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Internet banking is the term used for new age banking system. Internet banking is
also called as online banking and it is an outgrowth of PC banking. Internet banking uses
the internet as the delivery channel by which to conduct banking activity, for example,
transferring funds, paying bills, viewing checking and savings account balances, paying
mortgages and purchasing financial instruments and certificates of deposits (Haque et al,
2009). Internet banking is a result of explored possibility to use internet application in one
of the various domains of commerce. It is difficult to infer whether the internet tool has
been applied for convenience of bankers or for the customers’ convenience. But ultimately
it contributes in increasing the efficiency of the banking operation as well providing more
convenience to customers. Without even interacting with the bankers, customers transact
from one corner of the country to another corner.
There are many advantages of online Banking. It is convenient, it isn’t bound by
operational timings, there are no geographical barriers and the services can be offered at a
minuscule cost (IAMAI’s, 2006). Electronic banking has experienced explosive growth and
has transformed traditional practices in banking (Gonzalez et al., 2008).
Private Banks in India were the first to implement internet banking services in the
banking industry. Private Banks, due to late entry into the industry, understood that the
establishing network in remote corners of the country is a very difficult task. It was clear
to them that the only way to stay connected to the customers at any place and at anytime is
through internet applications. They took the internet applications as a weapon of competitive
advantage to corner the great monoliths like State Bank of India, Indian Bank etc. Private
Banks are pioneer in India to explore the versatility of internet applications in delivering
services to customers.
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
The present study aims to explore the major factors responsible for internet banking
based on respondents’ perception on various internet applications.
Study also tries to examine whether there is any relation with the demographic
variable (e.g. gender) and respondents’ perception about internet banking; and, whether the
user and non-user perception differs.
A Study on Customer Perception Towards Internet ……
The study employs primary data as well as secondary data. Secondary data was
collected from different published sources. Primary data was collected by structured survey.
The survey was created online and link sent to the respondents from India using convenience
sampling. The respondents, who were approached through email, were 80. Of these, 61
responses were received, giving a response rate of 76.0 percent.
In the questionnaire, various internet banking applications were included from
previous research. Later, structured questionnaire containing 32 items was developed (18 for
general perception and 15 for internet banking features) for the purpose of data collection.
All items were measured by responses on a five-point Likert scale in agreement/ relevance
with statements, ranging from 1= Strongly Disagree/ Completely Irrelevant to 5= Strongly
Agree/ Completely Relevant. The analysis of primary data was carried out using Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 16.0 for windows.
Sample Profile
From the total respondents’ 64% were males and 36% were females.
G ender
Male Female
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
The chart below depicts the respondents classification based on user and non user criteria. Out
of total respondents’ 44 respondents were internet banking users’ and 14 were non users.
U s er-N onus er
Most of the respondents belongs to the age group of 24-30, while 18-23 and 31-39 age group
respondents were almost equal in number.
A Study on Customer Perception Towards Internet ……
Out of total respondents’ 77% were professional and 18% respondents were studying.
18-23 24-30 31-39 Aove 40
A ge of R e sponde nts'
The Framework of the factors which are taken to assess the perception is as follows:
1. Convenience way of operating banking transactions: Online banking is a highly
profitable channel for financial institutions. It provides customers convenience
and flexibility and can be provided at a lower cost than traditional branch banking
(Williamson, 2006). The convenience of online banking is helping people gain greater
control of their finances and contributing to changing patterns in cash withdrawal
and day to day money management. (Beer, 2006)
2. Flexible virtual banking system: Financial institutions have spent a great deal of time
and money developing online banking functionality to allow customers an easy and
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
convenient way to manage their money (Williamson, 2006). A customer can check
balance by logging into banks website through a user name and password. In this
way he can enquire balance, status of cheques, perform funds transfers, order drafts,
request issue of cheque books etc ( Srivastava,2008)
3. Reliability: Jun and cai (2001) identified one of the very important service quality
dimensions of i-banking service quality is reliability. The online banking environment
has grown tremendously over the past several years and will continue to grow as
financial institutions continue to strive to allow customers to complete money transfers,
pay bills, and access critical information online. During this same time, online banking
has been plagued by Internet criminals and fraudsters attempting to steal customer
information. Phishing, pharming, and other types of attacks have become well known
and are widely used as a means for fraudsters to obtain information from customers
and access online banking accounts. As a result, authenticating customers logging
onto their online banking service has become a crucial concern of financial institutions
(Gregory D. Williamson, 2006)
4. Time factor: Liu and Arnett in their study identified time factor as one of the prime
factor that in Internet banking service quality feature for the customers. Saving time is
an importance factor which influences the customers prefers to use i-banking. (Beer,
2006 ). Banks can make the information of products and services available on their
site, which is, an advantageous proposition. Prospective customer can gather all the
information from the website and thus if he comes to the branch with queries it will
be very specific and will take less time of employee (Srivastava, 2006).
5. Real time access to information: The banks started i-banking initially with simple
functions such as real time access to information about interest rates, checking account
balances and computing loan eligibility. Then, the services are extended to online
bill payment, transfer of funds between accounts and cash management services for
corporate. (Sadique et al, 2009)
6. Saving transaction cost: Improving customer service, increasing market reach and
reducing costs are now basic expectations of Internet banking services. If consumers
are to use new technologies, the technologies must be reasonably priced relative to
alternatives. Otherwise, the acceptance of the new technology may not be viable from
the standpoint of the consumer (Suganthi et. al, 2001). Internet banking model offers
advantages for both banks and customers. The Internet provides the banks with the
ability to deliver products and services to customers at a cost that is lower than any
existing mode of delivery.
