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Manual | EN

Embedded PC

12/15/2020 | Version: 1.0

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Notes on the documentation .................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Representation and structure of warnings ......................................................................................... 6
1.2 Documentation issue status .............................................................................................................. 7

2 For your safety........................................................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Intended use ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Staff qualification ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Safety instructions ............................................................................................................................. 9

3 Transport and storage............................................................................................................................. 10

4 Product overview..................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Name plate ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Types ............................................................................................................................................... 15
4.4 Architecture overview ...................................................................................................................... 16

5 Interface description ............................................................................................................................... 17

5.1 USB 3.0 (X100, X101, X102, X103) ................................................................................................ 17
5.2 Ethernet RJ45 (X000, X001) ........................................................................................................... 18
5.3 DVI-D (X200) ................................................................................................................................... 19
5.4 Optional interfaces........................................................................................................................... 20
5.4.1 DVI-D (N010) ...................................................................................................................  20
5.4.2 DisplayPort (N011) ..........................................................................................................  21
5.4.3 Audio interface (N020).....................................................................................................  22
5.4.4 RS232 (N030)..................................................................................................................  23
5.4.5 RS422/RS485 (N031)......................................................................................................  24
5.4.6 EtherCAT slave (B110)....................................................................................................  25
5.4.7 PROFIBUS (x310) ...........................................................................................................  26
5.4.8 CANopen (x510) ..............................................................................................................  27
5.4.9 PROFINET RT (x930)......................................................................................................  28

6 Commissioning........................................................................................................................................ 29
6.1 Assembly ......................................................................................................................................... 29
6.1.1 Permissible installation positions .....................................................................................  30
6.1.2 Fastening to the DIN rail ..................................................................................................  31
6.1.3 Changing the MicroSD card.............................................................................................  32
6.1.4 Changing the CFast card.................................................................................................  33
6.1.5 Installing passive EtherCAT Terminals............................................................................  34
6.2 Power supply ................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2.1 Connect Embedded PC ...................................................................................................  36
6.2.2 UL requirements ..............................................................................................................  37
6.3 Switching on .................................................................................................................................... 38
6.4 Switching off .................................................................................................................................... 38

7 Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 39
7.1 Starting the Beckhoff Device Manager ............................................................................................ 39
7.2 Windows 10 IoT Enterprise ............................................................................................................. 40
7.2.1 Identification of the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) .....................................................  40

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 3

Table of contents

7.2.2 Enabling jumbo frames ....................................................................................................  41

7.2.3 Set NIC Teaming .............................................................................................................  42
7.2.4 Restoring the Beckhoff real-time driver ...........................................................................  44
7.3 TwinCAT .......................................................................................................................................... 45
7.3.1 Tree view .........................................................................................................................  45
7.3.2 Searching for target systems ...........................................................................................  46
7.3.3 Scanning an Embedded PC ............................................................................................  48
7.3.4 Configuring EtherCAT cable redundancy. .......................................................................  49
7.3.5 Using a hardware watchdog ............................................................................................  52

8 1-second UPS (persistent data).............................................................................................................. 53

8.1 BIOS settings................................................................................................................................... 54
8.2 Windows write filter.......................................................................................................................... 55
8.3 FB_S_UPS_BAPI ............................................................................................................................ 56
8.4 Mode and status of the function block ............................................................................................. 57
8.5 Checking the validity of the variables .............................................................................................. 59
8.5.1 SYSTEMINFOTYPE ........................................................................................................  59
8.5.2 PlcAppSystemInfo ...........................................................................................................  61

9 Error handling and diagnostics.............................................................................................................. 62

9.1 Diagnostic LEDs .............................................................................................................................. 62
9.1.1 K-bus ...............................................................................................................................  62
9.1.2 E-bus ...............................................................................................................................  65
9.2 Faults ............................................................................................................................................... 66

10 Care and maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 67

10.1 Replace the battery ......................................................................................................................... 67
10.2 Cleaning the Embedded PC ............................................................................................................ 68

11 Decommissioning.................................................................................................................................... 69
11.1 Removing cables ............................................................................................................................. 69
11.2 Dismantling the Embedded PC ....................................................................................................... 70

12 Technical data.......................................................................................................................................... 71

13 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 73
13.1 Accessories ..................................................................................................................................... 73
13.2 Certifications .................................................................................................................................... 74
13.3 Support and Service ........................................................................................................................ 75

List of tables............................................................................................................................................. 76

List of figures ........................................................................................................................................... 77

4 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Notes on the documentation

1 Notes on the documentation

This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who
are familiar with applicable national standards.
It is essential that the documentation and the following notes and explanations are followed when installing
and commissioning the components.
It is the duty of the technical personnel to use the documentation published at the respective time of each
installation and commissioning.

The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the
requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.


The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under
We reserve the right to revise and change the documentation at any time and without prior announcement.
No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the
data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.


Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, EtherCAT G®, EtherCAT G10®, EtherCAT P®, Safety over EtherCAT®,
TwinSAFE®, XFC®, XTS® and XPlanar® are registered trademarks of and licensed by Beckhoff Automation
Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own
purposes could violate the rights of the owners.

Patent Pending

The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and
EP1590927, EP1789857, EP1456722, EP2137893, DE102015105702
with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.

EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,


© Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.

The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to
others without express authorization are prohibited.
Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a
patent, utility model or design.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 5

Notes on the documentation

1.1 Representation and structure of warnings

The following warnings are used in the documentation. Read and follow the warnings.

Warnings relating to personal injury:

Hazard with high risk of death or serious injury.

Hazard with medium risk of death or serious injury.

There is a low-risk hazard that can result in minor injury.

Warnings relating to damage to property or the environment:

There is a potential hazard to the environment and equipment.

Notes showing further information or tips:

This notice provides important information that will be of assistance in dealing with the product or
software. There is no immediate danger to product, people or environment.

6 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Notes on the documentation

1.2 Documentation issue status

Version Modifications
1.0 First release

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 7

For your safety

2 For your safety

Read the chapter on safety and follow the instructions in order to protect from personal injury and damage to

Limitation of liability

All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the
application. Unauthorized modifications and changes to the hardware or software configuration, which go
beyond the documented options, are prohibited and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co.
In addition, the following actions are excluded from the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG:
• Failure to comply with this documentation.
• Improper use.
• Use of untrained personnel.
• Use of unauthorized replacement parts.

2.1 Intended use

The Embedded PC is a control system and is intended for mounting on a DIN rail in a control cabinet or
terminal box. The Embedded PC series is used in conjunction with Bus Terminals for recording digital or
analog signals from sensors and transferring them to actuators or higher-level controllers.

The Embedded PC is designed for a working environment that meets the requirements of protection class
IP20. This involves finger protection and protection against solid foreign objects up to 12.5 mm, but not
protection against water. Operation of the devices in wet and dusty environments is not permitted, unless
specified otherwise. The specified limits for electrical and technical data must be adhered to.

Improper use

The Embedded PC is not suitable for operation in the following areas:

• Potentially explosive atmospheres.
• Areas with an aggressive environment, e.g. aggressive gases or chemicals.
• Living areas. If the devices are to be used in living areas, the relevant standards and guidelines for
interference emissions must be adhered to, and the devices must be installed in housings or control
boxes with suitable shielding.

2.2 Staff qualification

All operations involving Beckhoff software and hardware may only be carried out by qualified personnel with
knowledge of control and automation engineering. The qualified personnel must have knowledge of the
administration of the Industrial PC and the associated network.

All interventions must be carried out with knowledge of control programming, and the qualified personnel
must be familiar with the current standards and guidelines for the automation environment.

8 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

For your safety

2.3 Safety instructions

The following safety instructions must be followed during installation and working with networks and the

• Never work on live equipment. Always switch off the power supply for the device before installation,
troubleshooting or maintenance. Protect the device against unintentional switching on.
• Observe the relevant accident prevention regulations for your machine (e.g. the BGV A 3, electrical
systems and equipment).
• Ensure standard-compliant connection and avoid risks to personnel. Ensure that data and supply
cables are laid in a standard-compliant manner and ensure correct pin assignment.
• Observe the relevant EMC guidelines for your application.
• Avoid polarity reversal of the data and supply cables, as this may cause damage to the equipment.
• The devices contain electronic components, which may be destroyed by electrostatic discharge when
touched. Observe the safety precautions against electrostatic discharge according to DIN EN

Working with networks

• Restrict access to all devices to an authorized circle of persons.
• Change the default passwords to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Regularly change the
• Protect the devices with a firewall.
• Apply the IT security precautions according to IEC 62443, in order to limit access to and control of
devices and networks.

Working with the software

• Use up-to-date security software. The safe function of the PC can be compromised by malicious
software such as viruses or Trojans.
• The sensitivity of a PC against malicious software increases with the number of installed and active
• Uninstall or disable unnecessary software.

Further information about the safe handling of networks and software can be found in the Beckhoff
Information System:

Document name
IPC Security Guideline

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 9

Transport and storage

3 Transport and storage


Short circuit due to moisture
Moisture can form during transport in cold weather or in the event of large temperature fluctuations.
Avoid moisture formation (condensation) in the Embedded PC, and leave it to adjust to room temperature
slowly. If condensation has occurred, wait at least 12 hours before switching on the Embedded PC.

Despite the robust design of the unit, the components are sensitive to strong vibrations and impacts. During
transport the Embedded PC must be protected from
• mechanical stress and
• use the original packaging.

Table 1: Dimensions and weight of the individual modules.

CX5230 CX5240
Dimensions (W x H x D) 142 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 1195 g

• Remove the battery from the Embedded PC if storage temperatures exceed 60 °C. The battery should
be stored separate from the Embedded PC in a dry environment at a temperature between 0 °C and
30 °C.
The preset date and time are lost if the battery is removed.
• Store the Embedded PC in the original packaging.

10 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Product overview

4 Product overview
The CX5200 product family includes two different Embedded PCs, which differ by their processor type and
RAM. The CX52x0 Embedded PC is a full-fledged PC with the following basic configuration:
• CFast card slot,
• MicroSD card slot,
• two independent Gbit Ethernet interfaces,
• four USB 3.0 interfaces,
• and a DVI-D interface

The Embedded PC features an internal 1-second UPS as persistent data memory. In the event of a power
failure the 1-second UPS can store up to 1 MB of persistent data on the CFast card or MicroSD card.
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC or TwinCAT/BSD can be used as the operating system.

Extension modules

The basic CPU module can be extended if required and thus equipped with additional interfaces. To do this,
a system module or fieldbus module from the CX2500-xxxx series can be plugged in via the multi-pin
connection on the left-hand side of the device. In total, no more than one module can be plugged in.

Table 2: Available extension modules for the CX52x0.

Module Description
CX2500-0030 RS232 serial interface, 2 x D-sub plug, 9-pin
CX2500-0031 RS422/RS485 serial interface, 2 x D-sub socket, 9-pin
CX2500-0060 Ethernet module, 2 x Ethernet, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
CX2500-0061 Power-over-Ethernet module (PoE), 1 x RJ45, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
CX2500-0070 USB 3.0 module, 4 x USB 3.0, type A
CX2500-M310 PROFIBUS fieldbus master module, 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin
CX2500-B310 PROFIBUS fieldbus slave module, 1 x D-sub socket, 9-pin
CX2500-M510 CANopen fieldbus master module, 1 x D-sub plug, 9-pin
CX2500-B510 CANopen fieldbus slave module, 1 x D-sub plug, 9-pin

Optional interface

The Embedded PC can be ordered ex factory with an optional interface. The optional interface cannot be

Table 3: Available optional interfaces for the CX52x0.

