4018-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4018-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4018-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4018-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4018-0000-0020 2016/02
11 - 14 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2021/11
15* 10* EL4018-0000-0021 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 10 01 EL4021-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4021-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4021-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4021-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4021-0000-0020 2016/02
11 - 14 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
EL4021-0000-0021 2019/07
05 2021/11
15* 10* EL4021-0000-0022 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 10 01 EL4022-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4022-0000-0017 2012/07
EL4022-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4022-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4022-0000-0020 2016/02
11 - 16 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
EL4022-0000-0021 2019/07
05 2021/11
17* 10* EL4022-0000-0022 2023/04

188 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 10 01 EL4024-0000-0016 2009/08
EL4024-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4024-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4024-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4024-0000-0020 2016/02
11 - 16 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
EL4024-0000-0021 2019/07
05 2021/11
17* 10* EL4024-0000-0022 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 10 01 EL4028-0000-0016 2009/08
EL4028-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4028-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4028-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4028-0000-0020 2016/02
11 - 14 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
EL4028-0000-0021 2019/07
05 2021/11
15* 10* EL4028-0000-0022 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 13 01 EL4031-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4031-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4031-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4031-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4031-0000-0020 2016/02
14 - 16 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2020/08
06 2021/11
17* 10* EL4031-0000-0021 2023/04

EL40xx Version: 4.6 189


Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 13 01 EL4032-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4032-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4032-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4032-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4032-0000-0020 2016/02
14 - 18 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2020/08
06 2021/11
19* 10* EL4032-0000-0021 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 11 01 EL4034-0000-0016 2007/10
EL4034-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4034-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4034-0000-0019 2014/08
EL4034-0000-0020 2016/02
12 - 16 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2020/08
06 2021/11
17* 10* EL4034-0000-0021 2023/04

Hardware (HW) Firmware Revision no. Date of release
00 - 13 01 EL4038-0000-0016 2007/08
EL4038-0000-0017 2012/08
EL4038-0000-0018 2014/03
EL4038-0000-0019 2014/08
02 `2016/05
EL4038-0000-0020 2016/02
14 - 16 03 2017/05
04 2018/03
05 2020/08
06 2021/11
17* 10* EL4038-0000-0021 2023/04

*) This is the current compatible firmware/hardware version at the time of the preparing this documentation.
Check on the Beckhoff web page whether more up-to-date documentation is available.

190 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


6.3 Firmware Update EL/ES/EM/ELM/EP/EPP/ERPxxxx

This section describes the device update for Beckhoff EtherCAT slaves from the EL/ES, ELM, EM, EK, EP,
EPP and ERP series. A firmware update should only be carried out after consultation with Beckhoff support.

Only use TwinCAT 3 software!
A firmware update of Beckhoff IO devices must only be performed with a TwinCAT 3 installation. It is
recommended to build as up-to-date as possible, available for free download on the Beckhoff website.
To update the firmware, TwinCAT can be operated in the so-called FreeRun mode, a paid license is not
The device to be updated can usually remain in the installation location, but TwinCAT has to be operated in
the FreeRun. Please make sure that EtherCAT communication is trouble-free (no LostFrames etc.).
Other EtherCAT master software, such as the EtherCAT Configurator, should not be used, as they may not
support the complexities of updating firmware, EEPROM and other device components.

Storage locations

An EtherCAT slave stores operating data in up to three locations:

• Each EtherCAT slave has a device description, consisting of identity (name, product code), timing
specifications, communication settings, etc.
This device description (ESI; EtherCAT Slave Information) can be downloaded from the Beckhoff
website in the download area as a zip file and used in EtherCAT masters for offline configuration, e.g.
in TwinCAT.
Above all, each EtherCAT slave carries its device description (ESI) electronically readable in a local
memory chip, the so-called ESI EEPROM. When the slave is switched on, this description is loaded
locally in the slave and informs it of its communication configuration; on the other hand, the EtherCAT
master can identify the slave in this way and, among other things, set up the EtherCAT communication

Application-specific writing of the ESI-EEPROM
The ESI is developed by the device manufacturer according to ETG standard and released for the
corresponding product.
- Meaning for the ESI file: Modification on the application side (i.e. by the user) is not permitted.
- Meaning for the ESI EEPROM: Even if a writeability is technically given, the ESI parts in the EEPROM
and possibly still existing free memory areas must not be changed beyond the normal update process.
Especially for cyclic memory processes (operating hours counter etc.), dedicated memory products such as
EL6080 or IPC's own NOVRAM must be used.

