General description easy subwoofer level matching with various Before connecting the audio signals, ensure
main speakers. All outputs have 0 dB pass- that both the subwoofer and the main moni-
Genelec 7060B, 7070A and 7071A are pow- band gain. tors are switched off. Check that the voltage
erful active subwoofers, incorporating all the The low pass frequency of the LFE input selector switch is set according to your local
amplifier and crossover electronics needed channel can be set to 85 Hz, 120 Hz or 85 Hz mains voltage (subwoofers sold in Europe
for bass management and reproduction in with "Redirect" function that routes LFE con- have a fixed 230V setting). Connections are
modern 6.1 or 5.1 channel surround sound tent above 85 Hz to the front center monitor. easier to make if you roll the subwoofer on
or traditional stereo systems. Their 19 to The input sensitivity of the LFE channel can its side with the connector panel facing up.
120 Hz (±3 dB) frequency range, ample be set to 0 dB or +10 dB. Use this position only for making the con-
sound pressure capability and versatile Balanced XLR connectors are used for the nections and roll the subwoofer back to its
connections make these subwoofers ideal system audio inputs and outputs. normal upright position before use. Audio
companions for Genelec's active monitoring Two "Bass Roll-Off" switches are included connections to the subwoofer are made via
speakers. to provide a flat bass response in all acous- balanced XLR connectors. An unbalanced
tical environments, enabling adjustments of source can also be used with a special RCA
Bass management unit the subwoofer response in three -2 dB steps. to XLR cable; the correct connection for the
The built-in bass management unit has six Two phase matching switches in the crosso- cable is shown in Fig. 2. However, we recom-
signal input and output channels (L/C/R Front ver allow compensation for the delay which mend the use of balanced cables and con-
and L/C/R Rear), a discrete LFE signal input occurs if the subwoofer is placed away from nectors due to their better noise immunity.
and a summed signal output, providing great the main speakers, or for other speaker sys- The connectors are arranged in three rows
flexibility and easy connection in all monitor- tems phase behaviour. Four settings are pro- on the connector panel (see Fig. 1):
ing environments. vided between 0° and -270°. An 85 Hz test
The active crossover contained in the bass tone generator is included to help achieve Top row
management unit splits the input signals into accurate crossover phase alignment. LFE IN / SUM IN: Use this connector for
low and high frequency components at 85 the LFE or .1 output channel of a 5.1-
Hz. Frequencies below 85 Hz are directed to Installation or 6.1-channel discrete surround sound
the subwoofer and frequencies above 85 Hz Each subwoofer is supplied with a mains cable source, or the SUM OUT signal from the
to the main speakers. and an operating manual. Once unpacked, "master" subwoofer in a daisy-chained mul-
The low pass section sensitivity can be place the subwoofer in a suitable location (for tiple subwoofer configuration. Note that the
adjusted from +12 dBu to -6 dBu to allow more details see the "Positioning" section). "subwoofer out" channel of an analogue
Figure 2. XLR to RCA connector for
unbalanced operation.
matrix surround decoder (Dolby Surround, system. The connection is made in the same To begin with, place the subwoofer slightly
Dolby Pro Logic) should not be connected to way as with the Front channels. Also these offset from the center of the front wall. The
the "LFE IN" input. See section "Subwoofer channels are high pass filtered at 85 Hz. recommended distance to the wall is less
in analogue matrix sound systems". Once all connections have been made, the than 60 cm / 24" measured from the sub-
SUM OUT: Use this output connector when subwoofer and main monitors are ready to be woofer's driver (See Fig. 3). This position
you want to link another subwoofer to your powered up. gives increased acoustic loading (and SPL)
system. "SUM OUT" carries an unfiltered sum due to the proximity of the front wall and floor.
of signals combined from all input channels. Positioning in the room Cancellations from the front wall and floor are
See section "Using multiple subwoofers". The placement of the subwoofer in the room also avoided. Front wall cancellation for the
affects the overall frequency response and 85 Hz high pass filtered main speakers can
Middle row sound level of the system dramatically, as at be eliminated by placing them at least 110
FRONT L, C, R CHANNELS IN/OUT: Use low frequencies the effects of the room are cm / 43" away from the front wall. In a mul-
these connectors for the Front Left, Center strong. Even a slight change in the subwoof- tichannel system the main monitors should
and Right channels of a surround sound er's location can make a marked difference ideally be positioned symmetrically and at an
system or the Left and Right channels of a in the frequency balance and often patient equal distance from the listening position.