CX52x0-xxxx Optional interfaces
CX52x0-N010 DVI-D, additional DVI-D socket for clone and extended display mode.1)
CX52x0-N011 DisplayPort, additional DisplayPort for clone and extended display mode.1)
CX52x0-N020 Audio interface, 3 x 3.5 mm jack plug, Line-In, Mic-In, Line-Out
CX52x0-N030 RS232, D-sub connector, 9-pole.
CX52x0-N031 RS422/RS485, D-sub socket, 9-pole.
CX52x0-M112 2 x EtherCAT-Master, RJ45.
CX52x0-B110 EtherCAT slave, EtherCAT IN and OUT (2 x RJ45).
CX52x0-M310 PROFIBUS master, D-sub socket, 9-pole.
CX52x0-B310 PROFIBUS slave, D-sub socket, 9-pole.
CX52x0-M510 CANopen master, D-sub connector, 9-pole.
CX52x0-B510 CANopen slave, D-sub connector, 9-pole.
CX52x0-M930 PROFINET RT, controller, Ethernet (2 x RJ-45).
CX52x0-B930 PROFINET RT, device, Ethernet (2 x RJ-45 switch).

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 11

Product overview

Power supply terminal

The power supply terminal for the Embedded PC is located on the right-hand side. Bus Terminals (K-bus) or
EtherCAT Terminals (E-bus) can be attached on the right-hand side of the power supply terminal. The power
supply terminal automatically recognizes the respective bus system (K-bus or E-bus).


In combination with the TwinCAT automation software, the CX52x0 Embedded PC becomes a powerful IEC
61131-3 PLC with up to four user tasks.

Additionally, Motion Control tasks can also be executed. It may be possible to control several servo axes,
depending on the required sampling time. In addition to simple point-to-point movements, it is possible to
execute more complex multi-axis functions such as electronic gearing, cam plate and flying saw.

In addition to real-time execution of control tasks, the TwinCAT real-time kernel ensures that enough time
remains for the user interface (HMI), to communicate with the real-time components via software interfaces
such as ADS or OPC.

12 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Product overview

4.1 Structure

8 9
7 10
6 11
5 12

4 13
3 14
2 15
1 16

Fig. 1: Example configuration of a CX5240 Embedded PC.

Table 4: Legend for the configuration.

No. Component Description

1 Optional interface (X300). Space for interfaces such as RS232, EtherCAT, CANopen or
The optional interface must be ordered ex factory and cannot be
retrofitted retrospectively.
2 DVI-D interface (X200). Interface for a monitor or Panel.
3 CFast card slot (under the Slot for industrial CFast cards.
front flap).
4 MicroSD card slot (under Slot for industrial MicroSD cards.
the front flap).
5 RJ45 Ethernet interfaces For connecting to local networks or the internet.
(X000, X001).
6 Battery compartment Power supply for the battery-backed clock for time and date.
(under the front flap).
7 Diagnostic LEDs. Diagnostic LEDs for power supply, TwinCAT and the optional
8 USB interfaces (X100, Interfaces for peripheral devices such as mouse, keyboard or USB
X101, X102, X103). memory.
9 Diagnostic LEDs, power Diagnosis of the power supply for the Embedded PC and the
supply terminal [} 62]. terminal bus. Status of the E-bus and K-bus communication.
10 Spring-loaded terminals, Power supply for Embedded PC.
+24 V and 0 V
11 Terminal bus (K-bus or E- Interface for EtherCAT Terminals or Bus Terminals. Data exchange
bus) and supply.
12 Spring-loaded terminal, Power supply for Bus Terminals via power contact.
+24 V
13 Spring-loaded terminal, 0 VPower supply for Bus Terminals via power contact.
14 Terminal release Releases the power supply terminal and thus the Embedded PC
from the DIN rail.
15 Spring-loaded terminal, PE Spring-loaded terminal for power contact PE.
16 Power contacts, +24 V, Power contacts for Bus Terminals.
0 V, PE

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 13

Product overview

4.2 Name plate

Fig. 2: Name plate example.

Table 5: Information on the name plate.

No. Description
1 Machine-readable information in the form of a Data Matrix Code (DMC, code scheme
ECC200) that you can use for better identification and management.
2 Variant number for identification of the Embedded PC configuration. With this number, the
exact configuration of Embedded PC, operating system, options and TwinCAT can be
3 Product designation for identification of the Embedded PC
4 Serial number/ Beckhoff Traceability Number (BTN) for the unambiguous identification of
the product.
5 Hardware version and date of manufacture.
6 MAC addresses of the built-in Ethernet interfaces. The host name is made up of CX and
the last three bytes of the MAC address. Example: The host name CX-aabbcc results
from the MAC address 00-01-05-aa-bb-cc.
7 Power supply 24 V DC
8 EAC approval
9 CE conformity
10 License sticker for operating system (optional).

14 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Product overview

4.3 Types
The CX52x0 Embedded PC can be ordered with different software options. Use this overview in conjunction
with the information on the name plate to ascertain the operating system and the TwinCAT version of the
Embedded PC.

Fig. 3: Nomenclature for the CX52x0 Embedded PC.

The CX5230 and CX5240 Embedded PCs are available with the following software options:

Table 6: CX52x0 ordering information.

Module no Windows 10 IoT TwinCAT/BSD no TwinCAT 3

operating sys- Enterprise 2016 TwinCAT XAR
tem LTSC 64-bit
CX52x0-0100 X - - X -
CX52x0-0170 - X - X -
CX52x0-0175 - X - - X
CX52x0-0185 - - X - X

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 15

Product overview

4.4 Architecture overview

The Embedded PCs of the CX52x0 family all have the same architecture. This is described below.

The CX52x0 Embedded PCs are based on the Intel Atom microarchitecture, which was developed by Intel.
The following CPUs are used:
• Intel® AtomTM x5-E3930 (dual-core)
• Intel® AtomTM x5-E3940 (quad-core)

In addition to the arithmetic unit, the CPU also contains the memory controller and the graphics controller.
The processors use the Intel® HD Graphics core. For details on the CPUs please refer to Intel. The memory
is connected directly to the CPU. The Embedded PCs are available in two memory configurations: 4 GB and
8 GB DDR4-RAM. The memory is not extendable.

The CPU provides all required interfaces:

• 1 PCI lane for each of the two Intel® i210 Gigabit Ethernet controllers
• 4x USB 3.0 (interfaces)
• DVI-D interface (second interface optional with CX52x0-N010)
• 1 PCIe for FPGA for K-/E-bus
• 1 SATA for CFast card interface
• 1 IDE for MicroSD card interface

The interfaces (USB, DVI, and LAN) are standard interfaces. Devices that meet the corresponding standard
can be connected to and operated at these interfaces.

16 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Interface description

5 Interface description

5.1 USB 3.0 (X100, X101, X102, X103)

The Embedded PC has four independent USB interfaces. for connecting keyboards, mice, touchscreens and
other input or data storage devices.

Fig. 4: USB interfaces (X100, X101, X102, X103).

The USB interfaces are type A and comply with the USB 3.0 specification.

Table 7: USB interfaces (X100, X101, X102, X103), pin assignment.

Pin Connection Typical assignment

1 VBUS Red
2 D- White
3 D+ Green
4 GND Black
5 StdA_SSRX− Blue
6 StdA_SSRX+ Yellow
8 StdA_SSTX− Purple
9 StdA_SSTX+ Orange
Shell Shield Drain Wire

Pay attention to the power consumption of the connected devices. No more than 900 mA and 4.5 W of
power can be output per interface. The USB interfaces support data rates of up to 5 Gbit/s.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 17

Interface description

5.2 Ethernet RJ45 (X000, X001)

The two Ethernet interfaces are independent; no switch is integrated. The independent Ethernet interfaces
can be configured in different ways. In the delivery state, the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) are configured
for EtherCAT communication.

Note that an additional switch is required for a line topology.

Fig. 5: Ethernet interfaces X000, X001.

Both Ethernet interfaces reach speeds of 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbit. The LEDs on the left of the interfaces indicate
the connection status. The upper LED (LINK/ACT) indicates whether the interface is connected to a network.
If this is the case, the LED lights up green. The LED flashes when data transfer on the interface is in

The lower LED (SPEED) indicates the connection speed. At a speed of 10 Mbit, the LED does not light up. If
the speed is 100 Mbit, the LED lights up green. The LED lights up red if the speed is 1000 Mbit (gigabit).

Table 8: Ethernet interface X000 and X001, pin assignment.

PIN Signal Description

1 T2 + Pair 2
2 T2 -
3 T3 + Pair 3
4 T1 + Pair 1
5 T1 -
6 T3 - Pair 3
7 T4 + Pair 4
8 T4 -

18 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Interface description

5.3 DVI-D (X200)

The DVI-D interface (X200) transfers digital data and is suitable for connection to digital displays. If the
optional N010 interface (DVI-D interface) is used, the first DVI-I interface can be operated either in VGA
mode or in DVI mode. The resolution at the display or the Beckhoff Control Panel depends on the distance
from the display device. The maximum distance is 5 m. Beckhoff offers various Panels with an integrated
“DVI extension”. These make a cable length of up to 50 meters possible.

Fig. 6: DVI-D interface X200.

Table 9: DVI-D interface X200, pin assignment.

Pin Connection Pin Connection Pin Connection
1 TMDS Data 2- 9 TMDS Data 1- 17 TMDS Data 0-
2 TMDS Data 2+ 10 TMDS Data 1+ 18 TMDS Data 0+
3 TMDS Data 2/4 Shield 11 TMDS Data 1/3 Shield 19 TMDS Data 0/5 Shield
4 not connected 12 not connected 20 not connected
5 not connected 13 not connected 21 not connected
6 DDC Clock 14 + 5V Power 22 TMDS Clock Shield
7 DDC Data 15 Ground ( +5V, Analog H/ 23 TMDS Clock +
V Sync)
8 Analog Vertical Sync 16 Hot Plug Detect 24 TMDA Clock -

Table 10: DVI-D interface X200, resolution at the monitor.

Resolution in pixels Distance of the interface from the monitor

1920 x 1200 5m
1920 x 1080 5m
1600 x 1200 5m
1280 x 1024 5m
1024 x 768 5m
800 x 600 5m
640 x 480 5m

The Embedded PC also supports higher resolutions, based on the DVI standard. A maximum resolution of
2560 x 1440 pixels can be set on the Embedded PC. Whether this resolution is achieved depends on the
monitor, the cable quality and the cable length.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 19

Interface description

5.4 Optional interfaces

An optional interface is an additional interface that can be equipped with a wide range of signal types ex
factory and extends the Embedded PC beyond the basic equipment. The optional interface must be ordered
in advance and cannot be retrofitted to the device.

5.4.1 DVI-D (N010)

The DVI-D interface (X300) transfers digital data and is suitable for connection to digital displays. If the
optional N010 interface (DVI-D interface) is used, the first DVI-I interface can be operated either in VGA
mode or in DVI mode. The resolution at the display or the Beckhoff Control Panel depends on the distance
from the display device. The maximum distance is 5 m. Beckhoff offers various Panels with an integrated
“DVI extension”. These make a cable length of up to 50 meters possible.

