Research in English
Research in English
Research in English
Bullying is a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon that directly affects hundreds of millions
of people each year (Volk et al., 2014). Bullying is a pervasive problem affecting school-age
children (Juvonen et al., 2014.)
Bullying can be done by teachers to students, students to other students and a group of
students to other students (Kurniati et al., 2023).
Several authors stated that there are 5 types of bullying. These are physical bullying, social
bullying, verbal bullying, cyber bullying and psychological bullying.
Seslar (2023) defines physical bullying as a type of bullying where someone uses their body or
an object to hurt or scare someone else. Physical bullying also includes damaging someone's
property. Moreover, Barbara Coloroso (2008) defines social bullying as realtional bullying.
Social bullying as one which includes deliberate exclusion from a social group or intimidation
within the group (Lee, 2004).
Verbal bullying is more insidious and, over long periods of time, works to destroy a child's self-
image and self- esteem. This can lead to depression, anxiety and other problems (Antiri, 2016).
The term “cyberbullying” was initially a convenient label for abusive behaviour perpetrated
through the use of mobile telephones and computers with Internet access while psychological
bullying is when someone, or a group of people, repeatedly and intentionally uses words or
actions which cause an individual psychological harm (Corcoran et al., 2015).
Conceptual Framework
How to prevent
bullying among
the students in
Programs the
school can come
Ways to help
up with in
prevent bullying
My topic is about bullying among grade school students in BNHS and how to prevent it.
In doingthis research I must know the causes of bullying and how students who are
being bullied handle it. I will citeways to prevent bullying. I will also ask the programs the
school can come up with in preventing bullying.The illustration above shows the focus of
my research and how I’ll do it.
There are many causes of bullying; it’s possible that a child is feeling miserable and
he/she wantsto release his/her emotion to someone. One may also feel so superior that
he/she treats other people solowly to the point of bullying. Children bully each other
because of their physical appearances like skincolor, body weight and height, race, etc
If you’re the one being bullied, you just have to ignore them and don’t let get into you.
You can alsoask for help. You can tell it to your parents, teachers, or the school and let
them take actions.
To prevent bullying, teachers or the school must explain to the students what is bullying
to makethem aware of it. The family should also make their children feel loved, so the
child won’t have any reasonsto hurt other people. The school can come up with an anti-
bullying campaign that promotes unity andcamaraderie and not hate and discrimination
among their students
Significance of the Study:
Students nowadays are emotionally imbalanced; they tend to be easily affected by the
peoplearound them. We are teenagers and we are still in a process of “metamorphosis”.
We are affected byseveral matters, this matters serves to greatly affect our growth.
Students who are being bullied need help. Students who are bullied may also
experiencedepression, thoughts of suicide and, in extreme cases, may react with
violence or self-harm. We need tounderstand them to prevent them from harming
The bullies also need our help. They need guidance in how to deal and treat others.
They needproper nurturing throughout their growth. Children with bullying behavior
should be provided withconsequences and discipline that allow them the opportunity to
redirect their behavior in more positive waysas behavior can be changed.
The importance of this study is to understand the bullies and the children who are being
bullied.The importance of this study is to know what causes children bully other
children. Through this study, we’llalso know how it is for the victims of bullying. Through
this study, we can understand and help both sides.
The importance of this study is for us to understand the collected information on the
main reason ofwhy students most especially teens bully each other. We are also looking
at the big picture of how great thisbullying thing affects the attitude of the student and
affect to their whole emotional growth. At the same timewe are aiming to know how to
stop or lessen this plague – in school and soon in the community.
Defination of Terms:
Bullying - the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate
others.The behavior is often repeated and habitual.
Bully – a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
School - an institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the
teachingof students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers; bullying is common in schools
Mobbing - bullying of an individual by a group, in any context, such as a family, peer group,
school,workplace, neighborhood, community, or online.
Humiliate - to deeply embarrass or ridicule someone to make him or her feel lower as a person