Stereo system. Connect line level signal and methodical experimentation and testing If the frequency balance is not right, try
cables from your signal source to their respec- is needed to find the optimum placement. moving the subwoofer slightly to the left or
tive "LEFT IN", "CENTER IN" and "RIGHT IN" The placement will affect the phase dif- right so that different room modes are excited
connectors. Then connect the subwoofer to ference between the main monitors and the at different levels. Positioning the subwoofer
your main monitors with XLR cables from the subwoofer, and also the bass roll-off rate. close to a corner will boost the bass level
"LEFT OUT", "CENTER OUT" and "RIGHT These effects can be compensated by the at lower frequencies and may cause asym-
OUT" connectors. All "L, C and R OUT" chan- use of the controls in the amplifier unit; but metrical spatial imaging. If you are using two
nels are high pass filtered with the filtering we recommend that at first you leave the subwoofers, try placing them asymmetrically
frquency fixed at 85 Hz (12 dB/octave). switches untouched and concentrate on find- relative to the side walls. Sometimes moving
ing the position where the subwoofer gives the subwoofers apart into the front corners
Bottom row the smoothest response, and only then use helps with problematic rear wall reflections
REAR L, C, R CHANNELS IN/OUT: Use the controls to fine-tune the balance and and the loss of mutual coupling is compen-
these connectors for the Rear Left, Center phase alignment between the subwoofer and sated by the bass boost caused by corner
and Right channels of a surround sound the main monitors. positioning.
Bass Roll-Off
Subwoofer placement
Near to a wall -2 dB
In a corner -6 dB
Flush mounted -2 dB
Phase Difference: 0° Phase Difference: 90° Table 1. Suggested Bass Roll-Off settings
85 Hz 85 Hz
85 Hz 85 Hz
Figure 5. Flush mounting the subwoofer.
Note the clearance needed on the reflex
Figure 4. The effect of phase difference between the subwoofer and the main monitors port side.
Although the 7060B, 7070A and 7071A fier cooling. This can be done by making the panel. Table 1 provides some suggestions
subwoofers are magnetically shielded, they recess 7,5 centimeters (3") wider than the for the "Bass Roll-Off" switch settings. When
may cause some picture distortion if placed subwoofer. Place the subwoofer into the right both roll-off switches are set to "OFF", a flat
near very sensitive video monitors or com- end of the recess with the driver side facing anechoic response is obtained.
puter displays. Move the subwoofer further the room. This leaves sufficient 7,5 centime-
away or try turning the driver side of the ters (3") of free space on the reflex port side. Setting the phase control
subwoofer away from the screen. The height and depth of the recess should Incorrect phase alignment between main
not be any bigger than those needed to fit monitors and subwoofer causes a drop in the
Minimum clearances to walls the subwoofer flush with the wall surface. frequency response of the whole system at
or other objects the crossover frequency. The graphs above
The power amplifiers are attached to the Setting the input sensitivity (Fig. 4) show the effect of phase difference
lower part of the aluminium grille, which func- The subwoofer requires input sensitivity to the frequency response.