Fig. 7: DVI-D interface X300.

Table 11: DVI-D interface X300, pin assignment.

Pin Connection Pin Connection Pin Connection
1 TMDS Data 2- 9 TMDS Data 1- 17 TMDS Data 0-
2 TMDS Data 2+ 10 TMDS Data 1+ 18 TMDS Data 0+
3 TMDS Data 2/4 Shield 11 TMDS Data 1/3 Shield 19 TMDS Data 0/5 Shield
4 not connected 12 not connected 20 not connected
5 not connected 13 not connected 21 not connected
6 DDC Clock 14 + 5V Power 22 TMDS Clock Shield
7 DDC Data 15 Ground ( +5V, Analog H/ 23 TMDS Clock +
V Sync)
8 Analog Vertical Sync 16 Hot Plug Detect 24 TMDA Clock -

Table 12: DVI-D interface X300, resolution at the monitor.

Resolution in pixels Distance of the interface from the monitor

1920 x 1200 5m
1920 x 1080 5m
1600 x 1200 5m
1280 x 1024 5m
1024 x 768 5m
800 x 600 5m
640 x 480 5m

The Embedded PC also supports higher resolutions, based on the DVI standard. A maximum resolution of
2560 x 1440 pixels can be set on the Embedded PC. Whether this resolution is achieved depends on the
monitor, the cable quality and the cable length.

20 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Interface description

5.4.2 DisplayPort (N011)

The DisplayPort transfers image and audio signal at the same time and is therefore suitable for connecting
panels or monitors to the Embedded PC.

Fig. 8: DisplayPort X300.

Version 1.1a of the DisplayPort (DisplayPort++) is installed on the Embedded PC. Adapters from DisplayPort
to DVI-D or DisplayPort to HDMI can be used to connect monitors without DisplayPort to the Embedded PC.

Table 13: DisplayPort, pin assignment.

Pin Connection Pin Connection

1 LVDS lane 0+ 2 Ground
3 LVDS lane 0- 4 LVDS lane 1+
5 Ground 6 LVDS lane 1-
7 LVDS lane 2+ 8 Ground
9 LVDS lane 2- 10 LVDS lane 3+
11 Ground 12 LVDS lane 3-
13 Config 1 14 Config 2
15 AUX channel+ 16 Ground
17 AUX channel- 18 Hot-plug detection
19 Power supply: Ground 20 Power supply: 3.3 V / 500 mA

Table 14: DisplayPort X300, resolution at the monitor.

Interface Resolution in pixels

DisplayPort max. 2560x1600@60Hz
DisplayPort with adapter, DisplayPort to DVI-D max. 1600x1200@60Hz

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 21

Interface description

5.4.3 Audio interface (N020)

Two inputs are available: "LINE IN" (X300) and "MIC IN" (X301). The "LINE OUT" interface (X302) is
intended for audio signal output. The 3.5 mm sockets are designed for jack plugs. It can also be used for
connecting headphones with a maximum output of 200 mW.

Fig. 9: Audio interface X300, X301, X302.

The audio interfaces are accessed via the operating system. The audio interface operates in stereo mode as
standard, using stereo outputs/inputs and a single-channel input for the microphone. The inputs should be
connected as indicated.

The left channel is transferred via the tip of the jack plug, the right channel via the first ring. The remainder of
the sleeve is used for earthing.

Fig. 10: Line In / Line Out X300, X302 jack plugs.

Table 15: Line In /Line Out jack plugs, pin assignment.

Signal Description
L Left channel
R Right channel
Ground Ground

The only existing channel is transferred via the tip, the remainder of the sleeve is used for earthing.

Fig. 11: Mic In X301 jack plug.

22 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Interface description

5.4.4 RS232 (N030)

The optional N030 interface provides an RS232 interface (X300). The RS232 interface is implemented on a
9-pin D-sub connector.

Fig. 12: RS232 interface X300.

The maximum baud rate on both channels is 115 kbit. The interface parameters are set via the operating
system or from the PLC program.

Table 16: RS232 interface X300, pin assignment.

PIN Signal Type Description

1 DCD Signal in Data Carrier Detected
2 RxD Signal in Receive Data
3 TxD Signal out Transmit Data
4 DTR Signal out Data Terminal Ready
5 GND Ground Ground
6 DSR Signal in Dataset Ready
7 RTS Signal out Request to Send
8 CTS Signal in Clear to Send
9 Not connected Signal in Ring Indicator

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 23

Interface description

5.4.5 RS422/RS485 (N031)

The optional N031 interface provides an RS422 or RS485 interface (X300). The interface is executed on a 9-
pin D-sub socket.

Fig. 13: RS485 interface X300.

The maximum baud rate on both channels is 115 kbit. The interface parameters are set via the operating
system or from the PLC program.

Table 17: RS422/485 interface, pin assignment.

PIN Signal Type Description

2 TxD+ Data-Out + Transmit 422
3 RxD+ Data-In + Receive 422
5 GND Ground Ground
6 VCC VCC +5 V
7 TxD- Data-Out - Transmit 422
8 RxD- Data-In - Receive 422

For RS 485 pins 2 and 3 (data +) must be connected, and pins 7 and 8 (data -).

By default the interface is parameterized as follows on delivery:

Table 18: Default setting, RS485 without echo with end point (terminated).

Function Status
Echo on off
Echo off on
Auto send on on
Always send on off
Auto receive on on
Always receive on off
Term on on
Term on On

Other configurations for the RS485 interface

Other configurations for the RS485 interface can be ordered ex factory. The following options are available:
• N031-0001 RS485 with echo, end point (terminated).
• N031-0002 RS485 without echo, stub (without termination).
• N031-0003 RS485 with echo, stub (without termination).
• N031-0004 RS422 full duplex end point (terminated).

An RS485 interface cannot be configured retrospectively and must always be ordered ex factory as required.

24 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Interface description

5.4.6 EtherCAT slave (B110)

The latest generation of Embedded PCs can be ordered ex factory with an EtherCAT slave interface (B110).
On the devices the optional B110 interface is referred to as X300.

Fig. 14: EtherCAT slave interface X300.

The incoming EtherCAT signal is connected to the upper LAN interface. The lower LAN interface relays the
signal to other EtherCAT slave devices.

Table 19: EtherCAT slave interface X300, pin assignment.

PIN Signal Description

1 TD + Transmit +
2 TD - Transmit -
3 RD + Receive +
4 connected reserved
6 RD - Receive -
7 connected reserved

For the optional EtherCAT slave interface (B110), documentation with further information is available for
download from the Beckhoff website:

Document name
CXxxx0-B110 optional interface EtherCAT slave.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 25

Interface description

5.4.7 PROFIBUS (x310)

Pin 6 transfers 5 VDC, pin 5 transfers GND for the active termination resistor. These must never be used for
other functions, as this can lead to destruction of the device.

Pins 3 and 8 transfer the PROFIBUS signals. These must never be swapped over, as this will prevent

Fig. 15: PROFIBUS interface X310.

The Profibus bus line is connected via a 9-pin D sub with the following pin assignment:

Table 20: PROFIBUS interface X310, pin assignment.

Pin Connection
1 Shielding
2 not used
3 RxD/TxD-P
4 not used
6 +5 VDC
7 not used
8 RxD/TxD-N
9 not used

Table 21: Wire colors of the PROFIBUS line.

PROFIBUS line D sub

B red Pin 3
A green Pin 8

For the optional PROFIBUS interface (x310), documentation with further information is available for
download from the Beckhoff website:

Document name
CXxxx0-x310 optional Profibus interface.

26 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Interface description

5.4.8 CANopen (x510)

Fig. 16: CANopen interface X510.

The CAN bus line is connected via a 9-pin D-sub plug with the following pin assignment:

Table 22: CANopen interface X510, pin assignment.

Pin Connection
1 not used
2 CAN low (CAN-)
3 CAN Ground (internally connected to pin 6)
4 not used
5 Shield
6 CAN Ground (internally connected to pin 3)
7 CAN high (CAN+)
8 not used
9 not used

For the optional CANopen interface (x510), documentation with further information is available for download
from the Beckhoff website:

Document name
CXxxx0-x510 optional CANopen interface.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 27

Interface description

5.4.9 PROFINET RT (x930)

Fig. 17: PROFINET RT interface X300.

Table 23: PROFINET RT interface, pin assignment.

PIN Signal Description

1 TD + Transmit +
2 TD - Transmit -
3 RD + Receive +
4 connected reserved
6 RD - Receive -
7 connected reserved

28 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


6 Commissioning

6.1 Assembly

Fig. 18: CX52x0 Embedded PC, dimensions.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 29


6.1.1 Permissible installation positions

The Embedded PC may overheat if the installation position is incorrect or the minimum distances are not
adhered to. Adhere to the maximum ambient temperature of 60°C and the mounting instructions.

Install the Embedded PC horizontally in the control cabinet on a DIN rail, in order to ensure optimum heat

Note the following specifications for the control cabinet:

• The Embedded PC should only be operated at ambient temperatures between -25 °C and 60 °C.
Measure the temperature below the Embedded PC at a distance of 30 mm to the cooling fins, in order
to determine the ambient temperature correctly.
• Adhere to the minimum distances of 30 mm above and below the Embedded PCs.
• Additional electrical equipment affects the heat generation in the control cabinet. Select a suitable
control cabinet enclosure depending on the application, or ensure that excess heat is dissipated from
the control cabinet.

The Embedded PC must be mounted horizontally on the DIN rail. Ventilation openings are located at the top
and bottom of the housing. This ensures an optimum airflow through the Embedded PC in vertical direction.
In addition, a minimum clearance of 30 mm above and below the Embedded PCs is required, in order to
ensure adequate ventilation.

Fig. 19: CX52x0 Embedded PC, permitted installation position.

If vibrations and impact occurs in the same direction as the DIN rail, the Embedded PC must be secured with
an additional bracket, in order to prevent it slipping.

30 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


6.1.2 Fastening to the DIN rail

The housing is designed such that the Embedded PC can be pushed against the DIN rail and latched onto it.

• DIN rail of the type TS35/7.5 or TS35/15 according to EN 60715.

Fasten the Embedded PC to the DIN rail as follows:

1. Unlock the latches at the top and bottom.
2. Place the Embedded PC on the DIN rail. Slightly press the Embedded PC onto the DIN rail until a soft
click can be heard and the Embedded PC has latched.

3. Then lock the latches again.

ð You have installed the Embedded PC successfully. Check again that the mounting is correct and that the
Embedded PC is engaged on the DIN rail.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 31


6.1.3 Changing the MicroSD card

Loss of data
MicroSD cards are subjected to heavy load during operation and have to withstand many write cy-
cles and extreme ambient conditions. MicroSD cards from other manufacturer may fail, resulting in
data loss.
Only use industrial MicroSD cards provided by Beckhoff.

The MicroSD card slot is intended for a MicroSD card. Data and further programs can be stored here, or
Windows Embedded Compact 7 can be installed instead.

The eject mechanism is based on the push/push principle. Below, we show you how to change the MicroSD

• The Embedded PC must be switched off. The MicroSD card may only be installed or removed in
switched-off state.

