The document outlines various engaging activities for language learning, categorized into starter activities, speaking activities, vocabulary practice, flashcard exercises, and end-of-lesson activities. Each category includes creative methods to enhance student participation and reinforce vocabulary retention. These activities aim to make learning interactive and enjoyable for students.
The document outlines various engaging activities for language learning, categorized into starter activities, speaking activities, vocabulary practice, flashcard exercises, and end-of-lesson activities. Each category includes creative methods to enhance student participation and reinforce vocabulary retention. These activities aim to make learning interactive and enjoyable for students.
The document outlines various engaging activities for language learning, categorized into starter activities, speaking activities, vocabulary practice, flashcard exercises, and end-of-lesson activities. Each category includes creative methods to enhance student participation and reinforce vocabulary retention. These activities aim to make learning interactive and enjoyable for students.
The document outlines various engaging activities for language learning, categorized into starter activities, speaking activities, vocabulary practice, flashcard exercises, and end-of-lesson activities. Each category includes creative methods to enhance student participation and reinforce vocabulary retention. These activities aim to make learning interactive and enjoyable for students.
Odd One Out (write 4 words up - students pick odd one
out) Bingo: write up 10 words, students choose 5 to write into book. Say the words in a random order - they tick if they hear their words; first to tick all words shouts BINGO! Complete the words eg re_, yello_,gree_ Write these words out in alphabetical order… Correct the 3 mistakes eg My nome are Emma and I am twelve year old. Match questions with the correct answer List words you know beginning with B… Hello hello song
Quiz Quiz trade: on strips of paper students copy a
word or phrase (or question on one side and answer on the other). They stand up and say the word or question to another student, student responds, they swap paper and move to another student Speaking line: students line up facing one another and one line asks a question to student facing them; students responds, swap.Teacher claps hands and one line moves down so students repeat with a different partner. Presentations IDEAS FOR ACTIVITIES TO PRACTISE VOCABULARY Slap the board - words on bord (or pictures), 2 students at the fron, you say a word, first one to touch it wins a point.
Repeat if correct (teacher v student) - point to and say
the words on the board and students repeat but then point to a word and say different word. Students stay silent for a point. If someone repeats the word, point for the teacher.
Simon says (good for classroom instructions / for touch
your head etc)
Charades - you then students mime a word / verb
Team game word search - divide class into 2 or 3
teams, 1 team member uses their book to write as many words as possible with help from the team eg words beginning with B/ colours /words to do with the topic/ simple past tense verbs/adjectives etc IDEAS FOR ACTIVITIES WITH FLASH CARDS Students can make flashcards for each topic. Teacher keeps in an envelope. Use to practise and next lesson to review.
1.Give each students a card. You say the words, they
hold up the correct card. 2.They say words for one another. 3.Stick the cards around the room, say a word or a sentence with the word in (eg Today I feel hungry), students have to go and touch the correct card. 4.Ask students to line up with the cards in alphabetical order at the front of class. 5.Make up a story, students lift their card when they hear their word (good listening practice) eg. This morning when I woke up I was tired and I made breakfast because I was hungry. My mum looked sad and I asked her why. She said Dad was angry as the dog had bitten him! It was a cold day and I was nervous about my exam later that morning. Etc 6.Write a word on the board from the cards, put the cards in a pile face down, turn them over one by one - if the word matches the board, students shout SNAP! IDEAS FOR END OF LESSON ACTIVITIES 1.Ask each student a word from the lesson in Khymer. They say the English. 2.Dictation: Ask students to write 3 words or a sentence from the lesson without looking back in their books. Can they remember and spell correctly? 3.Check if everyone can say a difficult sound or word from the lesson. 4.Ask students to write as many words from the lesson that they remember. 5.Ask a question from the lesson to each student.