tions as a heatsink. Do not cover the grille alignment to the source to obtain a correctly The phase difference between the main
or place the subwoofer so that there is less balanced system. The input sensitivity con- monitors and subwoofer at the listening posi-
than 10 centimeters (4") of free space in front trol is located on the connector panel of the tion is dependent upon the position of the
of the grille. subwoofer. An input voltage of -6 dBu with a subwoofer, so the phase adjustment should
Make sure that the space underneath the -6 dBu input sensitivity setting will produce be done only after the preferred position is
subwoofer is clear from obstructions. Thick 100 dB SPL @ 1m in free field. To obtain a found. Acoustic measuring equipment is
carpets may block the ventilation clearance 110 dB SPL output an input voltage of +10 required for accurate system alignment. If
needed for cooling the electronics' box. dBu is required when the input sensitivity is this equipment is not available, the following
The reflex port side (opposite of the con- set to 0 dBu. coarse phase matching can be applied.
nector panel side) should always have a
clearance of at least 7,5 centimeters (3") to Setting the Bass Roll-Off Coarse phase adjustment
any objects to ensure proper functioning of switches method
the reflex port. The acoustic response of the subwoofer may Genelec 7060B, 7070A and 7071A
have to be matched to the characteristics of subwoofers are equipped with a built-in 85
Flush mounting the subwoofer the room and the positioning in which it will Hz frequency test tone generator for easy
If the subwoofer is flush mounted into a wall be used. To adjust the subwoofer to match phase alignment. The test tone generator
or a cabinet, it is important to ensure unre- these characteristics use the ''Bass Roll-Off' is connected to the subwoofer's "FRONT
stricted airflow from the reflex port and ampli- control switches located on the connector CENTER OUT" channel only. In a stereo
Maximum Maximum Front Side and rear Subwoofers Subwoofers
can be used to bring it into view. The kit con-
room listening loudspeakers loudspeakers for 2-channel for 5-channel sists of a LED in a compact case and a RJ11
volume, distance, Stereo & LCR Stereo Surround
m3 (ft3) m (ft) cable to connect the case and the "REMOTE"
75 (2,600) 2.0m (6’7”) 8030A 8030A 7050B 7060A RJ11 connector on the connector panel.
75 (2,600) 2.0m (6’7”) 8130A 8130A 7050B 7060A (1)
85 (3,000) 2.2m (7’3”) 8040A 8040A 7060B 7070A Subwoofer bypass control
95 (3,400) 2.3m (7’7”) 8050A 8050A 7070A 7070A A bypass control feature is included in the
110 (3,900) 2.4m (7’10”) 1032A 1032A 7070A 7071A subwoofer circuits so that the effect of the
125 (4,400) 3.5m (11’6”) 1037C 1037C 7071A 2x7071A subwoofer on the whole monitor system can
170 (6,000) 4.0m (13’1”) 1038B & 1038BC 1038B 7071A 2x7071A be determined. With the bypass switch on,
200 (7,000) 4.5m (14’9”) 1034B & 1034BC 1038B 7071A 2x7071A (2) the high pass filters for the main monitors are
240 (8,500) 4.7m (15’5”) 1039A 1038B 2x7071A 2x7071A (2) overridden and the system behaves as if the
400 (14,000) 5.5m (18’1”) 1035B 1038B 2x7071A (2) 3x7071A (2) subwoofer was not connected. The bypass
(3) (3)
400 (14,000) 5.5m (18’1”) 1036A 1038B function has no effect on the LFE input. Two
When using a digital input signal, the 8130A cannot be used with the subwoofer’s analogue crossover
different bypass remote controllers are avail-
filters. The subwoofer can be used for reproducing the LFE channel only.
Additional subwoofers of the same type may be required in a larger room with bass heavy program material.
able as optional equipment: 1092-400 switch
Subwoofers are not necessarily required for a 1036A installation as these monitors are already full range.
that can be connected to a 1/4" jack connec-
For surround systems, subwoofers can be used to reproduce the LFE channel. tor on the connector panel and 7000-416 that
Table 2. Recommended subwoofer/main monitor combinations. connects to the "REMOTE" RJ11 connector.