Changing the MicroSD card

1. Gently push the MicroSD card.
A soft click can be heard when the card is released.

2. The card is lifted by approx. 2-3 mm from the housing.

3. Push the new MicroSD card into the card slot with the contacts at the front. The contacts face to the

4. A soft click can be heard when the MicroSD card engages.

ð The card is seated correctly when it is about 1 mm deeper than the front side of the housing.

32 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


6.1.4 Changing the CFast card

Loss of data
CFast cards are subjected to heavy load during operation and have to withstand many write cycles
and extreme ambient conditions. CFast cards from other manufacturer may fail, resulting in data
Only use industrial CFast cards provided by Beckhoff.

A CFast card is a non-volatile memory. Data to be retained in the event of a power failure should be saved
on the CFast card. The CFast cards supplied by Beckhoff are industrial cards with an increased number of
write cycles and an extended temperature range (+85 °C).

The eject mechanism is based on the push/push principle. Below, we show you how to change the CFast

• The Embedded PC must be switched off. The CFast cards may only be installed or removed in
switched off state.

Changing the CFast card

1. Gently push the CFast card.
A soft click can be heard when the card is released.

2. The card is lifted by approx. 4 mm from the housing.

3. Push the new CFast card into the CFast card slot.

4. A soft click can be heard when the CFast card engages.

ð The card is seated correctly when its end is flush with the front side of the housing.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 33


6.1.5 Installing passive EtherCAT Terminals

Incorrectly installed passive EtherCAT Terminals
The E-bus signal between an Embedded PC and the EtherCAT Terminals can be impaired due to
incorrectly installed passive EtherCAT Terminals.
Passive EtherCAT Terminals should not be installed directly on the power supply unit.

EtherCAT Terminals that do not take part in active data exchange are referred to as passive terminals.
Passive EtherCAT Terminals have no process image and do not require current from the terminal bus (E-

Passive EtherCAT Terminals (e.g. EL9195) can be detected in TwinCAT. In the tree structure the EtherCAT
Terminal is displayed without process image, and the value in column “E-bus (mA)” does not change,
compared to the preceding EtherCAT Terminal.

Fig. 20: Identifying a passive EtherCAT Terminal in TwinCAT.

The entry "Current consumption via E-Bus" in the technical data of an EtherCAT Terminal indicates whether
a particular EtherCAT Terminal requires power from the terminal bus (E-bus).

The following diagram shows the permissible installation of a passive EtherCAT Terminal. The passive
EtherCAT Terminal was not directly attached to the power supply unit.

Fig. 21: Passive EtherCAT Terminals, permissible installation.

34 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


6.2 Power supply

Damage to the Embedded PCs
The Embedded PCs may be damaged during wiring.
• The cables for the power supply should only be connected in de-energized state.

The power supply terminals require an external voltage source, which provides 24 V DC (-15% / +20%). The
power supply terminal must provide 4 A at 24 V, in order to ensure the operation of the Embedded PCs in all

The cabling of the Embedded PC in the control cabinet must be done in accordance with the standard EN
60204-1:2006 PELV = Protective Extra Low Voltage:
• The "PE" and "0 V" conductors of the voltage source for a basic CPU module must be on the same
potential (connected in the control cabinet).
• Standard EN 60204-1:2006, section 6.4.1:b stipulates that one side of the circuit, or a point of the
energy source for this circuit must be connected to the protective earth conductor system.


Fig. 22: Connections for system voltage (Us) and power contacts (Up)

No. Description
1 The upper spring-loaded terminals (Us) identified with "24 V" and "0 V" supply the
Embedded PC and the terminal bus (data transfer via K-bus or E-bus).
2 The spring-loaded terminals (Up) identified as "+", "-" and "PE" supply the Bus Terminals
via the power contacts and the sensors or actuators connected to the Bus Terminals.

• When dimensioning the fuse for the system voltage (Us), observe the maximum power consumption of
the Embedded PC (see: Technical data)
• Protect the power contacts (Up) with a fuse with a max. rating of 10 A (slow-blow).

Interrupting / switching off the power supply

To switch off the Embedded PC, do not disconnect the ground (0 V), because otherwise current may
continue to flow via the shielding, depending on the device, and damage the Embedded PC or peripheral

Always disconnect the 24 V line. Devices connected to the Embedded PC, which have their own power
supply (e.g. a Panel) must have the same potential for "PE" and "0 V" as the Embedded PC have (no
potential difference).

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 35


6.2.1 Connect Embedded PC

The cables of an external voltage source are connected to spring-loaded terminals on the power supply
terminal. Observe the required conductor cross-sections and stripping lengths.

Table 24: Required wire cross-sections and strip lengths.

Conductor cross-section 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2 AWG 20 ... AWG 14

Strip length 8 ... 9 mm 0.33 inch

Fig. 23: Connection example with a CX52x0.

Connect the Embedded PC as follows:

1. Open a spring-loaded terminal by slightly pushing with a screwdriver or a rod into the square opening
above the terminal.

2. The wire can now be inserted into the round terminal opening without any force.
3. The terminal closes automatically when the pressure is released, holding the wire safely and
ð You have successfully connected the voltage source to the power supply terminal when the two upper
LEDs of the power supply terminal light up green.

The left LED (Us 24V) indicates the supply of the basic CPU module and terminal bus. The red LED (Up
24V) indicates the Bus Terminal supply via the power contacts.

36 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


6.2.2 UL requirements
The CX52x0 Embedded PCs are UL-certified. The corresponding UL label can be found on the name plate.

Fig. 24: UL label on CX52x0.

The CX52x0 Embedded PCs can thus be used in areas where special UL requirements have to be met.
These requirements apply to the system voltage (Us) and the power contacts (Up). Applications without
special UL requirements are not affected by UL regulations.

UL requirements:
• The Embedded PCs must not be connected to unlimited voltage sources.
• Embedded PCs may only be supplied from a 24 V DC voltage source. The voltage source must be
insulated and protected with a fuse of maximum 4 A (corresponding to UL248).
• Or the power supply must originate from a voltage source that corresponds to NEC class 2. An NEC
class 2 voltage source must not be connected in series or parallel with another NEC class 2 voltage

Fig. 25: Connection example for areas with special UL requirements.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 37


6.3 Switching on
Please ensure that the Embedded PC is fully configured before switching on the Embedded PC.

Switch on the Embedded PC as follows:

1. Ensure that all extension, system and fieldbus modules are connected correctly.
2. Check that you have chosen the correct installation position.
3. Check whether the Embedded PC is mounted securely on the DIN rail and all required Bus Terminals
are connected.
4. Only then switch on the power supply for the power supply unit.
ð The Embedded PC starts automatically when the external power supply is switched on. The pre-installed
operating system is started and all connected extension, system and fieldbus modules are configured.

6.4 Switching off

Loss of data
If the Embedded PC is switched off during operation, data on the CFast card or other hard disks
may be lost.
Do not disconnect the Embedded PC during operation.

To switch off the Embedded PC, do not disconnect the ground (0 V), because otherwise current may
continue to flow via the shielding, depending on the device, and damage the Embedded PC or peripheral

Always switch off the power supply unit first and then disconnect the 24 V line.

Switch off the Embedded PC as follows:

1. Stop all running programs properly, e.g. the control software on the Embedded PC.
2. Shut down the operating system.
3. Do not switch off the external power supply until all other tasks have been completed, in order to switch
off the Embedded PC.

38 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


7 Configuration

7.1 Starting the Beckhoff Device Manager

Using the Beckhoff Device Manager, an Industrial PC can be configured by remote access with the aid of a
web browser. Depending on the image version, access takes place via different protocols and requires
different open ports. For older image versions access takes place via the HTTP protocol and Port 80 (TCP).
More up-to-date image versions use HTTPS and Port 443 (TCP).

• Host PC and Embedded PC must be located in the same network. Depending on the operating system
version, the network firewall must allow access via port 80 (HTTP) or port 443 (HTTPS).
• IP address or host name of the Embedded PC.

Table 25: Access data for the Beckhoff Device Manager on delivery.

User name Password
Administrator 1

Start the Beckhoff Device Manager as follows:

1. Open a web browser on the host PC.
2. Enter the IP address or the host name of the Industrial PC in the web browser to start the Beckhoff
Device Manager.
• Example with IP address:
• Example with host name: https://CX-16C2B8/config
3. Enter the user name and password. The start page appears:

ð Navigate forward in the menu and configure the Industrial PC. Note that modifications only become
active once they have been confirmed. It may be necessary to restart the Industrial PC.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 39


7.2 Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

7.2.1 Identification of the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001)

Network and Sharing Center

In the Network and Sharing Center the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) of the CX20x0 Embedded PC are
identified as follows as standard:
• Ethernet 2 corresponds to the Ethernet interface X000.
• Ethernet corresponds to the Ethernet interface X001.

Fig. 26: Windows 10, Identification of the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) in the Network and Sharing

Device Manager

In the Device Manager the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) of the CX20x0 Embedded PC are identified as
follows as standard:
• Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connection #2 corresponds to the Ethernet interface X000.
• Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connection corresponds to the Ethernet interface X001.

Fig. 27: Windows 10, identification of the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) in the device manager.

40 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


7.2.2 Enabling jumbo frames

Standardized Ethernet frames have a size of 1518 bytes. Ethernet frames that are larger than 1518 bytes
are referred to as jumbo frames. Jumbo frames are used for transferring large data quantities. Jumbo frames
are useful for certain applications, e.g. video cameras.

The Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) support jumbo frames only if the original Intel® driver is installed.

• The original Intel® driver can be downloaded from https://downloadcenter.intel.com.
• Install the original Intel® driver. Note that this will delete the real-time capable driver from Beckhoff.
• Check whether the peripheral devices support jumbo frames.

Jumbo frames are activated as follows:

1. Under Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound click on Device Manager.

2. Double-click on the interface and then on the Advanced tab.

3. Under Settings click on Jumbo Packet, under Value select the option 4088 bytes or 9014 bytes.

ð You have successfully activated jumbo frames, and you can now transfer larger data quantities.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 41


7.2.3 Set NIC Teaming

NIC Teaming consolidates several physical network cards to group, thereby creating redundancy.
Redundancy can help intercept interference in network cards or in the cabling by assigning the data transfer
to other devices in the group.

• The original Intel® driver can be downloaded from https://downloadcenter.intel.com.
• Install the original Intel® driver for the Network Interface Card. Note that this will delete the real-time
capable driver from Beckhoff.

NIC Teaming is set as follows:

1. Under Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound click on Device Manager.
2. Double-click on the interface.

3. Click on the Teaming tab.

4. Click on New Team and follow the installation instructions.

42 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


5. Under Select a team type select the option Adapter Fault Tolerance

6. Click on Next to complete the installation.

ð You have successful set NIC Teaming for your Ethernet interfaces. Further settings can be specified or
changed under the Settings tab.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 43


7.2.4 Restoring the Beckhoff real-time driver

The Beckhoff real-time driver can be restored if the real-time driver was uninstalled or the original Intel®
driver for jumbo frames or NIC Teaming was installed, for example. This chapter shows you how to use
TcRteInstall.exe to restore the Beckhoff real-time driver. The file is in the TwinCAT directory by default.

