Memo 3
Memo 3
Memo 3
EST 202.30
Week 3
Week 3 Memo
As the world becomes more and more connected through technology, children today are
now growing up in a digitally saturated environment. From a young age, children now have
unprecedented access to digital devices which can shape their daily lives, which ends up raising
important questions about how these technologies can impact their development. While these
new digital tools can offer children opportunities for intellectual growth and social connection,
there are also serious concerns about the negative effects due to long term exposure. In this essay
I will explore how digital technology can both positively and negatively influence a child’s
One important way digital technologies affect children is through their intellectual
development. One positive effect of easy access to digital technologies, is that access to the
internet and the various digital platforms which enables immersive, personalized, and
collaborative learning experiences. An example of this is how students can engage in real-time
collaboration in various ways such as online discussion forums, video conferencing, and
document sharing, which helps enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. One
negative side of this intellectual engagement emerges with excessive amounts of screen time.
Constant interaction with digital devices can cause attention problems, hinder academic progress,
as well as impair the children’s ability to focus on long-term learning tasks. These negative
Socially, digital technologies offer new ways for children to connect, interact, and express
themselves. Social media and online gaming platforms like steam, X-Box Live, and PS Plus
allow children to build and maintain friendships all over the world which helps in providing a
strong sense of community and belonging. These online platforms also offer an outlet for self-
expression, which allows children to explore their identities in ways that were not possible
before the development of digital technologies. Despite these many advantages, there are very
serious social risks such as cyberbullying, social isolation, and internet addiction. These serious
social risks have become more apparent in the digital age, which can affect children’s emotional
video games, can raise concerns about how much that type of media influences a child’s behavior
and social interactions. These risks can highlight the complex social landscape children need to
Beyond intellectual and social effects, digital technology also can influence a child’s
emotional and physical development. Emotionally, a child can experience heightened stress and
or anxiety from constant connectivity and the pressures of maintaining an online presence. With
the rise of cyberbullying and social comparison on these online platforms like TikTok and
Instagram a child’s self-esteem can be severely damaged, which can lead to anxiety and or
depression. In terms of physical health, excessive screen time can result in sleep deprivation,
since studies show that the blue light emitted from screens can disrupt a person’s circadian
rhythm, which would make it harder for children to get the proper amount of sleep and lower
their quality of sleep as well. Another reason is that long periods of inactivity while using
technology can contribute to issues with a child’s posture as well as obesity, which can have
negative long-term effects on the overall health of the child. These effects seem to emphasize the
balance between the child’s screen time as well as time set aside for physical activates and
outdoor health, which can promote both mental and physical well-being.
As shown above, the digital environment that children grow up in today has a beneficial
and potentially harmful effects on their development. While digital technologies can help foster
intellectual growth and foster social connections, they also lead to serious concerns such as
attention problems, social isolation, and exposure to harmful content. The emotional and physical
toll excessive technology use can lead to involves sleep exhaustion and obesity which means that
this must be excessively monitored. In order to make sure children in this digital age, it is
extremely important for parents, policy makers, and educators to come together and strike a
balance between encouraging a healthy use of technology and mitigating its negative impacts. At
the end of the day, it isn’t about digital technology being good or bad, but about understanding
how to use it in ways that promote healthy intellectual, social, and emotional development.