The 7000-416 option also includes remote
control of the "LFE +10 dB" function and a
link for the 7000-415 remote LED option.
system it is necessary to temporarily connect tors using a frequency analyser and a pink Subwoofer in analogue matrix
either of the channels to this output. noise generator. Connect a high grade surround sound systems.
Power up the system and set the DIP measuring microphone to the analyser and When using Genelec 7060B, 7070A or
switches 3 (SUM IN MODE) and 4 (LFE +10 feed pink noise into the "CENTER IN" input 7171A subwoofers in a consumer analogue
dB) on the first switch group to "ON" Now you of the subwoofer. The subwoofer's bass matrix surround sound system, such as
should hear an 85 Hz test signal from the management system will direct the frequen- Dolby Surround, Dolby Pro-Logic or Pro-
subwoofer and the main monitor connected cies above 85 Hz to the center main monitor Logic II or a professional matrix decoder
to the center channel output. while the subwoofer reproduces the frequen- such as a Dolby SDU-4, route the front chan-
cies below 85 Hz. nels through the subwoofer so that the output
Toggle the -180° phase switch Position the microphone at the listening of the subwoofer is matched to the rest of the
(DIP 4 on the second switch position and adjust the input sensitivity of system and select "Large" setting for the
group) on and off, and set it to the subwoofer until frequencies below and front speakers on the decoder. If there is a
the position which gives the above 85 Hz are reproduced at equal level. subwoofer channel output on the decoder it
lowest sound level at the listen- Then adjust the phase control switches for should NOT be connected to the subwoofer's
ing position. the maximum dip of at least -6 dB at the "LFE IN" input since the processing within an
crossover frequency (85 Hz). analogue decoder will conflict with the filter-
Next toggle the -90° phase Change the -180° switch to the opposite ing in the subwoofer. Connecting the rear
switch (DIP 3) on and off, and setting. The phase should now be set cor- channels to the subwoofer is optional since
again set it to the position which rectly and the frequency analyser should the rear channels from most matrix decoders
gives the lowest sound level. show a smooth response around 85 Hz. are band limited down to 100 Hz.
Finally, set the -180° phase Overload indicators Monitoring the LFE channel
switch (DIP 4) to the opposite The mode indicator LED on the connector in digital discrete surround
setting and deactivate the test panel will turn from green to yellow to indi- sound systems
signal. cate clipping and then to red to indicate that Some digital surround sound systems use
the protection circuit has activated. If this a discrete Low Frequency Effects channel
Phase correction method with occurs frequently, reduce the input level to which should be connected to the "LFE IN"
test equipment the subwoofer until the LED remains green. input on the connector panel. This enables
The following procedure matches the phase If the LED on the connector panel is not the subwoofer to correctly reproduce all the
between the subwoofer and the main moni- easily visible, the optional Remote LED Kit bass information in the mix.
The LFE channel on the 7060B, 7070A and +10 dB gain in relation to the main channels. woofer in the chain, especially if they are not
7071A can be set to two frequency ranges: The object is to increase the recording head- placed close together. To check the phase
19 to 85 Hz or 19 to 120 Hz by using the room of the LFE channel. Consumer and the- alignment for the "master" subwoofer switch
"LFE BANDWIDTH" switch. If the LFE signal atrical decoders automatically add +10 dB of off the "slave" subwoofer and follow the
includes higher frequencies than 120 Hz, LFE gain to restore the level balance. instructions given in the previous sections.