• You can find the TcRteInstall.exe in a TwinCAT 2 standard installation under: C:\TwinCAT\Io
• And in a TwinCAT 3 standard installation under: C:\TwinCAT\3.1\System\TcRteInstall.exe

Proceed as follows:
1. Double-click the TcRteInstall.exe file.
The installation dialog appears and shows the compatible Ethernet interfaces under Compatible

2. Select the Ethernet interfaces for which you wish to restore the Beckhoff real-time driver and click on

ð The Beckhoff real-time driver is installed. The Ethernet interfaces with installed Beckhoff real-time driver
are shown under Installed and ready to use devices (real-time capable).

44 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


7.3 TwinCAT

7.3.1 Tree view 6

The Tree View chapter can be used as an example for creating a project without actual hardware. All
devices and components of an Embedded PCs must be added manually in TwinCAT 3.

The smallest possible configuration of a CX20x0 Embedded PC, consisting of a basic CPU module and a
CX2100-0004 power supply unit, is displayed in the tree view of TwinCAT 3 as follows:

Fig. 28: CX20x0 Embedded PC in the tree view of TwinCAT 3, with attached EtherCAT Terminals (left) or
Bus Terminals (right).

The configuration in the tree view differs depending on whether EtherCAT Terminals or Bus Terminals are
connected to the Embedded PC.

Table 26: Legend for the tree view.

No. Description
1 The CX20x0 Embedded PC with EtherCAT Terminals is added as
EtherCAT master. Variables for diagnostic purposes are listed under inputs
or outputs.
2 EtherCAT Terminals (E-bus) are displayed under the EK1200 Bus Coupler
in the tree view.
3 The power supply unit for the CX20x0 Embedded PC appears under a USB
device. The power supply unit also has variables for diagnostic purposes.
4 The CX20x0 features NOVRAM for storing up to 128 kB of data securely. At
this point the NOVRAM handler is created, followed by configuration of the
retain variables.
5 If Bus Terminals (K-bus) are used together with a CX20x0 Embedded PC,
the Bus Coupler (CX-BK) is added together with the Bus Terminals.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 45


7.3.2 Searching for target systems

Before you can work with the devices, you must connect your local computer to the target device. Then you
can search for devices with the help of the IP address or the host name.

The local PC and the target devices must be connected to the same network or directly to each other via an
Ethernet cable. In TwinCAT a search can be performed for all devices in this way and project planning
subsequently carried out.

Prerequisites for this step:

• TwinCAT 3 must be in Config mode.
• IP address or host name of the device.

Search for the devices as follows:

1. In the menu at the top click on File > New > Project and create a new TwinCAT XAE project.
2. In the tree view on the left click on SYSTEM, and then Choose Target.

3. Click on Search (Ethernet).

4. Type the host name or the IP address of the device into the Enter Host Name / IP box and press

5. Mark the device found and click on Add Route.

The Logon Information window appears.

46 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


Enter the user name and password for the CX in the User Name and Password fields and click OK.

The following information is set as standard in CX devices:

User name: Administrator Password: 1

6. If you do not wish to search for any further devices, click on Close to close the Add Route Dialog.
The new device is displayed in the Choose Target System window.

7. Select the device you want to specify as target system and click OK.

ð You have successfully searched for a device in TwinCAT and inserted the device as the target system.
The new target system and the host name are displayed in the menu bar.

Using this procedure you can search for all available devices and also switch between the target systems
at any time. Next, you can append the device to the tree view in TwinCAT.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 47


7.3.3 Scanning an Embedded PC

This step shows how to scan an Embedded PC in TwinCAT and then further configure it.

Prerequisites for this step:

• Selected target device.

Add the Embedded PC as follows:

1. Start TwinCAT and open an empty project.
2. In the tree view on the left, right-click on I/O Devices.
3. In the context menu click on Scan.

4. Select the devices you want to use and confirm the selection with OK.
Only devices that are actual available are offered for selection.

For Embedded PCs with connected Bus Terminals (K-bus) a Bus Coupler device (CX-BK) is displayed.
For EtherCAT Terminals (E-bus) the EtherCAT coupler is added automatically.

5. Confirm the request with Yes, in order to look for boxes.

6. Confirm the request whether to enable FreeRun with Yes.

ð The Embedded PC was successfully scanned in TwinCAT and is displayed in the tree view with the
inputs and outputs.
The Tree view chapter illustrates how Embedded PCs with connected Bus or EtherCAT Terminals are

48 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


7.3.4 Configuring EtherCAT cable redundancy.

The Embedded PC has two independent Ethernet interfaces, which can be used for EtherCAT cable
redundancy. Cable redundancy offers resilience for the cabling. Interruptions of the EtherCAT
communication due to broken wires or unplugged LAN cables are avoided.

Fig. 29: Example configuration of a CX52x0 with EtherCAT cable redundancy.

Interference at the individual terminals is not intercepted by the cable redundancy.

Table 27: Cable redundancy, hardware for sample configuration.

Type Description
CX2020 Embedded PC Is the EtherCAT master in the example.
Bus Coupler EK1110 EtherCAT extension can be used to extend an EtherCAT
segment by up to 100 m.
EK1100 Bus Coupler The Bus Coupler relays the EtherCAT signal to connected
EtherCAT Terminals.
EtherCAT Terminals Any number of EtherCAT Terminals can be connected to
the CX20x0 Embedded PC and the Bus Coupler.

• For TwinCAT 2 you have to install and license the supplement TS622x | TwinCAT EtherCAT
Redundancy on the Embedded PC:
• In TwinCAT 3 the supplement is already included and only has to be licensed.
• Hardware wired as EtherCAT ring (see Fig.: Smallest possible configuration for EtherCAT cable
redundancy) and added in TwinCAT.

Configure EtherCAT cable redundancy as follows:

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 49


1. In the tree view click on the EtherCAT master.

2. Click on the EtherCAT tab, then Advanced Settings.

3. Click on Redundancy in the tree structure on the left.

4. Click on the option Second adapter, followed by the Search button.

50 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


5. Select the appropriate LAN connection according to your cabling at the Embedded PC.

6. Confirm the settings with OK.

ð You have successfully configured cable redundancy. Under the Online tab the EtherCAT slaves are
displayed, for which cable redundancy was configured.

Under State the state of the individual EtherCAT slaves is displayed. If, for example, the cable
connection between the EK1100 and EK1110 Bus Couplers is interrupted, the status of the Bus Coupler
changes. The message "LINK_MIS B" and "LINK_MIS A" appears under status.

Although the connection between the Bus Couplers is interrupted, the EtherCAT Terminals connected to
the EK1100 Bus Coupler show no fault.

If the cable connection is interrupted without cable redundancy at the same location, the terminals show
a fault under status.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 51


7.3.5 Using a hardware watchdog

The function block FB_PcWatchdog_BAPI activates a hardware watchdog on the Embedded PC. The
watchdog can be used to automatically restart systems that have entered an infinite loop or where the PLC
has stopped.

The watchdog is activated with bExecute = TRUE and nWatchdogTimeS >= 1s.

Once the watchdog has been activated, the function block must be called cyclically and at shorter intervals
than nWatchdogTimeS, because the Embedded PC automatically restarts if the set time is less than

Unwanted restart
The watchdog restarts the Embedded PC as soon as the time set for nWatchdogTimeS elapses.
Be aware of this behavior and disable the watchdog if you use breakpoints, carry out a PLC reset or an
overall reset, stop TwinCAT, switch to config mode or activate the configuration.

• Tc2_System library.
• TwinCAT v3.1.0
• A previously created PLC project in TwinCAT.

Locating the function block in TwinCAT:

1. Double-click on Tc2_System in the tree view under PLC > PLC project > References.
The Library Manager appears.

2. Under Tc2_System > POUs > SYSTEM +TIME click on the function block FB_PcWatchdog_BAPI.
ð The description of the function block can then be found under the Documentation tab or in the library
description under: FB_PcWatchDog_BAPI. If necessary, you can install the Tc2_System library at a
later stage via the Add Library button in the Library Manager.

52 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

1-second UPS (persistent data)

8 1-second UPS (persistent data)

Loss of data
The use of the 1-second UPS outside of the documented possibilities can lead to loss or corruption
of data.
Use only TwinCAT to control the 1-second UPS and save only persistent data with a maximum size
of 1 MB.

The 1-second UPS is an UltraCap capacitor that continues to supply the processor with power in the event of
a power failure. During this period persistent data can be saved, which are available on switching on again.

Fig. 30: Behavior of systems in the event of a power failure without and with a 1-second UPS.

Since the 1-second UPS is designed for the entire service life, the holding time is considerably longer with
new devices. The capacitors age over the course of time and the holding time decreases. Therefore a
maximum of 1 MB persistent data can be reliably saved over the entire service life. Do not save any other
data and do not use any other applications to control the 1-second UPS.

Please note that the 1-second UPS does not supply power to the K-bus or the E-bus and that their data may
already be invalid when the 1-second UPS is activated. Also, the fieldbus system (or Ethernet) may not work
or not work properly once the 1-second UPS was activated.

Storage location and names of the files:

The persistent data are saved by default in the TwinCAT boot directory:

Development environment File path File name

TwinCAT 2 \\TwinCat\Boot\ TCPLC_T_x.wbp
TCPLC_T_x.wb~ (backup)
The x in the file name stands for
the number of the runtime system.
TwinCAT 3 \\TwinCat\3.1\Boot\Plc Port_85x.bootdata
Port_85x.bootdata-old (backup)
The x in the file name stands for
the number of the runtime system.

Configure the 1-second UPS as follows in order to save persistent data:

• In the case of the CX52x0, check whether the 1-second UPS is activated or deactivated in the BIOS
(see: BIOS settings). Configure the Windows write filter and issue the corresponding write permissions
in order to be able to save persistent data (see: Windows write filter).

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 53

1-second UPS (persistent data)

• Declare important data such as counter values in the PLC as VAR PERSISTENT. Then call the
function block FB_S_UPS_BAPI cyclically in TwinCAT in order to control the 1-second UPS (see:
FB_S_UPS_BAPI [} 56]).
• Select the mode in the function block in order to specify what should happen in the case of a power
failure. Specify, for example, whether persistent data are saved and a quick shutdown is executed
(see: Mode and status of the function block).
• Subsequently you can check the validity of the variables and monitor whether the persistent variables
are loaded without error (see: Checking the validity of the variables).

Sample project:

Components Version
TwinCAT on the development PC and on the control TwinCAT 2.11R3 Build 2047 (or higher)
system TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4018 (or higher)

8.1 BIOS settings

The 1-second UPS can be switched on or off via the BIOS. The parameters of the 1-second UPS are
displayed in the following menu and can be adjusted if necessary:

Advanced > Power Controller Options

Bootloader version 1.00-23 Enables/disables the UPS
Firmware version 1.00-77
Mainboard serial no 120003414250178
Mainboard Prod. Date (Week.Year) 44.14
Mainboard BootCount 4711
Mainboard operation time 1224 min (20 h)
Voltage (Min/Max) 5.00 V / 5.20 V
Temperature (Min/Max) 15 °C / 63 °C

USB-Port voltage [Off in S3-5]

Watchdog timer mode [Compatibility mode]

1-second Uninterruptable Power Supply (SUPS) → ←: Select Screen

SUPS Enable [Enable] ↑ ↓: Select Item
Enter: Select
Hold Usb [Enable]
+/-: Change Options
Delay 0 F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
SUPS Firmware version 1.09 F3: Optimized Defaults
F4: Save & Exit
Current Power source On Line ESC: Quit
Battery load level 100%
Powerfail counter 42

SUPS Enable
Options: Enable / Disable
Switches the 1-second UPS on or off.