• Depending on functionality and performance EtherCAT slaves have one or several local controllers for
processing I/O data. The corresponding program is the so-called firmware in *.efw format.
• In some EtherCAT slaves the EtherCAT communication may also be integrated in these controllers. In
this case the controller is usually a so-called FPGA chip with *.rbf firmware.

Customers can access the data via the EtherCAT fieldbus and its communication mechanisms. Acyclic
mailbox communication or register access to the ESC is used for updating or reading of these data.

The TwinCAT System Manager offers mechanisms for programming all three parts with new data, if the
slave is set up for this purpose. Generally the slave does not check whether the new data are suitable, i.e. it
may no longer be able to operate if the data are unsuitable.

Simplified update by bundle firmware

The update using so-called bundle firmware is more convenient: in this case the controller firmware and the
ESI description are combined in a *.efw file; during the update both the firmware and the ESI are changed in
the terminal. For this to happen it is necessary
• for the firmware to be in a packed format: recognizable by the file name, which also contains the
revision number, e.g. ELxxxx-xxxx_REV0016_SW01.efw

EL40xx Version: 4.6 191


• for password=1 to be entered in the download dialog. If password=0 (default setting) only the firmware
update is carried out, without an ESI update.
• for the device to support this function. The function usually cannot be retrofitted; it is a component of
many new developments from year of manufacture 2016.

Following the update, its success should be verified

• ESI/Revision: e.g. by means of an online scan in TwinCAT ConfigMode/FreeRun – this is a convenient
way to determine the revision
• Firmware: e.g. by looking in the online CoE of the device

Risk of damage to the device!
ü Note the following when downloading new device files
a) Firmware downloads to an EtherCAT device must not be interrupted
b) Flawless EtherCAT communication must be ensured. CRC errors or LostFrames must be avoided.
c) The power supply must adequately dimensioned. The signal level must meet the specification.
ð In the event of malfunctions during the update process the EtherCAT device may become unusable and
require re-commissioning by the manufacturer.

6.3.1 Device description ESI file/XML

Attention regarding update of the ESI description/EEPROM
Some slaves have stored calibration and configuration data from the production in the EEPROM. These are
irretrievably overwritten during an update.

The ESI device description is stored locally on the slave and loaded on start-up. Each device description has
a unique identifier consisting of slave name (9 characters/digits) and a revision number (4 digits). Each slave
configured in the System Manager shows its identifier in the EtherCAT tab:

Fig. 187: Device identifier consisting of name EL3204-0000 and revision -0016

The configured identifier must be compatible with the actual device description used as hardware, i.e. the
description which the slave has loaded on start-up (in this case EL3204). Normally the configured revision
must be the same or lower than that actually present in the terminal network.

For further information on this, please refer to the EtherCAT system documentation.

192 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Update of XML/ESI description

The device revision is closely linked to the firmware and hardware used. Incompatible combinations
lead to malfunctions or even final shutdown of the device. Corresponding updates should only be
carried out in consultation with Beckhoff support.

Display of ESI slave identifier

The simplest way to ascertain compliance of configured and actual device description is to scan the
EtherCAT boxes in TwinCAT mode Config/FreeRun:

Fig. 188: Scan the subordinate field by right-clicking on the EtherCAT device

If the found field matches the configured field, the display shows

Fig. 189: Configuration is identical

otherwise a change dialog appears for entering the actual data in the configuration.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 193


Fig. 190: Change dialog

In this example in Fig. Change dialog, an EL3201-0000-0017 was found, while an EL3201-0000-0016 was
configured. In this case the configuration can be adapted with the Copy Before button. The Extended
Information checkbox must be set in order to display the revision.

Changing the ESI slave identifier

The ESI/EEPROM identifier can be updated as follows under TwinCAT:

• Trouble-free EtherCAT communication must be established with the slave.
• The state of the slave is irrelevant.
• Right-clicking on the slave in the online display opens the EEPROM Update dialog, Fig. EEPROM

Fig. 191: EEPROM Update

The new ESI description is selected in the following dialog, see Fig. Selecting the new ESI. The checkbox
Show Hidden Devices also displays older, normally hidden versions of a slave.