they can be monitored by using the "Redi- The "LFE +10 dB" function on the 7060B, To adjust the phase alignment of the
rect" function: Set "LFE BANDWIDTH" switch 7070A and 7071A subwoofers is designed to "slave" subwoofer, you need to switch off
to "85" and the "REDIRECT" switch to "ON". add the +10 dB gain to the LFE channel in the the "master" subwoofer, connect a signal
Now the subwoofer reproduces LFE frequen- production stage, if it is not already done in cable from the "slave" subwoofer's "FRONT
cies up to 85 Hz and reroutes all higher LFE the output matrix of the mixing console. The CENTER OUT" connector to the center chan-
content to the front center channel. This is function is activated by switching the "LFE nel monitor and switch the "SUM IN MODE"
the most flexible setting for LFE signal man- +10 dB" dip switch on the subwoofer's first switch to "OFF". This effectively changes
agement, as it ensures that all LFE content switch group to "ON" or by using the remote the "slave" to "master" mode and the phase
can be monitored in all situations and encod- control. A yellow LED indicates that the func- adjustment can be carried out. Return the
ing formats. Note that the "Redirect" function tion has been activated. connections and "SUM IN MODE" setting on
is not enabled when the "LFE BANDWIDTH" The "LFE +10 dB" function should not be the "slave" subwoofer back to the "SUM IN"
switch is set to 120 Hz. used in following cases: mode after completing the adjustment.
Typical applications of different • If the +10 dB LFE gain is already Safety considerations
LFE bandwidth settings implemented by another device. The LSE series subwoofers have been
As stated above, using the 85 Hz LFE band- • When producing an audio format that designed in accordance with international
width setting with "Redirect" function is the does not require the use of +10 dB safety standards. However, to ensure safe
most universal configuration for LFE monitor- gain on the LFE channel, such as operation and maintain the unit in safe oper-
ing. However, there are situations when the DVD-Audio (MLP), SACD (DSD) etc. ating condition, the following warnings and
band-limited LFE settings serve a definite • When monitoring a decoded Dolby cautions must be observed:
purpose. Digital or DTS soundtrack. The decoder
Limiting the LFE bandwidth to 85 Hz without will automatically provide +10 dB • Do not expose the subwoofer to water
using the "Redirect" function can be used to LFE gain. or moisture. Do not place any objects
simulate the effect of some consumer decod- filled with liquid, such as vases on
ers that do not replay information above 80 Using multiple subwoofers the subwoofer or near it.
Hz on the LFE channel when the bass man- Genelec 7060B, 7070A and 7071A subwoofers • Do not place naked flame sources like
agement is used. Checking the multichannel are equipped with a "SUM OUT" connector to lighted candles on or near the
mix with this setting on lets you know how it provide an easy way of coupling two or more subwoofer
translates in systems with this limitation. subwoofers together in high SPL applications. • Servicing and adjustment must only
The 120 Hz LFE bandwidth setting com- Table 2 shows the recommended configura- be performed by qualified service
plies with the replay systems of movie theat- tions with different Genelec monitors. Connect personnel.
ers and cinemas. 35 mm movie soundtracks an XLR cable from the "SUM OUT" connector • Opening the connector panel is
use the LFE channel to reproduce a band- of the "master" subwoofer to which the main strictly prohibited except by
width of 20 - 120 Hz through dedicated monitor channels are connected, to the "LFE qualified service personnel.
subwoofers. In this case the LFE and main IN / SUM IN" connector of the other, "slave" • Always use a mains power connection
channel bandwidths overlap between 85 and subwoofer and turn the "SUM IN MODE" dip and cable with protective earth. Failing
120 Hz, which may create unwanted acous- switch on the "slave" subwoofer to "ON". to do this may lead to personal injury.
tical summing if the same signal is present When two subwoofers connected in this • Note that the amplifier is not completely
in both channels. To avoid this, the LFE con- way are positioned close to one another, disconnected from the AC mains
tent should be kept completely different (de- bass level increases by 6 dB. Three sub- service unless the mains power cord
correlated) from the low frequency content woofers give an SPL increase of 9,5 dB and is removed from the amplifier or the
of the main channels when mixing music four subwoofers 12 dB compared to a single mains outlet.
and sound effects for film release. subwoofer. Adjust the sensitivity control of all
subwoofers in the group to match the SPL Warning!
Using the LFE +10 dB function level of the main monitor system. This equipment is capable of delivering sound
In Dolby Digital and DTS encoding formats Phase and Bass Roll-Off adjustments pressure levels in excess of 85 dB, which
the LFE channel has to be monitored with should be done individually for each sub- may cause permanent hearing damage.