Hold USB
Options: Enable / Disable
Switches off the power supply for the USB ports in UPS mode.

54 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

1-second UPS (persistent data)

Options: 0…255 seconds
Start delay with which the 1-second UPS is charged.

SUPS Firmware version

Firmware version

Current Power source

Status of the power supply: On Line / Battery

Battery load level

Charge state in percent (n% cap. (n={0...100}) describes the capacity of the 1-second UPS)

Powerfail counter
Number of voltage failures

8.2 Windows write filter

Since the persistent data are stored on a storage medium, the file and the path must be writeable. If you use
the Windows write filter, the Windows partition is protected against write access operations, and the
persistent data are not saved.

The UWF does not need to be switched off, because an exception can be defined for the \boot directory.

UWF exception list

By default an exception list is automatically created when the UWF is switched on. The \Boot directory is
already entered in this list. Check the configuration of the UWF if you have made changes to the exception

Fig. 31: UWF exception list under TwinCAT 3

By default, the persistent data are stored under \TwinCAT\3.1\Boot in TwinCAT 3.

The UWF can be configured via the Beckhoff Unified Write Filter Manager.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 55

1-second UPS (persistent data)


The function block FB_S_UPS_BAPI can be used on devices with 1-second UPS and with BIOS-API from
version v1.15, in order to control the 1-second UPS from the PLC.

When the function block is first called, the data for accessing the 1-second UPS are determined via BIOS-
API. This process takes several cycles. This is followed by cyclic testing for power failure. When the
persistent data are written next, the access data for the PLC are saved persistently, so that during
subsequent boot operations the check for power failures can take place immediately after the PLC start.

In the event of a power failure the charge state of the 1-second UPS is checked every 50 ms, every 200 ms
if voltage is present and the capacity is less than 90%, and every second if voltage is present and the
capacity is more than 90%. This also takes place via BIOS-API access.

In the event of a power failure the function block FB_S_UPS_BAPI can be used to save the persistent data
and/or execute a quick shutdown, depending on the selected mode. The default input values of the
FB_S_UPS_BAPI should be retained.

The 1-second UPS does not have sufficient capacity for bridging power failures. Only the Compact Flash/
CFast card/Micro SD can be used for data storage, in view of the fact that the UPS capacity is not sufficient
for operating a hard disk.

The 1-second UPS can be used only for a few seconds in the event of a power failure in order, to save
persistent data. The data must be saved in the fast “persistent mode” “SPDM_2PASS”, even though this can
lead to real-time violations. Make sure you configure adequate router memory for saving the persistent data.

Regardless of the mode and therefore irrespective of whether data were saved or a quick shutdown was
performed, the UPS switches off the mainboard after the capacitors have been discharged, even if the
voltage has returned in the meantime.

Loss of data
If other applications or the PLC keep further files open or write to them, file errors may occur if the 1-second
UPS switches off the controller.

Function block modes

A QuickShutdown is performed automatically in the eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown mode (standard

setting) after the storage of the persistent data.

In the eSUPS_WrPersistData_NoShutdown mode only the persistent data are saved, no QuickShutdown is

In eSUPS_ImmediateShutdown mode a quick shutdown is executed immediately, without saving data.

In the eSUPS_CheckPowerStatus mode only a check is performed as to whether a power failure has
occurred. If this is the case, the function block only switches back to the PowerOK state after the expiry of
tRecoverTime (10s).

    sNetID          : T_AmsNetId:= ''; (* '' = local netid *)
    iPLCPort        : UINT := 0; (* PLC Runtime System for writing persistent data *)
    tTimeout        : TIME := DEFAULT_ADS_TIMEOUT; (* ADS Timeout *)
    eUpsMode        : E_S_UPS_Mode := eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown; (* UPS mode (w/
wo writing persistent data, w/wo shutdown) *)
    ePersistentMode : E_PersistentMode := SPDM_2PASS; (* mode for writing persistent data *)

56 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

1-second UPS (persistent data)

    tRecoverTime    : TIME := T#10s; (* ON time to recover from short power failure in mode eSUPS_Wr
PersistData_NoShutdown/eSUPS_CheckPowerStatus *)

sNetID: AmsNetID of the controller (type: T_AmsNetID)

iPLCPort: Port number of the PLC runtime system (851 for the first PLC runtime system, 852 for the second
PLC runtime system, …). If no port number is specified, iPLCPort is 0. The function block then automatically
determines the port of the PLC runtime system.

tTimeout: Timeout for writing of the persistent data or the quick shutdown.

eUpsMode: Defines whether persistent data are to be written and whether a quick shutdown is to be
executed. The default value is eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown, i.e. a quick shutdown is executed
automatically once the persistent data have been saved. (Type: E_S_UPS_Mode)

ePersistentMode: Mode for the writing of the persistent data. Default value is SPDM_2PASS.

tRecoverTime: Time after which the UPS returns to PowerOK state in UPS modes without quick shutdown.
The tRecoverTime must be greater than the maximum charging time of the UPS, otherwise the UPS may
discharge too much in the event of short, consecutive power failures, which could result in the charge being
insufficient for storing the persistent data.

    bPowerFailDetect  : BOOL; (* TRUE while powerfailure is detected *)
    eState            : E_S_UPS_State; (* current ups state *)
    nCapacity         : BYTE; (* actual capacity of UPS *)
    bBusy             : BOOL; (* TRUE: function block is busy *)
    bError            : BOOL; (* FALSE: function block has error *)
    nErrID            : UDINT; (* FB error ID *)

bPowerFailDetect: TRUE during power failure. FALSE if the supply voltage is present.

eState: Internal state of the function block (type: E_S_UPS_State)

nCapacity: Current charge state of the capacitors in percent (0..100%)

bBusy: TRUE, as long as the function block is active.

bError: FALSE if an error has occurred.

nErrID: Error number


Development environment Target platform PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.1 B4020.32 Platforms that support the BIOS Tc2_SUPS
API from v1.15

8.4 Mode and status of the function block


With the mode selected in the function block you can specify what should happen in the case of a power
eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown: Writing of persistent data and then a QuickShutdown

eSUPS_WrPersistData_NoShutdown: Only writing of the persistent data (no QuickShutdown)

eSUPS_ImmediateShutdown: Only QuickShutdown (no writing of persistent data)

eSUPS_CheckPowerStatus: Only check status (neither writing of persistent data nor a QuickShutdown)

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 57

1-second UPS (persistent data)


The internal state of the function block can be read with E_S_UPS_State.
in all modes: Power supply is OK

in all modes: Power supply is faulty (only shown for one PLC cycle)

in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown: Writing of persistent data is active
in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_NoShutdown: Writing of persistent data is active

in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown: QuickShutdown ist active
in Mode eSUPS_ImmediateShutdown: QuickShutdown is active

in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_NoShutdown: Wait for the reestablishment of the power supply
in mode eSUPS_CheckPowerStatus: Wait for the reestablishment of the power supply

in mode eSUPS_WrPersistData_Shutdown: Wait for switching off of the PC by the UPS
in mode eSUPS_ImmediateShutdown: Wait for switching off of the PC by the UPS

58 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

1-second UPS (persistent data)

8.5 Checking the validity of the variables

For TwinCAT 2 the implicit structure Systeminfotype.bootDataFlags can be read in order to determine the
validity of the persistent data (see: SYSTEMINFOTYPE [} 59]).

For TwinCAT 3 the implicit variables PlcAppSystemInfo.BootDataLoaded and

PlcAppSystemInfo.OldBootData are available for determining the validity of the persistent data (see:

runTimeNo :BYTE;
projectName :STRING(32);
numberOfTasks :BYTE;
onlineChangeCount :UINT;
bootDataFlags :BYTE;
systemStateFlags  :WORD;

runTimeNo: specifies the number of the runtime system (1..4).

projectName: project name as STRING.

numberOfTasks: number of tasks contained in the runtime system (max. 4).

onlineChangeCount: number of online changes since the last complete download.

bootDataFlags: State of the boot data (RETAIN and PERSISTENT) after loading. The upper four bits
indicate the state of the persistent data, while the lower four bits indicate the state of the retain data.

Bit number Description

0 RETAIN variables: LOADED (without error)
1 RETAIN variables: INVALID (the back-up copy was loaded, since no valid data was present)
2 RETAIN variables: REQUESTED (RETAIN variables should be loaded, a setting in TwinCAT
System Control)
3 reserved
4 PERSISTENT variables: LOADED (without error)
5 PERSISTENT variables: INVALID (the back-up copy was loaded, since no valid data was
6 reserved
7 reserved

systemStateFlags : Reserved.

When shutting TwinCAT down the PERSISTENT and RETAIN data is written into two files on the hard disk.
The path can be specified in TwinCAT System Control by means of the TwinCAT system properties (PLC
tab). The standard setting is "<Drive>:\TwinCAT\Boot". The files all have a fixed name with fixed extensions:

File name Description

TCPLC_P_x.wbp Boot project (x = number of the run-time system)
TCPLC_S_x.wbp Packed source code (x = number of the runtime system)
TCPLC_R_x.wbp RETAIN variables (x = number of the runtime system)
TCPLC_T_x.wbp PERSISTENT variables (x = number of the runtime system)
TCPLC_R_x.wb~ Backup copy of the RETAIN variables (x = number of the runtime system)
TCPLC_T_x.wb~ Backup copy of the PERSISTENT variables (x = number of the runtime system)

If the persistent or retain variables are not loaded, e.g. because they are invalid, the backup file is loaded by
default. In that case bit 1 of the bootDataFlags (for the RETAIN variables) in the PLC and/or bit 5 (for the
PERSISTENT variables) is set.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 59

1-second UPS (persistent data)

A registry setting can be used to determine whether the backup file is deleted or used. The backup file is
used by default (setting 0). If the backup file is to be deleted, the value of "ClearInvalidRetainData" or
"ClearInvalidPersistentData" must be set to 1 in the registry under:

the value of "ClearInvalidRetainData" or of "ClearInvalidPersistentData" must be set to 1.

Whether the backup file is to be used can also be set in the TwinCAT System Manager in the tree structure
on the left under PLC > PLC Settings:

The backup files are deleted if the option Clear Invalid Retain Data or Clear Invalid Persistent Data is set
in the System Manager. Corresponds to registry entry 1.