194 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 192: Selecting the new ESI

A progress bar in the System Manager shows the progress. Data are first written, then verified.

The change only takes effect after a restart.

Most EtherCAT devices read a modified ESI description immediately or after startup from the INIT.
Some communication settings such as distributed clocks are only read during power-on. The
EtherCAT slave therefore has to be switched off briefly in order for the change to take effect.

6.3.2 Firmware explanation

Determining the firmware version

Determining the version via the System Manager

The TwinCAT System Manager shows the version of the controller firmware if the master can access the
slave online. Click on the E-Bus Terminal whose controller firmware you want to check (in the example
terminal 2 (EL3204)) and select the tab CoE Online (CAN over EtherCAT).

CoE Online and Offline CoE

Two CoE directories are available:
• online: This is offered in the EtherCAT slave by the controller, if the EtherCAT slave supports this.
This CoE directory can only be displayed if a slave is connected and operational.
• offline: The EtherCAT Slave Information ESI/XML may contain the default content of the CoE.
This CoE directory can only be displayed if it is included in the ESI (e.g. “Beckhoff EL5xxx.xml”).
The Advanced button must be used for switching between the two views.

In Fig. Display of EL3204 firmware version the firmware version of the selected EL3204 is shown as 03 in
CoE entry 0x100A.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 195


Fig. 193: Display of EL3204 firmware version

In (A) TwinCAT 2.11 shows that the Online CoE directory is currently displayed. If this is not the case, the
Online directory can be loaded via the Online option in Advanced Settings (B) and double-clicking on

6.3.3 Updating controller firmware *.efw

CoE directory
The Online CoE directory is managed by the controller and stored in a dedicated EEPROM, which
is generally not changed during a firmware update.

Switch to the Online tab to update the controller firmware of a slave, see Fig. Firmware Update.

196 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 194: Firmware Update

Proceed as follows, unless instructed otherwise by Beckhoff support. Valid for TwinCAT 2 and 3 as
EtherCAT master.
• Switch TwinCAT system to ConfigMode/FreeRun with cycle time >= 1 ms (default in ConfigMode is
4 ms). A FW-Update during real time operation is not recommended.

• Switch EtherCAT Master to PreOP

• Switch slave to INIT (A)

• Switch slave to BOOTSTRAP

EL40xx Version: 4.6 197


• Check the current status (B, C)

• Download the new *efw file (wait until it ends). A password will not be necessary usually.

• After the download switch to INIT, then PreOP

• Switch off the slave briefly (don't pull under voltage!)
• Check within CoE 0x100A, if the FW status was correctly overtaken.

6.3.4 FPGA firmware *.rbf

If an FPGA chip deals with the EtherCAT communication an update may be accomplished via an *.rbf file.
• Controller firmware for processing I/O signals
• FPGA firmware for EtherCAT communication (only for terminals with FPGA)

The firmware version number included in the terminal serial number contains both firmware components. If
one of these firmware components is modified this version number is updated.

Determining the version via the System Manager

The TwinCAT System Manager indicates the FPGA firmware version. Click on the Ethernet card of your
EtherCAT strand (Device 2 in the example) and select the Online tab.

The Reg:0002 column indicates the firmware version of the individual EtherCAT devices in hexadecimal and
decimal representation.

198 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


Fig. 195: FPGA firmware version definition

If the column Reg:0002 is not displayed, right-click the table header and select Properties in the context

Fig. 196: Context menu Properties

The Advanced Settings dialog appears where the columns to be displayed can be selected. Under
Diagnosis/Online View select the '0002 ETxxxx Build' check box in order to activate the FPGA firmware
version display.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 199


Fig. 197: Dialog Advanced Settings


For updating the FPGA firmware

• of an EtherCAT coupler the coupler must have FPGA firmware version 11 or higher;
• of an E-Bus Terminal the terminal must have FPGA firmware version 10 or higher.

Older firmware versions can only be updated by the manufacturer!

Updating an EtherCAT device

The following sequence order have to be met if no other specifications are given (e.g. by the Beckhoff
• Switch TwinCAT system to ConfigMode/FreeRun with cycle time >= 1 ms (default in ConfigMode is
4 ms). A FW-Update during real time operation is not recommended.