7. On-line bill payments: The most popular online transaction through internet banking
A Study on Customer Perception Towards Internet ……
is funds transfer/bill payment (Beer, 2006). Of the twenty-two million users in US,
twenty percent or 4.6 million people regularly used online bill payment services
offered by the top ten financial institutions. This report also highlighted that the
usage of online bill payment services increased by thirty-seven percent at the end of
the first quarter 2004 (Strasburg, 2005).
8. Digital signature for security: In a survey conducted by the Online Banking
Association, member institutions rated security as the most important issue of online
banking. There is a dual requirement to protect customers’ privacy and protect against
fraud (Mishra). Digital signature is a precautionary measure to prevent malpractices
and tampering the information. It is a form of enhanced authentication (Williamson,
2006). Nearly one in 5 customers were victims of identity theft and fraud (TriCipher,
9. Faster transfer: Another important factor that contributes the framework of the
perception is the faster transfer of fund. The fundamental advantage of the internet
banking is the transfer of the information about the money’s worth to any place at
any time with a mouse click’s distance.
10. Easy to use and user friendliness: Ease of use is another important determinant for
the customer preferring the internet banking (Beer, 2006). In a study conducted by
Cooper (1997); reported that ease of use of innovative product or service as one of
the three important characteristics for adoption from the customer’s perspective. The
user friendliness of domain names as well as the navigation tools available in the
web-sites is an important determinant for ease of use. The design of the web-sites
with appropriate use of graphical user interface is also considered as an important
determinant. (Cooper, 1997) It is also worth noting that proper navigation attributes
and search facility will also certainly be helpful to consumers when they surf the
Internet. In addition, the level of interactivity of the site will certainly have an effect
on the consumers’ perception of the user friendliness of the Internet (Suganthi et. al,
11. Low transaction fees: Another factor that would stand in the way of consumer adoption
of Internet banking is the cost factor. In Internet banking, two types of costs are
involved. First, the normal costs associated with Internet access fees and connection
charges and secondly the bank fees and charges (Suganthi et. al, 2001). These two
types of costs shape the perception of the customers.
12. Any time and anywhere banking facility: Online banking users say that convenience
is the most important factor, online banking lets them access their accounts from
anywhere and at any time (IAMAI’s, 2006)
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
13. Access to current and historical transaction data: According to IAMAI report’s – online
banking ‘2006’, customers prefer to view account balances, transaction history and
updates get e-statements, credit card and debit card transaction history and updates,
checking the status of their credit card accounts, viewing information regarding their
demat account, information on their fixed deposits.
14. Facility of fund transfer to third party: According to IAMAI report’s – online banking
2006, majority of the customers prefer on-line banking channels to transfer funds to
third party.
15. Queue management: One among the important dimensions of e-banking service
quality is queue management (Joseph et al.. 1999).
2. Security
15.850 .846
A Study on Customer Perception Towards Internet ……
3. Utility Transac-
15.055 .786
4. Ticket booking
14.205 .920
5. Fund Transfer
15.850 .570
The major five independent set of factors associated with the internet banking
features are extracted from the factor analysis and explained in brief:
Utility Request: Three out of four items loadings on this factor relate to ‘utility request’
dimension of internet banking. The respondents felt that these requests through online
banking are important ones.
Security: security as the most important issue of online banking. The items loadings on this
factor relate to security aspect.
Utility Transaction: Past researches indicates that online bill payment service is very
important feature of online banking and people are effectively using this service. Researches
also indicate that users for bill payments are increasing. People are also making online
deposits and account opening through this.
Ticket Booking: Ticket booking is another important feature of internet banking. Now, people
need not visit booking reservation centers any more, they can buy air and train tickets online
using Internet Banking Facility.
Fund Transfer: Fund transfer and account statement is clubbed together as one factor and
they are explaining 15.85 percent of variance.
General perception about internet banking was gauged by 18 items. Out of
which seven items were related with convenience and flexibility and 8 items were related
with transaction related benefits. All items were measured on a scale of 1to 5. From the
questionnaire convenience and flexibility related items clubbed together and average score
taken to gauge the respondents’ perception about convenience factor. Out of total respondents
81 % respondents felt that internet banking is very convenient and flexible banking. And
same percentage i.e. 81% from total users agrees or strongly agrees that internet banking is
convenient. They felt that it gives benefits like no queuing in bank and one can do anytime
and anywhere banking. Approx 69 percent of total respondent agreed that internet banking
has transaction related benefits. These benefits include efficient and speedy transfer of funds
with lower transaction cost. And, with internet banking one can check transaction details
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
Thus, the analysis done with the help of statistical tools clearly indicate the factors
responsible for internet banking. Factor analysis results indicate that ‘utility request’,
‘security’, ‘utility transaction’, ‘ticket booking’ and ‘fund transfer’ are major factors. Out
of total respondents’ more than 50 % agreed that internet banking is convenient and flexible
ways of banking and it also have various transaction related benefits. Thus, Providing
Internet banking is increasingly becoming a “need to have” than a “nice to have” service.
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