Development environment Target platform PLC libraries to be linked

TwinCAT v2.7.0 PC or CX (x86) PLCSystem.Lib
TwinCAT v2.8.0 PC or CX (x86) TcSystem.Lib
TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301 CX (ARM) TcSystem.Lib

60 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

1-second UPS (persistent data)

8.5.2 PlcAppSystemInfo
Each PLC contains an instance of type 'PlcAppSystemInfo' with the name '_AppInfo'.

The corresponding namespace is 'TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList'. This must be specified for use in a library,
for example.
TYPE PlcAppSystemInfo
     ObjId              : OTCID;
     TaskCnt            : UDINT;
     OnlineChangeCnt    : UDINT;
     Flags              : DWORD;
     AdsPort            : UINT;
     BootDataLoaded     : BOOL;
     OldBootData        : BOOL;
     AppTimestamp       : DT;
     KeepOutputsOnBP    : BOOL;
     ShutdownInProgress : BOOL;
     LicensesPending    : BOOL;
     BSODOccured        : BOOL;

     TComSrvPtr         : ITComObjectServer;

     AppName            : STRING(63);
     ProjectName        : STRING(63);

ObjId Object ID of the PLC project instance

TaskCnt Number of tasks in the runtime system
OnlineChangeCnt Number of online changes since the last complete download
Flags Reserved
AdsPort ADS port of the PLC application
BootDataLoaded PERSISTENT variables: LOADED (without error)
OldBootData PERSISTENT variables: INVALID (the back-up copy was loaded, since no
valid file was present)
AppTimestamp Time at which the PLC application was compiled
KeepOutputsOnBP The flag can be set and prevents that the outputs are zeroed when a
breakpoint is reached. In this case the task continues to run. Only the
execution of the PLC code is interrupted.
ShutdownInProgress This variable has the value TRUE if a shutdown of the TwinCAT system is in
progress. Some parts of the TwinCAT system may already have been shut
LicensesPending This variable has the value TRUE if not all licenses that are provided by
license dongles have been validated yet.
BSODOccured This variable has the value TRUE if Windows is in a BSOD.
TComSrvPtr Pointer to the TcCOM object server
AppName Name generated by TwinCAT, which contains the port.
ProjectName Name of the project

Differences compared with TwinCAT 2

If the variable runTimeNo was used under TwinCAT 2, the corresponding program code must be converted
for application under TwinCAT 3.

• Application under TwinCAT 2: nPlcAdsPort := 801 + (SystemInfo.runTimeNo - 1) * 10;
• Application under TwinCAT 3: nPlcAdsPort := _AppInfo.AdsPort;

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 61

Error handling and diagnostics

9 Error handling and diagnostics

9.1 Diagnostic LEDs

Display LED Meaning
PWR Power supply
The Power LED comes on (green) when the device is connected to a live power
supply unit.
Bootloader is started and runs without errors (the colors red and yellow light up
for one second).
TC TwinCAT Status LED
TwinCAT is in Run mode (green)
TwinCAT is in Stop mode (red)
TwinCAT is in Config mode (blue)
HDD Read/Write CFast card
(red) Indicates access to the CFast card.
FB1 Status LED1 for fieldbus (the function is described under the fieldbus interface)
FB2 Status LED2 for fieldbus (the function is described under the fieldbus interface)

9.1.1 K-bus
The power supply unit checks the connected Bus Terminals for errors. The red LED "K-bus ERR" is off if no
error is present. The red LED "K-bus ERR" flashes if Bus Terminal errors are present.

Table 28: Diagnostic LEDs in K-Bus mode.

Display LED Meaning

Us 24 V Power supply for basic CPU module. The LED lights green if the
power supply is correct.
Up 24V Power supply for terminal bus. The LED lights green if the power
supply is correct.
K-BUS RUN Diagnostic K-bus. The green LED lights up in order to indicate
fault-free operation. "Error-free" means that the communication
with the fieldbus system is also running.
K-BUS ERR Diagnostic K-bus. The red LED flashes to indicate an error. The
red LED blinks with two different frequencies.

The frequency and number of the flashes can be used to determine the error code and the error argument.
An error is indicated by the "K-bus ERR" LED in a particular order.

Table 29: K-bus ERR LED, fault indication sequence through the LED.

Order Meaning
Fast blinking Starting the sequence
First slow sequence Error code
No display Pause, the LED is off
Second slow sequence Error code argument

Count how often the red LED K-bus ERR flashes, in order to determine the error code and the error
argument. In the error argument the number of pulses shows the position of the last Bus Terminal before the
error. Passive Bus Terminals, such as a power feed terminal, are not included in the count.

62 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Error handling and diagnostics

Table 30: K-BUS ERR LED, fault description and troubleshooting.

Error code Error code argu- Description Remedy

Persistent, EMC problems. • Check power supply for undervoltage or
continuous overvoltage peaks.
flashing • Implement EMC measures.
• If a K-bus error is present, it can be
localized by a restart of the power supply
(by switching it off and then on again)
3 pulses 0 K-bus command error. • No Bus Terminal inserted.
• One of the Bus Terminals is defective;
halve the number of Bus Terminals
attached and check whether the error is
still present with the remaining Bus
Terminals. Repeat this procedure until
the faulty Bus Terminal has been found.
4 pulses 0 K-bus data error, break Check whether the Bus End Terminal 9010
behind the power supply is connected.
n Break behind Bus Check whether Bus Terminal n+1 after the
Terminal n power supply unit is connected correctly;
replace if necessary.
5 pulses n K-bus error in register Replace Bus Terminal at location n.
communication with Bus
Terminal n.
6 pulses 0 Error at initialization. Replace Embedded PC.
1 Internal data error. Hardware reset of the Embedded PC
(switch off and back on again).
8 Internal data error. Hardware reset of the Embedded PC
(switch off and back on again).
7 pulses 0 Process data lengths of Check the configuration and the Bus
the set and actual Terminals for consistency.
configurations do not

For some error the LED "K-BUS ERR" does not go out, even if the error was rectified. Switch the power
supply for the power supply unit off and back on again to switch off the LED after the error has been rectified.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 63

Error handling and diagnostics

State variable

In TwinCAT there is a State variable under the Bus Coupler for K-bus diagnostics.

Fig. 32: Status variable for error handling and diagnostics under TwinCAT.

If the value is "0", the K-bus operates synchronous and without error. If the value is <> "0" there may be a
fault, or it may only be an indication that the K-bus cycle is longer than the task. In which case it would no
longer be synchronous with the task. The task time should be faster than 100 ms. We recommend a task
time of less than 50 ms. The K-bus update time typically lies between one and five ms.

Table 31: Description of the State variable values.

Bit Description
Bit 0 K-bus error.
Bit 1 Terminal configuration has changed since the start.
Bit 2 Process image lengths do not match.
Bit 8 (still) no valid inputs.
Bit 9 K-bus input update not yet complete.
Bit 10 K-bus output update not yet complete.
Bit 11 Watchdog.
Bit 15 Acyclic K-bus function active (e.g. K-bus reset).

If there is a K-bus error, this can be reset via the IOF_DeviceReset function block (in the TcIoFunctions.lib).

64 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Error handling and diagnostics

9.1.2 E-bus
The power supply unit checks the connected EtherCAT Terminals. The "L/A" LED is lit in E-bus mode. The
"L/A" LED flashes during data transfer.

Table 32: Diagnostic LEDs in K-Bus mode.

Display LED Meaning

Us 24 V Power supply for basic CPU module. The LED lights
green if the power supply is correct.
Up 24 V Power supply for terminal bus. The LED lights green if
the power supply is correct.
L/A off E-bus not connected.
on E-bus connected / no data traffic.
flashes E-bus connected / data traffic on the E-bus.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 65

Error handling and diagnostics

9.2 Faults
Please also refer to the Safety instructions section.

Possible faults and their correction

Fault Cause Measures

no function after the Embedded PC no power supply for the Embedded 1. Check fuse
has been switched on PC 2. Measure voltage at connection,
other causes check plug wiring
Call Beckhoff support
Embedded PC does not boot fully Hard disk damaged (e.g. due to Check setup Call Beckhoff support
switching off while software is
running), incorrect setup,other
Computer boots, software starts, Cause of the fault is either in the Call the manufacturer of the
but control does not operate software or in parts of the plant machine or the software.
correctly outside the Embedded PC
µSD card access error Faulty µSD card, faulty card slot Use a different µSD card to check
the card slot Call Beckhoff support
Embedded PC only works partially Defective components in the Call Beckhoff support
or temporarily Embedded PC

Please make a note of the following information before contacting Beckhoff service or support:

1. Precise device ID: CXxxxx-xxxx

2. Serial number
3. Hardware version
4. Any interfaces (N030, N031, B110, ...)
5. TwinCAT version used
6. Any components / software used

The quickest response will come from support / service in your country. Therefore please contact your
regional contact. For details please refer to our website at www.beckhoff.de or ask your distribution partner.

66 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Care and maintenance

10 Care and maintenance

10.1 Replace the battery

Risk of explosion
An incorrectly inserted battery may explode and damage the Embedded PC.
Only use original batteries and ensure that the positive and negative poles are inserted correctly.

The battery must be replaced every 5 years. Spare batteries can be ordered from Beckhoff Service. A
CR2032 battery (3 V, 225 mAh) is used in the Embedded PC.

The battery compartment is below the front flap. The battery stores the time and date. The time and date are
reset if the battery is removed. Be aware of this behavior for your hardware and software configuration and
reset the time and date in the BIOS after a battery change. All other BIOS settings remain unchanged and
are retained.

• The Embedded PC is switched off.

Replace the battery as follows:

1. Open the front flap.

2. Carefully pull the battery from the bracket.

3. Push the new battery into the battery compartment. The negative pole points to the left towards the DVI-I
ð The battery change is complete. Close the front flap and reset the date and time in the BIOS.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 67

Care and maintenance

10.2 Cleaning the Embedded PC

Risk of electric shock
Live devices or parts can cause electric shocks. Disconnect the Embedded PC from the power supply be-
fore cleaning.

Clean only the housing of the Embedded PC. Use a soft, moist cleaning cloth for this. Make sure that the
ventilation slots of the device are always free and do not clog up.

The following cleaning agents and materials are unsuitable and may cause damage:
• corrosive cleaning agents
• solvents
• scouring agents
• hard objects

68 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


11 Decommissioning

11.1 Removing cables

Electrical voltage
If the power supply is switched on during dismounting, this can lead to damage to the Embedded PCs.
Switch off the power supply for the Embedded PCs during dismounting.

Before dismantling the Embedded PC, shut down the Embedded PC and switch off the power supply. Only
then can you remove all the cables. Also remove all cables from the first terminal after the power supply

• Terminate your software and shut down the Embedded PC.
• Switch off the power supply.

Remove the cables as follows:

1. Remove the cabling from the Embedded PC.
2. Remove the wiring from the first terminal next to the power supply terminal.
3. Pull the orange strap to remove the first terminal after the power supply terminal by pulling it forward.

ð In the next step the Embedded PC can be removed from the DIN rail and dismantled.

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 69


11.2 Dismantling the Embedded PC

This chapter explains how to dismantle the Embedded PC and remove it from the DIN rail.

• All cables were removed from the Embedded PC.

Dismantle the Embedded PC as follows:

1. Release the DIN rail mounting by pushing the latches outwards with a screwdriver.

2. Pull the orange strap on the power supply terminal and gently remove the device from the DIN rail.

ð You have removed the Embedded PC successfully.


The device must be fully dismantled in order to dispose of it. Electronic components must be disposed of
according to national electronic waste regulations.

70 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

Technical data

12 Technical data
Table 33: Technical data, dimensions and weights.

CX5230 CX5240
Dimensions (W x H x D) 142 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
Weight approx. 1095 g

Table 34: Technical data, general data.

Technical data CX5230 CX5240

Processor Intel Atom x5-E3930, 1.3 GHz, 2 Intel Atom® x5-E3940, 1.6 GHz, 4 cores
Main memory 4 GB DDR4-RAM 8 GB DDR4-RAM
Flash memory Slot for CFast card (card not included), slot for MicroSD card
Power supply 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %)
Max. power consumption 20 W 24 W
Max. power consumption 27 W 31 W
(with UPS charging)
Dielectric strength 500 V (supply / internal electronics)
Operating system Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC, TwinCAT/BSD
Control software TwinCAT 3
Diagnostics LED 1 x power, 1 x TC status, 1 x flash access, 2 x bus status
Clock Internal battery-backed clock for time and date (battery replaceable)
Approvals CE

Table 35: Technical data, I/O terminals.