Figure 6. 1092-400 "Bypass" switch Figure 7. 7000-415 Remote Figure 8. 7000-416 Remote control switch
Power/OVL LED for "Bypass" and "+10 dB LFE" functions
No user serviceable parts are inside the ampli-
fier unit. Any maintenance work must only be
performed by qualified service personnel.
This product is supplied with a one year guar-
antee against manufacturing faults or defects
that might affect the performance of the unit.
Refer to supplier for full sales and guarantee
1092-400 1/4” jack "Bypass" switch
7000-415 RJ11 remote Power/Overload
indicator LED
Figure 9. The free field frequency response Figure 10. The free field frequency
7000-416 RJ11 remote control for of the 7060B subwoofer at different Bass response of 7070A and 7071A subwoofers
"Bypass" and "+10 dB LFE" Roll-Off settings at different Bass Roll-Off settings.
EC Declaration of Conformity
This is to certify that Genelec 7060B, 7070A
and 7071A active subwoofers conform to
the following standards:
EN 60065 / IEC 60065:1998 7th Edition
EN 55013: (2001)
EN 55020: (1994), A11: (1996), A12: (1999),
A13: (1999), A14: (1999)
EN 61000-3-2 (2000), EN 61000-3-3 (1995)
Ilpo Martikainen
Position: Chairman of the Board
Date: 28-February-2006
7060B, 7070A and 7071A Operating Manual
7060B 7070A 7071A 7060B 7070A 7071A
Free field frequency response 19 Hz…85 Hz 19 Hz…85 Hz 19 Hz…85 Hz Short term amplifier output
(+/- 3 dB) LFE 85/120 Hz LFE 85/120 Hz LFE 85/120 Hz power (Long term output power
is limited by driver unit
Maximum short term sine wave protection circuitry) 120 W 250 W 500 W
SPL output averaged from
30 to 85 Hz, measured in Amplifier system distortion
half space at 1 meter ≥ 108 dB SPL ≥ 112 dB SPL ≥ 118 dB SPL at nominal output
THD ≤ 0.05%
Maximum peak SPL output with
random pink noise, measured Mains voltage 230 V, 115/230V or 100/200V
in half space at 1 meter ≥ 113 dB SPL ≥ 117 dB SPL ≥ 123 dB SPL according to region
Subsonic filter
(18 dB/octave) below 19 Hz 19 Hz 19 Hz
Crossover frequency,
(sub/main channels) 85 Hz 7060B 7070A 7071A
LFE cutoff Hz 85 Hz/120 Hz selectable Output connector XLR male
pin 1 gnd
Crossover slopes pin 2 +
Lowpass 36 dB/octave pin 3 –
Highpass 12 dB/octave
Remote LED connector (RJ11) Remote LED for Power/Overload+Bypass and LFE +10 dB
Midband rejection >400 Hz ≥ 50 dB
Main monitor Out gain 0 dB
Bass Roll-Off control operating From 0 to –6 dB From 0 to –6 dB From 0 to –6 dB
range in 2 dB steps @ 20 Hz @ 20 Hz @ 20 Hz Sum Out gain 0 dB
7060B 7070A 7071A
Bass Roll-Off 0/-2 dB/ -4 dB/ -6 dB 0/-2 dB/ -4 dB/ -6 dB 0/-2 dB/ -4 dB/ -6
@ 20 Hz @ 20 Hz dB @ 20 Hz
Phase 0/90/180/270° @ 85 Hz
Genelec Document D0032R001b. Copyright Genelec Oy 3.2006. All data subject to change without prior notice www.genelec.com
International enquiries: In the U.S. please contact In China please contact: In Sweden please contact
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Fax +358 17 812 267 Fax +1 508 652 0909 Chaoyang District Phone +46 8 449 5220
Email genelec@genelec.com Email genelec.usa@genelec.com Beijing 100022, China Fax +46 8 708 7071
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