200 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


• In the TwinCAT System Manager select the terminal for which the FPGA firmware is to be updated (in
the example: Terminal 5: EL5001) and
click the Advanced Settings button in the EtherCAT tab:

• The Advanced Settings dialog appears. Under ESC Access/E²PROM/FPGA click on Write FPGA

EL40xx Version: 4.6 201


• Select the file (*.rbf) with the new FPGA firmware, and transfer it to the EtherCAT device:

• Wait until download ends

• Switch slave current less for a short time (don't pull under voltage!). In order to activate the new FPGA
firmware a restart (switching the power supply off and on again) of the EtherCAT device is required.
• Check the new FPGA status

Risk of damage to the device!
A download of firmware to an EtherCAT device must not be interrupted in any case! If you interrupt this
process by switching off power supply or disconnecting the Ethernet link, the EtherCAT device can only be
recommissioned by the manufacturer!

6.3.5 Simultaneous updating of several EtherCAT devices

The firmware and ESI descriptions of several devices can be updated simultaneously, provided the devices
have the same firmware file/ESI.

Fig. 198: Multiple selection and firmware update

Select the required slaves and carry out the firmware update in BOOTSTRAP mode as described above.

202 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


6.4 Restoring the delivery state

To restore the delivery state (factory settings) of CoE objects for EtherCAT devices (“slaves”), the CoE object
Restore default parameters, SubIndex 001 can be used via EtherCAT master (e.g. TwinCAT) (see Fig.
Selecting the Restore default parameters PDO).

Fig. 199: Selecting the Restore default parameters PDO

Fig. 200: Entering a restore value in the Set Value dialog

Double-click on SubIndex 001 to enter the Set Value dialog. Enter the reset value 1684107116 in field Dec
or the value 0x64616F6C in field Hex (ASCII: “load”) and confirm with OK (Fig. Entering a restore value in
the Set Value dialog).
• All changeable entries in the slave are reset to the default values.
• The values can only be successfully restored if the reset is directly applied to the online CoE, i.e. to the
slave. No values can be changed in the offline CoE.
• TwinCAT must be in the RUN or CONFIG/Freerun state for this; that means EtherCAT data exchange
takes place. Ensure error-free EtherCAT transmission.
• No separate confirmation takes place due to the reset. A changeable object can be manipulated
beforehand for the purposes of checking.
• This reset procedure can also be adopted as the first entry in the startup list of the slave, e.g. in the
state transition PREOP->SAFEOP or, as in Fig. CoE reset as a startup entry, in SAFEOP->OP.

All backup objects are reset to the delivery state.

EL40xx Version: 4.6 203


Alternative restore value

In some older terminals (FW creation approx. before 2007) the backup objects can be switched with
an alternative restore value: Decimal value: 1819238756, Hexadecimal value: 0x6C6F6164.
An incorrect entry for the restore value has no effect.

204 Version: 4.6 EL40xx


6.5 Support and Service

Beckhoff and their partners around the world offer comprehensive support and service, making available fast
and competent assistance with all questions related to Beckhoff products and system solutions.

Beckhoff's branch offices and representatives

Please contact your Beckhoff branch office or representative for local support and service on Beckhoff

The addresses of Beckhoff's branch offices and representatives round the world can be found on her internet
pages: www.beckhoff.com

You will also find further documentation for Beckhoff components there.


The Beckhoff Support offers you comprehensive technical assistance, helping you not only with the
application of individual Beckhoff products, but also with other, wide-ranging services:
• support
• design, programming and commissioning of complex automation systems
• and extensive training program for Beckhoff system components
Hotline: +49 5246 963 157
e-mail: support@beckhoff.com
web: www.beckhoff.com/support


The Beckhoff Service Center supports you in all matters of after-sales service:
• on-site service
• repair service
• spare parts service
• hotline service
Hotline: +49 5246 963 460
e-mail: service@beckhoff.com
web: www.beckhoff.com/service

Headquarters Germany

Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG

Hülshorstweg 20
33415 Verl
Phone: +49 5246 963 0
e-mail: info@beckhoff.com
web: www.beckhoff.com

EL40xx Version: 4.6 205

More Information:

Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG

Hülshorstweg 20
33415 Verl
Phone: +49 5246 9630

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