Technical data Description

I/O connection via power supply terminal (E-bus or K-bus, automatic recognition)
Power supply for I/O max. 2A
Power contacts current max. 10 A
Process data on the K- max. 2048 bytes input and 2048 bytes output
max. number of terminals 64 (255 with K-bus extension)
max. number of terminals up to 65534 terminals.

Table 36: Technical data, environmental conditions.

Technical data Description

Ambient temperature -25 °C to +60 °C
during operation
Ambient temperature -40 °C ... +85 °C
during storage see notes under: Transport and storage [} 10]
Relative humidity 95% no condensation
Vibration resistance 10 frequency sweeps in 3 axes
6 Hz < f < 58.1 Hz displacement 0.15 mm, constant amplitude
58.1 Hz < f < 500 Hz acceleration 5 g, constant amplitude
conforms to EN 60068-2-6
Shock resistance 1000 shocks in each direction, in 3 axes
15 g, 11 ms
conforms to EN 60068-2-27

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 71

Technical data

Technical data Description

EMC immunity conforms to EN 61000-6-2
EMC emission conforms to EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 20

Table 37: Technical data, graphic specifications.

Technical data CX5230 CX5240

Processor graphics Intel HD graphics 500
Shader model 6.4
DirectX 12
OpenGL 4.6

Table 38: Technical data, interfaces.

Technical data Description

LAN 2 x RJ 45, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
USB 4 x USB 3.0 each rated at 900 mA, type A
DVI-D Resolution on the monitor in pixels:
640 x 480 to 1920 x 1200

Table 39: Technical data, optional interfaces.

Technical data Description

DVI-D Resolution on the monitor in pixels: 640 x 480 to 1920 x 1200
DisplayPort Resolution on the monitor in pixels: max. 2560x1600
RS232 D-Sub plug, 9-pole
Electrical isolation 500 V
RS422/RS485 D-Sub plug, 9-pole
Electrical isolation 500 V
EtherCAT slave 2 x RJ 45, EtherCAT IN and OUT
100 Mbaud
PROFIBUS D-Sub plug, 9-pole
9.6 kbaud to 12 Mbaud
CANopen D-Sub plug, 9-pole
10 kbaud to 1,000 kbaud
PROFINET RT 2 x RJ-45 switches

72 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


13 Appendix

13.1 Accessories
Table 40: CFast cards

Order number Description

CX2900-0026 20 GB CFast card, 3D flash, extended temperature range
CX2900-0038 40 GB CFast card, 3D flash, extended temperature range
CX2900-0040 80 GB CFast card, 3D flash, extended temperature range
CX2900-0042 160 GB CFast card, 3D flash, extended temperature range

Table 41: Spare battery for CX systems.

Order number Description

CX1900-0102 Replacement battery, suitable for CX10x0, CX50x0, CX51x0, CX52x0, CX90x0,
CX20xx, CX8100 and CX7000
– Lithium button cell type CR2032, 3 V/225 mAh

Table 42: Further spare parts.

Order number Description

CX2900-0101 Housing locking clips (black) for CX20xx and CX52x0 series.
10 locking sets of two clips each.
CX2900-0102 Cover for left-side bus connector, 5 pieces
CX2900-0108 Logo strips for CX51x0 and CX52x0, transparent for individual labeling, package
contents 20 pieces

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 73


13.2 Certifications
All products of the Embedded PC family are CE, UL and EAC certified. Since the product family is
continuously developed further, we are unable to provide a full listing here. The current list of certified
products can be found at www.beckhoff.com.

FCC Approvals for the United States of America

FCC: Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his own expense.

FCC Approval for Canada

FCC: Canadian Notice

This equipment does not exceed the Class A limits for radiated emissions as described in the Radio
Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.

74 Version: 1.0 CX52x0


13.3 Support and Service

Beckhoff and their partners around the world offer comprehensive support and service, making available fast
and competent assistance with all questions related to Beckhoff products and system solutions.

Beckhoff's branch offices and representatives

Please contact your Beckhoff branch office or representative for local support and service on Beckhoff

The addresses of Beckhoff's branch offices and representatives round the world can be found on her internet

You will also find further documentation for Beckhoff components there.

Beckhoff Headquarters

Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG

Huelshorstweg 20
33415 Verl

Phone: +49(0)5246/963-0
Fax: +49(0)5246/963-198
e-mail: info@beckhoff.com

Beckhoff Support

Support offers you comprehensive technical assistance, helping you not only with the application of
individual Beckhoff products, but also with other, wide-ranging services:
• support
• design, programming and commissioning of complex automation systems
• and extensive training program for Beckhoff system components

Hotline: +49(0)5246/963-157
Fax: +49(0)5246/963-9157
e-mail: support@beckhoff.com

Beckhoff Service

The Beckhoff Service Center supports you in all matters of after-sales service:
• on-site service
• repair service
• spare parts service
• hotline service

Hotline: +49(0)5246/963-460
Fax: +49(0)5246/963-479
e-mail: service@beckhoff.com

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 75

List of tables

List of tables
Table 1 Dimensions and weight of the individual modules. ...................................................................... 10
Table 2 Available extension modules for the CX52x0. ............................................................................. 11
Table 3 Available optional interfaces for the CX52x0. .............................................................................. 11
Table 4 Legend for the configuration. ....................................................................................................... 13
Table 5 Information on the name plate. .................................................................................................... 14
Table 6 CX52x0 ordering information. ...................................................................................................... 15
Table 7 USB interfaces (X100, X101, X102, X103), pin assignment........................................................ 17
Table 8 Ethernet interface X000 and X001, pin assignment. ................................................................... 18
Table 9 DVI-D interface X200, pin assignment......................................................................................... 19
Table 10 DVI-D interface X200, resolution at the monitor. ......................................................................... 19
Table 11 DVI-D interface X300, pin assignment......................................................................................... 20
Table 12 DVI-D interface X300, resolution at the monitor. ......................................................................... 20
Table 13 DisplayPort, pin assignment. ....................................................................................................... 21
Table 14 DisplayPort X300, resolution at the monitor. ............................................................................... 21
Table 15 Line In /Line Out jack plugs, pin assignment. .............................................................................. 22
Table 16 RS232 interface X300, pin assignment. ...................................................................................... 23
Table 17 RS422/485 interface, pin assignment.......................................................................................... 24
Table 18 Default setting, RS485 without echo with end point (terminated). ............................................... 24
Table 19 EtherCAT slave interface X300, pin assignment. ........................................................................ 25
Table 20 PROFIBUS interface X310, pin assignment. ............................................................................... 26
Table 21 Wire colors of the PROFIBUS line............................................................................................... 26
Table 22 CANopen interface X510, pin assignment................................................................................... 27
Table 23 PROFINET RT interface, pin assignment.................................................................................... 28
Table 24 Required wire cross-sections and strip lengths. .......................................................................... 36
Table 25 Access data for the Beckhoff Device Manager on delivery. ........................................................ 39
Table 26 Legend for the tree view. ............................................................................................................. 45
Table 27 Cable redundancy, hardware for sample configuration. .............................................................. 49
Table 28 Diagnostic LEDs in K-Bus mode.................................................................................................. 62
Table 29 K-bus ERR LED, fault indication sequence through the LED. ..................................................... 62
Table 30 K-BUS ERR LED, fault description and troubleshooting. ............................................................ 63
Table 31 Description of the State variable values. ..................................................................................... 64
Table 32 Diagnostic LEDs in K-Bus mode.................................................................................................. 65
Table 33 Technical data, dimensions and weights. .................................................................................... 71
Table 34 Technical data, general data. ...................................................................................................... 71
Table 35 Technical data, I/O terminals. ...................................................................................................... 71
Table 36 Technical data, environmental conditions.................................................................................... 71
Table 37 Technical data, graphic specifications. ........................................................................................ 72
Table 38 Technical data, interfaces............................................................................................................ 72
Table 39 Technical data, optional interfaces. ............................................................................................. 72
Table 40 CFast cards ................................................................................................................................. 73
Table 41 Spare battery for CX systems...................................................................................................... 73
Table 42 Further spare parts. ..................................................................................................................... 73

76 Version: 1.0 CX52x0

List of figures

List of figures
Fig. 1 Example configuration of a CX5240 Embedded PC.................................................................... 13
Fig. 2 Name plate example.................................................................................................................... 14
Fig. 3 Nomenclature for the CX52x0 Embedded PC. ............................................................................ 15
Fig. 4 USB interfaces (X100, X101, X102, X103).................................................................................. 17
Fig. 5 Ethernet interfaces X000, X001................................................................................................... 18
Fig. 6 DVI-D interface X200................................................................................................................... 19
Fig. 7 DVI-D interface X300................................................................................................................... 20
Fig. 8 DisplayPort X300. ........................................................................................................................ 21
Fig. 9 Audio interface X300, X301, X302............................................................................................... 22
Fig. 10 Line In / Line Out X300, X302 jack plugs..................................................................................... 22
Fig. 11 Mic In X301 jack plug................................................................................................................... 22
Fig. 12 RS232 interface X300.................................................................................................................. 23
Fig. 13 RS485 interface X300.................................................................................................................. 24
Fig. 14 EtherCAT slave interface X300. .................................................................................................. 25
Fig. 15 PROFIBUS interface X310. ......................................................................................................... 26
Fig. 16 CANopen interface X510. ............................................................................................................ 27
Fig. 17 PROFINET RT interface X300..................................................................................................... 28
Fig. 18 CX52x0 Embedded PC, dimensions. .......................................................................................... 29
Fig. 19 CX52x0 Embedded PC, permitted installation position. .............................................................. 30
Fig. 20 Identifying a passive EtherCAT Terminal in TwinCAT................................................................. 34
Fig. 21 Passive EtherCAT Terminals, permissible installation. ............................................................... 34
Fig. 22 Connections for system voltage (Us) and power contacts (Up)................................................... 35
Fig. 23 Connection example with a CX52x0............................................................................................ 36
Fig. 24 UL label on CX52x0..................................................................................................................... 37
Fig. 25 Connection example for areas with special UL requirements...................................................... 37
Fig. 26 Windows 10, Identification of the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) in the Network and Sharing
Center. ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Fig. 27 Windows 10, identification of the Ethernet interfaces (X000, X001) in the device manager. ...... 40
Fig. 28 CX20x0 Embedded PC in the tree view of TwinCAT 3, with attached EtherCAT Terminals
(left) or Bus Terminals (right). ...................................................................................................... 45
Fig. 29 Example configuration of a CX52x0 with EtherCAT cable redundancy....................................... 49
Fig. 30 Behavior of systems in the event of a power failure without and with a 1-second UPS. ............. 53
Fig. 31 UWF exception list under TwinCAT 3.......................................................................................... 55
Fig. 32 Status variable for error handling and diagnostics under TwinCAT............................................. 64

CX52x0 Version: 1.0 77

More Information:

Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG

Hülshorstweg 20
33415 Verl
Phone: +49 5246 9630

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